aColNames = array ( 1 => array( 'Page' => 'Join', 'Order' => 'JoinOrder', 'Block' => 'JoinBlock', 'ShowSysItems' => 'Couple,Captcha,TermsOfUse', 'EditAdd' => array( 'JoinPage' ) ), 2 => array( 'Page' => 'Edit', 'Order' => 'EditOwnOrder', 'Block' => 'EditOwnBlock' ), 3 => array( 'Page' => 'Edit', 'Order' => 'EditAdmOrder', 'Block' => 'EditAdmBlock', 'ShowSysItems' => 'Featured,Status,Membership' ), 4 => array( 'Page' => 'Edit', 'Order' => 'EditModOrder', 'Block' => 'EditModBlock', 'ShowSysItems' => 'Featured,Status,Membership' ), 5 => array( 'Page' => 'View', 'Order' => 'ViewAdmOrder', 'Block' => 'ViewAdmBlock', 'ShowSysItems' => 'ID,DateReg,DateLastEdit,DateLastLogin,Status' ), 6 => array( 'Page' => 'View', 'Order' => 'ViewMembOrder', 'Block' => 'ViewMembBlock', 'ShowSysItems' => 'ID,DateReg,DateLastEdit,DateLastLogin,Status' ), 7 => array( 'Page' => 'View', 'Order' => 'ViewModOrder', 'Block' => 'ViewModBlock', 'ShowSysItems' => 'ID,DateReg,DateLastEdit,DateLastLogin,Status' ), 8 => array( 'Page' => 'View', 'Order' => 'ViewVisOrder', 'Block' => 'ViewVisBlock', 'ShowSysItems' => 'ID,DateReg,DateLastEdit,DateLastLogin,Status' ), 9 => array( 'Page' => 'Search', 'Order' => 'SearchSimpleOrder', 'Block' => 'SearchSimpleBlock', 'EditAdd' => array( 'SearchParams' ), 'ShowSysItems' => 'ID,Keyword,Location,Couple' ), 10 => array( 'Page' => 'Search', 'Order' => 'SearchQuickOrder', 'Block' => 'SearchQuickBlock', 'EditAdd' => array( 'SearchParams' ), 'ShowSysItems' => 'ID,Keyword,Location,Couple' ), 11 => array( 'Page' => 'Search', 'Order' => 'SearchAdvOrder', 'Block' => 'SearchAdvBlock', 'EditAdd' => array( 'SearchParams' ), 'ShowSysItems' => 'ID,Keyword,Location,Couple' ), ); $this -> sLinkPref = '#!'; //prefix for values links $this -> aTypes = array( 'text' => 'Text', 'area' => 'TextArea', 'pass' => 'Password', 'date' => 'Date', 'select_one' => 'Selector', 'select_set' => 'Multiple Selector', 'num' => 'Number', 'range' => 'Range', 'bool' => 'Boolean (checkbox)' ); //altering table properties $this -> aTypesAlter = array( 'text' => "varchar(255) NOT NULL {default}", 'area' => "text NOT NULL", 'pass' => "varchar(32) NOT NULL", 'date' => "date NOT NULL {default}", 'select_one' => "enum({values})", 'select_one_linked' => "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''", 'select_set' => "set({values}) NOT NULL default ''", 'select_set_linked' => "set({values}) NOT NULL default ''", 'num' => "int(10) unsigned NOT NULL {default}", 'range' => "varchar(255) NOT NULL {default}", 'bool' => "tinyint(1) NOT NULL {default}" ); $this -> iAreaID = (int)$iArea; if( !( $this -> iAreaID > 0 and isset( $this -> aColNames[$this -> iAreaID] ) ) ) return false; // retrieve default language $sLangDfl = addslashes( getParam('lang_default') ); $sQuery = "SELECT `ID` FROM `LocalizationLanguages` WHERE `Name` = '$sLangDfl'"; $this -> sLangID = (int)db_value( $sQuery ); if( !$this -> sLangID ) return print 'Cannot continue. Default language not found.'; $this -> areaPageName = $this -> aColNames[$this -> iAreaID]['Page']; $this -> areaOrderCol = $this -> aColNames[$this -> iAreaID]['Order']; $this -> areaBlockCol = $this -> aColNames[$this -> iAreaID]['Block']; $this -> areaSysItems = $this -> aColNames[$this -> iAreaID]['ShowSysItems']; $this -> areaEditAddCols = $this -> aColNames[$this -> iAreaID]['EditAdd']; $this -> aBlocks = array(); $this -> aItems = array(); $this -> aBlocksInac = array(); $this -> aItemsInac = array(); } function genJSON() { $this -> fillMyArrays(); $this -> oJSONObject = new BxDolPFMAreaJSONObj( $this ); $oJSONConv = new Services_JSON(); return $oJSONConv -> encode( $this -> oJSONObject ); } function fillMyArrays() { //collect active fields //blocks $sBlocksQuery = " SELECT `ID`, `Name` FROM `ProfileFields` WHERE `{$this -> areaOrderCol}` IS NOT NULL AND `Type` = 'block' ORDER BY `{$this -> areaOrderCol}` "; $rBlocks = db_res( $sBlocksQuery ); while( $aBlock = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rBlocks ) ) { $iBlockID = $aBlock['ID']; $this -> aBlocks[ $iBlockID ] = $aBlock['Name']; //get items of this block $sItemsQuery = " SELECT `ID`, `Name` FROM `ProfileFields` WHERE `Type` != 'block' AND `{$this -> areaOrderCol}` IS NOT NULL AND `{$this -> areaBlockCol}` = $iBlockID AND ( `Type` != 'system' OR ( `Type` = 'system' AND FIND_IN_SET( `Name`, '{$this -> areaSysItems}' ) ) ) ORDER BY `{$this -> areaOrderCol}` "; $rItems = db_res( $sItemsQuery ); while( $aItem = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rItems ) ) $this -> aItems[ $aItem['ID'] ] = array( $aItem['Name'], $iBlockID ); } //collect inactive fields //blocks $sBlocksInacQuery = " SELECT `ID`, `Name` FROM `ProfileFields` WHERE `{$this -> areaOrderCol}` IS NULL AND `Type` = 'block' "; $rBlocksInac = db_res( $sBlocksInacQuery ); while( $aBlock = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rBlocksInac ) ) $this -> aBlocksInac[ $aBlock['ID'] ] = $aBlock['Name']; //items $sActiveBlocksList = implode( ',', array_keys( $this -> aBlocks ) ); if( $sActiveBlocksList == '' ) $sActiveBlocksList = "NULL"; $sItemsInacQuery = " SELECT `ID`, `Name` FROM `ProfileFields` WHERE `Type` != 'block' AND ( `{$this -> areaBlockCol}` = 0 OR `{$this -> areaBlockCol}` NOT IN ($sActiveBlocksList) ) AND ( `Type` != 'system' OR ( `Type` = 'system' AND FIND_IN_SET( `Name`, '{$this -> areaSysItems}' ) ) ) "; $rItemsInac = db_res( $sItemsInacQuery ); while( $aItem = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rItemsInac ) ) $this -> aItemsInac[ $aItem['ID'] ] = $aItem['Name']; //echoDbg( $this );exit; } function savePositions( $aInArrays ) { db_res( "UPDATE `ProfileFields` SET `{$this -> areaOrderCol}` = NULL" ); db_res( "UPDATE `ProfileFields` SET `{$this -> areaBlockCol}` = 0" ); if( is_array( $aInArrays['blocks'] ) ) { foreach( $aInArrays['blocks'] as $iBlockID ) { $iBlockID = (int)$iBlockID; $iBlockOrd = (int)db_value( " SELECT MAX( `{$this -> areaOrderCol}` ) FROM `ProfileFields` WHERE `Type` = 'block' " ) + 1; db_res( " UPDATE `ProfileFields` SET `{$this -> areaOrderCol}` = $iBlockOrd WHERE `ID` = $iBlockID " ); } if( is_array( $aInArrays['items'] ) and is_array( $aInArrays['items_blocks'] ) ) { foreach( $aInArrays['items'] as $iItemID ) { $iItemID = (int)$iItemID; $iItemBlockID = (int)$aInArrays['items_blocks'][$iItemID]; if( in_array( $iItemBlockID, $aInArrays['blocks'] ) ) { $iItemOrd = db_value( " SELECT MAX( `{$this -> areaOrderCol}` ) FROM `ProfileFields` WHERE `Type` != 'block' AND `{$this -> areaBlockCol}` = $iItemBlockID " ) + 1; db_res( " UPDATE `ProfileFields` SET `{$this -> areaOrderCol}` = $iItemOrd, `{$this -> areaBlockCol}` = $iItemBlockID WHERE `ID` = $iItemID " ); } } } } echo 'OK'; } function genFieldEditForm( $iItemID ) { $sQuery = " SELECT `Name`, `Type`, `Control`, `Extra`, `Min`, `Max`, `Values`, `UseLKey`, `Check`, `Unique`, `Default`, `Mandatory`, `Deletable`, `MatchField`, `MatchPercent`" . ( $this -> areaEditAddCols ? ( ', `' . implode( '`, `', $this -> areaEditAddCols ) . '`' ) : '' ) . " FROM `ProfileFields` WHERE `ID` = $iItemID"; $aField = db_assoc_arr( $sQuery ); if( !$aField ) { echo 'Error. Field not found'; return; } // field title and description $this -> fieldCaption = "_FieldCaption_{$aField['Name']}_{$this -> areaPageName}"; // _FieldCaption_Sex_Join $this -> fieldDesc = "_FieldDesc_{$aField['Name']}_{$this -> areaPageName}"; // _FieldDesc_Sex_Join $this -> showFormTabs = ( $aField['Type'] != 'block' and $aField['Type'] != 'system' ); ?> showFormTabs ) { ?>
iAreaID == 1 ) { //Join ?>
Name: /> getInfoIcon( 'System name used for database. It must begin with a latin letter and contain only latin letters, numbers or underscores.'); else echo ' '; ?>
Caption: getInfoIcon( "Translation of the item caption on the {$this -> areaPageName} page to default language. Used key: {$this -> fieldCaption}. Do not type HTML code here!" ) ?>
Description: getInfoIcon( "Translation of the item description on the {$this -> areaPageName} page to default language. Used key: {$this -> fieldDesc}." ) ?>
Join Page: getJoinPagesSelector( $aField['JoinPage'] ) ?>  
Search in fields: getInfoIcon( 'Select fields in which the Keyword will be able to search. Use Ctrl key to select few fields.' ) ?>
Mutual couple fields: getInfoIcon( 'Select fields which will be used as mutual for both persons in a couple. Use Ctrl key to select few fields.
Note: NickName, Password and Email are mandatory mutual.' ) ?>
showFormTabs ) { $this -> genFormAdvTab( $aField ); $this -> genFormMiscTab( $aField ); $this -> genFormMatchTab( $aField ); } ?>
$sValue ) $aSelected[$iKey] = trim( $sValue ); switch( $sType ) { case 'Keyword': $sWhere = "`Type` = 'text' OR `Type` = 'area'"; break; case 'Couple' : $sWhere = "`Type` != 'block' AND `Type` != 'system' AND `Deletable` = 1"; break; default : $sWhere = "0"; } $sQuery = "SELECT `Name` FROM `ProfileFields` WHERE $sWhere"; $rFields = db_res( $sQuery ); $sRet = ''; while( $aField = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rFields ) ) { $sRet .= ''; } return $sRet; } function getJoinPagesSelector( $iCurrent ) { $sQuery = "SELECT MAX( `JoinPage` ) FROM `ProfileFields`"; $iMaxPage = (int)db_value( $sQuery ); $sRet = ''; return $sRet; } function genFormMatchTab( $aField ) { $aForm = array( 'MatchField' => array( 'label' => 'Match with field', 'type' => 'select', 'info' => 'Select a field which will be matched with the current.
