0) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { if (($value != '') && (strtolower($value) != 'null') && (strlen(trim($value)) > 0)) { return true; } else { return false; } } } function zen_output_string($string, $translate = false, $protected = false) { if ($protected == true) { return htmlspecialchars($string); } else { if ($translate == false) { return zen_parse_input_field_data($string, array('"' => '"')); } else { return zen_parse_input_field_data($string, $translate); } } } //// function zen_db_input($string) { return addslashes($string); } //// function zen_parse_input_field_data($data, $parse) { return strtr(trim($data), $parse); } function setInputValue($input, $constant, $default) { if (isset($input)) { define($constant, $input); } else { define($constant, $default); } } function setRadioChecked($input, $constant, $default) { if ($input == '') { $input = $default; } if ($input == 'true') { define($constant . '_FALSE', ''); define($constant . '_TRUE', 'checked="checked" '); } else { define($constant . '_FALSE', 'checked="checked" '); define($constant . '_TRUE', ''); } } function setSelected($input, $selected) { if ($input == $selected) { return ' selected="selected"'; } } function executeSql($sql_file, $database, $table_prefix = '', $isupgrade=false) { $debug=false; if (!defined('DB_PREFIX')) define('DB_PREFIX',$table_prefix); // echo 'start SQL execute'; global $db; $ignored_count=0; $ignore_line=false; $results=0; $string=''; $result=''; $errors=array(); // prepare for upgrader processing if ($isupgrade) zen_create_upgrader_table(); // only creates table if doesn't already exist if (!get_cfg_var('safe_mode')) { @set_time_limit(1200); } $counter = 0; $lines = file($sql_file); $newline = ''; $lines_to_keep_together_counter=0; // $saveline = ''; foreach ($lines as $line) { $line = trim($line); // $line = $saveline . $line; $keep_together = 1; // count of number of lines to treat as a single command // split the line into words ... starts at $param[0] and so on. Also remove the ';' from end of last param if exists $param=explode(" ",(substr($line,-1)==';') ? substr($line,0,strlen($line)-1) : $line); if (!isset($param[4])) $param[4] = ''; if (!isset($param[5])) $param[5] = ''; // The following command checks to see if we're asking for a block of commands to be run at once. // Syntax: #NEXT_X_ROWS_AS_ONE_COMMAND:6 for running the next 6 commands together (commands denoted by a ;) if (substr($line,0,28) == '#NEXT_X_ROWS_AS_ONE_COMMAND:') $keep_together = substr($line,28); if (substr($line,0,1) != '#' && substr($line,0,1) != '-' && $line != '') { // if ($table_prefix != -1) { //echo '*}'.$line.'
'; $line_upper=strtoupper($line); switch (true) { case (substr($line_upper, 0, 21) == 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '): $line = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $table_prefix . substr($line, 21); break; case (substr($line_upper, 0, 11) == 'DROP TABLE ' && $param[2] != 'IF'): if (!$checkprivs = zen_check_database_privs('DROP')) $result=sprintf(REASON_NO_PRIVILEGES,'DROP'); if (!zen_table_exists($param[2]) || zen_not_null($result)) { zen_write_to_upgrade_exceptions_table($line, (zen_not_null($result) ? $result : sprintf(REASON_TABLE_DOESNT_EXIST,$param[2])), $sql_file); $ignore_line=true; $result=(zen_not_null($result) ? $result : sprintf(REASON_TABLE_DOESNT_EXIST,$param[2])); //duplicated here for on-screen error-reporting break; } else { $line = 'DROP TABLE ' . $table_prefix . substr($line, 11); } break; case (substr($line_upper, 0, 13) == 'CREATE TABLE '): // check to see if table exists $table = (strtoupper($param[2].' '.$param[3].' '.$param[4]) == 'IF NOT EXISTS') ? $param[5] : $param[2]; $result=zen_table_exists($table); if ($result==true) { zen_write_to_upgrade_exceptions_table($line, sprintf(REASON_TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS,$table), $sql_file); $ignore_line=true; $result=sprintf(REASON_TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS,$table); //duplicated here for on-screen error-reporting break; } else { $line = (strtoupper($param[2].' '.