php_version = PHP_VERSION; $this->user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $this->configKeys = (isset($_SESSION['installerConfigKeys'])) ? $_SESSION['installerConfigKeys'] : array(); if (isset($_POST['zcinst'])) $this->readConfigKeysFromPost(); $this->configFiles = array(); } function test_admin_configure($zp_error_text, $zp_error_code, $zp_fatal = false) { if (!file_exists('../admin/includes/configure.php')) { @chmod('../admin/includes', 0777); @touch('../admin/includes/configure.php'); @chmod('../admin/includes', 0755); if (!file_exists('../admin/includes/configure.php')) { $this->setError($zp_error_text, $zp_error_code, $zp_fatal); return false; } } else { return true; } } function test_admin_configure_write($zp_error_text, $zp_error_code, $zp_fatal = true) { $fp = @fopen('../admin/includes/configure.php', 'a'); if (!is_writeable('../admin/includes/configure.php') || (!$fp) ) { $this->setError($zp_error_text, $zp_error_code, $zp_fatal); $this->admin_config_writable=false; } else { $this->admin_config_writable=true; } if ($fp) @fclose($fp); } function test_store_configure_write($zp_error_text, $zp_error_code, $zp_fatal = true) { $fp = @fopen('../includes/configure.php', 'a'); if (!is_writeable('../includes/configure.php') || (!$fp) ) { $this->setError($zp_error_text, $zp_error_code, $zp_fatal); $this->store_config_writable=false; } else { $this->store_config_writable=true; } if ($fp) @fclose($fp); } function test_store_configure($zp_error_text, $zp_error_code, $zp_fatal = true) { if (!file_exists('../includes/configure.php')) { @chmod('../includes', 0777); @touch('../includes/configure.php'); @chmod('../includes', 0755); if (!file_exists('../includes/configure.php')) { $this->setError($zp_error_text, $zp_error_code, $zp_fatal); return false; } } else { return true; } } function test_php_version ($zp_test, $test_version, $zp_error_text='', $zp_error_code='', $zp_fatal=false) { if (isset($_GET['ignorephpver']) && $_GET['ignorephpver']=='1') return false; $string = explode('.',substr($this->php_version,0,6)); foreach ($string as $key=>$value) { $string[$key] = str_pad((int)$value, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } $myver_string = implode('',$string); $string = explode('.',$test_version); foreach ($string as $key=>$value) { $string[$key] = str_pad($value, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } $test_version = implode('',$string); $zp_error_text = $this->php_version . ' ' . $zp_error_text; //echo '
$myver='.$myver_string . ' $test_ver = ' . $test_version . '    TEST: ' . $zp_test . '  error-text: ' . $zp_error_text; switch ($zp_test) { case '=': if ($myver_string == $test_version) { $this->setError($zp_error_text, $zp_error_code, $zp_fatal); return true; } break; case '<': if ($myver_string < $test_version) { $this->setError($zp_error_text, $zp_error_code, $zp_fatal); return true; } break; } return false; } function isEmpty($zp_test, $zp_error_text, $zp_error_code) { if (!$zp_test || $zp_test=='http://' || $zp_test=='https://' ) { $this->setError($zp_error_text, $zp_error_code, true); } return $zp_test; } function checkPrefix($zp_test, $zp_error_text, $zp_error_code) { if (preg_replace('/[^0-9a-zA-Z_]/', '_', $zp_test) != $zp_test) { $this->setError($zp_error_text, $zp_error_code, true); } } function fileExists($zp_file, $zp_error_text, $zp_error_code) { if (!file_exists($zp_file)) { $this->setError($zp_error_text, $zp_error_code, true); } } function isDir($zp_file, $zp_error_text, $zp_error_code) { if (!is_dir($zp_file)) { $this->setError($zp_error_text, $zp_error_code, true); } } function isWriteable($zp_file, $zp_error_text='', $zp_error_code='') { $retVal = true; if (is_dir($zp_file)) $zp_file .= '/test_writable.txt'; $fp = @fopen($zp_file, 'a'); if (!is_writeable($zp_file) || (!$fp) ) { if ($zp_error_code !='') $this->setError($zp_error_text, $zp_error_code, true); $retVal = false; } @fclose($fp); if (file_exists($zp_file) && !strstr($zp_file, 'configure.php')) @unlink($zp_file); return $retVal; } function functionExists($zp_type, $zp_error_text, $zp_error_code) { if ($zp_type == 'mysql') { $function = 'mysql_connect'; } if (!function_exists($function)) { $this->setError($zp_error_text, $zp_error_code, true); } } function dbConnect($zp_type, $zp_host, $zp_database, $zp_username, $zp_pass, $zp_error_text, $zp_error_code, $zp_error_text2=ERROR_TEXT_DB_NOTEXIST, $zp_error_code2=ERROR_CODE_DB_NOTEXIST) { if ($this->error == false) { if ($zp_type == 'mysql') { if (@mysql_connect($zp_host, $zp_username, $zp_pass) == false ) { $this->setError($zp_error_text.'
