// cache of Profile Fields return array( //areas //Join 1 => array( //pages 0 => array( //blocks 30 => array( //block properties 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_Profile Type_Join', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_Profile Type_Join', 'Items' => array( 23 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Couple', 'Type' => 'system', 'Control' => "select", 'Extra' => "Country\nCity", 'Min' => null, 'Max' => null, 'Values' => '', 'Check' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Mandatory' => true, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_Couple_Join', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_Couple_Join', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_Couple_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_Couple_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_Couple_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_Couple_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_Couple_Check', ), ), ), 17 => array( //block properties 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_General Info_Join', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_General Info_Join', 'Items' => array( 2 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'NickName', 'Type' => 'text', 'Control' => "", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => 4, 'Max' => 16, 'Values' => '', 'Check' => "return ( preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+\$/', \$arg0 ) and !file_exists( \$dir['root'] . \$arg0 ) );", 'Unique' => true, 'Mandatory' => true, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_NickName_Join', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_NickName_Join', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_NickName_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_NickName_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_NickName_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_NickName_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_NickName_Check', ), 4 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Email', 'Type' => 'text', 'Control' => "", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => 6, 'Max' => null, 'Values' => '', 'Check' => "return (bool)preg_match( '/^[a-z0-9_\\-]+(\\.[_a-z0-9\\-]+)*@([_a-z0-9\\-]+\\.)+([a-z]{2}|aero|arpa|biz|com|coop|edu|gov|info|int|jobs|mil|museum|name|nato|net|org|pro|travel)\$/i', \$arg0 );", 'Unique' => true, 'Mandatory' => true, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_Email_Join', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_Email_Join', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_Email_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_Email_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_Email_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_Email_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_Email_Check', ), 3 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Password', 'Type' => 'pass', 'Control' => "", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => 5, 'Max' => 16, 'Values' => '', 'Check' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Mandatory' => true, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_Password_Join', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_Password_Join', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_Password_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_Password_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_Password_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_Password_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_Password_Check', ), ), ), 20 => array( //block properties 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_Misc Info_Join', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_Misc Info_Join', 'Items' => array( 10 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Sex', 'Type' => 'select_one', 'Control' => "radio", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => null, 'Max' => null, 'Values' => "#!Sex", 'Check' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Mandatory' => true, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_Sex_Join', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_Sex_Join', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_Sex_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_Sex_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_Sex_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_Sex_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_Sex_Check', ), 11 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'LookingFor', 'Type' => 'select_set', 'Control' => "checkbox", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => null, 'Max' => null, 'Values' => "#!Sex", 'Check' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Mandatory' => false, 'UseLKey' => "LKey2", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_LookingFor_Join', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_LookingFor_Join', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_LookingFor_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_LookingFor_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_LookingFor_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_LookingFor_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_LookingFor_Check', ), 13 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'DateOfBirth', 'Type' => 'date', 'Control' => "", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => 18, 'Max' => 75, 'Values' => '', 'Check' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Mandatory' => true, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_DateOfBirth_Join', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_DateOfBirth_Join', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_DateOfBirth_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_DateOfBirth_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_DateOfBirth_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_DateOfBirth_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_DateOfBirth_Check', ), 14 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Headline', 'Type' => 'text', 'Control' => "", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => null, 'Max' => null, 'Values' => '', 'Check' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Mandatory' => false, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_Headline_Join', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_Headline_Join', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_Headline_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_Headline_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_Headline_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_Headline_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_Headline_Check', ), 12 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'DescriptionMe', 'Type' => 'area', 'Control' => "", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => 20, 'Max' => null, 'Values' => '', 'Check' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Mandatory' => true, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_DescriptionMe_Join', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_DescriptionMe_Join', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_DescriptionMe_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_DescriptionMe_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_DescriptionMe_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_DescriptionMe_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_DescriptionMe_Check', ), 15 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Country', 'Type' => 'select_one', 'Control' => "select", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => null, 'Max' => null, 'Values' => "#!Country", 'Check' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Mandatory' => false, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_Country_Join', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_Country_Join', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_Country_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_Country_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_Country_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_Country_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_Country_Check', ), 16 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'City', 'Type' => 'text', 'Control' => "", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => null, 'Max' => null, 'Values' => '', 'Check' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Mandatory' => false, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_City_Join', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_City_Join', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_City_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_City_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_City_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_City_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_City_Check', ), 