post_toHTML($_POST['author_name']); $sender = check_email($_POST['email_send']); $subject = $tp->post_toHTML($_POST['subject']); $body = $tp->post_toHTML($_POST['body']); // Check message body. if(strlen($_POST['body']) < 15) { $error .= LANCONTACT_12."\\n"; } // Check subject line. if(strlen($_POST['subject']) < 2) { $error .= LANCONTACT_13."\\n"; } // Check email address on remote server (if enabled). if ($pref['signup_remote_emailcheck'] && $error == "") { require_once(e_HANDLER."mail_validation_class.php"); list($adminuser,$adminhost) = split ("@", SITEADMINEMAIL); $validator = new email_validation_class; $validator->localuser= $adminuser; $validator->localhost= $adminhost; $validator->timeout=3; // $validator->debug=1; // $validator->html_debug=1; if($validator->ValidateEmailBox($sender) != 1) { $error .= LANCONTACT_11."\\n"; } } // No errors - so proceed to email the admin and the user (if selected). if(!$error) { $body .= "\n\nIP:\t".USERIP."\n"; $body .= "User:\t#".USERID." ".USERNAME."\n"; require_once(e_HANDLER."mail.php"); $message = (sendemail(SITEADMINEMAIL,"[".SITENAME."] ".$subject, $body,ADMIN,$sender,$sender_name)) ? LANCONTACT_09 : LANCONTACT_10; if(isset($pref['contact_emailcopy']) && $pref['contact_emailcopy'] && $_POST['email_copy'] == 1){ sendemail($sender,"[".SITENAME."] ".$subject, $body,ADMIN,$sender,$sender_name); } $ns -> tablerender('', $message); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } else { require_once(e_HANDLER."message_handler.php"); message_handler("ALERT", $error); } } if(SITECONTACTINFO && $CONTACT_INFO){ $text = $tp->toHTML($CONTACT_INFO,"","parse_sc"); $ns -> tablerender(LANCONTACT_01, $text); } $text = $CONTACT_FORM; if(trim($text) != ""){ $ns -> tablerender(LANCONTACT_02, $text); } require_once(FOOTERF); exit; ?>