'.@mysql_error(), $zp_error_code, true); } else { if (!@mysql_select_db($zp_database)) { $this->setError($zp_error_text2.'
'.@mysql_error(), $zp_error_code2, true); } else { @mysql_close(); } } } } } function dbCreate($zp_create, $zp_type, $zp_name, $zp_error_text, $zp_error_code) { if ($zp_create == 'true' && $this->error == false) { if ($zp_type == 'mysql' && (@mysql_query('CREATE DATABASE ' . $zp_name) == false)) { $this->setError($zp_error_text, $zp_error_code, true); } } } function dbExists($zp_create, $zp_type, $zp_host, $zp_username, $zp_pass, $zp_name, $zp_error_text, $zp_error_code) { // echo $zp_create; if ($zp_create != 'true' && $this->error == false) { if ($zp_type == 'mysql') { @mysql_connect($zp_host, $zp_username, $zp_pass); if (@mysql_select_db($zp_name) == false) { $this->setError($zp_error_text.'
'.@mysql_error(), $zp_error_code, true); } @mysql_close(); } } } function isEmail($zp_param, $zp_error_text, $zp_error_code) { if (zen_validate_email($zp_param) == false) { $this->setError($zp_error_text, $zp_error_code, true); } } function isEqual($zp_param1, $zp_param2, $zp_error_text, $zp_error_code) { if ($zp_param1 != $zp_param2) { $this->setError($zp_error_text, $zp_error_code, true); } } function setError($zp_error_text, $zp_error_code, $zp_fatal = false) { $this->error = true; $this->fatal_error = $zp_fatal; $this->error_array[] = array('text'=>$zp_error_text, 'code'=>$zp_error_code); $this->throwException(($zp_fatal ? 'FATAL: ' : '') . str_replace('
', ' - ', $zp_error_text)); $this->logDetails(($zp_fatal ? 'FATAL: ' : '') . str_replace('
', ' - ', $zp_error_text)); } /** * Test CURL communications * * returns string */ function test_curl($mode='NONSSL', $proxy = false, $proxyAddress = '') { if (!function_exists('curl_init')) { $this->setError(ERROR_TEXT_CURL_NOT_COMPILED, ERROR_CODE_CURL_SUPPORT, false); return ERROR_TEXT_CURL_NOT_COMPILED; } $url = ($mode == 'NONSSL') ? "" : ""; $data = "installertest=checking"; if ($proxy && $proxyAddress == '') $proxyAddress = ''; // Send CURL communication $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 4); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); /* compatibility for SSL communications on some Windows servers (IIS 5.0+) */ if ($proxy) { curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL, true); @curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE, CURLPROXY_HTTP); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxyAddress); } $result = curl_exec($ch); $errtext = curl_error($ch); $errnum = curl_errno($ch); $commInfo = @curl_getinfo($ch); curl_close ($ch); if (isset($_GET['debug'])) echo $mode . ($proxy ? ' (proxy)': '') . ' CURL RESULTS: ' . $errnum . ' => ' . $errtext . (trim($result) != '' ? ' [' . $result . ']' : '') . '
' . print_r($commInfo, true) . '

'; if ($errnum != 0 || trim($result) != 'PASS') { $response = $errnum . ' => ' . $errtext . (trim($result) != '' ? ' [' . $result . ']' : ''); $this->setError(($mode == 'NONSSL' ? ERROR_TEXT_CURL_PROBLEM_GENERAL : ERROR_TEXT_CURL_SSL_PROBLEM) . ' ' . $response, ERROR_CODE_CURL_SUPPORT, false); return ($mode == 'NONSSL' ? ERROR_TEXT_CURL_PROBLEM_GENERAL : ERROR_TEXT_CURL_SSL_PROBLEM) . ' ' . $response; } return OKAY; // yes, this is an intentional constant } function trimTrailingSlash($string) { return (substr($string,-1)=='/') ? substr($string,0,(strlen($string)-1)) : $string; } function resetConfigInfo() { $this->configInfo = array(); $_SESSION['installerConfigInfo'] = $this->configInfo; } function setConfigInfo($key, $val) { if ($val == 'unset_this') { unset($this->configInfo[$key]); } else { $this->configInfo[$key] = $val; } $_SESSION['installerConfigInfo'] = $this->configInfo; } function getConfigInfo($key = '*', $printable = false) { if ($key == '*') { return ($printable) ? print_r($this->configInfo, true) : $this->configInfo; } else { return (isset($this->configInfo[$key])) ? $this->configInfo[$key] : ''; } } function resetConfigKeys() { $this->configKeys = array(); $_SESSION['installerConfigKeys'] = $this->configKeys; } function setConfigKey($key, $val) { if ($val == 