array('icon'=>'action_fave.gif', 'link'=>'javascript:void(0);', 'onClick'=>'action=favorite__fileID__'), 'Share' => array('icon'=>'action_share.gif', 'link'=>'javascript:void(0);', 'onClick'=>'action=share__fileID____fileUrl__'), 'Report'=> array('icon'=>'action_report.gif','link'=>'javascript:void(0);', 'onClick'=>'action=report__fileID____fileUrl__') ); // addon actions array var $aAddActions; // membership action for view file var $sViewActionName; // array of edited fields var $aInfo; /* constructor * @param string $sMediaType - type of application * @param aSite $iFile - ID of a file * @param int $iFile - ID of a file * @param int $iFile - ID of a file * @return array */ function BxDolSharedMedia($sMediaType, &$aSite, &$aDir, &$aMember) { $sMediaType = process_db_input($sMediaType); $sName = ucfirst($sMediaType); $this->aConfigSite = $aSite; $this->aConfigDir = $aDir; $this->sType = $sMediaType; $this->sCssName = 'view'.$sName.'.css'; $this->iViewer = (int)$aMember['ID']; $this->sViewerPass = $aMember['Password']; $this->sCommentsTable = 'CmtsShared'.$sName; $this->sFavoriteTable = 'share'.$sName.'Favorites'; $this->aEditInfo = array('medProfId'=>'', 'medTitle'=>'Title', 'medTags'=>'Tags', 'medDesc'=>'Description', 'medUri'=>''); switch($sMediaType) { case 'photo': $this->sPrLinkPar = 'permalinks_gallery_photos'; $this->sFilesPath = $this->aConfigDir['sharingImages']; $this->sFilesUrl = $this->aConfigSite['sharingImages']; $this->sMainTable = 'sharePhotoFiles'; $this->sViewActionName = ACTION_ID_VIEW_GALLERY_PHOTO; $this->aTableFields = array( 'medID' => 'medID', 'medProfId'=> 'medProfId', 'medExt' => 'medExt', 'medTitle' => 'medTitle', 'medUri' => 'medUri', 'medDesc' => 'medDesc', 'medTags' => 'medTags', 'medDate' => 'medDate', 'medViews' => 'medViews', 'Approved' => 'Approved' ); $this->aAddActions = array( 'Original_Size'=>array( 'icon'=>'action_download.gif','link'=>$this->sFilesUrl.'__file__','onClick'=>'', 'add' => 'target="_blank"') ); break; case 'music': $this->sPrLinkPar = 'permalinks_gallery_music'; $sAddPath = 'ray/modules/music/files/'; $this->sFilesPath = BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . $sAddPath; $this->sFilesUrl = $this->aConfigSite['url'] . $sAddPath; $this->sMainTable = 'RayMusicFiles'; $this->sViewActionName = ACTION_ID_VIEW_GALLERY_MUSIC; $this->aTableFields = array( 'medID' => 'ID', 'medProfId'=> 'Owner', 'medTitle' => 'Title', 'medUri' => 'Uri', 'medDesc' => 'Description', 'medTags' => 'Tags', 'medDate' => 'Date', 'medViews' => 'Listens', 'Approved' => 'Approved' ); break; case 'video': $this->sPrLinkPar = 'permalinks_gallery_videos'; $sAddPath = 'ray/modules/movie/files/'; $this->sFilesPath = BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . $sAddPath; $this->sFilesUrl = $this->aConfigSite['url'] . $sAddPath; $this->sMainTable = 'RayMovieFiles'; $this->sViewActionName = ACTION_ID_VIEW_GALLERY_VIDEO; $this->aTableFields = array( 'medID' => 'ID', 'medProfId'=> 'Owner', 'medTitle' => 'Title', 'medUri' => 'Uri', 'medDesc' => 'Description', 'medTags' => 'Tags', 'medDate' => 'Date', 'medViews' => 'Views', 'Approved' => 'Approved' ); break; } } /* Get info about file from corresponding media table * @param int $iFile - ID of a file * @return array $aFile */ function getFileInfo($iFile) { $iFile = (int)$iFile; $sqlQuery = "SELECT "; foreach ($this->aTableFields as $sKey=>$sVal) { $sqlQuery .= "`{$this->sMainTable}`.`$sVal` as `$sKey`, "; } $sqlQuery .= " COUNT(`share1`.`{$this->aTableFields['medID']}`) as `medCount`, `Profiles`.`NickName` FROM `{$this->sMainTable}` LEFT JOIN `{$this->sMainTable}` as `share1` USING (`{$this->aTableFields['medProfId']}`) INNER JOIN `Profiles` ON `Profiles`.`ID`=`{$this->sMainTable}`.`{$this->aTableFields['medProfId']}` WHERE `{$this->sMainTable}`.`{$this->aTableFields['medID']}` = $iFile GROUP BY `share1`.`{$this->aTableFields['medProfId']}` "; $aFile = db_arr($sqlQuery); return $aFile; } /* Show media file * @param int $iFile - ID of a file * @return string $sCode - html output */ function showFile($iFile) { $iFile = (int)$iFile; $sCode = ''; switch ($this->sType) { case 'photo': $aFile = $this->getFileInfo($iFile); $sImage = $this->sFilesUrl.$iFile.'_m.'.$aFile[$this->aTableFields['medExt']]; $sCode = '
'; break; case 'music': $sCode = '
'; break; case 'video': $sCode = '
'.getApplicationContent('movie','player',array('id' => $iFile, 'file' => 'true'),true).'
