oMediaQuery = new BxDolMediaQuery(); $this -> aMediaConfig = $this -> getMediaConfigArray(); $this -> sMediaDir = $this -> aMediaConfig['dir'][$this -> sMediaType] . $this -> iProfileID . '/'; $this -> sMediaUrl = $this -> aMediaConfig['url'][$this -> sMediaType] . $this -> iProfileID . '/'; $this -> oDolVoting = new BxDolVoting ('media', 0, 0); } function getMediaArray() { $aMedia = $this -> oMediaQuery -> getMediaArray( $this -> iProfileID, $this -> sMediaType, $this -> oDolVoting); $this -> aMedia = $this -> validateMediaArray( $aMedia ); $this -> iMediaCount = count( $this -> aMedia ); } function getActiveMediaArray() { $aMedia = $this -> oMediaQuery -> getActiveMediaArray( $this -> iProfileID, $this -> sMediaType, $this -> oDolVoting ); $this -> aMedia = $this -> validateMediaArray( $aMedia ); $this -> iMediaCount = count( $this -> aMedia ); } function validateMediaArray( &$aMedia ) { foreach($aMedia as $iKey => $aValue) { $sMediaFile = $this -> sMediaDir . $aValue['med_file']; if( !extFileExists( $sMediaFile ) ) unset( $aMedia[$iKey]); } return array_values( $aMedia ); } function getMediaPage() { global $tmpl; require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' ); $this -> getMediaArray(); $ret = '
'; $tmplBlock = file_get_contents( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . "templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/media_page_block.html" ); $i = 1; foreach($this -> aMedia as $aValue ) { $block = $tmplBlock; $aReplace['media_title'] = process_line_output( $aValue['med_title'] ); $aReplace['media_icon'] = ''; $aReplace['nickname'] = ''; $aReplace['download'] = ''._t('_download').''; $aReplace['delete'] = ''._t('_delete').''; foreach( $aReplace as $key => $val ) $block = str_replace( "__{$key}__", $val, $block ); $ret .= $block; if( $i++ >= $this -> aMediaConfig['max'][$this -> sMediaType] ) break; } $ret .= '
'; return $ret; } function getMediaLink( $aMedia ) { $sFile = $this -> aMediaConfig['dir']['tmp'] . $aMedia['med_file']; if( extFileExists( $sFile ) ) return $this -> aMediaConfig['site']['tmp'] . $aMedia['med_file']; else if( copy($this -> sMediaDir . $aMedia['med_file'], $sFile ) ) return $this -> aMediaConfig['site']['tmp'] . $aMedia['med_file']; return false; } function uploadMedia() { $sMediaDir = $this -> getProfileMediaDir(); if( !$sMediaDir ) return 'failed to open profile directory'; $aSupoortedExt = split(',', strtolower($this -> sSupportedExt) ); $sFileName = time(); $aExt = pathinfo( $_FILES[$this -> sMediaType]['name'] ); $ext = strtolower( $aExt['extension'] ); //print_r( $_FILES); if( ( 0 == $_FILES[$this -> sMediaType]['error'] ) ) { $iMaxFileSize = ( ( ( $this -> aMediaConfig['max'][$this -> sMediaType . 'File'] ) * 1024 ) * 1024 ); if( $iMaxFileSize >= $_FILES[$this -> sMediaType]['size'] ) { if( in_array( $ext, $aSupoortedExt) ) { if( move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$this -> sMediaType]['tmp_name'], $sMediaDir . $sFileName . '.' . $ext ) ) { $sFileTitle = process_db_input( htmlspecialchars_adv($_POST['title'] )); if( $this -> oMediaQuery -> insertMedia( $this -> iProfileID, $this -> sMediaType, $sFileName . '.' . $ext, $sFileTitle ) ) $ret .= 'faile successfully uploaded
'; } else $ret .= 'failed to upload file
'; } else $ret .= 'you tried to upload not supported format
'; } else $ret .= 'file to big
'; } else $ret .= 'you have an error while uploading the file
