db_Select("plugin", "plugin_version", "plugin_path = 'forum' AND plugin_installflag='1' ")) { if(file_exists(e_PLUGIN.'forum/forum_update_check.php')) { include_once(e_PLUGIN.'forum/forum_update_check.php'); } } if ($sql -> db_Query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM ".MPREFIX."stat_info") && $sql -> db_Select("plugin", "*", "plugin_path = 'log' AND plugin_installflag='1'")) { if(file_exists(e_PLUGIN.'log/log_update_check.php')) { include_once(e_PLUGIN.'log/log_update_check.php'); } } //content if($sql->db_Select("plugin", "plugin_version", "plugin_path = 'content' AND plugin_installflag='1' ")) { if(file_exists(e_PLUGIN.'content/content_update_check.php')) { include_once(e_PLUGIN.'content/content_update_check.php'); } } if($sql->db_Select("plugin", "plugin_version", "plugin_path = 'pm' AND plugin_installflag='1' ")) { if(file_exists(e_PLUGIN.'pm/pm_update_check.php')) { include_once(e_PLUGIN.'pm/pm_update_check.php'); } } // $dbupdate["701_to_702"] = LAN_UPDATE_8." .7.1 ".LAN_UPDATE_9." .7.2"; $dbupdate["617_to_700"] = LAN_UPDATE_8." .617 ".LAN_UPDATE_9." .7"; $dbupdate["616_to_617"] = LAN_UPDATE_8." .616 ".LAN_UPDATE_9." .617"; $dbupdate["615_to_616"] = LAN_UPDATE_8." .615 ".LAN_UPDATE_9." .616"; $dbupdate["614_to_615"] = LAN_UPDATE_8." .614 ".LAN_UPDATE_9." .615"; $dbupdate["611_to_612"] = LAN_UPDATE_8." .611 ".LAN_UPDATE_9." .612"; $dbupdate["603_to_604"] = LAN_UPDATE_8." .603 ".LAN_UPDATE_9." .604"; function update_check() { global $ns, $dbupdate, $dbupdatep; foreach($dbupdate as $func => $rmks) { if (function_exists("update_".$func)) { if (!call_user_func("update_".$func, FALSE)) { $update_needed = TRUE; continue; } } } foreach($dbupdatep as $func => $rmks) { if (function_exists("update_".$func)) { if (!call_user_func("update_".$func, FALSE)) { $update_needed = TRUE; continue; } } } if ($update_needed === TRUE) { $txt = "
".ADLAN_120; $txt .= "
"; $ns->tablerender(LAN_UPDATE, $txt); } } /* // ------------------------------- .7.1 to .7.2 etc ---------------------------------- function update_701_to_702($type='') { // $sql->db_Query_all() must be used for all mysql queries to avoid serious multi-language issues. } */ // ------------------------------- .6 to .7 ---------------------------------- function update_617_to_700($type='') { global $sql, $ns, $mySQLdefaultdb, $pref, $tp, $sysprefs, $eArrayStorage; if ($type == "do") { set_time_limit(400); $s_prefs = FALSE; // Lets build an array with all the table names. $result = mysql_query("SHOW tables"); while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $tablenames[]=$row[0]; } // Switch 0.6xx upgraders back to standard English pack ======================== if ($pref['sitelanguage'] == 'English-iso') { $pref['sitelanguage'] = 'English'; $s_prefs = TRUE; } if ($sql -> db_Select("link_category", "link_category_id")){ if (is_dir(e_LANGUAGEDIR.e_LANGUAGE."-iso")) { $pref['sitelanguage'] = $pref['sitelanguage']."-iso"; $s_prefs = TRUE; } } // ============================================================== // add an index on user_ban - speeds up page render time massively on large user tables. mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."user` ADD INDEX `user_ban_index`(`user_ban`);"); catch_error(); if(!$sql -> db_Select("userclass_classes", "*", "userclass_editclass='254' ")){ $sql->db_Update("userclass_classes", "userclass_editclass='254' WHERE userclass_editclass ='0' "); catch_error(); } /* changes by jalist 19/01/05: altered structure of news table */ mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."news ADD news_comment_total int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0'"); catch_error(); $sql->db_Select_gen("SELECT comment_item_id AS id, COUNT(*) AS amount FROM #comments GROUP BY comment_item_id"); $commentArray = $sql->db_getList(); foreach($commentArray as $comments) { extract($comments); $sql->db_Update("news", "news_comment_total=$amount WHERE news_id=$id"); catch_error(); } mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."content` CHANGE `content_content` `content_content` LONGTEXT NOT NULL"); catch_error(); /* end */ /* start poll update */ $query = "CREATE TABLE ".MPREFIX."polls ( poll_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, poll_datestamp int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', poll_start_datestamp int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', poll_end_datestamp int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', poll_admin_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', poll_title varchar(250) NOT NULL default '', poll_options text NOT NULL, poll_votes text NOT NULL, poll_ip text NOT NULL, poll_type tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', poll_comment tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1', poll_allow_multiple tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', poll_result_type tinyint(2) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', poll_vote_userclass tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', poll_storage_method tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (poll_id) ) TYPE=MyISAM;"; $sql->db_Select_gen($query); catch_error(); if($sql -> db_Select("poll")) { $polls = $sql -> db_getList(); foreach($polls as $row) { extract($row); $poll_options = ""; $poll_votes = ""; for($count=1; $count <= 10; $count++) { $var = "poll_option_".$count; $var2 = "poll_votes_".$count; if($$var) { $poll_options .= $$var.chr(1); $poll_votes .= $$var2.chr(1); } } $poll_type = (strlen($poll_datestamp) > 9 ? 1 : 2); $sql->db_Insert("polls", "$poll_id, $poll_datestamp, 0, $poll_end_datestamp, $poll_admin_id, '$poll_title', '$poll_options', '$poll_votes', '$poll_ip', $poll_type, $poll_comment, 0, 0, 255, 1"); catch_error(); } $sql -> db_Select("polls", "poll_id", "poll_type=1 ORDER BY poll_datestamp DESC LIMIT 0,1"); $row = $sql -> db_Fetch(); $sql -> db_Update("polls", "poll_vote_userclass=0 WHERE poll_id=".$row['poll_id']); $sql->db_Select_gen("DROP TABLE ".MPREFIX."poll"); catch_error(); } /* end poll update */ /* general table structure changes */ mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."user` CHANGE `user_sess` `user_sess` varchar(100) NOT NULL default ''"); catch_error(); /* end */ /* start newsfeed update */ if (!mysql_table_exists('newsfeed')) { $sql->db_Select_gen("CREATE TABLE ".MPREFIX."newsfeed ( newsfeed_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, newsfeed_name varchar(150) NOT NULL default '', newsfeed_url varchar(150) NOT NULL default '', newsfeed_data longtext NOT NULL, newsfeed_timestamp int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', newsfeed_description text NOT NULL, newsfeed_image varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', newsfeed_active tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', newsfeed_updateint int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (newsfeed_id) ) TYPE=MyISAM;"); catch_error(); } if (mysql_table_exists('newsfeed')) { mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."newsfeed` CHANGE `newsfeed_data` `newsfeed_data` LONGTEXT NOT NULL"); catch_error(); $sql -> db_Update("newsfeed", "newsfeed_timestamp='0' "); catch_error(); } /* end */ /* start emote update */ $tmp = 'a:28:{s:9:"alien!png";s:6:"!alien";s:10:"amazed!png";s:7:"!amazed";s:9:"angry!png";s:11:"!grr !angry";s:12:"biglaugh!png";s:4:"!lol";s:11:"cheesey!png";s:10:":D :oD :-D";s:12:"confused!png";s:10:":? :o? :-?";s:7:"cry!png";s:19:"&| &-| &o| :(( !cry";s:8:"dead!png";s:21:"x) xo) x-) x( xo( x-(";s:9:"dodge!png";s:6:"!dodge";s:9:"frown!png";s:10:":( :o( :-(";s:7:"gah!png";s:10:":@ :o@ :o@";s:8:"grin!png";s:10:":D :oD :-D";s:9:"heart!png";s:6:"!heart";s:8:"idea!png";s:10:":! :o! :-!";s:7:"ill!png";s:4:"!ill";s:7:"mad!png";s:13:"~:( ~:o( ~:-(";s:12:"mistrust!png";s:9:"!mistrust";s:11:"neutral!png";s:10:":| :o| :-|";s:12:"question!png";s:2:"?!";s:12:"rolleyes!png";s:10:"B) Bo) B-)";s:7:"sad!png";s:4:"!sad";s:10:"shades!png";s:10:"8) 8o) 8-)";s:7:"shy!png";s:4:"!shy";s:9:"smile!png";s:10:":) :o) :-)";s:11:"special!png";s:3:"%-6";s:12:"suprised!png";s:10:":O :oO :-O";s:10:"tongue!png";s:21:":p :op :-p :P :oP :-P";s:8:"wink!png";s:10:";) ;o) ;-)";}'; $sql->db_Insert("core", "'emote_default', '$tmp' "); catch_error(); if(!