'unset_this') { unset($this->configKeys[$key]); } else { if ($key == 'DB_SERVER_PASSWORD') $val = $this->obfuscate($val); $this->configKeys[$key] = $val; } $_SESSION['installerConfigKeys'] = $this->configKeys; } function setConfigKeyMulti($key_array) { foreach($key_array as $key=>$val) { $this->configKeys[$key] = $val; if ($val == 'unset_this') unset($this->configKeys[$key]); } $_SESSION['installerConfigKeys'] = $this->configKeys; } function getConfigKey($key = '*', $printable = false) { if ($key == '*') { return ($printable) ? print_r($this->configKeys, true) : $this->configKeys; } else if ($key == '-') { $cleanKeys = $this->configKeys; if (isset($cleanKeys['DB_SERVER_PASSWORD'])) $cleanKeys['DB_SERVER_PASSWORD'] = '***private***'; return ($printable) ? print_r($cleanKeys, true) : $cleanKeys; } else { $retVal = (isset($this->configKeys[$key])) ? $this->configKeys[$key] : ''; if ($key == 'DB_SERVER_PASSWORD') $retVal = $this->obfuscate($retVal, 'out'); return $retVal; } } function getConfigKeysAsPost() { $string = ''; foreach($this->configKeys as $key => $value) { $string .= '' . "\n"; } return $string; } function readConfigKeysFromPost() { $postArray = $_POST['zcinst']; foreach($postArray as $key => $value) { if ($key == 'DB_SERVER_PASSWORD') $value = $this->obfuscate($value, 'out'); $this->setConfigKey($key, $value); } return $this->configKeys; } function obfuscate($var, $mode='in') { if ($mode == 'in') return base64_encode(base64_encode($var)); if ($mode == 'out') return base64_decode(base64_decode($var)); return $var; } function throwException($details, $moreinfo = '', $location = '', $fname = '') { global $current_page; $fname = ($fname == '') ? date('M-d-Y_h-i') : $fname; $location = ($location == '') ? $current_page : $location; if ($fp = @fopen(DEBUG_LOG_FOLDER . '/zcInstallExceptionDetails_' . $fname . '.log', 'a')) { fwrite($fp, '---------------' . "\n" . date('M d Y G:i') . ' -- ' . $location . "\n" . $details . "\n\n"); fclose($fp); } } function logDetails($details, $location = '', $fname = '') { global $current_page; $fname = ($fname == '') ? date('M-d-Y_h') : $fname; $location = ($location == '') ? $current_page : $location; if ($fp = @fopen(DEBUG_LOG_FOLDER . '/zcInstallLog_' . $fname . '.log', 'a')) { fwrite($fp, '---------------' . "\n" . date('M d Y G:i') . ' -- ' . $location . "\n" . $details . "\n\n"); fclose($fp); } } // Determine Document Root function detectDocumentRoot() { $dir_fs_www_root = realpath(dirname(basename(__FILE__)) . "/.."); if ($dir_fs_www_root == '') $dir_fs_www_root = '/'; $dir_fs_www_root = str_replace(array('\\','//'), '/', $dir_fs_www_root); return $dir_fs_www_root; } // OLD METHOD ... should be removed function detectDocumentRoot_OLD() { // old method: $realPath = realpath(dirname(basename(__FILE__))); $script_filename = (isset($_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'])) ? $_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'] : (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) ? $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] : $realPath); $script_filename = str_replace(array('\\','//'), '/', $script_filename); // split into an array in order to read its parts $dir_fs_www_root_array = explode('/', dirname($script_filename)); // re-assemble with all except the last part $dir_fs_www_root_tmp = array(); for ($i=0, $n=sizeof($dir_fs_www_root_array)-1; $i<$n; $i++) { $dir_fs_www_root_tmp[] = $dir_fs_www_root_array[$i]; } $dir_fs_www_root = implode('/', $dir_fs_www_root_tmp); // if blank, at least give it a single slash / if ($dir_fs_www_root == '') $dir_fs_www_root = '/'; return $dir_fs_www_root; } function writeConfigFiles() { $virtual_http_path = parse_url($this->getConfigKey('virtual_http_path')); $http_server = $virtual_http_path['scheme'] . '://' . $virtual_http_path['host']; $http_catalog = (isset($virtual_http_path['path'])) ? $virtual_http_path['path'] : ''; if (isset($virtual_http_path['port']) && !empty($virtual_http_path['port'])) { $http_server .= ':' . $virtual_http_path['port']; } if (substr($http_catalog, -1) != '/') { $http_catalog .