UPGRADE NOTE: Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade AbanteCart to newer versions in the future. If you wish to customize AbanteCart for your needs please refer to http://www.AbanteCart.com for more information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (!defined('DIR_CORE')) { header('Location: static_pages/'); } final class AConnect { /** * @var string */ public $connect_method; /** * error text * * @var array */ public $error = array(); /** * enable/disable silent mode, mode without any messages to web-page * * @var boolean */ private $silent_mode; /** * registry to provide access to cart objects * * @var Registry */ private $registry; /** * http-headers list * * @var array */ private $request_headers; /** * url of page - source of request * * @var string */ private $request_referer; /** * timeout in seconds * * @var int */ private $timeout = 5; /** * http-authentification parameters * * @var array */ private $auth = array('name' => null, 'pass' => null); /** * array with options for curl request * * @var array */ private $curl_options = array(); /** * array with http-headers of socket request * * @var array */ private $socket_options; /* * array with response http-headers * */ public $response_headers = array(); /** * @param boolean $silent_mode */ public function __construct($silent_mode = true) { $this->silent_mode = $silent_mode; $this->registry = Registry::getInstance(); $this->connect_method = null; //check available connections on the server. $this->_check(); $this->request_headers['User-Agent'] = $this->snapshot; $this->request_referer = $this->uri; } /** * @param string $name */ public function setAuthName($name) { $this->auth['name'] = $name; } /** * @param string $pass */ public function setAuthPass($pass) { $this->auth['pass'] = $pass; } /** * @param string $url * @return array( "mime" , "length" int, "content" string) */ public function getResponse($url) { if (!$url = $this->_checkURL($url)) { return false; } $output = $this->getData($url); return $output; } /** * @param string $url * @return array( "mime" , "length" int, "content" string) */ public function getResponseSecure($url) { if (!$url = $this->_checkURL($url, true)) { return false; } $output = $this->getData($url, 443); return $output; } /** * @param string $url * @param string $new_filename * @param boolean $secure * @return boolean */ public function getFile($url, $new_filename = '', $secure = false) { if (!$url = $this->_checkURL($url, $secure)) { return false; } $url = $this->_checkURL($url); $port = $secure ? 443 : 80; if (!$new_filename) { $new_filename = $this->_checkFilename($url); } if (!$new_filename) { $this->error = "Error: unknown file name for saving. "; return false; } if( $this->_check_socket() ){ $this->connect_method = 'socket'; // set this hard because have no ability to get content-disposition http-header form curl } $result = $this->getData($url, $port, false, $new_filename); if(!isset($this->response_headers['Content-Disposition']) || !is_int(strpos($this->response_headers['Content-Disposition'],'attachment'))){ // if attachment is absent - try to get filename from url $file_name = parse_url($url); if(pathinfo($file_name['path'],PATHINFO_EXTENSION)){ $file_name = pathinfo($file_name['path'],PATHINFO_BASENAME); }else{ $file_name = ''; } if(!$file_name){ $this->error = "Error: Cannot to download file. Attachment is absent."; return false; } } return $result; } /** * @param string $url * @param boolean $secure * @return string $url */ private function _checkURL($url, $secure = false) { $url = trim($url); if (!$url) { $this->error = "Error: empty URL was given for connection."; $this->registry->get('log')->write($this->error); return false; } if (substr($url, 0, 4) != 'http') { $url = ($secure ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . base64_decode('d3d3LmFiYW50ZWNhcnQuY29t') . $url; } else { if ($secure) { $url = str_replace("http://", "https://", $url); if (substr($url, 0, 8) != 'https://') { $url = "https://" . $url; } } else { $url = str_replace("https://", "http://", $url); if (substr($url, 0, 7) != 'http://') { $url = "http://" . $url; } } } return $url; } /** * @param string $filename * @return string */ private function _checkFilename($filename) { if (!