499) $system = 499; unset($_SESSION['s_gv_galaxy']); unset($_SESSION['s_gv_system']); $_SESSION['s_gv_galaxy'] = $gala; $_SESSION['s_gv_system'] = $system; mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbusername,$dbpassword) or die(PARSER_ERROR3); mysql_select_db($dbname) or die(PARSER_ERROR2); $query = "SELECT g.*,p.alliance_id, DATE_FORMAT(CONVERT_TZ(g.last_update, '+00:00', '".$_SESSION['s_timezone_offset']."'), '%H:%i:%s - %d. %m. %Y') as glastupdate, r.energy, r.moon as rep_moon, p.rank, p.points, p.frank, p.fpoints, p.rrank, p.rpoints, p.noob, p.banned, p.vacation, p.inactive, p.long_inactive, p.last_stats_update as plastupdate, p.playername, p.diplomatic_status, a.rank as arank, a.members, a.rank as arank, a.points as apoints, a.frank as afrank, a.fpoints as afpoints, a.rrank as arrank, a.rpoints as arpoints, DATE_FORMAT(CONVERT_TZ(a.last_update, '+00:00', '".$_SESSION['s_timezone_offset']."'), '%H:%i:%s - %d. %m. %Y') as alastupdate, a.allyname, a.diplomatic_status as dipl_status, n.id as notice_id, u.username FROM $dbtablename g LEFT JOIN $playertable p ON (g.player_id=p.id) LEFT JOIN $allytable a ON (p.alliance_id=a.id) LEFT JOIN $reporttable r ON (g.galaxy = r.galaxy AND g.system = r.system AND g.planet = r.planet) LEFT JOIN $noticetable n ON (g.player_id = n.player_id) LEFT JOIN $utablename u ON (u.id = g.user_id) WHERE g.galaxy='$gala' AND g.system='$system' ORDER BY planet ASC"; $res = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); ?>
\n"; echo "\n"; } else { $i = 0; $planets = 0; $old_coordinates = ""; $spios = 1; while ($line = mysql_fetch_object($res)) { if ($i == 0) { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } else { if ($old_coordinates != $line->galaxy.":".$line->system.":".$line->planet) echo "\n"; } if ($old_coordinates != $line->galaxy.":".$line->system.":".$line->planet) { echo "\n"; //Position if ($line->diplomatic_status == "nothing") { echo "\n"; } else { echo "\n"; } // Planetname echo "\n"; // Mond if ($line->moon == "true") { echo "\n"; } else echo "\n"; // TF if ($line->metal > 0 || $line->crystal > 0) echo '\n"; else echo "\n"; // Spielername echo "\n"; // Notizblock if ($line->notice_id != NULL) { if (!isset($notice_array[$line->player_id])) $notice_array[$line->player_id] = $line->player_id; echo ''; } elseif ($line->player_id > 0) { echo ''; } else { echo ''; } // Spionage if (!empty($line->galaxy) && !empty($line->system) && !empty($line->planet) && ($line->energy != NULL)) { $moon = ($line->rep_moon == "false") ? "" : "&moon=1"; $ajax_moon_suffix = ($line->rep_moon == "false") ? "" : "_M"; array_push($report_array,"report".$line->planet.$ajax_moon_suffix); echo '\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; // Iraks echo "\n"; echo "\n"; if (isset($_GET['from']) && $_GET['from'] == "show") echo "\n"; } } // add invisible fields ?>
".VIEW_SYSTEM." $gala:$system
".VIEW_SYSTEM." $gala:$system
".$line->username." @ ".$line->glastupdate."
moonsize > 0) { echo ' onmouseover="ShowLocalObject(\'popup\',\''. htmlentities( ''. ''. ''. ''. ''. ''. ''. ''. ''). '\')">('.number_format($line->moonsize,0,",",".")." km)"; } else { echo ">".VIEW_UKMOONSIZE; } echo "
').utf8_encode(REPORTS_REC).htmlentities(': '.number_format(ceil(($line->metal + $line->crystal) / 20000),0,",",".").'').'")\' >' .VIEW_METAL.":".number_format($line->metal,0,",",".")."
 \n"; echo "
"; if (!empty($line->playername)) { $spielerstatus = ""; if ($line->noob == "true") $spielerstatus .= "n"; if ($line->vacation == "true") $spielerstatus .= "u"; if ($line->banned == "true") $spielerstatus .= "g"; if ($line->inactive == "true") $spielerstatus .= "i"; if ($line->long_inactive == "true") $spielerstatus .= "I"; // show playername and all playerstats echo "player_id)."\""; if (!empty($line->rank)) { echo ' onmouseover=\'this.T_WIDTH=250;return escape("'.htmlentities('
diplomatic_status.'\" style=\"font-size:10pt;\">').utf8_encode(STATS_PLAYERSTATS).htmlentities(":

").utf8_encode(SHOW_RANK).htmlentities(": #".$line->rank." - ").utf8_encode(STATS_SCORE).htmlentities(": ".number_format($line->points,0,",",".")."