= '/'; } $sql_cache_dir = (int)$this->getConfigKey('DIR_FS_SQL_CACHE'); $cache_type = $this->getConfigKey('SQL_CACHE_METHOD'); $https_server = $this->getConfigKey('virtual_https_server'); $https_catalog = $this->getConfigKey('virtual_https_path'); //if the https:// entries were left blank, use non-SSL versions instead of blank if ($https_server=='' || $https_server=='https://' || $https_server=='://') $https_server=$http_server; if ($https_catalog=='') $https_catalog=$http_catalog; $https_catalog_path = ereg_replace($https_server,'',$https_catalog) . '/'; $https_catalog = $https_catalog_path; //now let's write the files // Catalog version first: require('includes/store_configure.php'); $config_file_contents_catalog = $file_contents; $fp = @fopen($this->getConfigKey('DIR_FS_CATALOG') . '/includes/configure.php', 'w'); if ($fp) { fputs($fp, $file_contents); fclose($fp); @chmod($this->getConfigKey('DIR_FS_CATALOG') . '/includes/configure.php', 0644); } // now Admin version: require('includes/admin_configure.php'); $config_file_contents_admin = $file_contents; $fp = @fopen($this->getConfigKey('DIR_FS_CATALOG') . '/admin/includes/configure.php', 'w'); if ($fp) { fputs($fp, $file_contents); fclose($fp); @chmod($this->getConfigKey('DIR_FS_CATALOG') . '/admin/includes/configure.php', 0644); } $this->configFiles = array('catalog' => $config_file_contents_catalog, 'admin' => $config_file_contents_admin); return $this->validateConfigFiles($http_server); } function validateConfigFiles($http_server) { // test whether the files were written successfully $ztst_http_server = zen_read_config_value('HTTP_SERVER'); $ztst_db_server = zen_read_config_value('DB_SERVER'); $ztst_sqlcachedir = zen_read_config_value('DIR_FS_SQL_CACHE'); if ($ztst_http_server != $http_server || $ztst_db_server != $this->getConfigKey('DB_SERVER') || $ztst_sqlcachedir != $this->getConfigKey('DIR_FS_SQL_CACHE') || $this->getConfigKey('DB_SERVER') == '') { $this->setError(ERROR_TEXT_COULD_NOT_WRITE_CONFIGURE_FILES, ERROR_CODE_COULD_NOT_WRITE_CONFIGURE_FILES, true); $this->throwException('Failed writing configure.php file: Found in config file: [' . $ztst_http_server . '], expecting [' . $http_server . ']'); $this->throwException('Failed writing configure.php file: Found in config file: [' . $ztst_db_server . '], expecting [' . $this->getConfigKey('DB_SERVER') . ']'); $this->throwException('Failed writing configure.php file: Found in config file: [' . $ztst_sqlcachedir . '], expecting [' . $this->getConfigKey('DIR_FS_SQL_CACHE') . ']'); $retVal = false; } else { $retVal = true; } return $retVal; } function validateDatabaseSetup($data) { if ($data['db_type'] != 'mysql') $data['db_prefix'] = ''; // if not using mysql, don't support prefixes because we don't trap for them if ($data['db_sess'] != 'true' || $data['cache_type'] == 'file') { //if not storing sessions in database, or if caching to file, check folder $this->isEmpty($data['sql_cache_dir'], ERROR_TEXT_CACHE_DIR_ISEMPTY, ERROR_CODE_CACHE_DIR_ISEMPTY); $this->isDir($data['sql_cache_dir'], ERROR_TEXT_CACHE_DIR_ISDIR, ERROR_CODE_CACHE_DIR_ISDIR); $this->isWriteable($data['sql_cache_dir'], ERROR_TEXT_CACHE_DIR_ISWRITEABLE, ERROR_CODE_CACHE_DIR_ISWRITEABLE); } //$this->checkPrefix($data['db_prefix'], ERROR_TEXT_DB_PREFIX_NODOTS, ERROR_CODE_DB_PREFIX_NODOTS); $data['db_prefix'] == preg_replace('/[^0-9a-zA-Z_]/', '_', $data['db_prefix']); $this->isEmpty($data['db_host'], ERROR_TEXT_DB_HOST_ISEMPTY, ERROR_CODE_DB_HOST_ISEMPTY); $this->isEmpty($data['db_username'], ERROR_TEXT_DB_USERNAME_ISEMPTY, ERROR_CODE_DB_USERNAME_ISEMPTY); $this->isEmpty($data['db_name'], ERROR_TEXT_DB_NAME_ISEMPTY, ERROR_CODE_DB_NAME_ISEMPTY); $this->fileExists('sql/' . $data['db_type'] . '_zencart.sql', ERROR_TEXT_DB_SQL_NOTEXIST, ERROR_CODE_DB_SQL_NOTEXIST); $this->functionExists($data['db_type'], ERROR_TEXT_DB_NOTSUPPORTED, ERROR_CODE_DB_NOTSUPPORTED); $this->dbConnect($data['db_type'], $data['db_host'], $data['db_name'], $data['db_username'], $data['db_pass'], ERROR_TEXT_DB_CONNECTION_FAILED, ERROR_CODE_DB_CONNECTION_FAILED,ERROR_TEXT_DB_NOTEXIST, ERROR_CODE_DB_NOTEXIST); $this->dbExists(false, $data['db_type'], $data['db_host'], $data['db_username'], $data['db_pass'], $data['db_name'], ERROR_TEXT_DB_NOTEXIST, ERROR_CODE_DB_NOTEXIST); $data['db_sess'] = ($data['db_sess'] == 'true') ? 