$this->sGrpPath $this->sSpacerIcon = getTemplateIcon( 'spacer.gif' ); $this->bAdminMode = $bAdmMode; $this->bUseFriendlyLinks = getParam('permalinks_groups') == 'on' ? true : false; $this->sSubGrpPath = 'groups/'; $this->sGrpPath = BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . $this->sSubGrpPath; $this->sGrpGalPath = $this->sGrpPath . 'gallery/'; $site['groups'] = $site['url'].$this->sSubGrpPath; $site['groups_gallery'] = "{$site['groups']}gallery/"; $this->sCurrFile = 'grp.php'; } /********************Page functions***************************************/ function GenIndexPageOfGroups() { $sCategories = $this->GenAllCategories(); $sKW = $this->process_html_db_input($_GET['keyword']); $sKeyAddon = (isset($_GET['keyword']) && $sKW != '') ? $sKW : 0; $sAllNewGroups = $this->PageCompGroupsSearchResults( $_GET['keyword'], 0, 0, 0, 0, 'membersCount', true ); return array($sCategories, $sAllNewGroups); } function GenAllCategories() { global $site; $sKeywordC = _t('_Keyword'); $sSearchC = _t('_Search'); $sAdvSearchC = _t('_Advanced search'); $sCategories = $this->genAllCategsList(); $sRet = <<
{$sKeywordC}:    {$sAdvSearchC}
EOF; return $sRet; } function GenCategoryPage($bHiddenSearchForm = false) { $sForm = ''; $sResults = ''; list($sKeyword, $sSearchby, $iCategID, $sCountry, $sCityVal, $sSortby, $sKeywordDB, $sSearchbyDB, $sCategIDDB, $sCountryDB, $sCityDB, $sSortbyDB) = $this->CollectBrowseParams(); $sForm = $this->GenSearchForm($sKeyword, $sSearchby, $iCategID, $sCountry, $sCityVal, $sSortby, $bHiddenSearchForm); if( $sKeywordDB or $sCategIDDB or $sCountryDB or $sCityVal ) $sResults = $this->PageCompGroupsSearchResults( $sKeywordDB, $sSearchbyDB, $sCategIDDB, $sCountryDB, $sCityDB, $sSortbyDB ); return array($sForm, $sResults); } function CollectBrowseParams() { global $aPreValues; // get search params $sKeyword = $_REQUEST['keyword']; $sSearchby = $_REQUEST['searchby']; $sCountry = $_REQUEST['Country']; $sCityVal = $_REQUEST['City']; $sSortby = $_REQUEST['sortby']; // [END] get search params if (isset($_REQUEST['categUri'])) { $sUri = process_db_input($_REQUEST['categUri']); $iCategID = (int)db_value("SELECT `ID` FROM `GroupsCateg` WHERE `Uri`='{$sUri}'"); } else { $iCategID = (int)$_REQUEST['categID']; } // check search params unset( $sKeywordDB ); unset( $sSearchbyDB ); unset( $sCategIDDB ); unset( $sCountryDB ); unset( $sCityDB ); unset( $sSortbyDB ); if( isset($sKeyword) and strlen($sKeyword) ) { $sKeyword = trim( $sKeyword ); if( strlen( $sKeyword ) ) $sKeywordDB = strtoupper( process_db_input( $sKeyword ) ); $sKeyword = process_pass_data( $sKeyword ); } if( $sSearchby == 'name' or $sSearchby == 'keyword' ) $sSearchbyDB = $sSearchby; else $sSearchbyDB = $sSearchby = 'keyword'; $sCategIDDB = $iCategID = (int)$iCategID; if( isset( $sCountry ) and isset( $aPreValues['Country'][$sCountry] ) ) $sCountryDB = $sCountry; else $sCountry = ''; if( isset($sCityVal) and strlen($sCityVal) ) { $sCityVal = trim( $sCityVal ); if( strlen( $sCityVal ) ) $sCityDB = strtoupper( process_db_input( $sCityVal ) ); $sCityVal = process_pass_data( $sCityVal ); } if( $sSortby == 'Name' or $sSortby == 'membersCount' or $sSortby == 'created' ) $sSortbyDB = $sSortby; else $sSortbyDB = $sSortby = 'membersCount'; // [END] check search params $aRes = array($sKeyword, $sSearchby, $iCategID, $sCountry, $sCityVal, $sSortby, $sKeywordDB, $sSearchbyDB, $sCategIDDB, $sCountryDB, $sCityDB, $sSortbyDB); return $aRes; } //PageCompGroupsSearchForm function GenSearchForm( $sKeyword, $sSearchby, $iCategID, $sCountry, $sCityVal, $sSortby, $bHiddenSearchForm = false ) { global $aPreValues; global $site; $sKeywordC = _t('_Keyword'); $sSearchByC = _t('_Search by'); $sByGrpNameC = _t('_by group name'); $sByKeywC = _t('_by keyword'); $sCategoryC = _t('_Category'); $sAnyC = _t('_Any'); $sCountryC = _t('_Country'); $sCityC = _t('_City'); $sSortByC = _t('_Sort by'); $sByGrpNameC = _t('_by group name'); $sByPopularC = _t('_by popular'); $sByNewestC = _t('_by newest'); $sSearchC = _t('_Search'); $sEnterParamsC = _t('_Please select at least one search parameter'); $sUnbrKeyw = $this->unbreak_js( str_replace( '\'','\\\'', str_replace( '\\','\\\\',$sKeyword ) ) ); $sUnbrCity = $this->unbreak_js( str_replace( '\'','\\\'', str_replace( '\\','\\\\',$sCityVal ) ) ); $sJSCode = << var keyword = '{$sUnbrKeyw}'; var searchby = '{$sSearchby}'; var categID = '{$iCategID}'; var Country = '{$sCountry}'; var City = '{$sUnbrCity}'; var sortby = '{$sSortby}'; function checkSearchForm() { _form = document.forms.groups_search_form; if( !