'; break; } return $sCode; } /* Show file info block * @param array aFile - file info array * @return string $sCode - html output */ function showFileInfo($aFile) { $sTitle = strlen($aFile['medTitle']) > 0 ? $aFile['medTitle'] : _t("_Untitled"); $iTime = defineTimeInterval($aFile['medDate']); $sNumberAlt = _t("_Views"); switch ($this->sType) { case 'photo': $sView = _t("_Photos"); $sEmbedCode = ''; break; case 'music': $sView = _t("_Music files"); $sNumberAlt = _t("_Playbacks"); $sEmbedCode = getEmbedCode('music', 'player', array('id'=>$aFile['medID'],'song'=>'true')); break; case 'video': $sView = _t("_Videos"); $sEmbedCode = getEmbedCode('movie', 'player', array('file'=>$aFile['medID'])); break; } if ($aFile['medCount'] - 1 > 0) $sLinkMore = ''.$aFile['medCount'].''; else $sLinkMore = $aFile['medCount']; ob_start(); ?>
: getTagLinks($aFile['medTags'])?>
_isPermalinkEnabled) ? $this->_isPermalinkEnabled : ($this->_isPermalinkEnabled = (getParam($this->sPrLinkPar) == 'on')); } /* Get media file URL * @param int $iFileId - ID of file * @param string $sFileUri - Uri of file * @return string $sLink - full URL of file page */ function getFileUrl($iFileId, $sFileUri) { if ($this->isPermalinkEnabled()) $sLink = $this->sType.'/gallery/'.$sFileUri; else $sLink = 'view'.ucfirst($this->sType).'.php?fileID='.$iFileId; return $GLOBALS['site']['url'].$sLink; } /* Get more file from this user URL * @param int $iUserId - user ID * @param string $sNickName - fiel NickName * @return string $sLinkMoreUrl - full URL of file page */ function getMoreFilesUrl($iUserId, $sNickName) { if ($this->isPermalinkEnabled()) $sLinkMoreUrl = $this->sType.'/gallery/all/'.$sNickName; else $sLinkMoreUrl = 'browse'.ucfirst($this->sType).'.php?userID='.$iUserId; return $sLinkMoreUrl; } /* Get tags URL * @param string $sTagList - all tags of file * @param string $sNickName - fiel NickName * @return string $sLinkMoreUrl - full URL of file page */ function getTagLinks($sTagList) { if (strlen($sTagList)) { $aTags = explode(' ', $sTagList); foreach ($aTags as $iKey => $sVal) { $sVal = trim($sVal,','); $sLink = $this->isPermalinkEnabled() ? $this->sType.'/gallery_tag/'.$sVal : 'browse'.ucfirst($this->sType).'.php?tag='.$sVal; $sCode .= ''.$sVal.' '; } } return $sCode; } /* Show rate section * @param int $iFile - file ID * return $sCode - html output */ function showRateSection($iFile) { $sCode = '
' . _t('_Gallery video rating is not enabled') . '
'; $oVotingView = new BxTemplVotingView ('g'.$this->sType, (int)$iFile); if( $oVotingView->isEnabled()) $sCode = $oVotingView->getBigVoting (); return $sCode; } /* Show another latest files from user * @param array $aFile - current file info * return $sCode - html output */ function showLatestFiles($aFile) { $iLimit = 2; $sCode = ''; $sqlBody = ''; $sNumberAlt = _t("_Views"); $sHeadTempl = '