$pref['emotepack']){ $pref['emotepack'] = "default"; } mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."core CHANGE e107_name e107_name varchar(100) NOT NULL default ''"); catch_error(); /* end */ /* start download updates */ if (!mysql_table_exists("download_mirror")) { $query = "CREATE TABLE ".MPREFIX."download_mirror ( mirror_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, mirror_name varchar(200) NOT NULL default '', mirror_url varchar(200) NOT NULL default '', mirror_image varchar(200) NOT NULL default '', mirror_location varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', mirror_description text NOT NULL, mirror_count int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (mirror_id) ) TYPE=MyISAM;"; $sql->db_Select_gen($query); catch_error(); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."download ADD download_class TINYINT ( 3 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL"); catch_error(); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."download_category ADD download_category_order int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0'"); catch_error(); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."download` ADD `download_mirror` TEXT NOT NULL , ADD `download_mirror_type` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' "); catch_error(); } /* end */ /* start user update */ mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."user ADD user_loginname varchar(100) NOT NULL default '' AFTER user_name"); catch_error(); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."user ADD user_xup varchar(100) NOT NULL default ''"); catch_error(); $sql->db_Update("user", "user_loginname=user_name WHERE user_loginname=''"); catch_error(); /* end */ /* start page update */ if (!mysql_table_exists("page")) { $sql->db_Select_gen("CREATE TABLE ".MPREFIX."page ( page_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, page_title varchar(250) NOT NULL default '', page_text mediumtext NOT NULL, page_author int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', page_datestamp int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', page_rating_flag tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', page_comment_flag tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', page_password varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', page_class varchar(250) NOT NULL default '', page_ip_restrict text NOT NULL, page_theme varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (page_id) ) TYPE=MyISAM;"); catch_error(); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."page CHANGE page_class page_class varchar(250) NOT NULL default ''"); catch_error(); } /* end */ // start links update ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($sql->db_Query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM ".MPREFIX."link_category")) { global $IMAGES_DIRECTORY, $PLUGINS_DIRECTORY; $sql->db_Select_gen("CREATE TABLE ".MPREFIX."links_page_cat ( link_category_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, link_category_name varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', link_category_description varchar(250) NOT NULL default '', link_category_icon varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (link_category_id) ) TYPE=MyISAM;"); catch_error(); $sql->db_Select_gen("CREATE TABLE ".MPREFIX."links_page ( link_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, link_name varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', link_url varchar(200) NOT NULL default '', link_description text NOT NULL, link_button varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', link_category tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', link_order int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', link_refer int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', link_open tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', link_class tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (link_id) ) TYPE=MyISAM;"); catch_error(); $new_cat_id = 1; $sql->db_Select("link_category", "*", "link_category_id!=1 ORDER BY link_category_id"); while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $link_cat_id[$row['link_category_id']] = $new_cat_id; if ($row['link_category_icon']) { $link_category_icon = strstr($row['link_category_icon'], "/") ? $row['link_category_icon'] : $IMAGES_DIRECTORY."link_icons/".$row['link_category_icon']; } else { $link_category_icon = ""; } $link_cat_export[] = "'0', '".$row['link_category_name']."', '".$row['link_category_description']."', '".$link_category_icon."'"; $link_cat_del[] = $row['link_category_id']; $new_cat_id++; } foreach ($link_cat_export as $link_cat_export_commit) { if (!$sql->db_Insert("links_page_cat", $link_cat_export_commit)) { $links_upd_failed = TRUE; } } $sql->db_Select("links", "*", "link_category!=1 ORDER BY link_category"); while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { if ($row['link_button']) { $link_button = strstr($row['link_button'], "/") ? $row['link_button'] : $IMAGES_DIRECTORY."link_icons/".$row['link_button']; } else { $link_button = ""; } $link_export[] = "'0', '".$row['link_name']."', '".$row['link_url']."', '".$row['link_description']."', '".$link_button."', '".$link_cat_id[$row['link_category']]."', '".$row['link_order']."', '".$row['link_refer']."', '".$row['link_open']."', '".$row['link_class']."'"; $link_del[] = $row['link_id']; } foreach ($link_export as $link_export_commit) { if (!$sql->db_Insert("links_page", $link_export_commit)) { $links_upd_failed = TRUE; } } if (!$links_upd_failed) { $sql->db_Select_gen("DROP TABLE ".MPREFIX."link_category"); foreach ($link_del as $link_del_commit) { $sql->db_Delete("links", "link_id='".$link_del_commit."'"); } } $sql->db_Insert("plugin", "0, 'Links Page', '1.0', 'links_page', 1"); $sql->db_Update("links", "link_url = '".