get('staff')) ) { ob_start(); // LIST ALL ADMINISTRATORS AND MODERATORS $res = do_mysql_query("SELECT IF( ISNULL(countries.flagpic) <> 0, ' ', CONCAT('\"',') ) as country, IF( UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_access) <= 180, 'online', 'offline' ) as online,, username, class FROM users LEFT JOIN countries ON = WHERE class>=".UC_MODERATOR. " AND status='confirmed' ORDER BY username " ) or die(mysql_error()); $vips = array(); $mods = array(); $admins = array(); $sysops = array(); while($arr2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { if($arr2["class"] == UC_VIP) $vips[] = $arr2; if($arr2["class"] == UC_MODERATOR) $mods[] = $arr2; if($arr2["class"] == UC_ADMINISTRATOR) $admins[] = $arr2; if($arr2["class"] == UC_SYSOP) $sysops[] = $arr2; } print("

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setLifeTime($GLOBALS['config']['cache_staff']); $cache_lite->save($staff, 'staff'); } echo $staff; } if (!$act) { if (!$settings['cache'] || !($firstline = $cache_lite->get('firstline') ) ) { // LIST ALL FIRSTLINE SUPPORTERS // Search User Database for Firstline Support and display in alphabetical order $res = do_mysql_query("SELECT IF( ISNULL(countries.flagpic) <> 0, ' ', CONCAT('\"',') ) as country, IF( UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_access) <= 180, 'online', 'offline' ) as online,, username, supportfor FROM users LEFT JOIN countries ON = WHERE support='yes' AND status='confirmed' ORDER BY username LIMIT 10") or sqlerr(); //Abuse an output buffer to skip filling the string, which is quite slow on large strings :P ob_start(); while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { echo "".$arr['username']." ". ""."". "".$arr['country']."". "".$arr['supportfor']."\n"; } $firstline = ob_get_clean(); $cache_lite->setLifeTime($GLOBALS['config']['cache_staff']); $cache_lite->save($firstline, 'firstline'); } begin_frame("Firstline Support"); ?>


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> > >> > >> > >\n"); /* for ($i = 2;;++$i) { if ($c = get_user_class_name($i-2)) print("\n"); else break; } */ ?> > > >> >> >> >>
Name: Ratio: Member status:
Email: IP: Account status:
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Joined: Uploaded: Donor:
Last seen: > Downloaded: Warned:
Passkey: Active only: Disabled IP:

0 GROUP BY ORDER BY $orderby"; $res = do_mysql_query($query) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 0) stdmsg("Sorry...", "No uploaders."); else { begin_frame("Uploader Activity", True); begin_table(); print("\n Uploader\n Last Upload\n Torrents\n Perc.\n Peers\n Perc.\n \n"); while ($uper = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { print("".$uper['name']."\n"); print("".$uper['last']." (".get_elapsed_time(sql_timestamp_to_unix_timestamp($uper['last']))." ago)"):"align=center>---") . "\n"); print("" . $uper['n_t'] . "\n"); print("" . ($n_tor > 0?number_format(100 * $uper['n_t']/$n_tor,1)."%":"---") . "\n"); print("" . $uper['n_p']."\n"); print("" . ($n_peers > 0?number_format(100 * $uper['n_p']/$n_peers,1)."%":"---") . "\n"); } end_table(); end_frame(); } if ($n_tor == 0) stdmsg("Sorry...", "No categories defined!"); else { if ($catorder == "lastul") $orderby = "last DESC,"; elseif ($catorder == "torrents") $orderby = "n_t DESC,"; elseif ($catorder == "peers") $orderby = "n_p DESC, name"; else $orderby = ""; $res = do_mysql_query("SELECT, MAX(t.added) AS last, COUNT(DISTINCT AS n_t, COUNT( AS n_p FROM categories as c LEFT JOIN torrents as t ON t.category = LEFT JOIN peers as p ON = p.torrent GROUP BY ORDER BY $orderby") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); begin_frame("Category Activity", True); begin_table(); print("Category Last Upload Torrents Perc. Peers Perc.\n"); while ($cat = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { print("" . $cat['name'] . ""); print("".$cat['last']." (".get_elapsed_time(sql_timestamp_to_unix_timestamp($cat['last']))." ago)"):"align = center>---") .""); print("" . $cat['n_t'] . ""); print("" . number_format(100 * $cat['n_t']/$n_tor,1) . "%"); print("" . $cat['n_p'] . ""); print("" . ($n_peers > 0?number_format(100 * $cat['n_p']/$n_peers,1)."%":"---") . "\n"); } end_table(); end_frame(); } end_frame(); }?> '; echo "UserRatioIPDate JoinedLast AccessDownloadUpload"; $result = do_mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM users WHERE enabled = 'yes' AND status = 'confirmed' ORDER BY added DESC limit 100"); if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { do { if ($row["uploaded"] == "0") { $ratio = "inf"; } elseif ($row["downloaded"] == "0") { $ratio = "inf"; } else { $ratio = number_format($row["uploaded"] / $row["downloaded"], 3); $ratio = "$ratio"; } echo "".$row["username"]."".$ratio."".$row["ip"]."".$row["added"]."".$row["last_access"]."".mksize($row["downloaded"])."".mksize($row["uploaded"]).""; } while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)); } else {print "Sorry, no records were found!";} echo ""; end_frame(); }?> '; echo "NameTopicsPostsReadWriteCreate topicModify"; $result = do_mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM forums ORDER BY sort ASC"); if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { do { //if ($row["uploaded"] == "0" || $row["downloaded"] == "0") { $ratio = "inf"; } else { //$ratio = $row["uploaded"] / $row["downloaded"]; //$ratio = number_format($ratio, 2); //} echo "".$row["name"]."
".$row["description"].""; echo "".$row["topiccount"]."".$row["postcount"]."minimal " . get_user_class_name($row["minclassread"]) . "minimal " . get_user_class_name($row["minclasswrite"]) . "minimal " . get_user_class_name($row["minclasscreate"]) . "EDIT | DELETE"; } while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)); } else {print "Sorry, no records were found!";} echo ""; ?>

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'; echo "IP (range)addedadded bycommentsModify"; $result = do_mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM bans ORDER BY added DESC"); if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { do { $res = do_mysql_query ("SELECT username FROM users where id = '".$row["addedby"]."' limit 1"); $rw = mysql_fetch_array($res); if ($row["last"] == $row["first"]) { $range = long2ip($row["first"]); } else { $range = long2ip($row["first"])." - ". long2ip($row["last"]); } echo "".$range."".$row["added"]."".$rw["username"]."".$row["comment"]."DELETE"; } while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)); } else {print "Sorry, no records were found!";} echo ""; ?>