$param[3].' '.$param[4]) == 'IF NOT EXISTS') ? 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . $table_prefix . substr($line, 27) : 'CREATE TABLE ' . $table_prefix . substr($line, 13); } break; case (substr($line_upper, 0, 13) == 'REPLACE INTO '): //check to see if table prefix is going to match if (!$tbl_exists = zen_table_exists($param[2])) $result=sprintf(REASON_TABLE_NOT_FOUND,$param[2]).' CHECK PREFIXES!'; // check to see if INSERT command may be safely executed for "configuration" or "product_type_layout" tables if (($param[2]=='configuration' && ($result=zen_check_config_key($line))) or ($param[2]=='product_type_layout' && ($result=zen_check_product_type_layout_key($line))) or ($param[2]=='configuration_group' && ($result=zen_check_cfggroup_key($line))) or (!$tbl_exists) ) { zen_write_to_upgrade_exceptions_table($line, $result, $sql_file); $ignore_line=true; break; } else { $line = 'REPLACE INTO ' . $table_prefix . substr($line, 13); } break; case (substr($line_upper, 0, 12) == 'INSERT INTO '): //check to see if table prefix is going to match if (!$tbl_exists = zen_table_exists($param[2])) $result=sprintf(REASON_TABLE_NOT_FOUND,$param[2]).' CHECK PREFIXES!'; // check to see if INSERT command may be safely executed for "configuration" or "product_type_layout" tables if (($param[2]=='configuration' && ($result=zen_check_config_key($line))) or ($param[2]=='product_type_layout' && ($result=zen_check_product_type_layout_key($line))) or ($param[2]=='configuration_group' && ($result=zen_check_cfggroup_key($line))) or (!$tbl_exists) ) { zen_write_to_upgrade_exceptions_table($line, $result, $sql_file); $ignore_line=true; break; } else { $line = 'INSERT INTO ' . $table_prefix . substr($line, 12); } break; case (substr($line_upper, 0, 19) == 'INSERT IGNORE INTO '): //check to see if table prefix is going to match if (!$tbl_exists = zen_table_exists($param[3])) { $result=sprintf(REASON_TABLE_NOT_FOUND,$param[3]).' CHECK PREFIXES!'; zen_write_to_upgrade_exceptions_table($line, $result, $sql_file); $ignore_line=true; break; } else { $line = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO ' . $table_prefix . substr($line, 19); } break; case (substr($line_upper, 0, 12) == 'ALTER TABLE '): //if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3==true) echo 'ALTER -- Table check ('.$param[2].')' .'
'; // check to see if ALTER command may be safely executed if ($result=zen_check_alter_command($param)) { zen_write_to_upgrade_exceptions_table($line, $result, $sql_file); $ignore_line=true; break; } else { $line = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $table_prefix . substr($line, 12); } break; case (substr($line_upper, 0, 15) == 'TRUNCATE TABLE '): // check to see if TRUNCATE command may be safely executed if (!$tbl_exists = zen_table_exists($param[2])) { $result=sprintf(REASON_TABLE_NOT_FOUND,$param[3]).' CHECK PREFIXES!'; zen_write_to_upgrade_exceptions_table($line, $result, $sql_file); $ignore_line=true; break; } else { $line = 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' . $table_prefix . substr($line, 15); } break; case (substr($line_upper, 0, 13) == 'RENAME TABLE '): // RENAME TABLE command cannot be parsed to insert table prefixes, so skip if zen is using prefixes if (zen_not_null(DB_PREFIX)) { zen_write_to_upgrade_exceptions_table($line, 'RENAME TABLE command not supported by upgrader. Please use phpMyAdmin instead.', $sql_file); $ignore_line=true; } break; case (substr($line_upper, 0, 7) == 'UPDATE '): //check to see if table prefix is going to match if (!