Note: We recommend using the same field.', 'value' => $aField['MatchField'], 'values' => $this -> getMatchFields( $aField ) ), 'MatchPercent' => array( 'label' => 'Match percent', 'type' => 'text', 'info' => 'Enter percentage that this field will match', 'value' => $aField['MatchPercent'] ) ); $this -> genTableEdit( $aForm, 'f4' ); } function getMatchFields( $aField ) { $aSelectFields = array( $aField['Type'] ); switch( $aField['Type'] ) { case 'select_set': $aSelectFields[] = 'select_one'; break; case 'select_one': $aSelectFields[] = 'select_set'; break; case 'range': $aSelectFields[] = 'num'; $aSelectFields[] = 'date'; break; } $sQuery = "SELECT `ID`, `Name` FROM `ProfileFields` WHERE FIND_IN_SET( `Type`, '" . implode( ',', $aSelectFields ) . "' )"; $rMyFields = db_res( $sQuery ); $aMyFields = array( '0' => '-Not set-' ); while( $aMyField = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rMyFields ) ) { $aMyFields[ $aMyField['ID'] ] = $aMyField['Name']; } return $aMyFields; } function genFormAdvTab( $aField ) { $aForm = array( 'Control_one' => array( 'label' => 'Selector control', 'type' => 'select', 'info' => 'The type of form input (HTML-element).', 'value' => $aField['Control'], 'row_id' => 'field_control_select_one', 'values' => array( 'select' => 'Select (Dropdown box)', 'radio' => 'Radio-buttons' ) ), 'Control_set' => array( 'label' => 'Multiple selector control', 'type' => 'select', 'info' => 'The type of form input (HTML-element).', 'value' => $aField['Control'], 'row_id' => 'field_control_select_set', 'values' => array( 'select' => 'Select (Box)', 'checkbox' => 'Checkboxes' ) ), 'Mandatory' => array( 'label' => 'Mandatory', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'info' => 'Red asterisk indicates a field which requires a mandatory entry.', 'value' => $aField['Mandatory'] ), 'Min' => array( 'label' => 'Minimum value', 'type' => 'text', 'info' => 'For "text" or "password" - minimum length, for "number" - minimum number, etc. Leave it empty for no restriction.', 'value' => $aField['Min'], 'row_id' => 'field_minimum' ), 'Max' => array( 'label' => 'Maximum value', 'type' => 'text', 'info' => 'For "text" or "password" - maximum length, for "number" - maximum number, etc. Leave it empty for no restriction.', 'value' => $aField['Max'], 'row_id' => 'field_maximum' ), 'Unique' => array( 'label' => 'Unique', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'info' => 'Define if field value for member must be unique. For example, NickName or Email.', 'value' => $aField['Unique'], 'row_id' => 'field_unique' ), 'Check' => array( 'label' => 'Check', 'type' => 'textarea', 'info' => 'Some specific check (PHP-expression). For example, for checking Email, etc. Attention! Do not put here min/max/unique checks. They are defined above.', 'value' => $aField['Check'], 'row_id' => 'field_check' ), 'Values' => array( 'label' => 'Possible values', 'type' => 'values', 'info' => 'List of possible values for selectors. Use new line as divider. Also it can be link to predefined list. Please do not change it if in doubt!', 'value' => $aField['Values'], 'row_id' => 'field_values' ), 'UseLKey' => array( 'label' => 'Used lang. key', 'type' => 'select', 'info' => 'For selectors with "linked" values list you can use different language keys. We recommend to not change it if you are in doubt. The default is "LKey".', 'value' => $aField['UseLKey'], 'row_id' => 'field_lkey', 'values' => array( 'LKey' => 'LKey', 'LKey2' => 'LKey2', 'LKey3' => 'LKey3', ) ), 'Default' => array( 'label' => 'Default value', 'type' => 'text', 'info' => 'Default value set into database(!) if not set by user. Non-mandatory. For boolean fields use 0 or 1. For dates use format: YYYY-MM-DD. Please do not change it if in doubt!', 'value' => $aField['Default'], 'row_id' => 'field_default' ) ); $this -> genTableEdit( $aForm, 'f2' ); } function genTableEdit( $aForm, $sID = '' ) { ?> > $aInput ) { ?> >
: /> sLinkPref ) { //it is link $sLink = substr( $aInput['value'], 2 ); ?> Change getInfoIcon( $aInput['info'] ) ?>
array( 'label' => 'Mandatory error message', 'type' => 'textarea', 'info' => 'Error message returned if user didn\'t specify value when field is mandatory. Translated to default language (for other languages - use key: _FieldError_' . $aField['Name'] . '_Mandatory). This texts is non-mandatory field is non-mandatory.', 'value' => $this -> getLangString( "_FieldError_{$aField['Name']}_Mandatory" ), /*'row_id' => 'field_mandatory_msg'*/ ), 'Min_msg' => array( 'label' => 'Minimum exceed error message', 'type' => 'textarea', 'info' => 'Error message returned when field minimum limit exceeded. Translated to default language (for other languages - use key: _FieldError_' . $aField['Name'] . '_Min). Non-mandatory if minimum limit is not defined.', 'value' => $this -> getLangString( "_FieldError_{$aField['Name']}_Min" ), 'row_id' => 'field_minimum_msg' ), 'Max_msg' => array( 'label' => 'Maximum exceed error message', 'type' => 'textarea', 'info' => 'Error message returned when field maximum limit exceeded. Translated to default language (for other languages - use key: _FieldError_' . $aField['Name'] . '_Max). Non-mandatory if maximum limit is not defined.', 'value' => $this -> getLangString( "_FieldError_{$aField['Name']}_Max" ), 'row_id' => 'field_maximum_msg' ), 'Unique_msg' => array( 'label' => 'Non-unique error message', 'type' => 'textarea', 'info' => 'Error message returned if user entered non-unique value. Translated to default language (for other languages - use key: _FieldError_' . $aField['Name'] . '_Unique). Non-mandatory if Unique is not set.', 'value' => $this -> getLangString( "_FieldError_{$aField['Name']}_Unique" ), 'row_id' => 'field_unique_msg' ), 'Check_msg' => array( 'label' => 'Check error message', 'type' => 'textarea', 'info' => 'Error message returned if field Check is failed (for other languages - use key: _FieldError_' . $aField['Name'] . '_Check). Translated to default language. Non-mandatory if Check is not defined.', 'value' => $this -> getLangString( "_FieldError_{$aField['Name']}_Check" ), 'row_id' => 'field_check_msg' ) ); $this -> genTableEdit( $aForm, 'f3' ); } function getInfoIcon( $sText ) { return ' '; } function getTypeOptions( $sActive ) { $sRet = ''; foreach( $this -> aTypes as $sKey => $sValue ) { $sRet .