'; return $ret; } function insertMediaToDb( $sFileName ) { $sFileTitle = process_pass_data( $_POST['title'] ); $sStatus = getParam("autoApproval_Photo") == 'on' ? 'active' : 'passive' ; $iResult = $this -> oMediaQuery -> insertMedia( $this -> iProfileID, $this -> sMediaType, $sFileName, $sFileTitle, $sStatus ); if( 0 < $iResult ) { if (getParam("autoApproval_ifPhoto") != 'on' ) { $sqlQuery = "UPDATE `Profiles` set `Status`='Approval' WHERE `ID`={$this -> iProfileID}"; db_res($sqlQuery); createUserDataFile( $this -> iProfileID ); reparseObjTags( 'profile', $this -> iProfileID ); } return true; } else { return false; } } function deleteMedia( $iMediaID ) { $aMediaFile = $this -> getElementArrayByID( $iMediaID ); $this -> oMediaQuery -> deleteMedia( $this -> iProfileID, $aMediaFile['med_id'], $this -> sMediaType ); $sFileSrc = $this -> sMediaDir . $aMediaFile['med_file']; @unlink($sFileSrc); } function getProfileMediaDir() { if( extDirExists( $this -> sMediaDir ) ) { return $this -> sMediaDir; } else { if( mkdir( $this -> sMediaDir ) ) { chmod ($this -> sMediaDir, 0777); return $this -> sMediaDir; } } return false; } function getElementArrayByID( $iMediaID ) { foreach($this -> aMedia as $aValue) { if( $iMediaID == $aValue['med_id'] ) { return $aValue; } } } function getRating( $iSum, $iCount ) { $iPossibleMax = $this -> aMediaConfig['max']['voting'] * $iCount; $iPossibleMin = $this -> aMediaConfig['min']['voting'] * $iCount; if( !$iSum || !$iCount ) { return 0; } $iMediaRate = $iSum * 100 / $iPossibleMax; $iMediaRate = round( $iMediaRate ); return $iMediaRate; } function getMediaConfigArray() { global $site, $dir; global $max_voting_mark; global $min_voting_mark; global $max_voting_period; global $max_icon_width; global $max_icon_height; global $max_thumb_width; global $max_thumb_height; global $max_photo_width; global $max_photo_height; global $max_photo_files; global $max_photo_size; global $max_media_title; global $min_media_title; $aMediaConfig = array(); $aMediaConfig['enable']['photo'] = 1; $aMediaConfig['profile']['ID'] = (int)$this -> iProfileID; $aMediaConfig['url']['site'] = $site['url']; $aMediaConfig['url']['media'] = $aMediaConfig['url']['site'] . 'upload_media.php'; $aMediaConfig['max']['mediaTitle'] = (int)$max_media_title ? $max_media_title : 150; //Max numbers of chars in media title $aMediaConfig['min']['mediaTitle'] = (int)$min_media_title ? $min_media_title : 3; //Min numbers of chars in media title $aMediaConfig['enable']['voting'] = true; if( $aMediaConfig['enable']['voting'] ) { $aMediaConfig['min']['voting'] = (int)$min_voting_mark ? (int)$min_voting_mark : 1; $aMediaConfig['max']['voting'] = (int)$max_voting_mark ? (int)$max_voting_mark : 5; $aMediaConfig['max']['votingPeriod'] = (int)$max_voting_period ? (int)$max_voting_period : 24; //in hours } $aMediaConfig['dir']['tmp'] = $dir['tmp']; switch( $this -> sMediaType ) { case 'photo': $aMediaConfig['size']['iconWidth'] = (int)$max_icon_width ? (int)$max_icon_width : 45; $aMediaConfig['size']['iconHeight'] = (int)$max_icon_height ? (int)$max_icon_height : 45; $aMediaConfig['size']['thumbWidth'] = (int)$max_thumb_width ? (int)$max_thumb_width : 110; $aMediaConfig['size']['thumbHeight'] = (int)$max_thumb_height ? (int)$max_thumb_height : 110; $aMediaConfig['size']['photoWidth'] = (int)$max_photo_width ? (int)$max_photo_width : 400; $aMediaConfig['size']['photoHeight'] = (int)$max_photo_height ? (int)$max_photo_height : 400; $aMediaConfig['dir']['photo'] = $dir['profileImage']; $aMediaConfig['url']['photo'] = $site['profileImage']; $aMediaConfig['max']['photo'] = (int)$max_photo_files ? (int)$max_photo_files : 20; // Max number of photos $aMediaConfig['max']['photoFile'] = $max_photo_size * 1024 * 1024; // in MB break; } $aMediaConfig['site'] = $site; return $aMediaConfig; } } ?>