test_store_configure(ERROR_TEXT_STORE_CONFIGURE,ERROR_CODE_STORE_CONFIGURE); if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true && $zc_install->fatal_error) echo 'FATAL ERROR-CONFIGURE FILE'; if (!$zc_install->fatal_error) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo 'configure.php file exists
'; @require_once(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'configure.php'); require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'classes/db/' . DB_TYPE . '/query_factory.php'); //open database connection to run queries against it $db_test = new queryFactory; $db_test->Connect(DB_SERVER, DB_SERVER_USERNAME, DB_SERVER_PASSWORD, DB_DATABASE) or die("Unable to connect to database"); //check to see if a database_table_prefix has been defined. If not, set it to blank. if (!defined('DB_PREFIX') || DB_PREFIX == 'DB_PREFIX' || "'".DB_PREFIX."'" == 'DB_PREFIX') { define('DB_PREFIX',''); } // Now check the database for what version it's at, if found require('includes/classes/class.installer_version_manager.php'); $dbinfo = new versionManager; $privs_array = explode('|||',zen_check_database_privs('','',true)); $db_priv_ok = $privs_array[0]; $zdb_privs_list = $privs_array[1]; $privs_found_text=''; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo 'privs_list_to_parse='.$db_priv_ok.'|||'.$zdb_privs_list; foreach(array('ALL PRIVILEGES','SELECT','INSERT','UPDATE','DELETE','CREATE','ALTER','INDEX','DROP') as $value) { if (in_array($value,explode(', ',$zdb_privs_list))) { $privs_found_text .= $value .', '; } } $zdb_privs=str_replace(', ',' ',$privs_found_text.' '); if (!zen_not_null($zdb_privs)) $zdb_privs=$zdb_privs_list; if ($zdb_privs_list == 'Not Checked') $zdb_privs = $zdb_privs_list; // Finished querying database for configuration info $db_test->Close(); // *** NOW DETERMINE REQUIRED UPDATES BASED ON TEST RESULTS $sniffer_text = ''; //display options based on what was found -- THESE SHOULD BE PROCESSED IN REVERSE ORDER, NEWEST VERSION FIRST... ! //that way only the "earliest-required" upgrade is suggested first. $needs_v1_3_8=false; if (!$dbinfo->version138) { $sniffer_text = ' upgrade v1.3.7 to v1.3.8'; $needs_v1_3_8=true; } $needs_v1_3_7=false; if (!$dbinfo->version137) { $sniffer_text = ' upgrade v1.3.6 to v1.3.7'; $needs_v1_3_7=true; } $needs_v1_3_6=false; if (!$dbinfo->version136) { $sniffer_text = ' upgrade v1.3.5 to v1.3.6'; $needs_v1_3_6=true; } $needs_v1_3_5=false; if (!$dbinfo->version135) { $sniffer_text = ' upgrade v1.3.0.2 to v1.3.5'; $needs_v1_3_5=true; } $needs_v1_3_0_2=false; if (!$dbinfo->version1302) { $sniffer_text = ' upgrade v1.3.0.1 to v1.3.0.2'; $needs_v1_3_0_2=true; } $needs_v1_3_0_1=false; if (!$dbinfo->version1301) { $sniffer_text = ' upgrade v1.3.0 to v1.3.0.1'; $needs_v1_3_0_1=true; } $needs_v1_3_0=false; if (!$dbinfo->version130) { $sniffer_text = ' upgrade v1.2.7 to v1.3.0'; $needs_v1_3_0=true; } $needs_v1_2_7=false; if (!$dbinfo->version127) { $sniffer_text = ' upgrade v1.2.6 to v1.2.7'; $needs_v1_2_7=true; } $needs_v1_2_6=false; if (!$dbinfo->version126) { $sniffer_text = ' upgrade v1.2.5 to v1.2.6'; $needs_v1_2_6=true; } $needs_v1_2_5=false; if (!$dbinfo->version125) { $sniffer_text = ' upgrade v1.2.4 to v1.2.5'; $needs_v1_2_5=true; } $needs_v1_2_4=false; if (!$dbinfo->version124) { $sniffer_text = ' upgrade v1.2.3 to v1.2.4'; $needs_v1_2_4=true; } $needs_v1_2_3=false; if (!$dbinfo->version123) { $sniffer_text = ' upgrade v1.2.2 to v1.2.3'; $needs_v1_2_3=true; } $needs_v1_2_2=false; if (!