= ''; } return $sRet; } function getLangString( $sKey ) { if( $sKey == '' ) return ''; $sKey_db = addslashes( $sKey ); $sString_db = addslashes( $sString ); $sQuery = "SELECT `ID` FROM `LocalizationKeys` WHERE `Key` = '$sKey_db'"; $iKeyID = (int)db_value( $sQuery ); if( !$iKeyID ) return ''; $sQuery = " SELECT `String` FROM `LocalizationStrings` WHERE `IDKey` = $iKeyID AND `IDLanguage` = {$this -> sLangID}"; return (string)db_value( $sQuery ); } function saveItem( $aData ) { $this -> genSaveItemHeader(); $this -> isHaveErrors = false; //echoDbg( $aData ); $iItemID = (int)$aData['id']; $aItem = db_assoc_arr( "SELECT * FROM `ProfileFields` WHERE `ID` = $iItemID" ); if( !$aItem ) { $this -> genSaveItemError( 'Warning! Field not found.' ); $this -> genSaveItemFooter(); return false; } // just a flag $bHaveErrors = false; // this array will be put into db $aUpdate = array(); // check name if( $aItem['Type'] != 'system' and $aItem['Deletable'] ) { //we can change the name $sName = trim( strip_tags( process_pass_data( $aData['Name'] ) ) ); if( $sName === '' ) { $this -> genSaveItemError( 'You must enter the name.', 'Name' ); $bHaveErrors = true; } elseif( $aItem['Type'] != 'block' and !preg_match( '/^[a-z][a-z0-9_]*$/i', $sName ) ) { $this -> genSaveItemError( 'The name must begin with a latin letter and contain only latin letters, numbers or underscores.', 'Name' ); $bHaveErrors = true; } elseif( db_value( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ProfileFields` WHERE `Name` = '$sName' and `ID` != $iItemID" ) ) { $this -> genSaveItemError( 'A field with such name already exists. Please select another.', 'Name' ); $bHaveErrors = true; } elseif( $sName == $aItem['Name'] ) { // all ok. don't change } else $aUpdate['Name'] = $sName; //change } $sNewName = isset( $aUpdate['Name'] ) ? $aUpdate['Name'] : $aItem['Name']; $this -> fieldCaption = "_FieldCaption_{$sNewName}_{$this -> areaPageName}"; // _FieldCaption_Sex_Join $this -> fieldDesc = "_FieldDesc_{$sNewName}_{$this -> areaPageName}"; // _FieldDesc_Sex_Join // check Caption $sCaption = trim( process_pass_data( $aData['Caption'] ) ); if( $sCaption === '' ) { $this -> genSaveItemError( 'You must enter the caption.', 'Caption' ); $bHaveErrors = true; } elseif( $this -> getLangString( $this -> fieldCaption ) == $sCaption ) { // all ok dont change } else $this -> updateLangString( $this -> fieldCaption, $sCaption ); // check Description $sDesc = trim( process_pass_data( $aData['Desc'] ) ); if( $this -> getLangString( $this -> fieldDesc ) != $sDesc ) $this -> updateLangString( $this -> fieldDesc, $sDesc ); // check type if( $aItem['Type'] != 'system' and $aItem['Type'] != 'block' ) { //we can change the type $sType = trim( strip_tags( process_pass_data( $aData['Type'] ) ) ); if( !isset( $this -> aTypes[$sType] ) ) { $this -> genSaveItemError( 'I don\'t know this type.', 'Type' ); $bHaveErrors = true; } elseif( $sType == $aItem['Type'] ) { // all ok. don't change } else $aUpdate['Type'] = $sType; //change // check the additional properties if( !$bHaveErrors ) { // do not continue if have errors // check selectors controls if( $sType == 'select_one' ) { if( $aData['Control_one'] == $aItem['Control'] ) { //all ok } elseif( $aData['Control_one'] == 'select' or $aData['Control_one'] == 'radio' ) { $aUpdate['Control'] = $aData['Control_one']; } else { $this -> genSaveItemError( 'I don\'t know this control type.', 'Control_one' ); $bHaveErrors = true; } } elseif( $sType == 'select_set' ) { if( $aData['Control_set'] == $aItem['Control'] ) { //all ok } elseif( $aData['Control_set'] == 'select' or $aData['Control_set'] == 'checkbox' ) { $aUpdate['Control'] = $aData['Control_set']; } else { $this -> genSaveItemError( 'I don\'t know this control type.', 'Control_set' ); $bHaveErrors = true; } } else $aUpdate['Control'] = ''; //check Min $iMin = trim( $aData['Min'] ); if( $iMin === '' or $sType == 'bool' or $sType == 'select_one' or $sType == 'select_set' ) $iMin = null; else { $iMin = (int)$iMin; if( $sType == 'area' and $iMin > 65534 ) $iMin = 65535; elseif( $sType != 'area' and $iMin > 254 ) $iMin = 65535; elseif( $iMin < 0 ) $iMin = 0; } $aUpdate['Min'] = $iMin; //check Max $iMax = trim( $aData['Max'] ); if( $iMax === '' or $sType == 'bool' or $sType == 'select_one' or $sType == 'select_set' ) $iMax = null; else { $iMax = (int)$iMax; if( $sType == 'area' and $iMax > 65534 ) $iMax = 65535; elseif( $sType != 'area' and $iMax > 254 ) $iMax = 65535; elseif( $iMax < 0 ) $iMax = 0; } $aUpdate['Max'] = $iMax; // set min and max search age if( $sNewName == 'DateOfBirth' ) $this -> setMinMaxAge( ( $iMin ? $iMin : 18 ), ( $iMax ? $iMax : 75 ) ); //check Check :) if( $sType == 'select_one' or $sType == 'select_set' or $sType == 'bool' ) $aUpdate['Check'] = ''; else { $sCheck = trim( process_pass_data( $aData['Check'] ) ); if( $aItem['Check'] != $sCheck ) $aUpdate['Check'] = $sCheck; } //Unique $aUpdate['Unique'] = ( isset( $aData['Unique'] ) and $aData['Unique'] == 'yes' and ( $sType == 'text' or $sType == 'area' or $sType == 'num' ) ) ? 