39 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'zip', 'Type' => 'text', 'Control' => "", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => null, 'Max' => null, 'Values' => '', 'Check' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Mandatory' => false, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_zip_Join', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_zip_Join', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_zip_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_zip_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_zip_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_zip_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_zip_Check', ), 38 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Tags', 'Type' => 'text', 'Control' => "", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => null, 'Max' => null, 'Values' => '', 'Check' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Mandatory' => false, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_Tags_Join', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_Tags_Join', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_Tags_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_Tags_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_Tags_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_Tags_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_Tags_Check', ), ), ), 25 => array( //block properties 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_Security Image_Join', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_Security Image_Join', 'Items' => array( 24 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Captcha', 'Type' => 'system', 'Control' => "", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => null, 'Max' => null, 'Values' => '', 'Check' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Mandatory' => true, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_Captcha_Join', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_Captcha_Join', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_Captcha_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_Captcha_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_Captcha_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_Captcha_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_Captcha_Check', ), 42 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'TermsOfUse', 'Type' => 'system', 'Control' => "", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => null, 'Max' => null, 'Values' => '', 'Check' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Mandatory' => true, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_TermsOfUse_Join', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_TermsOfUse_Join', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_TermsOfUse_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_TermsOfUse_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_TermsOfUse_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_TermsOfUse_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_TermsOfUse_Check', ), ), ), ), ), //Edit (Owner) 2 => array( //blocks 17 => array( //block properties 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_General Info_Edit', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_General Info_Edit', 'Items' => array( 2 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'NickName', 'Type' => 'text', 'Control' => "", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => 4, 'Max' => 16, 'Values' => '', 'Check' => "return ( preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+\$/', \$arg0 ) and !file_exists( \$dir['root'] . \$arg0 ) );", 'Unique' => true, 'Mandatory' => true, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_NickName_Edit', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_NickName_Edit', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_NickName_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_NickName_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_NickName_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_NickName_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_NickName_Check', ), 4 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Email', 'Type' => 'text', 'Control' => "", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => 6, 'Max' => null, 'Values' => '', 'Check' => "return (bool)preg_match( '/^[a-z0-9_\\-]+(\\.[_a-z0-9\\-]+)*@([_a-z0-9\\-]+\\.)+([a-z]{2}|aero|arpa|biz|com|coop|edu|gov|info|int|jobs|mil|museum|name|nato|net|org|pro|travel)\$/i', \$arg0 );", 'Unique' => true, 'Mandatory' => true, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_Email_Edit', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_Email_Edit', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_Email_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_Email_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_Email_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_Email_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_Email_Check', ), 10 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Sex', 'Type' => 'select_one', 'Control' => "radio", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => null, 'Max' => null, 'Values' => "#!Sex", 'Check' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Mandatory' => true, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_Sex_Edit', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_Sex_Edit', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_Sex_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_Sex_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_Sex_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_Sex_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_Sex_Check', ), 3 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Password', 'Type' => 'pass', 'Control' => "", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => 5, 'Max' => 16, 'Values' => '', 'Check' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Mandatory' => true, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_Password_Edit', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_Password_Edit', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_Password_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_Password_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_Password_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_Password_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_Password_Check', ), ), ), 20 => array( //block properties 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_Misc Info_Edit', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_Misc Info_Edit', 'Items' => array( 11 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'LookingFor', 'Type' => 'select_set', 'Control' => "checkbox", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => null, 'Max' => null, 'Values' => "#!Sex", 'Check' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Mandatory' => false, 'UseLKey' => "LKey2", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_LookingFor_Edit', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_LookingFor_Edit', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_LookingFor_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_LookingFor_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_LookingFor_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_LookingFor_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_LookingFor_Check', ), 13 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'DateOfBirth', 'Type' => 'date', 'Control' => "", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => 18, 'Max' => 75, 'Values' => '', 'Check' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Mandatory' => true, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_DateOfBirth_Edit', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_DateOfBirth_Edit', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_DateOfBirth_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_DateOfBirth_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_DateOfBirth_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_DateOfBirth_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_DateOfBirth_Check', ), 14 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Headline', 'Type' => 'text', 'Control' => "", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => null, 'Max' => null, 'Values' => '', 'Check' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Mandatory' => false, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_Headline_Edit', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_Headline_Edit', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_Headline_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_Headline_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_Headline_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_Headline_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_Headline_Check', ), 12 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'DescriptionMe', 'Type' => 