'; switch ($this->sType) { case 'photo': $sMoreFilesAlt = _t("_See all photos of this user"); $sHeadTempl = '__image__'; $sImage = ''; break; case 'music': $sMoreFilesAlt = _t("_See all music of this user"); $sNumberAlt = _t("_Playbacks"); $sImage = ''; break; case 'video': $sMoreFilesAlt = _t("_See all videos of this user"); $sImage = ''; break; } if ($aFile['medCount'] - 1 > $iLimit) $sLinkMore = ''.$sMoreFilesAlt.''; foreach ($this->aTableFields as $sKey => $sVal) { $sqlBody .= "`{$this->sMainTable}`.`$sVal` as `$sKey`,"; } $sqlQuery = "SELECT ".rtrim($sqlBody, ',')." FROM `{$this->sMainTable}` WHERE `{$this->aTableFields['medID']}`<>{$aFile['medID']} AND `{$this->aTableFields['medProfId']}`={$aFile['medProfId']} AND `{$this->aTableFields['Approved']}`='true' ORDER BY `{$this->aTableFields['medDate']}` DESC LIMIT $iLimit "; $rLast = db_res($sqlQuery); while ($aLast = mysql_fetch_assoc($rLast)) { $sImagePatt = isset($aLast['medExt']) ? $aLast['medID'].'_t.'.$aLast['medExt'] : $aLast['medID'] ; $sImageBlock = str_replace('__image__', $sImagePatt, $sImage); $sFileUrl = $this->getFileUrl($aLast['medID'], $aLast['medUri']); $sHead = str_replace('__link__', $sFileUrl, $sHeadTempl); $sHead = str_replace('__image__', $sImageBlock, $sHead); $sTitle = strlen($aLast['medTitle']) > 0 ? $aLast['medTitle'] : _t("_Untitled"); $oVotingView = new BxTemplVotingView ('g'.$this->sType, $aLast['medID']); if( $oVotingView->isEnabled() ) { $sRate = $oVotingView->getSmallVoting(0); $sShowRate = '
'. $sRate . '
'; } ob_start(); ?>
'.$sLinkMore.''; return $sCode; } /* Show fiel action list * @param array $aFile - current file info * return $sCode - html output */ function showActionList($aFile) { if ($this->iViewer) { if ($this->sType =='photo') $this->aAddActions['Original_Size']['link'] = str_replace('__file__', $aFile['medID'].'.'.$aFile['medExt'], $this->aAddActions['Original_Size']['link']); if ($aFile['medProfId'] == $this->iViewer) { $aOtherActions = array( 'Edit'=>array('icon'=>'edit.gif', 'link'=>'javascript:void(0);', 'onClick'=>'action=edit__fileID__') ); } $aActions = is_array($this->aAddActions) ? array_merge($this->aMainActions, $this->aAddActions) : $this->aMainActions; $aActions = is_array($aOtherActions) ? array_merge($aActions, $aOtherActions) : $aActions; $sOnClickTempl = "javascript: '{$this->aConfigSite['url']}mediaActions.php?{action}', 'photo', 'width=500, height=380, menubar=no,status=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,location=no' );"; $sCode = '
'; foreach ($aActions as $sKey => $aVal) { $sTarget = isset($aVal['add']) ? $aVal['add'] : ''; $sOnClick = strlen($aVal['onClick']) > 0 ? 'onclick="' . str_replace('{action}', $aVal['onClick'], $sOnClickTempl) . '"' : '' ; $sOnClick = str_replace('__fileID__', '&fileID='.$aFile['medID'].'&type='.$this->sType, $sOnClick); $sOnClick = str_replace('__fileUrl__', '&fileUrl='.urlencode($this->getFileUrl($aFile['medID'], $aFile['medUri'])), $sOnClick); $sCode .= '
'; } $sCode .= '
'; return $sCode; } } /* Get several files info * @param array aCond - array of MySQL parts * @param array aManage (if exists) - array of exact fields * @return resource rData */ function getFilesList($aCond = array(), $aManage = array()) { if (empty($aManage)) $aList = array('medID', 'medProfId', 'medTitle', 'medUri', 'medDate', 'medViews', 'medExt'); else $aList = $aManage; $sqlTempl = "SELECT __main__ __rate_fields__ __from__ __main_join__ __rate_join__ __where__ __order__ __limit__"; $aSql = array( '__main__'=>'', '__rate_fields__'=>'', '__from__'=>'', '__main_join__'=>'', '__rate_join__'=>'', '__where__'=>'', '__order__'=>'', '__limit__'=>'' ); foreach ($aList as $sVal) { $aSql['__main__'] .