'; } else { return ""; } } function ShowFriendList( $id, $aMutualFriends = 0 ) { global $site; global $max_thumb_width; global $max_thumb_height; if ($aMutualFriends == 0) $aMutualFriends = array(); $id = (int)$id; $friend_list_query = "SELECT `Profiles`.* FROM `FriendList` LEFT JOIN `Profiles` ON (`Profiles`.`ID` = `FriendList`.`Profile` AND `FriendList`.`ID` = '$id' OR `Profiles`.`ID` = `FriendList`.`ID` AND `FriendList`.`Profile` = '$id') WHERE (`FriendList`.`Profile` = '$id' OR `FriendList`.`ID` = '$id') AND `FriendList`.`Check` = '1' ORDER BY `Profiles`.`Picture` DESC LIMIT 12"; $friend_list_res = db_res("$friend_list_query"); $iCounter = 0; $ret = ''; while ( $friend_list_arr = mysql_fetch_assoc( $friend_list_res ) ) { if (!array_key_exists($friend_list_arr['ID'], $aMutualFriends)){ $iCounter ++; $sKey = '1'; if( $iCounter == 3 ) $sKey = '2'; $ret .= '
' . get_member_thumbnail($friend_list_arr['ID'], 'none') . '
' . $friend_list_arr['NickName'] . '
'; if( $iCounter == 3) $iCounter = 0; } } return $ret; } function sendKissPopUp( $iRecipientID, $icon = true, $sText = '' ) { global $oTemplConfig; global $site; if( $icon ) { $ret = " popUpWindowWidth},height={$oTemplConfig -> popUpWindowHeight},menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no, location=no' );\">\"""; } else { $ret = " popUpWindowWidth},height={$oTemplConfig -> popUpWindowHeight},menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no, location=no' );\">" . _t( "_Send Kiss" ) . ""; } return $ret; } function cart_pop( $text, $action, $ID = 0, $javascript = "" ) { global $oTemplConfig; if ( $action == "add" ) { if ( !$ID ) return ""; return " popUpWindowWidth},height={$oTemplConfig -> popUpWindowHeight},menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no, location=no' );\" $javascript>$text"; } elseif ( $action == "empty" ) return " popUpWindowWidth},height={$oTemplConfig -> popUpWindowHeight},menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no, location=no' );\" $javascript>$text"; } function sound_pop( $text, $member, $ID ) { if ( !$ID ) return; return "$text"; } function video_pop( $text, $member, $ID ) { if ( !$ID ) return; return "$text"; } function getMediaPop( $text, $aMedia ) { global $oTemplConfig; $ret = ''; $ret .= '' . $text . ''; return $ret; } // Check if this contact was bought function contact_allowed( $memberID, $profileID ) { $memberID = (int)$memberID; $profileID = (int)$profileID; $exist_arr = db_arr( "SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `BoughtContacts` WHERE `IDBuyer` = $memberID AND `IDContact` = $profileID OR `IDBuyer` = $profileID AND `IDContact` = $memberID" ); if ( $exist_arr['count'] ) return true; else return false; } // Buy contact in shopping cart function buyContact( $memberID, $profileID, $transactionID = '' ) { $memberID = (int)$memberID; $profileID = (int)$profileID; $transactionID = (int)$transactionID; $exist_arr = db_arr( "SELECT * FROM `BoughtContacts` WHERE `IDBuyer` = $memberID AND `IDContact` = $profileID" ); if ( $exist_arr ) { db_res( "UPDATE `BoughtContacts` SET `HideFromBuyer` = 0 WHERE `IDBuyer` = $memberID AND `IDContact` = $profileID" ); return false; } if ( $transactionID ) $result = db_res( "INSERT INTO `BoughtContacts` SET `IDBuyer` = $memberID, `IDContact` = $profileID, `TransactionID` = $transactionID " ); else $result = db_res( "INSERT INTO `BoughtContacts` SET `IDBuyer` = $memberID, `IDContact` = $profileID " ); return $result; } /** * Function in depends on the profile type return age * or ages of profile. * * @param array $aProfile * * return array */ function getProfileAgeFromArray( $aProfile ) { //print_r( $aProfile ); $ret = array(); $ret[] = age( $aProfile['DateOfBirth']); return $ret; } function age( $birth_date ) { if ( $birth_date == "0000-00-00" ) return _t("_uknown"); $bd = explode( "-", $birth_date ); $age = date("Y") - $bd[0] - 1; $arr[1] = "m"; $arr[2] = "d"; for ( $i = 1; $arr[$i]; $i++ ) { $n = date( $arr[$i] ); if ( $n < $bd[$i] ) break; if ( $n > $bd[$i] ) { ++$age; break; } } return $age; } function conf_nick($nick, $ID = 0 ) { global $exist_arr; if (file_exists(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT.$nick)) { return FALSE; } if ( $ID ) $exist_arr = db_arr( "SELECT ID, NickName FROM `Profiles` WHERE NickName = '$nick' AND ID <> $ID" ); else $exist_arr = db_arr( "SELECT `NickName` FROM `Profiles` WHERE NickName = '$nick'" ); if ( $exist_arr ) return false; return true; } function conf_email ($Email, $ID = 0) { global $exist_arr; if ( $ID ) $exist_arr = db_arr( "SELECT ID, NickName FROM `Profiles` WHERE UPPER(Email) = UPPER('$Email') AND ID <> $ID" ); else $exist_arr = db_arr( "SELECT ID, NickName FROM `Profiles` WHERE UPPER(Email) = UPPER('$Email')" ); if ( $exist_arr ) { return 0; } return 1; } function conf_email_queue ($Email) { global $exist_arr; $exist_arr = db_arr( "SELECT ID FROM `NotifyQueue` WHERE UPPER(Email) = UPPER('$Email')" ); if ( $exist_arr ) { return 0; } return 1; } function upload_photo($pic_index) { global $pics; global $site; global $p_arr; global $gl_pic; global $dir; global $pictures_text; global $COMPOSITE; global $ADMIN; $autoApproval_ifPhoto = isAutoApproval('photo'); $up_name = "file_$pic_index"; $pic_addon_field = "Pic_{$pic_index}_addon"; $temp_filename = tempnam(rtrim($dir['tmp'], '/'), $p_arr['ID']); unlink($temp_filename); $pic_name = $pics[$pic_index]['name']; $pic_tmp = $_FILES[$up_name]['tmp_name']; $ext = strrchr($_FILES[$up_name]['name'], '.'); if ( $pics[$pic_index]['exist'] ) unlink( "$pic_name.jpg" ); $scan = getimagesize($_FILES[$up_name]['tmp_name']); if ( 1 != $scan[2] && 2 != $scan[2] && 3 != $scan[2] && 6 != $scan[2] ) return 0; if ( move_uploaded_file( $pic_tmp, "{$temp_filename}{$ext}" ) ) { if ( imageResize( "{$temp_filename}{$ext}", "{$temp_filename}.jpg", $gl_pic['pic']['width'], $gl_pic['pic']['height'], true ) ) { echo _t("_FAILED_TO_UPLOAD_PIC", $_FILES[$up_name]['name'], "undef"); return 0; } if ( strtolower($ext) != '.jpg' ) unlink( "{$temp_filename}{$ext}" ); if ( getParam( 'enable_watermark' ) == 'on' ) { $transparent1 = getParam( 'transparent1' ); $water_mark = $dir['profileImage'] . getParam( 'Water_Mark' ); if ( strlen(getParam( 'Water_Mark' )) && file_exists($water_mark) ) { applyWatermark( "{$temp_filename}.jpg", "{$temp_filename}.jpg", $water_mark, $transparent1 ); } } srand(time()); $p_arr[$pic_addon_field] = rand(10000, 