").utf8_encode(STATS_FLEET).htmlentities(": #".$line->frank." - ").utf8_encode(STATS_SCORE).htmlentities(": ".number_format($line->fpoints,0,",",".")."
").utf8_encode(STATS_RESEARCH).htmlentities(": #".$line->rrank." - ").utf8_encode(STATS_SCORE).htmlentities(": ".number_format($line->rpoints,0,",",".")."

").utf8_encode(STATS_UPDATE).htmlentities(": ".$line->plastupdate).'")\'>'; } else { echo ' onmouseover=\'this.T_WIDTH=250;return escape("'.htmlentities('diplomatic_status.'\">').utf8_encode(SHOW_NOTRANKED).htmlentities('")\'').">"; } // Status $openspans = 0; if (strpos($spielerstatus,"g") !== false) { echo ""; $openspans++; } if (strpos($spielerstatus,"u") !== false) { echo ""; $openspans++; } elseif (strpos($spielerstatus,"n") !== false) { echo ""; $openspans++; } elseif (strpos($spielerstatus,"i") !== false) { echo ""; $openspans++; } elseif (strpos($spielerstatus,"I") !== false) { echo ""; $openspans++; } // print player with stats color echo $line->playername; for ($i=$openspans;$i>0;$i--) { echo ""; } echo "
"; if (!empty($spielerstatus)) { echo " ( "; switch ($_SESSION['lang']) { case "german" : print_status(false,$spielerstatus); // banned, vacation, noob, inactive, long inactive break; case "polish" : print_status(false,$spielerstatus,"g","u","s"); // banned, vacation, noob, inactive, long inactive break; case "english" : print_status(false,$spielerstatus,"b","v"); // banned, vacation, noob, inactive, long inactive break; case "spanish" : print_status(false,$spielerstatus,"s","v","d"); // banned, vacation, noob, inactive, long inactive break; case "dutch" : print_status(false,$spielerstatus,"g","v","z"); // banned, vacation, noob, inactive, long inactive break; case "balkan" : print_status(false,$spielerstatus,"k","o","s"); // banned, vacation, noob, inactive, long inactive break; case "french" : print_status(false,$spielerstatus,"b","v","d"); // banned, vacation, noob, inactive, long inactive break; case "portugues" : print_status(false,$spielerstatus,"b","m","f"); // banned, vacation, noob, inactive, long inactive break; case "italian" : print_status(false,$spielerstatus,"b","v","d"); // banned, vacation, noob, inactive, long inactive break; case "turkish" : print_status(false,$spielerstatus,"c","t","z"); // banned, vacation, noob, inactive, long inactive break; case "danish" : print_status(false,$spielerstatus,"s","f","n"); // banned, vacation, noob, inactive, long inactive break; case "brazilian" : print_status(false,$spielerstatus,"b","m","f"); // banned, vacation, noob, inactive, long inactive break; case "russian" : print_status(false,$spielerstatus,"з","РО","н"); // banned, vacation, noob, inactive, long inactive break; case "swedish" : print_status(false,$spielerstatus,"b","s","k"); // banned, vacation, noob, inactive, long inactive break; case "greek" : print_status(false,$spielerstatus,"b","v"); // banned, vacation, noob, inactive, long inactive break; case "romanian" : print_status(false,$spielerstatus,"b","v"); // banned, vacation, noob, inactive, long inactive break; case "hungarian" : print_status(false,$spielerstatus,"b","v"); // banned, vacation, noob, inactive, long inactive break; case "czech" : print_status(false,$spielerstatus,"b","z"); // banned, vacation, noob, inactive, long inactive break; case "korean" : print_status(false,$spielerstatus,"b","v"); // banned, vacation, noob, inactive, long inactive break; case "norwegian" : print_status(false,$spielerstatus,"b","v"); // banned, vacation, noob, inactive, long inactive break; case "taiwan" : print_status(false,$spielerstatus,"g","u"); // banned, vacation, noob, inactive, long inactive break; case "japan" : print_status(false,$spielerstatus,"b","v"); // banned, vacation, noob, inactive, long inactive break; case "chineese" : print_status(false,$spielerstatus,"g","u"); // banned, vacation, noob, inactive, long inactive break; default: break; } echo " )"; } } echo "
"; // Allyname echo "
"; echo "
alliance_id)."\">"; if (!empty($line->allyname)) { echo "dipl_status."\""; if (!empty($line->arank)) { echo ' onmouseover=\'this.T_WIDTH=250;return escape("'.htmlentities('
dipl_status.'\" style= \"font-size:10pt;\">').utf8_encode(STATS_ALLYSTATS).htmlentities(":

").utf8_encode(STATS_MEMBERS).htmlentities(": ".$line->members."
