UPGRADE NOTE: Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade AbanteCart to newer versions in the future. If you wish to customize AbanteCart for your needs please refer to http://www.AbanteCart.com for more information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (!defined('DIR_CORE') || !IS_ADMIN) { header('Location: static_pages/'); } require_once DIR_ROOT . '/admin/model/tool/migration/interface_migration.php'; class Migration_Zen implements Migration { private $data; private $config; private $src_db; private $error_msg; private $language_id_src; function __construct($migrate_data, $oc_config) { $this->config = $oc_config; $this->data = $migrate_data; /** * @var ADB */ if ($migrate_data) { require_once DIR_DATABASE . 'mysql.php'; $this->src_db = new Mysql($this->data['db_host'], $this->data['db_user'], $this->data['db_password'], $this->data['db_name'], true); } } public function getName() { return 'ZenCart'; } public function getVersion() { return '1.3.9h'; } private function getSourceLanguageId() { if (!$this->language_id_src) { $result = $this->src_db->query("SELECT languages_id as language_id FROM " . $this->data['db_prefix'] . "languages WHERE `code` = (SELECT `configuration_value` FROM " . $this->data['db_prefix'] . "configuration WHERE `configuration_key`='DEFAULT_LANGUAGE');"); $this->language_id_src = $result->row['language_id']; } return $this->language_id_src; } public function getCategories() { // for now use default language $language_id = $this->getSourceLanguageId(); $categories_query = " SELECT c.categories_id as category_id, cd.categories_name as name, '' as description, c.categories_image as image, c.parent_id, c.sort_order FROM " . $this->data['db_prefix'] . "categories c, " . $this->data['db_prefix'] . "categories_description cd WHERE c.categories_id = cd.categories_id and cd.language_id = '" . (int)$language_id . "' order by c.sort_order, cd.categories_name"; $categories = $this->src_db->query($categories_query, true); if (!$categories) { $this->error_msg = 'Migration Error: ' . $this->src_db->error . '
'; return false; } $result = array(); foreach ($categories->rows as $item) { $result[$item['category_id']] = $item; $item['image'] = trim($item['image']); $result[$item['category_id']]['image'] = array(); if ($item['image']) { $img_uri = $this->data['cart_url']; if (substr($img_uri, -1) != '/') { $img_uri .= '/'; } $img_uri .= 'images/'; $result[$item['category_id']]['image']['db'] = str_replace(' ', '%20', $img_uri . $item['image']); } } return $result; } public function getManufacturers() { $sql_query = "SELECT manufacturers_id as manufacturer_id, manufacturers_name as name, manufacturers_image as image FROM " . $this->data['db_prefix'] . "manufacturers ORDER by manufacturers_name"; $items = $this->src_db->query($sql_query, true); if (!$items) { $this->error_msg = 'Migration Error: ' . $this->src_db->error . '
'; return false; } $result = array(); foreach ($items->rows as $item) { $result[$item['manufacturer_id']] = $item; $item['image'] = trim($item['image']); $result[$item['manufacturer_id']]['image'] = array(); if($item['image']){ $img_uri = $this->data['cart_url']; if(substr($img_uri,-1)!='/'){ $img_uri .= '/'; } $img_uri .= 'images/'; $result[$item['manufacturer_id']]['image']['db'] = str_replace(' ', '%20', $img_uri.'manufacturers/' . pathinfo($item['image'], PATHINFO_BASENAME)); } } return $result; } public function getProducts() { // for now use default language $language_id = $this->getSourceLanguageId(); $products_query = "SELECT p.products_id as product_id, p.products_model as model, p.products_quantity as quantity, '7' as stock_status_id, p.products_image as image, p.manufacturers_id as manufacturer_id, '1' as shipping, p.products_price as price, pd.products_name as name, pd.products_description as description, '9' as tax_class_id, p.products_date_available as date_available, p.products_weight as weight, '5' as weight_class_id, p.products_status as status, p.products_date_added as date_added FROM " . $this->data['db_prefix'] . "products p, " . $this->data['db_prefix'] . "products_description pd WHERE pd.products_id = p.products_id AND pd.language_id = '" . (int)$language_id . "'"; $items = $this->src_db->query($products_query, true); if (!$items) { $this->error_msg = 'Migration Error: ' . $this->src_db->error . '
