1. Database Server
  2. Web Server
  3. Online Store Settings
  4. Finished!

New Installation

This web-based installation routine will correctly setup and configure osCommerce Online Merchant to run on this server.

Please follow the on-screen instructions that will take you through the database server, web server, and store configuration options. If help is needed at any stage, please consult the documentation or seek help at the community support forums.

Step 3: Online Store Settings

Here you can define the name of your online store and the contact information for the store owner.

The administrator username and password are used to log into the protected administration tool section.

Online Store Settings

' . osc_draw_input_field('CFG_STORE_NAME', null, 'class="text"'); ?> The name of the online store that is presented to the public.
' . osc_draw_input_field('CFG_STORE_OWNER_NAME', null, 'class="text"'); ?> The name of the store owner that is presented to the public.
' . osc_draw_input_field('CFG_STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS', null, 'class="text"'); ?> The e-mail address of the store owner that is presented to the public.
' . osc_draw_input_field('CFG_ADMINISTRATOR_USERNAME', null, 'class="text"'); ?> The administrator username to use for the administration tool.
' . osc_draw_input_field('CFG_ADMINISTRATOR_PASSWORD', null, 'class="text"'); ?> The password to use for the administrator account.