'db' : ''; $this->setConfigKey('DB_TYPE', $data['db_type']); $this->setConfigKey('DB_PREFIX', $data['db_prefix']); $this->setConfigKey('DB_SERVER', $data['db_host']); $this->setConfigKey('DB_SERVER_USERNAME', $data['db_username']); $this->setConfigKey('DB_SERVER_PASSWORD', $data['db_pass']); $this->setConfigKey('DB_DATABASE', $data['db_name']); $this->setConfigKey('STORE_SESSIONS', $data['db_sess']); $this->setConfigKey('USE_PCONNECT', @$data['db_conn']); $this->setConfigKey('SQL_CACHE_METHOD', $data['cache_type']); $this->setConfigKey('DIR_FS_SQL_CACHE', $this->trimTrailingSlash($data['sql_cache_dir'])); } function dbActivate() { if (isset($this->db)) return; if ($this->getConfigKey('DB_TYPE') == '') $this->setConfigKey('DB_TYPE', zen_read_config_value('DB_TYPE')); if ($this->getConfigKey('DB_PREFIX') == '') $this->setConfigKey('DB_PREFIX', zen_read_config_value('DB_PREFIX')); if ($this->getConfigKey('DB_SERVER') == '') $this->setConfigKey('DB_SERVER', zen_read_config_value('DB_SERVER')); if ($this->getConfigKey('DB_SERVER_USERNAME') == '') $this->setConfigKey('DB_SERVER_USERNAME', zen_read_config_value('DB_SERVER_USERNAME')); if ($this->getConfigKey('DB_SERVER_PASSWORD') == '') $this->setConfigKey('DB_SERVER_PASSWORD', zen_read_config_value('DB_SERVER_PASSWORD')); if ($this->getConfigKey('DB_DATABASE') == '') $this->setConfigKey('DB_DATABASE', zen_read_config_value('DB_DATABASE')); include_once('../includes/classes/db/' . $this->getConfigKey('DB_TYPE') . '/query_factory.php'); $this->db = new queryFactory; $this->db->Connect($this->getConfigKey('DB_SERVER'), $this->getConfigKey('DB_SERVER_USERNAME'), $this->getConfigKey('DB_SERVER_PASSWORD'), $this->getConfigKey('DB_DATABASE'), true); } function dbLoadProcedure() { $this->dbActivate(); // can likely remove this line for v1.4 global $db; $db = $this->db; executeSql('sql/' . $this->getConfigKey('DB_TYPE') . '_zencart.sql', $this->getConfigKey('DB_DATABASE'), $this->getConfigKey('DB_PREFIX')); //update the cache folder setting: $this->dbAfterLoadActions(); if (file_exists('includes/local/developers_' . $this->getConfigKey('DB_TYPE') . '.sql')) { executeSql('includes/local/developers_' . $this->getConfigKey('DB_TYPE') . '.sql', $this->getConfigKey('DB_DATABASE'), $this->getConfigKey('DB_PREFIX')); } // process any plugin SQL scripts $this->dbHandleSQLPlugins(); // Close the database connection $this->db->Close(); } /** * Support for SQL Plugins in installer */ function dbHandleSQLPlugins() { $sqlpluginsdir = 'sql/plugins/'; if ($dir = @dir($sqlpluginsdir)) { while ($file = $dir->read()) { if (!is_dir($sqlpluginsdir . $file)) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG3) echo '
checking file: ' . $sqlpluginsdir . $file; if (preg_match('/^' . $this->getConfigKey('DB_TYPE') . '.*\.sql$/', $file) > 0) { $directory_array[] = $file; } } } if (sizeof($directory_array)) { sort($directory_array); } $dir->close(); } for ($i = 0, $n = sizeof($directory_array); $i < $n; $i++) { $file = $directory_array[$i]; if (file_exists($sqlpluginsdir . $file)) { echo '
Processing Plugin: ' . $sqlpluginsdir . $file . '
'; executeSql($sqlpluginsdir . $file, $this->getConfigKey('DB_DATABASE'), $this->getConfigKey('DB_PREFIX')); } } } function dbAfterLoadActions() { $this->dbActivate(); // can likely remove this line for v1.4 //update the cache folder setting: $sql = "update ". $this->getConfigKey('DB_PREFIX') ."configuration set configuration_value='". $this->getConfigKey('DIR_FS_SQL_CACHE') ."' where configuration_key = 'SESSION_WRITE_DIRECTORY'"; $this->db->Execute($sql); //update the logging_folder setting: $sql = "update ". $this->getConfigKey('DB_PREFIX') ."configuration set configuration_value='". $this->getConfigKey('DIR_FS_SQL_CACHE') ."