99999); $pics[$pic_index]['name'] = "{$dir['profileImage']}{$p_arr['ID']}_{$pic_index}_". $p_arr[$pic_addon_field]; $pic_name = $pics[$pic_index]['name']; if ( !rename( "{$temp_filename}.jpg", "$pic_name.jpg" ) ) { echo _t("_FAILED_TO_UPLOAD_PIC", $_FILES[$up_name]['name'], "fail to rename"); return 0; } db_res( "UPDATE `Profiles` SET $pic_addon_field = '". $p_arr[$pic_addon_field] ."' WHERE ID = {$p_arr['ID']}" ); chmod( "$pic_name.jpg", 0644 ); $pictures_text = _t_action('_Successfully uploaded'); $pics[$pic_index]['exist'] = true; if ( $p_arr['Status'] == 'Active' && !$autoApproval_ifPhoto && !$ADMIN ) { $update_res = db_res( "UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Status` = 'Approval' WHERE `ID` = {$p_arr['ID']}" ); $p_arr['Status'] = 'Approval'; modules_block($p_arr['ID']); } createUserDataFile( $p_arr['ID'] ); return 1; } else { echo _t_err("_FAILED_TO_UPLOAD_PIC", $_FILES[$up_name]['name'], "undef"); } return 0; } /** * Print code for membership status * $memberID - member ID * $offer_upgrade - will this code be printed at [c]ontrol [p]anel */ function GetMembershipStatus($memberID, $offer_upgrade = true, $credits = 0 ) { global $oTemplConfig; $ret = ""; $membership_info = getMemberMembershipInfo($memberID); $viewMembershipActions = "
"; // Show colored membership name if ( $membership_info['ID'] == MEMBERSHIP_ID_STANDARD ) { $ret .= _t( "_MEMBERSHIP_STANDARD" ). $viewMembershipActions; if ( $offer_upgrade ) $ret .= " ". _t( "_MEMBERSHIP_UPGRADE_FROM_STANDARD" ); } else { $ret .= "{$membership_info['Name']}$viewMembershipActions"; $days_left = (int)( ($membership_info['DateExpires'] - time()) / (24 * 3600) ); if(!is_null($membership_info['DateExpires'])) { if ( $days_left > 0 ) { $ret .= _t( "_MEMBERSHIP_EXPIRES_IN_DAYS", $days_left ); } else { $ret .= _t( "_MEMBERSHIP_EXPIRES_TODAY", date( "H:i", $membership_info['DateExpires'] ), date( "H:i" ) ); } } else { $ret.= _t("_MEMBERSHIP_EXPIRES_NEVER"); } if ( $offer_upgrade && !is_null($membership_info['DateExpires'])) $ret .= " - ". _t( "_MEMBERSHIP_BUY_MORE_DAYS" ) .""; } return $ret; } /** * Display profile details: thumbnail, nickname, sex, age, location. * @param $profile Profile data as returned by mysql_fetch_array. */ function display_profile_details( $profile ) { global $dir; // Image folder global $site; // Image URL global $aPreValues; // Get profile thumbnail name. $t_name = $profile['ID'].'_0_'.$profile['Pic_0_addon'].'.jpg'; // Get profile thumbnail path. $t_path = $dir['profileImage'] . $t_name; // Get profile thumbnail URL. $t_url = $site['profileImage'].$t_name; // Get anonymous thumbnail url. $a_url = 'male' == $profile['Sex'] ? 'man.jpg' : 'woman.jpg'; $a_url = $site['profileImage'].$a_url; // Select correct url. if ( file_exists( $t_path ) ) { $url = $t_url; } else { $url = $a_url; } // Get profile details. $nickname = $profile['NickName']; $age_sex = _t("_y/o", $profile['Age'])." "._t("_".$profile['Sex']); $location = $profile['City'].', '._t( $aPreValues['Country'][$profile['Country']]['LKey'] ); // Display profile details. ob_start(); ?>
' . $prof_arr['NickName'] . ''; } else { $nick_link = $prof_arr['NickName']; } $ret .= '
'; $ret .= '