1 : 0; //Mandatory $aUpdate['Mandatory'] = ( isset( $aData['Mandatory'] ) and $aData['Mandatory'] == 'yes' ) ? 1 : 0; //check Values if( $sType == 'select_one' or $sType == 'select_set' ) { $sValues = trim( strip_tags( process_pass_data( $aData['Values'] ) ) ); $sValues = str_replace( "\r", "\n", $sValues ); // for mac $sValues = str_replace( "\n\n", "\n", $sValues ); // for win ; // for *nix ;) if( $sValues === '' ) { $this -> genSaveItemError( 'You must enter values', 'Values' ); $bHaveErrors = true; } elseif( $sValues != $aItem['Values'] ) { if( substr( $sValues, 0, 2 ) == $this -> sLinkPref and !$this -> checkValuesLink( substr( $sValues, 2 ) ) ) { $this -> genSaveItemError( 'You entered incorrect link', 'Values' ); $bHaveErrors = true; } else $aUpdate['Values'] = $sValues; } // get LKey $sUseLKey = trim( process_pass_data( $aData['UseLKey'] ) ); if( !$sUseLKey ) $sUseLKey = 'LKey'; $aUpdate['UseLKey'] = $sUseLKey; if( substr( $sValues, 0, 2 ) != $this -> sLinkPref ) { // if not a link //Add Lang key for each value: _FieldValue_Example $aValues2LF = explode("\n", $sValues); foreach ( $aValues2LF as $sValues2LF ) { $sLFKey = '_FieldValues_' . $sValues2LF; $sLFValue = $sValues2LF; //print "{$sLFKey}
"; if( $this -> getLangString( $sLFKey ) != $sLFValue ) $this -> updateLangString( $sLFKey, $sLFValue ); } } } elseif( $aItem['Values'] != '' ) $aUpdate['Values'] = ''; if( !$bHaveErrors ) { //Default switch( $sType ) { case 'text': $aUpdate['Default'] = trim( process_pass_data( $aData['Default'] ) ); break; case 'pass': case 'area': case 'select_set': $aUpdate['Default'] = ''; break; case 'num': $aUpdate['Default'] = (int)$aData['Default']; break; case 'bool': $aUpdate['Default'] = (int)(bool)$aData['Default']; break; case 'range': if( trim( $aData['Default'] ) == '' ) $aUpdate['Default'] = ''; else { list( $sFirst, $sSecond ) = explode( '-', trim( $aData['Default'], 2 ) ); $sFirst = (int)trim( $sFirst ); $sSecond = (int)trim( $sSecond ); $aUpdate['Default'] = "$sFirst-$sSecond"; } break; case 'date': if( $aData['Default'] === '' ) $aUpdate['Default'] = ''; else $aUpdate['Default'] = date( 'Y-m-d', strtotime( trim( process_pass_data( $aData['Default'] ) ) ) ); break; case 'select_one': $sDefault = trim( process_pass_data( $aData['Default'] ) ); if( $sDefault === '' ) $aUpdate['Default'] = ''; else { if( $this -> checkSelectDefault( $sValues, $sDefault ) ) $aUpdate['Default'] = $sDefault; else { $this -> genSaveItemError( 'You entered an incorrect value', 'Default' ); $bHaveErrors = true; } } break; } //matching. not implemented yet } } } if( $aItem['Type'] == 'block' and $this -> iAreaID == 1 ) { //Join //get JoinPage $iJoinPage = (int)$aData['JoinPage']; if( $aItem['JoinPage'] != $iJoinPage ) $aUpdate['JoinPage'] = $iJoinPage; } //system fields properties if( $aItem['Name'] == 'Keyword' ) { if( is_array( $aData['KeywordFields'] ) ) { $sKeywordFields = implode( "\n", $aData['KeywordFields'] ); if( process_pass_data( $sKeywordFields ) != $aItem['Extra'] ) $aUpdate['Extra'] = $sKeywordFields; } } if( $aItem['Name'] == 'Couple' ) { if( is_array( $aData['CoupleFields'] ) ) { $sKeywordFields = implode( "\n", $aData['CoupleFields'] ); if( process_pass_data( $sKeywordFields ) != $aItem['Extra'] ) $aUpdate['Extra'] = $sKeywordFields; } } // update error messages foreach( array( 'Mandatory', 'Min', 'Max', 'Unique', 'Check' ) as $sErrName ) { $sErrMsg = trim( process_pass_data( $aData[$sErrName . '_msg'] ) ); if( empty($sErrMsg) ) continue; $sErrKey = "_FieldError_{$sNewName}_{$sErrName}"; $this -> updateLangString( $sErrKey, $sErrMsg ); } // add matching if( isset( $aData['MatchField'] ) and (int)$aData['MatchField'] != $aItem['MatchField'] ) $aUpdate['MatchField'] = (int)$aData['MatchField']; if( isset( $aData['MatchPercent'] ) and (int)$aData['MatchPercent'] != $aItem['MatchPercent'] ) $aUpdate['MatchPercent'] = (int)$aData['MatchPercent']; if( !empty( $aUpdate ) and !$bHaveErrors ) { $this -> doUpdateItem( $aItem, $aUpdate ); if( isset( $aUpdate['Name'] ) ) $this -> genSaveItemFormUpdate( 'updateItem', $iItemID, $aUpdate['Name'] ); if( $aItem['Type'] == 'block' and $aUpdate['Name'] ) { $sQuery = " UPDATE `PageCompose` SET `Caption` = '_FieldCaption_" . addslashes( $sNewName ) . "_View' WHERE `Func` = 'PFBlock' AND `Content` = '$iItemID' "; db_res( $sQuery ); } } if( !$bHaveErrors ) $this -> genSaveItemFormClose(); $this -> genSaveItemFooter(); } function setMinMaxAge( $iMin, $iMax ) { setParam( 'search_start_age', $iMin ); setParam( 'search_end_age', $iMax ); } function checkValuesLink( $sKey ) { global $aPreValues; return isset( $aPreValues[$sKey] ); } function checkSelectDefault( $sValues, $sDefault ) { global $aPreValues; if( substr( $sValues, 0, 2 ) == $this -> sLinkPref ) { //it is link $sKey = substr( $sValues, 2 ); return isset( $aPreValues[$sKey][$sDefault] ); } else { $aValues = explode( "\n", $sValues ); return in_array( $sDefault, $aValues ); } } function doUpdateItem( $aItem, $aUpdate ) { global $aPreValues; $aUpdateStrs = ''; foreach( $aUpdate as $sKey => $sValue ) { if( is_null( $sValue ) ) $aUpdateStrs[] = "`$sKey` = NULL"; else $aUpdateStrs[] = "`$sKey` = '" . addslashes( $sValue ) . "'"; } $sQuery = " UPDATE `ProfileFields` SET " . implode( ", ", $aUpdateStrs ) . " WHERE `ID` = {$aItem['ID']}"; db_res( $sQuery ); if( //we need alter Profiles table $aItem['Type'] != 'block' and ( isset( $aUpdate['Type'] ) or isset( $aUpdate['Name'] ) or isset( $aUpdate['Values'] ) or isset( $aUpdate['Default'] ) ) ) { $aAlter = array( 'Type' => isset( $aUpdate['Type'] ) ? $aUpdate['Type'] : $aItem['Type'], 'Name' => isset( $aUpdate['Name'] ) ? $aUpdate['Name'] : $aItem['Name'], 'Values' => isset( $aUpdate['Values'] ) ? $aUpdate['Values'] : $aItem['Values'], 'Default' => isset( $aUpdate['Default'] ) ? $aUpdate['Default'] : $aItem['Default'], ); if( substr( $aAlter['Values'], 0, 2 ) == $this -> sLinkPref ) $aAlter['Type'] .