".SAVE_STORE_SETTINGS.' to continue.'); define('TEXT_PAGE_HEADING', 'Zen Cart™ Setup - Store Setup'); define('STORE_INFORMATION', 'Store Information'); define('STORE_NAME', 'Store Name'); define('STORE_NAME_INSTRUCTION', 'What is the name of your Zen Cart™ store?'); define('STORE_OWNER', 'Store Owner'); define('STORE_OWNER_INSTRUCTION', 'Who is the owner of your Zen Cart™ store?'); define('STORE_OWNER_EMAIL', 'Store Owner Email'); define('STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_INSTRUCTION', 'What is the Zen Cart™ store owner\'s email address?'); define('STORE_COUNTRY', 'Store Country'); define('STORE_COUNTRY_INSTRUCTION', 'What country is your Zen Cart™ store located in?'); define('STORE_ZONE', 'Store Zone'); define('STORE_ZONE_INSTRUCTION', 'What zone is your Zen Cart™ store located in?'); define('STORE_ADDRESS', 'Store Address'); define('STORE_ADDRESS_INSTRUCTION', 'What is the address of your Zen Cart™ store? This address will be used on printable documents and displayed online.'); define('STORE_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE', 'Default Language'); define('STORE_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_INSTRUCTION', 'Please select your default language?'); define('STORE_DEFAULT_CURRENCY', 'Default Currency'); define('STORE_DEFAULT_CURRENCY_INSTRUCTION', 'Please select your default currency?'); define('DEMO_INFORMATION', 'Demo Information'); define('DEMO_INSTALL', 'Store Demo'); define('DEMO_INSTALL_INSTRUCTION', 'Would you like to install the Zen Cart™ demonstration categories and products?'); ?>