$PLUGINS_DIRECTORY."links_page/links.php' WHERE link_url = 'links.php'"); $pref['plug_latest'] = $pref['plug_latest'].",links_page"; $s_prefs = TRUE; } // end links update ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ######### McFly's 0.7 Updates ############ // parse table obsolete if(mysql_table_exists("parser")){ mysql_query('DROP TABLE `'.MPREFIX.'parser`'); catch_error(); } mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."menus ADD menu_path varchar(100) NOT NULL default ''"); catch_error(); $sql -> db_Update("menus", "menu_path='poll/' WHERE menu_name='poll_menu' "); catch_error(); mysql_query("UPDATE ".MPREFIX."menus SET menu_path = 'custom', menu_name = substring(menu_name,8) WHERE substring(menu_name,1,6) = 'custom'"); catch_error(); mysql_query("UPDATE ".MPREFIX."menus SET menu_path = menu_name WHERE menu_path = ''"); catch_error(); // New dblog table for logging db calls (admin log) if (!mysql_table_exists("dblog")) { $sql->db_Select_gen("CREATE TABLE ".MPREFIX."dblog ( dblog_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, dblog_type varchar(60) NOT NULL default '', dblog_datestamp int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', dblog_user_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', dblog_ip varchar(80) NOT NULL default '', dblog_query text NOT NULL, dblog_remarks varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (dblog_id) ) TYPE=MyISAM;"); catch_error(); } // New generic table for storing any miscellaneous data if (!mysql_table_exists("generic")) { $sql->db_Select_gen("CREATE TABLE ".MPREFIX."generic ( gen_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, gen_type varchar(80) NOT NULL default '', gen_datestamp int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', gen_user_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', gen_ip varchar(80) NOT NULL default '', gen_intdata int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', gen_chardata text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (gen_id) ) TYPE=MyISAM;"); catch_error(); } if (!mysql_table_exists("user_extended")) { $sql->db_Select_gen("CREATE TABLE ".MPREFIX."user_extended ( user_extended_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (user_extended_id) ) TYPE=MyISAM;"); catch_error(); $sql->db_Select_gen("CREATE TABLE ".MPREFIX."user_extended_struct ( user_extended_struct_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, user_extended_struct_name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', user_extended_struct_text varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', user_extended_struct_type tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', user_extended_struct_parms varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', user_extended_struct_values text NOT NULL, user_extended_struct_default varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', user_extended_struct_read tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', user_extended_struct_write tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', user_extended_struct_required tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', user_extended_struct_signup tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (user_extended_struct_id) ) TYPE=MyISAM;"); catch_error(); $sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE #user_extended_struct ADD user_extended_struct_applicable tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0'"); catch_error(); $sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE #user_extended_struct ADD user_extended_struct_order int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0'"); catch_error(); $sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE #user_extended_struct ADD user_extended_struct_icon VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL"); catch_error(); //Begin Extended user field conversion require_once(e_HANDLER."user_extended_class.php"); $ue = new e107_user_extended; if($sql->db_Select("core", " e107_value", " e107_name='user_entended'", 'default')) { $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); $user_extended = unserialize($row['e107_value']); $new_types = array('text' => 1, 'radio' => 2, 'dropdown' => 3, 'table' => 4); foreach($user_extended as $key => $val) { unset($new_field); $parms = explode("|", $val); $ext_name['ue_'.$key] = 'user_'.preg_replace("#\W#","",$parms[0]); $new_field['name'] = preg_replace("#\W#","",$parms[0]); $new_field['text'] = $parms[0]; $new_field['type'] = $new_types[$parms[1]]; $new_field['values'] = $parms[2]; $new_field['default'] = $parms[3]; $new_field['applicable'] = $parms[4]; $new_field['read'] = $parms[5]; $new_field['write'] = e_UC_MEMBER; $new_field['signup'] = $pref['signup_ext'.$key]; $new_field['parms'] = ""; $new_field['required'] = 0; unset($pref['signup_ext'.$key]); unset($pref['signup_ext_req'.$key]); $ue->user_extended_add($new_field); } $s_prefs = TRUE; if($sql->db_Select('user','user_id, user_prefs',"1 ORDER BY user_id")) { $sql2 = new db; while($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $user_pref = unserialize($row['user_prefs']); $new_values = ""; foreach($user_pref as $key => $val) { if(array_key_exists($key, $ext_name)) { unset($user_pref[$key]); if($val) { if($new_values) { $new_values .= ", "; } $new_values .= "`".$ext_name[$key]."`='".$val."'"; } } } foreach ($user_pref as $key => $prefvalue) { $user_pref[$key] = $tp->toDB($prefvalue); } $tmp=addslashes(serialize($user_pref)); $sql2->db_Update("user", "user_prefs='$tmp' WHERE user_id='{$row['user_id']}'"); if($new_values) { // echo $new_values."
"; $sql2->db_Select_gen("INSERT INTO #user_extended (user_extended_id) values ('{$row['user_id']}')"); $sql2->db_Update('user_extended', $new_values." WHERE user_extended_id = '{$row['user_id']}'"); } } } } $sql->db_Select_gen("DELETE FROM #core WHERE e107_name='user_entended'"); } //End Extended user field conversion // Update user_class field to use #,#,# instead of #.#.#. notation if ($sql->db_Select('user', 'user_id, user_class')) { $sql2 = new db; while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $carray = explode('.', $row['user_class']); $carray = array_unique(array_diff($carray, array(''))); if (count($carray) > 1) { $new_userclass = implode(',', $carray); } else { $new_userclass = $carray[0]; } $sql2->db_Update('user', "user_class = '{$new_userclass}' WHERE user_id={$row['user_id']}"); catch_error(); } } mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."generic CHANGE gen_chardata gen_chardata TEXT NOT NULL"); catch_error(); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."banner CHANGE banner_active banner_active TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'"); catch_error(); if ($sql->db_Field("cache",0) == "cache_url") { mysql_query('DROP TABLE `'.MPREFIX.'cache`'); // db cache is no longer an available option.. catch_error(); } $sql->db_Update("banner", "banner_active='255' WHERE banner_active = '0' "); $sql->db_Update("banner", "banner_active='0' WHERE banner_active = '1' "); $pref['wm_enclose'] = 1; $s_prefs = TRUE; /* Changes by McFly 2/12/2005 Moving forum rules from wmessage table to generic table */ if($sql -> db_Select("wmessage")) { while($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $wmList[] = $row; } foreach($wmList as $wm) { $fieldlist = ""; $gen_type='wmessage'; if($wm['wm_id'] == '1') { $wm_class = $wm['wm_active'] ? e_UC_GUEST : '255'; } if($wm['wm_id'] == '2') { $wm_class = $wm['wm_active'] ? e_UC_MEMBER : '255'; } if($wm['wm_id'] == '3') { $wm_class = $wm['wm_active'] ? e_UC_ADMIN : '255'; } if($wm['wm_id'] == '4') { $gen_type = 'forum_rules_guest'; $wm_class = $wm['wm_active'] ? e_UC_GUEST : '255'; } if($wm['wm_id'] == '5') { $gen_type = 'forum_rules_member'; $wm_class = $wm['wm_active'] ? e_UC_MEMBER : '255'; } if($wm['wm_id'] == '6') { $gen_type = 'forum_rules_admin'; $wm_class = $wm['wm_active'] ? e_UC_ADMIN : '255'; } if($gen_type != "wmessage") { $exists = $sql->db_Count('generic','(*)',"WHERE gen_type = '{$gen_type}'"); if(!