= '_linked'; $sQuery = "ALTER TABLE `Profiles` CHANGE `{$aItem['Name']}` `{$aAlter['Name']}` {$this -> aTypesAlter[$aAlter['Type']]}"; $sReplacedVal = ($aAlter['Default'] != '') ? "default '" . addslashes( $aAlter['Default'] ) . "'" : ""; $sQuery = str_replace( '{default}', $sReplacedVal, $sQuery ); if( $aAlter['Type'] == 'select_one' or $aAlter['Type'] == 'select_set' ) { //insert values $aValuesAlter = explode( "\n", $aAlter['Values'] ); //explode values to array foreach( $aValuesAlter as $iKey => $sValue ){ //add slashes to every value $sValue = str_replace( '\\', '\\\\', $sValue ); $sValue = str_replace( '\'', '\\\'', $sValue ); $aValuesAlter[$iKey] = $sValue; } $sValuesAlter = " '" . implode( "', '", $aValuesAlter ) . "' "; // implode values to string like 'a','b','c\'d' $sQuery = str_replace( '{values}', $sValuesAlter, $sQuery ); //replace it in place } elseif( $aAlter['Type'] == 'select_set_linked' ) { $sLink = substr( $aAlter['Values'], 2 ); $aValuesAlter = array_keys( $aPreValues[$sLink] ); $sValuesAlter = implode( ', ', $aValuesAlter ); $sValuesAlter = str_replace( '\\', '\\\\', $sValuesAlter ); $sValuesAlter = str_replace( '\'', '\\\'', $sValuesAlter ); $sValuesAlter = "'" .str_replace( ', ', "', '", $sValuesAlter ) ."'"; $sQuery = str_replace( '{values}', $sValuesAlter, $sQuery ); //replace it in place } db_res( $sQuery ); } } function createNewField() { $iNewID = 0; //try to insert new item if( db_res( "INSERT INTO `ProfileFields` (`Name`, `Type` ) VALUES ('NEW_ITEM', 'text')", 0 ) and $iNewID = mysql_insert_id() ) { //if success - try to alter table if( !db_res( "ALTER TABLE `Profiles` ADD `NEW_ITEM` varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''", 0 ) ) { //if couldn't alter - delete inserted field db_res( "DELETE FROM `ProfileFields` WHERE `ID` = $iNewID" ); $iNewID = 0; } } return $iNewID; } function createNewBlock() { db_res( "INSERT INTO `ProfileFields` (`Name`, `Type` ) VALUES ('NEW BLOCK', 'block')", 0 ); $iNewID = mysql_insert_id(); db_res( " INSERT INTO `PageCompose` ( `Desc`, `Caption`, `Visible`, `Func`, `Content`, `Page` ) VALUES ( 'Profile Fields Block', '_FieldCaption_NEW BLOCK_View', 'non,memb', 'PFBlock', '$iNewID', 'profile' ) " ); return $iNewID; } function updateLangString( $sKey, $sString ) { if( $sKey == '' ) return false; $sKey_db = addslashes( $sKey ); $sString_db = addslashes( $sString ); $sQuery = "SELECT `ID` FROM `LocalizationKeys` WHERE `Key` = '$sKey_db'"; $iKeyID = (int)db_value( $sQuery ); if( !$iKeyID ) { //create key $sQuery = "INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` (`IDCategory`,`Key`) VALUES (32,'$sKey_db')"; db_res( $sQuery ); $iKeyID = mysql_insert_id(); } $sQuery = " SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM `LocalizationStrings` WHERE `IDKey` = $iKeyID AND `IDLanguage` = {$this -> sLangID}"; $iCount = (int)db_value( $sQuery ); if( $iCount ) { $sQuery = " UPDATE `LocalizationStrings` SET `String` = '$sString_db' WHERE `IDKey` = $iKeyID AND `IDLanguage` = {$this -> sLangID}"; db_res( $sQuery ); } else { $sQuery = "INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES ( $iKeyID, {$this -> sLangID}, '$sString_db' )"; db_res( $sQuery ); } compileLanguage( $this -> sLangID ); } function genSaveItemHeader() { ?> genSaveItemHeader(); $aItem = db_assoc_arr( "SELECT * FROM `ProfileFields` WHERE `ID` = $iItemID" ); if( !$aItem ) $this -> genSaveItemError( 'Warning! Item not found.' ); elseif( $aItem['Type'] == 'system' or !(int)$aItem['Deletable'] ) $this -> genSaveItemError( 'The field cannot be deleted.' ); else{ $sQuery = "DELETE FROM `ProfileFields` WHERE `ID` = $iItemID"; db_res( $sQuery ); if( $aItem['Type'] == 'block' ) db_res( "DELETE FROM `PageCompose` WHERE `Func` = 'PFBlock' AND `Content` = '$iItemID'" ); else db_res( "ALTER TABLE `Profiles` DROP `{$aItem['Name']}`" ); $this -> genSaveItemFormUpdate( 'deleteItem', $iItemID ); //$this -> genSaveItemFormClose(); } $this -> genSaveItemFooter(); } function genSaveItemFormUpdate( $sText, $iItemID, $sNewName = '' ) { ?> parent.updateBuilder( '', , '' ); parent.hideEditForm(); id = $oArea -> iAreaID; $this -> active_blocks = array(); $this -> inactive_blocks = array(); $this -> active_items = array(); $this -> inactive_items = array(); foreach( $oArea -> aBlocks as $iID => $sName ) $this -> active_blocks[] = new BxDolPFMItem( $iID, $sName ); foreach( $oArea -> aItems as $iID => $aItem ) $this -> active_items[] = new BxDolPFMItem( $iID, $aItem[0], $aItem[1] ); foreach( $oArea -> aBlocksInac as $iID => $sName ) $this -> inactive_blocks[] = new BxDolPFMItem( $iID, $sName ); foreach( $oArea -> aItemsInac as $iID => $sName ) $this -> inactive_items[] = new BxDolPFMItem( $iID, $sName ); } } /* Used for JSON generation */ class BxDolPFMItem { function BxDolPFMItem( $iID, $sName, $iBlock = 0 ) { $this -> id = $iID; $this -> name = $sName; $this -> block = $iBlock; } } /* Cacher created only for creating a cache :) */ class BxDolPFMCacher { var $aAreasProps; var $sCacheFile; function BxDolPFMCacher() { //additional properties for caching