array('check'=>'permalinks_articles', 'link'=>'articles'), 'browseMusic.php'=> array('check'=>'permalinks_gallery_music', 'link'=>'music/all/10/1'), 'browseMusic.php?rate=top'=> array('check'=>'permalinks_gallery_music', 'link'=>'music/gallery_top'), 'browseMusic.php?userID={profileID}'=> array('check'=>'permalinks_gallery_music', 'link'=>'music/gallery/all/{profileNick}'), 'browseMusic.php?userID={memberID}'=> array('check'=>'permalinks_gallery_music', 'link'=>'music/gallery/all/{memberNick}'), 'browsePhoto.php'=> array('check'=>'permalinks_gallery_photos', 'link'=>'photo/all/10/1'), 'browsePhoto.php?rate=top'=> array('check'=>'permalinks_gallery_photos', 'link'=>'photo/gallery_top'), 'browsePhoto.php?userID={profileID}'=> array('check'=>'permalinks_gallery_photos', 'link'=>'photo/gallery/all/{profileNick}'), 'browsePhoto.php?userID={memberID}'=> array('check'=>'permalinks_gallery_photos', 'link'=>'photo/gallery/all/{memberNick}'), 'browseVideo.php'=> array('check'=>'permalinks_gallery_videos', 'link'=>'video/all/10/1'), 'browseVideo.php?rate=top'=> array('check'=>'permalinks_gallery_videos', 'link'=>'video/gallery_top'), 'browseVideo.php?userID={profileID}'=> array('check'=>'permalinks_gallery_videos', 'link'=>'video/gallery/all/{profileNick}'), 'browseVideo.php?userID={memberID}'=> array('check'=>'permalinks_gallery_videos', 'link'=>'video/gallery/all/{memberNick}'), 'events.php?show_events=all&action=show'=>array('check'=>'permalinks_events', 'link'=>'events'), 'events.php?action=show&show_events=my'=>array('check'=>'permalinks_events', 'link'=>'events/my'), 'events.php?action=search'=>array('check'=>'permalinks_events', 'link'=>'events/search'), 'classifieds.php?Browse=1'=>array('check'=>'permalinks_classifieds', 'link'=>'ads'), 'classifieds.php?SearchForm=1'=>array('check'=>'permalinks_classifieds', 'link'=>'ads/search'), 'classifiedsmy.php?MyAds=1'=>array('check'=>'permalinks_classifieds', 'link'=>'ads/my'), 'blogs.php' => array('check'=>'permalinks_blogs', 'link'=>'blogs'), 'blogs.php?action=top_blogs'=>array('check'=>'permalinks_blogs', 'link'=>'blogs/top'), 'blogs.php?action=top_posts'=>array('check'=>'permalinks_blogs', 'link'=>'blogs/top_posts'), 'blogs.php?action=show_member_blog&ownerID={memberID}'=>array('check'=>'permalinks_blogs', 'link'=>'blogs/posts/{memberNick}'), 'blogs.php?action=show_member_blog&ownerID={profileID}'=>array('check'=>'permalinks_blogs', 'link'=>'blogs/posts/{profileNick}'), 'grp.php'=> array('check'=>'permalinks_groups', 'link'=>'groups/all') ); function BxDolMenu() { global $oTemplConfig; $this -> sCacheFile = BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . 'db_cached/'; $this -> oTemplConfig = &$oTemplConfig; $this -> iDivide = (int)getParam( 'topmenu_items_perline' ); if( !$this -> load() ) $this -> aTopMenu = array(); $this -> getMenuInfo(); } function load() { if( !file_exists( $this -> sCacheFile ) ) { echo 'Warning! Cannot find Menu Cache file (' . $this -> sCacheFile . ').'; return false; } $sCache = @file_get_contents( $this -> sCacheFile ); if( !$sCache ) { echo 'Warning! Cannot read Menu Cache file (' . $this -> sCacheFile . ').'; return false; } $this -> aTopMenu = @eval( $sCache ); if( !