0) $max_page++; // max. Anzahl von Seiten $prepages = $startpage-1; if ($prepages > 5) $prepages = 5; $followpages = 10-1-$prepages; if ($followpages > 9) $followpages = 9; if (($followpages + $startpage) > $max_page) $followpages = $max_page - $startpage; if (($prepages + $followpages + 1) < $max_page) $prepages = 10 - $followpages - 1; if ($prepages >= $startpage) $prepages = $startpage - 1; // neu $endpage = $startpage+$followpages; $urlbind = strpos($page_uri,"?"); // Schauen ob schon Variablen angeh�ngt sind if ($urlbind === FALSE) { $urlbind = "?"; } else { $urlbind = "&"; } // pagelink generieren $page_uri = str_replace($urlbind.$varname."=".$startpage,"",$page_uri); // < und << davorsetzen if ((($startpage - 10) <= 0) && ($startpage > 2)) { echo "<< "; } elseif ((($startpage - 10) > 0)) { echo "<< "; } if ($startpage > 1) { echo "< "; } // Seitennummern inkl. pagelink ausgeben $pagenumber = $startpage - $prepages; while ($pagenumber <= $endpage) { if ($pagenumber != $startpage) { echo "$pagenumber "; } else { echo "".$pagenumber." "; } $pagenumber++; } // > und >> dahintersetzen if ($startpage < $max_page) { echo "> "; } if ((($startpage + 10) >= $max_page) && ($startpage+1 < $max_page)) { echo ">> "; } elseif ((($startpage + 10) < $max_page)) { echo ">> "; } } function makeheader($title) { global $global_universe, $allyhistory, $playerhistory; @include "../languages/korean_workaround.inc.php"; @include "../languages/taiwan_workaround.inc.php"; @include "../languages/japan_workaround.inc.php"; @include "../languages/chineese_workaround.inc.php"; // styles path holen if (isset($_SESSION['s_stylepath'])) $stylepath = $_SESSION['s_stylepath']; if (trim($stylepath) == "") $stylepath = "styles.css"; $tmp = strrpos($stylepath,"/"); $modname = "EpicBlue"; if ($tmp !== false) { $tmp = substr($stylepath,0,$tmp); $pos = strrpos($tmp,"/"); if ($pos !== false) $modname = substr($tmp,$pos+1,strlen($tmp)-$pos); } echo ' '.$title.' '; if ($title == VIEW_TITLE) { echo ''; } elseif (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "searchres" && isset($_POST[urlencode(REPORTS_SEARCH_EXTENDED)])) { echo ""; } else { echo ''; } // for timeout issues echo ''; echo '
'."\n"; if ($_SESSION['s_cansearch']) { echo ' '."\n"; echo ' '."\n"; } if ($_SESSION['s_probeview']) echo ' '."\n"; if ($_SESSION['s_cansearch']) { if (isset($_SESSION['s_gv_galaxy']) && isset($_SESSION['s_gv_system'])) echo ' '."\n"; else echo ' '."\n"; } echo ' '."\n"; if (($_SESSION['s_allyhistory'] === true) && (!empty($allyhistory) || !empty($playerhistory))) { echo ' '."\n"; } echo ""; // --------------------------------- END OF INFORMATION BLOCK --------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------- BEGIN OF OPTION BLOCK --------------------------------------------- echo ''; if ($_SESSION['s_caninsert']) echo ' '."\n"; if ($_SESSION['s_statusview']) { echo ' '."\n"; } if ($_SESSION['s_userman']) { echo ''."\n"; echo ''."\n"; } echo ''."\n"; if ($_SESSION['s_isadmin'] == true) { echo ''."\n"; } // --------------------------------- END OF OPTION BLOCK --------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------- BEGIN OF STUFF BLOCK --------------------------------------------- echo ' '; switch ($_SESSION['lang']) { case "german" : $help_url = "http://de.wiki.galaxytool.eu/"; $download_url = "http://de.wiki.galaxytool.eu/index.php/Downloads"; break; case "spanish" : $help_url = "http://www.galaxytool.eu/spanish/about.php"; $download_url = "http://www.galaxytool.eu/spanish/download.php"; break; default: $help_url = "http://www.galaxytool.eu/english/about.php"; $download_url = "http://www.galaxytool.eu/english/download.php"; break; } echo ' '."\n"; if (isset($_SESSION['s_global_links'])) { foreach($_SESSION['s_global_links'] as $link) { if (!isset($link[1])) { echo ' '; } else { echo ''."\n"; } } } if (isset($_SESSION['s_additional_links'])) { foreach($_SESSION['s_additional_links'] as $link) { if (!isset($link[1])) { echo ' '; } else { echo ''."\n"; } } } echo ' '; @include "../hosting/left_menu.php"; echo ' '; @include "../hosting/mainframe_top.php"; // --------------------------------- END OF STUFF BLOCK --------------------------------------------- } function makefooter() { @include "../hosting/mainframe_bottom.php"; echo '  