= key_exists($sVal, $this->aTableFields) ? "`{$this->sMainTable}`.`{$this->aTableFields[$sVal]}` as `$sVal`, " : ""; } $aSql['__main__'] .= '`Profiles`.`NickName`'; if (isset($aCond['rateFields']) && isset($aCond['rateJoin'])) { $aSql['__rate_fields__'] = $aCond['rateFields']; $aSql['__rate_join__'] = $aCond['rateJoin']; } $aSql['__from__'] = "FROM `{$this->sMainTable}`"; $aSql['__main_join__'] = "LEFT JOIN `Profiles` ON `Profiles`.`ID` = `{$this->sMainTable}`.{$this->aTableFields['medProfId']}"; if (isset($aCond['sqlWhere'])) $aSql['__where__'] = $aCond['sqlWhere']; if (isset($aCond['sqlOrder'])) $aSql['__order__'] = $aCond['sqlOrder']; if ($aCond['sqlLimit']) $aSql['__limit__'] = $aCond['sqlLimit']; $aKeys = array_keys($aSql); $sqlQuery = str_replace($aKeys, $aSql, $sqlTempl); // echo "
$sqlQuery"; $rData = db_res($sqlQuery); return $rData; } /* Show 1 file in browse * @param array $aData - info array about * @param boolean $bAdmin - admin mode * @return @sCode - html output */ function showBrowseUnit($aData, $bAdmin = false) { $sHref = $this->getFileUrl($aData['medID'], $aData['medUri']); $sTitle = strlen($aData['medTitle']) > 0 ? $aData['medTitle'] : _t("_Untitled"); $sViews = _t('_Views'); $sActionLinks = $this->iViewer == $aData['medProfId'] ? '
' ._t("_Edit").'
' : '' ; if (!$bAdmin) { $oVotingView = new BxTemplVotingView ('g'.$this->sType, $aData['medID']); if( $oVotingView->isEnabled()) { $sRate = $oVotingView->getSmallVoting (0); $sShowRate = '
'. $sRate . '
'; } $sProfLink = '
'._t("_By").': '.$aData['NickName'].'
'; $sCheck = ''; } else { $sShowRate = ''; $sStyle = isset($aData['Approved']) && $aData['Approved'] == 'true' ? ' style="border: 2px solid #00CC00;"' : ' style="border: 2px solid #CC0000;"'; $sProfLink = '
'._t("_By").': '.$aData['NickName'].'
'; $sCheck = '
'; } switch ($this->sType) { case 'photo': $sImg = $this->sFilesUrl.$aData['medID'].'_t.'.$aData['medExt']; $sImage = '
'; break; case 'music': $sImage = '
'; break; case 'video': $sImage = '
'; break; } ob_start(); ?>
isPermalinkEnabled() ? true : false; $bLinkMode = $bAdmin ? false : $bLinkMode; if ($iTotalPages > 1) { if ($bLinkMode) { $sMainUrl = $this->sType.'/all'; $aFields = array( 'ownerName', 'tag', 'rate' ); foreach ($aFields as $field) { if( isset( $_GET[$field] ) ) { $sParam = htmlentities( process_pass_data( $_GET[$field] )); switch ($field) { case 'ownerName': $sMainUrl = $this->sType.'/gallery/all/'.$sParam; break; case 'tag': $sMainUrl = $this->sType.'/gallery_tag/'.$sParam; break; case 'rate': $sMainUrl = $this->sType.'/gallery_top'; break; } } } $sMainUrl = $GLOBALS['site']['url'].$sMainUrl; $sReloc = "'$sMainUrl/'+this.value+'/$iCurPage'"; $sLinkTempl = $sMainUrl ."/$iPerPage/{page}"; } else { $sRequest = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?'; $aFields = array('userID', 'tag', 'rate'); if ($bAdmin) { $aFields[] = 'type'; } foreach( $aFields as $field ) { if (isset( $_GET[$field])) $sRequest .= "&{$field}=" . htmlentities( process_pass_data( $_GET[$field] ) ); } $sReloc = "'$sRequest&page=$iCurPage&per_page='+this.value"; $sLinkTempl = $sRequest . "&page={page}&per_page=$iPerPage"; } $sPagination = '