$exists) { $fieldlist = "0,'$gen_type','".time()."','".USERID."','',{$wm_class},'{$wm['wm_text']}'"; } } else { $exists = $sql->db_Count('generic','(*)',"WHERE gen_type = 'wmessage' AND gen_user_id = '".$wm['wm_id']."'"); if(!$exists) { $fieldlist = "0,'wmessage','".time()."','".$wm['wm_id']."','',{$wm_class},'{$wm['wm_text']}'"; } } if($fieldlist) { $sql->db_Insert('generic',$fieldlist); } } $sql -> db_Select_gen("DROP TABLE ".MPREFIX."wmessage"); catch_error(); } // ############# END McFly's Updates ############## // start chatbox update ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!$sql->db_Select("plugin", "plugin_path", "plugin_path='chatbox_menu'")) { $sql->db_Insert("plugin", "0, 'Chatbox', '1.0', 'chatbox_menu', 1"); catch_error(); $pref['plug_status'] = $pref['plug_status'].",chatbox_menu"; $s_prefs = TRUE; } // end chatbox update ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Cam's new PRESET Table. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!mysql_table_exists("preset")) { $sql->db_Select_gen("CREATE TABLE ".MPREFIX."preset ( preset_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, preset_name varchar(80) NOT NULL default '', preset_field varchar(80) NOT NULL default '', preset_value varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (preset_id) ) TYPE=MyISAM;"); catch_error(); } // News Updates ----------------- $field1 = $sql->db_Field("news",13); $field2 = $sql->db_Field("news",14); $field3 = $sql->db_Field("news",15); if($field1 != "news_summary" && $field1 != "news_thumbnail" && $field3 != "news_sticky"){ mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."news` ADD `news_summary` text NOT NULL"); catch_error(); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."news` ADD `news_thumbnail` text NOT NULL"); catch_error(); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."news ADD news_sticky tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0'"); catch_error(); } // Downloads updates - Added March 1, 2005 by McFly if (!mysql_table_exists("download_requests")) { $sql->db_Select_gen("CREATE TABLE ".MPREFIX."download_requests ( download_request_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, download_request_userid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', download_request_ip varchar(30) NOT NULL default '', download_request_download_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', download_request_datestamp int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (download_request_id) ) TYPE=MyISAM;"); catch_error(); } // Missing Forum upgrade stuff by Cam. global $PLUGINS_DIRECTORY; if($sql -> db_Select("links", "*", "link_url = 'forum.php'")){ $sql -> db_Insert("plugin", "0, 'Forum', '1.1', 'forum', '1' "); catch_error(); $sql -> db_Update("links", "link_url='".$PLUGINS_DIRECTORY."forum/forum.php' WHERE link_url='forum.php' "); catch_error(); } if($sql -> db_Select("menus", "*", "menu_name = 'newforumposts_menu' and menu_path='newforumposts_menu' ")){ $sql -> db_Update("menus", "menu_path='forum' WHERE menu_name = 'newforumposts_menu' "); catch_error(); } if($pref['cb_linkreplace'] && !$pref['link_replace']){ $pref['link_text'] = "[link]"; $pref['link_replace'] = 1; $pref['make_clickable'] = 1; $pref['cb_linkreplace'] = ""; $s_prefs = TRUE; } // db verify fixes // Are these needed? To facilitate for users that upgraded to the cvs during development, or? mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."user_extended_struct` DROP `user_extended_struct_signup_show` , DROP `user_extended_struct_signup_required`;"); catch_error(); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."user_extended_struct` ADD `user_extended_struct_signup` TINYINT( 3 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL AFTER `user_extended_struct_required`;"); catch_error(); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."user_extended_struct` DROP `user_extended_struct_icon`;"); catch_error(); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."user_extended_struct` ADD `user_extended_struct_parent` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0'"); catch_error(); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."user_extended` ADD `user_hidden_fields` TEXT NOT NULL AFTER `user_extended_id`"); catch_error(); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."download_category` CHANGE `download_category_class` `download_category_class` TINYINT( 3 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL"); catch_error(); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."generic` CHANGE `gen_chardata` `gen_chardata` TEXT NOT NULL"); catch_error(); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."news` CHANGE `news_class` `news_class` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL"); catch_error(); // news_attach removal / field structure changes / 'thumb:' prefix removal mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."news` CHANGE `news_attach` `news_thumbnail` TEXT NOT NULL;"); catch_error(); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."news` CHANGE `news_summary` `news_summary` TEXT NOT NULL;"); catch_error(); if ($sql -> db_Select("news", "news_id, news_thumbnail", "news_thumbnail LIKE '%thumb:%'")) { while ($row = $sql -> db_Fetch()) { $thumbnail = trim(str_replace('thumb:', '', $row['news_thumbnail'])); $sql2 -> db_Update("news", "news_thumbnail='".$thumbnail."' WHERE news_id='".$row['news_id']."'"); catch_error(); } } if (!$sql->db_Select("plugin", "plugin_path", "plugin_path='log'") && !mysql_table_exists("logstats")) { $sql->db_Select_gen("CREATE TABLE ".MPREFIX."logstats ( log_uniqueid int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, log_id varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', log_data longtext NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (log_uniqueid), UNIQUE KEY log_id (log_id) ) TYPE=MyISAM;"); catch_error(); } if (isset($pref['log_activate'])) { if ($pref['log_activate']) { $pref['statActivate'] = 1; $pref['statCountAdmin'] = 0; $pref['statBrowser'] = 1; $pref['statOs'] = 1; $pref['statScreen'] = 1; $pref['statDomain'] = 1; $pref['statRefer'] = 1; $pref['statQuery'] = 1; $pref['statRecent'] = 1; } else { $pref['statActivate'] = 0; } unset($pref['log_activate']); $s_prefs = TRUE; } // start poll update ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!$sql->db_Select("plugin", "plugin_path", "plugin_path='poll'")) { $sql->db_Insert("plugin", "0, 'Poll', '2.0', 'poll', 1"); $s_prefs = TRUE; } // end poll update ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // start newsfeed update ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!