RezMgr Version 1 Copyright (C) 1995 MONOLITH INC. 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Program: ...P  c!!""GetLastActivePopupGetActiveWindowMessageBoxAuser32.dllBBCC0E4EH:mm:ssdddd, MMMM dd, yyyyM/d/yyPMAMDecemberNovemberOctoberSeptemberAugustJulyJuneAprilMarchFebruaryJanuaryDecNovOctSepAugJulJunMayAprMarFebJanSaturdayFridayThursdayWednesdayTuesdayMondaySundaySatFriThuWedTueMonSunSunMonTueWedThuFriSatJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec0VvZPBYWW*W>WRWhWvWWWWWWWWWWX*XDX^XtXXXXXXXYYY&YVZYrY~YYYYYYYYYZZ"Z4ZFZ^ZGetCommandLineAtGetVersion}ExitProcessTerminateProcessGetCurrentProcessGetCurrentThreadIdTlsSetValueTlsAllocTlsFreeqSetLastErrorTlsGetValueGetLastErrormSetHandleCountRGetStdHandleGetFileTypePGetStartupInfoAUDeleteCriticalSection$GetModuleFileNameAFreeEnvironmentStringsAFreeEnvironmentStringsWWideCharToMultiByteGetEnvironmentStringsGetEnvironmentStringsW&GetModuleHandleA GetEnvironmentVariableAuGetVersionExAHeapDestroyHeapCreateVirtualFreeHeapFreeWriteFileInitializeCriticalSectionfEnterCriticalSectionLeaveCriticalSectionHeapAllocGetCPInfoGetACP1GetOEMCPVirtualAllocHeapReAlloc>GetProcAddressLoadLibraryA/RtlUnwindMultiByteToWideCharLCMapStringALCMapStringWSGetStringTypeAVGetStringTypeWInterlockedDecrementInterlockedIncrementKERNEL32.dllc( dS8S S RRRhR( ~8 Hfb4"\%&zL)t.F1305T9X< d@ BCE4HJF0_bgl u |*xt0zĔ( ^lLLjb$X|Zpll0LTd$hj<h8.(T@XR 04<<<(t8H&pt.`tprTld"h (   NX<t.T #&Rh*8/4,4^,La$FpD lx*l>" I8P,|+l  1X*./v4fh98=@E&MRWf]hapjq:y}hTH~ȏ|D~ `|*T԰Xvtv0@,TEXTCREDITSFox Interactive Presents, and the AvP2 League presents: Aliens vs. Predator 2, League Edition >TIME:5.0 >BIG ## Developed by Monolith Productions Inc. [DMH]Keu'r-cte >TIME:5.0 >BIG ## Aliens vs. Predator 2 is powered by LithTech >TIME:3.0 >BIG ## >TIME:2.0 ## Fox Interactive: >TIME:2.0 >BIG ## David Stalker, Producer Paul Pawlicki, Associate Producer Michael Heilemann, Director of Technology >TIME:2.5 ## Fox Quality Assurance Department: Don Sexton, Quality Assurance Manager Igor Krinitskiy, Assistant Quality Assurance Manager Project Lead: Glenn Dphrepaulezz >TIME:3.0 ## Testers: Ken Anderson - Geoff Bent Terrance Brant - Joe Castellano Francis Choi - Kristian Davila Matt Dell - David Farkas Anant Jiemjitpolchai - Javier Lagos Joseph Lamas - Cris Lee Kerry Marshall - Aaron Minjares Billy Pamier - Jen Redding Gabe Slater - Jeff Spierer David Taylor - Luke Thai Jason Weitzner - Chris Wilson Hal Zabie >TIME:3.0 ## Special Thanks: Eric Asevo Steven Bersch Aaron Blean Kristian Davila Lindsey Fischer Tom Gastall Ivo Gerscovich Luke Letizia Blake McCallister Dan MacKechnie Kimberlee MacMullan John Melchior Chris Miller Megan O'Brien Michael Pole Harish Rao Victor Rodriguez Jamie Samson Kirk Scott Dave Shaw Gary Sheinwald Kristin Sutter Rozita Tolouey Tim Tran Jack Van Leer Mark Vu Karly Young >TIME:3.0 ## Justin Cooney, ATI Ritche Corpus, Logitech Brad Craig, AMD Mike Drummelsmith, Matrox Brian Harvey, NVIDIA Joe Kreiner, ST Nicolas Thibieroz, PowerVR Elias Slater, AMD >TIME:3.0 ## Thanks to all the filmmakers and storytellers who created, and contributed to, the legend. >TIME:5.0 ## >TIME:2.0 ## Monolith Productions Core Development Team: >TIME:3.0 >BIG ## James Ackley, Lead Sound Designer Rhett Baldwin, Level Designer Brice Broaddus, 3D Artist Mark Brown, Level Designer Ben Chamberlain, Lead Quality Assurance >TIME:5.0 ## Nathan Cheever, Level Designer Ben Coleman, Senior Level Designer Courtney Evans, Level Designer Andy Grant, 3D Artist Nathan Grigg, Music Designer >TIME:5.0 ## Ben Harrison, World Artist Nathan Hendrickson, Lead Level Designer Chris Hewett, Director of Development Peter Higley, Game Programmer Craig Hubbard, Creative Director >TIME:5.0 ## Andy Kaplan, Game Programmer Kevin Kilstrom, Lead 2D/3D Artist Eric Kohler, Art Director Andy Mattingly, Lead Programmer Dan Miller, Level Designer >TIME:5.0 ## Brian Pamintuan, Sound Designer Brad Pendleton, Senior Game Programmer Mark Spadoni, Game Programmer Dan Thibadeau, Senior Level Designer Cassano Thruston, Sound Designer >TIME:5.0 ## Bill Vandervoort, Senior Level Designer Brian Waite, 3D Animator William Westwater, Game Design / Producer Simon Wong, Motion Capture Artist >TIME:4.0 ## >TIME:2.0 ## Monolith Productions Additional Development: >TIME:3.0 >BIG ## Bryan Bouwman, Senior Engine Programmer Kevin Deadrick, Level Designer Bill Dewey, Sierra Programmer Mike Dussault, Engine Programmer >TIME:4.0 ## Jim Edwards, Game Programmer Israel Evans, Special FX Artist Crista Forest, Level Designer Jay Fuller, Level Designer Kevin Francis, Senior Engine Programmer >TIME:5.0 ## Terry Franguiadakis, Model Programmer Jim Geldmacher, Interface Programmer Bob Givnin, Quality Assurance Miguel Gomez, Lithtech Programmer Jonathan Gramlich, Quality Assurance >TIME:5.0 ## Geoff Kaimmer, World Artist Seiko Kobayashi, 3D Artist Kevin Lambert, Launcher Programmer Brian Long, Senior Game Programmer John O'Rorke, Engine Programmer >TIME:5.0 ## Curtis Salsman, 2D/3D Artist Matt Scott, Senior Engine Engineer Jonathan Stein, Product Manager Kevin Stephens, Director of Engineering Ewen Vowels, Engine Programmer >TIME:5.0 ## >TIME:2.0 ## Special Thanks to the Following Monolith Personnel: >TIME:3.0 >BIG ## Andrea Barringer Wayne Burns Jason Hall Patti Kail Gary Kussman Spencer Maiers Kristin McLellan Samantha Ryan Jim Totaro Jim Wallingford Sandra Watanabe Kiyotaka Yaguchi >TIME:10.0 ## Additional Special Thanks: >TIME:3.0 >BIG ## Kyle "Pezman" Peschel Ben "Sadogoat" Bradbury Christoffer "Eldritch" Lundberg Lonnie "Glock" Wilson >TIME:5.0 ## >TIME:2.0 ## Sierra / Vivendi >TIME:3.0 >BIG ## Marketing & Public Relations: Koren Buckner Sarita Churchill Jessica Drossin Elisabeth Miller Kathy Carter Michelle Garnier-Winkler Janelle Watts >TIME:3.0 ## Localisation: Barry Kehoe, Project Manager Anthony Fitzgerald, Lead Engineer Mick Lavin, Engineer Bill Sweeney, Graphics Francis Courchinoux, Quality Assurance Bartolomeo DiBenedetto, Quality Assurance >TIME:3.0 ## Compatibility Lab: Sue Ung Sean Meichle Joe Easter >TIME:3.0 ## Quality Assurance: Brad Nelson - Executive Sr. Director Consumer Services Gary Stevens - Quality Assurance Director Ken Eaton - Quality Assurance Supervisor John Largis - Quality Assurance Lead Jim Gentle - Quality Assurance Tester Erinn Hamilton - Quality Assurance Tester Patrick Orr - Quality Assurance Tester Brian Burnett - Quality Assurance Tester Mark Storie - Quality Assurance Tester >TIME:3.0 ## Creative Services: Kathy Carter Jessica Drossin Elizabeth Miller Michelle Garnier-Winkler >TIME:5.0 ## Voice and Motion Capture Artists: >BIG ## John Armstrong - Duke, Blackwell, Dimitri and Various Jock Blaney - McCain and Various Andromeda Dunker - Dunya and Various Kit Harris - Various Turner Heidi - Various Todd Licea - Harrison and Various Gary Schwartz - Eisenberg and Various David Scully - Jones, Ivan and Various Jeff Steitzer - Rykov and Various Jen Taylor - Tomiko and Various Andrew Hefferman - Motion Capture Performer Jamil Giovanni Mullen - Motion Capture Performer >TIME:10.0 ## >TIME:3.0 ## Additional Music Composition: >BIG ## Rich Ragsdale, Composer >TIME:2.0 ## Uses Miles Sound System Copyright (c) 1991-2001 by RAD Game Tools, Inc. Uses Bink Video Technology Copyright (c) 1994-2001 by RAD Game Tools, Inc. MPEG Layer-3 playback supplied with the Miles Sound System from RAD Game Tools, Inc. MPEG-3 audio compression technology licensed by Fraunhofer IIS and THOMPSON Multimedia. Sampled Instruments by Sonic Implants: GameSpy Arcade is (c) 1994-2001 GameSpy Industries, Ltd. The GameSpy logo and "GameSpy" are the trademarks of GameSpy Industries, Ltd. >TIME:10.0 ## (c) 2001 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved. LithTech (TM) Game Engine 1998-1999 Monolith Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. Fox, Fox Interactive, Aliens vs. Predator 2 and their associated logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. LithTech is a trademark of Lithtech, Inc. Windows is a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Interactive Digital Software Association. >TIME:10.0 ## We would also like to thank all of the wives, husbands, children, and significant others who have supported us through the development process. Without their support, this game would not have been possible. >TIME:20.0 ## >TIME:15.0 ## >END ##( @#6>???><80 ???? : League Edition Single PlayerOptions Load Game Save Game Custom Levels Quick SaveKeyboardMouseJoystick Single PlayerMultiplayer InternetOptionsQuit Load Game Save Game Custom LevelGraphicsSoundKeyboardMouseJoystickBackOnOffYesNoNoneAllRestore defaults(Y/N) Assignment Assignment PlayersFragsScoreNormal turn speedFast turn speedUp/down look speedContinue Start MissionSelectDeselect [empty slot]Alien MissionsMarine MissionsPredator MissionsPort:Select Mission: Date/TimeSpeciesMissionElapsed)Do you want to overwrite this saved game? Pause Menu--- Saved Games ---Current profile: Profile name:Available profiles:*Choose an existing profile from this list.LoadLoad the selected profile.DeleteCDelete the selected profile and the saved games associated with it.SoundGraphicsGameControls Fade bodiesToggle rapid fading of bodies.Head Bob2Toggles the simulated head movement while walking. Weapon Sway4Toggles the simulated weapon movement while walking.Pickup Icon DurationNSets the length of time that inventory pickup icons will remain on the screen. SubtitlesToggle use of subtitles. Performance0Set display options that may affect performance. Detail: LowDetail: Medium Detail: HighCustom performance settingsCustom performanceCustomize performance settings.Custom PerformanceGeneral Set general performance options.Effects0Set performance related special effects options. LightmapsToggles the use of lightmaps.Lightmap Resolution$Toggles the resolution of lightmaps.Mirrors,Toggles rendering of reflections in mirrors.Shadows'Toggles rendering of character shadows.Resume Continue gameOKCancelTextures&Set level of detail used for textures.9Multiplies the player's run speed. Default value is 1.0.Server Option: Run Speed8Multiplies the TOW missile speed. Default value is 1.0.Server Option: Missile Speed7Multiplies the world time speed. Default value is 1.0.Server Option: World Time SpeedTSpecifies the color of the night sky in RGB format. Default value is "0.5 0.5 0.5". Server Option: World Night Color<Multiplies the respawn rate of items. Default value is 1.0.Server Option: Respawn ScaleOScales how much health the health powerups give players. Default value is 1.0.Server Option: Heal ScaleSharedLoad the selected game.Delete the selected game.Save+Save the current game in the selected slot.Overall#Set preset texture detail settings.World(Sets the detail level of World textures. Characters,Sets the detail level of Character textures.3Start or load a single player game or custom level.*Host or join an Internet multiplayer game.CConfigure controls, set display options, and adjust audio settings.Leave the game.Start a new game.Load a saved game.Save the current game.Load a custom level.Return to the previous page.Set the game difficulty.Set graphics options.Set audio options.Configure your controls.Choose resolution.Set texture depth.Automatically recenter view."Make running the default movement.Toggle training messages.Detail Textures#Toggles the use of detail textures.Environment Chrome2Toggles the use of chrome on environment textures. Model Chrome,Toggles the use of chrome effects on models.Trilinear Filtering'Toggles the use of trilinear filtering.Triple Buffering$Toggles the use of triple buffering.Tracers#Toggles tracers effects on weapons. Shell Casings.Toggles the rendering of weapon shell casings.Muzzle Flash Light0Toggles use of dynamic lights in muzzle flashes.Sky&Sets the detail level of sky textures.LPress enter or click the left mouse button to set a control for this action.-Assign keyboard, mouse, and joystick actions. Set mouse configuration options.#Set joystick configuration options.Set advanced controls options.#Restore controls to default values. Toggle playing of sound effects.Set volume of sound effects.Set quality of sound effects.Toggle playing of music.Set volume of music."Load the highlighted custom level.Toggle use of joystick.Toggle inversion on this axis. Set the dead zone for this axis.Toggle use of analog joystick.1Set the sensitivity of the joystick on this axis. Toggle use of center correction.Toggle inversion of the mouse.Toggle use of mouse to look.Set sensitivity of the mouse.Set the mouse input rate.'Set the action assigned to this button.3Set the normal turning speed for keyboard controls..Set the fast turn speed for keyboard controls.1Set the look up/down speed for keyboard controls.Weapons#Set keyboard configuration options.Display previous page.Display next page.Weapon Impacts0Sets level of impact effects from weapon firing.Debris-Sets level of debris effects from explosions.)Sets the detail level of weapon textures.,Save the current game in the quicksave slot.Save the game into this slot.%Load the game in the quick save slot.!Load the game saved in this slot.?Load the game auto-saved at the beginning of the current level.Select mission.Return to game in progress."Continue most recently saved game.Props'Sets the detail level of prop textures.Effects2Sets the detail level of special effects textures. Extra-high MultiplayerRebinding texturesHostHost Internet GameMarinePredatorAlienChoose a marine mission.Choose a Predator mission.Choose an Alien mission.LaunchFind LAN GamesFind Internet Games"Host an internet multiplayer game.)Get a list of internet multiplayer games.$Get a list of LAN multiplayer games. Find GamesAdvancedSet advanced server options.PlayerSet player options.Maps&Set the maps to be used for this game.Configurations...#Load or save server configurations.NameSet the name of the server.TypeSet the type of game to host. Dedicated Toggles use of dedicated server.Select the next team.Select the previous team. Max Players6Set the maximum number of players allowed in the game. Frag LimitKSet the number of kills that will trigger a map change. Use 0 for no limit. Score LimitASet the score that will trigger a map change. Use 0 for no limit. Time LimitRSet the maximum number of minutes to be played on any one map. Use 0 for no limit.Advanced Rules Player SetupAdvanced Host OptionsMapsConfigurations--- Available Maps ------ Selected Maps ---Add All Remove AllAdd all maps to list.Remove all maps from list.AddAdd selected map to list.RemoveRemove selected maps from list.Enable the use of the password. Disable the use of the password.PasswordSet the password. Player NameEnter your player name.Preferred raceSet your preferred race.Preferred classSet your preferred class.Start the game.EasyNormalHardGameSkinSet your player skin. Ignore Taunts(Toggle whether taunts should be ignored.Join Connection Speed56KISDNDSLT1 Corporate<Set the amount of updates that you'll receive from a server.Advanced Settings"Set advanced gameplay preferences.ScoringSet advanced scoring rules.Movement SpeedPowerup Respawn ScalePlayer Damage RateLocation Based DamageFriendly Fire DamagePredator Mask LossClass Weapon Sets MouseJoystickwheel upMSet percentage of movement speed. A higher percentage means faster movement.lSet the scale of the item respawn speed. A lower percent means items will respawn faster. Zero is immediate.NSets the percentage of damage that is done to players for all kinds of damage.fSome areas of the characters can take more damage than others. This enables or disables that feature.FSets whether your team members can cause you damage (team games only).HSets whether Predators can lose their Masks as the result of head shots.BSets whether players are limited to their character class weapons. wheel downObjective Notification.Toggle notification of new mission objectives. ImpossibleUsing default settingsJoinJoin the specified game.Refresh serversUpdate the list of servers. Server nameSort servers by name.PingSort servers by ping. # "Sort servers by number of players.TypeSort servers by game type.MapSort servers by current map.Filters: Players: <MaxOptions for game play. Auto Target Turns on or off the auto target.Violence Players: 1+Set the violence level Players: Some,Filter servers by current number of players.!Filter servers by version number.Filter servers by game type.Player Profile Ping: <100 Ping: <200 Ping: <400Join specific IPFilter servers by ping.#Join a game at a specified address. Game info/Get more information about the selected server.(%1!d! of %2!d! shown)AVP2 Version: %1!s! Players: Any Version: Any Type: Any Ping: AnyServer InformationHighLowQuick load (F9):Quick save (F6)Load Auto-save:Load Auto-save/Restart the current mission from the beginning.!Status: Querying Servers... Done!Status: Getting Server list...1Status: Querying Servers... %1!d! (%2!d! servers)4Status: Pinging All Servers... Done! (%1!d! servers)Version(Status: Idle (no game servers available)Status: Idle (%1!d! servers)Searching LAN for games...Searching for Internet games...Address:Back to previous screen.Accept these settings.MainReturn to the main menu.ProfileSelect a user profile.Active Player profileMThis is the current active profile. Enter a new name to create a new profile.ConfigurationsConfiguration name*Are you sure you want to delete this file?Message Display AreaAvailable configurations:Load the selected configuration"Delete the selected configuration.Rebinding LightmapsCreateRenameCreate a new profile.Create a new configuration.(Change the name of the selected profile..Change the name of the selected configuration.v%1!s!Current configuration: %1!s!IThe percentage of the screen that can be taken up by the message display.Message Display Time6The scale for how long each message will be displayed.Autoswitch Weapons@Toggles automatic switch to new weapons when they are picked up.LAN GameJSelect 'yes' for this option if you are hosting a game on a local network.Setup Display mode32-bit16-bitMulti-Player Demo v%1!s!"Set parameters for this game type.Training Messages Game SettingsCustomDefault Sound optionsMusic Music VolumeSound FXSound FX VolumeSound FX QualityNone Direct MusicLowMediumHigh CustomizedAlways mouse look Auto-center Invert y axisMouse sensitivityMouse smoothing Left button Middle button Right button Use joystickTurn left/right Look up/downMove ahead/backStrafe left/rightJoystick button %1!d!Axis Sensitivity Dead zoneAnalog Invert axisCenter correctionNoneFixed by position Bit depth Texture Depth Default Run Select the next character class.$Select the previous character class.Class Description Server List Crosshair!Show the current list of servers. Resolution DifficultyControlsSetup DeathmatchSetup Team Deathmatch Setup HuntSetup Survivor Setup Overrun Setup Evac Max Marines=This limits the number of marine characters that are allowed. Max Aliens<This limits the number of Alien characters that are allowed. Max Predators?This limits the number of Predator characters that are allowed.Max Corporates@This limits the number of corporate characters that are allowed. Server Info;Show specific information on the currently selected server.Type: DM Type: Team DM Type: HuntType: Survivor Type: Overrun Type: EvacVersion: %1!s!General Server InfoServer Game TypeIPLevelPlayersGame Description Round LimitOThis is the maximum number of rounds that will be played before the next level.%1!d!x%2!d!x%3!d! Deathmatch is a fast paced free-for-all where the only objective is to get more frags and/or a higher score than everyone else. The game ends when either the max frags, max score, or max time is met. Team Deathmatch is the same as normal Deathmatch except you should work with the players who are the same race as you. Killing someone of your race accounts for a negative frag and score. Hunt is a game where one or more players are Hunters and everyone else is the Prey. Only the Hunters can accumulate frags. If a Prey kills a Hunter, they both respawn and exchange roles. The Prey becomes a Hunter; the Hunter becomes a Prey. The game continues until either the max frags or the max time is reached. If the teams ever become uneven from the specified ratio, an appropriate player is chosen to mutate. The game of Survivor starts in a 'tag mode' where it's every man for himself. The first person killed becomes a Mutant and game play moves to the 'survive mode'. During this mode, Survivors will become Mutants if they kill themselves, or when one of the Mutant players kills them. Rounds are over when all Survivors are dead. The player with the highest score wins! Survivors gain 1 point per second during 'survive mode'. The rest of the scoring is as follows: Mutant Kills Survivor = 10 pts Friendly Kill = -10 pts Overrun is a team based game where the Defenders try to stay alive for the specified time limit. Gameplay is based on a particular number of rounds. If there is at least one Defender alive at the end of the time limit, the Defender team gets a point for each alive team member. Otherwise, the team who kills all opposing players gets a point for each living team member. The team with the most points at the end of all the rounds is the winner. Players who change characters mid-game will forfeit their lives for the current round. Evac is a team based game where the Evac players try to get one or more of their team to an evacuation zone before the time expires. Gameplay is based on a particular number of rounds. If an Evac player stays in the evacuation area for a small duration, that team wins the round. If the time expires, then the Attackers win. Each team can also win by completely eliminating the other team. The team with the most points at the end of all the rounds is the winner. Hunter Race Prey RaceHunters vs Prey+Select which race will play as the Hunters.;Select the type of characters that you wish to be the Prey.MThis is the number of Hunters that are allowed for a specific number of Prey.1:11:21:31:41:5 Survivor Race Mutate Race)Select which race will play as Survivors.'Select which race will play as Mutants.Alien LifecyclesIf this option is on, all Aliens will respawn as facehuggers and will have to progress through the Alien lifecycle. Defender Race)Select which race will play as Defenders. Attacker Race)Select which race will play as Attackers.Defender LivesFChoose the number of lives you'd like the Defenders to have per round.Attacker LivesFChoose the number of lives you'd like the Attackers to have per round. Round TimeGThe amount of time each round will last in minutes. Use 0 for no limit. Evac PercentKThis is the percentage of the evacuation team that needs to reach the zone. Evac TimeHThis is the amount of time the team has to evacuate. Use 0 for no limit. Evac RaceFSelect the type of characters that you wish to be the Evacuation team. Evac LivesIChoose the number of lives you'd like the Evac players to have per round. Detail: BestHardcore0Quick Save unavailable in Hardcore difficulty...Quick Load unavailable... Abort GameDThis will exit the game in progress and return you to the Main Menu. Max SoundsEThis is the maximum number of sounds that can play at any given time.wheel up wheel down Host Port ID/Specify a specific port to host this server on.--- Enter Your CD Key ---t Please type in the CD key located on the back cover of your game CD case. You may type it with or without dashes.Cancel these settings.*--- Error Entering the Previous CD Key ---V The CD key that you entered is not valid. Please verify that it is typed correctly. Update CD KeyUThis allows you to the change the CD key that gets used for internet play validation.InvalidCurrent CD Key: %1!s!Scroll the message text upward.!Scroll the message text downward.$Close the message of the day window.!--- System Message of the Day ------ Game Message of the Day ------ Checking Game Version --- There may be an updated version of AVP2 that is required for internet play. If a new version is found, you'll be asked if you would like to update.--- Failed Version Check ---; The version checking process has failed. Your internet connection may be down, or there may be a problem with our verification servers. Please make sure you are connected to the internet and try again. If the problem persists, please try again later. For now you will be limited to play over a LAN connection.--- Required Game Update ---  There is an update to the game which is required for play on the internet. You must accept this update in order to play on-line. Accepting this update will exit the game and launch the update utility. If you cancel this option, you will be limited to LAN games.--- Optional Game Update ---I An optional game update is available! It's recommended that you accept this update because it may contain bug fixes or feature enhancements that will benefit the game. Accepting this option will exit the game and launch the update utility. However, if you do not get this game update you will still be able to play on-line.--- Authorization Error ---MThis is the score amount players will get for killing this kind of character. Head CantingEThis will enable or disable the head canting during strafe movements.Orientation OverlayNThis will enable or disable the orientation arrows for the Alien wall-walking.GeneralView the general game options. Multiplayer+View the multiplayer specific game options.T3Server BandwidthYThis adjusts the maximum bandwidth that the server is allowed to use to send information.Custom Bandwidth<This is a finer adjustment for the server bandwidth setting.CustomDedicated: AnyDedicated: Yes Dedicated: No6This filters out games being run on dedicated servers.The port you have entered will not be found by the Find LAN Games menu. Do you wish to change this port to the nearest searchable port?Find Local GamesArchived Quick-Save:.Load the game in the archived quick save slot.%1!s! out of ammo Password:--- Join IP Information ------ Server Password ---%Assign turning left/right to an axis.*Assign turning looking up/down to an axis.,Assign turning moving ahead/back to an axis..Assign turning strafing left/right to an axis.Select an axis..Launch the game using GameSpy Arcade settings?Multiplayer LAN$Host or join a LAN multiplayer game. Host LAN GameHost a LAN multiplayer game. Fog Distance=This adjusted the distance that the world will be fogged out.CreditsView the credits.Sound2Modify sound settings that can affect performance. Draw Weapons9This toggles the display of the 1st person weapon models.Draw Sky&This toggles the rendering of the sky.