'._t("_Results per page").':
'; $sPagination .= genPagination( $iTotalPages, $iCurPage, $sLinkTempl ); } else return ''; return $sPagination; } /* Get list of media files for files * @param int $iUser - user ID * @ return string $sCode - html output */ function getBlockCode_SharedMedia($iUser = 0) { $iUser = (int)$iUser; $aManage = array('medID','medExt','medTitle','medUri'); $max_num = (int)getParam("top_photos_max_num"); $mode = process_db_input( getParam("top_photos_mode") ); $mode = $_GET['sh_'.$this->sType.'Mode']; if( $mode != 'rand' && $mode != 'top' && $mode != 'last') $mode = 'last'; $aCond['sqlWhere'] = " WHERE `{$this->aTableFields['Approved']}`='true'"; if ($iUser != 0) $aCond['sqlWhere'] .= " AND `{$this->aTableFields['medProfId']}`='$iUser'"; $sqlFrom = " FROM `{$this->sMainTable}`"; $aDBTopMenu = array(); foreach (array( 'last', 'top', 'rand' ) as $myMode) { switch ( $myMode ) { case 'last': if( $mode == $myMode ) $aCond['sqlOrder'] = " ORDER BY `{$this->aTableFields['medDate']}` DESC"; $modeTitle = '_Latest'; break; case 'rand': if( $mode == $myMode ) $aCond['sqlOrder'] = " ORDER BY RAND()"; $modeTitle = '_Random'; break; case 'top': if( $mode == $myMode ) { $oVotingView = new BxTemplVotingView ('g'.$this->sType, 0, 0); $aSql = $oVotingView->getSqlParts('`'.$this->sMainTable.'`', '`'.$this->aTableFields['medID'].'`'); $sHow = "DESC"; $aCond['sqlOrder'] = $oVotingView->isEnabled() ? "ORDER BY `voting_rate` $sHow, `voting_count` $sHow, `{$this->aTableFields['medDate']}` $sHow" : $aCond['sqlOrder'] ; $aCond['rateFields'] = $aSql['fields']; $aCond['rateJoin'] = $aSql['join']; $sqlFrom .= $aSql['join']; } $modeTitle = '_Top'; break; } if( basename( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ) == 'rewrite_name.php' || basename( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ) == 'profile.php' ) $sLink = "profile.php?ID={$iUser}&"; else $sLink = "{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?"; $sLink .= "sh_".$this->sType."Mode=$myMode"; $aDBTopMenu[$modeTitle] = array('href' => $sLink, 'dynamic' => true, 'active' => ( $myMode == $mode )); } $aNum = db_arr( "SELECT COUNT(`$this->sMainTable`.`{$this->aTableFields['medID']}`) $sqlFrom {$aCond['sqlWhere']}" ); $num = (int)$aNum[0]; $ret = ''; if( $num ) { $pages = ceil( $num / $max_num ); $page = (int)$_GET['page']; if( $page < 1 or $mode == 'rand' ) $page = 1; if( $page > $pages ) $page = $pages; $sqlLimitFrom = ( $page - 1 ) * $max_num; $aCond['sqlLimit'] = "LIMIT $sqlLimitFrom, $max_num"; $rData = $this->getFilesList($aCond, $aManage); $ret .= '
'; $iCounter = 1; $sAddon = ''; while ($aData = mysql_fetch_array($rData)) { $sTitle = strlen($aData['medTitle']) > 0 ? $aData['medTitle'] : _t("_Untitled"); $sHref = $this->getFileUrl($aData['medID'], $aData['medUri']); $oVotingView = new BxTemplVotingView ('g'.$this->sType, $aData['medID']); if( $oVotingView->isEnabled()) { $sRate = $oVotingView->getSmallVoting (0); $sShowRate = '
'. $sRate . '
'; } switch ($this->sType) { case 'photo': $sImage = $this->sFilesUrl.$aData['medID'].'_t.'.$aData['medExt']; $sPic = '
'; break; case 'music': $sPic = '
'; break; case 'video': $sPic = '
'; break; } $ret .= '
'; $ret .= $sPic.'
