'. $newestuser['username'] . ''; printf('%s%s!', _('Welcome to our newest member '), $latestuser); } /* End of getting statistics variables */ } //Print news get_news(); if ($CURUSER) { get_poll(); } if (!$CURUSER) { ?>


: :

',''); echo '

'; } if ($CURUSER) { if( $GLOBALS['settings']['mod_generalstats'] ) { ?>


" . $arr["username"] . ""; break; case UC_MODERATOR: $arr["username"] = "" . $arr["username"] . ""; break; case UC_UPLOADER: $arr["username"] = "" . $arr["username"] . ""; break; case UC_VIP: $arr["username"] = "" . $arr["username"] . ""; break; case UC_POWER_USER: $arr["username"] = "" . $arr["username"] . ""; break; } $time = $arr['last_access2']; if ($CURUSER) echo ""; else echo ""; } ?>
Last 10 visitors
".$arr['username']."".mkprettytime($time)." ago
".$arr['username']."".mkprettytime($time)." ago
Updated ".date('Y-m-d H:i:s', filemtime($file))."

"); } ?>
" . $arr["username"] . ""; break; case UC_MODERATOR: $arr["username"] = "" . $arr["username"] . ""; break; case UC_UPLOADER: $arr["username"] = "" . $arr["username"] . ""; break; case UC_VIP: $arr["username"] = "" . $arr["username"] . ""; break; case UC_POWER_USER: $arr["username"] = "" . $arr["username"] . ""; break; } $donator = $arr["donor"]; if ($donator == "yes") $activeusers .= ""; if ($CURUSER) $activeusers .= "" . $arr["username"] . ""; else $activeusers .= "".$arr['username'].""; if ($donator == 'yes') $activeusers .= "Donated $".$arr["; } if (!$activeusers) $activeusers = _("There have been no active users lately."); ?>

Active users

Browser Statistics

get('mod_needseeds')) ) { ob_start(); // Get the torrents with leechers but no seed. $sn_lines = array(); $tnsr = do_mysql_query("SELECT t1.id, t1.name, t1.size, t1.leechers, t2.to_go FROM torrents AS t1, peers AS t2 WHERE t2.torrent = t1.id AND seeders = 0 AND leechers > 0 ORDER BY t1.leechers DESC, t2.to_go DESC") or sqlerr(); while ($tnsa = mysql_fetch_assoc($tnsr)) { //if($tnsa['to_go'] >= $tnsa['size']) $perc = round( ( ( (int) $tnsa['size'] - (int) $tnsa['to_go']) / (int) $tnsa['size']) * 100, 2) . "%"; $work[$tnsa['id']] = $tnsa['to_go']; //var_dump($work); $sn_lines[$tnsa['id']] = '' . $tnsa['name'] . ' (' . $tnsa['leechers'] . ($tnsa['leechers'] == 1 ? " leecher, $perc" : " leechers, $perc highest") . " completion rate)"; } if(mysql_affected_rows()) print("

"._('Torrents Needing Seeds')."

"); if (count($sn_lines)) { echo("
"); implode('
', $sn_lines); echo '
'. _('Please help them out, if you happen to have the files on your harddisk. Thank you!') .'
' ; echo("

\n"); echo("
"); } else { echo("
"); echo _("All torrents seem to be fine"); echo("

\n"); echo("
"); } $stats = ob_get_clean(); $cache_lite->save($stats, 'mod_needseeds'); } echo $stats; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////torrent need seed ?>