_form ) return false; if( !_form.keyword.value && !_form.categID.value && !_form.Country.value && !_form.City.value ) { alert( '{$sEnterParamsC}' ); return false; } } EOF; /*$bNoFilter = false; if (isset($_REQUEST['categID']) && isset($_REQUEST['nf']) && (int)$_REQUEST['nf'] == 1) $bNoFilter = true; if ($bNoFilter == true) $sDisplayStyle='style="display:none"'; if ($bNoFilter == true) $sNFelement = '';*/ $sKeyword = htmlspecialchars_adv($sKeyword); $sCity = htmlspecialchars_adv($sCityVal); $sCategoriesOpt = ''; $rVals = db_res( "SELECT * FROM `GroupsCateg` ORDER BY `Name`" ); while ( $arr = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rVals ) ) { $sCategName = htmlspecialchars_adv( $arr['Name'] ); $sSelected = ($iCategID == $arr['ID']) ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $sCategoriesOpt .= <<{$sCategName} EOF; } $sCountries = ''; foreach( $aPreValues['Country'] as $sKey => $sVal ) { $sSelecCnt = (strcmp($sCountry, $sKey)) ? '' : ' selected="selected"'; $sCountryLocaliz = _t($sVal['LKey']); $sCountries .= <<{$sCountryLocaliz} EOF; } $sChecked = 'checked="checked"'; $sSBVal = ($sSearchby == 'name') ? $sChecked : ''; $sSBKey = ($sSearchby == 'keyword') ? $sChecked : ''; $sSortBySel = ($sSortby == 'Name') ? $sChecked : ''; $sByMembConSel = ($sSortby == 'membersCount') ? $sChecked : ''; $sByCreatedSel = ($sSortby == 'created') ? $sChecked : ''; if ($bHiddenSearchForm == true) { $sRetHtml = << EOF; } else { $sRetHtml = <<
EOF; } return ($bHiddenSearchForm == true) ? $sJSCode.$sRetHtml : DesignBoxContent( _t('_Search Groups'), $sJSCode . $sRetHtml, 1); //return ($bNoFilter == true) ? $sJSCode . $sRetHtml : DesignBoxContent ( _t('_Search Groups'), $sJSCode . $sRetHtml, 1); } // Ma-an it is crazy. I don't know what they'll enter in search form =) // Our testers entered it has broken everything function unbreak_js( $sText ) { return str_replace( '', "", $sText ); } function PCGroupMembers($aGroupInfo, $iGroupID, $iMemberID) { global $site; global $oTemplConfig; $sViewAllC = _t("_View all members"); $sEditMembC = _t('_Edit members'); $sRetHtml = '
'; $iNumberMembers = $oTemplConfig -> iGroupMembersPreNum; $sQuerySQL = " SELECT `GroupsMembers`.`memberID` AS `ID`, `Profiles`.`NickName` FROM `GroupsMembers` INNER JOIN `Profiles` ON `GroupsMembers`.`memberID` = `Profiles`.`ID` WHERE `GroupsMembers`.`groupID` = '{$iGroupID}' AND `GroupsMembers`.`Status` = 'Active' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT {$iNumberMembers} ;"; $vMembers = db_res( $sQuerySQL ); while ( $aMemberInfo = mysql_fetch_assoc( $vMembers ) ) { $sMembThumb = get_member_thumbnail( $aMemberInfo['ID'],'none', true ); $sMembLink = getProfileLink( $aMemberInfo['ID'] ); $sMembNick = htmlspecialchars_adv( $aMemberInfo['NickName'] ); $sRetHtml .= << {$sMembThumb} {$sMembNick}
EOF; } $sRetHtml .= <<
EOF; $sCreatorEditMembers = ''; if( $aGroupInfo['creatorID'] == $iMemberID ) { $sCreatorEditMembers = << {$sEditMembC} EOF; } return DesignBoxContent( _t("_Group members"), $sRetHtml, 1, $sCreatorEditMembers ); } function PCGroupForum($aGroupInfo, $iGroupID, $iMemberID) { global $site; $sForumUri = urlencode(db_value("SELECT `forum_uri` FROM `grp_forum` WHERE `forum_id` = '{$iGroupID}' LIMIT 1")); //Замечание: Если вы открываете URI содержащий спецсимволы, такие как пробел, вам нужно закодировать URI при помощи urlencode(). $sRet = file_get_contents("{$site['groups']}orca/?action=group_last_topics&forum={$sForumUri}&trans=1"); $sViewAllForum = _t( '_View all topics' ); $sPostNewTopic = _t( '_Post a new topic' ); $caption_item = '