/page_parse_time.log' where configuration_key = 'STORE_PAGE_PARSE_TIME_LOG'"; $this->db->Execute($sql); //update the phpbb setting: $sql = "update ". $this->getConfigKey('DB_PREFIX') ."configuration set configuration_value='". $this->getConfigKey('PHPBB_ENABLE') ."' where configuration_key = 'PHPBB_LINKS_ENABLED'"; $this->db->Execute($sql); } function dbDemoDataInstall() { $this->dbActivate(); // can likely remove this line for v1.4 global $db; $db = $this->db; executeSql('demo/' . DB_TYPE . '_demo.sql', DB_DATABASE, DB_PREFIX); } function validateStoreSetup($data) { $this->configInfo['store_name'] = $this->isEmpty(zen_db_prepare_input($data['store_name']), ERROR_TEXT_STORE_NAME_ISEMPTY, ERROR_CODE_STORE_NAME_ISEMPTY); $this->configInfo['store_owner'] = $this->isEmpty(zen_db_prepare_input($data['store_owner']), ERROR_TEXT_STORE_OWNER_ISEMPTY, ERROR_CODE_STORE_OWNER_ISEMPTY); $this->configInfo['store_owner_email'] = $this->isEmpty(zen_db_prepare_input($data['store_owner_email']), ERROR_TEXT_STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ISEMPTY, ERROR_CODE_STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ISEMPTY); $this->configInfo['store_owner_email'] = $this->isEmpty(zen_db_prepare_input($data['store_owner_email']), ERROR_TEXT_STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_NOTEMAIL, ERROR_CODE_STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_NOTEMAIL); $this->configInfo['store_address'] = $this->isEmpty(zen_db_prepare_input($data['store_address']), ERROR_TEXT_STORE_ADDRESS_ISEMPTY, ERROR_CODE_STORE_ADDRESS_ISEMPTY); $this->configInfo['store_country'] = zen_db_prepare_input($data['store_country']); $this->configInfo['store_zone'] = zen_db_prepare_input($data['store_zone']); $this->configInfo['store_default_language'] = zen_db_prepare_input($data['store_default_language']); $this->configInfo['store_default_currency'] = zen_db_prepare_input($data['store_default_currency']); } function dbStoreSetup() { $this->dbActivate(); // can likely remove this line for v1.4 $sql = "update " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration set configuration_value = '" . $this->db->prepare_input($this->configInfo['store_name']) . "' where configuration_key = 'STORE_NAME'"; $this->db->Execute($sql); $sql = "update " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration set configuration_value = '" . $this->db->prepare_input($this->configInfo['store_owner']) . "' where configuration_key = 'STORE_OWNER'"; $this->db->Execute($sql); $sql = "update " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration set configuration_value = '" . $this->db->prepare_input($this->configInfo['store_owner_email']) . "' where configuration_key in ('STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS', 'EMAIL_FROM', 'SEND_EXTRA_ORDER_EMAILS_TO', 'SEND_EXTRA_CREATE_ACCOUNT_EMAILS_TO', 'SEND_EXTRA_LOW_STOCK_EMAILS_TO', 'SEND_EXTRA_GV_CUSTOMER_EMAILS_TO', 'SEND_EXTRA_GV_ADMIN_EMAILS_TO', 'SEND_EXTRA_DISCOUNT_COUPON_ADMIN_EMAILS_TO', 'SEND_EXTRA_ORDERS_STATUS_ADMIN_EMAILS_TO', 'SEND_EXTRA_TELL_A_FRIEND_EMAILS_TO', 'SEND_EXTRA_REVIEW_NOTIFICATION_EMAILS_TO', 'MODULE_PAYMENT_CC_EMAIL')"; $this->db->Execute($sql); $sql = "update " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration set configuration_value = '" . $this->db->prepare_input($this->configInfo['store_country']) . "' where configuration_key in ('STORE_COUNTRY', 'SHIPPING_ORIGIN_COUNTRY')"; $this->db->Execute($sql); $sql = "update " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration set configuration_value = '" . $this->db->prepare_input($this->configInfo['store_zone']) . "' where configuration_key = 'STORE_ZONE'"; $this->db->Execute($sql); $sql = "update " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration set configuration_value = '" . $this->db->prepare_input($this->configInfo['store_address']) . "' where configuration_key = 'STORE_NAME_ADDRESS'"; $this->db->Execute($sql); $sql = "update " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration set configuration_value = '" . $this->db->prepare_input($this->configInfo['store_default_language']) . "' where configuration_key = 'DEFAULT_LANGUAGE'"; $this->db->Execute($sql); $sql = "update " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration set configuration_value = '" . $this->db->prepare_input($this->configInfo['store_default_currency']) . "' where configuration_key = 'DEFAULT_CURRENCY'"; $this->db->Execute($sql); $sql = "update " . DB_PREFIX . "currencies set value = 1 where code = '" . $this->db->prepare_input($this->configInfo['store_default_currency']) . "'"; $this->db->Execute($sql); } function validateAdminSetup($data) { $this->dbActivate(); if (!isset($this->configInfo['check_for_updates'])) $this->configInfo['check_for_updates'] = (isset($data['check_for_updates']) && $data['check_for_updates']== '1' ) ? 