0) $zen_cart_previous_version_installed = false; if (zen_read_config_value('DB_DATABASE') == '' ) $zen_cart_previous_version_installed = false; //read the configure.php file and look for hints that it's just a copy of dist-configure.php $lines = file('../includes/configure.php'); foreach ($lines as $line) { if (substr_count($line,'dist-configure.php') > 0) $zen_cart_previous_version_installed = false; } //end foreach $zdb_type = zen_read_config_value('DB_TYPE'); $zdb_prefix = zen_read_config_value('DB_PREFIX'); $zdb_server = zen_read_config_value('DB_SERVER'); $zdb_user = zen_read_config_value('DB_SERVER_USERNAME'); $zdb_pwd = zen_read_config_value('DB_SERVER_PASSWORD'); $zdb_name = zen_read_config_value('DB_DATABASE'); $zdb_sql_cache= zen_read_config_value('DIR_FS_SQL_CACHE'); if (strpos($zdb_sql_cache,'/path/to/')>0) $zdb_sql_cache=''; // /path/to/ comes from dist-configure.php. Invalid, thus make null. if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) { echo 'db-type=' . $zdb_type . '
'; echo 'db-prefix=' . $zdb_prefix . '
'; echo 'db-host=' . $zdb_server . '
'; echo 'db-name=' . $zdb_name . '
'; echo 'db-user=' . $zdb_user . '
'; echo 'cache_folder=' . $zdb_sql_cache . '
'; } define('DIR_FS_CATALOG', '../'); define('DB_TYPE', 'mysql'); define('SQL_CACHE_METHOD', 'none'); if ($zdb_type!='' && $zdb_name !='') { // now check database connectivity require('../includes/' . 'classes/db/' . $zdb_type . '/query_factory.php'); $zc_install->functionExists($zdb_type, '', ''); $zc_install->dbConnect($zdb_type, $zdb_server, $zdb_name, $zdb_user, $zdb_pwd, '', ''); if ($zc_install->error == false) $zen_cart_database_connect_OK = true; if ($zc_install->error == true) { $zen_cart_previous_version_installed = false; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo 'db-connection failed using the credentials supplied'; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) $zc_install->logDetails('db-connection failed using the credentials supplied'); } //reset error-check class after connection attempt $zc_install->error = false; $zc_install->fatal_error = false; $zc_install->error_list = array(); } //endif check for db_type and db_name defined if ($zen_cart_database_connect_OK) { #1 //open database connection to run queries against it $db_test = new queryFactory; $db_test->Connect($zdb_server, $zdb_user, $zdb_pwd, $zdb_name) or $zen_cart_database_connect_OK = false; if ($zen_cart_database_connect_OK) { //#2 This check is done again just in case connect fails on previous line //set database table prefix define('DB_PREFIX',$zdb_prefix); // Now check the database for what version it's at, if found require('includes/classes/class.installer_version_manager.php'); $dbinfo = new versionManager; // Check to see whether we should offer the option to upgrade "database only", rather than rebuild configure.php files too. // For v1.2.1, the only check we need is whether we're at v1.2.0 already or not. // Future versions may require more extensive checking if the core configure.php files change. // NOTE: This flag is also used to determine whether or not we prevent moving to next screen if the configure.php files are not writable if ($dbinfo->found_version >= '1.2.0') { $zen_cart_allow_database_upgrade=true; } } //endif $zen_cart_database_connect_OK #2 } //endif $zen_cart_database_connect_OK } else { $zen_cart_previous_version_installed = false; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo 'NOTE: Did not find existing configure.php file. Assuming fresh install.'; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) $zc_install->logDetails('NOTE: Did not find existing configure.php file. Assuming fresh