}For additional performance settings, we recommend adjusting the Audio options for sound quality and maximum amount of sounds. {Unknown}dMore than 8 players is recommend for dedicated servers only. Would you still like to host this game? --- Registering with Servers ---M Aliens vs. Predator 2 is now registering with the multiplayer directory servers... this may take several minutes depending on connection speeds and the amount of network traffic. The longest delays may occur if your internet connection is not responding. If an error occurs, please make sure you are connected to the internet.OffunnamedSet the Server Control Password.Enable the use of the server control password./Disable the use of the server control password. Control PW-Maximum number of Exosuits allowed per level.Queen Molting KillsoThe number of consecutive kills required for an Alien to molt into a queen. A value of 0 disables the feature.Show Pop-up Names`When set to "On" all player's names will be shown. When "Off" only friendly names will Pop-up. Max Exosuits3The value entered was not within acceptable bounds. The value entered was not valid.:Game Options Change: Alien Lifecycle is changing to: %1!s!=Game Options Change: Predator Mask Loss is changing to: %1!s!8Game Options Change: Friendly Fire is changing to: %1!s!@Game Options Change: Location Based Damage is changing to: %1!s!=Game Options Change: Class Weapon Sets are changing to: %1!s!>Game Options Change: Queen Molting Kills is changing to: %1!d! Game paused=Game Options Change: Number of Exosuits is changing to: %1!d!<Game Options Change: Show Pop-up Names is changing to: %1!s! [ empty ]Are you sure you want to quit?4Are you sure you want to abort the game in progress?'The current server options are invalid!No maps have been selected.$Unable to host the multiplayer game.FAn unknown error has occurred while trying to host a multiplayer game.The server data is invalid!6This server already has the maximum number of players.$Unable to join the multiplayer game.9Your game version does not match the server you selected.FAn unknown error has occurred while trying to join a multiplayer game.8978FALSEDetail: Extra Low Extra-lowNo custom worlds foundONo joystick detected. Please check your joystick configuration and connection.No quick-save game exists.Error loading saved game.Error saving game.Could not load level.VCould not initialize sound. Please make sure your sound card is configured correctly.An unspecified error occurred.That key cannot be remapped..Sound FX must be enabled to change this value.+Music must be enabled to change this value.+This will end your current game. Continue?Reinitializing RendererInvalid 3D sound provider.;Cannot save game. Please make sure that a level is loaded.This is a test.This is only a test.%If this had been an actual emergency,2you would have found me in a pool of my own sweat,under the desk,holding my teddy. Once again,this was only a test. This is a test. This is only a test. If this had been an actual emergency, you would have found me in a pool of my own sweat, under the desk, holding my teddy. Once again, this was only a test. This is a test. This is only a test. If this had been an actual emergency, you would have found me in a pool of my own sweat, under the desk, holding my teddy. Once again, this was only a test. This is a test. This is only a test. If this had been an actual emergency, you would have found me in a pool of my own sweat, under the desk, holding my teddy. Once again, this was only a test. This is a test. This is only a test. If this had been an actual emergency, you would have found me in a pool of my own sweat, under the desk, holding my teddy. Once again, this was only a test. This is a test. This is only a test. If this had been an actual emergency, you would have found me in a pool of my own sweat, under the desk, holding my teddy. Once again, this was only a test. This is a test. This is only a test. If this had been an actual emergency, you would have found me in a pool of my own sweat, under the desk, holding my teddy. Once again, this was only a test. This is a test. This is only a test. If this had been an actual emergency, you would have found me in a pool of my own sweat, under the desk, holding my teddy. Once again, this was only a test. This is a test. This is only a test. If this had been an actual emergency, you would have found me in a pool of my own sweat, under the desk, holding my teddy. Once again, this was only a test. This is a test. This is only a test. If this had been an actual emergency, you would have found me in a pool of my own sweat, under the desk, holding my teddy. Once again, this was only a test. This is a test. This is only a test. If this had been an actual emergency, you would have found me in a pool of my own sweat, under the desk, holding my teddy. Once again, this was only a test. This is a test. This is only a test. If this had been an actual emergency, you would have found me in a pool of my own sweat, under the desk, holding my teddy. Once again, this was only a test. This is a test. This is only a test. If this had been an actual emergency, you would have found me in a pool of my own sweat, under the desk, holding my teddy. Once again, this was only a test. This is a test. This is only a test. If this had been an actual emergency, you would have found me in a pool of my own sweat, under the desk, holding my teddy. Once again, this was only a test. This is a test. This is only a test. If this had been an actual emergency, you would have found me in a pool of my own sweat, under the desk, holding my teddy. Once again, this was only a test. This is a test. This is only a test. If this had been an actual emergency, you would have found me in a pool of my own sweat, under the desk, holding my teddy. Once again, this was only a test. Access granted Access deniedLocked6Disconnected: You've been disconnected from the server>Disconnected: Your world version is different from the server.9Disconnected: Some game resources differ from the server.'Disconnected: Your connection was lost.-Disconnected: Your connection was terminated.7Disconnected: You've been disconnected from the server.,Disconnected: Your connection has timed out..Disconnected: Some game resources are missing.)Disconnected: Your password is incorrect.7Disconnected: The server has the max amount of players.*Local time has lost sync with server time.%Wavin' thay your burns and swissmens!KThay n' sex in part of the beach... and dooble ola pitrolls... jus in case!#Saaa ders nowhere and inter resopa!Looks like whole system is shut off, so once the main grid is online... er ... we'll still have to reset the local relays to get the, uh, lights back on, uh... screw it! UnassignedForwardBackwardLeftRightStrafe StrafeLeft StrafeRightRunDuckJumpRunLock CrouchToggleActivateFireAltFire PrevWeapon NextWeapon PrevVision NextVisionWeapon0Weapon1Weapon2Weapon3Weapon4Weapon5Weapon6Weapon7Weapon8Weapon9Item0Item1Item2Item3Item4Item5Item6Item7Item8Item9 TorchSelect LastWeaponZoomInZoomOutLookUpLookDown CenterViewMessage ScoreDisplayReloadMouseAim Crosshair TeamMessage   WallwalkWallwalkToggle PounceJumpTauntMediComp EnergySift  <unassigned>ForwardBackward Turn Left Turn RightStrafe Strafe Left Strafe RightRunCrouchJump Run Toggle Crouch ToggleUseFireAlt-FirePrevious Weapon Next WeaponPrevious Vision ModeNext Vision ModeKnife / Exosuit LeftPistol / Exosuit RightShotgun Pulse RifleGrenade Launcher FlamethrowerSmartgunRocket LauncherMinigun Sniper Rifle Wristblades CombistickPistolSpeargun PlasmacasterDiscNetgun Remote Bomb#Facehug - Pounce on implant victim.#Tear - Fire when claws are visible. Shoulder LampFlareHacking DeviceCharge Emitter<item 4><item 5><item 6><item 7>Cloak Disc Retrieve Welding Torch Last WeaponZoom InZoom OutLook Up Look Down Center View Send MessageObjectives / ScoresWallwalk Toggle(Headbite - Fire while teeth are visible.Reload Mouse LookCrosshair Toggle Team MessageWallwalkLeap - CROUCH + JUMP>Other Multiplayer Keys: F1 = Change Characters, F2 = Fly ModePounceTauntMedicomp DeviceEnergy Sift DeviceBirthSurpriseEscape Vengeance AbductionPursuitFreedomAlien Mission 8Alien Mission 9Alien Mission 10Unwelcome GuestsCollateral DamageBetrayal A Long DetourPrice of Admission Loose EndsSaviorMarine Mission 8Marine Mission 9Marine Mission 10HuntTrap InterloperUnexpected Allies Old Debts New TargetTrophyPredator Mission 8Predator Mission 9Predator Mission 10Description of Alien Mission 1Description of Alien Mission 2Description of Alien Mission 3Description of Alien Mission 4Description of Alien Mission 5Description of Alien Mission 6Description of Alien Mission 7Description of Alien Mission 8Description of Alien Mission 9Description of Alien Mission 10Description of Marine Mission 1Description of Marine Mission 2Description of Marine Mission 3Description of Marine Mission 4Description of Marine Mission 5Description of Marine Mission 6Description of Marine Mission 7Description of Marine Mission 8Description of Marine Mission 9 Description of Marine Mission 10!Description of Predator Mission 1!Description of Predator Mission 2!Description of Predator Mission 3!Description of Predator Mission 4!Description of Predator Mission 5!Description of Predator Mission 6!Description of Predator Mission 7!Description of Predator Mission 8!Description of Predator Mission 9"Description of Predator Mission 10unused for nowEnglish8978Arial122811184810167772154473924Arial122011184810167772154473924Arial61211184810167772154473924Arial242411184810167772154473924Arial142211184810167772154473924Arial142211184810167772154473924Arial142211184810167772154473924Arial61211184810167772154473924Arial714111848101677721544739241234567890-= BackspaceTabQWERTYUIOP[]Enter Left CtrlASDFGHJKL;'` Left Shift\ZXCVBNM,./ Right Shift*Left AltSpaceCapsLockF1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9F10NumLock ScrollLockNumpad 7Numpad 8Numpad 9Numpad -Numpad 4Numpad 5Numpad 6Numpad +Numpad 1Numpad 2Numpad 3Numpad 4Numpad .F11F12F13F14F15KanaConvert No ConvertYenNumpad = Prev Track@:_KanjiStopAX Unlabeled Next Track Numpad Enter Right CtrlMute CalculatorPlayStopVolume -Volume +Web HomeNumpad ,Numpad /SysRq Right AltPauseHomeUp ArrowPgUp Left Arrow Right ArrowEnd Down ArrowPgDnInsertDeleteLeft Win Right WinAppMenu System Power System Sleep System Wake Web Search Web Favorites Web RefreshWeb Stop Web ForwardWeb Back My ComputerMail Media Select%1!s! joined the game.%1!s! has arrived.%1!s! enters the fray.%1!s! wants to die.%1!s! joins the hunt.%1!s! adds to the mayhem.%1!s! appears ready to fight.%1!s! starts to look for prey.%1!s! polishes his weapon."%1!s! looks for the nearest fight.%1!s! scurries away.%1!s! left the game. %1!s! fails.%1!s! runs in fear.!%1!s! lives to fight another day.%1!s! is a coward.&%1!s! says 'Game over man! Game over!'%1!s! ain't coming back.%1!s! exits the game.&%1!s! tucks his tail between his legs.!Evacuation procedure initialized! Evacuation begins in 10 seconds!Evacuation failed!%1!s! is cheating!4This is not a team game. This option is unavailable.TYou've lost your Mask! Your vision modes are disabled. Find a Mask to get them back.5You've got a Mask! You can now use your vision modes.Your disc has been destroyed! Scoring ClassM*** You've been renamed to '%1!s!' because someone has your name already. ***%1!s! has a new look!%1!s! has joined the %2!s!!Mutating to a Hunter...Mutating to a Prey...;%1!s! is mutating to a Hunter. %2!s! is mutating to a Prey.+%1!s! was selected to mutate to a Hunter...)%1!s! was selected to mutate to a Prey...Tag Mode! Frag your neighbor!(Survive Mode! Destroy the opposing team!{*** You've been switched to another character class because the one you selected has reached the maximum for this game. ***T*** You cannot select this character class because the maximum has been reached. ***You are mutating...%1!s! is mutating... Survivor Mode begins in %1!d!...Message: Team Message:"%1!s! just took the lead in frags!"%1!s! just took the lead in score!,%1!s! just took the lead in frags and score!5This weapon is not available to your character class.3This ammo is not available to your character class.+%1!s! has control of the server... not you.'Server control has been given to %1!s!.Invalid server command. <min stat>N/AServer: Game Type: Level: Frag Limit: Score Limit: Time Remaining: Player NamePingFragsScore Time Playing DeathmatchTeam Deathmatch Team NameNext Level: Press the spacebar to verify...Waiting on other players... Loading level Total PlayersUnknownPlayer Selection#Press F1 again to exit this screen.HuntSurvivorOverrunEvacRoundSurvivor Tag ModeSurvivor Cut Throat ModeRandom Observe Point > Respawn <> Start Game <Waiting for the next round...6Waiting for the server controller to start the game...Waiting on teams to balance...Lives#Game will start automatically in: Next round will start in: SummaryNext level will start in: Dedicated Server Free-Fly ModePress F2 to enter Free-Fly mode$Press F2 to enter Observe Point mode SurvivorsSurvivedEvacs<extra><extra><extra><extra><extra><extra><extra><extra> <max stat> '%1!s!' is now known as '%2!s!'.*Incorrect password to take server control.5Cannot take server control on a non-dedicated server.)You are already in control of the server.&You are not in control of this server.6No Queen spawn points on map. Queen molting disabled.You are molting into a Queen!'%1!s! is molting. A Queen has emerged!*%1!s! has been killed. The Queen is dead!%1!s! dies dishonorably.%1!s! loses his cool.%1!s! terminates himself.%1!s! commits suicide.#%1!s! trips over his own artillery.%1!s! prefers death.*%1!s! plays Russian roulette... and loses.%1!s! killed himself.%1!s! dishonors his race.%1!s! has a little accident.You killed yourself.You made a fatal error. You blew it!Death came easy for you.You dishonored yourself.You slipped up.You made a mistake.You ripped yourself a new one.#You saved someone else the trouble.All your base are belong to us!You were killed by %1!s!!You were obliterated by %1!s!!You were silenced by %1!s!!You were gutted by %1!s!!%1!s! slaughtered you!You died by the hands of %1!s!!%1!s! killed you!%1!s! took you apart!You were mutilated by %1!s!!!%1!s! sends you toward the light.You ripped %1!s! apart!You killed %1!s!!You slaughtered %1!s!!You gutted %1!s!!You silenced %1!s!!You took %1!s! down!You fragged %1!s!!%1!s! died by your hands!!You are honored by killing %1!s!!You showed %1!s! the way!%1!s! ripped %2!s! apart!%1!s! slaughtered %2!s!!%1!s! gutted %2!s!!%1!s! silenced %2!s!!!%2!s! died by the hands of %1!s!!%1!s! fragged %2!s!!%1!s! took %2!s! down!%1!s! showed %2!s! death!%1!s! killed %2!s!!%1!s! shot down %2!s!!You were killed!Mission failed! Facehugger ChestbursterRunnerDrone Predalien PraetorianQueenMarine CorporatePredatorExosuitAliensMarines Predators Corporates ObserversPNormal Weapons: -- %1!s! Class Weapons: -- %2!s! Special Abilities: -- NoneaNormal Weapons: -- %1!s! Class Weapons: -- %2!s! Special Abilities: -- Medicomp, Energy Sift`Normal Weapons: -- %1!s! Class Weapons: -- %2!s! Special Abilities: -- Wall-walking, pounceNormal Weapons: -- %1!s! Class Weapons: -- %2!s! Special Abilities: -- Gains health when eating bodies, ages into a full-sized AlienNormal Weapons: -- %1!s! Class Weapons: -- %2!s! Special Abilities: -- Extra speed, limited strength, wall-walking, pounce`Normal Weapons: -- %1!s! Class Weapons: -- %2!s! Special Abilities: -- Wall-walking, pouncepNormal Weapons: -- %1!s! Class Weapons: -- %2!s! Special Abilities: -- Extra strength, wall-walking, pounceNormal Weapons: -- %1!s! Class Weapons: -- %2!s! Special Abilities: -- Extra strength, high damage resistance against small caliber projectilesZNormal Weapons: -- %1!s! Class Weapons: -- %2!s! Special Abilities: -- Super strength <empty> Facehugger ChestbursterRunnerDrone Predalien PraetorianQueenHuman SyntheticPredatorExosuitJohnson - DemolitionsIchiro - SniperJones - Heavy WeaponsHeavy PredatorAssault PredatorPredatorLight PredatorHarrison - SpecialistIvan - SpecialistDunya - TrooperRykov - Heavy WeaponsDimitri - AT Officer<empty><empty><empty><empty><empty><empty><empty><empty><empty><empty><empty><empty><empty><empty><empty><empty><empty>KnifePistolShotgun Pulse RifleSmartgun Sniper RifleGrenade LauncherRocket Launcher Flame ThrowerMinigun Wristblades Combistick Spear GunPistol PlasmacasterDiscNet GunMedicomp Energy SiftFace HugBiteClawsClawsTailHeadbitePouncePounce Flame ThrowerMinigunFlares  Tail Blow TorchHacking DeviceTear APC Turret Sentry GunTear Remote Bomb Sniper Rifle Remote BombALERT: OBJECTIVES UPDATEDThis is a Human objective.This is a Predator objective.This is a Alien objective.Test objective 1.Test objective 2.Test objective 3.Test objective 4.Escape from this vessel.Avoid detection..Take advantage of your ability to climb walls.'Find an isolated host for implantation./Find an isolated host to ensure safe gestation. Feed to grow.Find a small mammal.Return to the Hive./Use your pounce attack against distant targets.Defeat the Predator.Liberate the artificial hive.Escape.The humans are trying to blow up the Hive to cut the Empress off from her minions. Eliminate the bombs and the humans who placed them.6Beware the combat synthetics. They emit no pheromones..Prevent humans from escaping with the Empress.1The humans can't evacuate without their dropship.&Locate the Primary Operations Complex.!Power up the auxiliary generator.Activate the landing beacon.Report to Major McCain.Restore the defense grid.Return to the landing bay.Rendezvous with White Team.Locate Sergeant Hall.Return to the APC.Open Containment Tunnel 1.Open Containment Tunnel 2.Open Containment Tunnel 3.Open Containment Tunnel 4.Shut down the security system.!Eliminate the Xenomorph in Pod 4."Proceed to communication terminal.Exit area via conveyer belt.%Activate emergency security override.Return to the main lift.Hack elevator panel.Locate Implantation Lab 2.,Search sleeping quarters for security badge.9Hack the security overrides to access personnel quarters.2Take the internal lift down to Implantation Lab 2.Return to the main lift.Find a way out of the Pods.,Rendezvous with White Team in Landing Bay 3.Reset the power relay.<Locate the security station and activate automatic defenses.Continue to Landing Bay 3./Locate and activate the Communications console.$Clear the landing bay of Xenomorphs.Locate your team.Hunt down the human prey. Prove your skill with the spear.#Prove your skill with the Speargun. Pursue your abducted clan mates.Rescue your clan mates.Avenge your clan's honor.,Find a clan mate's Mask to replace your own. Find a Cloaking Field Generator.Recover your clans' weapons.Escape the Pods.&Find high ground and signal your clan.(Recover your Mask to restore your honor.PUse the human transmitter to contact your clan. Restore the transmitter's power.-You can get into the trees by crouch-jumping.Open Containment Tunnel 5. Search for an alternative route.Escape the pods.#Use your fellow Aliens as a weapon.Destroy the human invaders.6Beware the combat synthetics. They emit no pheromones./Catch the human abductors to free your Empress.Destroy the Eisenberg.Hunt the strikers.Hunt the runners.Hunt the Praetorians.Receive your reward.Avoid detection.Darkness may prove beneficial.Escape the core. Find your way to the cliff tops.&Find your original Mask. Pursue Rykov.&Find your original Mask. Pursue Rykov.Escape the rising acid.Bring down Rykov.Enable the landing beacon.Activate the defense system.Return to the exit. Rescue Hall.Escape the pods.Free your Empress.Beware the Predator.7Escape the Predators; use the environment against them.Recover your weapons. Stop the self-destruct sequence.$Clear the landing bay of Xenomorphs.Find your team.Escape the Hive. Welder hint.?Your escape has been blocked. Find a new route out of the Pods.(Warn the Hive. The Empress is in danger.TFollow the bridge to the elevator in the next Pod. Take the elevator to the surface.!Run a bypass on the access panel. Reconnoiter.@You can use your hacking device to bypass certain access panels./You can cut through metal clasps with a welder.TFollow the bridge to the elevator in the next Pod. Take the elevator to the surface.(Locate Primary Operations Complex (POC).Report to Major McCain.TFollow the bridge to the elevator in the next Pod. Take the elevator to the surface.!Locate the security control room.Return to the dropship.Rendezvous with White Squad.Rescue Sergeant Hall.MHall's life signs are marked by a red blip on your motion tracker. Follow it.Fall back to the APC.Find a way inside the facility.TFollow the bridge to the elevator in the next Pod. Take the elevator to the surface....0Descend to the Hive entrance to intercept Rykov.Beware the Alien infestation.Locate White Team.@Bay #2 system damaged. Go to Bay #3 to contact Verloc for evac.!Clear bay of Alien contamination.#Find a Minigun to kill Praetorians.'Find new gear; you're going to need it.2Kill the Exosuit pilot, Ivan, before he kills you.>Destroy the Alien infestation to restart the Pilot technology.|The strength of the heart is to kill without fear. Hijack the Corporate Dropship. Some paths are more dangerous than others.4Use the primary cargo lift to escape to the surface.mUse the human lifts to follow your teammates. Beware the water, which will temporarily disable your cloaking.Do not kill other Marines..........Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix C - WY Training Manuals. --- In laboratory conditions, containment fails less than one percent of the time. Most failures, when they occur, result in the escape of the first life-stage of the Xenomorph - the Facehugger. Facehuggers are remarkably quick and cunning, possessing an innate drive to avoid detection and to find an appropriate, isolated host.Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix C - WY Training Manuals. --- During the second stage of life, the Xenomorph is at its most vulnerable. Even inexperienced teams can contain and eliminate the Chestburster with minimal loss of life. Unfortunately, during this phase, the Xenomorph displays an instinctive caution, avoiding all contact. Worse, if given time, the Chestburster will eat, molt, and grow into a full-sized drone.Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix C - WY Training Manuals. --- Successful Xenomorph containment depends on a single factor - tracking and locating the offending specimen. This is doubly true when dealing with full-grown drones or larger Xenomorph specimens. During the first twenty minutes of a Xenomorph contamination, mortality rates are twenty to thirty times higher than the later stages of contamination.Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix C - WY Training Manuals. --- The LV 1201 Primary Operations Complex was designed with redundancy in mind. However, when dealing with Xenomorphs, no system is foolproof. Sufficient damage to the circulation and waste flow systems could create the conditions for massive Xenomorph infiltration. For this reason, security should flush any contamination upwards - towards the office and living quarters sections - despite the certainty of increased short-term fatality counts.Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix A - Summary. --- Throughout the early morning, all evidence points to an atypically violent, but contained Alien contamination. After eight o'clock however, new security reports appear that refer to a second set of confrontations. Oddly, these reports contain no direct mention of Xenomorph involvement. However, one must assume these were Xenomorph incidents as well, and not the work of some other hostile species.Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix C - Training Manual. --- The flamethrower provides excellent firepower in all situations - against the Xenomorph, this is amplified by the natural shield it places between the security officer and the offending creature. However, officers should not overestimate their protection. If you cannot find your enemy, you cannot fight him.2Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix A - Summary. --- On January 6th at approximately ten P.M., the defense system of the Forward Pods collapsed due to a massive software failure. Records indicate some number of Xenomorph drones and runners entered the Pods during the fifteen minutes of downtime. These reports also mention the loss of Archeological Team Omega, working at Dig Site #12, near the Xenomorph Hive. We believe that the focus on saving these men - code-named Operation Savior - distracted Pod security from a more immediate threat.Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix A - Summary. --- Based on a crude analysis of the events at the Forward Pods, some have linked the loss of the Artificial Hive to Operation Savior. Such attempts to create poetic justice from mere coincidence should be summarily ignored. As if Aliens could have known of the Savior plans or have reacted intelligently to such behavior - clearly such theories stretch the bounds of Xenomorph ability.%Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix B - Recovered Email. --- From: Dr. Eisenberg To: All Personnel We have long planned for a Large Mass Specimen Extraction (LMSE) targeted at the rarer Xenomorph species within the Hive. The loss of our archeological expedition, while unfortunate, forces our hand. I have assured the Colonial Marine Major that the LMSE is the perfect operation to distract the Hive so that his team can rescue our companions safely. To eliminate confusion on this, forward any Marine questions to me immediately.Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix B - Recovered Email. --- From: Dr. Eisenberg To: Auxilary Pod Landing Control The Large Mass Specimen Extraction is proceeding well. We will not need to evacuate medical causalities. However, I feel that Gateway would provide a better site for further research on the Empress. McCain concurs. A dropship will arrive shortly. Please prep all teams for immediate loading and departure.9Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix D - Dissenting Analysis. --- Despite overwhelming evidence, the committee on the Incident continues to ignore reports of a third species participating in the fall of LV-1201. Are we so arrogant as humans to assume that a more technologically advanced species than ours might exist and not wish to reveal themselves to us? They probably see us as bloodthirsty fools intent on killing one another, and wish to stay hidden until we have matured as a race and are ready to embrace their utopian ideals.-Dr. Chris Lund.Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix A - Summary. --- The fate of Dr. Eisenberg remains uncertain. Given the disappearance of the Verloc's second dropship, we cannot state with certainty that the Doctor died on LV-1201. The possibility remains that the Doctor and at least some of his research specimens escaped from the final chaos. Company security remains very interested in his potential whereabouts.Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix G - Major McCain's Log. --- Hard landing. Dropship has sustained minor damage. Contact lost with Dropship Two and White Team. We'll need the landing beacons on-line at the Northern Landing before I'll feel safe enough to order Johnson airborne again. That means Hall's team is headed to restore the power core. Blackwell's boys will make for the landing. There's just three of them, but Harrison's been lucky for me in the past. They call him Frosty for a reason. Cool under pressure./Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix G - Major McCain's Log. --- Situation bad. Getting worse. Blackwell's team tripped some sort of booby trap. Harrison was inside, but I think he's alive. His A/V feeds are down, but his life signs are still coming through. I'm hoping he can still hear me on the radio. Bottom line is we're cut off from the landing now, so it's up to him to get the beacon up and wave us home. He'd better hurry too. We're getting ghost readings on the motion trackers. Something's out there - and I think it's hunting us.}Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix G - Major McCain's Log. --- If I survive, I'm recommending Harrison for a medal. He pulled through for us - landing beacon and all. Unfortunately, security is still down. Until we restore the security, this dropship feels like a beached whale waiting for the gulls to feed. Good news, if you call it that, the plans show a security station on sub-level three - ten minutes run. Bad news is that I can't spare the manpower. If we lose this dropship, no one goes home. I hate to even send one soldier, but security isn't coming on by itself. Let's hope Harrison is a good fast runner.)Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix G - Major McCain's Log. --- The Op's all wrong. Xenomorphs everywhere. Harrison woke them when he activated security. White Team reports the southern landing is still pretty clean though, so we're going airborne to meet them there. Johnson says the dropship can fly at least that far. That leaves Hall's team, trapped. I told Harrison to come back, but the S.O.B. won't listen. He's gone after them in a corporate APC. If he survives, I'll decide whether I write him up for insubordination. Big if. Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix G - Major McCain's Log. --- Despite casualties, White Team has secured the Southern Landing. Clearly, there are no survivors here. The Forward Pods remain another question. Self-sufficient, if highly isolated, they could have survived. However, our attempts to contact them have failed. Either the landline is dead, or the Pods are. Either way, we'll have to drive there - three hours by APC. Let's hope the famed Dr. Eisenberg gives us a better greeting than our last.Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix G - Major McCain's Log. --- The good news: we have found survivors. Dr. Eisenberg and his head of security, General Rykov greeted us on arrival - only they weren't happy. Reportedly, Mother's virus didn't just take down the tunnel security. It also tore a hole in the Pod's defense grid big enough for a herd of bugs to run through. They've had fatalities in the Pod and lost contact with a large archeological team - two dozen scientists and laborers. I've offered to assist, starting with getting Harrison to restore contact to the Verloc. We may be needing her cold sleep chambers - for emergency medical evacuation.qWeyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix G - Major McCain's Log. --- Rykov assures me that the Pod's security has been restored, yet the personnel remain nervous and edgy. I also heard warning klaxons periodically and reports that Deck 24 has been sealed due to an ongoing contaminant. Rykov explained that this is normal procedure. The floors are evacuated and sealed until chemical treatments can be applied. No guards get hurt that way. Of course, this takes time. I pity the man who fails to get out in time. I can't imagine being trapped in there with one of those things - not after what they did to Hall.sWeyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix G - Major McCain's Log. --- Harrison is dead. Rykov's lieutenant Dunya just delivered the news. In the aftermath of the bug attack, a convict laborer jumped a guard. Harrison walked straight into the fight. A flamethrower went off - then Harrison's ammo belt. Somehow the convict survived. They are hunting him now. Dunya seemed especially intent on this. Obsessive almost. I shouldn't blame her. From what Rykov has said, she lost her fiance when we took down the defense grid. I hope she finds the escaped S.O.B. and kills him. Maybe that will bring her some peace.7Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix G - Major McCain's Log. --- Ten minutes ago, Dr. Eisenberg's teams made limited contact with their missing team. They are alive, but isolated. Eisenberg's team is drawing plans for their evacuation now; I've put my soldiers at his disposal. Still, I am uneasy. Our communications are limited to our own radio channels. The Pod comms are isolated and encrypted - to deter industrial espionage - says Eisenberg. Apparently they had problems with sabotage as well - as if I don't have enough to worry about already.>Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix A - Summary. --- McCain's log is complete through his departure from the Pods and the commencement of Operation Savior. Their exact time of departure is unclear, but painfully evident that a difference of mere minutes would have meant the difference for the team.Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix H - Comm Logs. --- Okay, Harrison, I've got you as close as I can. The POC is locked up tight as a drum. Assuming your White Team's still here, you've got two choices. Stand in the courtyard and shout until they hear you, or head down into the outflow system. That should get you past the primary security net and into the Southern Landing. Or get you killed. 'Course, I can say the same for staying here.DWeyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix H - Comm Logs. --- Half way there. Listen, Harrison. Something's up at the Southern Landing. White Team just went dead - the Verloc called asking our people if we'd taken down the communication link. We haven't, but they're still not answering. I'd hurry if I were you.Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix A - Summary. --- Tracking the Marine expedition becomes increasingly difficult with the commencement of Operation Savior, particularly in regards to White Team. From reliable records, it's clear that shortly after the Verloc's second dropship departed for the Forward Pods, White Team broke off contact with the Verloc. From this period onwards, we are left only with uncorroborated testimony of a single low-ranking Marine. Given the events he describes, we find it hard to accept his depiction as fact. Simply put, we need not introduce a third species to explain the destruction of the Southern Landing.Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix I - Scientific Journals. --- The Praetorian is the warrior of the Hive, tough, massive, and ferocious. However, she is born quite humbly. Under the right pheromone conditions, runners and drones undergo a molting process extending over several years. During this time, the Xenomorph skin thickens and hardens. As the Praetorian enters mid-phase, it emits its own behavioral pheromone, which in turn enrages the Hive. Most Praetorians die during this phase. One strong enough to escape will wander the surrounding environs until her shell completes its hardening. Then, with a skin capable of reflecting small arms fire and a temper to match, she will return to assert her presence in the Hive.!Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix H - Comm Logs. --- Listen Harrison. I'm sending you down the old synthetic access system. It dates from the first studies, before the Hive learned to tear the synths to pieces. I'm pretty sure Eisenberg sent his synths down through one of these throughways, so the equipment oughta work. If your team is heading up, they'll be coming this way. If they're headed down - just hope they're headed up. Once you find them, head up to the surface and I'll coordinate the dropship evac. Good luck.YWeyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix M - Rykov's Journal. --- I have seen enough. The Zeta site is not Pilot technology. The scientists have dated the artifacts found there. They are young - hundreds of years old at most. I recognize the carvings. It is my enemy. Returned. I should have anticipated as much. This land is too rich with trophies; it is perfect for their kind. Still, I will not fail this time. Although the scientists do not understand the full technology, they have already begun to unravel the strange gear. Given time, we will find their weakness. Given time.Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix M - Rykov's Journal. --- The attack has begun. Our modified EMP grenades work. It is fitting that we use their own technologies against them. We have taken two of the creatures - I shall call them Predators. With surprise gone, I have ordered the teams to withdraw. It is one matter to sacrifice a scientific team as bait; it is another to throw my soldiers carelessly into the Predator's path. We must not underestimate the killing power of these beasts. Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix M - Rykov's Journal. --- The teams have returned. I should say that some have returned. We have lost many. What else could I do though? They would have found us soon - I am certain - just as they may have found the POC. Eisenberg will not hear of this possibility - he insists that the Aliens alone possessed the power to destroy the POC. His imagination is too small. It will be his undoing. I will not make the same mistake; more creatures will come for their brethren. We must be ready.>Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix M - Rykov's Journal. --- I told Dunya to take the first creature to implantation immediately. I wanted it to die slowly. I would happily kill them all for what they have done to me. They should have finished me when they had the chance and not left me broken. I do not make the same errors. Unfortunately, I was not as quick with the second. Eisenberg intervened before I could dispatch it. He wants it alive, for study. Again, he misunderstands what he holds. He doesn't need to understand them. He needs to kill them.Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix M - Rykov's Journal. --- So, we have not taken them all. One comes for me. On my terms, now. We track it through our cameras and sensors. I have studied some of the footage. Something about the mask draws my attention. Under magnification, I can just make out markings. They are different from the masks on the other two - more ornamental. Different and yet familiar. I feel I am staring into my past - into the face of my would-be killer. Does this mean I have found him - my attacker from so many years ago? Or more likely, his friend, his brother - ha, perhaps it is no more than a brand like a logo on a shoe. No matter. I will think of him as my nemesis - and enjoy his undoing all the more.Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix K - Scientific Records. --- Holding time: five weeks, three days. The Predator remains strong with high antibody count and little fever. I am surprised at its resilience after our... tests. Based on the blood loss alone, it should be weak and sickly. Instead, sustained only by intravenous fluids, the creature's immune system resists all introduced strains. Still, our understanding of its physiology increases day by day. We have time now - to work without fear. Without weapons, the creature is weak - I should say without most of its weapons. Our surgeons are still reluctant to attempt removal of its forearm bands. Eisenberg was not pleased with the death of the last one - no need to repeat that so soon.Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix M - Rykov's Journal. --- Perhaps I was wrong on Eisenberg. Perhaps the captured Predators can open the door to a final solution. After all, their physiology is not magical - they have hemoglobin - they require oxygen - they can die. One sickness, one contagion, one carrier. If I kill this one, they will return. Perhaps, there are other options.Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix M - Rykov's Journal. --- Damn Eisenberg. I should have killed the creature when I could. Between him and the clumsy Marines, I am surrounded by fools. No, that is not fair. I could have fought Eisenberg harder. I gambled that we could learn from the creature. Perhaps we can. With the creature's blood physiology, a good team could fashion a proper solution. I imagine something similar to Anthrax 9. Without the risk of human infection, we could make it much more contagious and long lasting. If we can just catch it again, I will even have a host to carry home the death of its people.Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix M - Rykov's Journal. --- It has escaped from the Pods, hijacking a dropship in flight. No human could have survived the crash, but it is hardly human. I pray the Xenomorphs will finish it, or failing that, Dropship 2 should finish it if we detect it trying to reach its mates. Still, I cannot be too sure. I have ordered the team to prepare evacuations - the medical data must survive.Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix M - Rykov's Journal. --- Ivan is dead; the artificial Hive has been breached. The creature has escaped; I have lost my carrier. Enough sadness. I have the report on the third Predator's mask. It is unique - much older and more complex than the others. The scientists speculate the creature was either rich or royal or both. Given its youthfulness, I'd guess, a prince. With no ordinary crown. It is speculation, but I believe that the mask tracks their hunts - a tribal record book. If so, the mask may lead me to their homeland. Let me return the prince's crown draped in a fabric made of death.Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix H - Comm Logs. --- Dunya! Dunya! It is here. I have entered the Hive and it follows. If I kill it, I will head for the surface and the old Access Point #3. If I don't radio again, get out. You have my codes - the funds are yours. They are covered in the blood of the POC, but you can wash away the stain. Create the weapon! Finish my battle.nWeyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix C - Training Manual. --- The Exosuit combines the firepower of a light armor vehicle with the maneuverability of a foot soldier. Against light infantry and insurgent forces, the Exosuit dominates the battlefield. Only a madman would challenge a combat Exosuit - and he would certainly not live to tell about it.-Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix C - Training Manual. --- Consider using convict labor when planning high-risk planetary developments. Contrary to popular legend, convict escape rates are uniformly low. Frankly, the convicts have nowhere to run, and given their steeply reduced penal terms, escapees are trading a few years of danger for a lifetime of incarceration. Naturally, escapes do occur - but seldom involving rational men. For this reason, escapees should be considered extremely dangerous. SOP is to terminate with prejudice.Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix M - Rykov's Journal. --- I have the mask. I am certain that the creature knows. Fifteen minutes ago, the mask became active - most likely in response to some signal. Excellent. Let the creature come. Dunya and the team have copies of the blood work; they understand our stakes. One of us will survive. This fight will not end with me.NWeyland-Yutani Security Alert Date: July 12, 2231 Yesterday morning, our top WY biological weapons scientist was abducted from his quarters on Gateway. Thirty minutes later, the wife of our division lead at the New Brazil WD plant reported that her husband had not returned from his daily golfing. By the end of the day, WY confirmed three abductions and two missing persons reports. By all accounts, this sudden activity is not a coincidence, but a highly organized operation. Intel experts match the MO to that of the Iron Bears - however, it is well known that Vassili Rykov, the Iron Bear leader, died during the Incident on LV-1201. Besides, at least one onlooker to the Gateway incidents described the team's leader as a young, dark-haired woman. As we have yet to receive ransom demands, the motivation for these attacks remains hazy.Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix A - Summary. --- USCM Emergency Dispatch. McCain reporting. LV-1201 abandoned. Casualties extreme. One dropship still missing. Evacuation failed. Recommend scrubbing further evac by the 6th Battalion. Primary Operations Complex has been overrun. Forward Observation Pods appear unsalvageable. Sensors indicate a massive rupture of the fusion reactor cells in the Pods. Likelihood of finding additional survivors: negligible. Requesting medical intercept ASAP.[Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix A - Conclusion. --- Our satellites at LV-1201 confirm that the Hive is alive. Nevertheless, the Forward Pods are clearly inoperable without considerable investment. Given our need for expedient progress on Research Project X11, we are recommending immediate reallocation resources to Site #3.ZWeyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix A - Summary. --- Engineering studies of the Primary Operations Complex identified the primary outflow system tunnels as the weak link in the POC defenses. However, these studies also concluded that nothing short of a bomb could breech tunnel walls and expose the POC to complete contamination. While a catastrophic failure in the pumping equipment could have led to an explosion in the flow control system, this should have been small and contained. One can only conclude that either the analysis was wrong, or that someone wanted the POC to fail.Weyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix D - Dissenting Analysis. --- The conduct of this board towards the Eisenberg family borders on reckless. We refuse to ask the most obvious of questions and accept the most ridiculous answers. The medical explanations for Eisenberg's recovery from Expedition One are frankly preposterous. The unburied innocents on LV-1201 deserve better than the whitewash perpetrated by this commission.TWeyland-Yutani Debriefing, The Incident. Appendix V - Scientific Briefing. --- Once the Xenomorph population reaches a critical environmental mass - we judged somewhere between a thousand and two thousand base-living-units - the Hive pheromones change. What we call Spreading begins - as the Young Queens search out new territories. This is the normal state of affairs. Of course, should the Empress die - or even abdicate if such a thing were possible - one of the Young Queens would have to replace her. One can only imagine the fury and storm generated by such an instinctive and violent urge.Aliens can cling to walls, even walking upside-down. Try wall-walking by pressing the Wall-walk key (default LEFT SHIFT) and then running into a wall.4Escape the cargo hold by wall-walking up the ladder.You need to find a solitary victim and facehug him. To facehug a human or Predator, aim at the target's head and press your Pounce key (default E). You'll succeed if you hit the target's head or chest.Only facehug isolated victims.gIf you attack someone in sight of another human, his friends will make sure you never gestate and grow.~Aliens can see in the dark using Navigation Vision. The Next Vision key (default V) toggles your Navigation Vision on and off.xAs a facehugger, you can pounce - jumping in the direction that you're looking - by pressing the Pounce key (default E).In Normal Vision mode, if you see a blue arrow at the bottom of the screen, you are wall-walking on the ground. If the arrow is at the top, you are wall-walking on the ceiling. Two arrows on either side mean that you are wall-walking on a wall. Arrows appear in Normal Vision mode only.nChestbursters can bite, but this won't hurt your enemies much. Try to stay hidden until you grow into a drone.MTo grow into a drone, find enough food. Small mammals are perfect for eating.If you aim directly at a human or Predator head, your teeth will appear on the screen, letting you know you can headbite. This is the fastest way to get more health.~To regain your health, eat your enemies. Eat dead enemies by clawing them for a little health or by headbiting them for a lot.You can pounce on your enemies, throwing your body against them to destroy them. Look at them and use the Pounce key (default E). However, if you do this, there will be nothing left to eat.:Use your tail to stun your enemies - by pressing ALT-FIRE.HYou can lure enemies towards you with the Taunt key (default BACKSPACE).5This is an AVP2 training message. You can turn off training messages on the Game screen, inside the Options menu. Training messages are not Objectives (default TAB). Training messages offers tips on how to play. Each disappears after twenty seconds, or you can dismiss the message by pressing ESC or SPACEBAR.TIn your Navigation Vision, you can sense energetic disturbances such as laser beams.In normal Alien vision, you can sense other creatures' pheromones - you see this as an aura around the creature. If you switch into your navigation vision, you will not see any auras - effectively hiding your enemies.uAliens can tear through weakened metal. Your claws appear on screen when you sense a tearable object in front of you.=Aliens can tear through light-weight glass and plastic doors.pIf you can get at exposed circuit boards, you can use your Hacking Device to open most locked doors (default H).\The Shoulder Lamp (default G) provides minimal lighting but drains your battery very slowly.The Pulse Rifle is your fundamental Marine weapon. Use the FIRE key to trigger the assault rifle and ALT-FIRE to trigger its grenade launcher. Conserve your grenade ammo; it's hard to come by.Throw Flares by pressing the Flare key (default F). Flares burn for about fifteen seconds. You can carry twenty at a time, so use them wisely.5The Combat Shotgun is a great close range weapon with two ammunitions. Use the ALT-FIRE to switch between the two. The normal shells fire a pellet spread perfect for killing drones, Predators, or humans at close range. The AP slugs provide a powerful kick that can tear through the armored Praetorian's shell.~Your Night Vision illuminates even pitch black rooms (default V). However, the circuitry drains your portable battery quickly.AUse the Welding Torch (default T) to cut through bolts and locks.`The Knife is a weapon of last resort. In multiplayer, use the Knife to cut out of Predator Nets.With good aim, the Pistol is a deadly weapon with two distinct bullets. Use the ALT-FIRE to switch from the anti-personnel to armor piercing rounds, which are ideal for fighting Praetorians.The Flamethrower is your best short-range weapon - fast and deadly. If you are ever burned yourself, look for water or a Health Pack.The Smartgun is a powerful ranged weapon although its light rounds do little damage against the heavily armored Praetorian. Use the ALT-FIRE key to switch between Tracking Mode and Freefire Mode while in Normal Vision. While using Night Vision, the Smartgun only offers Freefire Mode.The Minigun fires high-caliber ammunition ideal for eliminating armored targets such as the Praetorian. It's also good for chewing up people, Predators, and drones. Use the ALT-FIRE to pre-spin the gun's barrel.}The Rocket Launcher is the Marine's anti-vehicle weapon. You can select from Freefire or Tracking rockets using the ALT-FIRE.^The Sniper Rifle kills targets with a single shot. Use ALT-FIRE to activate its zooming scope.lThe Grenade Launcher offers four types of grenade. Use ALT-FIRE to cycle between them. Prox grenades stick, then detonate on motion. Timed grenades bounce until hitting a live target or timing out. EMP grenades detonate on impact, stunning enemies and disabling electrical devices (including cloaking). Smart mines stick, then awake to chase anyone who comes near.Duplicate of 9029.RThe Exosuit is a mobile weapons platform ideal for urban warfare and house-to-house combat. The Exosuit carries a laser and flamethrower in its left arm and, on its right, carries a rocket launcher and minigun. You can select its arms using the next weapon (default Z) and previous weapon (default Q) or the number keys (default 1 and 2).With your Cloaking Field Generator, you can cloak (default C) as long as you have enough energy (the bar on the right of your HUD). Activating cloaking costs a moderate amount of energy, leaving it on costs little energy.With your Mask, you get four vision modes. The second of these - Thermal Vision - tracks humans. To use tracking weapons against humans - the Plasmacaster and Disc - you must use the Thermal Vision mode. Change modes with the Next Vision Mode key (default V).XYou can throw the Disc directly at your enemy or use the proper vision mode to lock the Disc onto a target. At any time during the Disc's flight, you can recall the Disc using the Fetch Disc key (default F). After the Disc hits anything, it will try to return to you. If you cannot see the Disc, you can still fetch it for a larger energy cost..By first gathering their great strength, Predators can leap nearly twenty (20) feet into the air. Crouch (default LEFT SHIFT) to gather your strength and then press the Jump key (default SPACEBAR). After a crouch jump, you'll need to recover your strength for a few seconds before crouch jumping again.You can collect trophies by decapitating your enemies. If you do this with the Speargun, you must collect the head before receiving credit for the trophy.With the Medicomp, you can heal yourself. Press the Medicomp key (default G) to heal. Using it requires half your maximum energy. If you have insufficient energy, you cannot use the medicomp.The Wristblades are a decent close-combat weapon. To increase their power, hold down the ALT-FIRE until your blades are drawn back off-screen.QWith your Energy Sifter, you can quickly recharge your energy levels (default T).OWalking or swimming in water will short-circuit your cloaking, deactivating it.rUse the spear to dismember your enemies. FIRE swings the spear horizontally. ALT-FIRE swings the spear vertically.The Speargun is a perfect sniper weapon. It has tremendous range and power, and you can fire it without canceling your cloaking. For close combat, its ALT-FIRE releases a cluster of spears. Use this against heavier targets such as Predaliens, Praetorians, and combat synthetics.Your third special vision mode - PredTech mode - allows you to navigate with light and to locate other Predators and their gear.