$this -> aTopMenu or !is_array( $this -> aTopMenu ) ) { echo 'Warning! Cannot evaluate Menu Cache file (' . $this -> sCacheFile . ').'; return false; } return true; } function getMenuInfo() { global $logged; global $p_arr; $aSiteUrl = parse_url( $this -> oTemplConfig -> aSite['url'] ); $this -> sRequestUriFile = htmlspecialchars_adv( substr( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], strlen( $aSiteUrl['path'] ) ) ); $this -> sSelfFile = htmlspecialchars_adv( substr( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], strlen( $aSiteUrl['path'] ) ) ); if( $logged['member'] ) { $this -> aMenuInfo['memberID'] = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID']; $this -> aMenuInfo['memberNick'] = getNickName( $this -> aMenuInfo['memberID'] ); $this -> aMenuInfo['memberLink'] = getProfileLink( $this -> aMenuInfo['memberID'] ); $this -> aMenuInfo['visible'] = 'memb'; } else { $this -> aMenuInfo['memberID'] = 0; $this -> aMenuInfo['memberNick'] = ''; $this -> aMenuInfo['memberLink'] = ''; $this -> aMenuInfo['visible'] = 'non'; } $selfFile = basename( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ); //get viewed profile ID if( $p_arr and $p_arr['ID'] ) { $this -> aMenuInfo['profileID'] = (int)$p_arr['ID']; $this -> aMenuInfo['profileNick'] = $p_arr['NickName']; $this -> aMenuInfo['profileLink'] = getProfileLink( $this -> aMenuInfo['profileID'] ); } elseif( $selfFile == 'browseVideo.php' or $selfFile == 'browsePhoto.php' or $selfFile == 'browseMusic.php' ) { $this -> aMenuInfo['profileID'] = (int)$_GET['userID']; $this -> aMenuInfo['profileNick'] = getNickName( $this -> aMenuInfo['profileID'] ); $this -> aMenuInfo['profileLink'] = getProfileLink( $this -> aMenuInfo['profileID'] ); } elseif( $selfFile == 'guestbook.php' ) { $this -> aMenuInfo['profileID'] = $_REQUEST['owner'] ? (int)$_REQUEST['owner'] : $this -> aMenuInfo['profileID']; $this -> aMenuInfo['profileNick'] = getNickName( $this -> aMenuInfo['profileID'] ); $this -> aMenuInfo['profileLink'] = getProfileLink( $this -> aMenuInfo['profileID'] ); } elseif( $selfFile == 'blogs.php' ) { $this -> aMenuInfo['profileID'] = $_REQUEST['ownerID'] ? (int)$_REQUEST['ownerID'] : $this -> aMenuInfo['profileID']; $this -> aMenuInfo['profileNick'] = getNickName( $this -> aMenuInfo['profileID'] ); $this -> aMenuInfo['profileLink'] = getProfileLink( $this -> aMenuInfo['profileID'] ); } elseif( $selfFile == 'viewFriends.php' ) { $this -> aMenuInfo['profileID'] = (int)$_GET['iUser']; $this -> aMenuInfo['profileNick'] = getNickName( $this -> aMenuInfo['profileID'] ); $this -> aMenuInfo['profileLink'] = getProfileLink( $this -> aMenuInfo['profileID'] ); } elseif( $selfFile == 'photos_gallery.php' ) { $this -> aMenuInfo['profileID'] = (int)$_GET['ID']; $this -> aMenuInfo['profileNick'] = getNickName( $this -> aMenuInfo['profileID'] ); $this -> aMenuInfo['profileLink'] = getProfileLink( $this -> aMenuInfo['profileID'] ); } else { $this -> aMenuInfo['profileID'] = 0; $this -> aMenuInfo['profileNick'] = ''; $this -> aMenuInfo['profileLink'] = ''; } // detect current menu $this -> aMenuInfo['currentCustom'] = 0; $this -> aMenuInfo['currentTop'] = 0; foreach( $this -> aTopMenu as $iItemID => $aItem ) { if( $aItem['Type'] == 'top' and $this -> aMenuInfo['currentTop'] and $this -> aMenuInfo['currentTop'] != $iItemID ) break; $aItemUris = explode( '|', $aItem['Link'] ); foreach( $aItemUris as $sItemUri ) { if( $this -> aMenuInfo['memberID'] ) { $sItemUri = str_replace( "{memberID}", $this -> aMenuInfo['memberID'], $sItemUri ); $sItemUri = str_replace( "{memberNick}", $this -> aMenuInfo['memberNick'], $sItemUri ); $sItemUri = str_replace( "{memberLink}", $this -> aMenuInfo['memberLink'], $sItemUri ); } if( $this -> aMenuInfo['profileID'] ) { $sItemUri = str_replace( "{profileID}", $this -> aMenuInfo['profileID'], $sItemUri ); $sItemUri = str_replace( "{profileNick}", $this -> aMenuInfo['profileNick'], $sItemUri ); $sItemUri = str_replace( "{profileLink}", $this -> aMenuInfo['profileLink'], $sItemUri ); } if( $sItemUri == $this -> sRequestUriFile or ( substr( $this -> sRequestUriFile, 0, strlen( $sItemUri ) ) == $sItemUri and !(int)$aItem['Strict'] ) ) { if( $aItem['Type'] == 'custom' ) { $this -> aMenuInfo['currentCustom'] = $iItemID; $this -> aMenuInfo['currentTop'] = (int)$aItem['Parent']; break; } else { //top or system if( $this -> aMenuInfo['currentTop'] and $this -> aMenuInfo['currentTop'] != $iItemID ) break; else $this -> aMenuInfo['currentTop'] = $iItemID; } } } if( $this -> aMenuInfo['currentCustom'] ) break; } //echoDbg( $this -> aMenuInfo ); } function getCode() { $this -> genTopHeader(); $this -> genTopItems(); $this -> genTopFooter(); $this -> genSubContHeader(); $this -> genSubMenus(); $this -> genSubContFooter(); return $this -> sCode; } function genTopItems() { $iCount = 0; foreach( $this -> aTopMenu as $iItemID => $aItem ) { if( $aItem['Type'] != 'top' ) continue; if( !$this -> checkToShow( $aItem ) ) continue; //generate list( $aItem['Link'] ) = explode( '|', $aItem['Link'] ); $aItem['Link'] = $this -> replaceMetas( $aItem['Link'] ); $aItem['Onclick'] = $this -> replaceMetas( $aItem['Onclick'] ); $bActive = ( $iItemID == $this -> aMenuInfo['currentTop'] ); $this -> genTopItem( _t( $aItem['Caption'] ), $aItem['Link'], $aItem['Target'], $aItem['Onclick'], $bActive, $iItemID ); if( $this -> iDivide > 0 and ( ++$iCount % $this -> iDivide ) == 0 ) { $this -> genTopDivider(); $iCount = 0; } } } function genSubMenus() { foreach( $this -> aTopMenu as $iTItemID => $aTItem ) { if( $aTItem['Type'] != 'top' && $aTItem['Type'] !='system') continue; if( !$this -> checkToShow( $aTItem ) ) continue; if( $this -> aMenuInfo['currentTop'] == $iTItemID && $this -> checkShowCurSub() ) $sDisplay = 'block'; else $sDisplay = 'none'; $sCaption = _t( $aTItem['Caption'] ); $sCaption = $this -> replaceMetas( $sCaption ); //generate $this -> genSubHeader( $iTItemID, $sCaption, $sDisplay ); $this -> genSubItems( $iTItemID ); $this -> genSubFooter(); /*$ret .= '
' . $sCaption . '
' . $this -> getCustomMenu( $iTItemID ) . '
';*/ } } // check if to show current sub menu function checkShowCurSub() { foreach( $this -> aNotShowSubsFor as $sExcep ) if( $this -> sSelfFile == $sExcep ) return false; return true; } function checkToShow( $aItem ) { if( !$this -> checkVisible( $aItem['Visible'] ) ) return false; if( !$this -> checkCond( $aItem['Check'] ) ) return false; return true; } function checkVisible( $sVisible ) { return ( strpos( $sVisible, $this -> aMenuInfo['visible'] ) !== false ); } function checkCond( $sCheck ) { if( !$sCheck ) return true; $sCheck = str_replace( '\$', '$', $sCheck ); $fFunc = create_function('', $sCheck ); return $fFunc(); } function genSubItems( $iTItemID = 0 ) { if( !$iTItemID ) $iTItemID = $this -> aMenuInfo['currentTop']; foreach( $this -> aTopMenu as $iItemID => $aItem ) { if( $aItem['Type'] != 'custom' ) continue; if( $aItem['Parent'] != $iTItemID ) continue; if( !