$dbinfo->version122) { $sniffer_text = ' upgrade v1.2.1 to v1.2.2'; $needs_v1_2_2=true; } $needs_v1_2_1=false; if (!$dbinfo->version121) { $sniffer_text = ' upgrade v1.2.0 to v1.2.1'; $needs_v1_2_1=true; } $needs_v1_2_0=false; if (!$dbinfo->version120) { $sniffer_text = ' upgrade v1.1.4 to v1.2.0'; $needs_v1_2_0=true; } $needs_v1_1_4_patch1=false; if (!$dbinfo->version1141) { $sniffer_text = ' upgrade v1.1.4 to v1.1.4_patch1'; $needs_v1_1_4_patch1=true; } $needs_v1_1_4=false; if (!$dbinfo->version114) { $sniffer_text = ' upgrade v1.1.2 or v1.1.3 to v1.1.4'; $needs_v1_1_4=true; } $needs_v1_1_2=false; if (!$dbinfo->version112) { $sniffer_text = ' upgrade v1.1.1 to v1.1.2'; $needs_v1_1_2=true; } $needs_v1_1_1=false; if (!$dbinfo->version111) { $sniffer_text = ' upgrade v1.1.0 to v1.1.1'; $needs_v1_1_1=true; } $needs_v1_1_0=false; if (!$dbinfo->version110) { $sniffer_text = ' upgrade v1.04 to v.1.1.1'; $needs_v1_1_0=true; // $needs_v1_1_1=false; // exclude the 1.1.0-to-1.1.1 update since it's included in this step if selected } if (!isset($sniffer_text) || $sniffer_text == '') { $sniffer_text = '  *** No upgrade required ***'; $sniffer_version = ''; } } // end if zc_install_error == false ....... and database schema checks if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG2==true) { echo '
110='.$dbinfo->version110; echo '
111='.$dbinfo->version111; echo '
112='.$dbinfo->version112; echo '
114='.$dbinfo->version114; echo '
1_1_4_patch1='.$dbinfo->version1141; echo '
120='.$dbinfo->version120; echo '
121='.$dbinfo->version121; echo '
122='.$dbinfo->version122; echo '
123='.$dbinfo->version123; echo '
124='.$dbinfo->version124; echo '
125='.$dbinfo->version125; echo '
126='.$dbinfo->version126; echo '
127='.$dbinfo->version127; echo '
130='.$dbinfo->version130; echo '
1301='.$dbinfo->version1301; echo '
1302='.$dbinfo->version1302; echo '
135='.$dbinfo->version135; echo '
136='.$dbinfo->version136; echo '
137='.$dbinfo->version137; echo '
138='.$dbinfo->version138; echo '
'; } // IF FORM WAS SUBMITTED, CHECK SELECTIONS AND PERFORM THEM if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $sniffer_text = ''; $sniffer_version = ''; $nothing_to_process = false; if (is_array($_POST['version'])) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG2==true) foreach($_POST['version'] as $value) { echo 'Selected: ' . $value.'
';} reset($_POST['version']); while (list(, $value) = each($_POST['version'])) { $sniffer_file = ''; switch ($value) { case '1.0.4': // upgrading from v1.0.4 to 1.1.1 if ($dbinfo->version111) continue; // if prerequisite not completed, or already done, skip $sniffer_file = '_upgrade_zencart_104_to_111.sql'; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG2==true) echo '
'; $got_v1_1_1 = true; $db_upgraded_to_version='1.1.1'; break; case '1.1.0': // upgrading from v1.1.0 to 1.1.1 if (!$dbinfo->version110 || $dbinfo->version111) continue; // if don't have prerequisite, or if already done this step $sniffer_file = '_upgrade_zencart_110_to_111.sql'; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG2==true) echo $sniffer_file.'
'; $got_v1_1_1 = true; //after processing this step, this will be the new version-level $db_upgraded_to_version='1.1.1'; break; case '1.1.1': // upgrading from v1.1.1 to 1.1.2 if (!$dbinfo->version111 || $dbinfo->version112) continue; $sniffer_file = '_upgrade_zencart_110_to_112.sql'; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG2==true) echo $sniffer_file.'