[Without your Mask, you cannot use your Vision Modes. Find your Mask as quickly as possible.Without your Cloaking Field Generator, you cannot cloak - no matter how much energy you may have. Find your CFG to restore your cloaking ability.Your Wrist Computer also doubles as a Charge Emitter, which can short out the primitive security devices of the humans if you can get at the circuit boards. Use the Charge Emitter (default H) to unlock doors.To throw the Remote Bomb, press FIRE. Then, to detonate it, press ALT-FIRE (default RIGHT MOUSE). If you wait too long, the Remote Bomb will detonate automatically.aThe Plasmacaster is the most versatile of Predator weapons. In normal vision, the Caster fires undirected balls of plasma. In the appropriate Vision Mode, the Caster locks onto the closets target and tracks it. Increase the Plasmacaster's damage by holding down FIRE. The Caster then fires on release. Pressing ALT-FIRE gives the Caster a stored charge._Your second special Vision Mode - EM vision - detects the distinct energy signature of Aliens.The Pistol launches the Predator's most explosive attack. With FIRE, the pistol shoots a deadly energy blast. With ALT-FIRE, the weapon fires a flurry of arcing EMP blasts that can stun your enemies.With the Netgun, you can trap your enemies. To escape quickly, they must cut themselves free with a Knife, Wristblade, or Claws. Otherwise, they will have to slowly disentangle themselves. Don't give them the time. Cut them into little pieces.`Use your taunt to lure enemies towards you. Be warned. This can just call attention to yourself. McCain's Log. --- Based on Harrison's report, I have declared Sgt. Hall KIA as of eight-thirty two A.M. I will advance her name for a commendation. It feels like empty consolation. Soldiers shouldn't die that way - torn apart from the inside. At least most of her team made it out, thanks to Harrison and his stolen APC. White team picked them up just beyond the POC perimeter and brought them back to the Southern Landing. We've dug in here, and the bugs have pulled back for now. So much for saving anyone here.]Time: Minutes later. Location: Forward Pods, Weyland-Yutani Xenomorph Observational Facility.CWith its snakelike body, the Alien Chestburster cannot climb walls.The Chestburster can coil its body to jump eight or more feet vertically. Press Crouch (default LEFT CTRL) to coil your body and then, while still crouching, press Jump (default SPACEBAR).Congratulations! You have selected Hardcore mode. This mode turns off Saved Games, Objectives, and Training Messages. Your progress will only be recorded when you complete an entire mission although you can restart each level as often as you wish. Good luck.LDiller, The lockbox code was AX72BY before the POC was overrun. Thank Blaney for the codes (bg) then get the guns and get back here. We've made it this far, so whatever's tripping the sensors isn't all-powerful. Just another set of walls, man. We're nearly out. A few more days and it's rescue time. Got it? -Xavier.Rice, cover from the tower. Diller, Jock, Brice - get the guns. Samson, Kilgore - you've got the bridge. I'll bring the extra truck down when it's clear. Xavier.November 28 Gate closes at fifteen to sundown. You're not inside - you are on your own. That's guards and cons - no exceptions. I play fair. BlaneyDate: November 28, 2230 Time: 10:30 Report: Joss Blaney I told myself I'd stick to regs, but the chaos gets in the way. What's to say anyway? The POC is dead. Don't blame the Commander too much - nothing in the outflow should have caused that kind of explosion. Anyway, he died trying to fix it, and bought us time to evacuate the lower crew quarters. A lot of us went down with him though. With just the handful of security I've got left, it'll be tough to hold the both landing bays until Rykov shows. Blaney.Date: December 10, 2230 Time: 4:45 Check the generator thoroughly for gas and oil. If we lose this generator, we lose power to the rest of our sentry guns. Once you're certain it's good, initial on the list below and include the date and time. If you miss your rotation, you go half-rations. We have to be disciplined. Since Rykov and Eisenberg haven't sent any help, we must assume that they're in worse straights than us. There's got to be a reason they haven't sent help. BlaneyFDate: December 15, 2230 Time: 6:20 Since Brown, Miller, and Thibadeau have vanished, everyone else will have to pull double-shifts. When you're at the transmitter, stay alert to regular patterns - anything other than static. We have to let the Pods know that we're still alive. They have to come for us. Blaney.wDate: December 26, 2230 Convict Release Form. Please fill in your reasons for releasing the aforementioned laborer: I can't believe I'm filling this out. Fine. My reason is that Cheever, Kaplan, Pendleton, and Murray are missing. No, dead. It isn't the bugs either. I keep telling the convicts that it isn't the damn bugs, but they're thick-headed. They know that we're running low on manpower - that we'll need them soon. Still, Xavier, their defacto leader seems better. I've shown him the blade marks and the plasma burns. He says he understands what we're up against and why we're going to have to stick together. Blaney.Natasha, I'm sorry. If I'd have heard sooner, you know I would have done something. I wanted to shoot him, but there's so few of us. The cons won't work with me without Xavier. So there it is. I flinched. At least I came when I did - before it got too bad - can you forgive me? Will it help if I tell you I can't sleep since then? It'll be okay though. Between Xavier and I, we'll all get through this. Blaney..0Okay, Blaney, stop ducking me. No more holding out. Mattingly told me that you know the combinations on the gun lockers in remote tunnel 2. We need those - now. We've lost another two cons - and don't tell me they walked into the bug zone. You convinced me. Now back your word up. Joss Blaney.Date: August 21, 2229 To: Administration From: A. Eisenberg Re: Personnel transfer. I regret to inform you that I cannot approve Dr. Maurita's transfer back to Gateway. Due to his extremely time-sensitive research, he has elected to press on with his current duties.Date: October 9, 2229 To: Administration. From: A. Eisenberg. Re: New personnel Please prepare transportation for personnel arriving on the next supply ship. We should be receiving an additional biologist, two neurobiologists, and a physicist. We are all saddened at the loss of Dr. Maurita, but we must move on as a team. As such, I would prefer a minimum of salacious rumors, as they tend to unnecessarily excite and worry new personnel.Date March 2, 2230 To: Administration From: V. Rykov Re: Dr. Maurita Dr. Maurita's death will no longer be a topic of gossip. Morale is a security issue, so anyone spreading rumors will be dealt with severely.uTo: Internal Security Protocol Chief. From: Dr. Eisenberg. Although I understand the need to discourage espionage, I think the latest measures go beyond prudent safeguards. By tying the security layer into the node protocol, you do prevent any unauthorized transmissions in the system. However, the data layer is by definition an open layer and vulnerable to attack. The collapse of this layer could result in a cascade failure of the entire node tree - we're talking a cold reboot, fifteen minutes down time. Given the hostility of this world, I would hate to be without protection for one minute, let alone fifteen.(Transportation Handling Procedure 1011-C. Live specimens are not allowed within the tunnel network without secure, electrified containment systems. Larval specimens must be transported with a class-4 stasis field. Convict Laborers must be accompanied by passive electronic restraints.QFrom June 16-21st. The Tunnel Access System will be closed for maintenance.This plaque is dedicated to the crew of APC 6, lost on routine transport on the main egress road. We will miss them their warmth and humor. Our condolences go out to their families.pTo: Head of Transportation and Logistics. From: Cyrus Wright, Energy Division. The fuel rod shipment has been moved forward. We'll need four APCs ready for transport. As usual, please schedule one dropship for air cover. Eisenberg insists that the latest excavations have increased fuel consumption by twenty percent, so we can't afford to store here at the POC.To: All Personnel. From: Internal Security. In recent days, we have detected a number of unauthorized transmissions emanating from within the Pods. Let me remind you that internal communication transmitters are the property of Weyland-Yutani. All transmissions must be limited to the RF space specified by company procedure NL783. Failure to comply with NL738 is grounds for criminal prosecution.To: All Personnel. From: The Morale Department. Simple thoughts of comfort: the Ark floated for forty days and forty nights. We've only been cut off for thirty-nine days. Look up and see the dove!Date: November 27, 2230. Security Transfer. Subject: Captain Jonas Richter. Transfer notes: isolate subject on Eisenberg's orders. Maintain constant electronic monitoring. Release only on the doctor's personal authorization.In case of specimen contamination, proceed immediately to the nearest class 1 security zone. Failure to evacuate will result in isolation within the contaminated area. Internal Security..3Date: December 3, 2230. Implant victim is very strong. These Predators are hearty animals. Biology appears compatible with Xenomorphology. Gestation moving into final stages. Chestburster already exhibiting unusual physiology. Look forward to seeing it full grown - behind glass of course.VDate: December 10, 2230. Surgery to remove forearm device has failed. Hard to explain. Medically, the specimen was very strong. Then, as the device was removed, pulmonary arrest occurred. Considerable evidence of tamper-proofing within the machinery, but what kind of society would prefer its soldiers to die instead of being disarmed?Date: October 16, 2230. Weyland-Yutani Physicians Report. Subject: General Vassili Rykov. The General refused again to undergo a physical exam. I have reported this to Dr. Eisenberg, but he does nothing. I fear the General may be chemically dependent. He becomes jumpy and irritable on a regular cycle, disappearing momentarily to return refreshed. If I am right, his actions may place us all in jeopardy. The Doctor should act. In any event, I have voiced my concern - my hands are clean.Date: February 16, 2230. Weyland-Yutani Specimen Collection Report. Sixteen live eggs collected. Team composition: six combat synthetics, four A5 models, one unimog. Collection costs: two A5, one combat synth. Note: material degradation has increased markedly in the last week. Egg collection will likely fall in the near term. Recommend tighter restrictions on approved studies.%To: Dr. Eisenberg. From: Head of Archeological Studies. Although I know that General Rykov has no formal education in Xeno-technology, his insights into the Zeta site have been quite profound. Indeed, as Rykov speculated, Relic A1South appears to be an emitter of some sort, whose ultrahigh electrical frequencies are ideal for disabling electronic gear and more strangely inducing momentary nausea. Whether this is an accidental side effect of some other purpose or whether A1South is a weapon is an issue that may never be answered.Date: August 21, 2229 To: Administration From: A. Eisenberg Re: Personnel transfer. I regret to inform you that I cannot approve Dr. Maurita's transfer back to Gateway. Due to his extremely time-sensitive research, he has elected to press on with his current duties.Date: October 9, 2229 To: Administration. From: A. Eisenberg. Re: New personnel Please prepare transportation for personnel arriving on the next supply ship. We should be receiving an additional biologist, two neurobiologists, and a physicist. We are all saddened at the loss of Dr. Maurita, but we must move on as a team. As such, I would prefer a minimum of sensational rumors, as they tend to unnecessarily excite and worry new personnel.Date: March 2, 2230 To: Administration From: V. Rykov Re: Dr. Maurita Dr. Maurita's death will no longer be a topic of gossip. Morale is a security issue, so anyone spreading rumors will be dealt with severely.October 15, 2221 We have arrived. From now on, I'll refer to Earth-dated notation for these logs although days here run short, while nights feel interminable. The air is thin. Just walking around causes our people to strain. We've set up base camp in the broken lands south of the Hive. The synthetics have cleared the foliage and are currently adding a minefield and sentry gun emplacements. As I argued so often to the funding committee, human ingenuity conquers all.November 7, 2221 The Hive appears dormant. The remote rover has found Xenomorph traces, but no active specimens. The synths have begun explorations. Many signs of the carrier species. We call them - Pilots. Unexplained structures jut from the earth, and mysterious shafts vanish underground, all exhibiting the distinctive architecture of the ship from LV426. Although these archaeological remnants come as little surprise-we followed the ship's flight telemetry here, after all-I find it all a bit unnerving.\November 15, 2221 The synths have caught glimpses of Aliens smaller than those observed on LV426. I have named them Runners. They stray great distances from the Hive, especially at night. We are careful to return to the observation posts as a precaution, but they appear uninterested in us. They seem to be looking for something. The Hive itself remains dormant. I believe this dormancy may be tied to the severe climatic conditions. Our initial analysis of the flora seems to corroborate this theory. But what are they waiting for? Cooler temperatures? Increased humidity? Or is it something else?'November 25, 2221 The Runners remain a cipher. Yesterday afternoon, they abruptly attacked Weller, but have since returned to their prior disinterest in us. The attack may have been prompted by his proximity to the Hive. In any case, his death is a grim reminder not to let down our guard.November 27, 2221 Our remote probes show that Runner activity is linked to increased pheromone discharge from the Hive walls along with extremely high-frequency sound waves. Perhaps the covered cranium of the Alien operates as a resonance chamber: boosting, receiving and transmitting their ultrasonic communications. If so, the Runners must stay close to the Hive to maintain contact. With study, one might learn to duplicate their language, perhaps even replace their orders with some of my own. An entertaining theory, at least.December 12, 2221 The rockweeds bloomed today. If my theories are correct, this means an end to dormancy. McCulloch, our security chief, insists that we must withdraw to a safer vantage. Nonsense, I say. We are here to observe and collect data. We must witness the transformation.December 14, 2221 McCulloch is having fits. He has found a device, very advanced technology, yet stylized with a tribal flair. It does not match the Pilot species. In fact, McCulloch thinks it is recent, less than a decade old. It appears to be a weapon. Of course, he's now terrified. I've tried to convince him what a tremendous opportunity this is. After all, we came to learn. Still, we will limit our risks. Radio traffic is being kept to a minimum and we shall camouflage as best we can. Better we spot them than they spot us.January 01, 2222 Happy New Year. The Hive is awake. We are stranded. Last night, our perimeter defenses were interrupted by the most severe storm we've seen thus far. It was as if they knew, for within minutes, their drones swept through our encampment, slaughtering everyone in their path and crippling our dropship. McCulloch is gone. For what it's worth, he was brave at the end. Brave and dead.January 04, 2222 We're trying to adjust. It's hard. Seventeen of us left, holed up inside Observation Post 2. If we stretch our rations, particularly the water, the supplies should last four or five days. By then, we'll have to break for OP3, toward the Hive. I estimate its remaining stores will buy us about a week. OP4 should hold us for an additional month. That means two months without food before the next supply ship is due. If we can reach all of the observation posts, we might survive.January 5, 2222 We had to give up on OP3 today. Adams slipped and Green stopped to help her. We all feel guilty, but what could we have done except die with them? Besides, although no one has said it, there's now more food for the rest of us. I've told them that if we can hold out eight weeks, we'll probably be saved. It's a lie, but at least it keeps them together. The last thing we need is to start turning on each other. We'll try for OP3 again tomorrow.January 10, 2222 End of the line. We made the run without a single casualty, but we're all as good as dead. We have nowhere else to go. Not enough food, but more importantly, not enough water. Observation Post 4 has been overrun. The camera link shows it awash with Aliens. They swarm around the place, right up and over the emergency food stores. They seem to be taunting us. Is it that? Do they know we can see them? They don't understand how resourceful we humans can be. Or at least how resourceful I can be. I will not starve.To: General Rykov, Head of Security From: Dr. A. Eisenberg Detain Captain Richter on my orders. Return him to the Pods. Alive. To: Dr. A. Eisenberg From: W. Gibson, Model AE2 I have completed the data mining as requested. I report a 72.3 percent correlation between the cargo ship Aurora's timetable and the specified security personnel rotations.USCM Encoded Transmission Received: January 6, 2231 .Re: Potential medevac. Message confirmed from Doctor Eisenberg. Operation Savior has commenced. Bubak and Dropship #1 relocating to the Forward Pods in preparation for possible casualties.Report Log Date: January 6, 2231 Sentry guns #5 and #6 failed again. If we weren't in the middle of an Alien infestation, I'd say somone snuck in here and took the guns down. But that's nuts. We're lucky we found the problem guns before the bugs did. Sgt. Porter.Date: March 2, 2230 To: Administration From: V. Rykov Re: Dr. Maurita Dr. Maurita's death will no longer be a topic of gossip. Morale is a security issue, so anyone spreading rumors will be dealt with severely.!To: Dr. Eisenberg. From: Head of Archeological Studies. Although I know that General Rykov has no formal education in Xeno-technology, his insights into the Zeta site have been quite profound. Indeed, as Rykov speculated, Relic A1South appears to be an emitter of some sort, whose ultrahigh electrical frequencies are ideal for disabling electronic gear, and more strangely, inducing momentary nausea. Whether this is an accidental side effect of some other purpose or whether A1South is a weapon is an issue that may never be answered.Welcome to Hard Difficulty. Here, your enemies are stronger and more deadly than on easy or normal difficulty. You must also work without Training Messages. However, you can save at any time. Good luck.............To: Dr. Eisenberg. From: Head of Archeological Studies. Although I know that General Rykov has no formal education in Xeno-technology, his insights into the Zeta site have been quite profound. Indeed, as Rykov speculated, Relic A1South appears to be an emitter of some sort, whose ultrahigh electrical frequencies are ideal for disabling electronic gear, and more strangely, inducing momentary nausea. Whether this is an accidental side effect of some other purpose or whether A1South is a weapon is an issue that may never be answered.QTo: Averil Monroe. From: Dr. Berger. I tried to talk with Eisenberg about this, but the topic left him quite cold. I'd guess he doesn't get along with his father, or dislikes his father's work. Sorry I couldn't help more. ---------- From: Averil Monroe. To: Dr. Berger. Your mentorship has been great, but the Hive is getting to me. I hear Eisenberg's father runs the Synth research for WY and that he's doing interesting stuff with neural imprinting into prosthetic limbs. Sight to the blind, hearing for the deaf - it's very exciting. Would you mind recommending me to the Doctor?Auditor's Report - Appended notes. I had a heated conversation with Doctor Eisenberg today. He's an arrogant one. His family is powerful - the founders of modern synthetics hold great sway on the WY board. Still, he's overestimating his protection. His father's foray into medical applications leaves the investors cold. Dubious profit and dubious technology. Yes, he's had successes imprinting neural patterns onto synthetic adaptive networks, but costs are insane - a handful might afford such operations. And there are rumors of facility loss - emotional alterations and instability. Of course, given that his subjects are generally terminal beforehand, who's to say it's the procedure.Dear Alice, In reply to your question, you know the rules - you may be my sister, but I'm sticking to public info. Safer that way. Rykov used to be USCM - a General. Discharged after an Incident on Korari - jungle planet. Messy affair, very badly injured, sole survivor. Told crazy stories about invisible killers. Lucky to get a medical discharge. Story is confused there. USCM docs say Rykov broke his spine - suffered paralysis - but later, when he pops up in mercenary circles, his back seems fine. As a merc, his record is great but violent. He's pretty free with looting too. Likes jobs where he won't be supervised and can walk away with a bonus. That last part is rumor though. Quit that job and come home. I mean it. Now. With love, Your brother, Nate.JPriorty WY Email Date: November 24, 2230. To: Dr. Steven Fowler From: Dr. Adrian Elliott Your last note has me very worried. You're not describing the same man that I knew. Eisenberg wasn't calm or methodical - he was arrogant and cocky, took big risks with his father to back him up. Other things, he was wimpy - got winded walking stairs. From your stories, he's been on serious vitamin regimens or something. Of course, people change when they go through things like Expedition One, but that doesn't mean you should work with them. Just my free advice, Steve.UWeyland-Yutani, Xenomorph Handling Procedures. Stasis field systems provide protection for normal passage through Stage 1 container areas only. Do not handle containment vessels directly. Warning: The prep area is intended for temporary storage only. To ship Stage 1 Xenomorphs to permanent storage, please use the Primary Belt.kDearest Dunya, My buttercup, my little muffin, sweetest of sweets, I missed you last night on patrol. At night, it is so hard to be without my angel. The thought of you arouses me. I shiver for you, yearn for you. My other-half. My devil. My mistress, and soon, my wife. Remember me when I am away, and think of what we'll have when I return. Love, Dimitri.]January 1, 2231. New Year's Day. Hung over. Shouldn't have admitted I've got doubts to D. She's touchy. Come on. Marriage is big, right? I should be scared. I'm making a big promise, I say. From her face, you'd think I said I wanted to have an affair or hire a hooker or something. Just nervous. I'll write her another note. She loves notes.EAugust 3, 2230 Dear Martin, Thank you so much for getting me a post at the Pods. I think Eisenberg's work on genetic synthesis matches my expertise very well. I've said this before, but you're a wonderful mentor. Your career advice and help has been wonderful. Your student always, Betheny ClementsInternal Memo, July 24, 2230. To: Dr. Martin Sharpe, Head of Exobiological Research. From: Dr. Eisenberg. Your recommendation of Dr. Clements intrigues me. Her work shows dramatic insight for such a young woman. However, it has a distinctly idealistic tone. Choose for your team carefully. I understand that you have worked closely with her in the past. A pleasant experience, I imagine. She is quite beautiful, at least on her book jacket photo. The decision lies with you. Make it wisely.zSeptember 3, 2230. I've been here three weeks. Inside the Pods, I feel like I'm on a research vessel in orbit around Earth. Nice and safe. Sharpe has been kind since I arrived. Some things bother me though. I thought this place was strictly medical, but I wonder. I've met a physicist, Adam Post. He said he was studying the relics of Zeta site, which I first took to mean the Pilot ruins that run everywhere beneath the surface. He corrected me though - it's a younger species, he said. Certainly not indigenous with powerful energy technologies. He added that the tech was much more powerful than what he'd been building for the 'old wd.' Then he blushed and shut up. I'm sure he meant Weapons Division. I think he wanted to impress me and then realized I wasn't supposed to know. Still, he was very cute - so maybe I'll forgive his warlike tendencies.pMissing Persons Report. Archeological Expedition #425 Unexpected Xenomorph activity. They aren't usually active during the day. Distress call received at 3:15 p.m. Dropship security arrived eight minutes later. Two synthetics recovered. Alison Walker, Technician Class 1, Peter Graves, Technician Class 2, and Dr. Post, Research Lead, were not found.JDate: October 2, 2230 To To: Dr. Martin Sharpe From: Dr. Eisenberg. Your friend, Dr. Clements, wrote to me today. She misunderstands Rykov's importance and his cost. A policeman makes a fine bodyguard, unless you plan to rob a bank - and good bodyguards must be paid in one currency or another. Control your team, or I will.Date: October 3, 2230 To To: General Rykov. From: Dr. Eisenberg I understand that we have lost relics from the Zeta site. It is one thing for us to - misplace - artifacts. These are valuable of course, but they are outside of my focus. I hope you understand that this does not apply to our specimen containment. Our arrangements will become very strained if I discover specimens have gone missing as well.Implant Accident Investigation 542 Dr. Sharpe Presiding On the morning of October 4th, Dr. Betheny Clements failed to properly initialize the safeguard override system. As a result, a single Stage 1 Xenomorph escaped into the general implantation area. Dr. Clements reacted to the warning klaxon too slowly. She is currently in cold sleep - however we cannot fully arrest the Xenomorphy lifecycle. Her family has been notified.