$this -> checkToShow( $aItem ) ) continue; //generate list( $aItem['Link'] ) = explode( '|', $aItem['Link'] ); $aItem['Link'] = $this -> replaceMetas( $aItem['Link'] ); $aItem['Onclick'] = $this -> replaceMetas( $aItem['Onclick'] ); $bActive = ( $iItemID == $this -> aMenuInfo['currentCustom'] ); $this -> genSubItem( _t( $aItem['Caption'] ), $aItem['Link'], $aItem['Target'], $aItem['Onclick'], $bActive ); } } function replaceMetas( $sLink ) { $sLink = str_replace( '{memberID}', $this -> aMenuInfo['memberID'], $sLink ); $sLink = str_replace( '{memberNick}', $this -> aMenuInfo['memberNick'], $sLink ); $sLink = str_replace( '{memberLink}', $this -> aMenuInfo['memberLink'], $sLink ); $sLink = str_replace( '{memberPass}', getPassword( $this -> aMenuInfo['memberID'] ), $sLink ); $sLink = str_replace( '{profileID}', $this -> aMenuInfo['profileID'], $sLink ); $sLink = str_replace( '{profileNick}', $this -> aMenuInfo['profileNick'], $sLink ); $sLink = str_replace( '{profileLink}', $this -> aMenuInfo['profileLink'], $sLink ); return $sLink; } function compile() { $fMenu = @fopen( $this -> sCacheFile , 'w' ); if( !$fMenu ) return false; fwrite( $fMenu, "return array(\n" ); $aFields = array( 'Type','Caption','Link','Visible','Target','Onclick','Check','Strict','Parent' ); $sQuery = " SELECT `ID`, `" . implode('`, `', $aFields ) . "` FROM `TopMenu` WHERE `Active` = 1 AND ( `Type` = 'system' OR `Type` = 'top' ) ORDER BY `Type`,`Order` "; $rMenu = db_res( $sQuery ); while( $aMenuItem = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rMenu ) ) { fwrite( $fMenu, " " . str_pad( $aMenuItem['ID'], 2 ) . " => array(\n" ); foreach( $aFields as $sKey => $sField ) { $sCont = $aMenuItem[$sField]; if( $sField == 'Link' ) $sCont = $this -> getCurrLink($sCont); $sCont = str_replace( '\\', '\\\\', $sCont ); $sCont = str_replace( '"', '\\"', $sCont ); $sCont = str_replace( '$', '\\$', $sCont ); $sCont = str_replace( "\n", '', $sCont ); $sCont = str_replace( "\r", '', $sCont ); $sCont = str_replace( "\t", '', $sCont ); fwrite( $fMenu, " " . str_pad( "'$sField'", 11 ) . " => \"$sCont\",\n" ); } fwrite( $fMenu, " ),\n" ); // write it's children $sQuery = " SELECT `ID`, `" . implode('`, `', $aFields ) . "` FROM `TopMenu` WHERE `Active` = 1 AND `Type` = 'custom' AND `Parent` = {$aMenuItem['ID']} ORDER BY `Order` "; $rCMenu = db_res( $sQuery ); while( $aMenuItem = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rCMenu ) ) { fwrite( $fMenu, " " . str_pad( $aMenuItem['ID'], 2 ) . " => array(\n" ); foreach( $aFields as $sKey => $sField ) { $sCont = $aMenuItem[$sField]; if( $sField == 'Link' ) $sCont = $this -> getCurrLink($sCont); $sCont = str_replace( '\\', '\\\\', $sCont ); $sCont = str_replace( '"', '\\"', $sCont ); $sCont = str_replace( '$', '\\$', $sCont ); $sCont = str_replace( "\n", '', $sCont ); $sCont = str_replace( "\r", '', $sCont ); $sCont = str_replace( "\t", '', $sCont ); fwrite( $fMenu, " " . str_pad( "'$sField'", 11 ) . " => \"$sCont\",\n" ); } fwrite( $fMenu, " ),\n" ); } } fwrite( $fMenu, ");\n" ); fclose( $fMenu ); return true; } // returns link according permalink settings function getCurrLink($sCont) { $aCurrLink = explode('|', $sCont); if ( array_key_exists( $aCurrLink[0], $this -> aPLinks ) ){ $aCheck = $this -> aPLinks[$aCurrLink[0]]; if (getParam($aCheck['check']) == 'on'){ $aCurrLink[0] = $aCheck['link']; $sCont = implode( '|', $aCurrLink ); } } return htmlspecialchars_adv($sCont); } }