sPageName = $sPageName; if( !$this -> load() ) return false; $this -> getViewerInfo(); $this -> checkAjaxMode(); } function checkAjaxMode() { if( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] ) and $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] == 'XMLHttpRequest' ) $this -> bAjaxMode = true; } function load() { $sCacheFile = BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . 'db_cached/'; if( !file_exists( $sCacheFile ) ) { echo '
Warning PageView cache not found'; return false; } $sCache = @file_get_contents( $sCacheFile ); if( !strlen( $sCache ) ) { echo '
Warning! PageView cache cannot be loaded. Please recompile.'; return false; } $aCache = @eval( $sCache ); if( !$aCache ) { echo '
Warning! PageView cache cannot be evaluated. Please recompile.'; return false; } if( !array_key_exists( $this -> sPageName, $aCache ) ) { echo '
Warning! The page not found in PageView cache.'; return false; } $this -> aPage = $aCache[ $this->sPageName ]; //echoDbg( $this -> aPage ); return true; } function getViewerInfo() { global $logged; if( $logged['member'] ) { $this -> sWhoViews = 'memb'; $this -> iMemberID = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID']; } } function gen() { global $_page_cont, $_ni; if( !$this -> aPage ) return false; $this -> genColumnsHeader(); $_page_cont[$_ni]['main_div_width'] = $this -> aPage['Width']; foreach( array_keys( $this -> aPage['Columns'] ) as $iColumn ) $this -> genColumn( $iColumn ); $this -> genColumnsFooter(); } function genOnlyBlock( $iBlockID ) { if( !$iBlockID ) return false; // search block foreach( array_keys( $this -> aPage['Columns'] ) as $iColumn ) { $aColumn = $this -> aPage['Columns'][ $iColumn ]; if( !$aColumn ) return false; foreach( $aColumn['Blocks'] as $iMyBlockID => $aBlock ) if( $iBlockID == $iMyBlockID ) { $this -> genBlock( $iMyBlockID, $aBlock, false ); return true; } } return false; } function getCode() { if( !$this -> bAjaxMode ) $this -> gen(); else { $this -> genOnlyBlock( (int)$_REQUEST['pageBlock'] ); echo $this -> sCode; exit; } return $this -> sCode; } //for customizability function genColumnsHeader() { } //for customizability function genColumnsFooter() { } function genColumn( $iColumn ) { $aColumn = $this -> aPage['Columns'][ $iColumn ]; if( !$aColumn ) return false; $this -> genColumnHeader( $iColumn, $aColumn['Width'] ); foreach( $aColumn['Blocks'] as $iBlockID => $aBlock ) $this -> genBlock( $iBlockID, $aBlock ); $this -> genColumnFooter( $iColumn ); } function getBlockCode_Topest($iColumn) { return ''; } function genColumnHeader( $iColumn, $iColumnWidth ) { if( $iColumn == 1 ) $sAddClass = ' page_column_first'; elseif( $iColumn == count( $this -> aPage['Columns'] ) ) $sAddClass = ' page_column_last'; else $sAddClass = ''; $this -> sCode .= '
'; $sBlockFunction = 'getBlockCode_Topest'; $this -> sCode .= $this -> $sBlockFunction($iColumn); } function genColumnFooter( $iColumn ) { $this -> sCode .= '
'; } function genBlock( $iBlockID, $aBlock, $bAddWrapper = true ) { if( !$this -> isBlockVisible( $aBlock['Visible'] ) ) return false; $sBlockFunction = 'getBlockCode_' . $aBlock['Func']; $mBlockCode = ''; if( method_exists( $this, $sBlockFunction ) ) $mBlockCode = $this -> $sBlockFunction( $iBlockID, $aBlock['Content'] ); // $sBlockFunction can return simple string or array with two values: // 0 - content, 1 - array of caption links, 2 - bottom links $sCaptionCode = ''; $sBottomCode = ''; if( is_array( $mBlockCode ) ) { $sBlockCode = $mBlockCode[0]; $sCaptionCode = $this -> getBlockCaptionItemCode( $iBlockID, $mBlockCode[1] ); if( is_array( $mBlockCode[2] ) ) $sBottomCode = $this -> getBlockBottomCode( $iBlockID, $mBlockCode[2] ); } elseif( is_string( $mBlockCode ) ) { $sBlockCode = $mBlockCode; } else $sBlockCode = false; if( !$sBlockCode ) return false; $this -> sCode .= ( $bAddWrapper ? '
' : '' ) . DesignBoxContent( _t( $aBlock['Caption'] ), $sBlockCode . $sBottomCode, $aBlock['DesignBox'], $sCaptionCode ) . ( $bAddWrapper ? '
' : '' ); } function isBlockVisible( $sVisible ) { if( strpos( $sVisible, $this -> sWhoViews ) === false ) return false; else return true; } function getBlockCaptionItemCode( $iBlockID, $aLinks ) { $sCode = '
'; foreach( $aLinks as $sTitle => $aLink ) { $sTitle = htmlspecialchars_adv( _t( $sTitle ) ); if( $aLink['active'] ) { $sCode .= '
' . $sTitle .'
'; } else { $sTarget = $aLink['target'] ? ( ' target="' . $aLink['target'] . '"' ) : ''; $sOnclick = $aLink['dynamic'] ? ( ' onclick="return !loadDynamicBlock(' . $iBlockID . ', this.href);"' ) : ''; $sCode .= '
' . $sTitle . '
'; } } $sCode .= '
'; return $sCode; } function getBlockBottomCode( $iBlockID, $aLinks ) { $sCode = '
'; foreach( $aLinks as $sTitle => $aLink ) { $sTitle = htmlspecialchars_adv( $sTitle ); $sClass = $aLink['class'] ? $aLink['class'] : 'moreMembers'; if( $aLink['active'] ) { $sCode .= <<$sTitle BLAH; } else { $sTarget = $aLink['target'] ? ( 'target="' . $aLink['target'] . '"' ) : ''; $sOnclick = $aLink['dynamic'] ? ( 'onclick="return !loadDynamicBlock(' . $iBlockID . ', this.href);"' ) : ''; $sCode .= <<$sTitle BLAH; } } $sCode .= '
'; return $sCode; } /* * * * Page Blocks * * * */ /** * members statistic block */ function getBlockCode_MemberStat() { return getSiteStatUser(); } function getBlockCode_Echo( $iBlockID, $sContent ) { return $sContent; } function getBlockCode_PHP( $iBlockID, $sContent ) { ob_start(); eval($sContent); return ob_get_clean(); } function getBlockCode_RSS( $iBlockID, $sContent ) { global $tmpl; global $logged; //echoDbg( $this ); list( $sUrl, $iNum ) = explode( '#', $sContent ); $iNum = (int)$iNum; //echo $this -> oProfileV -> _iProfileID . 'zzzz '; if( isset( $this -> oProfileV -> _iProfileID ) ) $iAddID = $this -> oProfileV -> _iProfileID; elseif( $logged['member'] ) $iAddID = $_COOKIE['memberID']; else $iAddID = 0; $sCode = '
' . _t( '_loading ...' ) . '
'; return $sCode; } function getBlockCode_Shoutbox() { $sPassword = getPassword( $this -> iMemberID ); return getApplicationContent('shoutbox', 'user', array('id' => $this -> iMemberID, 'password' => $sPassword), true); } function getBlockCode_SiteStats() { return getSiteStatUser(); } }