>Keep this area clean. We're not your mothers. -The Lieutenant.Section G- Patrols have a schedule. Read it, or have someone read it for you. Discipline keeps us alive. No discipline - you're bug food. -The Lieutenant.0Date: October 2, 2230 To: Dr. Martin Sharpe From: Dr. Betheny Clements Dear Martin, I had to write to you immediately. I think something is very wrong. My friend Adam Post was accused of misplacing, possibly stealing artifacts from his lab. I know he couldn't have been because he was with me at the time, but his ID card shows him authorizing their removal. He thinks that Rykov must be involved. I feel uncomfortable going to Dr. Eisenberg about this, but I'm sure he'd want to know. I think this is a serious security breach. Can you help? To Security Teams, Sector G. Slack jaws and glazed eyes may hack it in another man's Sector. Not here. Do not gawk. Do not talk. Do not visit. As guards, you're a sad-sack, sorry-faced, fat-thighed bunch. If I could find one good man in the lot of you, I'd fire the rest. -The Lieutenant....Date: October 8, 2230 Dear Rick, My friend at WY saw your name come through the auditor list. I wanted to tell her - yeah, Rick's okay - except you're not. The creditors are still calling, so don't say you're looking to clean up. If I never see your sorry ass again, it's too soon.Date: January 5, 2231 Synthetic Mantainence Office Forward Pods Monthly status report: I'm seeing continued deterioration in our A5 units, far in excess of their expected stability. One A5 pushed a human down the stairs yesterday. The unit claimed that it sensed a Stage 1 Xenomorphy - but I could find no evidence. I can only speculate that the intense ionic activity here has created instability in its patterning. Unless of course, it just wanted to push him. God forbid.Date: October 8, 2230 Human Resource Briefing Re: mechanical, biomechanical and cloned Please distribute The court prohibitions stemming from Rosenblatt vs. Tyson apply solely to Colonial Authority Space. While the XOF operates as a Licensed Venture, the laws apply only within designated colonization zones. For these reasons, please limit Type 4 experimentation to the Forward Pods.Thursday - Dear Cook, Thanks for nada. Eight straight days of cheese on bread - which you dare to call pizza? Funny guy. Hope to meet you in the hall soon and tell you what I think of you first hand.!Date: September 22, 2230 Mark, I wish you could have seen the look on their faces when Appel blew up like that. He's such a passive guy. There must have been a lot brewin' under that skin of his to pop like that. That place was trashed! It was like the let some gorilla loose in there.GDate: October 9, 2230 To: A. Zagor From: C. Salsman What's a guy got to do to get some TLC around here? Richter said he and Elgyn thought Archturia was absolute heaven. Time for you and me to put in for some time off and check Richter's story. Damn, I wish they'd fix the environmental controls. This heat is driving me crazy.Date: November 28, 2230 I tried to contact my brother at the Odobenus Station again last night. No luck. I'm not buying this bit about the weather scrambling all comm. Something's wrong at the POC - they're just not telling us yet.Date: November 21, 2230 My boss is such an ass. I swear he couldn't manage himself out of a paper bag. If I hear, 'Why doesn't our stuff look like this?' - one more time - something's gonna happen. Half my compadres have already transferred over to Pod 3. They say it's a cakewalk over there. I'm not sure what's keeping me here. I keep telling myself I'm seeing the project through its completion, but...July 12, 2230 Schaefer is all hands and no brains. I don't know why I followed him here. 'Course, no one mentioned the one-way transfer policy. I've got a better chance of meeting Prince Charming inside the Hive than I do getting paperwork signed to get me outta here. *Date: October 3, 2230 To: Weyland-Yutani Forward Pod Security CC: A. Eisenberg From: Dr. Michael Bishop Subject: Convict Rieser Rieser is to be shipped back to the IO Mining Facility immediately. He has several outstanding warrants. Please have him placed on the next shuttle to Gateway.,Date: December 12, 2230 If anyone's seen my cat, Mischief wandering the hallways, please let me know. I know that we are all very tense these days, but she means a lot to me. She's been missing for two days now. I'd better not find her in one of those animal cages or there'll be hell to pay! JACJason's received the latest Holo flick at Gateway. We'll be viewing it here next Thursday at 21:00 for anyone's who's interested. (Don't worry, it's not as bad as last week's!)Date: December 26, 2230 The food's labeled for a reason! If it doesn't have your name on it, don't eat it! Or, I'll start slipping in some delicacies from Deck 14, if you keep it up. --EdwardsDate: Welcome Bethany!uThis weeks entrees: Pizza, Hamburgers, Pizza - Extra Cheese ... and don't ask for a salad, because you won't get one!....Subject: Hunter's Mask Notes: Extremely advanced. Compact refractive lens for adjustable field of focus. Real-time optical filtering and amplification. Directional microphone. Carvings on the helm match artifacts from the Zeta site.\Date: December 3, 2230 Research Log I don't know how this race could have missed our SETI transmissions. They're so obviously advanced. Maybe they ignored them for a reason. Rykov thinks they're hunting us. God, I hope he is as paranoid as he seems. If these things want to kill us, all Rykov's soldiers won't be able to help us. That is certain.Date: December 15, 2230 Dear Paul, Here's what I could find. Looks like our General was a Marine at one point. I pulled some news net files on him. He was honorably discharged after a search-and-rescue mission went bad on Korari. Everyone else died. He suffered multiple fractures along the spinal cord. The pictures show him in a wheelchair and talks about his paralysis. Something doesn't match though. He walks fine now. So why do you ask? Best, Scott Date: December 16, 2230 Scott, What's with the dear? You think I'm your granny? Listen, your data matches my suspicions. Rykov shattered his spine - my guess is on that expedition. He's walking now though - which can mean just one thing: synthetic nerve adaptation. I dabbled in the field at WY about ten years ago. Long term results were pretty sour, though. The host usually rejected the adapted ganglia without constant medication. Infections, swelling. Very painful. Even in the best case, the adapted nerves generated false memory, false stimulation. If Rykov played the guinea pig to this experiment, he's in a world of hurt. He'll be taking serious pain meds too - hardcore black market stuff. I'm not sure I want a guy in charge who's addicted to opiates. Just PaulSubject: Hunter Spear Notes: Remarkable. Closer examination of the blade's edge reveals an unknown method of craftsmanship. A magnetically suspended monofilament was my first choice, but it looks like something more. Whatever it is, it can cut through steel.Incoming Email From General Rykov Send dropship #2 to scan along the cliffs. If it reaches the heights, it will try to alert its companions. When we get the signal, kill it. In the meantime, prepare the rest of the team for evacuation from the auxiliary site. The creature may have escaped the Pods already. Either way, we have little time. I want no heroes. That is an order. Do not fight the creature alone. Isolate it and radio for aid.|LBTK46: So, I hear you're dating that Russian merc. FEMTK8:So? What's wrong with him? LBTK46: Oh come on, you know better than that. FEMTK8: What's that supposed to mean? LBTK46: You saw what they did to Thomas. FEMTK8: Well, Thomas has a big mouth. LBTK46: Oh, so it's his fault? Sure, he shouldn't have mouthed off, but they could've just knocked him on his ass and walked away. FEMTK8: All right, maybe they overreacted. LBTK46: Overreacted? They broke his arms and legs in multiple places. :( TIFU-IMHO I can't believe you're dating a psycho. FEMTK8: He's not a psycho. He's sensitive. He's experienced things. Poverty, violence, danger. Stuff we can't even imagine. LBTK46: What, this place ain't dangerous enough for you? Gotta hook up with a psycho to get your kicks? FEMTK8: I'm outta here. LBTK46: So I guess this means you don't wanna go out with me. FEMTK8: Figure it out, asshole....Unauthorized communications signal detected. Error, cannot terminate hostile signal. Security Protocol Zeta 4 initiated. Termination orders transmited. Dropship ETA ... 4 minutes.Observation Post 4 LV1201 Detail: Outer-Veil Advance Expeditionary Unit Objective: Locate Xenomorph Hive Status: Contact lost. Rescue team en route.Observation Post 4 LV1201 Detail: Outer-Veil Advance Expeditionary Unit Objective: Locate Xenomorph Hive Status: Contact lost. Rescue team en route.Birth.Date: November 23, 2230. Time: 10:13 p.m. Incident: -1 day, 7 hours. Location: Cargo ship. Western landing. Primary Operations Complex (POC). LV-1201.GThe Committee is concerned, Doctor. The loss of Pod 5 is a major blow. Setbacks are to be expected.KYes, Doctor Eisenberg, but the Committee is still waiting to see progress. DWe've made considerable strides in deciphering the Alien chemistry. The Committee wants commercial applications. You promised cures; instead they hear stories of unauthorized research. There's even a rumor you want to try to harness and control the Hive.;I'm not responsible for what politicians choose to believe.>I would hate to see your attitude jeopardize your future here.MI'm not about to let this project get away from me. File that in your report.You're late. What's that?RThe package is larger than normal. So is your payment. As always, do not open it.9Scan completed. Report inconclusive. Target is shielded. I don't like this.Captain required on deck.I'll be right out.What's the problem?.Richter, General Rykov wants to see you. Now. <You've got to be kidding. I'm scheduled for departure in 15.Schedule's changed. Get moving.%Ah, come on, Lloyd. Give me a break. Let's go, hotshot.;How's the conversion coming? You done with storeroom 3 yet?@Those rooms were never meant to be labs. This build-out is nuts.Well, with Pod 5 gone...QThat's exactly my point. The pods were made for this shit and look what happened.:Hey, I'm just following orders. Take it up with the chief..I already did. He's just following orders too.You seen Pete? Try the bar.I tried the bar.Then check his quarters.HMan, he better watch his ass or he's gonna end up walking the perimeter.Serves him right.(Somebody hacked the system. I'm serious.Just drop it already.sI'm talking about permanent changes to the database: duty rosters, inventory, specimen samples, all kinds of stuff.Did you check the log?QNo record. Whoever did this was a pro. I'm betting it was one of Rykov's cronies.*What do you have against that guy, anyway?=Do you trust him? You know he got kicked out of the military.eHe didn't get kicked out. He was honorably discharged. For medical reasons. One of the Bears told me.YYou believe a mercenary? Look, the point is that someone's been messing with the system. rYeah, and my point is it's better if someone else makes the report. Why get involved? Did it happen on your shift?Now that you mention it...MBesides, you bring the heat down your own dumb ass, I'm gonna get burned too.Several hours later... Surprise.Date: November 24, 2230. Time: 4:22 a.m. Incident: -1 day, 1 hour. Location: Crew quarters. Primary Operations Complex (POC). LV-1201.Outgoing communications have been temporarily suspended due to a problem with network security. Weyland-Yutani looks forward to restoring your privileges as soon as possible.!We got shorted on supplies again.Yeah?Fifteen containers.<The whole time I've been at this dump we've been rationing. What the hell is that?Let's get out of here.Just a second.Run like hell.Escape.Date: November 25, 2230. Time: 5:18 am. Incident: start. Location: Animal storage. Primary Operations Complex (POC). LV-1201. Commander? What is it?We've got a problem.(Seen Pete around? He hasn't reported in.<Probably sleeping it off. I think Carson's covering for him. You seen him?Nope.CYou run into either one of them, let 'em know I'm looking for them. Sure thing.TI just talked to Markinson. Something got into the animal labs, ripped the place up.He report it yet?OYeah, a containment team's down there checking it out. They think it was a bug.)Then they'd better find the bastard fast.%What the? There's something up there.What are you talking about?Someone call containment.Just get out. Run... now.EContainment team, report to the Vehicle Maintenance Bay. Condition 3.3We got him! Secure those exits! Let's burn him out! Man down!4Target is loose! Cut him off in the maintenance bay!Don't let him get away!Should we notify Rykov?LSure, if you want to lose your bonus and get transferred to perimeter duty. +What if we need the firepower support, sir?Let's not overreact. I figure we're probably dealing with a single contagion. This isn't the first time one of those bastards has got out of its cage.hIf the Primary Operations Complex goes down, the Pods will be isolated. We're their communication link. \Son, the POC isn't being overrun. Besides, Rykov can't reach us for three hours, at least.'It's in the air vents. Coming your way.What should we do? Shoot it. Yes, sir.WSet up some turrets in the crawlspaces. We need to keep it contained in the corridors.No problem, sir.SCome on people. We've got a single bug here. We need to get this thing contained.WYes, sir. I've locked down the shaft door. There's no way it's getting through here. -It's in the vents, you idiot. Open the door! Oh, crap!AJackson, report. Jackson! Damn it, cut the door ... cut it now!Where is it now?Approaching the lobby.,Then open the damn door! Funnel it in there!They're not ready yet. Just do it!Seal the gate. Keep it out of the pipes!)It's in the pipes. It's going to get out. Notify Rykov.&You said he couldn't get here in time.He can't. Sound the general alarm and send any available security teams down there on the double. We can at least buy some time for the civilian personnel to make it to the shelters. Yes, sir.`Activate the distress beacon and notify Gateway. Maybe the Pods can hold out until help arrives.@I'm routing the security feeds through to the monitor banks now.Cut the transmission.[I said cut the transmission. I will not let them gloat. I won't give them the satisfaction. Vengeance.Date: January 6, 2231. Time: 9:50 p.m. Incident +6 weeks, 16.50 hours. Location: Forward Observation Pods. LV-1201. 86km east-southeast of the Primary Operations Complex.6 weeks later.We should hurry._I'm working as fast as I can, Dimitri. If you don't like being out here, why did you volunteer?#It's dangerous for you to be alone.GAnd I'm supposed to be safer with you? Does Dunya know you're out here?"You are losing focus on your work.Uh, huh. Listen, this is all double redundancy. We have two layers of hardware between zero current and us. Barring a total software meltdown, we're as safe here as we are inside.(What makes you think we are safe inside?'There, good for another thousand years.What did you do?That wasn't me.Get inside! Now!Oh god.Keep moving! Don't look back.%No! No! Get out! You have to get out!Dimitri!We should get inside.QWe are closer to ground shelter 1. I recommend that we proceed there immediately.I'm not going underground.Attention all personnel. We have restored our defensive grid, but we are still tracking reports of contaminants inside the Pods. Teams are responding now, and the situation should be in hand shortly. Please remain in your quarters with doors locked until further notice .Do you have the results on the test group yet?*Cybernetic rejection is down four percent.`Slow and steady wins the race, right? At least it's improvement. That's human ingenuity for you.Is it?What do you mean?5I hear this gear's derived from artifact technology. Where'd you get that rumor?^What if we're misunderstanding what it does? We could be putting ourselves in a lot of danger.tNo more than when we agreed to come here. Anyway, enough speculation. We've got another batch of data to go through.Medical teams please report. Operation Savior is now at yellow status. All Marine personnel report to Major McCain for rescue briefings.}Attention all personnel, please be advised that Pod Two has been placed on Red Alert status. Xenomorph contaminant confirmed.LCommand, this is Dr. Eisenberg. What is the situation with the contaminants?XWe're still tracking one creature, but we think it's isolated in the maintenance system.You think it's isolated?7Shall I send security? General Rykov has a team nearby.No, of course not.What do you want from me?We've got a survivor!My God.What the hell DID this?I didn't have a choice.What the hell is that?What is wrong with you? Get up.Get up, coward.9Are the teams in position? Is the Marine rescue prepared?%Yes, the teams are ready ... are you?We have work to do.;What is it, Ivan? Don't tell me this cowardice is catching.jSorry, sir, it's just... we three together barely pushed back that cabinet, but the Doctor, he was alone. He must have been afraid.Major McCain. My condolences on the loss of Corporal Harrison. We try to control our convict laborers through the use of technology, but as you know, technology can fail.'Have you caught the son of a bitch yet?It's only a matter of time. We've identified the last known position of the missing team. I'm afraid the rescue is not without risk.I think we can handle it.GExcellent. General Rykov will brief you on the situation. Best of luck.DImplantation sequence set. Data recording commence on my mark. Mark.$Devers, why is that alarm going off?I'm not sure, sir.TNever mind, just shut the system down. How am I supposed to get anything done here?I don't mind research on the drones, but I think we're crossing an ethical line with this. These things are clearly intelligent.4What gave you the idea Eisenberg cares about ethics?XFirst the good news. Four hours ago, a Marine rescue team arrived at the Forward Pods. Despite their inadvertent disruption of our security grid, we are now safer than ever. In fact, even as we speak, our six weeks of isolation is coming to an end. The Marines have restored our landline to the Primary Complex and thus a link to their mother ship and the universe at large. Now the bad news. As you may have heard, one of our archeological teams has become trapped near the Hive. To extricate the team, the Doctor feels we must neutralize the Hive. That means capturing and controlling the Empress.LYes, I understand your concern, but we have studied this eventuality. Next. |As you know, the majority of the Hive extends above the Empress's chamber. Our people are trapped near the outer edge. Next.HThe operation begins with a surface assault on the Hive as a diversion. No humans are involved in this initial action. We'll be relying on a strike team of combat synthetics. Yet, as I have said, this is only a feint. As the Hive responds to the surface attack, two things will occur. First, a Marine team will penetrate the Hive here to rescue our comrades. cSecond, an extraction team will break through from the tunnel system here, at the base of the Hive.Our probes have mapped this area extensively. By tunneling in here, we breach a large horizontal shaft that runs directly into the Empress chamber. This shaft will serve as our roadway for extracting her._We expect the Hive to respond aggressively to the human threats, particularly that on the Empress. By destroying the tunnels of the Hive, the combat synths will cut off the Empress from any assistance, allowing a quick and bloodless escape back to the tunnels below. Meanwhile, our Marine allies easily and safely extract our comrades. Any questions?Based on what you've described, it would seem our defenses would be considerably diminished after the attack. What if the Hive retaliates?6The sympathetic theory of pheromone relationships-as put forward by Dr. Eisenberg-is quite clear on this point. The Hive will respond to the command of the Empress, and the Empress will respond to her own instinctive drive for survival. Once we have the Empress as hostage, we will be protected from the Hive. Protected during the extraction or protected long-term? Are you saying we would then have safe access to the entire Hive and to artifact technology there?We believe that we are looking at a long-term insurance policy. For those of you whose projects have been frustrated due to incomplete archeological or biological data, this would present something of an unprecedented opportunity.Chin's theory of competitive discourse clearly indicates that the Hive will react violently to the loss of the Empress. At a minimum, the Young Queens will struggle to determine a new ascendant ruler. More likely, the Hive will come after us.Who is that? Is that you, Mencus? Well, as you can see, Dr. Chin is not with us to discuss his theory. A rather good indication of its staying power.Where is he, anyway?Yes, well. To continue with the briefing, we may expect some injuries during such an ambitious enterprise, I'm asking anyone with medical training to assist with any potential triage. Any other questions? Abduction. Date: January 6, 2231. Time: 11:35 p.m. Incident: +6 weeks, 18.25 hours. Location: Hive. LV-1201. 6km northeast of the Forward Pods.2Advance, soldier. Let us make the situation clear.You sure this is safe?/She understands survival. Squad four, report.8Heavy resistance, Doctor. We are ready to seal, however.8If I am correct, that will not be necessary. The flame! Yes, sir.Squad four. Report please.TDoctor. We are experiencing something unusual here. The Xenomorphs are pulling back.You see. Survival.KReports of renewed fighting, sir. Shouldn't the drones be pulling back now?Something's wrong.&Sir, we've got to get out of here now. Stun her. They have paused. Perhaps they're learning.They're sealing the tubes.\Doctor, we've lost contact with the Marine team. Where are Rykov's men? Where's our support?&Have you collected the necessary data?/Yes, sir. We are ready to transport as ordered.Doctor, the Hive won't seal. Something's wrong with the gates. Drones are entering the tunnels. We're facing catastrophic infestation.Shall we adjourn?Doctor! There isn't time! Pursuit. Date: January 7, 2231. Time: 1:50 a.m. Incident +6 weeks, 20.50 hours. Location: Near Hive. Access tunnel and neighboring archeological dig. LV-1201.(Patch me through to security team Zebra..Zebra team, has the Verloc's dropship arrived? Yes, sir.I have changed the plan. We will not be taking the Empress back to the Pods. Instead, we will proceed directly to the Verloc. Secure the dropship for liftoff. Already done, sir.2Excellent. Prep for cargo. I am bringing a guest.There's another one!Freedom.Date: January 7, 2231. Time: 2:55 a.m. Incident +6 weeks, 21.50 hours. Location: Tunnels leading to the Auxiliary Landing Pad. LV-1201. 2km north-east of the Forward Observation Pods. Predator!{Date: January 6, 2231. Time: 5:10 a.m. Incident +6 weeks. Mission time: start. Location: Approaching orbit around LV-1201.'Hurry up, Frosty. We ain't got all day.Don't you have work to do?ZEverybody's waiting on you. Heck, I even prepped your gear for ya. Wasn't that nice of me?aThanks, Duke. I'll remember whose ass to pull out of the fire first when everything goes to hell.KDuke, we have an operation to run here. Quit flirting and get back to work.Commander on the deck!Gather round and listen up.Six weeks ago, the Weyland-Yutani Corporation lost contact with a research facility on LV-1201. We're here to find out why. Duke, what are we looking at?A suicide mission. Hell, we're still short eight soldiers and our synthetic after that last drop. Half our equipment's out of commission.yThere's time pressure involved, and we won the distance lottery. Skip the commentary and tell us what we're dealing with.The basic layout is two heavily fortified installations: Primary Operations Complex and Forward Observation Pods. The sites are connected by a secured tunnel network.Johnson, flight plan.Not much to work with, sir.I vote for an air strike, sir.Negative. The higher ups want the site intact, survivors or not. We're cleared for light and medium munitions, but no heavy stuff. That means no air strikes and no Alice. Sorry, Harrison.We supposed to evac survivors?COur orders are to put out fires, then dig in and wait for the 6th. Assuming we last that long. EBeta Section will be remain here until the ground position is secure.All right, boys. Let's roll.Unwelcome Guests.Date: January 6, 2231. Time: 5:25 a.m. Incident +6 weeks, 0.25 hours. Mission Time: +0.25 hours. Location: Approaching Primary Operations Complex (POC).*Reading 1500 meters to the landing beacon.KHold on, boys. Where's the damn facility? We should be right on top of it. What the-!Hang on!-Johnson? Where the hell did you learn to fly?QFlight school. The same place that taught me not to fly blind in hurricane winds. What'll it take to get airborne?A landing beacon and wind shear data for a start. Plus, the ship's a little beat up. Stabilizer's jammed. I can fix it, but it'll take me an hour or so. The antenna's fried , though.)So much for calling down reinforcements. KOnce we control the Complex, we'll control an entire subspace array. Hall, Red team, get the power online. White team, locate security control. Blackwell, you take Shugi and Harrison and make for the landing bay. We need that wind shear radar up and the landing site clear and powered. Once you've done that, activate the beacon.You heard the man. Move it.Burke, we've detected transmissions. Looks like somebody's on their way, so hustle it up. I've got to head down to storage for more charges. It's the quiet time, so there shouldn't be too many bugs, but if I'm not back, don't wait. I'm not letting anybody take me back to the Pods. Jenkins, The bugs have nearly vanished since New Years. Too bad none of the scientists are still around. Maybe they'd know what's going on. Could be the seasons, I guess, but that doesn't explain the weird readings the sensors have started given us. I feel like we're being watched. gGood work, Marine. Harrison, find the nearest security office and restore the defense grid for the bay.DWelcome to the Xenomorph Observational Facility, a testament to mankind's willpower and hunger for knowledge. Here we are embarking on a journey to unlock the power of adaptive DNA. Through our research on the remarkable lifecycle of the Xenomorph, we hope to extend the life expectancy and improve the health of all humans.XDate: 08.18.2229 To: E. Fischer From: L. Hadden Re: Security policies Sir, I don't appreciate having my recommendations summarily ignored. I'm the ranking corporate security officer here, not General Rykov. That man is a thug and his mercenaries are worse. We don't need our policies set by unprincipled murderers. I shouldn't have to remind you that if something goes wrong at this facility, I'm the one who will be held accountable. Therefore, I'm requesting that you either acknowledge my proposals or accept my resignation. Sincerely, Liam Hadden Chief of Security Primary Operations Complex Date: August 21, 2229 To: Administration From: A. Eisenberg Re: Personnel transfer. I regret to inform you that I cannot approve Dr. Maurita's transfer back to Gateway. Due to his extremely time-sensitive research, he has elected to press on with his current duties.Date: October 9, 2229 To: Administration. From: A. Eisenberg. Re: Personnel requests Please prepare transportation for personnel arriving on the next supply ship. We should be receiving an additional biologist, two neurobiologists, and a physicist. We are all saddened at the loss of Dr. Maurita, but we must move on as a team. As such, I would prefer a minimum of salacious rumors, as they tend to unnecessarily excite and worry new personnel.Date March 2, 2230 To: Administration From: V. Rykov Re: Dr. Maurita Dr. Maurita's death will no longer be a topic of gossip. Morale is a security issue, so anyone spreading rumors will be dealt with severely.,Junction of corridor 1-C and 1-D. All clear.oEntry clear. Signs of gunfire, though. Damage from explosives - probably frag grenades. I'm not seeing bodies.LCorridor 1F. Clear. Proceeding towards the core. Hey, slow down there, Duke.FOh, no way. Someone tell me that's just a boot. That better be a boot./Heads up, team. This area's seen definite heat.Hey, it's a boot!I've got movement..Hold your position, team! Give me a direction.