error = false; if (!isset($_POST['store_name'])) $_POST['store_name'] = ''; if (!isset($_POST['store_owner'])) $_POST['store_owner'] = ''; if (!isset($_POST['store_owner_email'])) $_POST['store_owner_email'] = ''; if (!isset($_POST['store_country'])) $_POST['store_country'] = '223'; if (!isset($_POST['store_zone'])) $_POST['store_zone'] = ''; if (!isset($_POST['store_address'])) $_POST['store_address'] = STORE_ADDRESS_DEFAULT_VALUE; if (!isset($_POST['store_default_language'])) $_POST['store_default_language'] = ''; if (!isset($_POST['store_default_currency'])) $_POST['store_default_currency'] = ''; @require_once('../includes/configure.php'); if (!defined('DB_TYPE') || DB_TYPE=='') { die('Database Type Invalid. Did your configure.php file get written correctly?'); $zc_install->setError('Database Type Invalid', 27); } if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $zc_install->validateStoreSetup($_POST); if ($_POST['demo_install'] == 'true') { $zc_install->fileExists('demo/' . DB_TYPE . '_demo.sql', ERROR_TEXT_DEMO_SQL_NOTEXIST, ERROR_CODE_DEMO_SQL_NOTEXIST); } if ($zc_install->error == false) { if ($_POST['demo_install'] == 'true') { $zc_install->dbDemoDataInstall(); } $zc_install->dbStoreSetup(); // Close the database connection $zc_install->db->Close(); header('location: index.php?main_page=admin_setup' . zcInstallAddSID() ); exit; } } require('../includes/classes/db/' . DB_TYPE . '/query_factory.php'); $db = new queryFactory; $db->Connect(DB_SERVER, DB_SERVER_USERNAME, DB_SERVER_PASSWORD, DB_DATABASE) or die("Unable to connect to database"); //if not submit, set some defaults $sql = "select countries_id, countries_name from " . DB_PREFIX . "countries order by countries_name"; $country = $db->Execute($sql); $country_string = ''; while (!$country->EOF) { $country_string .= ''; $country->MoveNext(); } $sql = "select zone_id, zone_name from " . DB_PREFIX . "zones"; // order by zone_country_id, zone_name $zone = $db->Execute($sql); $zone_string = ''; while (!$zone->EOF) { $zone_string .= ''; $zone->MoveNext(); } $sql = "select code, name from " . DB_PREFIX . "languages"; $store_language = $db->Execute($sql); $language_string = ''; while (!$store_language->EOF) { $language_string .= ''; $store_language->MoveNext(); } $sql = "select title, code from " . DB_PREFIX . "currencies"; $currency = $db->Execute($sql) or die("error in $sql" . $db->ErrorMsg()); $currency_string = ''; while (!$currency->EOF) { $currency_string .= ''; $currency->MoveNext(); } $db->Close(); if (!isset($_POST['demo_install'])) $_POST['demo_install']=false; setInputValue($_POST['store_name'], 'STORE_NAME_VALUE', ''); setInputValue($_POST['store_owner'], 'STORE_OWNER_VALUE', ''); setInputValue($_POST['store_owner_email'], 'STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_VALUE', ''); setInputValue($_POST['store_address'], 'STORE_ADDRESS_VALUE', STORE_ADDRESS_DEFAULT_VALUE); setRadioChecked($_POST['demo_install'], 'DEMO_INSTALL', 'false'); // this sets the first field to email address on login - setting in /common/tpl_main_page.php $zc_first_field= 'onload="document.getElementById(\'store_name\').focus()"'; ?>