'; if ( $this->isGroupMember( $iMemberID, $iGroupID ) ) $caption_item .= "{$sPostNewTopic} | "; $caption_item .= "{$sViewAllForum}"; $caption_item .= '
'; return DesignBoxContent( _t("_Group forum"), $sRet, 1, $caption_item ); } function PCGroupActions($aGroupInfo, $iGroupID, $iMemberID) { global $site; global $logged; $sRetHtml = ''; if ( $logged['member'] ) { if ( $this->isGroupMember( $iMemberID, $iGroupID, false ) ) { if ( $this->isGroupMember( $iMemberID, $iGroupID ) ) { //if Active member if( (int)$aGroupInfo['members_invite'] or $aGroupInfo['creatorID'] == $iMemberID ) $sRetHtml .= $this->genGroupActionBtn( 'Invite others', "group_actions.php?a=invite&ID={$iGroupID}" ); if( (int)$aGroupInfo['members_post_images'] or $aGroupInfo['creatorID'] == $iMemberID ) $sRetHtml .= $this->genGroupActionBtn( 'Upload image', "group_actions.php?a=upload&ID={$iGroupID}" ); //$sRetHtml .= $this->genGroupActionBtn( 'Post topic', "{$this->sSubGrpPath}orca/?action=goto&forum_id={$iGroupID}#action=goto&new_topic={$iGroupID}" ); $sForumUri = db_value("SELECT `forum_uri` FROM `grp_forum` WHERE `forum_id` = '{$iGroupID}' LIMIT 1"); $sRetHtml .= $this->genGroupActionBtn( 'Post topic', "groups/orca/forum/{$sForumUri}-0.htm#action=goto&new_topic={$sForumUri}" ); } if ( $aGroupInfo['creatorID'] == $iMemberID ) $sRetHtml .= $this->genGroupActionBtn( 'Edit group', "{$this->sCurrFile}?action=edit&ID={$iGroupID}" ); else $sRetHtml .= $this->genGroupActionBtn( 'Resign group', "group_actions.php?a=resign&ID={$iGroupID}", true ); } else $sRetHtml .= $this->genGroupActionBtn( 'Join group', "group_actions.php?a=join&ID={$iGroupID}", true ); } return $sRetHtml; } function genGroupActionBtn( $sTitle, $sUrl, $bAsk = false ) { global $site; $sOnclick = ($bAsk) ? 'onclick="return confirm(\''._t("_Are you sure want to {$sTitle}?").'\')"' : ''; $sLocTitle = _t('_'.$sTitle); $sRetHtml = << {$sLocTitle} EOF; return $sRetHtml; } function ShowGroupGalleryPage() { global $logged; global $site; $iNameIndex = 75; $sHeaderT = _t( "_Group gallery" ); $sHeader = _t( "_Group gallery" ); $sMainCode = ''; if( $logged['member'] = member_auth( 0, false ) ) $iMemberID = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID']; else { $iMemberID = 0; $logged['admin'] = member_auth( 1, false ); } $iGroupID = (int)$_REQUEST['ID']; if ( !$iGroupID ) { Header( "Location: {$site['url']}{$this->sCurrFile}" ); exit; } if ( $aGroupInfo = $this->getGroupInfo( $iGroupID ) ) { $aGroupInfo['Name_html'] = htmlspecialchars_adv( $aGroupInfo['Name'] ); if ( (int)$aGroupInfo['hidden_group'] and !$this->isGroupMember( $iMemberID, $iGroupID ) and !$logged['admin'] ) $sMainCode = _t( "_You cannot view gallery while not a group member" ); else { if( $aGroupInfo['status'] == 'Active' or $aGroupInfo['creatorID'] == $iMemberID or $logged['admin'] ) { $sHeader = _t( "_Group gallery" ); $sMainCode = $this->PCGenGroupGallery($iMemberID, $iGroupID, $aGroupInfo); } else { $iNameIndex = 0; $sHeader = _t( "_Group is suspended" ); $sHeaderT = _t( "_Group is suspended" ); $sMainCode = _t( "_Sorry, group is suspended" ); } } } else $sMainCode = _t( "_Group not found_desc" ); return array($iNameIndex, $sHeader, $sHeaderT, $sMainCode); } function PCGenGroupGallery($iMemberID, $iGroupID, $aGroupInfo) { global $site; $sUploadedByC = _t('_Uploaded by'); $sSetAsThumbC = _t('_Set as thumbnail'); $sDelImgC = _t('_Delete image'); $sUploadImageC = _t('_Upload image'); $sGroupLink = $this->getGroupUrl($iGroupID, $aGroupInfo['Uri']); $sBreadCrumbs = << {$site['title']} / __Groups__ / {$aGroupInfo['Name_html']} / __Group gallery__ EOJ; $sBreadCrumbs = str_replace( "__Groups__", _t( "_Groups" ), $sBreadCrumbs ); $sBreadCrumbs = str_replace( "__Group gallery__", _t( "_Group gallery" ), $sBreadCrumbs ); $sQuerySQL = " SELECT `GroupsGallery`.*, `Profiles`.`NickName` FROM `GroupsGallery` LEFT JOIN `Profiles` ON `GroupsGallery`.`by`=`Profiles`.`ID` WHERE `GroupsGallery`.`groupID`='{$iGroupID}' ORDER BY `GroupsGallery`.`ID` "; $resPics = db_res( $sQuerySQL ); $sRetHtml = <<
