2 AND sum(downloaded) > 0") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); while ($arr2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res2)) { $count++; } $perpage = 100; list($pagertop, $pagerbottom, $limit) = pager($perpage, $count, $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] ."?" ); $res = do_mysql_query("SELECT sum(uploaded) as uploaded, sum(downloaded) as downloaded, ip, sum(uploaded)/sum(downloaded) as ratio, count(ip) as count FROM users GROUP BY ip HAVING COUNT(ip)>2 AND sum(downloaded) > 0 ORDER BY ratio asc $limit") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); print("

Multiple IPs

\n"); if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 0) print("Nothing to show\n"); else { echo $pagertop; print("\n"); print("\n"); while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { if($arr[ip]!="") { $host = @gethostbyaddr($arr[ip]); if(!(stristr($host, "aol")) && !(stristr($host, "cache"))&& !(stristr($host, "proxy"))) { $r = do_mysql_query("SELECT count(id) FROM users WHERE enabled = 'no' AND ip = '$arr[ip]' UNION SELECT count(id) FROM users WHERE enabled = 'yes' AND ip = '$arr[ip]'") or sqlerr(); $a = mysql_fetch_row($r); $disabled = number_format(0 + $a[0]); $a = mysql_fetch_row($r); $enabled = number_format(0 + $a[0]); $nip = ip2long($arr[ip]); $auxres = do_mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bans WHERE $nip >= first AND $nip <= last") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); $array = mysql_fetch_row($auxres); if ($array[0] == 0) $ipstr = "Not Banned"; else $ipstr = "IP Banned"; if ($arr["downloaded"] > 0) { $ratio = number_format($arr["uploaded"] / $arr["downloaded"], 3); $ratio = "$ratio"; } else if ($arr["uploaded"] > 0) $ratio = "Inf."; else $ratio = "---"; print("\n");} }} print("
IPCombined RatioCountEnabledDisabled
$arr[ip] ($host) - $ipstr$ratio$arr[count]$enabled$disabled
"); } print("

Times are in GMT.

\n"); echo $pagerbottom; stdfoot(); ?>