'Forums Index', 'Forums' => 'Forums', 'Forum' => 'Forum', 'Topics' => 'Topics', 'Topic' => 'Topic', 'Orca Forum' => ':: Orca Forum', 'Logged in as' => 'Logged in as', 'Manage Forum' => 'Manage Forum', 'Reported Posts' => 'Reported Posts', 'Logout' => 'Logout', 'My Flags' => 'My Flags', 'My Topics' => 'My Topics', 'Login' => 'Login', 'Search' => 'Search', 'Copyright' => 'Copyright 2008 My Company', 'New Group' => 'New Group', 'New Topic' => 'New Topic', 'Post Reply' => 'Post Reply', 'Flag/Unflag' => 'Flag/Unflag', 'Lock/Unlock' => 'Lock/Unlock', 'Author' => 'Author', 'Message' => 'Message', 'posts:' => 'posts:', 'Delete' => 'Delete', 'Edit' => 'Edit', 'Quote' => 'Quote', 'post is hidden' => 'post is hidden', 'hide post' => 'hide post', 'show post' => 'show post', 'Points:' => 'Points:', 'Vote' => 'Vote', 'Access denied' => 'Access denied. You must have special permissions to access this area or you are not logged in.', 'New topic created' => 'New topic has been successfully created', 'return to forum index' => 'return to forum index', 'Edit group' => 'Edit group', 'New group' => 'New group', 'Cancel' => 'Cancel', 'Submit' => 'Submit', 'Submit' => 'Submit', 'New forum' => 'New forum', 'Forum title:' => 'Forum title:', 'Forum description:' => 'Forum description:', 'Forum type:' => 'Forum type:', 'public' => 'public', 'private' => 'private', 'Latest Reply' => 'Latest Reply', 'Latest Post' => 'Latest Post', 'Posts' => 'Posts', 'Pages:' => 'Pages:', 'Join' => 'Join', 'Forums Spy' => 'Forums Spy (a real-time view of activity)', 'said in' => 'said in', 'Topic subject:' => 'Topic subject:', 'Topic subject Error' => 'Please enter from 5 to 50 symbols', 'Sticky' => 'Sticky', 'Topic text:' => 'Topic text:', 'Topic text Error' => 'Please enter from 5 to 640000 symbols', 'Post Reply:' => 'Post Reply:', 'Special Member' => 'Special Member', 'Standard Member' => 'Standard Member', 'Member Info' => 'Member Info', 'Joined:' => 'Joined:', 'Last Online:' => 'Last Online:', 'Posts:' => 'Posts:', 'Last Post:' => 'Last Post:', 'never' => 'never', 'Find all posts by' => 'Find all posts by', 'New Search' => 'New Search', 'Search Results For:' => 'Search Results For:', 'There are no search results.' => 'There are no search results.', 'Please try search again.' => 'Please try again.', 'Date' => 'Date', 'Search The Forum' => 'Search The Forum', 'Search for:' => 'Search for:', 'Where to Search:' => 'Where to Search:', 'Topic Titles' => 'Topic Titles', 'Messages' => 'Messages', 'Forum:' => 'Forum:', 'Whole Forum' => 'Whole Forum', 'Author:' => 'Author:', 'Display:' => 'Display:', 'Site is unavailable' => 'Sorry, site is unavailable now, please try again later.', 'Join Login Username Error' => 'Username must be from 4 to 12 characters', 'Join Email Error' => 'Email must be valid', 'Username must be uniq' => 'Username must be uniq', 'Login Password Error' => 'Password must be valid', 'Email must be uniq' => 'Email must be uniq', 'Database error' => 'Database error', 'Send mail failed' => 'Send mail failed', 'password or login is incorrect' => 'password or login is incorrect', 'Cookies must be enabled to process login' => 'Cookies must be enabled to process login', 'Username' => 'Username', 'Password' => 'Password', 'Email' => 'Email', 'Wrong search type' => 'Wrong search type', 'Topics you participate in' => 'Topics you participate in', 'Flagged topics' => 'Flagged topics', 'Topics you have flagged' => 'Topics you have flagged', '%s\'s forum posts' => '%s\'s forum posts', 'Forum Posts' => 'Forum Posts', 'Minute Ago' => 'Minute Ago', 'Minutes Ago' => 'Minutes Ago', 'Hour Ago' => 'Hour Ago', 'Hours Ago' => 'Hours Ago', 'Day Ago' => 'Day Ago', 'Days Ago' => 'Days Ago', 'Mail Subj Registration' => 'Orca Forum Registration Details', 'Mail Body Registration' => "

Dear {username},

Your username: {username}
Your password: {pwd}
Site URL: {site_url}

Thank you for joining.