$filename) { return false; } $filename = explode("/", $filename); end($filename); return current($filename); } /** * @param string $url * @param int $port * @return int (bytes) */ public function getDataLength($url, $port = 80) { $url .= !is_int(strpos($url, '?')) ? '?file_size=1' : '&file_size=1'; if (!$url = $this->_checkURL($url, ($port == 443 ? true : false))) { return false; } return $this->getData($url, $port, true); } /** * @param string $url * @param int $port * @return int (bytes) */ public function getDataHeaders($url, $port = 80) { if (!($url = $this->_checkURL($url, ($port == 443 ? true : false)))) { return false; } return $this->getData($url, $port, false, false, true); } /** * @param string $url * @param int $port * @param boolean $length_only * @param boolean $save_filename * @param bool $headers_only * @throws AException * @return array ( "mime" , "length" int, "content" string) or false */ public function getData($url, $port = null, $length_only = false, $save_filename = null, $headers_only = false) { //check url $protocol = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_SCHEME); if (!in_array($protocol, array('http', 'https'))) { $this->error = "ERROR: wrong URL!"; return false; } $port = !$port ? ($protocol=='http' ? 80 : 443) : (int)$port; if (!$port) { $this->error = "ERROR: wrong port number!"; return false; } $retbuffer = ''; switch ($this->connect_method) { case 'curl' : $retbuffer = $this->_processCurl($url, $port, $save_filename, $length_only, $headers_only); break; case 'socket' : if ($this->connect_method == 'socket' && $protocol == 'https') { $url = str_replace("https://", "ssl://", $url); $port = $port == 80 ? 443 : $port; } $retbuffer = $this->_processSocket($url, $port, $save_filename, $length_only, $headers_only); break; default : if ($this->silent_mode) { return false; } else { throw new AException(AC_ERR_CONNECT_METHOD, 'No connect method available ( curl | socket )'); } break; } if (!$retbuffer) { return false; } if ($length_only || $headers_only) { return $retbuffer; } if (!$save_filename) { return $this->_convertToArray($retbuffer); } else { if (!file_put_contents($save_filename, $retbuffer["data"])) { $this->error = "ERROR: Can't save file as " . $save_filename . "!"; return false; } @chmod($save_filename, 0777); return true; } } /** * available methods of getting data check */ private function _check() { //Check if we have connection set in the settings //???? will be developed later if ($this->config->get('connection_method')) { $this->connect_method = $this->config->get('connection_method'); return null; } //We prefer Curl first, Curl is the fastest performing if ($this->_check_curl()) { $this->connect_method = 'curl'; } else { // we have no choice to use fsocket. $this->connect_method = 'socket'; } } /** * @param string $url * @param int $port * @param null $filename * @param boolean $length_only * @param bool $headers_only * @return array( "mime" , "length" int, "content" string) or false */ private function _processCurl($url, $port = 80, $filename = null, $length_only = false, $headers_only = false) { //Curl Connection for HTTP and HTTPS $authentication = $this->auth['name'] ? 1 : 0; $curl_sock = curl_init(); // write handler into session for response-preloader. $this->registry->get('session')->data['curl_handler'] = $curl_sock; // set default options for curl if (!$this->curl_options) { $this->curl_options = Array( CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => $this->timeout, //wait for connect CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => $this->timeout, // timeout for open connection CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array('Expect:'), CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 4, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false ); } // for safemode part. Problem is redirects while connect. $this->curl_options[CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER] = false; $mr = 5; $this->curl_options[CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION] = false; if ($mr > 0) { $newurl = $url; $rch = curl_copy_handle($curl_sock); curl_setopt($rch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true); curl_setopt($rch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true); curl_setopt($rch, CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE, false); curl_setopt($rch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); do { if($this->curl_options){ // check for curl options foreach($this->curl_options as $k=>$v){ if(!is_int($k)){ $this->registry->get('log')->write('Warning: Unknown CURL option: '. $k. ' was given to AConnect class.'); unset($this->curl_options[$k]); } } curl_setopt_array($rch, $this->curl_options); } curl_setopt($rch, CURLOPT_URL, $newurl); $header = curl_exec($rch); if (curl_errno($rch)) { $code = 0; } else { $code = curl_getinfo($rch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); if ($code == 301 || $code == 302) { preg_match('/Location:(.*?)\n/', $header, $matches); $newurl = trim(array_pop($matches)); } else { $code = 0; } } } while ($code && $mr); curl_close($rch); if (!$mr) { return false; } $url = $newurl; } $this->curl_options[CURLOPT_URL] = $url; if ($authentication) { $this->curl_options[CURLOPT_USERPWD] = $this->auth['name'] . ':' . $this->auth['pass']; } $this->curl_options[CURLOPT_REFERER] = $this->request_referer; if ($length_only || $headers_only) { $this->curl_options[CURLOPT_HEADER] = true; $this->curl_options[CURLOPT_NOBODY] = true; } else { unset($this->curl_options[CURLOPT_HEADER], $this->curl_options[CURLOPT_NOBODY]); } curl_setopt_array($curl_sock, $this->curl_options); if (!($response = curl_exec($curl_sock))) { if (curl_errno($curl_sock)) { $this->error = 'Error: ' . curl_error($curl_sock); } else { $this->error = 'Error: Response contain zero byte.'; } return false; } else { $content_type = curl_getinfo($curl_sock, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE); $content_length = curl_getinfo($curl_sock, CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD); $status = (int)curl_getinfo($curl_sock, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); if (!in_array($status, array(0, 200, 300, 301, 302, 304, 305, 307))) { $this->error = 'Error: Can\'t get data(file) by URL ' . $url . ', HTTP status code : ' . $status; return false; } if ($headers_only) { $headers = curl_getinfo($curl_sock); curl_close($curl_sock); return $headers; } if ($length_only) { $content_length = curl_getinfo($curl_sock, CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD); curl_close($curl_sock); return $content_length; } } curl_close($curl_sock); unset($this->registry->get('session')->data['curl_handler']); $content_length = $content_length ? (int)$content_length : -1; $content_type = $content_type ? $content_type : -1; return array("mime" => $content_type, "length" => $content_length, "data" => $response); } /** * @param string $url * @param int $port * @param null $filename * @param boolean $length_only * @param bool $headers_only * @return array( "mime" , "length" int, "content" string) or false */ public function _processSocket($url, $port, $filename = null, $length_only = false, $headers_only = false) { //Socket Connection for HTTP and HTTPS $authentication = $this->auth['name'] ? 1 : 0; $url = parse_url($url); $fsockhost = $url['scheme'] == 'ssl' ? 'ssl://' . $url['host'] : $url['host']; $sock = fsockopen($fsockhost, $port, $errno, $errstr, 5); if (!$sock) { $this->error = "Error: " . $errstr . "(" . $errno . ")"; return false; } $sent_headers = "GET " . $url['path'] . '?' . $url['query'] . " HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $sent_headers .= "Host: " . $url['host'] . "\r\n"; $sent_headers .= "Connection: Close\r\n"; // add on more custom http-headers if ($this->socket_options) { if (!is_array($this->socket_options)) { foreach ($this->socket_options as $request_header) { $sent_headers .= $request_header . "\r\n"; } } else { $sent_headers .= $this->socket_options . "\r\n"; } } if ($authentication) { $sent_headers .= 'Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($this->auth['name'] . ':' . $this->auth['pass']) . "\r\n"; } $sent_headers .= "\r\n"; fwrite($sock, $sent_headers); $headers = array(); $response = ''; if ($length_only || $headers_only) { $i = 0; while (strpos($response, "\r\n\r\n") === false && $i < 50000) { $response .