*All around, sir. Something just woke up. What's that sound? Pull back. Now!\They're everywhere. Form up. Forget the drop zone. Watch our six. The ceiling! The ceiling!ARed Team, fall back to our position. Feeding new telemetry now. Roger, sir. Watch out, Jones. +Harrison, get back here. We're pulling out.2Falling back in good order, sir. It's really hot. APrep for lift off . Harrison, you've got two minutes, tops. Move!FMajor, Hall here. We need assistance. We're pinned down in Yard Four. 9Understood. Fall back to the LZ. We'll meet in the open. #Meet where? pinned down. ...copy?&I always wanted to drive one of these.!Where the hell did you come from?BI told you I'd pull your ass out of the fire, Duke. Where's Hall?.She's gone, Frosty, and Decker's badly burned.They were everywhere.-My motion tracker can read life signs, right?Sure.gListen, you heard Hall's briefing. These things are parasites. They need hosts. They'll want her alive.-Hall's toast. Let's get the hell out of here.$He's right, Frosty. She's gone, man.Jones, fix this. Now. uYour gear is live, man. Just follow the bouncing ball at the top of your motion tracker. If you lose it, turn around.Frosty, this is suicide.iI'm not leaving without her. If our data's right, they'll take her for incubation. That's their weakness.Not much of a weakness.I'll take what I can get.Collateral Damage.Date: January 6, 2231. Time: 6:55 a.m. Incident +6 weeks, 1.75 hours. Mission Time: +1.75 hours. Location: Road system leading from the Primary Complex to the Forward Observation Pods.What the hell is going on?&No response, sir. The gate won't open.UWell, get out there and do something about it. Deploy. I want a defensive perimeter. 1I don't think - open sesame - is gonna work, sir.)How about we use Duke as a battering ram?-Just get that door open. We're sitting ducks.I'll go.LYou got more balls than brains, son. Exactly what this assignment calls for.All right, I got an update. Mother can't override the access codes as long as the tunnel security system remains online. So we're gonna have to do this the hard way.4The tunnels are divided into sections by containment areas - short tunnels gated on either end, similar to an airlock. With the security system active, only one gate in a section can be opened at a time. Mother thinks a single Marine on foot could allow an APC to move through the tunnels section by section.Harrison, I'm gonna need you to find the primary control terminal and shut it down. It should be just past tunnel section four.YRed Team, you're with me in the APC. Harrison, you just find those gate overrides and keep your head down. I don't want any heroics. Understood? Good. Beta Section waits here. Once we bring down the security grid, Mother can operate the gates remotely and let you through. In the meantime, keep a tight perimeter and use both APCs for support. SAll right, let's give him some covering fire. Ichiro, Luis, get out there and help.8We're in Section 2. Watch your back. It's gonna get hot.&Hey, Major, we got a contingency plan?"You wanna take over for him, Duke?I didn't say nothing.All right, Harrison, open containment area two. Once we're through, you're on your own until you activate the gate on the other side.6Carter, Mulder, Quaid - you're up. Head for section 4.What's going on, Major?@Mother says the Weyland-Yutani schematics lacked pertinent data. Which means?`Put it this way, if there are survivors at the Pods, their situation just got a whole lot worse. Betrayal.Date: January 6, 2231. Time: 9:40 p.m. Incident +6 weeks, 16.50 hours Mission time: +16.50 hours. Location: Forward Observation Pods.ALooks like the Pods are intact. I'm seeing survivors at the base.4Gentlemen, welcome to the Forward Observation Pods. You took down our defense grid. YYour corporation decided we didn't need the complete details of your security protocols. /We made alterations. You can never be too safe.WApparently you can. Regardless, my men are ready to deploy immediately, if necessary. RYou are too late. We have repaired what can be repaired. Six of my men died today.I'm sorry to hear that. But the situation is contained?We're still assessing the situation. The Pods are intact, but we have teams in the field for biological and archeological research. $Even after what happened to the POC?This facility is self-contained. With security running properly, we're perfectly safe. Besides, we've wired the tunnels with charges. We can seal them remotely in case of contamination. JThree teams still haven't reported. You may have killed more than we know.)We'll do whatever we can to get them out.We should move inside.oIsolate the Marines' communication channels. We don't want them asking embarrassing questions of Pod personnel.You've prepared the rosters? Yes, General.!Will it hold up to investigation?jWithout bodies, who can prove where they died, in the tunnels as we'll claim or six weeks ago in the POC? We do what we must. Go then.>I'd like to re-establish our communication link with the POC. BI'm afraid the landline was severed when the facility was overrun.We've set up a booster transmitter in the tunnels. With your permission, my soldiers can modify your software to utilize our transmitter. Of course. DIf you could lend us a terminal, Harrison here can perform the work.cTechnician Stiles. Please take this gentleman to the control deck. Assist him in any way necessary.System Access Console 872Access transmission protocols.HAccess denied. General transmission protocols require Alpha 1 clearance.'Access landline transmission protocols.Access granted. 9Reset primary transport route to V.290 booster protocol. Resetting... Override access authorized. Incoming message. Rosters have been altered. Scientists already dead. Your team is in ...2Fatal data fault. Terminal Failure. Shutting Down.HWhat the hell? I'm having trouble accessing the transmission protocols. Hey. You startled me.vI believe we have a problem in the transmission line. You'll need to interface with the root system. Please follow me.;It would take a cunning man to disable our security system.AYeah, well, that was Mother, not me. I was just following orders.I like brave men.Really?Men like my fiance, Dimetri.(Your fiance? Man, my luck never changes.WDon't worry. He is gone. He was outside the Pods when the system went down. A casualty.Oh. --- I'm sorry to hear that.3Yes. Of course, I understand. I will be there soon.I only wish he were dead.9It's been a while since we've seen new blood around here.What? Where am I?6You just come out of cold sleep? What are you in for?Huh?!What crime were you convicted of? I'm not a convict. I'm a Marine. Sure you are. And I'm innocent. I've got to get out of here.=Attention security. Please escort Convict #16 to Prep Room B.dThat's you. Boy, you must've really pissed somebody off. Out of the freezer and into the frying pan.8It's too bad we didn't have more time to get acquainted.Yeah, I'm heartbroken too.No sedative for this one.4Yeah. Okay. Want me to let you know when it's done?+No need. I will be in the observation room.:The guard's alone. Idiots. They're getting sloppy lately.&Must have their minds on other things.Their mistake.>I don't know what you did, but you made yourself some enemies.fListen, I'm a Marine. Contact my commander, Major McCain. Get him down here. He'll tell you who I am.8I'm a ballerina! I have to get back to my ballet school. Shut up, Reiser. You, let's go.Just contact McCain!Don't even think about it. Oh, crap.Yes, coming along nicely.wTesting pheromone sample four one five. Sample collected during specimen foray number forty. Introducing pheromone now.9Specimen reacts with increased hostility and aggression. Reducing pheromone now.You're trembling.I don't like these things.You shouldn't. They're killers.That's not helping, Karl.0I think I'm just gonna go sit down for a minute.7They can smell you, you know. You can't hide from them.Karl!6You have to admire them, in a frightening sort of way.Oh my God. Security! Security!We've got a loose specimen.!Containment! We need containment!EGet your hand off the alarm, you idiot. We've got to get out of here. I can't move.)You two. In the corner. I'll handle this.#Hell with that! Get this door open.*Soldier, in thirty seconds you'll be dead.What?See that security camera over the door? I've rerouted the feed so only I can see you, but if I keep it this way for very long, someone's bound to notice. Who are you?I need you to get me a package.)I'm a Marine, not a delivery boy. Why me?Because you have half a chance of getting it. I had to ditch it where I knew they wouldn't look, but I can't get back there. So you're going. Once you have my package, we'll talk about your team.'I don't negotiate with corporate spies.GI'm not negotiating. Implantation lab number two. Down the belt, buddy.Watch your step."That's an egg pit in front of you.The eggs are stored in stasis pools. Just don't get too close or they may wake up. The door across from you leads to another egg chamber. There's an override panel there you can use to disable the power. When they send someone to investigate, you can get out.You know how to swim, right?$It must be Kenji. This is his style.4The transmissions have stopped. I can't triangulate.;It's strange. He's been quiet since the incident, now this.3Spies are like fleas. Hard to find, harder to kill.Okay, I'm here. NKenji, you watching? You better be. Otherwise, I'm waving at my executioner. Hello?What did you just call me?ESecurity's trying to triangulate our signals. They called you Kenji. iBy the way, don't stand and wave in front of security cameras. Never know when I'm gonna get interrupted. Yes, sir.SThere's a stack of discs in the second drawer to the left. Grab the sixth one down.Got it. oGive me the package. I'll meet you near the exit lift. Once we make the trade, I'll help you find your friends.I don't like it.I don't care. Take or leave it.Medical teams please report. Operation Savior is now at yellow status. All Marine personnel report to Major McCain for rescue briefings.Weyland-Yutani Security Dossier Name: General Vassili Rykov. Date of Birth: Possible position: Head of security, Xenomorph Observational Facility. Risk Summary: General Rykov was severely injured while leading a search-and-rescue mission at a WY facility on Korari 2. He was the only survivor. During the ensuing investigation, Rykov claimed that an invisible extraterrestrial massacred his team. The military tribunal did not believe this story, but neither did they find any specific misconduct. Rykov was honorably discharged, a decision that was widely criticized as too lenient. After this, his history becomes murky. The records indicate that he sustained severe spinal injuries, so his current health can be considered either miraculous or the result of neuro-regenerative therapy. In the latter case, he would still require daily doses of Sededrine, an illegal narcotic known for toxic and psychological side effects. In any case, his recent behavior is suspect. While his mercenary missions have no doubt been effective, they have been accompanied by accusations of excessive brutality and corruption. Additional, unconfirmed reports charge Rykov with weapon smuggling and industrial espionage. Given this history, he could prove vulnerable to blackmail and extortion, making him a weak security link. We strongly recommend against his employment at the Xenomorph Observation Facility in any capacity, but especially as Chief of Security.)October 6, 2110. New Brazil Renowned geneticist Dr. Arnaud Eisenberg today announced a new enterprise focused on the eradication of disease through genetic alteration. Although Dr. Eisenberg described the scope of this enterprise as - ambitious - and -groundbreaking, - details remain somewhat sketchy, leaving many in the scientific community skeptical. He's got funding and support, remarked Dr. Carlton Chambers, also an expert in the field of biogenetics, but it's not clear he has much else. Today's press conference at the palatial Eisenberg estate near New Brazil marks the doctor's first public appearance in almost four years, ending months of speculation about his whereabouts and well-being. Unconfirmed reports had placed him at the center of an interplanetary expedition from which he allegedly returned in cold sleep, barely alive and badly burned from an industrial accident. The family's publicists have vehemently denied these and similar rumors, but perhaps the most convincing case can be made by the doctor's excellent health. When asked about his long silence, Dr. Eisenberg said, I've been busy. Dr. Eisenberg is the son of Dr. Ernest Eisenberg and great grandson of Tomas Eisenberg, developer of the first cybernetic organism. The project is being financed by the Weyland-Yutani Corporation. Security breached on Implantation Deck 3. Containment teams to their stations. This is not a drill. Security Omega is now in effect. Repeat. This is not a drill.Get back to your post. .We have a problem. I can't meet you right now.Who the hell are you?Oh crap.You're a girl?Shitty software.Well, hello there.Don't even start with me.A Long Detour.Date: January 6, 2231. Time: 11:10 p.m. Incident +6 weeks, 18.00 hours Mission time: +18.00 hours. Location: Remnants of the outer POC. LV-1201.&Who are you? Who authorized this lift?-Rescue team. I'm supposed to join the others.UToo late. We've sealed the tunnels. That's SOP before we open anything near the Hive.*Who are you? Where's your identification? Right here.*Hey, Harrison. Slow down. I've got a plan.What the hell is the Hive?Exactly what it sounds like.Is that where my team's headed?Looks that way. But why?2Just get me into the tunnels. I have to warn them.5The tunnels are sealed. There's no way in from here. There's got to be a way. Find a shovel and start digging.All right. Then get me back to the POC. White Team is there. I bet eight heavily armed Marines and a dropship can find a way inside.Price of Admission.hOkay... So why here? Seems like a funny place for an Assemblyman's daughter to take a summer internship.zMy brother... He died while he was stationed here. Accidental death, according to the report. Eisenberg signed it himself. I'm sorry.?My brother was a very meticulous man. He didn't make mistakes. Everybody makes mistakes.-Maybe so, but he was murdered. I have proof. Is that what I'm carrying?Among other things. Kenji's research centered on genetic modification: human genetics. They used convicts mainly. Pretty sick stuff. It's this place. It brings out the worst in you. I should have stopped him from ever coming here..Sometimes you just can't hold on tight enough. You okay?$Huh? Oh, just remembering something.Date: January 7, 2231. Time: 12:10 a.m. Incident +6 weeks, 19.00 hours. Mission time: +19.00 hours. Location: Primary Operations Complex, Secured Zone.1Team 1, reporting. The transmitter is positioned.Activating transmitter now.2I have a signal, sir. Very strong and very close. All right, let's move.I set those charges right.I don't like this one bit.6It wasn't an accident, man. Rykov's leaving us to die.8You picked a hell of a time to be right about something. Loose ends.Date: January 7, 2231. Time: 1:25 a.m. Incident +6 weeks, 20.25 hours. Mission time: +20.25 hours. Location: Primary Operations Complex. White Team Operation Zone. LV-1201..Harrison. Listen to me. You're not safe there.=If you override the security system, I can contact your ship.I'm contacting the Verloc now.8Get yourself out of there. We'll pick you up on the way.Savior.Date: January 7, 2231. Time: 2:40 a.m. Incident +6 weeks, 21.50 hours. Mission time: +21.50 hours. Location: Airborne, en route to the Hive.Have you got her back yet?UMother's getting a data stream, but we're having problems with the voice. Who is she?Just get her online, okay?+I've got her signal, Frosty, but it's weak.Tomiko?|I've done a little research. I'll feed you the coordinates of a viable entry site. It's your best bet for finding your team.ZMother says the schematics show an emergency landing bay near the Pods. Can you get there?1I'm still uploading. Get your team. Then get me. I'm coming back for you, Tomiko. You'd better.*You should have a visual in a few minutes.!You've got an escape plan, right?Yeah. Down the main lift, across the canyon floor, through a gate and up an elevator to the auxiliary landing bay. I can get there in ten minutes. Ten minutes?Easy. Once you start down, I'm taking her up to a safe altitude. I'll be circling above, and come back for you when you make it topside again. Tomiko is going to feed you information as long as the signal holds. We're trapped. I'm out of ammo.Stay away from the entrance.6Make for the labs. Get me a connection to Tomiko. Now. Are you okay! We did it. We're coming for you.%You'll pass on the data to my father?4You can give it to him yourself. We're airborne now.Get clear then. Hurry.*What are you talking about? I'm on my way! No time. #Don't give up, Tomiko. You hear me?7They're not going to save this place. I won't let them.4Whatever you're doing, stop. Get to the landing bay.What's your first name, anyway?Andrew.Take care, Andrew. Tomiko out.Tomiko! Tomiko! 9I'm reading power spikes off the scale. Hold on everyone.Johnson, the labs. They're gone!Tomiko.Date: July 3, 2211. Time: 22:03 p.m. Nineteen years before the Incident. Location: Korari, jungle planet. Weyland-Yutani research facility. Weapons division.7Move! Move! Sarge is gone! Butler's history! Fall back!/Fall back where, man? Where the hell's Rykov?!?IHe's gotta be around here somewhere. Life signs are weak, but he's alive.We need a medevac, now!Nineteen years later. #You're overdue for your medication.*It slows the mind. I wish to be effective.Pain won't make you effective.PGeneral Rykov! I've picked it up again. Definitely some sort of thermal anomaly.Meteor?ENo, sir. It's slowing down. Sir, it's changing course. Zeta region. We have remote monitors there.Good. I want visuals.Hunt.Date: December 1, 2230. Time: 9:08 a.m. Incident: +6 days, 4 hour. Hunt: +4:00 hours. Location: Canyons. 3km south of the Forward Observation Pods.My God.!Ivan, call the containment teams. Yes, sir.FCorrelating images now. General, records indicate an unknown species. I know this species.pSir, they probably don't even know we're here. Are you sure it's smart to send a team? We're sorely undermanned.)We will be more so if they find us first.October 15 We have arrived. I'll refer to Earth-dated notation for these logs although days here run short, while nights feel interminable. The air is thin. Just walking around causes our people to strain. We've set up base camp in the broken lands south of the Hive. The synthetics have cleared the foliage and are currently adding a minefield and sentry gun emplacements. As I argued so often to the funding committee, human ingenuity conquers all.November 7 The Hive appears dormant. The remote rover has found evidence of the Xenomorph, but no active specimens. I have ordered the synths to begin explorations. There is much evidence of the carrier species. We call them - Pilots, - for lack of a better name. Unexplained structures jut from the earth, and mysterious shafts vanish deep underground, all exhibiting the distinctive architecture of the ship from LV426. Although these archaeological remnants come as little surprise-we followed the ship's flight telemetry here, after all-I find it all a bit unnerving. Still, I shouldn't complain. It guarantees additional funding for the project. 11.15 The synths have caught glimpses of Aliens smaller than those observed on LV426. I have named them Runners. They stray great distances from the Hive, especially at night. We are careful to return to the observation posts as a precaution, but they appear uninterested in us. They seem to be looking for something. The Hive itself remains dormant. I believe this dormancy may be tied to the severe climatic conditions. Our initial analysis of the flora seems to corroborate this theory. But what are they waiting for? Cooler temperatures? Increased humidity? Or is it something else?December 25 The Runners remain a cipher. Yesterday afternoon, they abruptly attacked Weller, but have since returned to their prior disinterest in us. The attack may have been prompted by his proximity to the Hive. In any case, his death is a grim reminder not to let down our guard. From our remote probes, I have found that Runner activity appears linked to an increase in pheromone discharge from the Hive walls along with extremely high-frequency sound waves. Perhaps the covered cranium of the Alien may operate as a resonance chamber: boosting, receiving and transmitting their ultrasonic communications. If this is so, the Runners would be required to remain close to the Hive in order to maintain their contact. If they ventured beyond this range, or if I could somehow block the Hive's communication, it might be possible to replace their orders with some of my own. An entertaining theory, at least. Yet I wonder, who commands them?$December 12 The horebush bloomed today. If my theories are correct, this means an end to dormancy. McCulloch, our security chief, insists that we must withdraw to a safer vantage. Nonsense, I say. We are here to observe and collect data. We must witness the transformation. December 14 McCulloch is having fits. He has found a device, very advanced technology, yet stylized with a tribal flair. It does not match the Pilot species. In fact, McCulloch thinks it is recent, less than a decade old. It appears to be a weapon. Of course, he's now terrified. I've tried to convince him what a tremendous opportunity this is. After all, we came to learn. Still, we will limit our risks. Radio traffic is being kept to a minimum and we shall camouflage as best we can. Better we spot them than they spot us.CJanuary 1 Happy New Year. The Hive is awake. We are stranded. Last night, our perimeter defenses were interrupted by the most severe storm we've seen thus far. It was as if they knew, for within minutes, their drones swept through our encampment, slaughtering everyone in their path and crippling our dropship. McCulloch is gone. For what it's worth, he was brave at the end. There are seventeen of us left, holed up inside Observation Post 2. If we stretch our rations, particularly the water, the supplies should last four or five days. By then, we'll have to break for OP3, toward the Hive. I estimate its remaining stores will buy us about a week. OP4 should hold us for an additional month. That means two months without food before the next supply ship is due. If we can reach all of the observation posts, we might survive.January 5 We had to give up on OP3 today. Adams slipped and Green stopped to help her. We all feel guilty, but what could we have done except die with them? Besides, although no one has said it, there's now more food for the rest of us. I've told them that if we can hold out eight weeks, we'll probably be saved. It's a lie, but at least it keeps them together. The last thing we need is to start turning on each other. We'll try for OP3 again tomorrow.January 10 End of the line. We made the run without a single casualty, but we're all as good as dead. We have nowhere else to go. Not enough food, but more importantly, not enough water. Observation Post 4 has been overrun. The camera link shows it awash with Aliens. They swarm around the place, right up and over the emergency food stores. They seem to be taunting us. Is it that? Do they know we can see them? They don't understand how resourceful we humans can be. Or at least how resourceful I can be. I will not starve.Trap.Date: December 1, 2230. Time: 5:13 p.m. Incident: +6 days, 12 hours. Hunt: +12.00 hours. Location: Canyons. 3km south of the Forward Observation Pods.%Stay lively. More hostiles possible. Clear. I'm seeing all clear."I've got motion. I've got motion. Open fire!YBravo team reporting targets down. Two contained. Tell the Doctor the EMPs are a success.SLoad cargo for immediate evacuation. Please confirm number of contained specimens.-Two confirmed. Request shift to status green.fNegative, soldier. Status is still Red. We have no positive headcount. Stay sharp. Commence search. "Roger. Okay, boys, search by twos.LBravo team. Abort that order. Pull back immediately. Surprise has been lost. You got that?;Roger. Let's go. Fall back by squads to the APCs. Move it.PBravo team to base, hostile fire confirmed. We've lost contact with Alpha team. 1Pull back, Bravo. Get the specimens out of there.It's out there. It's coming."Are you insane? Get your ass down.MWe've got enough firepower to level a small village. I'm going to enjoy this. Interloper.Date: December 1, 2230. Time: 11:15 p.m. Incident: +6 days, 18 hours. Hunt: +18.00 hours. Location: Beneath the Forward Observation Pods.8Control, this is lift op #1. We're secured. Take her up.I thought you were third shift.Farley's on sick leave.He looked fine yesterday.He was fine yesterday. The idiot got into a pissing contest with one of Rykov's men. Crazy Russian bastard broke both his arms, barehanded. Right in front of a security camera.}Why does the Corporation even bother with mercenaries? We can handle this situation on our own. We're trained professionals. rMy brother works for the news net. He says the Corporation has special teams for problem solving. I don't remember all the names, but the Iron Bears definitely came up. They've been accused of kidnappings, assassinations, mass murders... you name it. There's a joke that the only problem with sending the Bears to educate a town is that afterward, there's no more town. 5Poor Farley. Well, at least they caught it on camera.Like that matters. Ain't fair.1You got that right. I'm stuck with double shifts!Send up the lift.Roger.>Dr. Thomas, please report to Pod One for Predator examination.Medical supplies have been loaded. Security personnel please perform visual inspection and release elevator for transit to main storage.1Vehicle bay elevator all clear for transit, over.I swear! That's what she said.