EOF; while( $arrPic = mysql_fetch_assoc( $resPics ) ) { $sGalNick = htmlspecialchars_adv($arrPic['NickName']); $iNewJSW = $arrPic['width']+20; $iNewJSH = $arrPic['height']+20; $sRetHtml .= << EOF; if( $aGroupInfo['thumb'] != $arrPic['ID'] and $aGroupInfo['creatorID'] == $iMemberID ) { $sRetHtml .= << {$sSetAsThumbC} EOF; } if( $aGroupInfo['creatorID'] == $iMemberID or $arrPic['by'] == $iMemberID ) { $sRetHtml .= << {$sDelImgC} EOF; } $sRetHtml .= ''; } $sRetHtml .= '
'; if( ( (int)$aGroupInfo['members_post_images'] and $this->isGroupMember( $iMemberID, $iGroupID ) ) or $aGroupInfo['creatorID'] == $iMemberID ) { $sRetHtml .= <<{$sUploadImageC} EOF; } return $sRetHtml; } function PCEditGroupFormPage($iGroupID, $iMemberID) { $sMainCode = ''; if ( $aGroupInfo = $this->getGroupInfo( $iGroupID ) ) { if ( $aGroupInfo['creatorID'] == $iMemberID ) //only creator can edit group $sMainCode = $this->PCEditGroupForm($iGroupID, $iMemberID, $aGroupInfo); else $sMainCode = _t( "_You're not creator" ); } else $sMainCode = _t( "_Group not found_desc" ); return $sMainCode; } function PCEditGroupForm($iGroupID, $iMemberID, $aGroupInfo) { global $site; $arrGroupFields = $this->getDefaultGroupEditArr(); $this->fillGroupArrByDBValues( $arrGroupFields, $aGroupInfo ); $aError = array(); if( isset( $_POST['do_submit'] ) ) { $arrOldGroupFields = $arrGroupFields; $this->fillGroupArrByPostValues( $arrGroupFields ); $arrUpdGroupFields = $this->compareUpdatedGroupFields( $arrOldGroupFields, $arrGroupFields ); $sGroupLink = $this->getGroupUrl($iGroupID, $aGroupInfo['Uri']); if( !empty( $arrUpdGroupFields ) ) { $aError = $this->checkGroupErrors( $arrUpdGroupFields ); if( empty( $aError ) ) { $this->saveGroup( $arrUpdGroupFields, $iGroupID ); Header( "Location: {$sGroupLink}" ); exit; } } else { Header( "Location: {$sGroupLink}" ); exit; } } $res = $this->genGroupEditForm( $arrGroupFields, $aError, false, $iGroupID ); return $res; } function PCCreateForm($iMemberID) { global $site; $arrNewGroup = $this->getDefaultGroupEditArr(); $aError = array(); if( isset( $_POST['do_submit'] ) ) { $this->fillGroupArrByPostValues( $arrNewGroup ); $aError = $this->checkGroupErrors( $arrNewGroup ); if( md5( $_POST['simg'] ) != $_COOKIE['strSec'] ) $aError['simg'] = 'SIMG_ERR'; unset( $_COOKIE['strSec'] ); if( empty( $aError ) ) { $arrNewGroup['creatorID'] = array('Name' => 'creatorID','Type' => 'text','Value' => $iMemberID); $arrNewGroup['Uri'] = array('Name' => 'Uri','Type' => 'text', 'Value' => uriGenerate($arrNewGroup['Name']['Value'], 'Groups', 'Uri', 255) ); $newGroupID = $this->saveGroup( $arrNewGroup ); if( $newGroupID ) { $this->addMember2Group( $iMemberID, $newGroupID, 'Active' ); $groupHomeLink = "{$site['url']}{$this->sCurrFile}?action=group&ID={$newGroupID}"; $res = _t( '_Group creation successful', $groupHomeLink ); $res .= "
"; $res .= _t('_Gallery upload_desc'); $res .= $this->genUploadForm( $newGroupID, true, true ); } else $res = _t('_Group creation unknown error'); return $res; } } $res = $this->genGroupEditForm( $arrNewGroup, $aError, true ); return $res; } function GenGroupMainPage($iGroupID, $iMemberID) { global $logged; global $site; global $aPreValues; //$bPermalink = getParam('permalinks_groups') == 'on' ? true : false; //ret vals $iNameIndex = 71; $sHeader = ''; $sHeaderT = ''; $sMainCode = ''; $sGrpBrd = ''; $sGrpLCat = ''; $sGrpLCreated = ''; $sGrpLLocation = ''; $sGrpLMemberCount = ''; $sGrpLCreator = ''; $sGrpLAbout = ''; $sGrpLType = ''; $sGrpLTypeHelp = ''; $sGrpVImage = ''; $sGrpVGalLink = ''; $sGrpVCreatorThumb = ''; $sGrpVCreatorLink = ''; $sGrpVCat = ''; $sGrpVCatLink = ''; $sGrpVType = ''; $sGrpVCreated = ''; $sGrpVCountry = ''; $sGrpVCity = ''; $sGrpVMCount = ''; $sGrpVAbout = ''; $sGrpVDesc = ''; $sGrpVStatus = ''; $sGrpVActions = ''; $sGrpVMembers = ''; $sGrpVForum = ''; $date_format_php = getParam('php_date_format'); if ( !