blocks $aAddBlockProps = array( 'Join' => array( 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_{Name}_Join', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_{Name}_Join' ), 'Edit' => array( 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_{Name}_Edit', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_{Name}_Edit' ), 'View' => array( 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_{Name}_View', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_{Name}_View' ), 'Search' => array( 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_{Name}_Search', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_{Name}_Search' ) ); //additional properties for caching items $aAddProps = array( 'Join' => array( 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_{Name}_Join', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_{Name}_Join', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_{Name}_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_{Name}_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_{Name}_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_{Name}_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_{Name}_Check' ), 'Edit' => array( 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_{Name}_Edit', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_{Name}_Edit', 'MandatoryMsg' => '_FieldError_{Name}_Mandatory', 'MinMsg' => '_FieldError_{Name}_Min', 'MaxMsg' => '_FieldError_{Name}_Max', 'UniqueMsg' => '_FieldError_{Name}_Unique', 'CheckMsg' => '_FieldError_{Name}_Check' ), 'View' => array( 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_{Name}_View', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_{Name}_View' ), 'Search' => array( 'Caption' => '_FieldCaption_{Name}_Search', 'Desc' => '_FieldDesc_{Name}_Search' ) ); $this -> aAreasProps = array ( 1 => array( 'Title' => 'Join', 'Order' => 'JoinOrder', 'Block' => 'JoinBlock', 'AddSelect' => 'Control,Extra,Min,Max,Values,Check,Unique,Mandatory,UseLKey', 'AddBlockProps' => $aAddBlockProps['Join'], 'AddProps' => $aAddProps['Join'] ), 2 => array( 'Title' => 'Edit (Owner)', 'Order' => 'EditOwnOrder', 'Block' => 'EditOwnBlock', 'AddSelect' => 'Control,Extra,Min,Max,Values,Check,Unique,Mandatory,UseLKey', 'AddBlockProps' => $aAddBlockProps['Edit'], 'AddProps' => $aAddProps['Edit'] ), 3 => array( 'Title' => 'Edit (Admin)', 'Order' => 'EditAdmOrder', 'Block' => 'EditAdmBlock', 'AddSelect' => 'Control,Extra,Min,Max,Values,Check,Unique,Mandatory,UseLKey', 'AddBlockProps' => $aAddBlockProps['Edit'], 'AddProps' => $aAddProps['Edit'] ), 4 => array( 'Title' => 'Edit (Moder)', 'Order' => 'EditModOrder', 'Block' => 'EditModBlock', 'AddSelect' => 'Control,Extra,Min,Max,Values,Check,Unique,Mandatory,UseLKey', 'AddBlockProps' => $aAddBlockProps['Edit'], 'AddProps' => $aAddProps['Edit'] ), 5 => array( 'Title' => 'View (Admin)', 'Order' => 'ViewAdmOrder', 'Block' => 'ViewAdmBlock', 'AddSelect' => 'Values,UseLKey', 'AddBlockProps' => $aAddBlockProps['View'], 'AddProps' => $aAddProps['View'] ), 6 => array( 'Title' => 'View (Member)', 'Order' => 'ViewMembOrder', 'Block' => 'ViewMembBlock', 'AddSelect' => 'Values,UseLKey', 'AddBlockProps' => $aAddBlockProps['View'], 'AddProps' => $aAddProps['View'] ), 7 => array( 'Title' => 'View (Moder)', 'Order' => 'ViewModOrder', 'Block' => 'ViewModBlock', 'AddSelect' => 'Values,UseLKey', 'AddBlockProps' => $aAddBlockProps['View'], 'AddProps' => $aAddProps['View'] ), 8 => array( 'Title' => 'View (Visitor)', 'Order' => 'ViewVisOrder', 'Block' => 'ViewVisBlock', 'AddSelect' => 'Values,UseLKey', 'AddBlockProps' => $aAddBlockProps['View'], 'AddProps' => $aAddProps['View'] ), 9 => array( 'Title' => 'Search (Simple)', 'Order' => 'SearchSimpleOrder', 'Block' => 'SearchSimpleBlock', 'AddSelect' => 'Extra,Control,UseLKey', 'AddBlockProps' => $aAddBlockProps['Search'], 'AddProps' => $aAddProps['Search'] ), 10 => array( 'Title' => 'Search (Quick)', 'Order' => 'SearchQuickOrder', 'Block' => 'SearchQuickBlock', 'AddSelect' => 'Extra,Control,UseLKey', 'AddBlockProps' => $aAddBlockProps['Search'], 'AddProps' => $aAddProps['Search'] ), 11 => array( 'Title' => 'Search (Adv)', 'Order' => 'SearchAdvOrder', 'Block' => 'SearchAdvBlock', 'AddSelect' => 'Extra,Control,UseLKey', 'AddBlockProps' => $aAddBlockProps['Search'], 'AddProps' => $aAddProps['Search'] ), //special areas 100 => array( 'Title' => 'All Fields. PC cache', 'AddSelect' => 'Default,Unique,Extra' ), 101 => array( 'Title' => 'Matching Fields', 'AddSelect' => 'MatchField,MatchPercent' ), ); $this -> sCacheFile = BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . 'db_cached/'; } function createCache() { $rCacheFile = @fopen( $this -> sCacheFile, 'w' ); if( !$rCacheFile ) { echo '
Warning! Cannot open Profile Fields cache file (' . $this -> sCacheFile . ') for write.'; return false; } $sCacheString = "// cache of Profile Fields\n\nreturn array(\n //areas\n"; // get areas foreach ($this -> aAreasProps as $iAreaID => $aArea) { $oArea = new BxDolProfileFieldsArea( $iAreaID, $this ); $sCacheString .= $oArea -> getCacheString(); } $sCacheString .= ");\n"; $iRes = fwrite( $rCacheFile, $sCacheString ); fclose( $rCacheFile ); if( $iRes === false ) { echo '