$sql->db_Select("plugin", "plugin_path", "plugin_path='newsfeed'")) { $sql->db_Insert("plugin", "0, 'Newsfeeds', '2.0', 'newsfeed', 1"); $s_prefs = TRUE; } // end newsfeed update ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // start stats update ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!$sql->db_Select("plugin", "plugin_path", "plugin_path='log'")) { $sql->db_Insert("plugin", "0, 'Statistic Logging', '2.0', 'log', 1"); $s_prefs = TRUE; } // end stats update ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // start content update ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!$sql->db_Select("plugin", "plugin_path", "plugin_path='content'")) { $sql->db_Insert("plugin", "0, 'Content Management', '1.0', 'content', 1"); $s_prefs = TRUE; } // end content update ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // start list_new update ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!$sql->db_Select("plugin", "plugin_path", "plugin_path='list_new'")) { $sql->db_Insert("plugin", "0, 'List', '1.0', 'list_new', 1"); $s_prefs = TRUE; } // end list_new update ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Truncate logstats table if log_id = pageTotal not found /* log update - previous log entries are not compatible with later versions, sorry but we have to clear the table :\ */ if (mysql_table_exists("logstats")) { if(!$sql->db_Select("logstats","log_id","log_id = 'pageTotal'")){ mysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE `".MPREFIX."logstats"); catch_error(); } } // ----------------------------------------------------- // Fix corrupted Plugin Table. $sql -> db_Delete("plugin", " plugin_installflag='0' "); // Notify if (!$sql -> db_Select("core", "e107_name", "e107_name = 'notify_prefs'")) { $serial_prefs = "a:1:{s:5:\"event\";a:9:{s:7:\"usersup\";a:3:{s:4:\"type\";s:3:\"off\";s:5:\"class\";s:3:\"254\";s:5:\"email\";s:0:\"\";}s:8:\"userveri\";a:3:{s:4:\"type\";s:3:\"off\";s:5:\"class\";s:3:\"254\";s:5:\"email\";s:0:\"\";}s:5:\"flood\";a:3:{s:4:\"type\";s:3:\"off\";s:5:\"class\";s:3:\"254\";s:5:\"email\";s:0:\"\";}s:7:\"subnews\";a:3:{s:4:\"type\";s:3:\"off\";s:5:\"class\";s:3:\"254\";s:5:\"email\";s:0:\"\";}s:5:\"login\";a:3:{s:4:\"type\";s:3:\"off\";s:5:\"class\";s:3:\"254\";s:5:\"email\";s:0:\"\";}s:6:\"logout\";a:3:{s:4:\"type\";s:3:\"off\";s:5:\"class\";s:3:\"254\";s:5:\"email\";s:0:\"\";}s:8:\"newspost\";a:3:{s:4:\"type\";s:3:\"off\";s:5:\"class\";s:3:\"254\";s:5:\"email\";s:0:\"\";}s:7:\"newsupd\";a:3:{s:4:\"type\";s:3:\"off\";s:5:\"class\";s:3:\"254\";s:5:\"email\";s:0:\"\";}s:7:\"newsdel\";a:3:{s:4:\"type\";s:3:\"off\";s:5:\"class\";s:3:\"254\";s:5:\"email\";s:0:\"\";}}}"; $notify_prefs = unserialize(stripslashes($serial_prefs)); $handle = opendir(e_PLUGIN); while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && is_dir(e_PLUGIN.$file)) { $plugin_handle = opendir(e_PLUGIN.$file."/"); while (false !== ($file2 = readdir($plugin_handle))) { if ($file2 == "e_notify.php") { if ($sql -> db_Select("plugin", "plugin_path", "plugin_path='".$file."' AND plugin_installflag='1'")) { $notify_prefs['plugins'][$file] = TRUE; require_once(e_PLUGIN.$file.'/e_notify.php'); foreach ($config_events as $event_id => $event_text) { $notify_prefs['event'][$event_id] = array('type' => 'off', 'class' => '254', 'email' => ''); } } } } } } $n_prefs = $tp -> toDB($notify_prefs); $n_prefs = $eArrayStorage -> WriteArray($n_prefs); $sql -> db_Insert("core", "'notify_prefs', '".$n_prefs."'"); $pref['notify'] = FALSE; $s_prefs = TRUE; } // Admin Password Change Menu Display if (!isset($pref['adminpwordchange'])) { $pref['adminpwordchange'] = TRUE; $s_prefs = TRUE; } // Front Page Upgrade if (!is_array($pref['frontpage'])) { if (!$pref['frontpage']) { $up_pref = 'news.php'; } else if ($pref['frontpage'] == 'links') { $up_pref = $PLUGINS_DIRECTORY.'links_page/links.php'; } else if ($pref['frontpage'] == 'forum') { $up_pref = $PLUGINS_DIRECTORY.'forum/forum.php'; } else if (is_numeric($pref['frontpage'])) { $up_pref = $PLUGINS_DIRECTORY.'content/content.php?content.'.$pref['frontpage']; } else if (substr($pref['frontpage'], -1) != '/' && strpos($pref['frontpage'], '.') === FALSE) { $up_pref = $pref['frontpage'].'.php'; } else { $up_pref = $pref['frontpage']; } unset($pref['frontpage']); $pref['frontpage']['all'] = $up_pref; $s_prefs = TRUE; } // convert notify prefs from serialised to eArrayStorage $notify_prefs = $sysprefs -> getArray('notify_prefs'); if (is_array($notify_prefs)) { $s_prefs = $tp -> toDB($notify_prefs); $s_prefs = $eArrayStorage -> WriteArray($s_prefs); $sql -> db_Update("core", "e107_value='".$s_prefs."' WHERE e107_name='notify_prefs' "); } // New Downloads visibility field. if($sql->db_Field("download",18) != "download_visible"){ mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."download` ADD `download_visible` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '0';"); catch_error(); mysql_query("UPDATE `".MPREFIX."download` SET download_visible = download_class"); catch_error(); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."download` CHANGE `download_class` `download_class` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '0'"); catch_error(); } mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."download_category` CHANGE `download_category_class` `download_category_class` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '0'"); catch_error(); // Links Update for using Link_Parent. . if($sql->db_Field("links",7) != "link_parent"){ mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."links` CHANGE `link_refer` `link_parent` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL"); catch_error(); $sql -> db_Select("links", "link_id,link_name", "link_name NOT LIKE 'submenu.%' ORDER BY link_name"); while($row = $sql-> db_Fetch()){ $name = $row['link_name']; $parent[$name] = $row['link_id']; } if(!is_object($sql2)){ $sql2 = new db; } $sql -> db_Select("links", "link_id,link_name", "link_name LIKE 'submenu.%' ORDER BY link_name"); while($row = $sql-> db_Fetch()){ $tmp = explode(".",$row['link_name']); $nm = $tmp[1]; $id = $row['link_id']; $sql2 -> db_Update("links", "link_parent='".$parent[$nm]."' WHERE link_id ='$id' "); catch_error(); } } //20050626 : update links_page_cat and links_page $field1 = $sql->db_Field("links_page_cat",4); $field2 = $sql->db_Field("links_page_cat",5); $field3 = $sql->db_Field("links_page_cat",6); if($field1 != "link_category_order" && $field2 != "link_category_class" && $field3 != "link_category_datestamp"){ mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."links_page_cat ADD link_category_order VARCHAR ( 100 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';"); catch_error(); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."links_page_cat ADD link_category_class VARCHAR ( 100 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';"); catch_error(); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."links_page_cat ADD link_category_datestamp INT ( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';"); catch_error(); } if($sql->db_Field("links_page",10) != "link_datestamp"){ mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."links_page ADD link_datestamp INT ( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';"); catch_error(); } // Search Update $search_prefs = $sysprefs -> getArray('search_prefs'); if ((!