$aGroupInfo = $this->getGroupInfo( $iGroupID ) ) { $iNameIndex = 0; $sHeader = _t( "_Group not found" ); $sHeaderT = _t( "_Group not found" ); $sMainCode = _t( "_Group not found_desc" ); } else { if( (int)$aGroupInfo['hidden_group'] and !$this->isGroupMember( $iMemberID, $iGroupID ) and !$logged['admin'] ) { $iNameIndex = 0; $sHeader = _t( "_Group is hidden" ); $sHeaderT = _t( "_Group is hidden" ); $sMainCode = _t( "_Sorry, group is hidden" ); } else { if( $aGroupInfo['status'] == 'Active' or $aGroupInfo['creatorID'] == $iMemberID or $logged['admin'] ) { $aGroupInfo['Name_html'] = htmlspecialchars_adv( $aGroupInfo['Name'] ); $sGroupsUrl = $this->bUseFriendlyLinks ? 'groups/all' : $this->sCurrFile ; $sBreadCrumbs = << {$site['title']} / __Groups__ / {$aGroupInfo['Name_html']} EOJ; $sBreadCrumbs = str_replace( "__Groups__", _t( "_Groups" ), $sBreadCrumbs ); $sHeader = "{$site['title']} / " . _t( "_Groups" ) . " / {$aGroupInfo['Name_html']}"; $sHeaderT = $aGroupInfo['Name_html']; //$_page_cont[$_ni]['groups_breadcrumbs'] = $sBreadCrumbs; $sGrpBrd = $sBreadCrumbs; // begin group info if( (int)$aGroupInfo['hidden_group'] ) $typeHelp = 7; else if( (int)$aGroupInfo['open_join'] ) $typeHelp = 5; else $typeHelp = 6; $typeHelpLink = "{$site['url']}{$this->sCurrFile}?action=help&i={$typeHelp}"; // labels $sGrpLCat = _t( "_Category" ); //$_page_cont[$_ni]['category_l'] = _t( "_Category" ); $sGrpLCreated = _t( "_Created" ); //$_page_cont[$_ni]['created_l'] = _t( "_Created" ); $sGrpLLocation = _t( "_Location" ); //$_page_cont[$_ni]['location_l'] = _t( "_Location" ); $sGrpLMemberCount = _t( "_Members count" ); //$_page_cont[$_ni]['members_count_l'] = _t( "_Members count" ); $sGrpLCreator = _t( "_Group creator" ); //$_page_cont[$_ni]['group_creator_l'] = _t( "_Group creator" ); $sGrpLAbout = _t( "_About group" ); //$_page_cont[$_ni]['group_about_l'] = _t( "_About group" ); $sGrpLType = _t( "_Group type" ); //$_page_cont[$_ni]['group_type_l'] = _t( "_Group type" ); $sGrpLTypeHelp = ''._t( "_help" ).''; //$_page_cont[$_ni]['group_type_help'] = ''._t( "_help" ).''; //info if ( $aGroupInfo['thumb'] and file_exists($this->sGrpGalPath . "{$iGroupID}_{$aGroupInfo['thumb']}_{$aGroupInfo['seed']}_.{$aGroupInfo['thumbExt']}" ) ) $groupImageUrl = "{$site['groups_gallery']}{$iGroupID}_{$aGroupInfo['thumb']}_{$aGroupInfo['seed']}_.{$aGroupInfo['thumbExt']}"; else $groupImageUrl = "{$site['groups_gallery']}no_pic.gif"; $arrMem = getProfileInfo( $aGroupInfo['creatorID'] ); $creatorNick = $arrMem['NickName']; // //$_page_cont[$_ni]['group_image'] = << EOF; $sGrpVGalLink = "sCurrFile}?action=gallery&ID={$iGroupID}\">" . _t( "_Group gallery" ) . ""; //$_page_cont[$_ni]['group_gallery_link'] = "sCurrFile}?action=gallery&ID={$iGroupID}\">" . _t( "_Group gallery" ) . ""; $sGrpVCreatorThumb = get_member_thumbnail( $aGroupInfo['creatorID'], 'none', false ); //$_page_cont[$_ni]['group_creator_thumb'] = get_member_thumbnail( $aGroupInfo['creatorID'], 'none' ); $sGrpVCreatorLink = "".htmlspecialchars_adv($creatorNick).""; //$_page_cont[$_ni]['group_creator_link'] = "".htmlspecialchars_adv($creatorNick).""; $sGrpVCat = htmlspecialchars_adv( $aGroupInfo['categName'] ); //$_page_cont[$_ni]['category'] = htmlspecialchars_adv( $aGroupInfo['categName'] ); $sCategUrl = $this->getGroupsCategUrl($aGroupInfo['categID'], $aGroupInfo['categUri']); $sGrpVCatLink = "{$aGroupInfo['categName']}"; //$_page_cont[$_ni]['category_link'] = "{$aGroupInfo['categName']}"; $sGrpVType = _t( ( ( (int)$aGroupInfo['open_join'] and !(int)$aGroupInfo['hidden_group'] ) ? '_Public group' : '_Private group' ) ); //$_page_cont[$_ni]['group_type'] = _t( ( ( (int)$aGroupInfo['open_join'] and !