'; } $ret .= '
'; $aDBBottomMenu = array(); $sUserAddon = ($iUser > 0) ? "&ID={$iUser}" : ''; if( $pages > 1 ) { if( $page > 1 ) { $prevPage = $page - 1; $aDBBottomMenu[ _t('_Back') ] = array( 'href' => "{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?sh_".$this->sType."Mode=$mode&page=$prevPage{$sUserAddon}", 'dynamic' => true, 'class' => 'backMembers' ); } if( $page < $pages ) { $nextPage = $page + 1; $aDBBottomMenu[ _t('_Next') ] = array( 'href' => "{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?sh_".$this->sType."Mode=$mode&page=$nextPage{$sUserAddon}", 'dynamic' => true, 'class' => 'moreMembers' ); } if ($iUser != 0) { $sAllUrl = $this->isPermalinkEnabled() ? $this->aConfigSite['url'].$this->sType.'/gallery/all/'. getNickName($iUser) : $this->aConfigSite['url'].'browse'.ucfirst($this->sType).'.php?userID='.$iUser; } else $sAllUrl = $this->isPermalinkEnabled() ? $this->aConfigSite['url'].$this->sType.'/all/10/1' : $this->aConfigSite['url'].'browse'.ucfirst($this->sType).'.php'; $aDBBottomMenu[ _t('_View All') ] = array( 'href' => "$sAllUrl", 'class' => 'viewAllMembers' ); } } return array( $ret, $aDBTopMenu, $aDBBottomMenu ); } //------------------------------------------- actions -------------------------------------------// /* Delete file, his string in DB and all his child files * @param int iFile - file ID * @param array $logged - array of login */ function deleteMedia($iFile, $logged = array()) { $iFile = (int)$iFile; $sqlQuery = "SELECT `{$this->aTableFields['medProfId']}`"; $sqlQuery .= isset($this->aTableFields['medExt']) ? ", `{$this->aTableFields['medExt']}`" : ""; $sqlQuery .= "FROM `{$this->sMainTable}` WHERE `{$this->aTableFields['medID']}`=$iFile"; $aFile = db_arr($sqlQuery); if (!$aFile) return false; if ($logged['admin']) { } elseif ($logged['member']) { $iMemberID = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID']; if ($aFile[$this->aTableFields['medProfId']] != $iMemberID) return false; } else return false; switch ($this->sType) { case 'photo': $aFName[] = $iFile . '.'.$aFile['medExt']; $aFName[] = $iFile.'_t.'.$aFile['medExt']; $aFName[] = $iFile.'_m.'.$aFile['medExt']; $sCmtsName = 'sharedPhoto'; break; case 'music': $aFName[] = $iFile.'.mp3'; $sCmtsName = 'sharedMusic'; break; case 'video': $aFName[] = $iFile.'.flv'; $aFName[] = $iFile.'.mpg'; $aFName[] = $iFile.'.jpg'; $aFName[] = $iFile.'_small.jpg'; $sCmtsName = 'sharedVideo'; break; } foreach($aFName as $sVal) { $sFilePath = $this->sFilesPath.$sVal; @unlink($sFilePath); } db_res("DELETE FROM `{$this->sMainTable}` WHERE `{$this->aTableFields['medID']}`=$iFile"); reparseObjTags( $this->sType, $iFile ); $oVoting = new BxDolVoting ('g'.$this->sType, 0, 0); $oVoting->deleteVotings($iFile); $oCmts = new BxDolCmts($sCmtsName, $iFile); $oCmts->onObjectDelete(); header('Location:' . $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]); } /* Approved media by admin * @param int iFile - file ID */ function approveMedia($iFile) { $iFile = (int)$iFile; $sqlQuery = "UPDATE `{$this->sMainTable}` SET `{$this->aTableFields['Approved']}` = IF(`{$this->aTableFields['Approved']}`='true','false','true') WHERE `{$this->aTableFields['medID']}`='$iFile'"; db_res($sqlQuery); header('Location:' . $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]); } /* Get favorite files conditon * @param int $iMember - view ID * @return $sqlQuery - sqlQuery addon */ function getFavoriteCondition($iMember) { $iMember = (int)$iMember; $sqlQuery = "SELECT `medID` FROM `{$this->sFavoriteTable}` WHERE `userID`=$iMember"; $rList = db_res($sqlQuery); while ($aList = mysql_fetch_row($rList)) { $sParam .= $aList[0] . ','; } $sRes = " AND `{$this->sMainTable}`.`{$this->aTableFields['medID']}` IN("; if (strlen($sParam) > 0) $sRes = $sRes.trim($sParam,',').')'; else $sRes = ' AND 0'; return $sRes; } /* Delete all user's file in current media gallery * @param int $iMember - view ID * @param array $logged - array of logins */ function deleteUserGallery($iUser, $logged) { $iUser = (int)$iUser; $sqlQuery = "SELECT `{$this->aTableFields['medID']}` from `{$this->sMainTable}` WHERE `{$this->aTableFields['medProfId']}`=$iUser"; $rFiles = db_res($sqlQuery); while ($aFile = mysql_fetch_assoc($rFiles)) { $this->deleteMedia($aFile[$this->aTableFields['medID']], $logged); $oCmts = new BxDolCmts('shared'.ucfirst($this->sType), $iFile); $oCmts->onObjectDelete(); } } /* Add file to favorite list * @param int $iFile - file ID * @return $sCode - html output */ function addToFavorites($iFile) { $iFile =(int)$iFile; if ($iFile) { $sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM `{$this->sFavoriteTable}` WHERE `medID`='$iFile' AND `userID`='{$this->iViewer}'"; $aCheck = db_arr($sqlQuery); if ($aCheck) $sCode = '
'._t('_File already is favorite').'
