# # * This SQL script upgrades the core Zen Cart database structure from v1.3.6 to v1.3.7 # * # * @package Installer # * @access private # * @copyright Copyright 2003-2006 Zen Cart Development Team # * @copyright Portions Copyright 2003 osCommerce # * @license http://www.zen-cart.com/license/2_0.txt GNU Public License V2.0 # * @version $Id: mysql_upgrade_zencart_136_to_137.sql 5618 2007-01-19 00:15:46Z ajeh $ # ############ IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS ############### # # * Zen Cart uses the zc_install/index.php program to do database upgrades # * This SQL script is intended to be used by running zc_install # * It is *not* recommended to simply run these statements manually via any other means # * ie: not via phpMyAdmin or via the Install SQL Patch tool in Zen Cart admin # * The zc_install program catches possible problems and also handles table-prefixes automatically # * # * To use the zc_install program to do your database upgrade: # * a. Upload the NEWEST zc_install folder to your server # * b. Surf to zc_install/index.php via your browser # * c. On the System Inspection page, scroll to the bottom and click on Database Upgrade # * NOTE: do NOT click on the "Install" button, because that will erase your database. # * d. On the Database Upgrade screen, you'll be presented with a list of checkboxes for # * various Zen Cart versions, with the recommended upgrades already pre-selected. # * e. Verify the checkboxes, then scroll down and enter your Zen Cart Admin username # * and password, and then click on the Upgrade button. # * f. If any errors occur, you will be notified. Some warnings can be ignored. # * g. When done, you'll be taken to the Finished page. # ##################################################### ## CONFIGURATION TABLE UPDATE configuration set configuration_description = 'Enable the Breadcrumb Trail Links?
0= OFF
1= ON
2= Off for Home Page Only', set_function = 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'0\', \'1\', \'2\'), ' WHERE configuration_key = 'DEFINE_BREADCRUMB_STATUS'; UPDATE configuration set configuration_description = 'Categories/Products Display Sort Order
0= Categories/Products Sort Order/Name
1= Categories/Products Name
2= Products Model
3= Products Qty+, Products Name
4= Products Qty-, Products Name
5= Products Price+, Products Name
6= Products Price-, Products Name' WHERE configuration_key = 'CATEGORIES_PRODUCTS_SORT_ORDER'; INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) VALUES ('Use split-login page', 'USE_SPLIT_LOGIN_MODE', 'False', 'The login page can be displayed in two modes: Split or Vertical.
In Split mode, the create-account options are accessed by clicking a button to get to the create-account page. In Vertical mode, the create-account input fields are all displayed inline, below the login field, making one less click for the customer to create their account.
Default: False', '19', '121', 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'True\', \'False\'), ', now()); ## PP EC ALTER TABLE customers ADD customers_paypal_payerid VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL default '' AFTER customers_referral; ALTER TABLE customers ADD customers_paypal_ec TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL AFTER customers_paypal_payerid; ALTER TABLE paypal CHANGE txn_type txn_type varchar(32) NOT NULL default ''; ALTER TABLE paypal CHANGE payment_type payment_type varchar(40) NOT NULL default ''; ALTER TABLE paypal_testing CHANGE txn_type txn_type varchar(32) NOT NULL default ''; ALTER TABLE paypal_testing CHANGE payment_type payment_type varchar(40) NOT NULL default ''; INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) VALUES ('Credit Card Enable Status - SOLO', 'CC_ENABLED_SOLO', '0', 'Accept SOLO Card 0= off 1= on', '17', '8', 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'0\', \'1\'), ', now()); INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) VALUES ('Credit Card Enable Status - Switch', 'CC_ENABLED_SWITCH', '0', 'Accept SWITCH Card 0= off 1= on', '17', '9', 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'0\', \'1\'), ', now()); INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) VALUES ('Credit Card Enable Status - Maestro', 'CC_ENABLED_MAESTRO', '0', 'Accept MAESTRO Card 0= off 1= on', '17', '10', 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'0\', \'1\'), ', now()); #this one was missed in the 1.3.6 fresh-installs (was okay for upgrades): # it will likely trigger a warning because upgrades to 1.3.6 will already have this. INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, last_modified, date_added, use_function, set_function) values ('Define Page-Not-Found Status', 'DEFINE_PAGE_NOT_FOUND_STATUS', '1', 'Enable the Defined Page-Not-Found Text from define-pages?
0= Define Text OFF
1= Define Text ON', '25', '67', now(), now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'0\', \'1\'),'); ############# #### VERSION UPDATE COMMANDS ## THE FOLLOWING 2 SECTIONS SHOULD BE THE "LAST" ITEMS IN THE FILE, so that if the upgrade fails prematurely, the version info is not updated. ##The following updates the version HISTORY to store the prior version's info (Essentially "moves" the prior version info from the "project_version" to "project_version_history" table #NEXT_X_ROWS_AS_ONE_COMMAND:3 INSERT INTO project_version_history (project_version_key, project_version_major, project_version_minor, project_version_patch, project_version_date_applied, project_version_comment) SELECT project_version_key, project_version_major, project_version_minor, project_version_patch1 as project_version_patch, project_version_date_applied, project_version_comment FROM project_version; ## Now set to new version UPDATE project_version SET project_version_major='1', project_version_minor='3.7', project_version_patch1='', project_version_patch1_source='', project_version_patch2='', project_version_patch2_source='', project_version_comment='Version Update 1.3.6->1.3.7', project_version_date_applied=now() WHERE project_version_key = 'Zen-Cart Main'; UPDATE project_version SET project_version_major='1', project_version_minor='3.7', project_version_patch1='', project_version_patch1_source='', project_version_patch2='', project_version_patch2_source='', project_version_comment='Version Update 1.3.6->1.3.7', project_version_date_applied=now() WHERE project_version_key = 'Zen-Cart Database'; ##### END OF UPGRADE SCRIPT