").utf8_encode(SHOW_RANK).htmlentities(": #".$line->arank." - ").utf8_encode(STATS_SCORE).htmlentities(": ".number_format($line->apoints,0,",",".")."
").utf8_encode(STATS_FLEET).htmlentities(": #".$line->afrank." - ").utf8_encode(STATS_SCORE).htmlentities(": ".number_format($line->afpoints,0,",",".")."
").utf8_encode(STATS_RESEARCH).htmlentities(": #".$line->arrank." - ").utf8_encode(STATS_SCORE).htmlentities(": ".number_format($line->arpoints,0,",",".")."

").utf8_encode(STATS_UPDATE).htmlentities(": ".$line->alastupdate).'")\' >'; } else { echo ' onmouseover=\'this.T_WIDTH=250;return escape("'.htmlentities('dipl_status.'\">').utf8_encode(SHOW_NOTRANKED).htmlentities('').'")\' >'; } echo $line->allyname; echo "
"; } if (!empty($line->members)) echo " (#".$line->arank." / ".$line->members.")"; echo "
noticeno notice planet.$moon.'" onmouseover="ShowObject(\'report'.$line->planet.$ajax_moon_suffix.'\',\'ajax_reports.php?coordinates='."$gala:$system:".$line->planet.$moon.'\',true)">report'; } elseif ($line->player_id > 0) { echo 'no report'; } else { echo ' '; } $old_coordinates = $line->galaxy.":".$line->system.":".$line->planet; if (!empty($line->playername)) $planets++; } else { if (!empty($line->galaxy) && !empty($line->system) && !empty($line->planet) && ($line->energy != NULL)) { // show planet report when moon was before array_push($report_array,$line->planet); echo ' planet.'" onmouseover="ShowObject(\'report'.$line->planet.'\',\'ajax_reports.php?coordinates='."$gala:$system:".$line->planet.'\',true)">report'; } else { echo ' no report'; } } $i++; if (!isset($galaxie)) $galaxie = $line->galaxy; if (!isset($system)) $system = $line->system; } echo "
($planets ".VIEW_COLONISED.")
"; // Colors ?>                                                                
\n"; $query = "SELECT g.system,g.galaxy,g.planet,g.moon, p.diplomatic_status FROM $reporttable r LEFT JOIN $dbtablename g ON ( r.galaxy = g.galaxy AND r.system = g.system AND r.planet = g.planet ) LEFT JOIN $playertable p ON (g.player_id = p.id) LEFT JOIN $allytable a ON (p.alliance_id = a.id) WHERE r.moon='true' AND r.sensor>0 AND p.inactive = 'false' AND p.vacation = 'false' AND p.banned = 'false' AND g.galaxy='$galaxie' AND $system >= min_phalanx AND $system <= max_phalanx ORDER BY g.galaxy, g.system, g.planet"; $res = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 0) { echo VIEW_NOMOONS; } else { $i = 1; while ($line = mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $div_name = "report_".$line->galaxy."_".$line->system."_".$line->planet; array_push($report_array,$div_name); echo ''.$line->galaxy.":".$line->system.":".$line->planet.'   '; if ($i % 10 == 0) { echo "
\n"; } $i++; } } echo "
\n"; $query = "SELECT r.galaxy,r.system,r.planet, p.diplomatic_status FROM $reporttable r LEFT JOIN $dbtablename g ON (g.galaxy = r.galaxy AND g.system = r.system AND g.planet = r.planet) LEFT JOIN $playertable p ON (g.player_id = p.id) WHERE r.raksilo>3 AND p.inactive = 'false' AND p.vacation = 'false' AND p.banned = 'false' AND r.galaxy='$galaxie' AND $system >= min_rak AND $system <= max_rak ORDER BY r.galaxy, r.system, r.planet"; $res = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 0) { echo VIEW_NOIRAKS; } else { $i = 1; while ($line = mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $div_name = "irak_".$line->galaxy."_".$line->system."_".$line->planet; array_push($report_array,$div_name); echo ''.$line->galaxy.":".$line->system.":".$line->planet.'   '."\n"; if ($i % 10 == 0) { echo "
\n"; } $i++; } } echo "
$value) { echo '
'."\n"; } foreach($report_array as $key => $value) { if (is_numeric($value)) { echo '
'."\n"; } else { echo '
'."\n"; } } makefooter(); ?>