'; $got_v1_1_2 = true; //after processing this step, this will be the new version-level $db_upgraded_to_version='1.1.2'; break; case '1.1.2-or-1.1.3': // upgrading from v1.1.2 or v.1.13 TO 1.1.4 if (!$dbinfo->version112 || $dbinfo->version114) continue; $sniffer_file = '_upgrade_zencart_112_to_114.sql'; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG2==true) echo $sniffer_file.'
'; $got_v1_1_4 = true; $got_v1_1_4_patch1 = true; //after processing this step, this will be the new version-level $db_upgraded_to_version='1.1.4-1'; break; case '1.1.4': // upgrading from v1.1.4 to 1.1.4 patch1 if (!$dbinfo->version114 || $dbinfo->version1141) continue; $sniffer_file = '_upgrade_zencart_114_patch1.sql'; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG2==true) echo $sniffer_file.'
'; $got_v1_1_4_patch1 = true; //after processing this step, this will be the new version-level $db_upgraded_to_version='1.1.4-1'; break; case '1.1.4u': // upgrading from v1.1.4 TO v1.2.0 ('u' implies "upgrade", rather than just the patch1) if (!$dbinfo->version114 || $dbinfo->version120) continue; $sniffer_file = '_upgrade_zencart_114_to_120.sql'; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG2==true) echo $sniffer_file.'
'; $got_v1_2_0 = true; //after processing this step, this will be the new version-level $db_upgraded_to_version='1.2.0'; break; case '1.2.0': // upgrading from v1.2.0 TO v1.2.1 if (!$dbinfo->version120 || $dbinfo->version121) continue; // if prerequisite not completed, or already done, skip $sniffer_file = '_upgrade_zencart_120_to_121.sql'; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG2==true) echo $sniffer_file.'
'; $got_v1_2_1 = true; //after processing this step, this will be the new version-level $db_upgraded_to_version='1.2.1'; break; case '1.2.1': // upgrading from v1.2.1 TO v1.2.2 // if (!$dbinfo->version121 || $dbinfo->version122) continue; // if prerequisite not completed, or already done, skip $sniffer_file = '_upgrade_zencart_121_to_122.sql'; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG2==true) echo $sniffer_file.'
'; $got_v1_2_2 = true; //after processing this step, this will be the new version-level $db_upgraded_to_version='1.2.2'; break; case '1.2.2': // upgrading from v1.2.2 TO v1.2.3 // if (!$dbinfo->version122 || $dbinfo->version123) continue; // if prerequisite not completed, or already done, skip $sniffer_file = '_upgrade_zencart_122_to_123.sql'; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG2==true) echo $sniffer_file.'
'; $got_v1_2_3 = true; //after processing this step, this will be the new version-level $db_upgraded_to_version='1.2.3'; break; case '1.2.3': // upgrading from v1.2.3 TO v1.2.4 // if (!$dbinfo->version123 || $dbinfo->version124) continue; // if prerequisite not completed, or already done, skip $sniffer_file = '_upgrade_zencart_123_to_124.sql'; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG2==true) echo $sniffer_file.'
'; $got_v1_2_4 = true; //after processing this step, this will be the new version-level $db_upgraded_to_version='1.2.4'; break; case '1.2.4': // upgrading from v1.2.4 TO v1.2.5 // if (!$dbinfo->version124 || $dbinfo->version125) continue; // if prerequisite not completed, or already done, skip $sniffer_file = '_upgrade_zencart_124_to_125.sql'; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG2==true) echo $sniffer_file.'
'; $got_v1_2_5 = true; //after processing this step, this will be the new version-level $db_upgraded_to_version='1.2.5'; break; case '1.2.5': // upgrading from v1.2.5 TO v1.2.6 // if (!$dbinfo->version125 || $dbinfo->version126) continue; // if prerequisite not completed, or already done, skip $sniffer_file = '_upgrade_zencart_125_to_126.sql'; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG2==true) echo $sniffer_file.'
'; $got_v1_2_6 = true; //after processing this step, this will be the new version-level $db_upgraded_to_version='1.2.6'; break; case '1.2.6': // upgrading from v1.2.6 TO v1.2.7 // if (!$dbinfo->version126 || $dbinfo->version127) continue; // if prerequisite not completed, or already done, skip $sniffer_file = '_upgrade_zencart_126_to_127.sql'; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG2==true) echo $sniffer_file.'