'; $ret .= get_member_thumbnail( $senderID, 'left' ); $ret .= '
'; $ret .= '
' . $nick_link . '
'; $ret .= '
' . $prof_sex . '
'; $ret .= '
' . $prof_age . '
'; $ret .= '
' . $country . '
'; $ret .= '
'; $ret .= '
'; $ret .= '
'; return $ret; } function ShowPoll( $uID ) { global $_page; global $site; $_page['js_name'] = 'profile_poll.js'; $sButtonValue = _t( '_Vote' ); $ret .= <<
EOS; /* */ return $ret; } function isAutoApproval( $sAction ) { $autoApproval_ifPhoto = ( 'on' == getParam("autoApproval_ifPhoto") ); $autoApproval_ifSound = ( 'on' == getParam("autoApproval_ifSound") ); $autoApproval_ifVideo = ( 'on' == getParam("autoApproval_ifVideo") ); $autoApproval_ifProfile = ( 'on' == getParam("autoApproval_ifProfile") ); $autoApproval_ifJoin = ( 'on' == getParam("autoApproval_ifJoin") ); switch ( $sAction ) { case 'photo': return $autoApproval_ifPhoto; case 'sound': return $autoApproval_ifSound; case 'video': return $autoApproval_ifVideo; case 'profile': return $autoApproval_ifProfile; case 'join': return $autoApproval_ifJoin; default: return false; } } /* * * * Ray MP3 Integration (Begin) * * * */ function getRayMp3Player( $iId, $sPassword, $iViewerId) { return getApplicationContent("mp3", "player", array('id' => $iId, 'password' => md5($sPassword), 'vId' => $iViewerId), true); } /* * * * Ray MP3 Integration (End) * * * */ function createUserDataFile( $userID ) { global $date_format; $userID = (int)$userID; $fileName = BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CACHE . 'user' . $userID . '.php'; if( $userID > 0 ) { $userQuery = " SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT(`DateLastLogin`, '$date_format' ) AS `DateLastLogin`, DATE_FORMAT(`DateLastEdit`, '$date_format' ) AS `DateLastEdit` FROM `Profiles` WHERE `ID` = '$userID' LIMIT 1 "; $aPreUser = db_assoc_arr( $userQuery ); if( isset( $aPreUser ) and is_array( $aPreUser ) ) { $sUser = ' $value ) $sUser .= '$aUser[' . $userID . '][\'' . $key . '\']' . ' = ' . '\'' . str_replace( $replaceWhat, $replaceTo, $value ) . '\'' . ";\n"; $sUser .= "\n" . '?>'; if( $file = fopen( $fileName, "w" ) ) { fwrite( $file, $sUser ); fclose( $file ); @chmod ($fileName, 0666); @include( $fileName ); return true; } else return false; } } else return false; } function getProfileInfo( $iProfileID, $checkActiveStatus = false, $forceCache = false ) { global $aUser; global $date_format; $iProfileID = (int)$iProfileID; if( !$iProfileID ) return false; if( !isset( $aUser[$iProfileID] ) || !is_array( $aUser[$iProfileID] ) || $forceCache ) { $sCacheFile = BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CACHE . 'user' . $iProfileID . '.php'; if( !file_exists( $sCacheFile ) || $forceCache ) if( !createUserDataFile( $iProfileID ) ) return false; @include( $sCacheFile ); } if( $checkActiveStatus and $aUser[$iProfileID]['Status'] != 'Active' ) return false; return $aUser[$iProfileID]; } function getNewLettersNum( $iID ) { $sqlQuery = "SELECT COUNT(`Recipient`) FROM `Messages` WHERE `Recipient`='$iID' AND `New`='1'"; $iNum = db_value($sqlQuery); return $iNum; } function getFriendNumber ($iID) { $sqlQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `FriendList` WHERE ( `ID`='$iID' OR `Profile`='$iID' ) AND `Check`='1'"; return db_value($sqlQuery); } /* * The function returns NickName by given ID. If no ID specified, it tryes to get if from _COOKIE['memberID']; */ function getNickName( $ID = '' ) { if ( !