'area', 'Control' => "", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => 20, 'Max' => null, 'Values' => '', 'Check' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Mandatory' => true, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_DescriptionMe_Edit', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_DescriptionMe_Edit', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_DescriptionMe_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_DescriptionMe_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_DescriptionMe_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_DescriptionMe_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_DescriptionMe_Check', ), 15 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Country', 'Type' => 'select_one', 'Control' => "select", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => null, 'Max' => null, 'Values' => "#!Country", 'Check' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Mandatory' => false, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_Country_Edit', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_Country_Edit', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_Country_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_Country_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_Country_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_Country_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_Country_Check', ), 16 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'City', 'Type' => 'text', 'Control' => "", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => null, 'Max' => null, 'Values' => '', 'Check' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Mandatory' => false, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_City_Edit', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_City_Edit', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_City_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_City_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_City_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_City_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_City_Check', ), 39 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'zip', 'Type' => 'text', 'Control' => "", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => null, 'Max' => null, 'Values' => '', 'Check' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Mandatory' => false, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_zip_Edit', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_zip_Edit', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_zip_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_zip_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_zip_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_zip_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_zip_Check', ), ), ), ), //Edit (Admin) 3 => array( //blocks 21 => array( //block properties 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_Admin Controls_Edit', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_Admin Controls_Edit', 'Items' => array( 7 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Status', 'Type' => 'system', 'Control' => "select", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => null, 'Max' => null, 'Values' => array( v0 => 'Unconfirmed', v1 => 'Approval', v2 => 'Active', v3 => 'Rejected', v4 => 'Suspended', ), 'Check' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Mandatory' => false, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_Status_Edit', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_Status_Edit', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_Status_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_Status_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_Status_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_Status_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_Status_Check', ), 9 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Featured', 'Type' => 'system', 'Control' => "", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => null, 'Max' => null, 'Values' => '', 'Check' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Mandatory' => false, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_Featured_Edit', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_Featured_Edit', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_Featured_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_Featured_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_Featured_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_Featured_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_Featured_Check', ), 43 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Membership', 'Type' => 'system', 'Control' => "", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => null, 'Max' => null, 'Values' => '', 'Check' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Mandatory' => false, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_Membership_Edit', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_Membership_Edit', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_Membership_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_Membership_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_Membership_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_Membership_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_Membership_Check', ), ), ), 17 => array( //block properties 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_General Info_Edit', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_General Info_Edit', 'Items' => array( 2 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'NickName', 'Type' => 'text', 'Control' => "", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => 4, 'Max' => 16, 'Values' => '', 'Check' => "return ( preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+\$/', \$arg0 ) and !file_exists( \$dir['root'] . \$arg0 ) );", 'Unique' => true, 'Mandatory' => true, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_NickName_Edit', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_NickName_Edit', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_NickName_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_NickName_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_NickName_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_NickName_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_NickName_Check', ), 4 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Email', 'Type' => 'text', 'Control' => "", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => 6, 'Max' => null, 'Values' => '', 'Check' => "return (bool)preg_match( '/^[a-z0-9_\\-]+(\\.[_a-z0-9\\-]+)*@([_a-z0-9\\-]+\\.)+([a-z]{2}|aero|arpa|biz|com|coop|edu|gov|info|int|jobs|mil|museum|name|nato|net|org|pro|travel)\$/i', \$arg0 );", 'Unique' => true, 'Mandatory' => true, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_Email_Edit', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_Email_Edit', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_Email_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_Email_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_Email_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_Email_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_Email_Check', ), 10 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Sex', 'Type' => 'select_one', 'Control' => "radio", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => null, 'Max' => null, 'Values' => "#!Sex", 'Check' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Mandatory' => true, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_Sex_Edit', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_Sex_Edit', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_Sex_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_Sex_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_Sex_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_Sex_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_Sex_Check', ), 3 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Password', 'Type' => 'pass', 'Control' => "", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => 5, 'Max' => 16, 'Values' => '', 'Check' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Mandatory' => true, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_Password_Edit', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_Password_Edit', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_Password_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_Password_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_Password_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_Password_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_Password_Check', ), ), ), 20 => array( //block properties 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_Misc Info_Edit', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_Misc Info_Edit', 'Items' => array( 11 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'LookingFor', 'Type' => 'select_set', 