UPGRADE NOTE: Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade AbanteCart to newer versions in the future. If you wish to customize AbanteCart for your needs please refer to http://www.AbanteCart.com for more information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (! defined ( 'DIR_CORE' )) { header ( 'Location: static_pages/' ); } final class ATypeResponse { /** * @var Registry */ protected $registry; protected $pre_dispatch = array(); protected $error; private $recursion_limit = 0; public function __construct($registry) { $this->registry = $registry; } public function __destruct() { } public function __get($key) { return $this->registry->get($key); } public function __set($key, $value) { $this->registry->set($key, $value); } /** * @param string $dispatch_rt */ public function addPreDispatch($dispatch_rt) { $this->pre_dispatch[] = new ADispatcher($dispatch_rt, array("instance_id" => "0")); } /** * @param string $dispatch_rt */ public function build($dispatch_rt) { $dispatch = ''; $this->recursion_limit = 0; foreach ($this->pre_dispatch as $pre_dispatch) { /** * @var ADispatcher $pre_dispatch */ $result = $pre_dispatch->dispatch(); if ($result) { //Something happened. Need to run different page $dispatch_rt = $result; break; } } //Process disparcher in while if we have new dispatch back while ($dispatch_rt){ //Process main level controller //filter in case we have responses set already $dispatch_rt = preg_replace('/^(responses)\//', '', $dispatch_rt); $dispatch = new ADispatcher('responses/'.$dispatch_rt, array("instance_id" => "0")); $dispatch_rt = $dispatch->dispatch(); } unset($dispatch); } }