sTinyMceEditorCompactJS; $ADMIN = member_auth( 1, false ); $logged['admin'] = $ADMIN; if ( !$ADMIN ) $logged['member'] = member_auth(); $member['ID'] = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID']; $member['Password'] = $_COOKIE['memberPassword']; $_page['header'] = _t( "_COMPOSE_STORY_H" ); $_page['header_text'] = _t( "_COMPOSE_STORY_H1" ); //$_page['header_text'] = ('g4' != $tmpl) ? _t( "_COMPOSE_STORY_H1" ) : ""; // this is dynamic page - send headers to do not cache this page send_headers_page_changed(); // --------------- page components $_ni = $_page['name_index']; $_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] = PageCompPageMainCode(); // --------------- [END] page components PageCode(); // --------------- page components functions /** * page code function */ function PageCompPageMainCode() { global $site; global $tmpl; global $ADMIN; global $max_l; global $max_h; global $short_date_format; $max_l = getParam( "max_story_text" ); $max_h = getParam( "max_story_header" ); ob_start(); if ( !$max_l ) $max_l = 4096; if ( !$max_h ) $max_h = 32; $action_result = ""; if ( $_POST['action'] == 'new' ) { if ( strlen($_POST['header']) ) { if ( MemberAddStory() ) $action_result .= _t( "_STORY_ADDED" ); else $action_result .= _t_err( "_STORY_ADDED_FAILED" ); } else $action_result .= _t_err( "_STORY_EMPTY_HEADER" ); } if ( $_POST['action'] == 'edit' && ((int)$_POST['edit_id'] != 0) ) { if ( strlen($_POST['header']) ) { if ( MemberEditStory() ) $action_result .= _t( "_STORY_UPDATED" ); else $action_result .= _t_err( "_STORY_UPDATED_FAILED" ); } else $action_result .= _t_err( "_STORY_EMPTY_HEADER" ); } if ( $_POST['do_delete'] and $_POST['select_story'] and is_array($_POST['select_story']) ) { $sqlAdd = $ADMIN ? '' : "AND `Sender`=" . (int)$_COOKIE['memberID']; foreach( $_POST['select_story'] as $iStoryID ) { $iStoryID = (int)$iStoryID; if( !$iStoryID ) continue; $sQuery = "DELETE FROM `Stories` WHERE `ID`=$iStoryID $sqlAdd"; db_res( $sQuery ); } } if ( $ADMIN and $_POST['do_activate'] and $_POST['select_story'] and is_array($_POST['select_story']) ) { foreach( $_POST['select_story'] as $iStoryID ) { $iStoryID = (int)$iStoryID; if( !$iStoryID ) continue; $sQuery = "UPDATE `Stories` SET `active`='on' WHERE `ID`=$iStoryID"; db_res( $sQuery ); } } if ( $ADMIN and $_POST['do_deactivate'] and $_POST['select_story'] and is_array($_POST['select_story']) ) { foreach( $_POST['select_story'] as $iStoryID ) { $iStoryID = (int)$iStoryID; if( !$iStoryID ) continue; $sQuery = "UPDATE `Stories` SET `active`='' WHERE `ID`=$iStoryID"; db_res( $sQuery ); } } if ( !$ADMIN ) echo "
\n"; else echo "
"; if ( strlen($action_result) ) echo "

\n"; echo MemberPrintStories(); if ( !$ADMIN || ((int)$_GET['edit_id']) != 0 ) { if ( (int)$_GET['edit_id'] != 0 ) $story_arr = db_arr( "SELECT * FROM `Stories` WHERE `ID` = ". (int)$_GET['edit_id'] ); $actions = ''; if ( (int)$_GET['edit_id'] ) { $actions .= ''; $actions .= ''; $actions .= ''; $actions .= ''; } else { $actions .= ''; $actions .= ''; } $aReplace = array(); $aReplace['icons'] = $site['icons']; $aReplace['header_l'] = _t( "_Header" ); $aReplace['text_l'] = _t( "_Text" ); $aReplace['form_action'] = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $aReplace['story_header'] = htmlspecialchars( $story_arr['Header'] ); $aReplace['story_text'] = htmlspecialchars( $story_arr['Text'] ); $aReplace['actions'] = $actions; $sForm = file_get_contents( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . "templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/story_edit.html" ); foreach( $aReplace as $key => $val ) $sForm = str_replace( "__{$key}__", $val, $sForm ); echo $sForm; } if ( !$ADMIN ) echo "
\n"; else echo "\n"; $ret = ob_get_clean(); return $ret; } /** * Print Stories */ function MemberPrintStories() { global $member; global $ADMIN; $php_date_format = getParam( 'php_date_format' ); if ( $ADMIN ) $res = db_res( "SELECT `ID`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP( `Date` ) AS `Date`, `Sender`, `Header`, `Text`, `active` FROM `Stories` ORDER BY `Date` DESC" ); else $res = db_res( "SELECT `ID`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP( `Date` ) AS `Date`, `Sender`, `Header`, `Text`, `active` FROM `Stories` WHERE `Sender` = {$member['ID']} ORDER BY `Date` DESC" ); if ( $ADMIN && !mysql_num_rows($res) ) return MsgBox( _t( '_No stories available' ) ); ob_start(); ?>
$max_l ? "LEFT ( '". addslashes(clear_xss( process_pass_data($_POST['text']) )) ."', $max_l )" : "'". addslashes(clear_xss( process_pass_data($_POST['text'] ))) ."'"; $story_header = strlen( $_POST['header'] ) > $max_h ? "LEFT ( '". process_db_input( $_POST['header'] ) ."', $max_h )" : "'". process_db_input( $_POST['header'] ). "'"; $story_sender = (int)$member['ID']; $sQuery = " INSERT INTO `Stories` SET `Date` = NOW(), `Sender` = '$story_sender', `Header` = $story_header, `Text` = $story_text "; $res = db_res( $sQuery ); return $res; } /** * Cange story */ function MemberEditStory() { global $max_l; global $max_h; global $member; global $ADMIN; $story_id = (int)$_POST['edit_id']; $story_text = strlen( $_POST['text'] ) > $max_l ? "LEFT ( '". addslashes(clear_xss( process_pass_data($_POST['text'] ))) ."', $max_l )" : "'". addslashes(clear_xss( process_pass_data($_POST['text'] ))) ."'"; $story_header = strlen( $_POST['header'] ) > $max_h ? "LEFT ( '". process_db_input( $_POST['header'] ) ."', $max_h )" : "'". process_db_input( $_POST['header'] ). "'"; $story_sender = ( $ADMIN ? (int)$_POST['sender'] : $member['ID'] ); $story_active_add = ( $ADMIN ? '' : ", `active`=''" ); //if admin logged, don't update status. if member - set inactive $sQuery = "UPDATE `Stories` SET `Date` = NOW(), `Header` = $story_header, `Text` = $story_text $story_active_add WHERE `ID` = $story_id AND `Sender` = $story_sender"; $res = db_res( $sQuery ); return $res; } ?>