"; $ns -> tablerender(ADLAN_ERR_1, $text); } if (is_readable(e_ADMIN.'filetypes.php')) { $a_types = trim(file_get_contents(e_ADMIN.'filetypes.php')); } else { $a_types = 'zip, gz, jpg, png, gif'; } $a_types = explode(',', $a_types); foreach ($a_types as $f_type) { $allowed_types[] = '.'.trim(str_replace('.', '', $f_type)); } $public = array(e_FILE.'public', e_FILE.'public/avatars'); foreach ($public as $dir) { if (is_dir($dir)) { if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if (is_dir($dir."/".$file) == FALSE && $file != '.' && $file != '..' && $file != '/' && $file != 'CVS' && $file != 'avatars' && $file != 'Thumbs.db') { $fext = substr(strrchr($file, "."), 0); if (!in_array($fext, $allowed_types)) { if ($file == 'index.html' || $file == "null.txt") { if (filesize($dir.'/'.$file)) { $potential[] = str_replace('../', '', $dir).'/'.$file; } } else { $potential[] = str_replace('../', '', $dir).'/'.$file; } } } } closedir($dh); } } } if (isset($potential)) { $text = ADLAN_ERR_3."

"; foreach ($potential as $p_file) { $text .= $p_file.'
'; } $ns -> tablerender(ADLAN_ERR_1, $text); } // update users using old layout names to their new names $update_prefs = FALSE; if (!$pref['adminstyle'] || $pref['adminstyle'] == 'default') { $pref['adminstyle'] = 'compact'; $update_prefs = true; } if ($pref['adminstyle'] == 'adminb') { $pref['adminstyle'] = 'cascade'; $update_prefs = true; } if ($pref['adminstyle'] == 'admin_etalkers') { $pref['adminstyle'] = 'categories'; $update_prefs = true; } if ($pref['adminstyle'] == 'admin_combo') { $pref['adminstyle'] = 'combo'; $update_prefs = true; } if ($pref['adminstyle'] == 'admin_classis') { $pref['adminstyle'] = 'classis'; $update_prefs = true; } // temporary code to switch users using admin_jayya to jayya if ($pref['admintheme'] == 'admin_jayya') { $pref['admintheme'] = 'jayya'; $update_prefs = true; } if ($pref['sitetheme'] == 'admin_jayya') { $pref['sitetheme'] = 'jayya'; $update_prefs = true; } // --------------------------------------------------------- if ($update_prefs == true) { save_prefs(); } // auto db update if ('0' == ADMINPERMS) { require_once(e_ADMIN.'update_routines.php'); update_check(); } // end auto db update if (e_QUERY == 'purge') { $admin_log->purge_log_events(false); } $td = 1; if(!defined("ADLINK_COLS")){ define("ADLINK_COLS",5); } function render_links($link, $title, $description, $perms, $icon = FALSE, $mode = FALSE) { global $td; $text = ''; if (getperms($perms)) { if ($mode == 'adminb') { $text = "
".$icon." ".$title." ".($description ? "[ ".$description." ]" : "")."
"; } else { if ($td == (ADLINK_COLS+1)) { $text .= ''; $td = 1; } if ($td == 1) { $text .= ''; } if ($mode == 'default') { $text .= "".$icon." ".$title.""; } else if ($mode == 'classis') { $text .= "".$icon."

"; }elseif ($mode == 'beginner'){ $text .= "".$icon."

"; } $td++; } } return $text; } function render_clean() { global $td; while ($td <= ADLINK_COLS) { $text .= ""; $td++; } $text .= ""; $td = 1; return $text; } $newarray = asortbyindex($array_functions, 1); require_once(e_ADMIN.'includes/'.$pref['adminstyle'].'.php'); function admin_info() { global $tp; $text = "
"; $text .= $tp->parseTemplate('{ADMIN_STATUS}'); $text .= " "; $text .= $tp->parseTemplate('{ADMIN_LATEST}'); $text .= " "; $text .= $tp->parseTemplate('{ADMIN_LOG}'); $text .= "
"; return $text; } function status_request() { global $pref; if ($pref['adminstyle'] == 'classis' || $pref['adminstyle'] == 'cascade' || $pref['adminstyle'] == 'beginner') { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } function latest_request() { global $pref; if ($pref['adminstyle'] == 'classis' || $pref['adminstyle'] == 'cascade' || $pref['adminstyle'] == 'beginner') { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } function log_request() { global $pref; if ($pref['adminstyle'] == 'classis' || $pref['adminstyle'] == 'cascade'|| $pref['adminstyle'] == 'beginner') { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } require_once("footer.php"); ?>