install.'); } //endif exists configure.php // if ($check_count > 1) $zen_cart_version_already_installed = false; // if more than one test failed, it must be a fresh install if ($zen_cart_previous_version_installed == true && $zen_cart_database_connect_OK == true) { $is_upgradable = true; if ($dbinfo->zdb_configuration_table_found) { $zdb_version_message = sprintf(LABEL_PREVIOUS_VERSION_NUMBER, $dbinfo->found_version); } else { $zdb_version_message = LABEL_PREVIOUS_VERSION_NUMBER_UNKNOWN; } } /////////////////////////////////// // Run System Pre-Flight Check: /////////////////////////////////// $status_check = array(); $status_check2 = array(); $dir_fs_www_root = $zc_install->detectDocumentRoot(); //Structure is this: //$status_check[] = array('Importance' => '', 'Title' => '', 'Status' => '', 'Class' => '', 'HelpURL' =>'', 'HelpLabel'=>''); //WebServer OS as reported by env check $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Info', 'Title' => LABEL_WEBSERVER, 'Status' => getenv("SERVER_SOFTWARE"), 'Class' => 'NA', 'HelpURL' =>'', 'HelpLabel'=>''); //General info $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Info', 'Title' => LABEL_HTTP_HOST, 'Status' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 'Class' => 'NA', 'HelpURL' =>'', 'HelpLabel'=>''); $path_trans = @$_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED']; $path_trans_display = $path_trans; if (empty($path_trans)) { $path_trans_display = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] . '(SCRIPT_FILENAME)'; $path_trans = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']; } $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Info', 'Title' => LABEL_PATH_TRANLSATED, 'Status' => $path_trans_display, 'Class' => 'NA', 'HelpURL' =>'', 'HelpLabel'=>''); $real_path = realpath(dirname(basename($PHP_SELF)).'/..'); $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Info', 'Title' => LABEL_REALPATH, 'Status' => $real_path, 'Class' => 'NA', 'HelpURL' =>'', 'HelpLabel'=>''); //get list of disabled functions $disabled_funcs = ini_get("disable_functions"); if (!strstr($disabled_funcs,'disk_free_space')) { // get free space on disk $disk_freespaceGB=round(@disk_free_space($path_trans)/1024/1024/1024,2); $disk_freespaceMB=round(@disk_free_space($path_trans)/1024/1024,2); if ($disk_freespaceGB >0) $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Info', 'Title' => LABEL_DISK_FREE_SPACE, 'Status' => $disk_freespaceGB . ' GB' . (($disk_freespaceGB==0) ? ' (can be ignored)' : ''), 'Class' => ($disk_freespaceMB<1000 && $disk_freespaceGB != 0)?'FAIL':'NA', 'HelpURL' =>'', 'HelpLabel'=>''); } // Operating System as reported by PHP: $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Optional', 'Title' => LABEL_PHP_OS, 'Status' => PHP_OS, 'Class' => 'NA', 'HelpURL' =>'', 'HelpLabel'=>''); //PHP mode (module, cgi, etc) $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Info', 'Title' => LABEL_PHP_API_MODE, 'Status' => @php_sapi_name(), 'Class' => (@strstr(php_sapi_name(),'cgi') ? 'WARN' : 'NA'), 'HelpURL' =>ERROR_CODE_PHP_AS_CGI, 'HelpLabel'=>ERROR_TEXT_PHP_AS_CGI); //Set Time Limit setting $set_time_limit = ini_get("max_execution_time"); $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Info', 'Title' => LABEL_SET_TIME_LIMIT, 'Status' => $set_time_limit, 'Class' => 'NA', 'HelpURL' =>'', 'HelpLabel'=>''); //get list of disabled functions if (!zen_not_null($disabled_funcs)) $disabled_funcs = ini_get("disable_functions"); if (zen_not_null($disabled_funcs)) $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Recommended', 'Title' => LABEL_DISABLED_FUNCTIONS, 'Status' => $disabled_funcs, 'Class' => (@substr_count($disabled_funcs,'set_time_limit') ? 