"._('Profile updated!')."\n"); if ($_GET["mailsent"]) print("

"._('Confirmation email has been sent!')."

\n"); } elseif ($_GET["emailch"]) print("

"._('Email address changed!')."

\n"); else print("

"._('Welcome,')." $CURUSER[username]!

\n"); ?>
/logout.php> /mytorrents.php> /friends.php>
$ss_name\n"; } $countries = "\n"; $ct_r = do_mysql_query("SELECT id,name FROM countries ORDER BY name") or stderr( _("Error"), "Table countries doesn't exist"); while ($ct_a = mysql_fetch_array($ct_r)) $countries .= "\n"; tr( _("Account parked"),""._('yes').""._('no')."
"._('You can park your account to prevent it from being deleted because of inactivity if you go away on for example a vacation. When the account has been parked limits are put on the account, for example you cannot use the tracker and browse some of the pages.')."",1); tr( _("Accept PMs"),""._('All (except blocks)').""._('Friends only').""._('Staff only'),1); tr( _("Delete PMs"), " "._('(Default value for "Delete PM on reply")'),1); tr( _("Save PMs"), " "._('(Default value for "Save PM to Sentbox")'),1); $r = genrelist(); //$categories = "Default browsing categories:
\n"; $categories .= "
\n"; $i = 0; foreach($r as $a) { $categories .= ($i && $i % 2 == 0) ? "" : ""; $categories .= "\n"; ++$i; } $categories .= "
 " . htmlspecialchars($a["name"]) . "
\n"; $languages = ''; foreach($GLOBALS['settings']['languages'] as $key => $val) { $languages .= ''; } tr( _("Email notification"), ""._(' Notify me when I have received a PM')."
\n" . ""._(' Notify me when a torrent is uploaded in one of
       my default browsing categories.')."\n" , 1); tr( _("Browse default
categories"),$categories,1); tr( _("Login Type"),""._('Secure').""._('Normal')."
"._('Normal must be used to allow login from multiple locations')."",1); tr( _("Reset passkey"),"
"._('Any active torrents must be downloaded again to continue leeching/seeding.')."", 1); tr( _("Stylesheet"), "",1); tr( _("Country"), "",1); tr( _("Language"), "",1); tr( _("Gender"), ""._('Male').""._('Female'),1); tr( _("Age"), " ", 1); tr( _("Avatar URL"), "
\n"._('Width should be 150 pixels (please resize if necessary)'). "
". _('If you need a host for the picture, try the photobucket'),1); tr( _("View avatars"), " (Low bandwidth users might want to turn this off)",1); tr( _("Anonymous"), " (Check this if you want to hide what you are downloading / downloaded.)",1); tr( _("Signature"), "
May contain BB codes.", 1); tr( _("Show signatures"), " (Default: Show signatures)",1); tr( _("View toolbar"), ""._('yes').""._('no'),1); tr( _("View menubar"), ""._('yes').""._('no'),1); tr( _("View sidebar"), ""._('yes').""._('no'),1); tr( _("Torrents per page"), " (0="._('use default setting').")",1); tr( _("Topics per page"), " (0="._('use default setting').")",1); tr( _("Posts per page"), " (0="._('use default setting').")",1); tr( _("Info"), "
Displayed on your public page. May contain BB codes.", 1); tr( _("Website"), "", 1); tr( _("Show website"), ""._('yes').""._('no'),1); tr( _("Email address"), "", 1); tr( _("Show email address"), ""._('yes').""._('no'),1); tr( _("Change password"), "", 1); tr( _("Type password again"), "", 1); function priv($name, $descr) { global $CURUSER; if ($CURUSER["privacy"] == $name) return " $descr"; return " $descr"; } /* tr("Privacy level", priv("normal", "Normal") . " " . priv("low", "Low (email address will be shown)") . " " . priv("strong", "Strong (no info will be made available)"), 1); */ ?>
'; printf( _('You have %u message(s) (%u new) in your %s inbox %s') , $messages, $unread, "","
"); if ($outmessages) //print("and $outmessages message" . ($outmessages != 1 ? "s" : "") . " in your sentbox.\n

"); printf( _("and %u message(s) in your %s sentbox %s"), $outmessages, "", ".

" ); else printf( _("and your %s sentbox %s is empty.")."

", " ", ""); } else { echo '

'; printf( _("Your %s inbox %s is empty,
"), "", ''); if ($outmessages) printf( _("and you have %u message(s) in your %s sentbox %s") , $outmessages, "", ".\n

"); else printf( _("and so is your %s sentbox %s"), "", ".

"); } print("

"._('Find User/Browse User List')."

"); stdfoot(); ?>