'; return false; } $result = array(); foreach ($items->rows as $item) { $result[$item['product_id']] = $item; $item['image'] = trim($item['image']); $result[$item['product_id']]['image'] = array(); if($item['image']){ $img_uri = $this->data['cart_url']; if(substr($img_uri,-1)!='/'){ $img_uri .= '/'; } $img_uri .= 'images/'; $result[$item['product_id']]['image']['db'] = str_replace(' ', '%20', $img_uri. $item['image']); $result[$item['product_id']]['image'][] = str_replace(' ', '%20', $img_uri.'large/' .$item['image']); //additional images that used by oscmax mod $basename = pathinfo($item['image'], PATHINFO_FILENAME); $ext = pathinfo($item['image'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $postfixes = array( '_1'=>'_00_LRG', '_2'=>'_02_LRG', '_3'=>'_03_LRG', '_4'=>'_04_LRG', '_5'=>'_05_LRG'); if (in_array(substr($basename, -2), $postfixes )) { unset($postfixes[substr($basename, -2)]); } foreach($postfixes as $postfix){ $result[$item['product_id']]['image'][] = str_replace(' ', '%20', $img_uri.'large/' . $basename.$postfix.'.'.$ext); $result[$item['product_id']]['image'][] = str_replace(' ', '%20', $img_uri. $basename.$postfix.'.'.$ext); } } } //add categories id $sql_query = " select categories_id as category_id, products_id as product_id from " . $this->data['db_prefix'] . "products_to_categories"; $items = $this->src_db->query($sql_query, true); if (!$items) { $this->error_msg = 'Migration Error: ' . $this->src_db->error . '
'; return false; } foreach ($items->rows as $item) { if (!empty($result[$item['product_id']])) $result[$item['product_id']]['product_category'][] = $item['category_id']; } //add product options $sql_query = " SELECT patrib.products_options_sort_order, popt.products_options_name, patrib.options_values_price, patrib.price_prefix, pov.products_options_values_name FROM " . $this->data['db_prefix'] . "products_options popt, " . $this->data['db_prefix'] . "products_attributes patrib, " . $this->data['db_prefix'] . "products_options_values pov WHERE patrib.products_id='#PID' AND patrib.options_id = popt.products_options_id AND patrib.options_values_id = pov.products_options_values_id AND popt.language_id = '" . (int)$language_id . "' ORDER by patrib.products_attributes_id"; foreach ($result as $id => $product) { $sql = str_replace('#PID', $id, $sql_query); $items = $this->src_db->query($sql, true); foreach( $items->rows as $item ){ $result[$id]['attributes'][] = array( 'sort_order' => $item['products_options_sort_order'], 'name' => $item['products_options_name'], 'price' => $item['options_values_price'], 'prefix' => $item['price_prefix'], 'option_name' => $item['products_options_values_name'], ); } } return $result; } public function getCustomers() { $customers_query = "SELECT c.customers_id as customer_id, c.customers_firstname as firstname, c.customers_lastname lastname, c.customers_email_address as email, c.customers_telephone as telephone, c.customers_fax as fax, c.customers_password as password, c.customers_newsletter as newsletter FROM " . $this->data['db_prefix'] . "customers c "; $customers = $this->src_db->query($customers_query, true); if (!$customers) { $this->error_msg = 'Migration Error: ' . $this->src_db->error . '
'; return false; } $result = array(); foreach ($customers->rows as $customer) { $result[$customer['customer_id']] = $customer; } // add customers addresses $address_query = "SELECT a.customers_id as customer_id, a.entry_company as company, a.entry_firstname as firstname, a.entry_lastname as lastname, a.entry_street_address as address_1, a.entry_postcode as postcode, a.entry_city as city, a.entry_zone_id as zone_id, a.entry_country_id as country_id FROM " . $this->data['db_prefix'] . "address_book a "; $addresses = $this->src_db->query($address_query, true); if (!$addresses) { $this->error_msg = 'Migration Error: ' . $this->src_db->error . '
'; return false; } foreach ($addresses->rows as $address) { $result[$address['customer_id']]['address'][] = $address; } return $result; } public function getOrders() { return array(); } public function getErrors() { return $this->error_msg; } public function getCounts() { $products = $this->src_db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt FROM ".$this->data['db_prefix']."products", true); $categories = $this->src_db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt FROM ".$this->data['db_prefix']."categories", true); $manufacturers = $this->src_db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt FROM ".$this->data['db_prefix']."manufacturers", true); $customers = $this->src_db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt FROM ".$this->data['db_prefix']."customers", true); return array( 'products' => (int)$products->row['cnt'], 'categories' => (int)$categories->row['cnt'], 'manufacturers' => (int)$manufacturers->row['cnt'], 'customers' => (int)$customers->row['cnt'] ); } }