$sql -> db_Select("core", "e107_name", "e107_name='search_prefs'")) || !isset($pref['search_highlight'])) { $serial_prefs = "a:11:{s:11:\"user_select\";s:1:\"1\";s:9:\"time_secs\";s:2:\"60\";s:13:\"time_restrict\";s:1:\"0\";s:8:\"selector\";i:2;s:9:\"relevance\";i:0;s:13:\"plug_handlers\";N;s:10:\"mysql_sort\";i:0;s:11:\"multisearch\";s:1:\"1\";s:6:\"google\";s:1:\"0\";s:13:\"core_handlers\";a:4:{s:4:\"news\";a:5:{s:5:\"class\";s:1:\"0\";s:9:\"pre_title\";s:1:\"0\";s:13:\"pre_title_alt\";s:0:\"\";s:5:\"chars\";s:3:\"150\";s:7:\"results\";s:2:\"10\";}s:8:\"comments\";a:5:{s:5:\"class\";s:1:\"0\";s:9:\"pre_title\";s:1:\"1\";s:13:\"pre_title_alt\";s:0:\"\";s:5:\"chars\";s:3:\"150\";s:7:\"results\";s:2:\"10\";}s:5:\"users\";a:5:{s:5:\"class\";s:1:\"0\";s:9:\"pre_title\";s:1:\"1\";s:13:\"pre_title_alt\";s:0:\"\";s:5:\"chars\";s:3:\"150\";s:7:\"results\";s:2:\"10\";}s:9:\"downloads\";a:5:{s:5:\"class\";s:1:\"0\";s:9:\"pre_title\";s:1:\"1\";s:13:\"pre_title_alt\";s:0:\"\";s:5:\"chars\";s:3:\"150\";s:7:\"results\";s:2:\"10\";}}s:17:\"comments_handlers\";a:2:{s:4:\"news\";a:3:{s:2:\"id\";i:0;s:3:\"dir\";s:4:\"core\";s:5:\"class\";s:1:\"0\";}s:8:\"download\";a:3:{s:2:\"id\";i:2;s:3:\"dir\";s:4:\"core\";s:5:\"class\";s:1:\"0\";}}}"; $search_prefs = unserialize(stripslashes($serial_prefs)); $handle = opendir(e_PLUGIN); while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && is_dir(e_PLUGIN.$file)) { if ($sql -> db_Select("plugin", "plugin_path", "plugin_path='".$file."' AND plugin_installflag='1'") || $file == 'content' || $file == 'forum' || $file == 'links_page' || $file == 'chatbox_menu') { $plugin_handle = opendir(e_PLUGIN.$file."/"); while (false !== ($file2 = readdir($plugin_handle))) { if ($file2 == "e_search.php") { $search_prefs['plug_handlers'][$file] = array('class' => 0, 'pre_title' => 1, 'pre_title_alt' => '', 'chars' => 150, 'results' => 10); } if ($file2 == "search" && is_readable(e_PLUGIN.$file.'/search/search_comments.php')) { require_once(e_PLUGIN.$file.'/search/search_comments.php'); $search_prefs['comments_handlers'][$file] = array('id' => $comments_type_id, 'class' => '0', 'dir' => $file); unset($comments_type_id); } } } } } preg_match("/^(.*?)($|-)/", mysql_get_server_info(), $mysql_version); if (version_compare($mysql_version[1], '4.0.1', '<')) { $search_prefs['mysql_sort'] = FALSE; } else { $search_prefs['mysql_sort'] = TRUE; } $serial_prefs = addslashes(serialize($search_prefs)); if (!$sql -> db_Select("core", "e107_name", "e107_name='search_prefs'")) { $sql -> db_Insert("core", "'search_prefs', '".$serial_prefs."'"); } else { $sql -> db_Update("core", "e107_value='".$serial_prefs."' WHERE e107_name='search_prefs' "); } if ($pref['search_restrict']) { $pref['search_restrict'] = 253; } else { $pref['search_restrict'] = 0; } $pref['search_highlight'] = TRUE; $s_prefs = TRUE; } // search sort method and search selector updates if (!isset($search_prefs['selector'])) { preg_match("/^(.*?)($|-)/", mysql_get_server_info(), $mysql_version); if (version_compare($mysql_version[1], '4.0.1', '<')) { $search_prefs['mysql_sort'] = FALSE; } else { $search_prefs['mysql_sort'] = TRUE; } $search_prefs['selector'] = 2; $search_prefs['multisearch'] = 1; unset($search_prefs['search_sort']); } // search content plugin comments id change if ($search_prefs['comments_handlers']['content']['id'] == '1') { $search_prefs['comments_handlers']['content']['id'] = 'pcontent'; } // custom pages search added if (!isset($search_prefs['core_handlers']['pages'])) { $search_prefs['core_handlers']['pages'] = array('class' => 0, 'chars' => 150, 'results' => 10, 'pre_title' => 1, 'pre_title_alt' => '', 'order' => 13); } if(!is_array($pref['meta_tag'])){ $pref['meta_tag'] = array($pref['sitelanguage']=>$pref['meta_tag']); } $serial_prefs = addslashes(serialize($search_prefs)); $sql -> db_Update("core", "e107_value='".$serial_prefs."' WHERE e107_name='search_prefs'"); // end search updates $result = mysql_query('SET SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE = 1'); catch_error(); $qry = "SHOW CREATE TABLE `".MPREFIX."links`"; $res = mysql_query($qry); catch_error(); if ($res) { $row = mysql_fetch_row($res); $lines = explode("\n", $row[1]); if(strpos($lines[10],"tinyint")){ mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."links` CHANGE `link_class` `link_class` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL "); catch_error(); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."menus` CHANGE `menu_class` `menu_class` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL "); catch_error(); } } if($sql->db_Field("plugin",5) != "plugin_rss"){ mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."plugin` ADD `plugin_rss` varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''"); catch_error(); } //20050630: added comment_lock to comments if($sql->db_Field("comments",11) != "comment_lock"){ mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."comments` ADD `comment_lock` TINYINT( 1 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';"); catch_error(); } if($sql->db_Field("links_page",11) != "link_author"){ mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."links_page` ADD `link_author` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';"); catch_error(); } if($sql->db_Field("user", 8) == "user_icq") { require_once(e_HANDLER."user_extended_class.php"); $ue = new e107_user_extended; $ue->convert_old_fields(); } if ($sql -> db_Query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM ".MPREFIX."links_page_cat")) { while ($row = $sql -> db_Fetch()) { if ($row['Field'] == 'link_category_order' && strpos($row['Type'], 'int') === FALSE) { mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."links_page_cat` CHANGE `link_category_order` `link_category_order` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL;"); catch_error(); } } } if (!isset($pref['track_online'])) { $pref['track_online'] = 1; $s_prefs = TRUE; } // custom menus / pages update unset($type); global $tp, $ns, $sql; require_once(e_HANDLER."file_class.php"); $file = new e_file; $reject = array('$.','$..','/','CVS','thumbs.db','*._$', 'index', 'null*', 'Readme.txt'); $cpages = $file -> get_files(e_PLUGIN."custompages", "", $reject); $cmenus = $file -> get_files(e_PLUGIN."custom", "", $reject); $customs = array_merge($cpages, $cmenus); $count = 0; foreach($customs as $p) { $type = (strstr($p['path'], "custompages") ? "" : str_replace(".php", "", $p['fname'])); $filename = $p['path'].$p['fname']; $handle = fopen ($filename, "r"); $contents = fread ($handle, filesize ($filename)); fclose ($handle); $contents = str_replace("'", "'", $contents); if(!preg_match('#\$caption = "(.*?)";#si', $contents, $match)) { preg_match('# toDB(trim($match[1])); if(!preg_match('#\$text = "(.*?)";#si', $contents, $match)) { preg_match('#TEXT(.*?)TEXT#si', $contents, $match); } $page_text = $tp -> toDB(trim($match[1])); $filetime = filemtime($filename); if(!$sql -> db_Select("page", "*", "page_title='$page_title' ")) { $sql -> db_Insert("page", "0, '$page_title', '$page_text', '".USERID."', '".$filetime."', '0', '0', '', '', '', '$type' "); $text .= "Inserting: '".$page_title."'