Best Regards, Orca Forum.

", 'xml serialization failed' => 'xml serialization failed', 'please upgrade your browser' => 'please upgrade your browser', 'XML read failed:' => 'XML read failed:', 'There was a problem retrieving the XML data:' => 'There was a problem retrieving the XML data:', 'httpxml object creation failed' => 'httpxml object creation failed', 'LOADING LOGIN FORM' => 'LOADING LOGIN FORM', 'LOADING JOIN FORM' => 'LOADING JOIN FORM', 'SEARCHING' => 'SEARCHING', 'LOADING FORUMS' => 'LOADING FORUMS', 'LOADING FORUM TOPICS' => 'LOADING FORUM TOPICS', 'LOADING FORUM INDEX' => 'LOADING FORUM INDEX', 'LOADING PROFILE PAGE' => 'LOADING PROFILE PAGE', 'LOADING TOPIC POSTS' => 'LOADING TOPIC POSTS', 'LOADING POST TOPIC PAGE' => 'LOADING POST TOPIC PAGE', 'LOADING' => 'LOADING', 'LOADING SEARCH PAGE' => 'LOADING SEARCH PAGE', 'LOADING POST REPLY PAGE' => 'LOADING POST REPLY PAGE', 'SENDING MESSAGE' => 'SENDING MESSAGE', 'POST IS LOADING' => 'POST IS LOADING', 'Thank you! You Joined! Your login and password have been sent to your email.' => 'Thank you! You Joined! Your login and password have been sent to your email.', 'Join failed' => 'Join failed', 'Login failed' => 'Login failed', 'orca_main div is not defined' => 'orca_main div is not defined', 'please name orca_main content container' => 'please name orca_main content container', 'category id is not defined' => 'category id is not defined', 'please set category ids' => 'please set category ids', 'Please login to view topics you participate in' => 'Please login to view topics you participate in', 'Please login to view flagged topics' => 'Please login to view flagged topics', 'Are you sure ?' => 'Are you sure ?', 'Post was successfully deleted' => 'Post was successfully deleted', 'Topic and post were successfully deleted' => 'Topic and post were successfully deleted', 'Post was successfully edited' => 'Post was successfully edited', 'Message body empty' => 'Message body empty', 'Valid chars:' => 'Valid chars:', 'Topic has been successfully added to your flagged topics' => 'Topic has been successfully added to your flagged topics', 'Topic has been successfully removed from your flagged topics' => 'Topic has been successfully removed from your flagged topics', 'Please login to flag topics' => 'Please login to flag topics', 'Post has been reported' => 'Post has been reported', 'Report error' => 'Report error', 'add this to title' => ' :: Orca Forum ', 'Are you sure to delete category with all forums, topics and post?' => 'Are you sure to delete category with all forums, topics and post?', 'Category has been successfully deleted' => 'Category has been successfully deleted', 'Can not delete category' => 'Can not delete category', 'Are you sure to delete forum with topics and posts' => 'Are you sure to delete forum with topics and posts', 'Forum has been successfully deleted' => 'Forum has been successfully deleted', 'Can not delete forum' => 'Can not delete forum', 'Group has been successfully modified' => 'Group has been successfully modified', 'New group has been successfully added' => 'New group has been successfully added', 'Can not modify group' => 'Can not modify group', 'Can not add new group' => 'Can not add new group', 'Forum has been successfully modified' => 'Forum has been successfully modified', 'New forum has been successfully added' => 'New forum has been successfully added', 'Can not modify forum' => 'Can not modify forum', 'Can not add new forum' => 'Can not add new forum', 'Topic has been successfully locked' => 'Topic has been successfully locked', 'Topic has been successfully unlocked' => 'Topic has been successfully unlocked', 'Only admin can lock/unlock topics' => 'Only admin can lock/unlock topics', 'new group' => 'new group', 'edit' => 'edit', 'delete' => 'delete', 'new forum' => 'new forum', 'move up' => 'move up', 'move down' => 'move down', 'permalink' => 'permalink', 'report this post' => 'report this post', 'Compile Langs' => 'Compile Languages', 'Language files compilation have been failed' => 'Language files compilation have been failed. Please check folders permissions.', 'Language files have been successfully compiled' => 'Language files have been successfully compiled', ); ?>