Save Database Settings to continue.'"); define('TEXT_PAGE_HEADING', 'Zen Cart™ Setup - Database Setup'); define('DATABASE_INFORMATION', 'Database Information'); define('DATABASE_OPTIONAL_INFORMATION', 'Database - OPTIONAL Settings'); define('DATABASE_OPTIONAL_INSTRUCTION', 'It is recommended to leave these settings as-is unless you have a specific reason for altering them.'); define('DATABASE_TYPE', 'Database Type'); define('DATABASE_TYPE_INSTRUCTION', 'Choose the database type to be used.'); define('DATABASE_HOST', 'Database Host'); define('DATABASE_HOST_INSTRUCTION', 'What is the database host? The database host can be in the form of a host name, such as \'\', or as an IP-address, such as \'\'.'); define('DATABASE_USERNAME', 'Database Username'); define('DATABASE_USERNAME_INSTRUCTION', 'What is the username used to connect to the database? An example username is \'root\'.'); define('DATABASE_PASSWORD', 'Database Password'); define('DATABASE_PASSWORD_INSTRUCTION', 'What is the password used to connect to the database? The password is used together with the username, which forms your database user account.'); define('DATABASE_NAME', 'Database Name'); define('DATABASE_NAME_INSTRUCTION', 'What is the name of the database used to hold the data? An example database name is \'zencart\' or \'myaccount_zencart\'.'); define('DATABASE_PREFIX', 'Store Identifier (Table-Prefix)'); define('DATABASE_PREFIX_INSTRUCTION', 'What is the prefix you would like used for database tables? Example: zen_ Leave empty if no prefix is needed.
You can use prefixes to allow more than one store to share the same database.'); define('DATABASE_CREATE', 'Create Database?'); define('DATABASE_CREATE_INSTRUCTION', 'Would you like Zen Cart™ to create the database?'); define('DATABASE_CONNECTION', 'Persistent Connection'); define('DATABASE_CONNECTION_INSTRUCTION', 'Would you like to enable persistent database connections? Click \'no\' if you are unsure.'); define('DATABASE_SESSION', 'Database Sessions'); define('DATABASE_SESSION_INSTRUCTION', 'Do you want store your sessions in your database? Click \'yes\' if you are unsure.'); define('CACHE_TYPE', 'SQL Cache Method'); define('CACHE_TYPE_INSTRUCTION', 'Select the method to use for SQL caching.'); define('SQL_CACHE', 'Session/SQL Cache Directory'); define('SQL_CACHE_INSTRUCTION', 'Enter the directory to use for file-based caching.'); define('ONLY_UPDATE_CONFIG_FILES','Only Update Config Files'); define('REASON_TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS','Cannot create table %s because it already exists'); define('REASON_TABLE_DOESNT_EXIST','Cannot drop table %s because it does not exist.'); define('REASON_CONFIG_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS','Cannot insert configuration_key "%s" because it already exists'); define('REASON_COLUMN_ALREADY_EXISTS','Cannot ADD column %s because it already exists.'); define('REASON_COLUMN_DOESNT_EXIST_TO_DROP','Cannot DROP column %s because it does not exist.'); define('REASON_COLUMN_DOESNT_EXIST_TO_CHANGE','Cannot CHANGE column %s because it does not exist.'); define('REASON_PRODUCT_TYPE_LAYOUT_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS','Cannot insert prod-type-layout configuration_key "%s" because it already exists'); define('REASON_INDEX_DOESNT_EXIST_TO_DROP','Cannot drop index %s on table %s because it does not exist.'); define('REASON_PRIMARY_KEY_DOESNT_EXIST_TO_DROP','Cannot drop primary key on table %s because it does not exist.'); define('REASON_INDEX_ALREADY_EXISTS','Cannot add index %s to table %s because it already exists.'); define('REASON_PRIMARY_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS','Cannot add primary key to table %s because a primary key already exists.'); define('REASON_NO_PRIVILEGES','User %s@%s does not have %s privileges to database.'); ?>