%Man. Well, I'm sure glad I'm not you.8Medical supplies ready for offloading into main storage.NI signed onto this operation as security, not as some half-assed longshoreman.3You couldn't be the pimple on a longshoreman's ass.What's that supposed to mean? sI don't know. My uncle used to say it to me when I was a kid. Then he'd punch me in the shoulder to see if I'd cry.!There's something wrong with you.>Clear the elevator immediately. Elevator required on level 24.We better get going.I heard they couldn't even see what attacked them. I talked to a guy that was in the APC. He said all of a sudden this one soldier gets lifted in the air and whack, off with his head.Shut up.And another... Shut up! Okay. Fine.Cease fire. Cease fire.Movement. Over there. Fire. Stop firing! I think you are lost, my friend.6Twenty years in my nightmares. You have much to repay.I will keep this as a trophy.Your medication.Not yet.+Sir, that's three. We're safe then, right? /We're safe. For now. But there may be others.Unexpected Allies.Date: January 6, 2231. Time: 10:22 p.m. Incident: +6 weeks, 17.25 hours. Hunt: +5 weeks, 1 day, 17.00 hours. Location: Inside the Pods.Extremely advanced. Compact refractive lens for adjustable field of focus. Real-time optical filtering and amplification. Directional microphone.iI don't understand how this race could have missed our SETI transmissions. They're so obviously advanced.iMaybe they ignored them. This carving here is interesting. It matches the artifacts from the Zeta site. !Rykov thinks they're hunting us. I pulled some news net files on him. Did you know he was a Marine? He was honorably discharged after a search-and-rescue mission went bad on Korari. Everyone else died. He suffered multiple fractures along the spinal cord. The pictures show him chair bound. $That can't be right. He walks fine. wYou've heard of synthetic nerve adaptation? It's an experimental surgical technique that WY pushed about ten years ago.I thought it failed.Not exactly. The initial tests went well. Long term, though, the host rejected the adapted ganglia. Infections, swelling. Very painful. And even in the best case, the adapted nerves generated false memory, false stimulation.So?&Shadow pain. Burning and stabbing sensations mainly. On top of which, the host required daily medication: heavy unapproved drugs. That's what brought the project down in the end. They could repair nerves, but at a price the public wouldn't pay. Long-term liver damage and addiction to opiates. So you're saying... $So if I turn these two valves, boom? That's right.I don't believe you.*It's true. I'm going to make that shit up?1Come on, who would design something that stupid? nIt's a jury-rigged system we salvaged from Pod 5. Turn one. Fine. Turn the other? Fine. You turn both? Blammo.Man.,Remarkable. Look closely at this blade edge.$Magnetically suspended monofilament?*Whatever it is, it can cut through steel. Medical teams please report. Operation Savior is now at yellow status. All Marine personnel report to Major McCain for rescue briefings.{I've limited all communications with the rescue teams to our secured protocol. The Marines can talk only to those you wish.They accepted your explanation?$They take orders like good soldiers.Then it is time. Contact the Verloc. Get a dropship down to the auxiliary landing pad. They'll need telemetry, but otherwise, say as little as possible. Understood. Fire alarms.'I don't like it. Too much coincidence. 'Assume the worst, then. Shoot on sight.Red alert. Security teams to energy labs. Positive identification of humanoid extraterrestrial confirmed. Repeat. The Predator has been sighted on energy deck #2.The hunter is missing. Set up a perimeter around the cliffs. If it reaches the heights, it will alert its companions. Prepare the rest of the team for evacuation from the auxiliary site. The creature may have escaped the Pods already. Either way, we have little time. Yes, sir.bI want no heroes. That is an order. Do not fight the creature alone. Isolate it and radio for aid.Your teams still aren't in position. I won't stand for insubordination, General Rykov. Or perhaps you didn't understand my orders? I understood.HThe news nets would be very interested in your dossier. Don't you think?xBlackmail can buy my silence, but not the lives of my men. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have other matters to attend to.&He's through the net. Out of the pods.#Forgive me. It is weak, disgusting.*Perhaps this is punishment. So many lives.PIt was my responsibility. I should have taken greater precautions with the egg. You were following orders. Old Debts.Date: January 6, 2231. Time: 11:25 p.m. Incident: +6 weeks, 18.25 hours. Hunt: +5 weeks, 1 day, 18 hours. Location: Canyons beside the Pods leading to the canyon heights.Ivan has not reported?No, sir.He was a good man.He may not be dead.iDamn it. My medicine! Cheating black market. The latest stuff is shit. Each batch is worse than the last.LIt is the adrenaline, General. It breaks down the doses. I will get another.%No. It will dull me. I must be sharp.{General! I have a signal, but not one of yours. The frequencies and modulations are all wrong. It could be encrypted, sir.8Pull out the team. I will buy you as much time as I can.)How will you find the Predators, General?They will find me. New Target.Date: January 7, 2231. Time: 1:50 a.m. Incident: +6 weeks, 20.50 hours. Hunt: +5 weeks, 1 day, 20.50 hours. Location: Tunnels leading from abandoned landing to Hive entrance.The excavation is still a go?BThat's the orders. If anything, they seem to be in more of a rush.SI thought I heard something about a large-scale collection op. I saw combat synths. The Doctor runs a big operation.5There's rumors of casualties. Explosions in the Pods.You been here all day, right?Yeah?3So don't ask so many questions. You'll feel better.Pod three hull compromised. They're at the labs already.So much for going home again.Better than to die in Russia.Yes. Better than that.?You notice the Marines have been kept away from the rest of us?I don't ask questions.>What about that explosion at the labs? Any idea what happened?0We should never have gone after those creatures. What? I thought you got 'em all.Who told you that? I was in the containment team on the lead APC. We were the ones that made it back. Those things are like ghosts. If I didn't have my tracker, I wouldn't have believed they were there. Then boom, the EMP charges go off and suddenly, they just appeared out of nowhere.Man.bUp on the cliff, I saw two guards from Alpha company. Shit. That just shouldn't happen to people.+Never mind. I was just making conversation.2Do it while you can. We're all going to die. Soon.Sir, your medication."It is nothing. Watch the tracker.What are they?1They are sadistic. Like children hunting insects.Motion!Go now.&No sir, we will not leave you to die. GDon't worry Chekov, I have my own battle to fight. Be well, my friend. Yes, General.%I have something that belongs to you.Trophy.Date: January 7, 2231. Time: 2:36 a.m. Incident: +6 weeks, 21.33 hours. Hunt: +5 weeks, 1 day, 21.33 hours. Location: Hive entrance.>Yuri! Igor! Vladimir! Ice team, copy! Security control, copy!=Does your race ever tire? Or does the hunt give you strength?lI've met your kind before. You could not kill me. I have seen you without your mask. I am not afraid of you.eDo you hear that? The bugs are coming for us. My gear will protect me. I cannot say the same for you.!Come, hunter. Let us finish this.You did what you could.Remote transmission acquired. Boosting for outgoing dispatch. Routing now. .... .... .... The mule has been acquired. Package is en route. .... ETA: Unknown ... Mission Complete. ... Extraction required. Priority status. ,Warning. Contaminant detected in cargo hold.Ross, wait up./I'm gonna grab something to eat. Want anything?Coffee sounds good.All right. Be right back.&Actually, hold on, I'll come with you.Felt like a little exercise?-Huh? Oh, just got the creeps all of a sudden.Happens to me all the time.When's your tour up? Five months.That's not too bad.%I'm thinking about doing another one. Yeah, right.It's hard to beat the money."Just don't forget it's hazard pay.How's it going, Toby?KEither of you remember the name of that auditor that was in here last week?The one with the nice ass?Why, you in love or something?CI'm supposed to review her report, but she hasn't sent it over yet.Wasn't it Sanchez?I think it was Sandoval.Sanchez sounds right. I'm pretty sure it was Sandoval.I'll try both. Ask her if she's dating anybody. This the one?Yup.This thing's fried.Yup.So what's next?MWe should probably check up on the motion tracker out by vehicle maintenance.Stark fixed that this morning.Did he?Yup.MAll right, then I guess we can start inspecting the lifts down on sublevel 2.Ah, man.Beats unclogging chem toilets.You going on duty?Yeah.#Hold up a sec. Let me grab my coat.nLooks like another storm's coming in. Call over to animal storage and tell 'em to get those containers inside.Mink's already on his way over. Even better.That's the last one.Where the hell is Cisco?No idea.He's fifteen minutes late.I'm sure he'll show up soon. He better.I gotta get back to work.!All right, I'll see you tomorrow.Bad weather for recon.,That's the only kind of weather we got here.No way. We got bad and worse.Is that you, Stone?Oh God.`Wow, we got a complete shipment for a change. In the morning, I want you to prep the new hosts.5Sure thing. You gonna start with the monkeys or dogs?Monkeys.All right, I'll do them first.#Yeah, I'm gonna make another sweep.*Okay, I'll check in when I finish level 1.2Sounds like something's going on in the mess hall.I'll check it out.(Stay put. Containment team's on its way.%It's not a bug - a xenomorph - is it?Not sure yet. Watch your back.#Where's that damn containment team?They're not responding.What the hell's going on?=I wish I knew. They just found another body in landing bay 2. Who was it?QNot sure yet. Whatever got to him ripped out his spinal column and took his head.<Warning, xenomorph specimen container fail safes overridden. Hurry up.I know. I mean it.I know! What's wrong?$Some specimens got loose on level 2.You've gotta be kidding.Just stay sharp.Watch those vents! Yes, sir!What the hell was that?I've got movement! Keep your eyes open! It's close! Where is it?Must be in the ceiling! It's heading for the substation!Hearst! What's going on?(We lost it. It must be heading your way."Hearst, come in! Hearst! Damn it.Sector 4 secure!-Hold there. A containment team is on its way. Movement!Where? Right on us.It must be in the vents! Where is it?Should be headed your way.What?!? Make sure it doesn't get by you!QIf you guys haven't been able to stop it so far, what are you expecting ME to do?OJust deal with it. We've got bigger problems. Davis, look out! What the hell? Here it comes!Seal the doors!:We're still tracking at least three separate contaminants.?No wonder the specimens in the Artificial Hive are so agitated.hWe should probably liquidate them and cut our losses. If those things get loose, there goes another Pod.2I'll see if I can get the chief to sign off on it.Warning, Xenomorph contaminants confirmed. Please remain in your quarters with doors locked until further notice. All deck officers have been issued pulse rifles. Report any problems immediately. We got one!Where?"We cornered it in a supply closet. Just stay alert. It's not alone."Steve, wake up. We've got trouble.fThe chief of security wants to purge the artificial Hive. The specimens have become extremely violent. How violent?>Three sacrifices so far. They're trying to burn their way out.%Damn it. All right. Get rid of them.$Two teams still haven't reported in.LIf we don't isolate this bastard quick, I'm gonna give the evacuation order.)I don't think Eisenberg will go for that.I'm not gonna ask him.What's your status there?Nothing to report.Send a containment team, now!8Secure those samples and let's get the hell out of here.This is the last one.Purge them! Now!9I need authorization from Dr. Timmins. I can't reach him./That's because he's dead. Now fry those things!/Warning, Artificial Hive integrity compromised.BSeal that door! We've got to keep them away from the defense grid.8Hurry up and set those charges! We don't have much time._Okay, that's the last one. All teams fall back to your designated zones. Let's make some noise.Where's squad 2?We've lost contact.2Alert the extraction team. The door is NOT closed!PAll squads, expect uninvited company. Use your motion trackers and STAY FOCUSED.+Extraction team has just entered sector 16.9All right, we're closing up shop. See you on the surface.1What the hell is going on? I can't reach anybody.Assume the worst.Charlie, I got movement!Where?Heading right for us.MEllis, extraction team is headed your way. We're packing up and clearing out.Copy. Good luck, Frank.>Squad 12, fall back to my position. We're getting out of here.!Fan out. Let's find this bastard.&Extraction team approaching sector 24.!Are those sentry guns online yet?Activating now. Movement! Which way?There!Heads up, people.Kill it.It's in the vents!qAttention all personnel. There is a Xenomorph loose beneath the landing pad. Do NOT let it near the control room.!Warning. Weather station offline. Warning. Landing beacon offline.(The dropship is en route. ETA 5 minutes.The dropship is 2 minutes out.The dropship is 1 minute out.OWhat's going on down there? We just lost the data feed from the weather system!"You'll have to make do without it.Where's the landing beacon?!?Pull up! PULL UP!!!-The energy surge came from this general area.I'm not reading anything now.8Well, there was definitely something here very recently.4Blake, Fischer, check out that old observation post. Yes, sir. Nothing, sir.%If something was here, it's gone now.-I'm gonna take another reading, just in case.ZThere's definitely something anomalous in this area. A low-level power stream, very faint.Double check your scanner.KThe equipment's working just fine. I'm telling you, there's something here.(You guys do another sweep, just in case.Hold on a second.I think it's in the trees.<What the hell's going on? We just lost contact with Group 2.6I don't know! All squads, proceed to rendezvous point. Movement!Where?From that cave.Hold your positions.What the hell is that?8We can't raise the survey team on the emergency channel.MKeep trying. We need to evacuate those people ASAP. Something big's going on.%We're approaching their position now.PUse your motion trackers and search by teams. We need to find this bastard fast..Target confirmed! Get me some friggin' backup!Use your EMP grenades!Sir, I got something!Watch for it in the trees!9All right, it's heading our way. Snipers, shoot on sight.Hurry up with that thing. Almost done.$That thing could show up any minute.I'm working as fast as I can./Yes, sir, we believe it's inside the perimeter.WRykov says not to take any chances. If you spot it, kill it. It's after its companions.It's on the lift!Form up!It's on level two! Over here!We've shut down the main lift! All right, close in! Over there! How the hell did it get up here?I can't raise Morris. He's dead.;God damn it! It's one friggin' contaminant, for God's sake!4Yeah, and it's headed this way. Let's check in here.We got a problem.*Control, send a containment team to Lab 2.GNegative. In case you haven't noticed, we're in the middle of a crisis.*Yeah? Well, it just got a whole lot worse.What's the situation there?<I'm not going anywhere till that containment team gets here. Anything?Not yet.Just stay alert. Don't worry.We're in trouble, aren't we?:We've been in trouble the whole time. It's just worse now.This is Hotchkins. All clear. Copy. Keep your eyes open, guys.!The sentry guns are all in place.)What about the reinforcements from Pod 2?Yes, sir. They're in place.3Good. If that thing gets out, we're in big trouble.Understood, sir.What's taking so long? Patience.1Just hurry it up. This place gives me the creeps.LStation six is reporting a breach. Let's double up on patrols, just in case.Harrison, run a bypass.I got movement!Where?Behind us. Multiple targets.'Harrison, scout ahead. We'll cover you. Harrison?!+What the hell was that? Harrison, you copy?Blackwell, report!1There was an explosion. I think we lost Harrison.UNegative, I'm still reading normal life signs. Maybe his transmitter got knocked out.6Sir, there's no way we're getting through this rubble.Understood. Fall back to the LZ. Harrison, if you can hear me, head for the POC and get the power online or we're in big trouble.uMajor McCain, we've reached the southeast entrance. Doesn't look like anybody's home... Security systems are offline.MWe're picking up some scattered energy sources... probably emergency backups.0Still no response on the emergency channel, sir.-Keep trying. Hall, proceed to the power core. Yes, sir.IAll right, we're airborne. Harrison, I hope to God you're still on track. Major, we're at the power core. How's it look?$Okay. Duke is restarting the system.Looks like the whole system was shut off, so once the main grid is online, we'll still have to reset the local relays to get the lights back on in each sector.cWhen you're finished there, find a landing bay and get the systems online so we can land this bird.What about Harrison?#We have to assume he won't make it.GMajor, looks like the generator has been reset in the east landing bay.That's gotta be Harrison.'Frosty, get that landing beacon online.3There's the beacon. All right, hold onto something.aShugi, Blackwell, this dropship is our lifeline. Don't let anything get near it. Am I understood? Yes, sir!9Harrison, we're dusting off. Rendezvous with Hall's team.jYour transmitter's shot, but looks like your camera feed is working. We'll be monitoring you from the APC.KAccording to the schematics, you're heading toward the animal storage area.Frosty!2You're heading toward the main personnel quarters.Frosty, this is crazy. Look out!'Are you sure you want to go down there? I told you!NOW what are you doing?What in the hell...?Frosty, get out of there.What the hell is that?AA good reason to turn around. Come on, Harrison, give it up, man. We're getting some interference.$Don't get too close to those things.Watch your step, man.Jesus.Frosty, get out of there. Now.We're on our way.Check your six, Frosty!!Come on, Frosty! You can make it.I rigged up an IR lens for you, but it'll drain your battery quickly. You'll only be able to use it for short stretches. Don't rely on it too much.ALike this mission ain't stupid enough without equipment problems.(Deal with it, Duke. Harrison, good luck.Looking good, Frosty.We're in business.Harrison, you're going to have to seal us in and then open the gate from the other side. Once we're through, we'll provide fire support.Good job, Harrison.Harrison, get that door open!'Maher, Stone, rendezvous with Harrison.=Damn it, this station is trashed. Luis, try to get it online.>It's no use. We've got to get to the security control station.7All right, marine. Now shut down that security console.!That's the first control station.=All right, you should be right near the next control station.)You're gonna have to find another way in.NLooks like there's a service tunnel that should take you to the main terminal. Head right.That's it. You're almost there.Okay, now straight up.PSir, we have reports of a Xenomorph still loose somewhere between level 5 and 7."Harrison, see if you can help out.&I'll direct you from the main console.%The last report came from this level.There.Look what you've done.Continue straight ahead. Bear left.IDamn, what's he doing there? All personnel were supposed to be evacuated!Down the ladder.The door on your right.Careful!What WAS that thing?YDown that corridor on your right. Bear left at the junction. It's at the end of the hall.(Containment team report to cell block C.eLike we don't have enough problems already. We still have a bug running around somewhere on level 12.God damn marines.8Pair off and search by twos. I want this guy found fast.There!He's in animal storage!"Be careful, looks like he's armed.He's in the vents!+Containment team report to specimen area 4.Attention, all personnel. A convict laborer has escaped from Detention Cellblock 4. He has killed several guards and one Marine. All other convict laborers have been recalled to detention. Any convict seen outside of detention should be considered armed and extremely dangerous.`I tried warning you when you patched into the communication grid. Guess you didn't get the hint.tSee that panel? It'll override the security lockdown. Unfortunately, it also shuts down the stasis for the egg pits.<Remember, the stasis fields are shut down, so run like hell./We just lost the stasis fields in the egg pits.0We oughta just dump this pod and cut our losses.WI sure as hell ain't leaving this room till they sound the all clear or the evac alert.The system isn't responding.Keep trying, God damn it!KTake the elevator up. You'll be able to get to the implant room from there.DDamn it. They've locked down the elevators. Can you hack that panel?PLooks like it's trying to get out of the Pod. It's heading toward the main lift.What about the bug?)They think it's near the artificial Hive.&Why haven't they purged the specimens?Hell if I know.DThere's an elevator, but you're going to need an ID badge to use it.6Head right, through those doors and across the bridge.pCheck the crew quarters. There's an emergency panel at the end of the hall. Override it and you can gain access.4Now take that elevator down to the implantation lab.;All right, looks like the elevators are back online. Hurry!9Uh oh. Something's wrong. You've got to get out of there.QThere's a maintenance passage behind those consoles. See if you can pry one open.(You've got to get out of that Pod. Fast!JThey've sealed the passageways. You're gonna have to do this the hard way.VThere are service hatches at either end of the skyway. You're going to have to go up. 0Looks like that one's sealed. Try the other end./Be careful. The wind's pretty strong out there.Head back across the skyway.1See that catwalk to your right. Follow it around.Try not to look down.mThere should be a hatch there. It'll drop you down into a backup lift. You can get to the surface from there.\Looks like you're just gonna have to hold onto that disk for me. Let's get you to your team.:That maintenance tunnel should connect to the landing bay.The signal's breaking up a bit.I'm losing you.Harrison, looks like you're going to have to reset the power relay to get that door open. It should be directly under your position. Look for a stairwell.7There it is. Get the power online and get out of there.Harrison. There's a hall off the second floor that should take you to a security station. Get there and you can get the sentry guns back online. That should make things a little easier.|Looks like you'll have to override the security lockdown. You should be able to do that at the security station off level 2.EI think I can override that door for you. Just give me a few seconds.What the hell was THAT? Almost there. Harrison...All the way downstairs. To your left.Harrison, hurry! Harrison!=I can't override the door. Look for another way out of there!Hurry!;You've got to get out of there before that thing finds you.The landing bay isn't far.#Oh God, get out of there, Harrison!Why have they stopped?Should be just up ahead!Up the stairs on the right. Oh my God.RLooks like the console's fried too. You're going to have to get to landing bay 3.Go through the landing bay.%The landing bay's back the other way.!Head for the APC doors below you.@Harrison, I'm picking up an energy surge just ahead. Be careful! Harrison? KHarrison, the signal's fluctuating. Find the comm center and get it online. That's it! Now reset the system.;There's a dropship inbound from the Verloc. ETA 15 minutes.2Make sure that landing bay is clear of xenomorphs.FThis is an old survey site. They abandoned it after the POC went down.These ruins are ancient. Tens of thousands of years old. They're powered by geothermal energy using incredibly sophisticated reactors. We haven't even begun to understand this technology.We know for sure that the bugs aren't indigenous to this planet, so whoever lived here must have been breeding them. Guess they ran into... complications.That portal is steam-powered. The turbines must be clogged. Follow the pipes and clear out whatever's obstructing the steam flow. That's it.One more to go.That should do it.'Should be just ahead now. You're close.4Great now what. Harrison? The signal's cutting out.I'm having trouble on my end.What the hell is that thing?Johnson, where are you?!Hold tight. I'm on my way.Duke, watch that ammo. Yes, sir.$Fly like you got a purpose, Johnson.You hear that?'That's an exosuit. Frosty, is that you?4Frosty, watch out, something big is coming your way.8Good to see you, Frosty. We're in a bit of a tight spot.They're still coming! God damn it!Stay focused, marines.Johnson?Right behind you, sir. How about a little fire support.Yes, sir. Heads up boys.Fire for effect!We'll secure this area.I gave you an order, marine!Harrison, I gave you an order! Harrison!VMajor McCain, one of my men is disobeying a direct order. Request permission to abort.@Permission granted. Hell of a time for discipline to break down.You have your orders, marine.%Find that security station, Harrison.Get to work, soldier.This is a bad idea, Harrison.-There isn't much time. You better get moving.Hurry it up, man.0Yeah, I'll tell your mother you died like a man.Good luck, Frosty.Get those doors open, marine.Better get going.We're in big trouble.Stop wasting time. Kill... me. Please...0Thanks for the help, sir. I'll secure this area.Good to see you, sir."Are we gonna get out of here, sir?Frosty, you made it!$I hope that dropship gets here soon.They're still coming!Stay focused, Frosty.#We've got to hold those things off!/Hurry up and get this APC refueled and rearmed! Oh God! No!Please, help me!9This is dropship one. What the hell is going on in there?We're under fire!(Dropship One, annihilate the cargo hold.Please repeat, over.Destroy the cargo hold. But sir...Now!What the hell is that?Something's on the roof! Holy shit! ?Dropship One, pull up immediately. Dropship One, report, over.,We think it got aboard Dropship One somehow.aSend a team to investigate the crash site. We cannot afford to let that monster get away from us.cYour team is critical to this operation! Get your men into position or I swear I'll have you shot.+I'm not an easy man to kill. Out of my way.What happened?sAfter I was rescued, the doctors said I couldn't survive, that I was too badly burned. They didn't know my father. What a mess.Carl!Doesn't sound like a bug.7I instructed you to have this shipment stowed by 09:30.8You also told us to expect 9 containers. We received 17.