'; else { $sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO `{$this->sFavoriteTable}` (`medID`,`userID`,`favDate`) VALUES('$iFile','{$this->iViewer}',NOW())"; db_res($sqlQuery); $sCode = '
'._t("_File was added to favorite").'
'; } } return $sCode; } /* Send file info * @param int $iFile - file ID * @param string $sEmail - email(s) * @param string $sMessage - message * @param string $sUrl - link to file */ function sendFileInfo($iFile, $sEmail, $sMessage, $sUrl) { $aUser = getProfileInfo($this->iViewer); $sUrl = urldecode($sUrl); $sMailHeader = "From: {$this->aConfigSite['title']} <{$this->aConfigSite['email_notify']}>"; $sMailParameters = "-f{$this->aConfigSite['email_notify']}"; $sMailHeader = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n" . "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n" . $sMailHeader; $sMailSubject = $aUser['NickName'].' shared a Photo with you'; $sMailBody = "Hello,\n {$aUser['NickName']} shared a {$this->sType} with you: See it\n $sMessage\n Regards"; $aEmails = explode(",", $sEmail); foreach ($aEmails as $iKey => $sMail) { $sMail = trim($sMail); $iSendingResult = mail( $sMail, $sMailSubject, nl2br($sMailBody), $sMailHeader, $sMailParameters ); if ($iSendingResult) $sCode = '
'._t("_File info was sent").'
'; } return $sCode; } /* Show submit form * @param array $aActions - array of all action variable * @return $sCode - html output */ function showSubmitForm($aAction) { $iFile = (int)$aAction['fileID']; $sAction = htmlspecialchars_adv($aAction['action']); if ($iFile && strlen($sAction) > 0) { switch ($sAction) { case 'share' : $sAddr = '
'._t("_Enter email(s)").':
'; $sSites = '
'; break; case 'report': $sAddr = ''; $sSites = ''; break; } ob_start(); ?>
'digg.png', 'link'=>''.$sLink ), array( 'image'=>'delicious.png', 'link' =>''.$sLink ), array( 'image'=>'blinklist.png', 'link' =>''.$sLink ), array( 'image'=>'furl.png', 'link' =>''.$sLink ), array( 'image'=>'netscape.gif', 'link' =>''.$sLink ), array( 'image'=>'newsvine.png', 'link' =>''.$sLink ), array( 'image'=>'reddit.png', 'link' =>''.$sLink ), array( 'image'=>'shadows.png', 'link' =>''.$sLink ), array( 'image'=>'slashdot.png', 'link' =>''.$sLink ), array( 'image'=>'sphere.png', 'link' =>''.$sLink ), array( 'image'=>'stumbleupon.png', 'link' =>''.$sLink ), array( 'image'=>'technorati.png', 'link' =>''.$sLink ) ); $sLink = ''; foreach ($aSites as $iKey =>$aVal) { $sLinkCur = str_replace('{Image}', getTemplateIcon($aVal['image']),$sLink); $sLinkCur = str_replace('{Link}', $aVal['link'],$sLinkCur); $sCode .= $sLinkCur; } $sCode .= '
'; return $sCode; } /* Get array of sql parts, total pages, current page, per page * @param array $logged - array of logins * @return array('query'(sql query),'total' (totalpages), 'per_page' (in 1 page), 'cur_page' (current page num)) */ function getConditionArray($logged) { $aWhere = array(); $aWhere[] = '1'; $iUser = 0; if (isset($_GET['ownerName'])) { $sName = process_db_input($_GET['ownerName']); $iUser = (int)db_value("SELECT `ID` FROM `Profiles` WHERE `NickName`='$sName'"); } elseif (isset($_GET['userID'])) $iUser = (int)$_GET['userID']; if ($iUser) $aWhere[] = "`{$this->sMainTable}`.