Connecting to a host in the host list

To connect to a host in the host list

In the Web Remote Manager window, under Session Encryption Configuration, configure your encryption settings.
Under Connect to a pcAnywhere Host, in the Subnet selection box, type the subnet address that you want to search.

To search a subnet, type the first three octets of the subnet. Then, type either .0 or .255 as the fourth octet. For example: or

By default, the Web Remote populates the host list with the names of the available hosts that are on the local subnet.

Double-click the host computer to which you want to connect.
In the Authentication dialog box, type your logon name and password.

If you are connecting to a host that is configured for Windows NT authentication, you will also be prompted for a domain name.

Click OK.

More Information

Connecting to a host by manually entering connection information

Configuring session encryption