*I don't want to hear excuses. Get it done!Get the hell out of my way.Come, the hunt begins.]That's it, Harrison. Mother's connecting now. Keep your head down, son. We're coming through. Sorry, sir!KYou're not getting paid to daydream. Can't you find something useful to do? Yes, sir.That guy has issues.&No wonder he doesn't have any friends.=Is it necessary to stand right in the middle of the corridor?No, sir.Idiot.'Why aren't you men at your usual posts?Sir, Sergeant Cole said...;I don't care what Sergeant Cole said. This isn't your post. Yes, sir.8That's what I thought you said. Now get out of my sight.=Somebody get maintenance down here to fix this frickin' door.yCargo vessel Aurora, you are cleared for approach. Log on to channel zero one niner for landing beacon and weather data. 9They say you're the one who disabled our security system.5That was Mother, not me. I was just following orders.9My fiance was outside the Pods when the system went down.I'm sorry to hear that.6Logan, what's going on there? Did you locate the team?KWhat's left of it. One survivor... uh, looks like the others were... eaten.9They say you're the one who disabled our security system.Come, the hunt begins.5That was Mother, not me. I was just following orders.9My fiance was outside the Pods when the system went down.I'm sorry to hear that. Sorry, sir. Sorry, sir! Yes, sir.&No wonder he doesn't have any friends.That guy has issues.No, sir. Yes, sir.5This is my post sir. You assigned me here yesterday.Yes sir.Idiot.Sir, Sergeant Cole said- Yes, sir.kWe're showing massive contamination on sublevels 4 and 5 near the trift! All personnel proceed to shelters!8You also told us to expect 9 containers. We received 17.NSo this is how Eisenberg's first expedition ended. I'm surprised he came back. So I heard.The doc seems fine enough.dYour team is critical to this operation! Get your men into position or I swear I'll have you shot. 2Well that won't do. Humans can be so prejudicial. (You know the rest didn't. Sole survivor.You hear about the rescue? Rumor is, it didn't go well. Bugs got to the APC. I guess most of the rescue team got seriously burned.Seems, so. Yeah.Sound the Alarm!What the heck?%The disc is on the table. Pick it up.`Okay, now meet me near the exit lift. Once we make the trade, I'll help you find your friends. *I don't want to hear excuses. Get it done!Get the hell out of my way.Don't sass me, soldier.KYou're not getting paid to daydream. Can't you find something useful to do?=Is it necessary to stand right in the middle of the corridor?Idiot.'Why aren't you men at your usual posts?;I don't care what Sergeant Cole said. This isn't your post.8That's what I thought you said. Now get out of my sight.=Somebody get maintenance down here to fix this frickin' door.=Is it necessary to stand right in the middle of the corridor?Don't you sass me soldier. 'Yea, well next time stay out of my way.Put him in stasis.Oh my god we're going to die What is that thing?Get me the hell out of here Oh jesus let's run for it#Get the hell out of here. Run! Now!"Doctor, you appear to be injured. 1You two hold position here. We'll sweep the area.6Logan, what's going on there? Did you locate the team?OWhat's left of it. One survivor... uh, looks like the others were... butchered.Get a medic down here now! Sorry, sir.Don't sass me, soldier.5In the morning, I want you to prep the new specimens.RThis is high ground. Probable enemy contact, Predators. Stand by for fire support.1You two hold position here. We'll sweep the area.+High ground! I have a target! Fire support!Roger. Target acquired.%High ground! I have a cloaked target!&Roger. Target illuminated, stay clear.Activate lift! Take me up! Now!GElectrical security systems have failed in Pod 2. Evacuate immediately.#Doctor, the specimens are escaping.It doesn't matter.They've broken free.ATrue. Our prison was weak. It is time to build a stronger prison.Fan out. Split up.0Ready the holding room. The Empress has arrived.$Seal the gates. Protect the Empress. Predator!3We've lost hydraulic #1. Containment teams, report!3Hydraulic #2 disabled. What's going on down there? DHydraulics are gone. We can't extend the landing. Warn the dropship!yBanking for final descent. Doctor, landing has not been extended. Recommend abort landing. Recommend alternative routing.)Your advice is noted. And ignored. Land. What the he...? Oh my god.&Security. Backup to the control room. !Windsheer and landing data lost. #Focus on the landing beacon, pilot.Predator in the stairwell.Predator on the landing. Predator!Kill it. The Empress is mine.'Prepare the cargo truck for evacuation.4The dropship is approaching. Move onto the platform.Not the dropship! No! No!0Destroy the Empress. She will not gloat over me./Maybe some are willing to pay more than others.Kill me.Carl! Oh my god.ISomebody must have opened both gas valves. 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.?AVCFolderPlayerJoin@@.?AVCFolderProfile@@ControlRectProfileListRectProfileListPosProfileNamePosdddd.?AVCFolderSave@@SavePos%s\%s.?AVCFolderSetupDM@@.?AVCFolderSetupEvac@@.?AVCFolderSetupHunt@@.?AVCFolderSetupOverrun@@.?AVCFolderSetupSurvivor@@.?AVCFolderSetupTeamDM@@.?AVCFolderSingle@@AlienFXPredatorFX1PredatorFX0MarineFX.?AVCFrameCtrl@@.?AVCGroupSubCtrl@@.?AV?$GenList@PAVCGroupSubCtrl@@@@.?AV?$CMoArray@PAVCGroupSubCtrl@@VDefaultCache@@@@.?AVCGroupCtrl@@.?AVCListCtrl@@.?AV?$GenList@PAVCLTGUICtrl@@@@.?AV?$CMoArray@PAVCLTGUICtrl@@VDefaultCache@@@@Sounds\Menu\selectchange.wavSounds\Menu\select.wav.?AV?$GenList@ULTGUIKeyMessage_t@@@@.?AV?$CMoArray@ULTGUIKeyMessage_t@@VDefaultCache@@@@.?AV?$GenList@UTextButton_t@@@@.?AV?$CMoArray@UTextButton_t@@VDefaultCache@@@@.?AVCMessageBoxCtrl@@interface\menus\slider_left.pcxinterface\menus\slider_left_h.pcxinterface\menus\slider_left_d.pcxinterface\menus\slider_full.pcxinterface\menus\slider_empty.pcxinterface\menus\slider_disabled.pcxinterface\menus\slider_right.pcxinterface\menus\slider_right_h.pcxinterface\menus\slider_right_d.pcx.?AVCLTGUIFadeColorCtrl@@.?AVCSliderCtrl@@.?AVCStaticTextCtrl@@Shoulder_Cannon_MPDisc_MP.?AVCCharacterFX@@bitetargetHead.?AVBodyPropFX@@Sounds\Weapons\Marine\sadar\sadarlock.wavSmart_Gun_MPSADAR_MPInterface\StatusBar\Marine\Xhair_normal.pcxBlowtorchPredatorHackingDeviceMarineHackingDeviceInterface\StatusBar\predator\Xhair_predbomb.pcxInterface\StatusBar\Marine\Xhair_hack.pcxInterface\StatusBar\Predator\xhair_predhack.pcxInterface\StatusBar\Marine\Xhair_cut.pcxInterface\StatusBar\Marine\Xhair_weld.pcxInterface\StatusBar\Marine\Xhair_activate.pcx.?AV?$GenList@PAVCBaseFolder@@@@.?AV?$CMoArray@PAVCBaseFolder@@VDefaultCache@@@@.?AVCFolderMgr@@HUDConfigMeterRateFlashCycleTimeHorizIconsNumIcons"%s" "%s"IconOffset%5f%s%dERROR: Could not initialize font in HUDMgr%.3d%.2d%.*dExosuit_MinigunExosuit_Flame_ThrowerChestbursterMaxScaleInterface\StatusBar\Marine\health_pickup.pcxInterface\StatusBar\Predator\mask_pickup.pcxInterface\StatusBar\Marine\nightvision_pickup.pcxInterface\StatusBar\Predator\cloak_pickup.pcxInterface\StatusBar\Marine\armor_pickup.pcxPickupIconDurationExosuit_Rocket_BarrelExosuit_Minigun_BarrelExosuit_Flame_Thrower_Barrel%s%d%s.pcx AHC@4$ܻлGS_MOVIEGS_FAILUREGS_PAUSEDGS_FOLDERGS_MENUGS_DIALOGUEGS_SPLASHSCREENGS_LOADINGLEVELGS_PLAYINGGS_UNDEFINEDAttributes\Layout.txt.?AVBaseObjectBank@@.?AV?$ObjectBank@V?$CLLNode@PAX@@VNullCS@@@@.?AVCLTDialogueWnd@@.?AV?$GenList@PAX@@.?AV?$CLinkedList@PAX@@.?AV?$GenList@PAVCSpecialFX@@@@.?AV?$CMoArray@PAVCSpecialFX@@VDefaultCache@@@@.?AVCInterfaceMgr@@.?AVCLTWnd@@.?AVCLTMaskedWnd@@.?AV?$GenList@PAUHSURFACE_t@@@@.?AV?$CMoArray@PAUHSURFACE_t@@VDefaultCache@@@@.?AVCLTDecisionWnd@@.?AVCLTTextWnd@@.?AV?$CSignedMoArray@PAUHSURFACE_t@@@@.?AV?$CArray@PAUHSURFACE_t@@PAU1@@@.?AVCLTAlphaWnd@@.?AV?$GenList@K@@.?AV?$CMoArray@KVDefaultCache@@@@.?AV?$CSignedMoArray@K@@ERROR in CServerOptionMgr::Init(): Could not initialize ServerOptionMgr!ERROR in CProfileMgr::Init(): Could not initialize ProfileMgr!ERROR in CInterfaceMgr::Init(): Could not initialize Dialog Wnd!Dialog WindowInterface\DlgWnd\DlgBack.pcxInterface\DlgWnd\DecisionBack.pcxInterface\DlgWnd\dialogueframeERROR in CInterfaceMgr::Init(): Could not initialize Main Wnd!Main WindowERROR in CInterfaceMgr::Init(): Could not initialize Player Stats!ERROR in CInterfaceMgr::Init(): Could not initialize Auto-Target Manager!ERROR in CCrosshairMgr::Init(): Could not initialize Crosshair Manager!ERROR in CInterfaceMgr::Init(): Could not initialize FolderMgr!ERROR in CInterfaceMgr::Init(): Could not initialize InterfaceResMgr!ERROR in CInterfaceMgr::Init(): Could not initialize LayoutMgr!Interface\MP\background.pcxSplashLockTimeCustomDifficultyNoMoviesMissionFailedDebugKeysDamageFlashTimeObjectiveFlashCountDrawInterfaceERROR in CInterfaceMgr::Init(): Could not initialize Cursor!LightMap 1ModelFullbrite 1MusicEnable 1SoundEnable 1interface\statusbar\predator\screenwipe.pcxMission Completepred_headpickupMediComp_Failworlds\singleplayer\outromenu+FogEnable 0FogEnable %dSounds\Interface\splash.wavInterface\splash.pcxInterface\StatusBar\failure.pcxInterface\StatusBar\failure_predator.pcxInterface\StatusBar\failure_alien.pcxJoystickDisable 1ModelFullBrite 0DrawLineSystems 0FogEnable 0FixTJunc 1TripleBuffer 0OptimizeSurfaces 1LightMapModelFullbriteSoundEnableEnableTJuncsEnableTripBufEnableOptSurfDisableJoystickDisableModelFBDisableLinesDisableFogDisableLightMapDisableMoviesDisableSoundDisableMusicCursorCenter 1CursorCenter 0NoHandsInterfaceHandWorldmovies\avpintro.bikmovies\lithlogo.bikmovies\ltlogo.bikmovies\sierralogo.bikmovies\foxlogo.bikBlowtorch_Barrel_WeldBlowtorch_Barrel_CutMarineHackingDevice_BarrelTypingInterface\check-remove.pcxInterface\check-on.pcxInterface\check-off.pcxInterface\StatusBar\Marine\ObjectiveBackground.pcxinterface\statusbar\marine\message_marine.pcxinterface\statusbar\predator\message_predator.pcxinterface\statusbar\alien\message_alien.pcxObjective_AlertObjectiveMessages.?AVCInterfaceResMgr@@english%sd.pcx%sh.pcx%sn.pcxCannot load font: %sCannot initialize font: %s.?AV?$GenList@PAVCSharedSurface@@@@.?AV?$CMoArray@PAVCSharedSurface@@VDefaultCache@@@@.?AVCInterfaceSurfMgr@@0%d.?AVCJoystickAxisBase@@rangebind "%s" "%s" %f %f "%s"unbind "%s" "%s"rangescale "%s" "%s" %f %f %f %frangebind "%s" "%s" %f %f "%s" %f %f "%s" %f %f "%s"rangebind "%s" "%s" "%f" "%f" "%s" "%f" "%f" "%s"CenterOffsetSensitivityAnalogDeadZoneInvertAxisAxis.?AVCJoystickAxisTurn@@AxisYawDeadZoneAxisYawRightLeft.?AVCJoystickAxisLook@@AxisPitchDeadZoneAxisPitchLookDownLookUpFixedAxisPitchFixedPosition.?AVCJoystickAxisMove@@AxisForwardBackwardDeadZoneAxisForwardBackwardBackwardForward.?AVCJoystickAxisStrafe@@AxisLeftRightDeadZoneAxisLeftRightStrafeRightStrafeLeftPositionLLPositionLRPositionURPositionULDelayTimeFadeOutTimeHoldTimeFadeInTimeCloseSoundOpenSoundCloseTimeOpenTimeFrameAlphaSpacingTextOffsetSizePositionPos3rdPersonWidth3rdPersonPos1stPersonWidth1stPersonNumLinesPopupTintAmmoTintArmorTintHealthTintSubtitleTintPopupTextRectObjectiveRectMaxMessagesMessageTimeMessageFadeRotationScalePosStyleModelNameMessageBoxAlphaMineDetectScreenTintInfraredLightScaleInfraredModelColorNightVisionScreenTintNightVisionModelColorMusicIntensityAttachmentDownArrowPosUpArrowPosArrowNextPosArrowBackPosArrowNextBitmapArrowBackBitmapArrowNextSFXArrowBackSFXBackSpriteScaleBackSpriteMainPosContinuePosCreditsCharacterMenuWindowDecisionWindowDialogueWindowSubtitleScrollHeightScrollWidthDownArrowPressedUpArrowPressedDownArrowUpArrowScrollBarImgScrollTabImgLabelOffsetButtonFileControlOffsetHelpIDCommandIDStringControlTypeControlFontTypeFontMenuFontsParentTitleOffsetFrameIndexNumFramesControlIndexNumControlsTitleHasTitleDisabledPosEnabledPosHeightWidthHasBackgroundBackgroundFontPitchAnimTranslucencyAnimationFileNumAnimFramesUpdateFunctionIndexFontIndexTranslucencyIsTranslucentIsTransparentDrawFunctionIndexFontFileImageFileDestOffsetTypeDestOffsetEnabledHasMotionDetectorNumFontsNumElementsCharacterIndexTrackerArrowFileTrackerBlipFileNumGridImagesNumBlipImagesBlipFileGridFileArcFileBaseFileBaseTranslucencyArcTranslucencyGridTranslucencyBaseOffsetGridOffsetLargeNumsSmallNumsHUDMotionDetectorMEMOFontBasePDAFontBasePredatorFontBaseMarineFontBaseAlienFontBaseHUDChooserHColorHUDMessageFontObjectiveFontTitleFontLargeFontBaseSmallFontBaseTinyFontBaseHelpFontDeathDelayFailScreenDelayFailStringPosFailScreenBackgroundMessageBoxBackgroundScopeMaskScaleScopeMaskSpritePerturbWalkPercentPerturbDecreaseSpeedPerturbIncreaseSpeedPerturbRotationEffectTintTimeAmmoPickupColorWeaponPickupColorFlashDurationFlashSpeedAmbientLoopLinkPosTabPosFontSizeHelpRectHighlightColorDisabledColorSelectedColorNormalColorItemAlignItemSpacePageRectTitleAlignTitlePosSliderRightSoundSliderLeftSoundUnselectableSoundEscapeSoundChangeSoundMiscellaneousGenericFolderBasicLayoutLoadScreenMultiLoadScreenPredatorLoadScreenMarineLoadScreenAlienFolderHostConfigFolderHostMapsFolderHostOptionsFolderSetupEvacFolderSetupOverrunFolderSetupSurvivorFolderSetupHuntFolderSetupTeamDMFolderSetupDMFolderHostFolderJoinInfoFolderJoinFolderPlayerJoinFolderPlayerFolderMultiFolderSaveFolderLoadFolderAlienMissionsFolderPredatorMissionsFolderMarineMissionsFolderCustomLevelFolderKeyboardFolderMouseFolderJoystickFolderCustomControlsFolderPerformanceFolderCreditsFolderGameFolderAudioFolderDisplayFolderProfileFolderOptionsFolderEscapeFolderSingleFolderMain.?AVCGameButeMgr@@.?AVCLayoutMgr@@.?AV?$GenList@PAUINT_CHAR@@@@.?AV?$CMoArray@PAUINT_CHAR@@VDefaultCache@@@@%s0ccGroupOffset0WorldTexGroupOffset1SkyTexGroupOffset2PropTexGroupOffset3WeaponTexGroupOffset4CharTexGroupOffset5SFXTexGroupOffset6EnvTexGroupOffset7MiscTex1GroupOffset8MiscTex2GroupOffset9SignTexFogPerformanceScale32BitTextures32BitLightMapsShadowsDetailTexturesWorldEnvironmentMapModelEnvironmentMapTrilinearTripleBufferShellCasingsMuzzleLightImpactFXLevelDebrisFXLevelDetailLevelEnableSkyDrawViewModelFogPerformanceScale32BitTextures32BitLightMapsMaxModelShadowsDetailTexturesEnvMapWorldEnvMapEnableTrilinearTripleBufferShellCasingsMuzzleLightImpactFXLevelDebrisFXLevelDetailLevelEnableSkyDrawViewModel.DefaultExtraLowd.DefaultLowd.DefaultMid<.DefaultHigh.DefaultExtraHighConfig\.txtPerformanceConfig.DefaultLow.CustomConfigDetailsSettingsGeneral.Profiles\Player_0PredatorMarineAlienLevelStatusIgnoreTauntsConnectionMessageDisplayChar3Rykov_MPChar2Predator_MPChar1Harrison_MPChar0Drone_MPRacePlayerNameMultiplayerOrientOverlaySubtitlesHintsObjectivesWeaponSwayHeadCantingHeadBobRunLockAutoswitchWeaponsPickupDurationGamedefault.prfUseJoystickAutoCenterFastTurnNormalTurnInputRateMouseLookInvertMouseBasic@Sharedrangebind "%s" "##z-axis" %s %s-0.10 -255.0 "%s"0.10 255.0 "%s"bind "%s" "%s" "%s"unbind "%s" "%s" MouseSensitivityMouseInvertYLookUpRateFastTurnRateNormalTurnRateEnableHintsUpdateRateMsgMgrTimeScaleMsgMgrMaxHeightProfileName+SpeciesName MarineSpeciesName+SpeciesName Alien+SpeciesName PredatorAddAction AxisForwardBackward -10004AddAction AxisLeftRight -10003AddAction AxisPitch -10002AddAction AxisYaw -10001?>bQ=Q=MDSound\Sounds\Interface\md_tracking.wav8800%02d\Sounds\Interface\md_scan.wav.?AVCSubtitle@@SubtitleMaxDistX.?AVCWeaponChooser@@.?AVCMarineWepChooser@@\Interface\Fonts\font_weapon2.pcxERROR: Could not initialize font in Weapon Chooser\Interface\Fonts\font_weapon.pcxinterface\statusbar\marine\inv_frame.pcxinterface\statusbar\marine\inv_redbox.pcxinterface\statusbar\marine\inv_greenbox.pcxMarineInterfaceOpenMarineInterfaceCloseMarineInterfaceScroll.?AVCPredatorWepChooser@@\Interface\statusbar\predator\inv_numbers.pcxinterface\statusbar\predator\inv_frame.pcxinterface\statusbar\predator\energyicon2.pcxinterface\statusbar\predator\energyicon1.pcxMedicompEnergy_SiftPredatorInterfaceOpenPredatorInterfaceClosePredatorInterfaceScrollPredator_Energy?>BIG>POS:LL>POS:LR>POS:UR>POS:UL>TIME:>LOOP>ENDCREDITSDEMOMULTIDEMOINTRODEMOINFOINTROTEXTcres_hinstance0 !"%&1/-,+ 9(( 3 45  ''3 450. !"#$%&21/-,+ )0. !"#$%&21/-,+)CLoadingScreen::CreateCharFX : Could not find set %s.DynamicLoadScreenDecisionAlphaWndChoice # %d selected! CLTDisplayWnd::InitFromBitmap - ERROR - Could not create the surface: %s DialogueWnd Pic/interface/sounds/DialogueOpen.wav/interface/sounds/DialogueClose.wavERROR - NO TEXT FOUND FOR ID: %d/interface/avatar/%s.pcxERROR - NO TEXT FOUND!CLTDialogueWnd::ParseText - ERROR - found start command without end command %sleft.pcx%sbottomleft.pcx%sbottom.pcx%sbottomright.pcx%sright.pcx%stopright.pcx%stop.pcxCLTDialogueWnd::Init - ERROR - Could not create the surface: %s %stopleft.pcx.?AV?$CSignedMoArray@VCString@@@@.?AV?$GenList@VCString@@@@.?AV?$CMoArray@VCString@@VDefaultCache@@@@CLTWnd::InitFromBitmap - ERROR - Could not create the surface: %s CLTWnd::Init - ERROR - There already exists a main window (without a parent) /interface/sounds/HideWindow.wavCLTWnd::Draw FAILED .?AVCMessageBox@@TeleTypeS1YOffsetTeleTypeS1LineDelayTeleTypeS1LetterDelayTeleTypeS1PostTypeDelayTeleTypeS1PreTypeDelayTeleTypeS0YOffsetTeleTypeS0LineDelayTeleTypeS0LetterDelayTeleTypeS0PostTypeDelayTeleTypeS0PreTypeDelayTeleTypeColorEdgeTeleTypeIndentTeleTypeEdgeTeleTypeEndAlphaTeleTypeStartAlphaTeleTypeAlphaStepsTeleTypeCloseSpeedTeleTypeOpenSpeedSounds\Interface\teletype_close.wavSounds\Interface\teletype_loop.wavSounds\Interface\teletype_open.wavSounds\Interface\hint_close.wavSounds\Interface\hint_loop.wavSounds\Interface\hint_open.wavCameraMgrClipDistCameraMgrRotInterpSmoothScaleCameraMgrRotInterpScaleCameraMgrPosInterpOffsetCameraMgrPosInterpTimeShowCameraStats Rect = %d %d, %d %d, Fullscreen = %sFALSETRUE LightScale = %.2f %.2f %.2f FOV = %.2f x %.2f, LightAdd = %.2f %.2f %.2f Pitch = %.2f, Yaw %.2f, Roll %.2fCamera #%.2d: Pos = %.2f %.2f %.2f, Dir = %.2f %.2f %.2fLBRampDownTimeLBRampUpTimeLBAmountSmallLBAmountMaxWashWashRestoreTimeVisionTimeWonkyRampDownWonkyRampUpWonkyFOVPhaseWonkyFOVYWonkyFOVXWonkyRollPhaseWonkyYawPhaseWonkyPitchPhaseWonkyRollWonkyYawWonkyPitchWarbleFOVPhaseShakeDecayAmountShakeMaxAmountZoomSensScaleZoomSensMagZoomLODScaleZoomLODMagZoomRampWidescreenYSetWidescreenXSetWidescreenRamp3rdPersonKeys3rdPersonSpin3rdPersonMult3rdPersonCycl3rdPersonAxis3rdPersonBack3rdPersonFade3rdPersonDist3rdPersonFOVY3rdPersonFOVX3rdPersonRamp%s %fCameraMgrFX Warning! Color passed into FlashCreate is invalid! Values = %f %f %fLMFullBright 1ModelZoomScale %fModelZoomScale 1.0LMFullBright 0Sounds\Characters\unwater.wavFogB %dFogG %dFogR %dFogFarZ %dFogNearZ %dvFog 0NormalPredatorVisionModeCyclealien_vision_switchTLD8$ tdTH8(ObservingFacehug AttachedFacehugPouncingEnd ClippingClippingSpecialFlyingSwimmingClimbingWall WalkingEnd CrawlingCrawlingStart CrawlingWall Walk LandRun LandWalk LandStand LandWall Walk FallRun FallWalk FallStand FallPounce FallStart FallWall Walk JumpRun JumpWalk JumpStand JumpPounce JumpStart Pounce JumpStart JumpRunningWalkingIdle.?AVCharacterMovement@@ERROR!! CharacterMovement::SetCharacterButes() --- Could not locate the character set: %sERROR!! CharacterMovement::SetCharacterButes() --- Type %d is not within range from zero to %dCharacterMovement Error!! SetMovementState function is invalid!!Dims_DefaultDims_CrouchNoneERROR!! CharacterMovement::GetMaxSpeed() --- Movement state was out of range: %dERROR!! CharacterMovement::SetHandleStateFunc() --- Movement state was out of range: %dERROR!! CharacterMovement::SetTouchNotifyFunc() --- Movement state was out of range: %dERROR!! CharacterMovement::SetMaxSpeedFunc() --- Movement state was out of range: %dERROR!! CharacterMovement::SetMaxAccelFunc() --- Movement state was out of range: %dStandingOnCheckTimeWWDetectDistJumpLocalAlienPounceCryPredalienPounceCryPredalienFacehuggerPounceCryFacehuggerLandLocalResetDimsCheckTimeClipSpeedClipSpeedAccel|ldTLD<0  p 0 0 LPJUIHN\]_RILPgDTHN[LP@KKBROLPCALPS^VWSRLPEKSLPUA_PNb]_UZLPKUBT_IMLLPKUBT_[JWSILPAP@KLRLPTI]I\LPT^J]LPSPTA@M[YLPJ^ULPSMNTHUL\JXLPPUgOVMLPDP^LPD^^LPVOPLPQAIIJNK[[IfLPJK_\SLPPUePS[LVXILPAALWVMLPPOU_LSP\LP@MKPS][\RILPAQKUN\LPHKUHN\LPPRJMTZPTJLPPITPSaLPCKNPH\MUHZRfCursor_DebugTextCheatFOVAdjustCheatVERTEXTINTAdjustCheatLIGHTADDAdjustCheatLIGHTSCALEAdjustCheatBREACHAdjustCheatWMPOSAdjustCheatWPOSAdjustmpSounds\Interface\Cheat.wavYou feel good...real good!You feel tough...real tough!Mi Mi Mi - Can't find any weapons? You feel powerful...real powerful!All better now?...Here, have some tissue...God Mode: OFF... Yikes!God Mode: ON (%f)... Sucks to be you!I'm coming out of the BOOOOOOTH!Spectator mode: %sDISABLEDENABLEDCharacter cheat set to: %snextprevAttributes\CharacterButes.txtreloadfxAttributes\ModelButes.txtmodelcharacterYou see me!See ya later!Show player position: %sShow player rotation: %sShow player dims: %sShow player velocity: %sONAdjust player-view weapon position: %sOFFWEAPON.TXT attribute file: %sFAILED TO SAVESAVEDAdjust player-view weapon muzzle position: %sAdjust player-view weapon muzzle position: ONAdjust hand-held weapon breach offset: %sAdjust hand-held weapon breach offset: ONAdjust Light Scale: %sAdjust Light Add: %sVertex Tint Adjust: %sAdjust FOV: %sSheeze, you really ARE pathetic...Cheaters never prosper...Error loading the config file!New config file has been loaded!Device bindings have been cleared!rangebind "%s" "%s" 0 0 ""clearError attempting to reveal missions!Mission cheat deactivated!All missions revealed!What!? It got annoying already?You gotta love this guy!Physics Obj Pos (%.0f, %.0f, %.0f) [%s] Client Obj Pos (%.0f, %.0f, %.0f) [%s] INSIDEOUTSIDEPlayer Rot: F = (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f), U = (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f) Camera Rot: F = (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f), U = (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f) Physics Obj Dims (%.1f, %.1f, %.1f) Client Obj Dims (%.1f, %.1f, %.1f) Client Obj Vel Unknown Client Obj Vel (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f) [%.1f] Framerate (%.2f fps) Weapon Offset (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f) Weapon Barrel #%d Invalid (Muzzle Offset) Weapon Barrel #%d Muzzle Offset (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f) Weapon Barrel #%d Invalid (Breach Offset) Weapon Barrel #%d Breach Offset (%.3f) Global Light Scale (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f) Player Camera Light Add (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f) Vertex Tint (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f) Player Camera FOV (%.2f, %.2f) ABCDFGEHK J NOS3v w x >{H zF GJ?ILMQP~h(i)j*rTUV W!X"Y#Z$[%\&]'sILMQP~tuk*p0q1^_` a!b"c#d$e%sR2|IL}fg@cPitchShiftFireTorso_u_node+%s "%s"+%s %i.?AUWCREATESTRUCT@@.?AVCLTGUITextItemCtrl@@.?AVCLTGUICycleCtrl@@.?AVCCycleCtrl@@.?AVCLTGUIOnOffCtrl@@.?AVCToggleCtrl@@Bullet No GibShotgunHotbombTearHighCaliberMarineHackerTorchWeldTorchCutSpearNapalmEMPSliceAlien ClawEndless FallHeadBiteBiteStunBleedingPoisonFreezeExplodeElectricCrushChokeAcidBurnBulletUnspecifiedInvalidRateEnableShowRateFrame Rate = %.2f, %sExcellentGoodAveragePoorUnplayableB 2001 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved. Aliens versus Predator, Fox Interactive and their respective logos are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.Blh ͽ#Unable to load leak file %sLeak file %s loaded successfully!LeakFile Connect (use '*' for local net)Reloaded weapons attributes file...Reloaded surface attributes file...Attributes\Surface.txtReloaded fx attributes file...Music Segment - Will happen on the next segment transition Grid - Will happen on the next grid Measure - Will happen on the next measure Beat - Will happen on the next beat Immediately - Will happen immediately Default - Will use the default value that is defined in the Control File or by DirectMusic Enact Change Values: SM [when to stop] SS [when to stop] V PM [when to begin playing] PS [when to begin playing] I [when to enact change] Commands: (syntax -> Command [Optional])Music Direct Music hasn't been initialized!) (Trigger PlayerList %sList %f.?AVCFlashLight@@.?AVCFlashLightPlayer@@.?AVCGameClientShell@@.?AVCGlobalMgr@@.?AVIClientShell@@DefaultLevelReverbLevelsoundvolumeSound16Bitmaxswvoices 32Max3DVoices3DSoundProviderName3DSoundProviderTauntSPTauntLowViolenceOffGame initialized in %f seconds. joinhostlauncheractionrunworldNumConsoleLinesCould not initialize SFXMgr!ERROR in CGameClientShell::OnEngineInitialized() Couldn't initialize InterfaceMgr! You may have corrupt or missing resources. Common files to check are 'autoexec.cfg', 'default.prf', and necessary art resources.%s Error: Couldn't set D3D Emulation mode. Shutting down %s... %s Error: Couldn't set to D3D Emulation mode. Shutting down %s... Setting render mode to D3D Emulation mode... d3d.renSetting render mode to 640x480x16... %s Error: Couldn't set render mode! ERROR in CPerformanceMgr::Init(): Could not initialize PerformanceMgr!+NumRuns %fNumRunsEnvMap WorldTextures\Chrome.dtxGameTimeListTriggerExitLevelInitSoundPlayDemoRecordReloadFXReloadSurfacesReloadWeaponsFragSelfConnectLeakFileCheat+UpdateRate 6+UpdateRateInitted 1UpdateRateInittedOrientSpeedHuntingWarbleLocalClientObjUpdateFireJitterMaxPitchDeltaFireJitterDecayTimeScreenFadeTimeScreenFadeCamDamageRollMinCamDamagePitchMinCamDamageValCamDamageTime2CamDamageTime1CamDamageRollCamDamagePitchCamDamageNoScreenFlashActivateOverrideMPInfoStringInfoStringGlowRatioFovYInterfaceFovXInterfaceWindowedWallWalkLockCrouchLockHarrisAuditoriumDampingAuditoriumVolumeAuditoriumDecayTimeAuditoriumReflectTimeConcertHallDampingConcertHallVolumeConcertHallDecayTimeConcertHallReflectTimeHallwayDampingHallwayVolumeHallwayDecayTimeHallwayReflectTimeStoneRoomDampingStoneRoomVolumeStoneRoomDecayTimeStoneRoomReflectTimeConcertHallSpaceHallwaySpaceStoneRoomSpaceMountainsDampingMountainsVolumeMountainsDecayTimeMountainsReflectTimeArenaDampingArenaVolumeArenaDecayTimeArenaReflectTimePlainDampingPlainVolumePlainDecayTimePlainReflectTimePipeDampingPipeVolumePipeDecayTimePipeReflectTimeArenaSpacePlainSpacePipeSpaceIntersectSegmentLenPlayerMoveDistUpdatePeriodCameraLungeHeadBiteFlashFlashAutoWeaponSwitchvision_switch_offvision_switch_onfailed_onConvict_Harrisemptyflareflaretoss%s %sError starting worldRecord asdfPlaydemo prediction 0%s|%s|%d|%dEnableDevice "%s"MusicControlFileMulitpassGouraud %sMultiGouraudWindZWindYWindXEnvMap %sWorldTextures\Chrome.dtxEnvironmentMapLMAnimStaticAllSkyPortalsPanSkyTexturePanSkyScaleZPanSkyScaleXPanSkyOffsetXPanSky+WarbleScale .95+WarbleSpeed 15+ModelWarble 0VoidBVoidGVoidRWMAmbient 0 0 0ModelAdd 0 0 0SC_VFogMinYValVFogMinYValSC_VFogMaxYValVFogMaxYValSC_VFogMaxVFogMaxSC_VFogDensityVFogDensitySC_VFogMaxYVFogMaxYSC_VFogMinYVFogMinYSC_VFogVFogMinSkyFogFarZSkyFogFarZMinSkyFogNearZSkyFogNearZSkyFogEnableFogBFogGFogRMinFogFarZFogFarZMinFogNearZFogNearZMinFarZAliens vs. Predator 2port changed to: %dprediction 1%s:%dAvp2Serv.exeAvp2Serv.exe -config %sWORLDNAME%s.datAttackskins\props\facehugger_pv.dtxmodels\props\ %f %f %f %f %frtUnable to connect to %sscale "%s" "%s" %fHookWindow - ERROR - could not set the window procedure! HookWindow - ERROR - could not get the window procedure from the engine window! HookWindow - ERROR - could not get the engine window! 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