'WARN' : 'NA'), 'HelpURL' =>ERROR_CODE_DISABLE_FUNCTIONS, ERROR_TEXT_DISABLE_FUNCTIONS); // Check Register Globals $register_globals = ini_get("register_globals"); if ($register_globals == '' || $register_globals =='0' || strtoupper($register_globals) =='OFF') { $register_globals = OFF; // Having register globals "off" is more secure $this_class='OK'; } else { $register_globals = "".ON.''; $this_class='WARN'; } $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Info', 'Title' => LABEL_REGISTER_GLOBALS, 'Status' => $register_globals, 'Class' => $this_class, 'HelpURL' =>ERROR_CODE_REGISTER_GLOBALS_ON, 'HelpLabel'=>ERROR_TEXT_REGISTER_GLOBALS_ON); //Check MySQL version $mysql_support = (function_exists( 'mysql_connect' )) ? ON : OFF; $mysql_version = (function_exists('mysql_get_server_info')) ? @mysql_get_server_info() : UNKNOWN; $mysql_version = ($mysql_version == '') ? UNKNOWN : $mysql_version ; //if (is_object($db_test)) $mysql_qry=$db_test->get_server_info(); $mysql_ver_class = ($mysql_version<'3.23.00') ? 'FAIL' : 'OK'; $mysql_ver_class = ($mysql_version == UNKNOWN || $mysql_version > '5.0') ? 'WARN' : $mysql_ver_class; $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Critical', 'Title' => LABEL_MYSQL_AVAILABLE, 'Status' => $mysql_support, 'Class' => ($mysql_support==ON) ? 'OK' : 'FAIL', 'HelpURL' =>ERROR_CODE_DB_NOTSUPPORTED, 'HelpLabel'=>ERROR_TEXT_DB_NOTSUPPORTED); if ($mysql_version != UNKNOWN || ($mysql_version == UNKNOWN && $advanced_mode)) $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Info', 'Title' => LABEL_MYSQL_VER, 'Status' => $mysql_version, 'Class' => $mysql_ver_class, 'HelpURL' =>($mysql_version > '5.0' ? ERROR_CODE_DB_MYSQL5 : ERROR_CODE_DB_VER_UNKNOWN), 'HelpLabel'=>($mysql_version > '5.0' ? ERROR_TEXT_DB_MYSQL5 : ERROR_TEXT_DB_VER_UNKNOWN) ); //DB Privileges if (false) { // DISABLED THIS CODEBLOCK FOR NOW.... if ($zen_cart_database_connect_OK) { $zdb_privs_list = zen_check_database_privs('','',true); $privs_array = explode('|||',$zdb_privs_list); $db_priv_ok = $privs_array[0]; $zdb_privs = $privs_array[1]; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo 'privs_list_to_parse='.$db_priv_ok.'|||'.$zdb_privs; // $granted_db = str_replace('`','',substr($zdb_privs,strpos($zdb_privs,' ON ')+4) ); // $db_priv_ok = ($granted_db == '*.*' || $granted_db==DB_DATABASE.'.*' || $granted_db==DB_DATABASE.'.'.$table) ? true : false; // $zdb_privs = substr($zdb_privs,0,strpos($zdb_privs,' ON ')); //remove the "ON..." portion $zdb_privs_class='FAIL'; $privs_matched=0; if (substr_count($zdb_privs,'ALL PRIVILEGES')>0) $zdb_privs_class='OK'; foreach(array('SELECT','INSERT','UPDATE','DELETE','CREATE','ALTER','INDEX','DROP') as $value) { if (in_array($value,explode(', ',$zdb_privs))) { $privs_matched++; $privs_found_text .= $value .', '; } } if ($privs_matched==8 && $db_priv_ok) $zdb_privs_class='OK'; if (substr_count($zdb_privs,'USAGE') >0) $zdb_privs_class='NA'; if (!zen_not_null($zdb_privs)) { $privs_found_text = UNKNOWN; $zdb_privs_class='NA'; } if ($privs_found_text=='') $privs_found_text = $zdb_privs; if ($zdb_privs == 'Not Checked') { $privs_found_text = $zdb_privs; $zdb_privs_class='NA'; } $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Critical', 'Title' => LABEL_DB_PRIVS, 'Status' => str_replace(', ',' ',$privs_found_text.' '), 'Class' => $zdb_privs_class, 'HelpURL' =>ERROR_CODE_DB_PRIVS, 'HelpLabel'=>ERROR_TEXT_DB_PRIVS); } } //PHP Version Check $err_text = ''; $err_code = ''; $php_ver = ''; if ($zc_install->test_php_version('<', "4.3.2", ERROR_TEXT_PHP_OLD_VERSION, ERROR_CODE_PHP_OLD_VERSION, ($zen_cart_allow_database_upgrade == false) )) { if ($zen_cart_allow_database_upgrade == false) { $php_ver = ''.