Warning! Cannot write to Profile Fields cache file (' . $this -> sCacheFile . ').'; return false; } return true; } } /* ProfileFieldsArea Used primarily to create cache strings */ class BxDolProfileFieldsArea { var $id; var $oParent; var $sTitle; var $sBlockCol; var $sOrderCol; var $aBlocks; var $aPages; function BxDolProfileFieldsArea( $iAreaID, &$oParent ) { $this -> id = $iAreaID; $this -> oParent = &$oParent; $this -> sTitle = $this -> oParent -> aAreasProps[ $this -> id ]['Title']; $this -> sBlockCol = $this -> oParent -> aAreasProps[ $this -> id ]['Block']; $this -> sOrderCol = $this -> oParent -> aAreasProps[ $this -> id ]['Order']; $this -> sAddSelect = $this -> oParent -> aAreasProps[ $this -> id ]['AddSelect']; $this -> aAddBlockProps = $this -> oParent -> aAreasProps[ $this -> id ]['AddBlockProps']; $this -> aAddProps = $this -> oParent -> aAreasProps[ $this -> id ]['AddProps']; } function getCacheString() { $sCacheString = "\n //{$this -> sTitle}\n {$this -> id} => array(\n"; //!pasd if( $this -> id == 1 ) { $this -> aPages = $this -> getJoinPages(); $sCacheString .= " //pages\n"; foreach( $this -> aPages as $iPage ){ $this -> aBlocks = $this -> getBlocks( "`JoinPage` = $iPage" ); $sCacheString .= " $iPage => array(\n"; //!pasd $sCacheString .= $this -> getBlocksCacheString( ' ' ); $sCacheString .= " ),\n"; } } else { if( $this -> id == 100 or $this -> id == 101 ) $this -> aBlocks = array( 0 => '' ); else $this -> aBlocks = $this -> getBlocks(); $sCacheString .= $this -> getBlocksCacheString(); } $sCacheString .= " ),\n"; return $sCacheString; } function getBlocksCacheString( $sPrefix = '' ) { $sCacheString = "$sPrefix //blocks\n"; foreach ($this -> aBlocks as $iBlockID => $sBlockName) { $sBlockName = $this -> addSlashes( $sBlockName ); $sCacheString .= "$sPrefix $iBlockID => array(\n"; //!pasd $sCacheString .= "$sPrefix //block properties\n"; // add additional properties if( is_array($this -> aAddBlockProps) ) foreach ($this -> aAddBlockProps as $sProp => $sValue) { $sPropValue = str_replace( '{Name}', $sBlockName, $sValue ); $sCacheString .= "$sPrefix '$sProp' => '$sPropValue',\n"; } //process items $aItems = $this -> getItemsOfBlock($iBlockID); $sCacheString .= "$sPrefix 'Items' => array(\n"; foreach ($aItems as $iBlockID => $aItem) { $sCacheString .= "$sPrefix $iBlockID => array(\n"; //!pasd $sCacheString .= "$sPrefix //item properties\n"; // add additional properties if( is_array($this -> aAddProps) ) foreach ($this -> aAddProps as $sProp => $sValue) { $aItem[ $sProp ] = str_replace( '{Name}', $aItem['Name'], $sValue ); } foreach ($aItem as $sProp => $sValue) { if( $sProp == 'ID' ) continue; //do not process ID it is already in key $sCacheString .= "$sPrefix '$sProp' => " . $this -> processValue4CacheString( $sProp, $sValue, "$sPrefix " ) . ",\n"; } $sCacheString .= "$sPrefix ),\n"; } $sCacheString .= "$sPrefix ),\n"; //close items $sCacheString .= "$sPrefix ),\n"; //close block } return $sCacheString; } function processValue4CacheString( $sProp, $sValue, $sPrefix = '' ) { if( is_null( $sValue ) ) return 'null'; //just a null switch( $sProp ) { case 'Name': case 'Type': case 'Caption': case 'Desc': case 'MandatoryMsg': case 'MinMsg': case 'MaxMsg': case 'UniqueMsg': case 'CheckMsg': return "'$sValue'"; // string in single quotes, simple text (without quotes) case 'Min': case 'Max': case 'MatchPercent': case 'MatchField': return "$sValue"; //integer case 'Mandatory': case 'Unique': return ( $sValue == '1' ? 'true' : 'false' ); //boolean case 'Values': if( $sValue == '' ) return "''"; elseif( substr( $sValue, 0, 2) == '#!' ) return '"' . $this -> addSlashesDblQuot( $sValue ) . '"'; //string in double quotes else { // WOOW! Lets make it array! >:-E $aValues = explode( "\n", $sValue ); $sRet = "array(\n"; foreach( $aValues as $iKey => $sValue1 ) { $sValue1 = $this -> addSlashes( $sValue1 ); $sRet .= "$sPrefix v$iKey => '$sValue1',\n"; } $sRet .= "$sPrefix)"; return $sRet; } default: return '"' . $this -> addSlashesDblQuot( $sValue ) . '"'; //string in double quotes } } function addSlashes( $sText ) { $sText = str_replace( "\\", "\\\\", $sText ); $sText = str_replace( "'", "\\'", $sText ); return $sText; } function addSlashesDblQuot( $sText ){ $sText = str_replace( '\\', '\\\\', $sText ); $sText = str_replace( '"', '\"', $sText ); $sText = str_replace( '$', '\$', $sText ); $sText = str_replace( "\r", '\r', $sText ); $sText = str_replace( "\n", '\n', $sText ); $sText = str_replace( "\t", '\t', $sText ); $sText = str_replace( "\x0", '\x0', $sText ); return $sText; } function getJoinPages() { $aPages = array(); $sQuery = " SELECT DISTINCT `JoinPage` FROM `ProfileFields` WHERE `Type` = 'block' AND `JoinOrder` IS NOT NULL "; $rPages = db_res( $sQuery ); while( $aPage = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rPages ) ) { $aPages[] = (int)$aPage['JoinPage']; } return $aPages; } //`JoinPage` = $iPage function getBlocks( $sAddSort = '1' ) { $aBlocks = array(); $sQuery = " SELECT `ID`, `Name` FROM `ProfileFields` WHERE `Type` = 'block' AND `{$this -> sOrderCol}` IS NOT NULL AND $sAddSort ORDER BY `{$this -> sOrderCol}` "; $rBlocks = db_res( $sQuery ); while( $aBlock = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rBlocks ) ) { $aBlocks[ $aBlock['ID'] ] = $aBlock['Name']; } return $aBlocks; } function getItemsOfBlock( $iBlockID ) { $aItems = array(); $sAddSelect = '`' . str_replace( ',', '`, `', $this -> sAddSelect ) . '`'; if( $this -> id == 100 ) $sWhere = '1'; elseif( $this -> id == 101 ) $sWhere = "`MatchField` != ''"; else $sWhere = "`{$this -> sBlockCol}` = $iBlockID AND `{$this -> sOrderCol}` IS NOT NULL"; $sOrderCol = isset( $this -> sOrderCol ) ? $this -> sOrderCol : 'ID'; $sQuery = " SELECT `ID`, `Name`, `Type`, $sAddSelect FROM `ProfileFields` WHERE `Type` != 'block' AND $sWhere ORDER BY `$sOrderCol` "; $rItems = db_res( $sQuery ); while( $aItem = mysql_fetch_assoc($rItems) ) { $aItems[ $aItem['ID'] ] = $aItem; } return $aItems; } }