db_Update("user", "user_name=user_loginname"); $message = PRFLAN_157; } if (isset($_POST['updateprefs'])) { unset($_POST['updateprefs']); $_POST['cookie_name'] = str_replace(array(" ","."), "_", $_POST['cookie_name']); $_POST['cookie_name'] = preg_replace("#[^a-zA-Z0-9_]#", "", $_POST['cookie_name']); $_POST['siteurl'] = trim($_POST['siteurl']) ? trim($_POST['siteurl']) : SITEURL; $_POST['siteurl'] = substr($_POST['siteurl'], -1) == "/" ? $_POST['siteurl'] : $_POST['siteurl']."/"; foreach($_POST as $key => $value) { $pref[$key] = $tp->toDB($value); } $e107cache->clear(); save_prefs(); $sql -> db_Select_gen("TRUNCATE ".MPREFIX."online"); header("location:".e_ADMIN."prefs.php?u"); exit; } if($sql->db_Select("plugin", "plugin_path", "plugin_installflag='1' AND plugin_path = 'alt_auth'")) { $authlist[] = "e107"; $handle=opendir(e_PLUGIN."alt_auth"); while ($file = readdir($handle)) { if(preg_match("/^(.*)_auth\.php/",$file,$match)) { $authlist[] = $match[1]; } } } if ($authlist) { $auth_dropdown .= "\n"; } else { $auth_dropdown = "".PRFLAN_151; $pref['auth_method'] = ""; } require_once("auth.php"); if (isset($message)) { $ns->tablerender("", "
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"; $text .= pref_submit(); $text .= "
".($pref['siteurl'] == SITEURL ? "" : "
( ".PRFLAN_159.": ".SITEURL." )")."
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".PRFLAN_4." "; $param = "sitebutton,".e_IMAGE.",".SITEBUTTON.",81px,30px,"; $text .= $tp->parseTemplate("{IMAGESELECTOR={$param}}"); $text .= "
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"; // Admin Display Areas. . $text .= ""; // Date options. $text .= ""; // =========== Registration Preferences. ================== $text .= ""; // Signup options ===========================. $text .= ""; /* text render options */ if(!isset($pref['post_html'])) { $pref['post_html'] = '254'; save_prefs(); } $text .= ""; // Security Options. . $hasGD = extension_loaded("gd"); $text .= ""; $text .= ""; //Advanced Features $text .= ""; // END Advanced Features $text .= "
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