$zc_install->php_version.' {*** '. MUST_UPGRADE . ' ***}'; $this_class = 'FAIL'; } else { $php_ver = ''.$zc_install->php_version.' {*** '. SHOULD_UPGRADE . ' ***}'; $this_class = 'WARN'; } } else { $php_ver = $zc_install->php_version; $this_class = 'OK'; } $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Critical', 'Title' => LABEL_PHP_VER, 'Status' => $php_ver, 'Class' => $this_class, 'HelpURL' =>$err_code, 'HelpLabel'=>$err_text); // SAFE MODE check $safe_mode = (ini_get("safe_mode")) ? "" . ON . '' : OFF; $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Critical', 'Title' => LABEL_SAFE_MODE, 'Status' => $safe_mode, 'Class' => ($safe_mode==OFF) ? 'OK' : 'FAIL', 'HelpURL' =>ERROR_CODE_SAFE_MODE_ON, 'HelpLabel'=>ERROR_TEXT_SAFE_MODE_ON); //PHP support for Sessions check $php_ext_sessions = (@extension_loaded('session')) ? ON : OFF; $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Critical', 'Title' => LABEL_PHP_EXT_SESSIONS, 'Status' => $php_ext_sessions, 'Class' => ($php_ext_sessions==ON) ? 'OK' : 'FAIL', 'HelpURL' =>ERROR_CODE_PHP_SESSION_SUPPORT, 'HelpLabel'=>ERROR_TEXT_PHP_SESSION_SUPPORT); //session.auto_start check $php_session_auto = (ini_get('session.auto_start')) ? ON : OFF; $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Critical', 'Title' => LABEL_PHP_SESSION_AUTOSTART, 'Status' => $php_session_auto, 'Class' => ($php_session_auto==ON) ? 'FAIL' : 'OK', 'HelpURL' =>ERROR_CODE_PHP_SESSION_AUTOSTART, 'HelpLabel'=>ERROR_TEXT_PHP_SESSION_AUTOSTART); //session.trans_sid check $php_session_trans_sid = (ini_get('session.use_trans_sid')) ? ON : OFF; $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Critical', 'Title' => LABEL_PHP_SESSION_TRANS_SID, 'Status' => $php_session_trans_sid, 'Class' => ($php_session_trans_sid==ON) ? 'FAIL' : 'OK', 'HelpURL' =>ERROR_CODE_PHP_SESSION_TRANS_SID, 'HelpLabel'=>ERROR_TEXT_PHP_SESSION_TRANS_SID); // Check for 'tmp' folder for file-based caching. This checks numerous places, and tests actual writing of a file to those folders. $session_save_path = (@ini_get('session.save_path')) ? ini_get('session.save_path') : UNKNOWN; $session_save_path_writable = (@is_writable( $session_save_path )) ? WRITABLE : UNWRITABLE ; $status_check2[3] = array('Importance' => 'Optional', 'Title' => LABEL_PHP_EXT_SAVE_PATH, 'Status' => $session_save_path . ($session_save_path != UNKNOWN ? '  -->' . $session_save_path_writable : ''), 'Class' => ($session_save_path_writable ==WRITABLE || $session_save_path == UNKNOWN) ? 'OK' : 'WARN', 'HelpURL' =>ERROR_CODE_SESSION_SAVE_PATH, 'HelpLabel'=>ERROR_TEXT_SESSION_SAVE_PATH); //check various options for cache storage: //foreach (array(@ini_get("session.save_path"), '/tmp', '/var/lib/php/session', $dir_fs_www_root . '/tmp', $dir_fs_www_root . '/cache', 'c:/php/tmp', 'c:/php/sessiondata', 'c:/windows/temp', 'c:/temp') as $cache_test) { foreach (array($dir_fs_www_root . '/cache') as $cache_test) { if (is_dir($cache_test) && @is_writable($cache_test) ) { // does it exist? Is is writable? $filename = $cache_test . '/zentest.tst'; $fp = @fopen($filename,"w"); // if this fails, then the file is not really writable @fwrite($fp,'cache test'); @fclose($fp); $fp = @fopen($filename,"rb"); // read it back to be sure it's ok $contents = @fread($fp, filesize($filename)); @fclose($fp); @unlink($filename); if ($contents == 'cache test') { $suggested_cache=$cache_test; // if contents were read ok, then path is OK break; } } } $sugg_cache_class = 'OK'; //default $sugg_cache_code = ''; $sugg_cache_text = ''; if ($suggested_cache == '') { $suggested_cache = $dir_fs_www_root . '/cache'; //suggest to use catalog path if no alternative was found usable $sugg_cache_class = 'WARN'; $sugg_cache_code = ERROR_CODE_CACHE_CUSTOM_NEEDED; $sugg_cache_text = '