(int)$aGroupInfo['hidden_group'] ) ? '_Public group' : '_Private group' ) ); //$sGrpVCreated = date( $date_format_php, strtotime( $aGroupInfo['created'] ) ); $sGrpVCreated = LocaledDataTime($aGroupInfo['created_UTS']); //$_page_cont[$_ni]['created'] = date( $date_format_php, strtotime( $aGroupInfo['created'] ) ); $sGrpVCountry = _t( $aPreValues['Country'][ $aGroupInfo['Country'] ]['LKey'] ); //$_page_cont[$_ni]['country'] = _t( $aPreValues['Country'][ $aGroupInfo['Country'] ]['LKey'] ); $sGrpVMCity = htmlspecialchars_adv( $aGroupInfo['City'] ); //$_page_cont[$_ni]['city'] = htmlspecialchars_adv( $aGroupInfo['City'] ); $sGrpVMCount = $aGroupInfo['membersCount']; //$_page_cont[$_ni]['members_count'] = $aGroupInfo['membersCount']; $sGrpVAbout = htmlspecialchars_adv( $aGroupInfo['About'] ); //$_page_cont[$_ni]['group_about'] = htmlspecialchars_adv( $aGroupInfo['About'] ); $sGrpVDesc = $aGroupInfo['Desc']; //no htmlspecialchars //$_page_cont[$_ni]['group_description'] = $aGroupInfo['Desc']; //no htmlspecialchars if( $aGroupInfo['status'] != 'Active' ) { //$_page_cont[$_ni]['group_status'] = _t( '_Group status' ) . ': ' . $sGrpVStatus = _t( '_Group status' ) . ': ' . '' . _t( '_' . $aGroupInfo['status'] ) .'' . " (sCurrFile}?action=help&i=8\" target=\"_blank\" onclick=\"window.open(this.href,'helpwin','width=350,height=200');return false;\">"._t( "_Explanation" ).")"; } else //$_page_cont[$_ni]['group_status'] = ''; $sGrpVStatus = ''; //end group info $sGrpVActions = $this->PCGroupActions($aGroupInfo, $iGroupID, $iMemberID); //$_page_cont[$_ni]['group_actions'] = $this->PCGroupActions($aGroupInfo); $sGrpVMembers = $this->PCGroupMembers($aGroupInfo, $iGroupID, $iMemberID); //$_page_cont[$_ni]['group_members'] = $this->PCGroupMembers($aGroupInfo); $sGrpVForum = $this->PCGroupForum($aGroupInfo, $iGroupID, $iMemberID); //$_page_cont[$_ni]['group_forum'] = $this->PCGroupForum(); } else { $iNameIndex = 0; $sHeader = _t( "_Group is suspended" ); $sHeaderT = _t( "_Group is suspended" ); $sMainCode = _t( "_Sorry, group is suspended" ); } } } return array($iNameIndex, $sHeader, $sHeaderT, $sMainCode, $sGrpBrd, $sGrpLCat, $sGrpLCreated, $sGrpLLocation, $sGrpLMemberCount, $sGrpLCreator, $sGrpLAbout, $sGrpLType, $sGrpLTypeHelp, $sGrpVImage, $sGrpVGalLink, $sGrpVCreatorThumb, $sGrpVCreatorLink, $sGrpVCat, $sGrpVCatLink, $sGrpVType, $sGrpVCreated, $sGrpVCountry, $sGrpVCity, $sGrpVMCount, $sGrpVAbout, $sGrpVDesc, $sGrpVStatus, $sGrpVActions, $sGrpVMembers, $sGrpVForum); } function GenMembersPage() { global $logged; if( $logged['member'] = member_auth( 0, false ) ) $iMemberID = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID']; else { $iMemberID = 0; $logged['admin'] = member_auth( 1, false ); } $iGroupID = (int)$_REQUEST['ID']; $sBreadCrumbRes = ''; $sPaginationRes = ''; $sShowingResultsRes = ''; $sHeaderT = ''; $sHeader = ''; $sPageMainCode = ''; $iNameIndex = 77; if ( !$iGroupID ) { Header( "Location: {$site['url']}{$this->sCurrFile}" ); exit; } $sHeaderT = _t( "_Group members" ); $sHeader = _t( "_Group members" ); if ( $aGroupInfo = $this->getGroupInfo( $iGroupID ) ) { $aGroupInfo['Name_html'] = htmlspecialchars_adv( $aGroupInfo['Name'] ); if ( (int)$aGroupInfo['hidden_group'] and !$this->isGroupMember( $iMemberID, $iGroupID ) and !$logged['admin'] ) $sPageMainCode = _t( "_You cannot view group members while not a group member" ); else { if( $aGroupInfo['status'] == 'Active' or $aGroupInfo['creatorID'] == $iMemberID or $logged['admin'] ) { $sHeader = _t( "_Group members" ); list($sBreadCrumb, $sPagination, $sShowResult, $sMainCode) = $this->PCShowGroupMembers($iGroupID, $aGroupInfo, $iMemberID); $sBreadCrumbRes = $sBreadCrumb; $sPaginationRes = $sPagination; $sPageMainCode = $sMainCode; $sShowingResultsRes = $sShowResult; } else { $iNameIndex = 0; $sHeader = _t( "_Group is suspended" ); $sHeaderT = _t( "_Group is suspended" ); $sPageMainCode = _t( "_Sorry, group is suspended" ); } } } else $sPageMainCode = _t( "_Group not found_desc" ); return array($sHeaderT, $sHeader, $sPageMainCode, $iNameIndex, $sBreadCrumbRes, $sPaginationRes, $sShowingResultsRes); } function PCShowGroupMembers($iGroupID, $aGroupInfo, $iMemberID) { global $site; global $oTemplConfig; $sBreadCrumb = ''; $sPagination = ''; $sShowResult = ''; $sMainCode = ''; $sSureC = _t('_Are you sure want to delete this member?'); $sDeleteMembC = _t('_Delete member'); if( $_REQUEST['mode'] == 'edit' and $aGroupInfo['creatorID'] == $iMemberID ) { $bEditMode = true; $sEditModeReq = 'mode=edit&'; $sEditModeSql = "`memberID`!