1 : 0; $this->configInfo['admin_username'] = zen_db_prepare_input($data['admin_username']); $this->configInfo['admin_email'] = zen_db_prepare_input($data['admin_email']); $this->configInfo['admin_pass'] = zen_db_prepare_input($data['admin_pass']); $this->isEmpty($this->configInfo['admin_username'], ERROR_TEXT_ADMIN_USERNAME_ISEMPTY, ERROR_CODE_ADMIN_USERNAME_ISEMPTY); $this->isEmpty($this->configInfo['admin_email'], ERROR_TEXT_ADMIN_EMAIL_ISEMPTY, ERROR_CODE_ADMIN_EMAIL_ISEMPTY); $this->isEmail($this->configInfo['admin_email'], ERROR_TEXT_ADMIN_EMAIL_NOTEMAIL, ERROR_CODE_ADMIN_EMAIL_NOTEMAIL); $this->isEmpty($this->configInfo['admin_pass'], ERROR_TEXT_ADMIN_PASS_ISEMPTY, ERROR_CODE_ADMIN_PASS_ISEMPTY); } function dbAdminSetup() { $this->dbActivate(); // can likely remove this line for v1.4 $sql = "update " . DB_PREFIX . "admin set admin_name = '" . $this->configInfo['admin_username'] . "', admin_email = '" . $this->configInfo['admin_email'] . "', admin_pass = '" . zen_encrypt_password($this->configInfo['admin_pass']) . "' where admin_id = 1"; $this->db->Execute($sql) or die("Error in query: $sql".$this->db->ErrorMsg()); // enable/disable automatic version-checking $sql = "update " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration set configuration_value = '".($this->configInfo['check_for_updates'] ? 'true' : 'false' ) ."' where configuration_key = 'SHOW_VERSION_UPDATE_IN_HEADER'"; $this->db->Execute($sql) or die("Error in query: $sql".$this->db->ErrorMsg()); $this->db->Close(); } function verifyAdminCredentials($admin_name, $admin_pass) { // security check if ($admin_name == '' || $admin_name == 'demo' || $admin_pass == '') { $this->setError(ERROR_TEXT_ADMIN_PWD_REQUIRED, ERROR_CODE_ADMIN_PWD_REQUIRED, true); } else { $admin_name = zen_db_prepare_input($admin_name); $admin_pass = zen_db_prepare_input($admin_pass); $sql = "select admin_id, admin_name, admin_pass from " . DB_PREFIX . "admin where admin_name = '" . $admin_name . "'"; //open database connection to run queries against it $this->dbActivate(); $result = $this->db->Execute($sql); if ($admin_name != $result->fields['admin_name']) { $this->setError(ERROR_TEXT_ADMIN_PWD_REQUIRED, ERROR_CODE_ADMIN_PWD_REQUIRED, true); } if (!zen_validate_password($admin_pass, $result->fields['admin_pass'])) { $this->setError(ERROR_TEXT_ADMIN_PWD_REQUIRED, ERROR_CODE_ADMIN_PWD_REQUIRED, true); } $this->db->Close(); } } function doPrefixRename($newprefix, $db_prefix_rename_from) { $this->test_admin_configure(ERROR_TEXT_ADMIN_CONFIGURE,ERROR_CODE_ADMIN_CONFIGURE, true); $this->test_store_configure(ERROR_TEXT_STORE_CONFIGURE,ERROR_CODE_STORE_CONFIGURE); $this->test_admin_configure_write(ERROR_TEXT_ADMIN_CONFIGURE_WRITE,ERROR_CODE_ADMIN_CONFIGURE_WRITE); $this->test_store_configure_write(ERROR_TEXT_STORE_CONFIGURE_WRITE,ERROR_CODE_STORE_CONFIGURE_WRITE); $this->functionExists(DB_TYPE, ERROR_TEXT_DB_NOTSUPPORTED, ERROR_CODE_DB_NOTSUPPORTED); $this->dbConnect(DB_TYPE, DB_SERVER, DB_DATABASE, DB_SERVER_USERNAME, DB_SERVER_PASSWORD, ERROR_TEXT_DB_CONNECTION_FAILED, ERROR_CODE_DB_CONNECTION_FAILED,ERROR_TEXT_DB_NOTEXIST, ERROR_CODE_DB_NOTEXIST); // security check if ((!isset($_POST['adminid']) && !isset($_POST['adminpwd'])) || $_POST['adminid']=='' || $_POST['adminid']=='demo') { $this->setError(ERROR_TEXT_ADMIN_PWD_REQUIRED, ERROR_CODE_ADMIN_PWD_REQUIRED, true); } else { $this->verifyAdminCredentials($_POST['adminid'], $_POST['adminpwd']); } // end admin verification if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG2==true) echo 'Processing prefix updates...