"; $count ++; } $iid = mysql_insert_id(); if($type) { if(!$sql -> db_Select("menus", "*", "menu_path='$iid' ")) { mysql_query("UPDATE ".MPREFIX."menus SET menu_pages = '', menu_path='".$iid."' WHERE menu_name = '".$type."'"); } } if (strstr($p['path'], "custompages")) { if ($sql -> db_Select("links", "*", "link_url LIKE '%custompages/".$p['fname']."%'")) { $sql -> db_Update("links", "link_url='page.php?".$iid."' WHERE link_url LIKE '%custompages/".$p['fname']."%'"); } } } catch_error(); if($sql -> db_Select("menus", "*", "menu_pages='dbcustom'")) { mysql_query("UPDATE ".MPREFIX."menus SET menu_pages = '' WHERE menu_pages='dbcustom'"); } mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."news` CHANGE `news_thumbnail` `news_thumbnail` TEXT NOT NULL;"); // Add forum indexes, remove any extras if ($sql -> db_Query("SHOW INDEX FROM ".MPREFIX."forum_t")) { $a = array("PRIMARY", "thread_id", "thread_parent", "thread_datestamp", "thread_forum_id"); while ($row = $sql -> db_Fetch()) { if(!in_array($row['Key_name'], $a)) { mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."forum_t` DROP INDEX `".$row['Key_name']."`"); catch_error(); } $index_list[] = $row['Key_name']; } $a = array("thread_parent", "thread_datestamp", "thread_forum_id"); foreach($a as $f) { if(!in_array($f, $index_list)) { mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."forum_t` ADD INDEX ( `{$f}` );"); catch_error(); } } } if (!isset($pref['download_email'])) { $pref['download_email'] = $pref['reported_post_email']; $s_prefs = TRUE; } if (!isset($pref['mailer'])) { $pref['mailer'] = $pref['smtp_enable'] ? 'smtp' : 'php'; $s_prefs = TRUE; } //calendar_menu if($sql->db_Select("plugin", "plugin_version", "plugin_path = 'calendar_menu' AND plugin_installflag='1' ")) { mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."event_cat ADD event_cat_class int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0';"); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."event_cat ADD event_cat_subs tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0';"); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."event_cat ADD event_cat_force tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0';"); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."event_cat ADD event_cat_ahead tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0';"); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."event_cat ADD event_cat_msg1 text;"); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."event_cat ADD event_cat_msg2 text;"); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."event_cat ADD event_cat_notify tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0';"); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."event_cat ADD event_cat_last int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0';"); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."event_cat ADD event_cat_today int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0';"); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."event_cat ADD event_cat_lastupdate int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0';"); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."event_cat ADD event_cat_addclass int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0';"); mysql_query("CREATE TABLE ".MPREFIX."event_subs ( event_subid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, event_userid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', event_cat int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (event_subid) ) TYPE=MyISAM;"); $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); if($row['plugin_version'] != '3.5'){ $sql -> db_Update("plugin", "plugin_version='3.5' WHERE plugin_path = 'calendar_menu' "); } } // end calendar_menu //update plugin_version : links_page if($sql->db_Select("plugin", "plugin_version", "plugin_path = 'links_page' AND plugin_installflag='1' ")) { $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); if($row['plugin_version'] != '1.12'){ $sql -> db_Update("plugin", "plugin_version='1.12' WHERE plugin_path = 'links_page' "); } } // install new private message plugin if old plugin is installed if($sql->db_Select("plugin", "plugin_version", "plugin_path = 'pm_menu' AND plugin_installflag='1' ")) { $sql->db_Insert("plugin", "0, 'Private Messenger', '3.0', 'pm', 1, ''"); catch_error(); } if(!array_key_exists('ue_upgrade', $pref)){ $pref['ue_upgrade'] = 1; $s_prefs = TRUE; } // Add default pref for Max IP signups. if(!isset($pref['signup_maxip'])){ $pref['signup_maxip'] = 3; $s_prefs = TRUE; } // ----------------------------------------------------- // Save all prefs that were set in above update routines if ($s_prefs == TRUE) { save_prefs(); } return ''; } else { // Check if update is needed to 0.7. ----------------------------------------------- global $pref; if (!$sql -> db_Query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM ".MPREFIX."user_extended")) { return update_needed(); } if ($pref['sitelanguage'] == 'English-iso') { return update_needed(); } if (!isset($pref['download_email'])) { return update_needed(); } if($sql -> db_Select("menus", "*", "menu_pages='dbcustom'")) { return update_needed(); } if ($sql->db_Query("SHOW INDEX FROM ".MPREFIX."forum_t")) { $a = array("PRIMARY", "thread_parent", "thread_datestamp", "thread_forum_id"); while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { if(!in_array($row['Key_name'], $a)) { return update_needed(); } $index_list[] = $row['Key_name']; } if(!in_array("thread_parent", $index_list) || !in_array("thread_datestamp", $index_list) || !in_array("thread_forum_id", $index_list)) { return update_needed(); } } if ($sql -> db_Query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM ".MPREFIX."news")) { while ($row = $sql -> db_Fetch()) { if ($row['Field'] == 'news_thumbnail' && strpos($row['Null'], 'YES') !== FALSE) { return update_needed(); } } } if ($sql -> db_Query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM ".MPREFIX."links_page_cat")) { while ($row = $sql -> db_Fetch()) { if ($row['Field'] == 'link_category_order' && strpos($row['Type'], 'int') === FALSE) { return update_needed(); } } } $result = mysql_query('SET SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE = 1'); $qry = "SHOW CREATE TABLE `".MPREFIX."links`"; $res = mysql_query($qry); if ($res) { $row = mysql_fetch_row($res); $lines = explode("\n", $row[1]); if(strpos($lines[10],"tinyint")){ return update_needed(); } } if($pref['meta_tag']!="" && !is_array($pref['meta_tag'])){ return update_needed(); } if(!array_key_exists('ue_upgrade', $pref)){ return update_needed(); } if($sql->db_Field("plugin",5) != "plugin_rss"){ return update_needed(); } if($sql->db_Field("links",7) != "link_parent"){ return update_needed(); } if($sql->db_Field("user", 8) == "user_icq") { return update_needed(); } if($sql->db_Field("user",36) != "user_xup" && $sql->db_Field("user", 30) != "user_xup"){ return update_needed(); } if($sql->db_Field("download",18) != "download_visible"){ return update_needed(); } if (!$sql -> db_Select("core", "e107_name", "e107_name = 'notify_prefs'")) { return update_needed(); } // search content plugin comments id change $search_prefs = $sysprefs -> getArray('search_prefs'); if ($search_prefs['comments_handlers']['content']['id'] == '1') { return update_needed(); } // custom pages search added if (is_array($search_prefs) && !isset($search_prefs['core_handlers']['pages'])) { return update_needed(); } $result = mysql_query('SET SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE = 1'); $qry = "SHOW CREATE TABLE `".MPREFIX."user`"; $res = mysql_query($qry); if ($res) { $row = mysql_fetch_row($res); if(!strstr($row[1], "KEY `user_ban_index` (`user_ban`)")) { return update_needed(); } } global $pref; if (!is_array($pref['frontpage'])) { return update_needed(); } if ((!