UPGRADE NOTE: Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade AbanteCart to newer versions in the future. If you wish to customize AbanteCart for your needs please refer to http://www.AbanteCart.com for more information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (!defined('DIR_CORE')) { header('Location: static_pages/'); } /** * ExtensionsApi * in a coherent structure. * @package ExtensionsApi */ /** * short description. */ abstract class Extension { /** * @var boolean Allow this extension to overload "hook" calls? */ public $overloadHooks = false; /** * @var ExtensionsApi The current {@link ExtensionsApi} that has loaded this extension. */ public $ExtensionsApi = null; /** * @var $baseObject AController The current object being plugged into. */ protected $baseObject = null; /** * @var string - name of method of controller that call hook */ protected $baseObject_method = ''; const REPLACED_METHOD = 'Indicates that a method with void return has been replaced'; /** * Load the current object being plugged into. * @param object $object The current object being plugged into. * @param string $method */ public function loadBaseObject($object,$method) { //NOTE (Pavel): Possible futute imptovment with adding wrapper layer to controll access to base controller //Can add wrapper class with set of mirror methods and properies to connect to base objects $this->baseObject = $object; $this->baseObject_method = $method; } /** * Load the current {@link ExtensionsApi} that has loaded this extension. * @param ExtensionsApi $ExtensionsApi * @internal param \ExtensionsApi $object The current {@link ExtensionsApi} that has loaded this extension. that has loaded this extension. */ public function loadExtensionsApi(ExtensionsApi $ExtensionsApi) { $this->ExtensionsApi = $ExtensionsApi; } public function __call($method, $args) { if ((strpos($method, 'hk') === 0) && ($this->ExtensionsApi !== null)) { array_unshift($args, $this); $return = call_user_func_array(array($this->ExtensionsApi, $method), $args); return $return; } return null; } } /** * short description. * * long description. * * @package ExtensionCollection */ class ExtensionCollection { protected $extensions = array(); /** * @param array $extensions * @throws Exception {when encounters extension not of class extension.} */ public function __construct(array $extensions) { foreach ($extensions as $extension) { // another extension collection passed in if (($extension instanceof ExtensionCollection) === true) { $this->extensions = array_merge($this->extensions, $extension->extensions); continue; } if (is_object($extension) === false) { $extension = new $extension(); } if (($extension instanceof Extension) === false) { $class = get_class($extension); if (!($parent = get_parent_class($extension))) { $parent = $class; } throw new Exception( 'Expected "' . $class . '" to be of class Extension; was "' . $parent . '" instead.' ); } $this->extensions[get_class($extension)] = $extension; } } protected function dispatchMethod($method, $args) { $return = null; $baseObject = array_shift($args); /** * @var Extension $extension */ foreach ($this->extensions as $extension) { if (!method_exists($extension, $method) && ($extension->overloadHooks === false)) { continue; } // If a extension is dispatching don't change the baseObject. // If another extension needs to access the dispatching extension, // it can use $this->ExtensionsApi->extensionName. if (($baseObject instanceof Extension) === false) { $extension->loadBaseObject($baseObject, $args[0]); $extension->loadExtensionsApi($baseObject->ExtensionsApi); } $tmp_return = call_user_func_array(array($extension, $method), $args); if ($tmp_return !== null) { $return = $tmp_return; } } return $return; } public function __get($property) { if (isset($this->extensions[$property])) { return $this->extensions[$property]; } return false; } public function __call($method, $args) { $return = $this->dispatchMethod($method, $args); if (strpos($method, 'around') === 0) { if ($return === null) { $return = true; } elseif ($return === Extension::REPLACED_METHOD) { $return = null; } } return $return; } } /** * ExtensionsApi . An intricate or interwoven combination of elements or parts * in a coherent structure. * * long description. * @property ADb $db * @method hk_InitData(object $baseObject, string $baseObjectMethod) * @method hk_UpdateData(object $baseObject, string $baseObjectMethod) * @method hk_ProcessData(object $baseObject) * @method hk_ValidateData(object $baseObject) * @method hk_confirm(object $baseObject, int $order_id, int $order_status_id, string $comment) * @method hk_query(object $baseObject, string $sql, bool $noexcept) * @method hk_load(object $baseObject, string $block, string $mode) * @method hk_apply_promotions(object $baseObject, array $total_data, array $total) * @package MyExtensionsApi */ class ExtensionsApi { /** * @var $extensions - array of extensions objects */ protected $extensions; /** * @var $extensions_dir - list of all extensions in extension dir */ protected $extensions_dir; /** * @var $enabled_extensions - array of enabled extensions folders */ protected $enabled_extensions; /** * @var $db_extensions - array of extensions stored in db */ protected $db_extensions; /** * @var $missing_extensions - array of extensions stored in db but missing folder in extensions dir */ protected $missing_extensions; /** * @var $extension_controllers - array of extensions controllers */ protected $extension_controllers; /** * @var $extension_models - array of extensions models */ protected $extension_models; /** * @var $extension_languages - array of extensions languages */ protected $extension_languages; /** * @var $ExtensionsApi ExtensionsApi */ protected $ExtensionsApi; /** * @var $extension_templates - array of extensions templates */ protected $extension_templates; protected $extension_types = array( 'extensions', 'payment', 'shipping', 'template', 'language' ); public function __construct() { $this->extensions_dir = array(); $this->db_extensions = array(); $this->missing_extensions = array(); $extensions = glob(DIR_EXT . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR); if ($extensions) { foreach ($extensions as $ext) { $this->extensions_dir[] = str_replace(DIR_EXT, '', $ext); } } $registry = Registry::getInstance(); if ($registry->has('db')) { $this->db = $registry->get('db'); //get extensions from db $query = $this->getExtensionsList(); foreach ($query->rows as $result) { $this->db_extensions[] = $result['key']; } //check if we have extensions that has record in db, but missing files // if so, disable them $this->missing_extensions = array_diff($this->db_extensions, $this->extensions_dir); if (!empty($this->missing_extensions)) foreach ($this->missing_extensions as $ext) { $warning = new AWarning($ext . ' directory is missing'); $warning->toMessages(); } //check if we have extensions in dir that has no record in db $diff = array_diff($this->extensions_dir, $this->db_extensions); if (!empty($diff)) foreach ($diff as $ext) { $data['key'] = $ext; $data['status'] = 0; $misext = new ExtensionUtils($ext); $data['type'] = $misext->getConfig('type'); $data['version'] = $misext->getConfig('version'); $data['priority'] = $misext->getConfig('priority'); $data['category'] = $misext->getConfig('category'); $data['license_key'] = $registry->get('session')->data['package_info']['extension_key']; if ($registry->has('extension_manager')) $registry->get('extension_manager')->add($data); } } } public function getInstalled($type = '') { $type = (string)$type; $extension_data = array(); if (in_array($type, $this->extension_types)) { $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT e.key FROM " . $this->db->table("extensions") . " e RIGHT JOIN " . $this->db->table("settings") . " s ON s.group = e.key WHERE e.type = '" . $this->db->escape($type) . "'"; } elseif ($type == 'exts') { $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT e.key FROM " . $this->db->table("extensions") . " e RIGHT JOIN " . $this->db->table("settings") . " s ON s.group = e.key WHERE e.type IN ('" . implode("', '", $this->extension_types) . "')"; } elseif ($type == '') { $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT e.key FROM " . $this->db->table("extensions") . " e RIGHT JOIN " . $this->db->table("settings") . " s ON s.group = e.key"; } else { $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT e.key FROM " . $this->db->table("extensions") . " e"; } $query = $this->db->query($sql); foreach ($query->rows as $result) { if ($result['key']) { $extension_data[] = $result['key']; } } return $extension_data; } public function getExtensionInfo($key = '') { $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "extensions " . ($key ? "WHERE `key` = '" . $this->db->escape($key) . "'" : ''); $query = $this->db->query($sql); $extension_data = array(); if ($query->num_rows == 1) { $extension_data = $query->row; } else { if ($query->num_rows) { foreach ($query->rows as $result) { $extension_data[$result['key']] = $result; } } } return $extension_data; } /** * load extensions list from DB * * @param array $data * key - search extensions by key and name * category - search