'; } /** * This function will check every status and print the letters given as parameters instead. This makes * sure that every language will get it's corresponding letter for the status. * * @param boolean $statusstring Angabe ob es als BB Code ausgegeben werden soll, oder nicht * @param string $statusstring * @param char(1) $printbanned the letter which shall be shown for banned players * @param char(1) $printvaction the letter which shall be shown for players at vacation mode * @param char(1) $printnoob the letter which shall be shown for noob players * @param char(1) $printinactive the letter which shall be shown for inactive players * @param char(1) $printlonginactive the letter which shall be shown for long inactive players */ function print_status($show_as_bb_code, $statusstring, $printbanned="g", $printvaction="u", $printnoob="n", $printinactive="i", $printlonginactive="I") { if ($show_as_bb_code) { if (strpos($statusstring,"g") !== false) { echo "[COLOR=".$_SESSION['s_bb_banned']."]".$printbanned."[/COLOR]"; } if (strpos($statusstring,"u") !== false) { echo "[COLOR=".$_SESSION['s_bb_vacation']."]".$printvaction."[/COLOR]"; } if (strpos($statusstring,"n") !== false) { echo "[COLOR=".$_SESSION['s_bb_noob']."]".$printnoob."[/COLOR]"; } if (strpos($statusstring,"i") !== false) { echo "[COLOR=".$_SESSION['s_bb_inactive']."]".$printinactive."[/COLOR]"; } if (strpos($statusstring,"I") !== false) { echo "[COLOR=".$_SESSION['s_bb_longinactive']."]".$printlonginactive."[/COLOR]"; } } else { if (strpos($statusstring,"g") !== false) { echo "$printbanned"; } if (strpos($statusstring,"u") !== false) { echo "$printvaction"; } if (strpos($statusstring,"n") !== false) { echo "$printnoob"; } if (strpos($statusstring,"i") !== false) { echo "$printinactive"; } if (strpos($statusstring,"I") !== false) { echo "$printlonginactive"; } } } function update_speedsim_link($link,$key,$value) { if (empty($link)) $link = "http://websim.speedsim.net/?"; //?ship_d0_3_b=4&tech_a0_0=10&tech_d0_1=12&engine_0=10&ship_d0_18_b=1&engine0_0=10&enemy_metal=10.000 if ($value > 0 || $key == "coordinates") { switch ($key) { case "coordinates": $link .= "enemy_pos=$value&"; break; case "enemy_name": $link .= "enemy_name=$value&"; break; case "metal": $link .= "enemy_metal=$value&"; break; case "crystal": $link .= "enemy_crystal=$value&"; break; case "deuterium": $link .= "enemy_deut=$value&"; break; case "kt": $link .= "ship_d0_0_b=$value&"; break; case "gt": $link .= "ship_d0_1_b=$value&"; break; case "lj": $link .= "ship_d0_2_b=$value&"; break; case "sj": $link .= "ship_d0_3_b=$value&"; break; case "krz": $link .= "ship_d0_4_b=$value&"; break; case "ss": $link .= "ship_d0_5_b=$value&"; break; case "kolo": $link .= "ship_d0_6_b=$value&"; break; case "rec": $link .= "ship_d0_7_b=$value&"; break; case "spio": $link .= "ship_d0_8_b=$value&"; break; case "bomb": $link .= "ship_d0_9_b=$value&"; break; case "sat": $link .= "ship_d0_10_b=$value&"; break; case "zerri": $link .= "ship_d0_11_b=$value&"; break; case "ds": $link .= "ship_d0_12_b=$value&"; break; case "skrz": $link .= "ship_d0_13_b=$value&"; break; case "rak": $link .= "ship_d0_14_b=$value&"; break; case "ll": $link .= "ship_d0_15_b=$value&"; break; case "sl": $link .= "ship_d0_16_b=$value&"; break; case "gauss": $link .= "ship_d0_17_b=$value&"; break; case "ion": $link .= "ship_d0_18_b=$value&"; break; case "plasma": $link .= "ship_d0_19_b=$value&"; break; case "ksk": $link .= "ship_d0_20_b=$value&"; break; case "gsk": $link .= "ship_d0_21_b=$value&"; break; case "waffentech": $link .= "tech_d0_0=$value&"; break; case "schildtech": $link .= "tech_d0_1=$value&"; break; case "rpz": $link .= "tech_d0_2=$value&"; break; } if ($_SESSION['s_vbt'] > 0) { $link .= "engine0_0=".$_SESSION['s_vbt']."&"; } if ($_SESSION['s_impulse'] > 0) { $link .= "engine0_1=".$_SESSION['s_impulse']."&"; } if ($_SESSION['s_hra'] > 0) { $link .= "engine0_2=".$_SESSION['s_hra']."&"; } if ($_SESSION['s_waffentech'] > 0) { $link .= "tech_a0_0=".$_SESSION['s_waffentech']."&"; } if ($_SESSION['s_schildtech'] > 0) { $link .= "tech_a0_1=".$_SESSION['s_schildtech']."&"; } if ($_SESSION['s_rpz'] > 0) { $link .= "tech_a0_2=".$_SESSION['s_rpz']."&"; } } return $link; } function get_phalanx_range($moon_array) { ksort($moon_array); // sort array by galaxy key $range_array = array(); foreach ($moon_array as $galaxy => $values) { usort($values,"compare_moon_array"); $phalanx_string[$galaxy] = ""; $biggest_max_system = 0; for ($i=0;$i