$sql -> db_Select("core", "e107_name", "e107_name='search_prefs'")) || !isset($pref['search_highlight'])) { return update_needed(); } if($sql->db_Field("comments",11) != "comment_lock"){ return update_needed(); } if($sql->db_Select("links_page") && $sql->db_Field("links_page",11) != "link_author"){ return update_needed(); } if($sql->db_Select("plugin", "plugin_version", "plugin_path = 'calendar_menu' AND plugin_installflag='1' ")) { if($sql->db_Field("event_cat",3) != "event_cat_class"){ return update_needed(); } } // No updates needed return TRUE; } } function update_616_to_617($type='') { global $sql; if ($type == "do") { mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."poll ADD poll_comment TINYINT( 3 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL "); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."menus ADD menu_pages TEXT NOT NULL "); $sql2 = new db; $sql2->db_Update("poll", "poll_comment='1' WHERE poll_id!='0'"); } else { if($sql->db_Field("menus",5) == "menu_pages"){ return TRUE; } return update_needed(); } } function update_615_to_616($type='') { global $sql; if ($type == "do") { mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".MPREFIX."wmessage VALUES (4, 'This text (if activated) will appear on a page when \"Forum Rules\" link is clicked on.', '0')"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".MPREFIX."wmessage VALUES (5, 'Member rules ----- This text (if activated) will appear on a page when \"Forum Rules\" link is clicked on - only logged in members will see this.', '0')"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".MPREFIX."wmessage VALUES (6, 'Administrator rules ----- This text (if activated) will appear on a page when \"Forum Rules\" link is clicked on - only logged in administrators will see this.', '0')"); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."download ADD download_comment TINYINT( 3 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL "); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."chatbox CHANGE cb_nick cb_nick VARCHAR( 30 ) NOT NULL default ''"); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."comments CHANGE comment_type comment_type VARCHAR( 10 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL "); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."comments ADD comment_pid INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL AFTER comment_id "); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."comments ADD comment_subject VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL AFTER comment_item_id "); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."user ADD user_customtitle VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL AFTER user_name "); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."parser ADD UNIQUE (parser_regexp)"); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."userclass_classes ADD userclass_editclass TINYINT( 3 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL "); update_extended_616(); } else { if($sql->db_Field("userclass_classes",3) == "userclass_editclass"){ return TRUE; } return update_needed(); } } function update_614_to_615($type='') { global $sql; if ($type == "do") { mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."submitnews ADD submitnews_category TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER submitnews_title"); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."upload ADD upload_category TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'"); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."online ADD online_pagecount tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0'"); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."submitnews ADD submitnews_file VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL default '' "); global $DOWNLOADS_DIRECTORY; $sql2 = new db; $sql->db_Select("download", "download_id, download_url", "download_filesize=0"); while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { extract($row); $sql2->db_Update("download", "download_filesize='".filesize(e_BASE.$DOWNLOADS_DIRECTORY.$download_url)."' WHERE download_id='".$download_id."'"); } } else { global $mySQLdefaultdb; if($sql->db_Field("submitnews",9) == "submitnews_file"){ return TRUE; } return update_needed(); } } function update_611_to_612($type='') { global $sql; if ($type == "do") { mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."news ADD news_render_type TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL "); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."content CHANGE content_parent content_parent INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL "); } else { global $mySQLdefaultdb; if($sql->db_Field("news",11) == "news_render_type"){ return TRUE; } return FALSE; } } function update_603_to_604($type='') { global $sql; if ($type == "do") { mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."link_category ADD link_category_icon VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL"); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."headlines ADD headline_image VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL AFTER headline_description"); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."content CHANGE content_page content_parent TINYINT( 3 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL"); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."content ADD content_review_score TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AFTER content_type"); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."content CHANGE content_author content_author VARCHAR( 200 ) NOT NULL"); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."content ADD content_pe_icon TINYINT( 1 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AFTER content_review_score"); } else { global $mySQLdefaultdb; if ($sql->db_Query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM ".MPREFIX."link_category")) { $fields = mysql_list_fields($mySQLdefaultdb, MPREFIX."link_category"); $columns = mysql_num_fields($fields); for ($i = 0; $i < $columns; $i++) { if ("link_category_icon" == mysql_field_name($fields, $i)) { return TRUE; } } return update_needed(); } else { return TRUE; } } } function update_extended_616() { global $sql, $ns; $sql2 = new db; if ($sql2->db_Select("core", " e107_value", " e107_name='user_entended'")) { $row = $sql2->db_Fetch(); $user_extended = unserialize($row[0]); if (count($user_extended)) { if ($sql->db_Select("user", "user_id,user_prefs")) { while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $uid = $row[0]; $user_pref = unserialize($row[1]); foreach($user_extended as $key => $v) { list($fname, $null) = explode("|", $v, 2); $fname = $v; if (isset($user_pref[$fname])) { $user_pref["ue_{$key}"] = $user_pref[$fname]; unset($user_pref[$fname]); } } $tmp = addslashes(serialize($user_pref)); $sql2->db_Update("user", "user_prefs='$tmp' WHERE user_id=$uid"); } } } } $ns->tablerender("Extended Users", "Updated extended user field data"); } function update_needed() { global $ns; if(E107_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0) { $tmp = debug_backtrace(); $ns->tablerender("", "
Update required in ".basename(__FILE__)." on line ".$tmp[0]['line']."
"); } return FALSE; } function mysql_table_exists($table){ $exists = mysql_query("SELECT 1 FROM ".MPREFIX."$table LIMIT 0"); if ($exists) return TRUE; return FALSE; } function catch_error(){ if (mysql_error()!='' && E107_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0) { $tmp2 = debug_backtrace(); $tmp = mysql_error(); echo $tmp." [ ".basename(__FILE__)." on line ".$tmp2[0]['line']."]
"; } return; } ?>