extensions by category * page - page number ( limit should be defined also ) * limit - number of rows in page ( page should be defined also ) * @return stdClass object array of extensions */ public function getExtensionsList($data = array()) { //Improvment! //Add cache for this static select if $data is not provided //Need to add clear cache every place ext added/updated $registry = Registry::getInstance(); $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT e.extension_id, e.type, e.key, e.category, e.priority, e.version, e.license_key, e.date_installed, e.date_modified, e.date_added, s.store_id, st.alias as store_name, s.value as status FROM " . $this->db->table("extensions") . " e LEFT JOIN " . $this->db->table("settings") . " s ON ( TRIM(s.`group`) = TRIM(e.`key`) AND TRIM(s.`key`) = CONCAT(TRIM(e.`key`),'_status') ) LEFT JOIN " . $this->db->table("stores") . " st ON st.store_id = s.store_id WHERE e.`type` "; if (has_value($data['filter']) && $data['filter'] != 'extensions') { $sql .= " = '" . $this->db->escape($data['filter']) . "'"; } else { $sql .= " IN ('" . implode("', '", $this->extension_types) . "')"; } if (has_value($data['search'])) { $keys = array(); $ext_list = $this->getExtensionsList(array('filter' => $data['filter'])); if ($ext_list->total) { foreach ($ext_list->rows as $extension) { // searching ext by name $name = $this->getExtensionName($extension['key']); if (stripos($name, $data['search']) !== false) { $keys[] = $extension['key']; } } } if ($keys) { $sql .= "AND (e.`key` LIKE '%" . $this->db->escape($data['search']) . "%' "; $sql .= " OR e.`key` IN ('" . implode("','", $keys) . "')) "; } else { $sql .= "AND e.`key` LIKE '%" . $this->db->escape($data['search']) . "%' "; } } if (has_value($data['category'])) { $sql .= "AND e.`category` = '" . $this->db->escape($data['category']) . "' "; } if (has_value($data['status'])) { $sql .= "AND s.value = '" . (int)$data['status'] . "' "; } if (has_value($data['store_id'])) { $sql .= "AND COALESCE(s.`store_id`,0) = '" . (int)$data['store_id'] . "' "; } else { $sql .= "AND COALESCE(s.`store_id`,0) = '" . (int)$registry->get('config')->get('config_store_id') . "' "; } if (has_value($data['sort_order']) && $data['sort_order'][0] != 'name') { if ($data['sort_order'][0] == 'key') { $data['sort_order'][0] = '`key`'; } $sql .= "\n ORDER BY " . implode(' ', $data['sort_order']); } $total = null; if (has_value($data['page']) && has_value($data['limit'])) { $total = $this->db->query($sql); $sql .= " LIMIT " . (int)(($data['page'] - 1) * $data['limit']) . ", " . (int)($data['limit']) . " "; } $result = $this->db->query($sql); if (has_value($data['sort_order']) && $data['sort_order'][0] == 'name') { if ($result->rows) { foreach ($result->rows as &$row) { $names[] = mb_strtolower(trim($this->getExtensionName($row['key']))); $row['name'] = trim($this->getExtensionName($row['key'])); } array_multisort($names, ($data['sort_order'][1] == 'asc' ? SORT_ASC : SORT_DESC), SORT_STRING, $result->rows); } } $result->total = $total ? $total->num_rows : $result->num_rows; return $result; } public function getExtensionName($extension = '') { if (!$extension) { return false; } $name = ''; $registry = Registry::getInstance(); if (file_exists(DIR_EXT . $extension . '/admin/language/' . $registry->get('language')->language_details['directory'] . '/' . $extension . '/' . $extension . '.xml')) { $filename = DIR_EXT . $extension . '/admin/language/' . $registry->get('language')->language_details['directory'] . '/' . $extension . '/' . $extension . '.xml'; } else { $filename = DIR_EXT . $extension . '/admin/language/english/' . $extension . '/' . $extension . '.xml'; } if (file_exists($filename)) { $xml = simplexml_load_file($filename); if ($xml && $xml->definition) { foreach ($xml->definition as $def) { if ((string)$def->key == $extension . '_name') { $name = (string)$def->value; break; } } } } return $name; } protected function setExtensionCollection(ExtensionCollection $extensions) { $this->extensions = $extensions; } public function getExtensionCollection() { return $this->extensions; } public function getMissingExtensions() { return $this->missing_extensions; } public function getEnabledExtensions() { return $this->enabled_extensions; } public function getExtensionsDir() { return $this->extensions_dir; } public function getDbExtensions() { return $this->db_extensions; } public function getExtensionControllers() { return $this->extension_controllers; } public function setExtensionControllers($value) { $this->extension_controllers = $value; } public function getExtensionTemplates() { return $this->extension_templates; } public function setExtensionTemplates($value) { $this->extension_templates = $value; } public function getExtensionLanguages() { return $this->extension_languages; } public function setExtensionLanguages($value) { $this->extension_languages = $value; } public function getExtensionModels() { return $this->extension_models; } public function setExtensionModels($value) { $this->extension_models = $value; } /** * load all available (installed) extenions (for admin) * * @param none * @return none */ public function loadAvailableExtensions() { $this->loadEnabledExtensions(true); } /** * load all enabled extensions. * If force parameter provided,load all installed (for admin) * * @param bool $force_enabled_off * @return none */ public function loadEnabledExtensions($force_enabled_off = false) { /** * @var Registry */ $registry = Registry::getInstance(); $ext_controllers = $ext_models = $ext_languages = $ext_templates = array(); $enabled_extensions = $extensions = array(); foreach ($this->db_extensions as $ext) { //check if extension is enabled and not already in the picked list if ( //check if we need only available extensions with status 0 ( ($force_enabled_off && has_value($registry->get('config')->get($ext . '_status')) ) || $registry->get('config')->get($ext . '_status') ) && !in_array($ext, $enabled_extensions) && has_value($ext) ) { $priority = (int)$registry->get('config')->get($ext . '_priority'); $enabled_extensions[$priority][] = $ext; $controllers = $languages = $models = $templates = array( 'storefront' => array(), 'admin' => array(), ); if (is_file(DIR_EXT . $ext . '/main.php')) { /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */ include(DIR_EXT . $ext . '/main.php'); } $ext_controllers[$ext] = $controllers; $ext_models[$ext] = $models; $ext_languages[$ext] = $languages; $ext_templates[$ext] = $templates; $class = 'Extension' . preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', $ext); if (class_exists($class)) { $extensions[] = $class; } } } $this->setExtensionCollection(new ExtensionCollection($extensions)); $this->enabled_extensions = array(); ksort($enabled_extensions); foreach($enabled_extensions as $exts){ $this->enabled_extensions = array_merge($this->enabled_extensions,$exts); } ADebug::variable('List of loaded extensions', $enabled_extensions); $this->setExtensionControllers($ext_controllers); ADebug::variable('List of controllers used by extensions', $ext_controllers); $this->setExtensionModels($ext_models); ADebug::variable('List of models used by extensions', $ext_models); $this->setExtensionLanguages($ext_languages); ADebug::variable('List of languages used by extensions', $ext_languages); $this->setExtensionTemplates($ext_templates); ADebug::variable('List of templates used by extensions', $ext_templates); } /** * check if language file exists in extension resource * * @param string $route * @param string $language_name * @param int|bool $section * @return array|bool */ public function isExtensionLanguageFile($route, $language_name, $section) { $registry = Registry::getInstance(); if (!$registry->has('config')) return false; $file = ($section ? DIR_EXT_ADMIN : DIR_EXT_STORE) . 'language/' . $language_name . '/' . $route . '.xml'; //include language file from first matching extension foreach ($this->extensions_dir as $ext) { $f = DIR_EXT . $ext . $file; if (is_file($f)) { return array( 'file' => $f, 'extension' => $ext, ); } } return false; } /** * check if resource ( model, language, template ) is an extension resource * @param $resource_type - resource type - M, L, T ( model, language, template ) * @param $route - resource route to check * @param $ext_status - extension mode for resource route to check (enabled and all) * @return array|bool - false if not found, array with extension name and file name if found */ public function isExtensionResource($resource_type, $route, $ext_status = '') { if ( empty($ext_status) ) { $ext_status = 'enabled'; } $source = array(); $registry = Registry::getInstance(); if (!$registry->has('config')) return false; switch ($resource_type) { case 'M' : $file = (IS_ADMIN ? DIR_EXT_ADMIN : DIR_EXT_STORE) . 'model/' . $route . '.php'; $source = $this->extension_models; break; case 'L' : $query = $registry->get('db')->query("SELECT directory FROM " . $this->db->table("languages") . " WHERE code='" . $registry->get('session')->data['language'] . "'"); $file = (IS_ADMIN ? DIR_EXT_ADMIN : DIR_EXT_STORE) . 