tag is for line-wrap for a long message displayed } elseif (!is_dir($suggested_cache)) { $sugg_cache_code = ERROR_CODE_CACHE_DIR_ISDIR; $sugg_cache_text = ERROR_TEXT_CACHE_DIR_ISDIR; $sugg_cache_class = 'WARN'; } elseif (!@is_writable($suggested_cache)) { $sugg_cache_code = ERROR_CODE_CACHE_DIR_ISWRITABLE; $sugg_cache_text = ERROR_TEXT_CACHE_DIR_ISWRITABLE; $sugg_cache_class = 'WARN'; }//endif $suggested_cache $zc_install->setConfigKey('DIR_FS_SQL_CACHE', $suggested_cache); $zdb_sql_cache_writable = (@is_writable($zdb_sql_cache)) ? WRITABLE : UNWRITABLE; if ($zdb_sql_cache != '') $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Recommended', 'Title' => LABEL_CURRENT_CACHE_PATH, 'Status' => $zdb_sql_cache . '  -->' . $zdb_sql_cache_writable , 'Class' => ($zdb_sql_cache_writable ==WRITABLE) ? 'OK' : 'WARN', 'HelpURL' =>ERROR_CODE_CACHE_DIR_ISWRITEABLE, 'HelpLabel'=>ERROR_TEXT_CACHE_DIR_ISWRITEABLE); $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Recommended', 'Title' => LABEL_SUGGESTED_CACHE_PATH, 'Status' => $suggested_cache, 'Class' => $sugg_cache_class, 'HelpURL' =>$sugg_cache_code, 'HelpLabel'=>$sugg_cache_text); //PHP MagicQuotesRuntime $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Recommended', 'Title' => LABEL_PHP_MAG_QT_RUN, 'Status' => $php_magic_quotes_runtime , 'Class' => ($php_magic_quotes_runtime=='OFF')?'OK':'FAIL', 'HelpURL' =>ERROR_CODE_MAGIC_QUOTES_RUNTIME, 'HelpLabel'=>ERROR_TEXT_MAGIC_QUOTES_RUNTIME); //PHP MagicQuotesSybase $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Recommended', 'Title' => LABEL_PHP_MAG_QT_SYBASE, 'Status' => $php_magic_quotes_sybase , 'Class' => ($php_magic_quotes_sybase=='OFF')?'OK':'FAIL', 'HelpURL' =>ERROR_CODE_MAGIC_QUOTES_SYBASE, 'HelpLabel'=>ERROR_TEXT_MAGIC_QUOTES_SYBASE); //PHP GD support check $php_ext_gd = (@extension_loaded('gd')) ? ON : OFF; $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Optional', 'Title' => LABEL_PHP_EXT_GD, 'Status' => $php_ext_gd , 'Class' => ($php_ext_gd==ON)?'OK':'WARN', 'HelpURL' =>ERROR_CODE_GD_SUPPORT, 'HelpLabel'=>ERROR_TEXT_GD_SUPPORT); if (function_exists('gd_info')) $gd_info = @gd_info(); $gd_ver = 'GD ' . $gd_info['GD Version']; $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Optional', 'Title' => LABEL_GD_VER, 'Status' => $gd_ver , 'Class' => ($php_ext_gd==ON && strstr($gd_ver,'2.') )?'OK':'WARN', 'HelpURL' =>ERROR_CODE_GD_SUPPORT, 'HelpLabel'=>ERROR_TEXT_GD_SUPPORT); //check for zLib Compression Support $php_ext_zlib = (@extension_loaded('zlib')) ? ON : OFF; $status_check[] = array('Importance' => '', 'Title' => LABEL_PHP_EXT_ZLIB, 'Status' => $php_ext_zlib, 'Class' => ($php_ext_zlib==ON)?'OK':'WARN', 'HelpURL' =>'', 'HelpLabel'=>''); //Check for OpenSSL support (only relevant for Apache) $php_ext_openssl = (@extension_loaded('openssl')) ? ON : OFF; if ($php_ext_openssl == ON) $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Optional', 'Title' => LABEL_PHP_EXT_OPENSSL, 'Status' => $php_ext_openssl, 'Class' => ($php_ext_openssl==ON)?'OK':'WARN', 'HelpURL' =>ERROR_CODE_OPENSSL_WARN, 'HelpLabel'=>ERROR_TEXT_OPENSSL_WARN); //Check for cURL support (ie: for payment/shipping gateways) // could also check for (function_exists('curl_init')) $php_ext_curl = (@extension_loaded('curl')) ? ON : OFF; $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Optional', 'Title' => LABEL_PHP_EXT_CURL, 'Status' => $php_ext_curl, 'Class' => ($php_ext_curl==ON)?'OK':'WARN', 'HelpURL' =>ERROR_CODE_CURL_SUPPORT, 'HelpLabel'=>ERROR_TEXT_CURL_SUPPORT); // check for actual CURL operation $curl_nonssl_test = $zc_install->test_curl('NONSSL'); $curl_ssl_test = $zc_install->test_curl('SSL'); $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Optional', 'Title' => LABEL_CURL_NONSSL, 'Status' => $curl_nonssl_test, 'Class' => ($curl_nonssl_test == OKAY) ? 