$tbl_exists = zen_table_exists($param[1])) { zen_write_to_upgrade_exceptions_table($line, sprintf(REASON_TABLE_NOT_FOUND,$param[1]).' CHECK PREFIXES!', $sql_file); $result=sprintf(REASON_TABLE_NOT_FOUND,$param[1]).' CHECK PREFIXES!'; $ignore_line=true; break; } else { $line = 'UPDATE ' . $table_prefix . substr($line, 7); } break; case (substr($line_upper, 0, 14) == 'UPDATE IGNORE '): //check to see if table prefix is going to match if (!$tbl_exists = zen_table_exists($param[2])) { zen_write_to_upgrade_exceptions_table($line, sprintf(REASON_TABLE_NOT_FOUND,$param[2]).' CHECK PREFIXES!', $sql_file); $result=sprintf(REASON_TABLE_NOT_FOUND,$param[2]).' CHECK PREFIXES!'; $ignore_line=true; break; } else { $line = 'UPDATE IGNORE ' . $table_prefix . substr($line, 14); } break; case (substr($line_upper, 0, 12) == 'DELETE FROM '): $line = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table_prefix . substr($line, 12); break; case (substr($line_upper, 0, 11) == 'DROP INDEX '): // check to see if DROP INDEX command may be safely executed if ($result=zen_drop_index_command($param)) { zen_write_to_upgrade_exceptions_table($line, $result, $sql_file); $ignore_line=true; break; } else { $line = 'DROP INDEX ' . $param[2] . ' ON ' . $table_prefix . $param[4]; } break; case (substr($line_upper, 0, 13) == 'CREATE INDEX ' || (strtoupper($param[0])=='CREATE' && strtoupper($param[2])=='INDEX')): // check to see if CREATE INDEX command may be safely executed if ($result=zen_create_index_command($param)) { zen_write_to_upgrade_exceptions_table($line, $result, $sql_file); $ignore_line=true; break; } else { if (strtoupper($param[1])=='INDEX') { $line = trim('CREATE INDEX ' . $param[2] .' ON '. $table_prefix . implode(' ',array($param[4],$param[5],$param[6],$param[7],$param[8],$param[9],$param[10],$param[11],$param[12],$param[13])) ).';'; // add the ';' back since it was removed from $param at start } else { $line = trim('CREATE '. $param[1] .' INDEX ' .$param[3]. ' ON '. $table_prefix . implode(' ',array($param[5],$param[6],$param[7],$param[8],$param[9],$param[10],$param[11],$param[12],$param[13])) ); // add the ';' back since it was removed from $param at start } } break; case (substr($line_upper, 0, 8) == 'SELECT (' && substr_count($line,'FROM ')>0): $line = str_replace('FROM ','FROM '. $table_prefix, $line); break; case (substr($line_upper, 0, 10) == 'LEFT JOIN '): $line = 'LEFT JOIN ' . $table_prefix . substr($line, 10); break; case (substr($line_upper, 0, 5) == 'FROM '): if (substr_count($line,',')>0) { // contains FROM and a comma, thus must parse for multiple tablenames $tbl_list = explode(',',substr($line,5)); $line = 'FROM '; foreach($tbl_list as $val) { $line .= $table_prefix . trim($val) . ','; // add prefix and comma } //end foreach if (substr($line,-1)==',') $line = substr($line,0,(strlen($line)-1)); // remove trailing ',' } else { //didn't have a comma, but starts with "FROM ", so insert table prefix $line = str_replace('FROM ', 'FROM '.$table_prefix, $line); }//endif substr_count(,) break; default: break; } //end switch // } // endif $table_prefix $newline .= $line . ' '; if ( substr($line,-1) == ';') { //found a semicolon, so treat it as a full command, incrementing counter of rows to process at once if (substr($newline,-1)==' ') $newline = substr($newline,0,(strlen($newline)-1)); $lines_to_keep_together_counter++; if ($lines_to_keep_together_counter == $keep_together) { // if all grouped rows have been loaded, go to execute. $complete_line = true; $lines_to_keep_together_counter=0; } else { $complete_line = false; } } //endif found ';' if ($complete_line) { if ($debug==true) echo ((!$ignore_line) ? '
About to execute.': 'Ignoring statement. This command WILL NOT be executed.').'
Debug info:
$ line='.$line.'
$ complete_line='.$complete_line.'
$ keep_together='.$keep_together.'

'; if (get_magic_quotes_runtime() > 0) $newline=stripslashes($newline); $output = (trim(str_replace(';','',$newline)) != '' && !$ignore_line) ? $db->Execute($newline) : ''; $results++; $string .= $newline.'