={$aGroupInfo['creatorID']} AND"; } else { $bEditMode = false; $sEditModeReq = ''; $sEditModeSql = ''; } $sBreadCrumbs = << {$site['title']} / __Groups__ / {$aGroupInfo['Name_html']} / __Group members__ EOJ; $sBreadCrumbs = str_replace( "__Groups__", _t( "_Groups" ), $sBreadCrumbs ); $sBreadCrumbs = str_replace( "__Group members__", _t( "_Group members" ), $sBreadCrumbs ); $aMemNum = db_arr( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `GroupsMembers` WHERE {$sEditModeSql} `groupID`={$iGroupID} AND `status`='Active'" ); $iTotalNum = (int)$aMemNum[0]; if( $iTotalNum ) { $iPerPage = $oTemplConfig -> iGroupMembersResPerPage; $iPagesNum = ceil( $iTotalNum / $iPerPage ); $iPage = (int)$_REQUEST['page']; if( $iPage < 1 ) $iPage = 1; if( $iPage > $iPagesNum ) $iPage = $iPagesNum; $iSqlFrom = ( ( $iPage - 1 ) * $iPerPage ); $sQuerySQL = " SELECT `GroupsMembers`.`memberID`, `Profiles`.`NickName`, IF(`GroupsMembers`.`memberID`='{$aGroupInfo['creatorID']}', 1, 0 ) AS `isCreator` FROM `GroupsMembers`, `Profiles` WHERE {$sEditModeSql} `GroupsMembers`.`groupID`='{$iGroupID}' AND `GroupsMembers`.`status`='Active' AND `GroupsMembers`.`memberID`=`Profiles`.`ID` ORDER BY `isCreator` DESC, `GroupsMembers`.`Date` DESC LIMIT {$iSqlFrom}, {$iPerPage} "; $vMembers = db_res( $sQuerySQL ); $iNumOnPage = mysql_num_rows( $vMembers ); $iShowingFrom = $iSqlFrom + 1; $iShowingTo = $iSqlFrom + $iNumOnPage; $sShowingResults = _t( '_Showing results:', $iShowingFrom, $iShowingTo, $iTotalNum ); if( $iPagesNum > 1 ) { $sPagesUrl = "{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?action=group_members&{$sEditModeReq}ID={$iGroupID}&page={page}"; $sGenPagination = genPagination( $iPagesNum, $iPage, $sPagesUrl ); } $sBreadCrumb = $sBreadCrumbs; $sPagination = $sGenPagination; $sShowResult = $sShowingResults; $sRetHtml = '
'; while( $aMemberInfo = mysql_fetch_assoc( $vMembers ) ) { $sMembThumb = get_member_thumbnail( $aMemberInfo['memberID'], 'none', true ); $sMembLink = getProfileLink($aMemberInfo['memberID']); $sRetHtml .= << {$sMembThumb} {$aMemberInfo['NickName']} EOF; if( (int)$aMemberInfo['isCreator'] ) $sRetHtml .= '
'._t('_group creator').'
'; if( $bEditMode ) $sRetHtml .= << {$sDeleteMembC} EOF; $sRetHtml .= ''; } $sRetHtml .= '
'; $sMainCode = $sRetHtml; } else { $sBreadCrumb = ''; $sPagination = ''; $sShowResult = ''; $sMainCode = _t( '_Sorry, no members are found' ); } return array($sBreadCrumb, $sPagination, $sShowResult, $sMainCode); } /*************************************************************************/ ///////////////////////old functional////////////////////////////////////////////////// //function GenMyGroups( $iMemberID ) { function showMyGroups( $iMemberID ) { global $site; $sNoMyGrpC = _t("_No my groups found"); $sGroupCreatorC = _t("_group creator"); $iMemberID = (int)$iMemberID; if ( !$iMemberID ) return false; $aMyGroups = $this->GetMyGroups( $iMemberID ); $sHtmlRet = ''; if ( !$aMyGroups ) { $sHtmlRet .= <<{$sNoMyGrpC} EOF; } else { $sHtmlRet .= <<
EOF; foreach ( $aMyGroups as $aGroupInfo ) { $iGroupID = $aGroupInfo['ID']; $sGroupUrl = $this->getGroupUrl($aGroupInfo['ID'], $aGroupInfo['Uri']); if ( $aGroupInfo['thumb'] and file_exists($this->sGrpGalPath . "{$aGroupInfo['ID']}_{$aGroupInfo['thumb']}_{$aGroupInfo['seed']}_.{$aGroupInfo['thumbExt']}" ) ) $fileGroupThumb = "{$site['groups_gallery']}{$aGroupInfo['ID']}_{$aGroupInfo['thumb']}_{$aGroupInfo['seed']}_.{$aGroupInfo['thumbExt']}"; else $fileGroupThumb = "{$site['groups_gallery']}no_pic.gif"; $sGrpImg = << EOF; $sGrpName = htmlspecialchars_adv( $aGroupInfo['Name'] ); $sHtmlRet .= << EOF; if ( (int)$aGroupInfo['isCreator'] ) { $sHtmlRet .= <<{$sGroupCreatorC} EOF; } $sHtmlRet .= ''; } $sHtmlRet .= '