$ID && (int)$_COOKIE['memberID'] ) $ID = $_COOKIE['memberID']; if ( !$ID ) return ''; $arr = getProfileInfo( $ID ); return $arr['NickName']; } /* * The function returns Password by given ID. */ function getPassword( $ID = '' ) { if ( !(int)$ID ) return ''; $arr = getProfileInfo( $ID ); return $arr['Password']; } function getSex( $ID = '' ) { if ( !(int)$ID ) return ''; $arr = getProfileInfo( $ID ); return $arr['Sex']; } function getProfileLink( $iID, $sLinkAdd = '' ) { global $site; $aProfInfo = getProfileInfo( $iID ); $iID = ($aProfInfo['Couple'] > 0 && $aProfInfo['ID'] > $aProfInfo['Couple']) ? $aProfInfo['Couple'] : $iID; if ( getParam('enable_modrewrite') == 'on' ) $sLink = $site['url'].getNickName($iID) . ( $sLinkAdd ? "?{$sLinkAdd}" : '' ); else $sLink = $site['url'].'profile.php?ID='.$iID . ( $sLinkAdd ? "&{$sLinkAdd}" : '' ); return $sLink; } /** * Shows how many days, hours, minutes member was onine last time * * @param $lastNavTime * * @return int */ function getProfileLastOnlinePeriod( $lastNavTime ) { if ( $lastNavTime != 0 ) { $time = date("U") - $lastNavTime; if ( $time <= 300 ) { //$ret = '' . _t('_Online') . ''; $ret = '
' . _t('_Online') . '
'; } else { $minutes = floor( $time / 60 ); if ( $minutes > 60 ) { $hours = floor( $time / 3600 ); if ( $hours > 24 ) { $days = floor( $time / 86400 ); $hours = floor( ( $time - $days*86400 ) / 3600 ); $minutes = floor( ( $time - $days*86400 - $hours*3600 ) / 60 ); } else { $minutes = floor ( ( $time - $hours*3600 ) / 60 ); } } /* if( $days > 31 ) { $lnt = '' . _t('_more_month_ago') . ''; } else { if( $days > 7 ) { $lnt = '' . _t('_more_week_ago') . ''; } else { if ( $days >= 7 ) $lnt = '' . _t('_week_ago') . ''; else */ //$lnt = ( $days ? $days . ' day(s) ago' : ( $hours ? $hours . ' hour(s) ago' : $minutes . ' minutes ago' )) . ''; if( $days ) { $ret = _t( '_day(s)', $days );// $days . } elseif( $hours ) { $ret = _t( '_hour(s)', $hours ); } else { $ret = _t( '_minute(s)', $minutes ); } /* } } */ } } else { $ret = '
' . _t('_never') . '
'; } return $ret; } function periodic_check_ban() { //Cleaning Ban table $CheckSQL = " SELECT `AdminBanList`.* FROM `AdminBanList` WHERE ( `DateTime` + INTERVAL `Time` SECOND < NOW() ) "; $vCheckBanRes = db_res($CheckSQL); while ( $aCheckBanRes = mysql_fetch_assoc($vCheckBanRes) ) { $sDeleteBanSQL = "DELETE FROM `AdminBanList` WHERE `ProfID`='{$aCheckBanRes['ProfID']}'"; db_res($sDeleteBanSQL); } } function isLoggedBanned($iCurUserID = 0) { $iCCurUserID = ($iCurUserID>0) ? $iCurUserID : (int)$_COOKIE['memberID']; if ($iCCurUserID) { $CheckSQL = " SELECT * FROM `AdminBanList` WHERE `ProfID`='{$iCCurUserID}' "; db_res($CheckSQL); if (mysql_affected_rows()>0) { return true; } } return false; } function make_check_ban() { //Make automatically logout for Banned members if (isLoggedBanned((int)$_COOKIE['memberID'])) { setcookie( 'memberID', $_COOKIE['memberID'], time() - 48 * 3600, '/' ); setcookie( 'memberPassword', $_COOKIE['memberPassword'], time() - 48 * 3600, '/' ); } } make_check_ban();