'; $return_output[]=$output; if (zen_not_null($result) && !zen_check_exceptions($result, $line) ) $errors[]=$result; // reset var's $newline = ''; $keep_together=1; $complete_line = false; if ($ignore_line && !zen_check_exceptions($result, $line)) $ignored_count++; $ignore_line=false; // show progress bar global $zc_show_progress; if ($zc_show_progress=='yes') { $counter++; if (($counter/5) == (int)($counter/5)) echo '~ '; if ($counter>200) { echo '

'; $counter=0; } if (function_exists('ob_flush')) @ob_flush(); @flush(); } } //endif $complete_line } //endif ! # or - } // end foreach $lines return array('queries'=> $results, 'string'=>$string, 'output'=>$return_output, 'ignored'=>($ignored_count), 'errors'=>$errors); } //end function function zen_db_prepare_input($string) { if (is_string($string)) { return trim(zen_sanitize_string(stripslashes($string))); } elseif (is_array($string)) { reset($string); while (list($key, $value) = each($string)) { $string[$key] = zen_db_prepare_input($value); } return $string; } else { return $string; } } function zen_sanitize_string($string) { $string = ereg_replace(' +', ' ', $string); return preg_replace("/[<>]/", '_', $string); } function zen_validate_email($email = "root@localhost.localdomain") { $valid_address = true; $user =""; $domain=""; // split the e-mail address into user and domain parts // need to update to trap for addresses in the format of "first@last"@someplace.com // this method will most likely break in that case list( $user, $domain ) = explode( "@", $email ); $valid_ip_form = '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}'; $valid_email_pattern = '^[a-z0-9]+[a-z0-9_\.\'\-]*@[a-z0-9]+[a-z0-9\.\-]*\.(([a-z]{2,6})|([0-9]{1,3}))$'; $space_check = '[ ]'; // strip beginning and ending quotes, if and only if both present if( (ereg('^["]', $user) && ereg('["]$', $user)) ){ $user = ereg_replace ( '^["]', '', $user ); $user = ereg_replace ( '["]$', '', $user ); $user = ereg_replace ( $space_check, '', $user ); //spaces in quoted addresses OK per RFC (?) $email = $user."@".$domain; // contine with stripped quotes for remainder } // if e-mail domain part is an IP address, check each part for a value under 256 if (ereg($valid_ip_form, $domain)) { $digit = explode( ".", $domain ); for($i=0; $i<4; $i++) { if ($digit[$i] > 255) { $valid_address = false; return $valid_address; exit; } // stop crafty people from using internal IP addresses if (($digit[0] == 192) || ($digit[0] == 10)) { $valid_address = false; return $valid_address; exit; } } } if (!ereg($space_check, $email)) { // trap for spaces in if ( eregi($valid_email_pattern, $email)) { // validate against valid e-mail patterns $valid_address = true; } else { $valid_address = false; return $valid_address; exit; } } // Verify e-mail has an associated MX and/or A record. // Need alternate method to deal with Verisign shenanigans and with Windows Servers // if (!checkdnsrr($domain, "MX") && !checkdnsrr($domain, "A")) { // $valid_address = false; // } return $valid_address; } function zen_encrypt_password($plain) { $password = ''; for ($i=0; $i<10; $i++) { $password .= zen_rand(); } $salt = substr(md5($password), 0, 2); $password = md5($salt . $plain) . ':' . $salt; return $password; } function zen_validate_password($plain, $encrypted) { if (zen_not_null($plain) && zen_not_null($encrypted)) { $stack = explode(':', $encrypted); if (sizeof($stack) != 2) return false; if (md5($stack[1] . $plain) == $stack[0]) { return true; } } return false; } function zen_rand($min = null, $max = null) { static $seeded; if (!isset($seeded)) { mt_srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $seeded = true; } if (isset($min) && isset($max)) { if ($min >= $max) { return $min; } else { return mt_rand($min, $max); } } else { return mt_rand(); } } function zen_read_config_value($value) { $files_array = array(); $string=''; $files_array[] = '../includes/configure.php'; if ($za_dir = @dir('../includes/' . 'extra_configures')) { while ($zv_file = $za_dir->read()) { if (preg_match('/\.php$/', $zv_file) > 0) { //echo $zv_file.'