'; $got_v1_2_7 = true; //after processing this step, this will be the new version-level $db_upgraded_to_version='1.2.7'; break; case '1.2.7': // upgrading from v1.2.7 TO v1.3.0 // if (!$dbinfo->version127 || $dbinfo->version130) continue; // if prerequisite not completed, or already done, skip $sniffer_file = '_upgrade_zencart_127_to_130.sql'; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG2==true) echo $sniffer_file.'
'; $got_v1_3_0 = true; //after processing this step, this will be the new version-level $db_upgraded_to_version='1.3.0'; break; case '1.3.0': // upgrading from v1.3.0 TO // if (!$dbinfo->version130 || $dbinfo->version1301) continue; // if prerequisite not completed, or already done, skip $sniffer_file = '_upgrade_zencart_130_to_1301.sql'; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG2==true) echo $sniffer_file.'
'; $got_v1_3_0_1 = true; //after processing this step, this will be the new version-level $db_upgraded_to_version=''; break; case '': // upgrading from v1.3.0.1 TO // if (!$dbinfo->version1301 || $dbinfo->version1302) continue; // if prerequisite not completed, or already done, skip $sniffer_file = '_upgrade_zencart_1301_to_1302.sql'; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG2==true) echo $sniffer_file.'
'; $got_v1_3_0_2 = true; //after processing this step, this will be the new version-level $db_upgraded_to_version=''; break; case '': // upgrading from v1.3.0.2 TO 1.3.5 // if (!$dbinfo->version1302 || $dbinfo->version135) continue; // if prerequisite not completed, or already done, skip $sniffer_file = '_upgrade_zencart_1302_to_135.sql'; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG2==true) echo $sniffer_file.'
'; $got_v1_3_5 = true; //after processing this step, this will be the new version-level $db_upgraded_to_version='1.3.5'; break; case '1.3.5': // upgrading from v1.3.5 TO 1.3.6 // if (!$dbinfo->version135 || $dbinfo->version136) continue; // if prerequisite not completed, or already done, skip $sniffer_file = '_upgrade_zencart_135_to_136.sql'; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG2==true) echo $sniffer_file.'
'; $got_v1_3_6 = true; //after processing this step, this will be the new version-level $db_upgraded_to_version='1.3.6'; break; case '1.3.6': // upgrading from v1.3.6 TO 1.3.7 // if (!$dbinfo->version135 || $dbinfo->version137) continue; // if prerequisite not completed, or already done, skip $sniffer_file = '_upgrade_zencart_136_to_137.sql'; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG2==true) echo $sniffer_file.'
'; $got_v1_3_7 = true; //after processing this step, this will be the new version-level $db_upgraded_to_version='1.3.7'; break; case '1.3.7': // upgrading from v1.3.7 TO 1.3.8 // if (!$dbinfo->version137 || $dbinfo->version138) continue; // if prerequisite not completed, or already done, skip $sniffer_file = '_upgrade_zencart_137_to_138.sql'; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG2==true) echo $sniffer_file.'
'; $got_v1_3_8 = true; //after processing this step, this will be the new version-level $db_upgraded_to_version='1.3.8'; break; default: $nothing_to_process=true; } // end while //check for errors $zc_install->test_store_configure(ERROR_TEXT_STORE_CONFIGURE,ERROR_CODE_STORE_CONFIGURE); if (!$zc_install->fatal_error && isset($_POST['adminid']) && isset($_POST['adminpwd'])) { $zc_install->fileExists('sql/' . DB_TYPE . $sniffer_file, DB_TYPE . $sniffer_file . ' ' . ERROR_TEXT_DB_SQL_NOTEXIST, ERROR_CODE_DB_SQL_NOTEXIST); $zc_install->functionExists(DB_TYPE, ERROR_TEXT_DB_NOTSUPPORTED, ERROR_CODE_DB_NOTSUPPORTED); $zc_install->dbConnect(DB_TYPE, DB_SERVER, DB_DATABASE, DB_SERVER_USERNAME, DB_SERVER_PASSWORD, ERROR_TEXT_DB_CONNECTION_FAILED, ERROR_CODE_DB_CONNECTION_FAILED,ERROR_TEXT_DB_NOTEXIST, ERROR_CODE_DB_NOTEXIST); $zc_install->verifyAdminCredentials($_POST['adminid'], $_POST['adminpwd']); } //end if !fatal_error if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG2==true) echo 'Processing ['.$sniffer_file.']...
