Have you read the Installation Instructions yet?The Installation Instructions will be a big help if you have not already read them.
There you will find information about permissions-levels you will need to set to various folders/files and other details about installation prerequisites, as well as things to do after you are done with installation. There are also links there to the online FAQs and other helpful resources.'); define('TEXT_MAIN', 'Take a moment to check whether your webserver supports the features required for Zen Cart™ to operate.  Please resolve any errors or warnings before continuing.  Then click on '.INSTALL_BUTTON.'  to continue.'); define('SYSTEM_INSPECTION_RESULTS', 'System Inspection Results'); define('OTHER_INFORMATION', 'Other System Information (For Reference Only)'); define('OTHER_INFORMATION_DESCRIPTION', 'The following info does not necessarily indicate any problem or configuration issue. It is simply for the sake of displaying it in an easy-to-find location.'); define('NOT_EXIST','NOT FOUND'); define('WRITABLE','Writeable'); define('UNWRITABLE',"Unwriteable"); define('UNKNOWN','Unknown'); define('ON','ON'); define('OFF','OFF'); define('OK','OK'); define('UPGRADE_DETECTION','Upgrade Mode Available'); define('LABEL_PREVIOUS_INSTALL_FOUND','Previous Zen Cart™ Installation Found'); define('LABEL_PREVIOUS_VERSION_NUMBER','Database appears to be Zen Cart™ v%s'); define('LABEL_PREVIOUS_VERSION_NUMBER_UNKNOWN','However, the version level of your database cannot be determined, usually resulting from wrong table prefixes, or other database settings mismatches.

CAUTION: Only use the Upgrade option if you are sure your configure.php settings are correct.
'); define('LABEL_UPGRADE_VS_INSTALL', 'Install or Upgrade?'); define('LABEL_INSTALL', 'Ready to Install? (This will wipe any existing data. You are NOT in Upgrade mode!!!)'); define('IMAGE_STOP_BEFORE_UPGRADING', '
WARNING: Be sure to choose the proper option below.

If you are Upgrading, be sure to choose "Database Upgrade" below to keep your data.

If you choose "Install", you will erase all the contents of your database.

'); define('DISPLAY_PHP_INFO','PHP Info link: '); define('VIEW_PHP_INFO_LINK_TEXT','View PHPINFO for your server'); define('LABEL_WEBSERVER','Webserver'); define('LABEL_MYSQL_AVAILABLE','MySQL Support'); define('LABEL_MYSQL_VER','MySQL Version'); define('LABEL_DB_PRIVS','Database Privileges'); define('LABEL_POSTGRES_AVAILABLE','PostgreSQL Support'); define('LABEL_PHP_VER','PHP Version'); define('LABEL_PHP_OS','PHP O/S'); define('LABEL_REGISTER_GLOBALS','Register Globals'); define('LABEL_SET_TIME_LIMIT','PHP Max Execution Time per page'); define('LABEL_DISABLED_FUNCTIONS','Disabled PHP Functions'); define('LABEL_SAFE_MODE','PHP Safe Mode'); define('LABEL_CURRENT_CACHE_PATH','Current SQL Cache Folder'); define('LABEL_SUGGESTED_CACHE_PATH','Suggested SQL Cache Folder'); define('LABEL_HTTP_HOST','HTTP Host'); define('LABEL_PATH_TRANLSATED','Path_Translated'); define('LABEL_REALPATH', 'Real Path'); define('LABEL_PHP_API_MODE','PHP API Mode'); define('LABEL_PHP_MODULES','PHP Modules Active'); define('LABEL_PHP_EXT_SESSIONS','PHP Sessions Support'); define('LABEL_PHP_SESSION_AUTOSTART','PHP Session.AutoStart'); define('LABEL_PHP_EXT_SAVE_PATH','PHP Session.Save_Path'); define('LABEL_PHP_EXT_FTP','PHP FTP Support'); define('LABEL_PHP_EXT_CURL','PHP cURL Support'); define('LABEL_CURL_NONSSL','CURL NON-SSL Capability'); define('LABEL_CURL_SSL','CURL SSL Capability'); define('LABEL_CURL_NONSSL_PROXY','CURL NON-SSL Capability via Proxy'); define('LABEL_CURL_SSL_PROXY','CURL SSL Capability via Proxy'); define('LABEL_PHP_MAG_QT_RUN','PHP magic_quotes_runtime setting'); define('LABEL_PHP_MAG_QT_SYBASE','PHP magic_quotes_sybase setting'); define('LABEL_PHP_EXT_GD','PHP GD Support'); define('LABEL_GD_VER','GD Version'); define('LABEL_PHP_EXT_OPENSSL','PHP OpenSSL Support'); define('LABEL_PHP_UPLOAD_STATUS','PHP Upload Support'); define('LABEL_PHP_EXT_PFPRO','PHP Payflow Pro Support'); define('LABEL_PHP_EXT_ZLIB','PHP ZLIB Compression Support'); define('LABEL_PHP_SESSION_TRANS_SID','PHP session.use_trans_sid'); define('LABEL_DISK_FREE_SPACE','Server Free Disk Space'); define('LABEL_XML_SUPPORT','PHP XML Support'); define('LABEL_OPEN_BASEDIR','PHP open_basedir restrictions'); define('LABEL_UPLOAD_TMP_DIR','PHP Upload TMP dir'); define('LABEL_SENDMAIL_FROM','PHP sendmail \'from\''); define('LABEL_SENDMAIL_PATH','PHP sendmail path'); define('LABEL_SMTP_MAIL','PHP SMTP destination'); define('LABEL_GZIP', 'PHP Output Buffering (gzip)'); define('LABEL_INCLUDE_PATH','PHP include_path'); define('LABEL_CRITICAL','Critical Items'); define('LABEL_RECOMMENDED','Recommended Items'); define('LABEL_OPTIONAL','Optional Items'); define('LABEL_EXPLAIN',' Click here for more info'); define('LABEL_FOLDER_PERMISSIONS','File and Folder Permissions'); define('LABEL_WRITABLE_FILE_INFO', 'In order for the installer to store the setup information you provide in the following pages, the configure.php files shown below need to be "writable".'); define('LABEL_WRITABLE_FOLDER_INFO','In order for many Zen Cart™ administrative and day-to-day functions to work properly, You need to mark several files/folders "Writeable". The following is a list of folders which need to be "read-write", along with recommended CHMOD settings. Please correct these settings before continuing installation. Refresh this page in your browser to re-check settings.

Some hosts may not allow you to set CHMOD 777, but only 666. Start with the higher setting first, and switch to lower values if required.'); ?>