`{$this->aTableFields['medProfId']}`=$iUser"; if (isset($_GET['tag'])) { $sTag = htmlspecialchars_adv($_GET['tag']); $aWhere[] = "`{$this->sMainTable}`.`{$this->aTableFields['medTags']}` like '%$sTag%'"; } if (isset($_GET['action'])) { $sAct = htmlspecialchars_adv($_GET['action']); switch ($sAct) { case 'fav': $sAddon = $this->getFavoriteCondition($this->iViewer); break; case 'del': $sAddon = ''; if (isset($_GET['fileID'])) $this->deleteMedia($_GET['fileID'], $logged); break; } } $aSqlQuery['sqlWhere'] = "WHERE " . implode( ' AND ', $aWhere ).$sAddon." AND `Approved`= 'true'"; $iTotalNum = db_value( "SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM `{$this->sMainTable}` {$aSqlQuery['sqlWhere']}" ); if (!$iTotalNum) return false; $iPerPage = (int)$_GET['per_page']; if (!$iPerPage) $iPerPage = 10; $iTotalPages = ceil( $iTotalNum / $iPerPage ); $iCurPage = (int)$_GET['page']; if ($iCurPage > $iTotalPages) $iCurPage = $iTotalPages; if ($iCurPage < 1) $iCurPage = 1; $sLimitFrom = ( $iCurPage - 1 ) * $iPerPage; $aSqlQuery['sqlLimit'] = "LIMIT $sLimitFrom, $iPerPage"; $aSqlQuery['sqlOrder'] = 'ORDER BY `medDate` DESC'; if (isset($_GET['rate'])) { $oVotingView = new BxTemplVotingView ('g'.$this->sType, 0, 0); $aSql = $oVotingView->getSqlParts('`'.$this->sMainTable.'`', '`'.$this->aTableFields['medID'].'`'); $sHow = $_GET['rate'] == 'top' ? "DESC" : "ASC"; $aSqlQuery['sqlOrder'] = $oVotingView->isEnabled() ? "ORDER BY `voting_rate` $sHow, `voting_count` $sHow, `medDate` $sHow" : $aSqlQuery['sqlOrder'] ; $aSqlQuery['rateFields'] = $aSql['fields']; $aSqlQuery['rateJoin'] = $aSql['join']; } return array('query'=>$aSqlQuery, 'total'=>$iTotalPages, 'per_page'=>$iPerPage, 'cur_page'=>$iCurPage); } /* Display media edit form * @param int $iFile - file ID * @return string $sCode - html output */ function displayMediaEditForm($iFile) { $iFile = (int)$iFile; $sqlQuery = "SELECT "; $sTempl = '
'; $sLine = ''; foreach ($this->aEditInfo as $sKey => $sVal) { $sqlQuery .= "`{$this->aTableFields[$sKey]}`,"; if ($sKey != 'medProfId' && $sKey != 'medUri') { $sHead = str_replace('__Key__', _t('_'.$sVal), $sTempl); $sPatt = $sKey != 'medDesc' ? '' : '' ; $sMain = str_replace('__Key__', $sPatt, $sTempl); $sLine .= $sHead.$sMain; } } $sqlQuery = trim($sqlQuery, ','). "FROM `{$this->sMainTable}` WHERE `{$this->aTableFields['medID']}`='$iFile'"; $aData = db_arr($sqlQuery); if ($aData[$this->aTableFields['medProfId']] != $this->iViewer) exit; foreach ($this->aEditInfo as $sKey => $sVal) $sLine = str_replace($sKey.'Val', $aData[$this->aTableFields[$sKey]], $sLine); ob_start(); ?>
sMainTable` SET "; foreach ($this->aEditInfo as $sKey => $sVal) { switch ($sKey) { case 'medProfId': break; case 'medUri' : break; default: $sInput = addslashes(clear_xss(trim(process_pass_data($_POST[$sKey])))); $sqlQuery .= "`{$this->aTableFields[$sKey]}` = '$sInput',"; } } $sqlQuery = rtrim($sqlQuery,',')." WHERE `{$this->aTableFields['medID']}` = '$iFile' AND `{$this->aTableFields['medProfId']}`='{$this->iViewer}'"; db_res($sqlQuery); if (!mysql_affected_rows()) exit; } } ?>