'; if ($zc_install->error == false && $nothing_to_process==false) { //open database connection to run queries against it $db = new queryFactory; $db->Connect(DB_SERVER, DB_SERVER_USERNAME, DB_SERVER_PASSWORD, DB_DATABASE) or die("Unable to connect to database"); // load the upgrade.sql file(s) relative to the required step(s) $query_results = executeSql('sql/'. DB_TYPE . $sniffer_file, DB_DATABASE, DB_PREFIX); if ($query_results['queries'] > 0 && $query_results['queries'] != $query_results['ignored']) { $messageStack->add('upgrade',$query_results['queries'].' statements processed.', 'success'); } else { $messageStack->add('upgrade','Failed: '.$query_results['queries'], 'error'); } if (zen_not_null($query_results['errors'])) { foreach ($query_results['errors'] as $value) { $messageStack->add('upgrade-error-details','SKIPPED: '.$value, 'error'); } } if ($query_results['ignored'] != 0) { $messageStack->add('upgrade','Note: '.$query_results['ignored'].' statements ignored. See "upgrade_exceptions" table for additional details.', 'caution'); } /* if (zen_not_null($query_results['output'])) { foreach ($query_results['output'] as $value) { echo 'CAUTION: '.$value.'
'; if (zen_not_null($value)) $messageStack->add('INFO: '.$value, 'caution'); } } */ $failed_entries += $query_results['ignored']; $db->Close(); } // end if "no error" } // end while - version loop if ($failed_entries !=0 ) { $zc_install->setError('NOTE: Skipped upgrade statements: '.$failed_entries.'
See details at bottom of page for your inspection.
(Details also logged in the "upgrade_exceptions" table.)

Note: In most cases, these failed statements can be ignored,
as they are indications that certain settings may have already been set on your site.
If all the suggested upgrade steps have been completed (no recommendations left),
you may proceed to Skip Upgrades and continue configuring your site.','85', false); } if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG2==true) echo 'NOTE: Skipped upgrade statements: '.$failed_entries.'
See details at bottom of page for your inspection.
(Details also logged in the "upgrade_exceptions" table.)
'; } // end if-is-array-POST['version'] // PREFIX-RENAME ROUTINE: // if database table-prefix 'change' has been requested, process it here: if (isset($_POST['newprefix'])) { $zc_install->checkPrefix($_POST['newprefix'], ERROR_TEXT_DB_PREFIX_NODOTS, ERROR_CODE_DB_PREFIX_NODOTS); $newprefix = $_POST['newprefix']; if (isset($_POST['db_prefix'])) { //use specified "old" prefix if entered $db_prefix_rename_from = $_POST['db_prefix']; } else { $db_prefix_rename_from = DB_PREFIX; } if ($newprefix != $db_prefix_rename_from) { // don't process prefix changes if same prefix selected $zc_install->doPrefixRename($newprefix, $db_prefix_rename_from); } //endif newprefix != DB_PREFIX } //endif prefix POST'd // ? if (isset($_POST['upgrade'])) { header('location: index.php?main_page=system_setup' . zcInstallAddSID() ); exit; } if ($db_upgraded_to_version==$latest_version && $zc_install->error == false && $failed_entries==0) { // if all db upgrades have been applied, go to the 'finished' page. header('location: index.php?main_page=finished' . zcInstallAddSID() ); exit; } else { //return for more upgrades if (!$zc_install->fatal_error && !$zc_install->error && $failed_entries==0 ) { header('location: index.php?main_page=database_upgrade' . zcInstallAddSID() ); exit; } }//endif } // end if POST==submit if (isset($_POST['skip'])) { header('location: index.php?main_page=finished' . zcInstallAddSID() ); exit; } if (isset($_POST['refresh'])) { header('location: index.php?main_page=database_upgrade' . zcInstallAddSID() ); exit; } $adminName = (isset($_POST['adminid'])) ? $_POST['adminid'] : ''; ?>