Uploading in the FAQ.)"); stdfoot(); exit; } ?>

The tracker's announce url is ?passkey=

Please read the ulguide.php>uploading rules and guidelines

\n"); tr("Torrent file", "\n", 1); print(""); print(""); print("\n"); print("
Non-Audio file
"); print(""); print(""); print(""); print("
Torrent name 
(Taken from filename if not specified. Please use descriptive names.)

"); print(""); print(""); print("
 NFO file 
"); print("\n"); print(""); print(""); print("\n"); print("
Audio file
"); print(""); print(""); print(""); print(""); print("
Artist  Album 

"); print(""); print(""); print(""); print(""); print("
Year  Format  Bitrate  kbps

"); print(""); print(""); print("
 NFO file 
"); print("\n"); print("Description"); textbbcode("upload","descr",($quote?(("[quote=".htmlspecialchars($arr["username"])."]".htmlspecialchars(unesc($arr["body"]))."[/quote]")):"")); print("\n"); tr("Small Description", "
Small Description for the uploaded file (Example: A good movie!!!)
This Description is shown in browse.php under the Torrentname.", 1); $s = "\n"; tr("Type", $s, 1); /* Subcategory test stuff as well, completely functional, just disabled by default reset($cats); $num_cats = count($cats); $categories = "\n"; $i=0; while( list($id, $name) = each($cats) ) { $categories .= ($i % 2 == 0) ? "" : ""; $categories .= "\n"; ++$i; } $categories .= '
 " . ($name) . "
'; tr('Sub categories', $categories, 1); */ ?>