'; $files_array[] = $zv_file; } } } foreach ($files_array as $filename) { if (!file_exists($filename)) continue; //echo $filename . '!
'; $lines = file($filename); foreach($lines as $line) { // read the configure.php file for specific variables if (substr($line,0,2) == '//') continue; $def_string=array(); $def_string=explode("'",$line); //define('CONSTANT','value'); //[1]=TABLE_CONSTANT //[2]=, //[3]=value //[4]=); //[5]= if (isset($def_string[1]) && strtoupper($def_string[1]) == $value ) $string .= $def_string[3]; }//end foreach $line }//end foreach $filename return $string; } function zen_table_exists($tablename, $pre_install=false) { global $db, $db_test; if ($pre_install==true) { $tables = $db_test->Execute("SHOW TABLES like '" . DB_PREFIX . $tablename . "'"); } else { $tables = $db->Execute("SHOW TABLES like '" . DB_PREFIX . $tablename . "'"); } if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3==true) echo 'Table check ('.$tablename.') = '. $tables->RecordCount() .'
'; if ($tables->RecordCount() > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } function zen_check_database_privs($priv='',$table='',$show_privs=false) { //bypass for now ... will attempt to use with modifications in a new release later if ($show_privs==true) return 'Not Checked|||Not Checked'; return true; // end bypass global $zdb_server, $zdb_user, $zdb_name; if (!zen_not_null($zdb_server)) $zdb_server = zen_read_config_value('DB_SERVER'); if (!zen_not_null($zdb_user)) $zdb_user = zen_read_config_value('DB_SERVER_USERNAME'); if (!zen_not_null($zdb_name)) $zdb_name = zen_read_config_value('DB_DATABASE'); if (isset($_GET['nogrants']) || isset($_POST['nogrants']) ) return true; // bypass if flag set //Display permissions, or check for suitable permissions to carry out a particular task //possible outputs: //GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'xyz'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION //GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, FILE, INDEX, ALTER ON *.* TO 'xyz'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '2344' //GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, INDEX, ALTER ON `db1`.* TO 'xyz'@'localhost' //GRANT SELECT (id) ON db1.tablename TO 'xyz'@'localhost global $db; global $db_test; $granted_privs_list=''; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3==true) echo '
Checking for priv: ['.(zen_not_null($priv) ? $priv : 'none specified').']
'; if (!defined('DB_SERVER')) define('DB_SERVER',$zdb_server); if (!defined('DB_SERVER_USERNAME')) define('DB_SERVER_USERNAME',$zdb_user); if (!defined('DB_DATABASE')) define('DB_DATABASE',$zdb_name); $user = DB_SERVER_USERNAME."@".DB_SERVER; if ($user == 'DB_SERVER_USERNAME@DB_SERVER' || DB_DATABASE=='DB_DATABASE') return true; // bypass if constants not set properly $sql = "show grants for ".$user; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3==true) echo $sql.'
'; if (is_object($db)) { $result = $db->Execute($sql); } elseif (is_object($db_test)) { $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); } while (!$result->EOF) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3==true) echo $result->fields['Grants for '.$user].'
'; $grant_syntax = $result->fields['Grants for '.$user] . ' '; $granted_privs = str_replace('GRANT ','',$grant_syntax); // remove "GRANT" keyword $granted_privs = substr($granted_privs,0,strpos($granted_privs,' TO ')); //remove anything after the "TO" keyword $granted_db = str_replace(array('`','\\'),'',substr($granted_privs,strpos($granted_privs,' ON ')+4) ); //remove backquote and find "ON" string if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3==true) echo 'privs_list = '.$granted_privs.'
'; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3==true) echo 'granted_db = '.$granted_db.'
'; $db_priv_ok += ($granted_db == '*.*' || $granted_db==DB_DATABASE.'.*' || $granted_db==DB_DATABASE.'.'.$table) ? true : false; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3==true) echo 'db-priv-ok='.$db_priv_ok.'
'; if ($db_priv_ok) { // if the privs list pertains to the current database, or is *.*, carry on $granted_privs = substr($granted_privs,0,strpos($granted_privs,' ON ')); //remove anything after the "ON" keyword $granted_privs_list .= ($granted_privs_list=='') ? $granted_privs : ', '.$granted_privs; $specific_priv_found = (zen_not_null($priv) && substr_count($granted_privs,$priv)==1); if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3==true) echo 'specific priv['.$priv.'] found ='.$specific_priv_found.'
'; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3==true) echo 'spec+db='.($specific_priv_found && $db_priv_ok == true).' ||| '; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3==true) echo 'all+db='.($granted_privs == 'ALL PRIVILEGES' && $db_priv_ok==true).'

'; if (($specific_priv_found && $db_priv_ok == true) || ($granted_privs == 'ALL PRIVILEGES' && $db_priv_ok==true)) { return true; // privs found } } // endif $db_priv_ok $result->MoveNext(); } if ($show_privs) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3==true) echo 'LIST OF PRIVS='.$granted_privs_list.'
'; return $db_priv_ok . '|||'. $granted_privs_list; } else { return false; // if not found, return false } } function zen_drop_index_command($param) { if (!$checkprivs = zen_check_database_privs('INDEX')) return sprintf(REASON_NO_PRIVILEGES,'INDEX'); //this is only slightly different from the ALTER TABLE DROP INDEX command global $db; if (!zen_not_null($param)) return "Empty SQL Statement"; $index = $param[2]; $sql = "show index from " . DB_PREFIX . $param[4]; $result = $db->Execute($sql); while (!$result->EOF) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3==true) echo $result->fields['Key_name'].'
'; if ($result->fields['Key_name'] == $index) { // if (!$checkprivs = zen_check_database_privs('INDEX')) return sprintf(REASON_NO_PRIVILEGES,'INDEX'); return; // if we get here, the index exists, and we have index privileges, so return with no error } $result->MoveNext(); } // if we get here, then the index didn't exist return sprintf(REASON_INDEX_DOESNT_EXIST_TO_DROP,$index,$param[4]); } function zen_create_index_command($param) { //this is only slightly different from the ALTER TABLE CREATE INDEX command if (!$checkprivs = zen_check_database_privs('INDEX')) return sprintf(REASON_NO_PRIVILEGES,'INDEX'); global $db; if (!zen_not_null($param)) return "Empty SQL Statement"; $index = (strtoupper($param[1])=='INDEX') ? $param[2] : $param[3]; if (in_array('USING',$param)) return 'USING parameter found. Cannot validate syntax. Please run manually in phpMyAdmin.'; $table = (strtoupper($param[2])=='INDEX' && strtoupper($param[4])=='ON') ? $param[5] : $param[4]; $sql = "show index from " . DB_PREFIX . $table; $result = $db->Execute($sql); while (!$result->EOF) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3==true) echo $result->fields['Key_name'].'
'; if (strtoupper($result->fields['Key_name']) == strtoupper($index)) { return sprintf(REASON_INDEX_ALREADY_EXISTS,$index,$table); } $result->MoveNext(); } /* * @TODO: verify that individual columns exist, by parsing the index_col_name parameters list * Structure is (colname(len)), * or (colname), */ } function zen_check_alter_command($param) { global $db; if (!zen_not_null($param)) return "Empty SQL Statement"; if (!$checkprivs = zen_check_database_privs('ALTER')) return sprintf(REASON_NO_PRIVILEGES,DB_SERVER_USERNAME, DB_SERVER, 'ALTER'); if (!$tbl_exists = zen_table_exists($param[2])) return sprintf(REASON_TABLE_NOT_FOUND,$param[2]).' CHECK PREFIXES!'; switch (strtoupper($param[3])) { case ("ADD"): if (strtoupper($param[4]) == 'INDEX') { // check that the index to be added doesn't already exist $index = $param[5]; $sql = "show index from " . DB_PREFIX . $param[2]; $result = $db->Execute($sql); while (!$result->EOF) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3==true) echo 'KEY: '.$result->fields['Key_name'].'
'; if ($result->fields['Key_name'] == $index) { return sprintf(REASON_INDEX_ALREADY_EXISTS,$index,$param[2]); } $result->MoveNext(); } } elseif (strtoupper($param[4])=='PRIMARY') { // check that the primary key to be added doesn't exist if ($param[5] != 'KEY') return; $sql = "show index from " . DB_PREFIX . $param[2]; $result = $db->Execute($sql); while (!$result->EOF) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3==true) echo $result->fields['Key_name'].'