'language/' . $query->row['directory'] . '/' . $route . '.xml'; $source = $this->extension_languages; break; case 'T' : $tmpl_id = IS_ADMIN ? $registry->get('config')->get('admin_template') : $registry->get('config')->get('config_storefront_template'); $file = (IS_ADMIN ? DIR_EXT_ADMIN : DIR_EXT_STORE) . DIR_EXT_TEMPLATE . $tmpl_id . '/template/' . $route; $source = $this->extension_templates; break; default: return false; } $section = trim((IS_ADMIN ? DIR_EXT_ADMIN : DIR_EXT_STORE), '/'); //list only enabled extensions or all depending on status flag $extensions_lookup_list = array(); if ($ext_status == 'enabled' ) { $extensions_lookup_list = $this->enabled_extensions; } else if ( $ext_status == 'all' ) { $extensions_lookup_list = $this->extensions_dir; } foreach ($extensions_lookup_list as $ext) { $f = DIR_EXT . $ext . $file; if ( $ext_status == 'all' || in_array($route, $source[$ext][$section]) ) { if (is_file($f)) { return array( 'file' => $f, 'extension' => $ext, 'base_path' => $file ); } if ($resource_type == 'T') { //check default template $f = DIR_EXT . $ext . (IS_ADMIN ? DIR_EXT_ADMIN : DIR_EXT_STORE) . DIR_EXT_TEMPLATE . 'default/template/' . $route; if (is_file($f)) { return array( 'file' => $f, 'extension' => $ext, 'base_path' => (IS_ADMIN ? DIR_EXT_ADMIN : DIR_EXT_STORE) . DIR_EXT_TEMPLATE . 'default/template/' . $route ); } } } } //we can include language file from all extensions too if ($resource_type == 'L') { foreach ($this->extensions_dir as $ext) { $f = DIR_EXT . $ext . $file; if (is_file($f)) { return array( 'file' => $f, 'extension' => $ext, ); } } } return false; } /** * check if route is an extension controller (only enabled extensions can be checked) * * @param $route - controller route to check * @return array|bool - extension name, file, class name and method */ public function isExtensionController($route) { $section = trim((IS_ADMIN ? DIR_EXT_ADMIN : DIR_EXT_STORE), '/'); $path_build = ''; $path_nodes = explode('/', $route); foreach ($path_nodes as $path_node) { $path_build .= $path_node; foreach ($this->enabled_extensions as $ext) { $file = DIR_EXT . $ext . (IS_ADMIN ? DIR_EXT_ADMIN : DIR_EXT_STORE) . 'controller/' . $path_build . '.php'; if (in_array($path_build, $this->extension_controllers[$ext][$section]) && is_file($file)) { //remove current node array_shift($path_nodes); //check for method $method_to_call = array_shift($path_nodes); if ($method_to_call) { $method = $method_to_call; } else { $method = 'main'; } return array( 'route' => $path_build, 'extension' => $ext, 'file' => $file, 'class' => 'Controller' . preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', $path_build), 'method' => $method, ); } } $path_build .= '/'; array_shift($path_nodes); } return false; } /** * Check if a {@link Extension} from the {@link ExtensionCollection} for this ExtensionsApi exists. * {@source} * Use like isset($ExtensionsApi->extensionName) * @param string $property Name of the {@link extension} to check. * @return boolean */ public function __isset($property) { if ($this->extensions->$property !== false) { return true; } return false; } /** * Get a {@link Extension} from the {@link ExtensionCollection} for this ExtensionsApi. * {@source} * Use like $ExtensionsApi->extensionName * @param string $property Name of the {@link extension} to get. * @throws AException * @return extension */ public function __get($property) { if ($this->extensions->$property !== false) { return $this->extensions->$property; } throw new AException(AC_ERR_LOAD, 'Extensions of name "' . $property . '" not found in ExtensionsApi ' ); } public function __call($method, array $args) { if (substr($method, 0, 2) == 'hk') { return $this->__ExtensionsApiCall(substr($method, 2), $args); } return null; } protected function __ExtensionsApiCall($method, array $args) { $return = null; if ((sizeof($args) > 0) && is_object($args[0])) { /** * @var object Extension */ $baseObject = $args[0]; $baseObject->ExtensionsApi = $this; } else { $baseObject = $this; $baseObject->ExtensionsApi = $this; array_unshift($args, $baseObject); } $method = strtolower($method[0]) . substr($method, 1); $extension_method = ucfirst(get_class($baseObject)) . ucfirst($method); // before hook - runs before method; allows parameters to be changed $before_args = $args; array_shift($before_args); $args[] =& $before_args; call_user_func_array(array($this->extensions, 'before' . $extension_method), $args); $args = $before_args; array_unshift($args, $baseObject); $can_run = true; if (method_exists($baseObject, $method) || method_exists($baseObject, '__call')) { // callback surrounds the method execution $can_run = call_user_func_array(array($this->extensions, 'around' . $extension_method), $args); // method is allowed to run if ($can_run === true) { $object_args = $args; array_shift($object_args); $return = call_user_func_array(array($baseObject, $method), $object_args); // have replaced the method } elseif ($can_run !