'; if ($this->error == false && $nothing_to_process==false) { $this->dbActivate(); $tables = $this->db->Execute("SHOW TABLES"); // get a list of tables to compare against $tables_list = array(); while (!$tables->EOF) { $tables_list[] = $tables->fields['Tables_in_' . DB_DATABASE]; $tables->MoveNext(); } //end while //read the "database_tables.php" files, and loop through the table names foreach($database_tablenames_array as $filename) { if (!file_exists($filename)) continue; $lines = file($filename); foreach ($lines as $line) { $line = trim($line); if (substr($line,0,1) != '<' && substr($line,0,2) != '?'.'>' && substr($line,0,2) != '//' && $line != '') { // echo 'line='.$line.'
'; $def_string=array(); $def_string=explode("'",$line); //define('TABLE_CONSTANT',DB_PREFIX.'tablename'); //[1]=TABLE_CONSTANT //[2]=,DB_PREFIX. //[3]=tablename //[4]=); //[5]= //echo '[1]->'.$def_string[1].'
'; //echo '[2]->'.$def_string[2].'
'; //echo '[3]->'.$def_string[3].'
'; //echo '[4]->'.$def_string[4].'
'; //echo '[5]->'.$def_string[5].'
'; if (strtoupper($def_string[1]) != 'DB_PREFIX' // the define of DB_PREFIX is not a tablename && str_replace('PHPBB','',strtoupper($def_string[1]) ) == strtoupper($def_string[1]) // this is not a phpbb table && str_replace(' ','',$def_string[2]) == ',DB_PREFIX.') { // this is a Zen Cart-related table (vs phpbb) $tablename_read = $def_string[3]; foreach($tables_list as $existing_table) { if ($tablename_read == str_replace($db_prefix_rename_from,'',$existing_table)) { //echo $tablename_read.'
'; $sql_command = 'alter table '. $db_prefix_rename_from . $tablename_read . ' rename ' . $newprefix.$tablename_read; //echo $sql_command .'
'; $this->db->Execute($sql_command); $tables_updated++; $tablename_read = ''; $sql_command = ''; }//endif $tablename_read == existing }//end foreach $tables_list } //endif is "DEFINE"? } // endif substring not < or ? or // etc } //end foreach $lines }//end foreach $database_tablenames array $this->db->Close(); } // end if zc_install-error //echo $tables_updated; if ($tables_updated <50) $this->setError(ERROR_TEXT_TABLE_RENAME_INCOMPLETE, ERROR_CODE_TABLE_RENAME_INCOMPLETE, false); if ($tables_updated >50) { //update the configure.php files with the new prefix. $configure_files_updated = 0; foreach($configure_files_array as $filename) { $lines = file($filename); $full_file = ''; foreach ($lines as $line) { $def_string=explode("'",$line); if (strtoupper($def_string[1]) == 'DB_PREFIX') { // check to see if prefix found matches what we've been processing... for safety to be sure we have the right line $old_prefix_from_file = $def_string[3]; if ($old_prefix_from_file == DB_PREFIX || $old_prefix_from_file == $db_prefix_rename_from) { $line = ' define(\'DB_PREFIX\', \'' . $newprefix. '\');' . "\n"; $configure_files_updated++; } } // endif DEFINE DB_PREFIX found; $full_file .= $line; } //end foreach $lines $fp = fopen($filename, 'w'); fputs($fp, $full_file); fclose($fp); @chmod($filename, 0644); } //end foreach array to update configure.php files if ($configure_files_updated <2) $this->setError(ERROR_TEXT_TABLE_RENAME_CONFIGUREPHP_FAILED, ERROR_CODE_TABLE_RENAME_CONFIGUREPHP_FAILED, false); } //endif $tables_updated count sufficient } } // end class ?>