'; if ($result->fields['Key_name'] == 'PRIMARY') { return sprintf(REASON_PRIMARY_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS,$param[2]); } $result->MoveNext(); } } elseif (!in_array(strtoupper($param[4]),array('CONSTRAINT','UNIQUE','PRIMARY','FULLTEXT','FOREIGN','SPATIAL') ) ) { // check that the column to be added does not exist $colname = ($param[4]=='COLUMN') ? $param[5] : $param[4]; $sql = "show fields from " . DB_PREFIX . $param[2]; $result = $db->Execute($sql); while (!$result->EOF) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3==true) echo $result->fields['Field'].'
'; if ($result->fields['Field'] == $colname) { return sprintf(REASON_COLUMN_ALREADY_EXISTS,$colname); } $result->MoveNext(); } } elseif (strtoupper($param[5])=='AFTER') { // check that the requested "after" field actually exists $colname = ($param[6]=='COLUMN') ? $param[7] : $param[6]; $sql = "show fields from " . DB_PREFIX . $param[2]; $result = $db->Execute($sql); while (!$result->EOF) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3==true) echo $result->fields['Field'].'
'; if ($result->fields['Field'] == $colname) { return; // exists, so return with no error } $result->MoveNext(); } } elseif (strtoupper($param[6])=='AFTER') { // check that the requested "after" field actually exists $colname = ($param[7]=='COLUMN') ? $param[8] : $param[7]; $sql = "show fields from " . DB_PREFIX . $param[2]; $result = $db->Execute($sql); while (!$result->EOF) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3==true) echo $result->fields['Field'].'
'; if ($result->fields['Field'] == $colname) { return; // exists, so return with no error } $result->MoveNext(); } /* * @TODO -- add check for FIRST parameter, to check that the FIRST colname specified actually exists */ } break; case ("DROP"): if (strtoupper($param[4]) == 'INDEX') { // check that the index to be dropped exists $index = $param[5]; $sql = "show index from " . DB_PREFIX . $param[2]; $result = $db->Execute($sql); while (!$result->EOF) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3==true) echo $result->fields['Key_name'].'
'; if ($result->fields['Key_name'] == $index) { return; // exists, so return with no error } $result->MoveNext(); } // if we get here, then the index didn't exist return sprintf(REASON_INDEX_DOESNT_EXIST_TO_DROP,$index,$param[2]); } elseif (strtoupper($param[4])=='PRIMARY') { // check that the primary key to be dropped exists if ($param[5] != 'KEY') return; $sql = "show index from " . DB_PREFIX . $param[2]; $result = $db->Execute($sql); while (!$result->EOF) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3==true) echo $result->fields['Key_name'].'
'; if ($result->fields['Key_name'] == 'PRIMARY') { return; // exists, so return with no error } $result->MoveNext(); } // if we get here, then the primary key didn't exist return sprintf(REASON_PRIMARY_KEY_DOESNT_EXIST_TO_DROP,$param[2]); } elseif (!in_array(strtoupper($param[4]),array('CONSTRAINT','UNIQUE','PRIMARY','FULLTEXT','FOREIGN','SPATIAL'))) { // check that the column to be dropped exists $colname = ($param[4]=='COLUMN') ? $param[5] : $param[4]; $sql = "show fields from " . DB_PREFIX . $param[2]; $result = $db->Execute($sql); while (!$result->EOF) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3==true) echo $result->fields['Field'].'
'; if ($result->fields['Field'] == $colname) { return; // exists, so return with no error } $result->MoveNext(); } // if we get here, then the column didn't exist return sprintf(REASON_COLUMN_DOESNT_EXIST_TO_DROP,$colname); }//endif 'DROP' break; case ("ALTER"): case ("MODIFY"): case ("CHANGE"): // just check that the column to be changed 'exists' $colname = ($param[4]=='COLUMN') ? $param[5] : $param[4]; $sql = "show fields from " . DB_PREFIX . $param[2]; $result = $db->Execute($sql); while (!$result->EOF) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3==true) echo 'Field: ' . $result->fields['Field'].'