'OK' : 'WARN', 'HelpURL' =>ERROR_CODE_CURL_SUPPORT, 'HelpLabel'=>ERROR_TEXT_CURL_SUPPORT); $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Optional', 'Title' => LABEL_CURL_SSL, 'Status' => $curl_ssl_test, 'Class' => ($curl_ssl_test == OKAY) ? 'OK' : 'WARN', 'HelpURL' =>ERROR_CODE_CURL_SSL_PROBLEM, 'HelpLabel'=>ERROR_TEXT_CURL_SSL_PROBLEM); if ($curl_nonssl_test != OKAY || $curl_ssl_test != OKAY) { $curl_nonssl_proxy_test = $zc_install->test_curl('NONSSL', true); $curl_ssl_proxy_test = $zc_install->test_curl('SSL', true); $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Optional', 'Title' => LABEL_CURL_NONSSL_PROXY, 'Status' => $curl_nonssl_proxy_test, 'Class' => ($curl_nonssl_proxy_test == OKAY) ? 'OK' : 'WARN', 'HelpURL' =>ERROR_CODE_CURL_SUPPORT, 'HelpLabel'=>ERROR_TEXT_CURL_SUPPORT); $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Optional', 'Title' => LABEL_CURL_SSL_PROXY, 'Status' => $curl_ssl_proxy_test, 'Class' => ($curl_ssl_proxy_test == OKAY) ? 'OK' : 'WARN', 'HelpURL' =>ERROR_CODE_CURL_SSL_PROBLEM, 'HelpLabel'=>ERROR_TEXT_CURL_SSL_PROBLEM); } //Check for upload support built in to PHP $php_uploads = (@ini_get('file_uploads')) ? ON : OFF; $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Optional', 'Title' => LABEL_PHP_UPLOAD_STATUS, 'Status' => $php_uploads . sprintf('   upload_max_filesize=%s;   post_max_size=%s',@ini_get('upload_max_filesize'), @ini_get('post_max_size')) , 'Class' => ($php_uploads==ON)?'OK':'WARN', 'HelpURL' =>ERROR_CODE_UPLOADS_DISABLED, 'HelpLabel'=>ERROR_TEXT_UPLOADS_DISABLED); //Upload TMP dir setting $upload_tmp_dir = ini_get("upload_tmp_dir"); $status_check[] = array('Importance' => 'Info', 'Title' => LABEL_UPLOAD_TMP_DIR, 'Status' => $upload_tmp_dir, 'Class' => 'OK', 'HelpURL' =>'', 'HelpLabel'=>''); //Check for XML Support $xml_support = function_exists('xml_parser_create') ? ON : OFF; $status_check2[] = array('Importance' => 'Optional', 'Title' => LABEL_XML_SUPPORT, 'Status' => $xml_support, 'Class' => ($xml_support==ON)?'OK':'WARN', 'HelpURL' =>'', 'HelpLabel'=>''); //Check for FTP support built in to PHP (for manual sending of configure.php files to server if applicable) $php_ext_ftp = (@extension_loaded('ftp')) ? ON : OFF; if ($php_ext_ftp == ON) $status_check2[] = array('Importance' => 'Optional', 'Title' => LABEL_PHP_EXT_FTP, 'Status' => $php_ext_ftp, 'Class' => ($php_ext_ftp==ON)?'OK':'WARN', 'HelpURL' =>'', 'HelpLabel'=>''); //Check for pfpro support in PHP for Verisign Payflow Pro payment gateway (Verisign SDK required) $php_ext_pfpro = (@extension_loaded('pfpro')) ? ON : OFF; if ($php_ext_pfpro==ON) $status_check2[] = array('Importance' => 'Optional', 'Title' => LABEL_PHP_EXT_PFPRO, 'Status' => $php_ext_pfpro, 'Class' => ($php_ext_pfpro==ON)?'OK':'WARN', 'HelpURL' =>'', 'HelpLabel'=>''); // PHP output buffering (GZip) (PHP configuration) $php_buffer = (@ini_get("output_buffering")) ? ON : OFF; $status_check2[] = array('Importance' => 'Optional', 'Title' => LABEL_GZIP, 'Status' => $php_buffer, 'Class' => ($php_buffer==ON)?'OK':'WARN', 'HelpURL' =>'', 'HelpLabel'=>''); //Check PostgreSQL availability $pg_support = (function_exists( 'pg_connect' )) ? ON : OFF; // turn off display of Postgres status until we support it again //$status_check2[] = array('Importance' => 'Optional', 'Title' => LABEL_POSTGRES_AVAILABLE, 'Status' => $pg_support, 'Class' => ($pg_support==ON) ? 