".SAVE_SYSTEM_SETTINGS.' to continue.'); define('TEXT_PAGE_HEADING', 'Zen Cart™ Setup - System Setup'); define('SERVER_SETTINGS', 'Server/Site Settings'); define('PHYSICAL_PATH', 'Physical Path To Zen Cart™'); define('PHYSICAL_PATH_INSTRUCTION', 'Physical Path to your
Zen Cart™ directory.
Leave no trailing slash.'); define('VIRTUAL_HTTP_PATH', 'URL to your Zen Cart™ store'); define('VIRTUAL_HTTP_PATH_INSTRUCTION', 'Virtual Path/URL to your
Zen Cart™ directory.
Leave no trailing slash.'); define('VIRTUAL_HTTPS_PATH', 'HTTPS Server URL'); define('VIRTUAL_HTTPS_PATH_INSTRUCTION', 'Full Virtual Path to your
secure Zen Cart™ directory.
Leave no trailing slash.'); define('VIRTUAL_HTTPS_SERVER', 'HTTPS Domain'); define('VIRTUAL_HTTPS_SERVER_INSTRUCTION', 'Virtual server for your
secure Zen Cart™ directory.
Leave no trailing slash.'); define('TEXT_SSL_INTRO', 'Do you already have an SSL Certificate? If so, enter the details below. If this is your first install, the supplied values are *only best-guesses*. Please verify the information with your hosting company if you are unsure of the correct details.'); define('TEXT_SSL_WARNING', 'If your SSL certificate is already working, choose your SSL settings below.
DO NOT enable SSL here if you do not already have SSL enabled on your hosting account. If you enable SSL but the SSL address you provide does not work, you will not be able to access your admin site nor log in to your store. You can activate SSL later by editing settings in your configure.php file.'); define('SSL_OPTIONS', 'SSL Details'); define('ENABLE_SSL', 'Enable SSL'); define('ENABLE_SSL_INSTRUCTION', 'Would you like to enable Secure Sockets Layer in Customer area?
Leave this set to NO unless you\'re SURE you have SSL working.'); define('ENABLE_SSL_ADMIN', 'Enable SSL in Admin Area'); define('ENABLE_SSL_ADMIN_INSTRUCTION', 'Would you like to enable Secure Sockets Layer for Admin areas?
Leave this set to NO unless you\'re SURE you have SSL working.'); define('REDISCOVER', 'Redetect defaults for this host'); ?>