'; if ($result->fields['Field'] == $colname) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3==true) echo '**FOUND**
'; return; // exists, so return with no error } $result->MoveNext(); } if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3==true) echo '******NOT FOUND (' . $colname . ') ******
'; // if we get here, then the column didn't exist return sprintf(REASON_COLUMN_DOESNT_EXIST_TO_CHANGE,$colname); break; default: // if we get here, then we're processing an ALTER command other than what we're checking for, so let it be processed. return; break; } //end switch } function zen_check_config_key($line) { global $db; $values=array(); $values=explode("'",$line); //INSERT INTO configuration blah blah blah VALUES ('title','key', blah blah blah); //[0]=INSERT INTO..... //[1]=title //[2]=, //[3]=key //[4]=blah blah $title = $values[1]; $key = $values[3]; $sql = "select configuration_title from " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration where configuration_key='".$key."'"; $result = $db->Execute($sql); if ($result->RecordCount() >0 ) return sprintf(REASON_CONFIG_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS,$key); } function zen_check_product_type_layout_key($line) { global $db; $values=array(); $values=explode("'",$line); $title = $values[1]; $key = $values[3]; $sql = "select configuration_title from " . DB_PREFIX . "product_type_layout where configuration_key='".$key."'"; $result = $db->Execute($sql); if ($result->RecordCount() >0 ) return sprintf(REASON_PRODUCT_TYPE_LAYOUT_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS,$key); } function zen_check_cfggroup_key($line) { global $db; $values=array(); $values=explode("'",$line); $id = $values[1]; $title = $values[3]; $sql = "select configuration_group_title from " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration_group where configuration_group_title='".$title."'"; $result = $db->Execute($sql); if ($result->RecordCount() >0 ) return sprintf(REASON_CONFIGURATION_GROUP_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS,$title); $sql = "select configuration_group_title from " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration_group where configuration_group_id='".$id."'"; $result = $db->Execute($sql); if ($result->RecordCount() >0 ) return sprintf(REASON_CONFIGURATION_GROUP_ID_ALREADY_EXISTS,$id); } function zen_write_to_upgrade_exceptions_table($line, $reason, $sql_file) { global $db; zen_create_exceptions_table(); $sql="INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . TABLE_UPGRADE_EXCEPTIONS . " VALUES (0,'". $sql_file."','".$reason."', now(), '".addslashes($line)."')"; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3==true) echo '
'; $result = $db->Execute($sql); return $result; } function zen_purge_exceptions_table() { global $db; zen_create_exceptions_table(); $result = $db->Execute("TRUNCATE TABLE " . DB_PREFIX . TABLE_UPGRADE_EXCEPTIONS ); return $result; } function zen_create_exceptions_table() { global $db; if (!zen_table_exists(TABLE_UPGRADE_EXCEPTIONS)) { $result = $db->Execute("CREATE TABLE " . DB_PREFIX . TABLE_UPGRADE_EXCEPTIONS ." ( upgrade_exception_id smallint(5) NOT NULL auto_increment, sql_file varchar(50) default NULL, reason varchar(200) default NULL, errordate datetime default '0001-01-01 00:00:00', sqlstatement text, PRIMARY KEY (upgrade_exception_id) )"); return $result; } } function zen_check_exceptions($result, $line) { // note: table-prefixes are ignored here, since they are not added if this is an exception //echo '
RESULT_CODE: ' . $result . '
LINE:' . $line; if (strstr($result,'EZ-Pages Settings') && strstr(strtolower($line), 'insert into configuration_group')) return true; if (strstr($result,'DEFINE_SITE_MAP_STATUS') && strstr(strtolower($line), 'insert into configuration')) return true; //echo '
'; } function zcInstallAddSID($connection = '') { global $request_type, $session_started, $http_domain, $https_domain; $sid = ''; if ($connection == '') $connection = $request_type; // Add the session ID when moving from different HTTP and HTTPS servers, or when SID is defined if ($session_started == true) { if (defined('SID') && zen_not_null(SID)) { $sid = SID; } elseif ( ($request_type == 'NONSSL' && $connection == 'SSL') || ($request_type == 'SSL' && $connection == 'NONSSL') ) { if ($http_domain != $https_domain) { $sid = zen_session_name() . '=' . zen_session_id(); } } } return ($sid == '') ? '' : '&' . zen_output_string($sid); } ?>