'OK' : 'WARN', 'HelpURL' =>ERROR_CODE_DB_NOTSUPPORTED, 'HelpLabel'=>ERROR_TEXT_DB_NOTSUPPORTED); //OpenBaseDir setting // read restrictions, and check whether the working folder falls within the list of restricted areas $this_class = 'OK'; if ($open_basedir = ini_get('open_basedir')) { $found_basedir = false; // if anything is found for open_basedir, set to warning: if ($open_basedir) $this_class = 'WARN'; // expand based on : symbol, or ; for windows $basedir_check_array = explode(':',$open_basedir); if (!is_array($basedir_check_array)) $basedir_check_array = explode(';',$open_basedir); // now loop thru paths in the open_basedir settings to find a match to our site. If not found, issue warning. if (is_array($basedir_check_array) && $dir_fs_www_root !='') { foreach($basedir_check_array as $basedir_check) { // echo 'www-root: ' . $dir_fs_www_root . '
basedir: ' . $basedir_check . '

'; if ($basedir_check !='' && strstr($dir_fs_www_root, $basedir_check)) { //echo 'FOUND

'; $found_basedir=true; } } } if (!$found_basedir) $this_class = 'FAIL'; } $status_check2[] = array('Importance' => 'Recommended', 'Title' => LABEL_OPEN_BASEDIR, 'Status' => $open_basedir, 'Class' => $this_class, 'HelpURL' =>'', 'HelpLabel'=>'Could have problems uploading files or doing backups'); //Sendmail-From setting (PHP configuration) $sendmail_from = @ini_get("sendmail_from"); $status_check2[] = array('Importance' => 'Info', 'Title' => LABEL_SENDMAIL_FROM, 'Status' => $sendmail_from, 'Class' => 'NA', 'HelpURL' =>'', 'HelpLabel'=>''); //Sendmail Path setting (PHP configuration) $sendmail_path = @ini_get("sendmail_path"); $status_check2[] = array('Importance' => 'Info', 'Title' => LABEL_SENDMAIL_PATH, 'Status' => $sendmail_path, 'Class' => 'NA', 'HelpURL' =>'', 'HelpLabel'=>''); //SMTP (vs sendmail) setting (PHP configuration) $smtp = @ini_get("SMTP"); $status_check2[] = array('Importance' => 'Info', 'Title' => LABEL_SMTP_MAIL, 'Status' => $smtp, 'Class' => 'NA', 'HelpURL' =>'', 'HelpLabel'=>''); //include_path (PHP configuration) $includePath = @ini_get("include_path"); $status_check2[] = array('Importance' => 'Info', 'Title' => LABEL_INCLUDE_PATH, 'Status' => $includePath, 'Class' => 'NA', 'HelpURL' =>'', 'HelpLabel'=>''); // reverse the order for slightly more pleasant display $status_check2 = array_reverse($status_check2); // error-condition-detection $php_extensions = get_loaded_extensions(); $admin_config_exists = $zc_install->test_admin_configure(ERROR_TEXT_ADMIN_CONFIGURE,ERROR_CODE_ADMIN_CONFIGURE, ($zen_cart_previous_version_installed && $zen_cart_database_connect_OK ? false : true)); $store_config_exists = $zc_install->test_store_configure(ERROR_TEXT_STORE_CONFIGURE,ERROR_CODE_STORE_CONFIGURE); if ($php_ext_sessions=="OFF") {$zc_install->setError(ERROR_TEXT_PHP_SESSION_SUPPORT, ERROR_CODE_PHP_SESSION_SUPPORT, true);} // don't restrict ability to proceed with installation if upgrading the database w/o touching configure.php files is a suitable option $zen_cart_allow_database_upgrade_button_disable = $zc_install->fatal_error; // do we override the fatal error caused by configure.php files not being writable? Automatic for Windows hosts, due to the complexities of permissions on Windoze if ($configWriteOverride || stristr(PHP_OS, 'WinNT') || stristr(getenv("SERVER_SOFTWARE"), 'Win32') || stristr($real_path, 'wwwroot') || stristr($real_path, 'inetpub') || stristr($real_path, ':')) { $configWriteOverride = true; } // now check for writability of the configure.php files (after capturing fatal_error status above). if ($admin_config_exists) $admin_config_writable = $zc_install->test_admin_configure_write(ERROR_TEXT_ADMIN_CONFIGURE_WRITE,ERROR_CODE_ADMIN_CONFIGURE_WRITE, !