== false) { $return = $can_run; } } if ($can_run !== false) { $on_args = $args; $on_args[] =& $return; call_user_func_array(array($this->extensions, 'on' . $extension_method), $on_args); } call_user_func_array(array($this->extensions, 'after' . $extension_method), $args); return $return; } } /** * validate extension requirements before install * * long description. * * @package MyExtensionsApi */ class ExtensionUtils { protected $registry; protected $name; /** * @var SimpleXmlElement */ protected $config; protected $store_id; protected $error = array(); protected $tags = array(); /** * @param string $ext * @param int $store_id */ public function __construct($ext, $store_id = 0) { $this->registry = Registry::getInstance(); $this->name = (string)$ext; $this->store_id = (int)$store_id; $this->config = getExtensionConfigXml($ext); if (!$this->config) { $filename = DIR_EXT . str_replace('../', '', $this->name) . '/config.xml'; $err = sprintf('Error: Could not load config for %s ( ' . $filename . ')!', $this->name); foreach (libxml_get_errors() as $error) { $err .= " " . $error->message; } $error = new AError($err); $error->toLog()->toDebug(); $this->error[] = $err; return null; } return null; } public function getConfig($val = null) { return !empty($val) ? isset($this->config->$val) ? (string)$this->config->$val : null : $this->config; } /** * validate extension resources. return warning in case conflict */ public function validateResources() { $filename = DIR_EXT . str_replace('../', '', $this->name) . '/main.php'; if (!is_file($filename)) return null; //load extensions resources $controllers = $languages = $models = $templates = array( 'storefront' => array(), 'admin' => array(), ); /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */ include($filename); $validate_resources = array( 'controllers' => $controllers, 'languages' => $languages, 'models' => $models, 'templates' => $templates, ); //extensions resources $ext_resources = array( 'controllers' => $this->registry->get('extensions')->getExtensionControllers(), 'languages' => $this->registry->get('extensions')->getExtensionLanguages(), 'models' => $this->registry->get('extensions')->getExtensionModels(), 'templates' => $this->registry->get('extensions')->getExtensionTemplates(), ); $conflict_resources = array(); foreach ($validate_resources as $resource_type => $resources) { if (empty($resources)) continue; foreach ($ext_resources[$resource_type] as $checked_name => $checked_resources) { if ($checked_name == $this->name) continue; foreach ($checked_resources as $section => $section_resources) { $conflict = array_intersect($resources[$section], $section_resources); if (!empty($conflict)) { $conflict_resources[$checked_name][$resource_type][$section] = $conflict; } } } } return $conflict_resources; } protected function error($err_msg) { $this->error[] = $err_msg; } public function getError() { return $this->error; } /* * Function returns array of form fields formatted for AHTML-class * */ public function getSettings() { $this->registry->get('load')->model('setting/setting'); $settings = $this->registry->get('model_setting_setting')->getSetting($this->name, $this->store_id); $result = array(); $this->registry->get('session')->data['extension_required_fields'] = array(); //add other settings items if (isset($this->config->settings->item)) { $i = 0; foreach ($this->config->settings->item as $item) { //detect if setting is selialized $true_item_id = (string) $item['id']; $value_key = substr($item['id'], -2); $item['id'] = ( $value_key == '[]' ) ? substr($true_item_id, 0, strlen($true_item_id) - 2) : $true_item_id; $value = $settings[(string)$item['id']]; if (is_serialized($value)) { $value = unserialize($value); } $result[$i] = array('name' => (string)$true_item_id, 'value' => $value, 'type' => (string)$item->type, 'resource_type' => (string)$item->resource_type, 'model_rt' => (string)$item->variants->data_source->model_rt, 'method' => (string)$item->variants->data_source->method, 'field1' => (string)$item->variants->fields->field[0], 'field2' => (string)$item->variants->fields->field[1], 'template' => (string)$item->template, ); // if just static option values are used if ($item->variants->item) { foreach ($item->variants->item as $k) { $k = (string)$k; $result[$i]['options'][$k] = $this->registry->get('language')->get((string)$item['id'] . '_' . $k); } } if ((string)$item['id'] == $this->name . '_status') { $result[$i]['style'] = 'btn_switch'; $result[$i]['attr'] = 'reload_on_save="true"'; } /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */ $type_attr = $item->type->attributes(); if ((string)$type_attr['required'] == 'true') { $result[$i]['required'] = true; $this->registry->get('session')->data['extension_required_fields'][] = $result[$i]['name']; } if ((string)$type_attr['readonly'] == 'true') { $result[$i]['attr'] .