"._("Can't edit this torrent")."\n

"); printf( _("You're not the rightful owner, or you're not %s logged in %s properly")."

\n", "", ''); } else { print("
\n"); print("\n"); if (isset($_GET["returnto"])) print("\n"); print("\n"); tr( _("Torrent name"), "", 1); tr( _("NFO file"), ""._('Keep current')."
". ""._('Update').":
", 1); if ((strpos($row["ori_descr"], "<") === false) || (strpos($row["ori_descr"], "<") !== false)) $c = ""; else $c = " checked"; print("\n"); tr( _("Small Description"), "
Short description of the file you are uploading (I.E. Great action movie from the 90's)
This is shown in the browse.php below the torrent name.", 1); $s = "\n"; tr("Type", $s, 1); tr("Visible", " Visible on main page
Description"); textbbcode("editupload","descr","$row[ori_descr]"); print("
Note that the torrent will automatically become visible when there's a seeder, and will become automatically invisible (dead) when there has been no seeder for a while. Use this switch to speed the process up manually. Also note that invisible (dead) torrents can still be viewed or searched for, it's just not the default.
", 1); if( get_user_class() < UC_MODERATOR) { tr( _("Force Visible"), " "._('Visible on main page')."
Note that the torrent will be forced visible when there are no seeders, and will never become invisible (dead) when there has been no seeder for a while. Please remember to turn this option off! This is a temporary feature that was requested. It is pretty much worthless so I will probably remove it soon.
", 1); } if ($CURUSER["admin"] == "yes") tr( _("Banned"), " Banned", 1); print(" \n"); print("\n"); print("
\n"); print("

\n"); print("

\n"); print("\n"); print(""); print("\n"); print("\n"); print("\n"); print(""); print("\n"); print("\n"); if (isset($_GET["returnto"])) print("\n"); print("\n"); print("
"._('Delete torrent')." "._('Reason').":
 Dead 0 seeders, 0 leechers = 0 peers total
 TB rules(req)
"); print("
\n"); print("

\n"); } stdfoot(); ?>