How the Web Remote works with differing encryption levels

When you connect to a host computer that is running pcAnywhere 11.5 or later, the Web Remote automatically raises the encryption of the computer with the lower encryption level to match the encryption of the computer with the higher encryption level. For example, if the host encryption level is configured for pcAnywhere encoding and the remote encryption level is configured for symmetric encryption, pcAnywhere will automatically raise the encryption level on the host to symmetric.

When you connect to a host that is running an earlier version of pcAnywhere, you can deny the connection if the host is configured to use a lower level of encryption.

The type of symmetric encryption that Java uses is not compatible with earlier versions of Symantec pcAnywhere hosts. Therefore, the Web Remote does not support connections to host computers that are running pcAnywhere 11.0.x or earlier when both the Web Remote and host computers are configured for symmetric encryption.

To connect to a host that is running pcAnywhere 11.0.x or earlier and transmit data using symmetric encryption, you can do any of the following:

Upgrade the host computer to the most current version of Symantec pcAnywhere, and then configure either computer for symmetric encryption.

Change the encryption level on the host to pcAnywhere encoding or none. You must configure the encryption level in the Web Remote to symmetric. The Web Remote raises the encryption level on the host and transmits the session data using symmetric encryption.

If you are unable to modify the host configuration, an alternative is to transmit data using pcAnywhere encoding. You do this by lowering the encryption level in the Web Remote to pcAnywhere encoding.

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