PSD Reflection - Lorenzo Andrade - Whats in my backpack - 2015

This class was very interesting to me because it put me in a position to get a better understanding about myself and my future goals. We did this for example while working on the masterplan assignment, an assignment that helped me see the importance of being able to verbalize my dreams. During this class I’ve found out that one of my passions is bringing people together. I see this reflecting in everyday activities that I organize from small coffee breaks to broader dinners or other activities, trying to introduce people to each other that might benefit from knowing each other, maybe only for some short term insights or in some beautiful cases a long term friendship or partnership. I have also been confronted with one of my strengths, which is Positivity. It was only after partaking in the strenghtsfinder test provided by Hester that I got aware of the fact that this played such a big role in my life. This strength was assigned to me and that got me reflecting back on how much I actually valued positivity. I started seeing that in every situation or event that happened I always instantly look for the bright side in it just to even avoid these negative thoughts. Thinking about how this came to me I’ve found out that this is a strength that I have actually learned and really have focussed on after a series of life events.. The other strength that came out of the test was ‘Futuristic’ which was really funny to me because this actually came to me as an insight about a week earlier. It did not come in detail as much as it did with the test results but what hit me was the fact that I constantly keep thinking about what is going to happen and how the choices that I make are going to affect my future. The most valuable thing the results gave me was to really reassure me that this IS indeed a strength and that i need to surround myself with a similar person to brainstorm and make sure i keep on seeing this as a strength. The reason why I’ve enjoyed this reassurance was because at the time this insight came to me I've noticed how much of my energy it takes that could be spend on being in the present but that absolutely does not matter if you do have this time with that certain person.

PSD Reflection - Lorenzo Andrade - Thinking and Reasoning - 2015

The build up of this class was the most interesting to me and the following pieces of information will explain why.
-Starting off with sparking our interest; what do you know and why do you think this is true.
-Moving on to a physical level of consciousness (our senses),
-followed up with getting into what types of intelligences we use (our brain) and
-finishing off with your connection to what some might call a “higher power” (our intuition).
After we've been opened up on these fronts we got into how we can
-clearly communicate ideas.
The main thing this course did for me was help me become a better debater which links to an other very important aspect of me which I also found out during this course and that is my learning type. Just by reflecting back on certain types of knowledge that I have i’ve got to find out a little bit more about my learning type. It really comes down to this and that is that I learn the most by debating and asking questions. This concept only works if the person I'm debating with is respected or admired by me in any sort of way. I see this because I have read a lot of books and watched a lot of videos but I could not think of any piece of information that came from one of these sources. All the examples that came up to me were ones that in my mind were confirmed by debate. Of course I do take up a lot of information from these sources but I always put them up for debate with the people close to me or with myself to see if they do make a lot of sense to me or that the information is just not useful for the space that I am in at that moment. Being aware of this learning process has helped me to learn more efficiently. Because I really do love to read books and obtain the knowledge from them I have started a book club. This will be the most helpful to me in my learning journey because I can immediately debate the information obtained from the book to let it have the most impact.

colored letters saying LEARN