UPGRADE NOTE: Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade AbanteCart to newer versions in the future. If you wish to customize AbanteCart for your needs please refer to http://www.AbanteCart.com for more information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Required PHP Version define('MIN_PHP_VERSION', '5.2.0'); if (version_compare(phpversion(), MIN_PHP_VERSION, '<') == TRUE) { die( MIN_PHP_VERSION . '+ Required for AbanteCart to work properly! Please contact your system administrator or host service provider.'); } // Load Configuration // Real path (operating system web root) to the directory where abantecart is installed $root_path = dirname(__FILE__); // Windows IIS Compatibility if (stristr(PHP_OS, 'WIN')) { define('IS_WINDOWS', true); $root_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $root_path); } define('DIR_ROOT', $root_path); define('DIR_CORE', DIR_ROOT . '/core/'); require_once(DIR_ROOT . '/system/config.php'); // New Installation if (!defined('DB_DATABASE')) { header('Location: install/index.php'); exit; } // Load all initial set up require_once(DIR_ROOT . '/core/init.php'); ADebug::checkpoint('init end'); if (!defined('IS_ADMIN') || !IS_ADMIN ) { // storefront load // Relative paths and directories define('RDIR_TEMPLATE', 'storefront/view/' . $config->get('config_storefront_template') . '/'); // Customer $registry->set('customer', new ACustomer($registry)); // Tax $registry->set('tax', new ATax($registry)); // Weight $registry->set('weight', new AWeight($registry)); // Length $registry->set('length', new ALength($registry)); // Cart $registry->set('cart', new ACart($registry)); } else {// Admin load // Relative paths and directories define('RDIR_TEMPLATE', 'admin/view/default/'); // User $registry->set('user', new AUser($registry)); }// end admin load // Currency $registry->set('currency', new ACurrency($registry)); //Route to request process $router = new ARouter($registry); $registry->set('router', $router); if (!empty($request->get['rt'])) { $router->processRoute( $request->get['rt'] ); } else if (!empty($request->post['rt'])) { $router->processRoute( $request->post['rt'] ); } else { $router->processRoute('index/home'); } // Output $registry->get('response')->output(); ADebug::checkpoint('app end'); //display debug info if ( $router->getRequestType() == 'page' ) { ADebug::display(); }