= fgets($sock, 1280); $i++; } $headers = $this->_http_parse_headers($response); $status = explode(' ', $headers['status']); $status = (int)$status[1]; if (!in_array($status, array(0, 200, 300, 301, 302, 304, 305, 307))) { $this->error = 'Error: Can\'t get length of data(file). HTTP status code : ' . $headers['status']; return false; } fclose($sock); if (in_array($status, array(0, 300, 301, 302, 304, 305, 307))) { // if redirected if ($headers['Location']) { if (strpos($headers['Location'], 'https://') !== FALSE) { $headers['Location'] = str_replace('https://', 'ssl://', $headers['Location']); $port = 443; } return $this->_processSocket($headers['Location'], $port, $filename, $length_only, $headers_only); } } if ($headers_only) { return $headers; } if ($headers['Content-Length']) { return (int)$headers['Content-Length']; } else { $this->error = 'Error: http status code : ' . $headers['status']; return false; } } else { while (!feof($sock)) { $response .= fgets($sock, 1280); } } fclose($sock); $offset = strpos($response, "\r\n\r\n"); if ($offset !== false) { $headers = substr($response, 0, $offset + 4); $response = substr($response, $offset + 4); } $headers = $this->_http_parse_headers($headers); $status = explode(' ', $headers['status']); $status = (int)$status[1]; if (!in_array($status, array(0, 200, 300, 301, 302, 304, 305, 307))) { $this->error = 'Error: Can\'t get data(file) by url ' . print_r($url) . ':' . $port . '. HTTP status code : ' . $headers['status']; return false; } if (in_array($status, array(0, 300, 301, 302, 304, 305, 307))) { // if redirected if ($headers['Location']) { if (strpos($headers['Location'], 'https://') !== FALSE) { $headers['Location'] = str_replace('https://', 'ssl://', $headers['Location']); $port = 443; } return $this->_processSocket($headers['Location'], $port, $filename, $length_only, $headers_only); } } $content_length = $headers['Content-Length'] ? (int)$headers['Content-Length'] : -1; $content_type = $headers['Content-Type'] ? $headers['Content-Type'] : -1; return array("mime" => $content_type, "length" => $content_length, "data" => $response); } private function _check_curl() { if (function_exists('curl_version')) { return true; } return null; } private function _check_socket() { if (function_exists('fsockopen')) { return true; } return null; } /** * @param array $opt * @return boolean */ public function setCurlOptions($opt) { if (is_array($opt)) { $this->curl_options = $opt; } return true; } // this func adds header for request public function setSocketOptions($opt) { $this->socket_options = $opt; return true; } /** * @param array( "mime" , "length" int, "content" string) * @return mixed string|array|boolean */ private function _convertToArray($response_array = array()) { if (!$response_array) { return array(); } else { if (strpos($response_array["mime"], 'xml')) { $output = new DOMDocument(); $output->loadXML($response_array["data"]); $out = new MyDOMDocument(); $output = $out->toArray($output); } elseif (strpos($response_array["mime"], 'json')) { if (!$output = json_decode($response_array["data"], true)) { $this->error = "Error: json parse error. "; return false; } } else { // if something else - return source $output = $response_array["data"]; } } return $output; } /** * @param bool|string $headers * @return array */ private function _http_parse_headers($headers = false) { if ($headers === false) { return false; } $headers = str_replace("\r", "", $headers); $headers = explode("\n", $headers); foreach ($headers as $value) { $header = explode(": ", $value); if (strpos($value, ':') === false && strpos($value, 'HTTP') !== false) { $headerdata['status'] = $header[0]; } elseif ($header[0] && $header[1]) { $headerdata[$header[0]] = $header[1]; } } if (!isset($headerdata['Content-Disposition']) && isset($headerdata['Content-disposition'])) { $headerdata['Content-Disposition'] = $headerdata['Content-disposition']; } $this->response_headers = $headerdata; return $headerdata; } public function get_connect_method() { return $this->connect_method; } public function __get($key) { return $this->registry->get($key); } public function __set($key, $value) { $this->registry->set($key, $value); } }