kjeldvandruten kjeld kjeld kjeld kjeld druten van skydiving parachutejumping camerajumping skydive netherlands holland camera video videojumping photo photografy galleries safetybulletins safety bulletins articles hypoxia mental training visualisation imagery openingsshocks openingshocks opening aff tandem freefly leonardo da vinci leonardodavinci openingshaltitudes altitude height packing folding margins of error lack of oxygen exit exitorder sequence exitsequences psychology fear Kjeld Druten thinairskydiving thin air skydiving parachute parachute risk risks danger statistics accident accidents freefly bmf BMF Freefly NKP Texel texel paracentrumtexel Paracentrum Texel Paracentrum vereniging club equipment material rig gear cypres Cypres cypress vigil Vigil RSL rsl reserve reserveparachute static line CFS CRW crw canopy relative work formation skydiving FS formatie jumping canopy control canopy handbook manual landing high speed kjeldvandruten kjeld druten van skydiving parachutejumping cameraspringen skydive nederland geschiedenis camera video videospringen foto fotografie galleries safety bulletins veiligheids bulletins artikelen hypoxia mentale training visualisatie openingsschokken openingschokken opening aff tandem freefly leonardo da vinci leonardodavinci openingshoogten vouwen foutmarges zuurstofgebrek exit exitvolgordes exitvolgorden psychologie angst fear Kjeld Druten thinairskydiving thin air skydiving richard mulder parachute parachute risico risico's gevaar statistieken ongevalsstatistieken ongevallen ongeval freefly bmf BMF Freefly NKP Texel texel paracentrumtexel Paracentrum Texel Paracentrum vereniging club uitrusting uitrusting cypres Cypres cypress vigil Vigil RSL rsl reserve reserveparachute static line CFS CRW crw canopy relative work formation skydiving FS formatiespringen koepelcontrole canopy control canopy handboek landen landingen high speed kjeldvandruten kjeld druten van skydiving parachutespringen cameraspringen skydive nederland geschiedenis camera video videospringen foto fotografie galleries safety bulletins veiligheids bulletins artikelen hypoxia mentale training visualisatie openingsschokken openingschokken opening aff tandem freefly leonardo da vinci leonardodavinci openingshoogten vouwen foutmarges zuurstofgebrek exit exitvolgordes exitvolgorden psychologie angst fear Kjeld Druten thinairskydiving thin air skydiving richard mulder parachute parachute risico risico's gevaar statistieken ongevalsstatistieken ongevallen ongeval freefly bmf BMF Freefly NKP Texel texel paracentrumtexel Paracentrum Texel Paracentrum vereniging club uitrusting uitrusting cypres Cypres cypress vigil Vigil RSL rsl reserve reserveparachute static line CFS CRW crw canopy relative work formation skydiving FS formatiespringen koepelcontrole canopy control canopy handboek landen landingen high speed kjeldvandruten kjeld druten van skydiving parachutespringen cameraspringen skydive nederland geschiedenis camera video videospringen foto fotografie galleries safety bulletins veiligheids bulletins artikelen hypoxia mentale training visualisatie openingsschokken openingschokken opening aff tandem freefly leonardo da vinci leonardodavinci openingshoogten vouwen foutmarges zuurstofgebrek exit exitvolgordes exitvolgorden psychologie angst fear Kjeld Druten thinairskydiving thin air skydiving richard mulder parachute parachute risico risico's gevaar statistieken ongevalsstatistieken ongevallen ongeval freefly bmf BMF Freefly NKP Texel texel paracentrumtexel Paracentrum Texel Paracentrum vereniging club uitrusting uitrusting cypres Cypres cypress vigil Vigil RSL rsl reserve reserveparachute static line CFS CRW crw canopy relative work formation skydiving FS formatiespringen koepelcontrole canopy control canopy handboek landen landingen high speed opfloaten floaten opfloaten fotograferen videospringen video foto foto's
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Air Skydiving
the website of Kjeld van Druten Copyright © 2003 - 2004 |
![]() Photo: Erwin Baatenburg |