'Control' => "checkbox", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => null, 'Max' => null, 'Values' => "#!Sex", 'Check' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Mandatory' => false, 'UseLKey' => "LKey2", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_LookingFor_Edit', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_LookingFor_Edit', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_LookingFor_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_LookingFor_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_LookingFor_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_LookingFor_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_LookingFor_Check', ), 13 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'DateOfBirth', 'Type' => 'date', 'Control' => "", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => 18, 'Max' => 75, 'Values' => '', 'Check' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Mandatory' => true, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_DateOfBirth_Edit', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_DateOfBirth_Edit', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_DateOfBirth_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_DateOfBirth_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_DateOfBirth_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_DateOfBirth_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_DateOfBirth_Check', ), 14 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Headline', 'Type' => 'text', 'Control' => "", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => null, 'Max' => null, 'Values' => '', 'Check' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Mandatory' => false, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_Headline_Edit', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_Headline_Edit', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_Headline_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_Headline_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_Headline_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_Headline_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_Headline_Check', ), 12 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'DescriptionMe', 'Type' => 'area', 'Control' => "", 'Extra' => "", 'Min' => 20, 'Max' => null, 'Values' => '', 'Check' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Mandatory' => true, 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_DescriptionMe_Edit', 'Desc' => 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'select_one', 'Extra' => "", 'Control' => "select", 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_Country_Search', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_Country_Search', ), 16 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'City', 'Type' => 'text', 'Extra' => "", 'Control' => "", 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_City_Search', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_City_Search', ), 19 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Keyword', 'Type' => 'system', 'Extra' => "DescriptionMe\nHeadline", 'Control' => "", 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_Keyword_Search', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_Keyword_Search', ), 38 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Tags', 'Type' => 'text', 'Extra' => "", 'Control' => "", 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_Tags_Search', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_Tags_Search', ), 18 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Location', 'Type' => 'system', 'Extra' => "", 'Control' => "", 'UseLKey' => "LKey", 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_Location_Search', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_Location_Search', ), ), ), ), //All Fields. PC cache 100 => array( //blocks 0 => array( //block properties 'Items' => array( 1 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'ID', 'Type' => 'system', 'Default' => "", 'Unique' => true, 'Extra' => "", ), 2 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'NickName', 'Type' => 'text', 'Default' => "", 'Unique' => true, 'Extra' => "", ), 3 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Password', 'Type' => 'pass', 'Default' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Extra' => "", ), 4 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Email', 'Type' => 'text', 'Default' => "", 'Unique' => true, 'Extra' => "", ), 5 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'DateReg', 'Type' => 'system', 'Default' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Extra' => "", ), 6 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'DateLastEdit', 'Type' => 'system', 'Default' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Extra' => "", ), 7 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Status', 'Type' => 'system', 'Default' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Extra' => "", ), 8 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'DateLastLogin', 'Type' => 'system', 'Default' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Extra' => "", ), 9 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Featured', 'Type' => 'system', 'Default' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Extra' => "", ), 10 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Sex', 'Type' => 'select_one', 'Default' => "male", 'Unique' => false, 'Extra' => "", ), 11 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'LookingFor', 'Type' => 'select_set', 'Default' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Extra' => "", ), 12 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'DescriptionMe', 'Type' => 'area', 'Default' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Extra' => "", ), 13 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'DateOfBirth', 'Type' => 'date', 'Default' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Extra' => "", ), 14 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Headline', 'Type' => 'text', 'Default' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Extra' => "", ), 15 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Country', 'Type' => 'select_one', 'Default' => "US", 'Unique' => false, 'Extra' => "", ), 16 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'City', 'Type' => 'text', 'Default' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Extra' => "", ), 18 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Location', 'Type' => 'system', 'Default' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Extra' => "", ), 19 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Keyword', 'Type' => 'system', 'Default' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Extra' => "DescriptionMe\nHeadline", ), 23 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Couple', 'Type' => 'system', 'Default' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Extra' => "Country\nCity", ), 24 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Captcha', 'Type' => 'system', 'Default' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Extra' => "", ), 34 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'DateLastNav', 'Type' => 'system', 'Default' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Extra' => "", ), 35 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'PrimPhoto', 'Type' => 'system', 'Default' => "0", 'Unique' => false, 'Extra' => "", ), 36 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Picture', 'Type' => 'system', 'Default' => "0", 'Unique' => false, 'Extra' => "", ), 37 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'aff_num', 'Type' => 'system', 'Default' => "0", 'Unique' => false, 'Extra' => "", ), 38 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Tags', 'Type' => 'text', 'Default' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Extra' => "", ), 39 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'zip', 'Type' => 'text', 'Default' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Extra' => "", ), 41 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'EmailNotify', 'Type' => 'system', 'Default' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Extra' => "", ), 42 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'TermsOfUse', 'Type' => 'system', 'Default' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Extra' => "", ), 43 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Membership', 'Type' => 'system', 'Default' => "", 'Unique' => false, 'Extra' => "", ), ), ), ), //Matching Fields 101 => array( //blocks 0 => array( //block properties 'Items' => array( 10 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Sex', 'Type' => 'select_one', 'MatchField' => 11, 'MatchPercent' => 40, ), 11 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'LookingFor', 'Type' => 'select_set', 'MatchField' => 10, 'MatchPercent' => 40, ), 15 => array( //item properties 'Name' => 'Country', 'Type' => 'select_one', 'MatchField' => 15, 'MatchPercent' => 20, ), ), ), ), );