= ' readonly'; } $i++; } } return $result; } /** * Validation of settings of extension * @param array $data - array of values for check. If it is empty - will check data from config * @return array - array of 2 elements: result and array - item_ids list that not valid */ public function validateSettings($data=array()){ // if values not set or we change only status of extension if(!$data || (isset($data['one_field']) && isset($data[$this->name.'_status']) && $data[$this->name.'_status']==1 )){ $this->registry->get('load')->model('setting/setting'); $data = $this->registry->get('model_setting_setting')->getSetting($this->name, $this->store_id); } //1. check is all required fields are set $result = $this->checkRequiredSettings($data); if(!$result){ return array('result'=>false); } //2. is data valid? //2.1 - check by regex pattern from entity of config.xml if (isset($this->config->settings->item)) { foreach ($this->config->settings->item as $item) { if(!isset($data[(string)$item['id']])){ continue;//if data for check not given - do nothing } $value = $data[(string)$item['id']]; if(!is_multi($value)) { if (is_array($value)) { $value = array_map('trim',$value); } else { $value = trim($value); } } if((string)$item->pattern_validate){ $matches = array(); $pattern = trim(trim((string)$item->pattern_validate),'/'); $pattern = '/'.$pattern.'/'; //is pattern valid? if(preg_match($pattern,$value, $matches)===false){ return array('result'=>false, 'errors'=>array('pattern' => 'Regex pattern for field "'.(string)$item['id'].'" is not valid.')); }else{ if(!$matches){ return array('result'=>false, 'errors'=>array((string)$item['id'] => '')); } } } } } //2.2 check data by given function from file validate.php $validate_file = DIR_EXT.$this->name.'/validate.php'; if(file_exists($validate_file)){ /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */ include_once($validate_file); //function settingsValidation in validate.php must to return formatted array as in caller (see phpdoc-comment: @return) if(function_exists('settingsValidation')){ $result = call_user_func('settingsValidation',$data); if(!isset($result['result']) || !isset($result['errors']) || !is_array($result['errors']) ){ return array('result'=>false, 'errors'=>array('pattern' => 'Error: Cannot to validate data by validate.php file. Function returns incorrect formated data.')); } return $result; } } return array('result'=>true); } /** * @param array $data - array of values for check. If it is empty - will check data from config * @return bool */ public function checkRequiredSettings($data=array()){ if (isset($this->config->settings->item)) { /** * @var $items SimpleXmlElement */ $items = $this->config->settings->item; foreach ($items as $item) { if(!isset($data[(string)$item['id']])){ //if data for check not given - do nothing continue; } $value = $data[(string)$item['id']]; if(!is_multi($value)) { if (is_array($value)) { $value = array_map('trim',$value); } else { $value = trim($value); } } /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */ $type_attr = $item->type->attributes(); if ((string)$type_attr['required'] == 'true' && !$value) { return false; } } } // at last we need to validate data return true; } public function getDefaultSettings() { $result = array(); if (isset($this->config->settings->item)) { foreach ($this->config->settings->item as $item) { if ((string)$item['id'] == $this->name . '_status') continue; if(in_array((string)$item->type,array('checkboxgroup','multiselectbox'))){ $value = (string)$item->default_value; }else{ $value = $this->registry->get('html')->convertLinks(htmlentities((string)$item->default_value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')); } if ((string)$item->type == 'resource' && $value) { $resource = new AResource((string)$item->resource_type); $resource_id = $resource->getIdFromHexPath(str_replace((string)$item->resource_type, '', $value)); $resource_info = $resource->getResource($resource_id); $value = (string)$item->resource_type . '/' . $resource_info['resource_path']; } $result[(string)$item['id']] = $value; } } return $result; } }