$configWriteOverride); if ($store_config_exists) $store_config_writable = $zc_install->test_store_configure_write(ERROR_TEXT_STORE_CONFIGURE_WRITE,ERROR_CODE_STORE_CONFIGURE_WRITE, !$configWriteOverride); foreach (array('includes/configure.php', 'admin/includes/configure.php') as $file) { $this_writable=''; $this_exists=''; if (file_exists('../' . $file)) { $this_exists=''; if ($zc_install->isWriteable('../' . $file)) { $this_class = 'OK'; $this_writable=WRITABLE; } else { $this_class = 'FAIL'; $this_writable=UNWRITABLE; } } else { $this_exists=NOT_EXIST; $this_class='FAIL'; } $file_status[]=array('file'=>$file, 'exists'=>$this_exists, 'writable'=>$this_writable, 'class'=> $this_class); } //check folders status foreach (array('cache'=>'777 read/write/execute', 'images'=>'777 read/write/execute (INCLUDE SUBDIRECTORIES TOO)', 'includes/languages/english/html_includes'=>'777 read/write (INCLUDE SUBDIRECTORIES TOO)', 'media'=>'777 read/write/execute', 'pub'=>'777 read/write/execute', 'admin/backups'=>'777 read/write', 'admin/images/graphs'=>'777 read/write/execute' ) as $folder=>$chmod) { $folder_status[]=array('folder'=>$folder, 'writable'=>(@is_writable('../'.$folder)) ? OK : UNWRITABLE, 'class'=> (@is_writable('../'.$folder)) ? 'OK' : 'WARN', 'chmod'=>$chmod); } // disable Install/Upgrade buttons if fatal error discovered $button_status = ($zc_install->fatal_error && !isset($_GET['ignorefatal'])) ? 'disabled="disabled"' : ''; $button_status_upg = ($zen_cart_allow_database_upgrade_button_disable && !isset($_GET['ignorefatal'])) ? 'disabled="disabled"' : ''; // record system inspection results $data = "\n------------------------------\n"; foreach ($status_check as $val) { $data .= $val['Class'] . ': ' . $val['Title'] . ' => ' . $val['Status'] . "\n"; // $val['HelpLabel'] } foreach ($status_check2 as $val) { $data .= $val['Class'] . ': ' . $val['Title'] . ' => ' . $val['Status'] . "\n"; // $val['HelpLabel'] } foreach ($file_status as $val) { $data .= $val['class'] . ': ' . $val['file'] . ' => ' . $val['exists'] . ' ' . $val['writable'] . "\n"; } foreach ($folder_status as $val) { $data .= $val['class'] . ': ' . $val['folder'] . ' => ' . $val['writable'] . ' ' . $val['chmod'] . "\n"; } $data .= 'PHP Extensions compiled: '; foreach($php_extensions as $module) { $data .= $module . ', '; } $data = substr($data, 0, -2); // remove trailing comma $data .= "\n------------------------------\n"; // $zc_install->logDetails('System Inspection Results: ' . str_replace(array('
', '
', ' '), '', $data)); // PROCESS TEMPLATE BUTTONS, IF CLICKED if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { if (!$zc_install->fatal_error) { $zc_install->setConfigKey('is_upgrade', 0); header('location: index.php?main_page=database_setup' . zcInstallAddSID() ); exit; } } else if (isset($_POST['upgrade'])) { if (!$zc_install->fatal_error) { $zc_install->setConfigKey('is_upgrade', 1); header('location: index.php?main_page=database_setup' . zcInstallAddSID() ); exit; } } else if (isset($_POST['db_upgrade'])) { if (!$zen_cart_allow_database_upgrade_button_disable) { $zc_install->setConfigKey('is_upgrade', 1); header('location: index.php?main_page=database_upgrade' . zcInstallAddSID() ); exit; } } else if (isset($_POST['refresh'])) { $zc_install->logDetails('System Inspection Results: ' . str_replace(array('
', '
', ' '), '', $data)); header('location: index.php?main_page=inspect' . zcInstallAddSID() ); exit; } else { $zc_install->logDetails('System Inspection Results: ' . str_replace(array('
', '
', ' '), '', $data)); } ?>