'; } return $sHtmlRet; } function GetMyGroups( $iMemberID ) { $iMemberID = (int)$iMemberID; if ( !$iMemberID ) return null; $sQuerySQL = " SELECT `Groups`.`ID`, `Groups`.`Name`, `Groups`.`Uri`, IF( `Groups`.`creatorID` = '{$iMemberID}', 1, 0 ) AS 'isCreator', `Groups`.`thumb`, `GroupsGallery`.`seed`, `GroupsGallery`.`ext` AS `thumbExt` FROM `GroupsMembers`, `Groups` LEFT JOIN `GroupsGallery` ON `Groups`.`thumb` = `GroupsGallery`.`ID` WHERE `GroupsMembers`.`memberID` = '{$iMemberID}' AND `GroupsMembers`.`groupID` = `Groups`.`ID` AND `GroupsMembers`.`status` = 'Active' "; $vResGroups = db_res( $sQuerySQL ); if ( !$vResGroups or !mysql_num_rows( $vResGroups ) ) return null; $aMyGroups = array(); while ( $aGroupInfo = mysql_fetch_assoc( $vResGroups ) ) { $iGroupID = $aGroupInfo['ID']; $aMyGroups[ $iGroupID ] = $aGroupInfo; } return $aMyGroups; } function getGroupInfo( $iGroupID ) { $iGroupID = (int)$iGroupID; if ( !$iGroupID ) return null; $sQuerySQL = " SELECT `Groups`.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP( `Groups`.`created`) AS 'created_UTS', `GroupsCateg`.`Name` AS `categName`, `GroupsCateg`.`Uri` AS `categUri`, COUNT(`GroupsMembers`.`memberID`) AS `membersCount`, `GroupsGallery`.`ext` AS `thumbExt`, `GroupsGallery`.`seed` FROM `Groups` INNER JOIN `GroupsCateg` ON `GroupsCateg`.`ID` = `Groups`.`categID` LEFT JOIN `GroupsGallery` ON `Groups`.`thumb` = `GroupsGallery`.`ID` LEFT JOIN `GroupsMembers` ON `GroupsMembers`.`groupID` = `Groups`.`ID` AND `GroupsMembers`.`status` = 'Active' WHERE `Groups`.`ID` = '{$iGroupID}' GROUP BY `Groups`.`ID` "; $aGroupInfo = db_assoc_arr( $sQuerySQL ); return $aGroupInfo; } function isGroupNameExists( $Name ) { $vRes = db_res( "SELECT `Name` FROM `Groups` WHERE UPPER(`Name`)='" . addslashes(strtoupper($Name)) . "' LIMIT 1" ); if( $vRes and mysql_num_rows( $vRes ) ) return true; else return false; } function isGroupMember( $iMemberID, $iGroupID, $checkActiveStatus = true ) { /*global $aMemStatusCache; if( !is_array( $aMemStatusCache ) ) { $aMemStatusCache = array(); $rStatus = db_res( "SELECT * FROM `GroupsMembers` ORDER BY `groupID`,`memberID`" ); while( $aStatus = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rStatus ) ) $aMemStatusCache[$aStatus['groupID']][$aStatus['memberID']] = $aStatus['status']; }*/ $iMemberID = (int)$iMemberID; $iGroupID = (int)$iGroupID; if ( !$iMemberID or !$iGroupID ) return false; $sQuerySQL = "SELECT `Status` FROM `GroupsMembers` WHERE `memberID` = '{$iMemberID}' AND `groupID` = '{$iGroupID}'" . ( $checkActiveStatus ? " AND `Status`='Active'" : '' ); $vRes = db_res( $sQuerySQL ); if ( $vRes and mysql_num_rows( $vRes ) ) return true; else return false; /*if( isset( $aMemStatusCache[$iGroupID][$iMemberID] ) ) if( $checkActiveStatus ) if( $aMemStatusCache[$iGroupID][$iMemberID] == 'Active' ) return true; else return false; else return true;*/ //return false; //echo "isMemberResults: .$result. .$result1."; } function getDefaultGroupEditArr() { $aFields = array( 'Name' => array( 'Name' => 'Name', 'Caption' => 'Group name', 'Type' => 'text', 'Len' => 64 ), 'categID' => array( 'Name' => 'categID', 'Caption' => 'Category', 'Type' => 'dropdown' ), 'open_join' => array( 'Name' => 'open_join', 'Caption' => 'Open join', 'Type' => 'bool', 'Value' => true, 'HelpIndex' => 1 ), 'hidden_group' => array( 'Name' => 'hidden_group', 'Caption' => 'Hidden group', 'Type' => 'bool', 'Value' => false, 'HelpIndex' => 2 ), 'members_post_images' => array( 'Name' => 'members_post_images', 'Caption' => 'Members can post images', 'Type' => 'bool', 'Value' => true, 'HelpIndex' => 3 ), 'members_invite' => array( 'Name' => 'members_invite', 'Caption' => 'Members can invite', 'Type' => 'bool', 'Value' => true, 'HelpIndex' => 4 ), 'Country' => array( 'Name' => 'Country', 'Caption' => 'Country', 'Type' => 'dropdown' ), 'City' => array( 'Name' => 'City', 'Caption' => 'City', 'Type' => 'text', 'Len' => 64 ), 'About' => array( 'Name' => 'About', 'Caption' => 'About group', 'Type' => 'text', 'Len' => 255 ), 'Desc' => array( 'Name' => 'Desc', 'Caption' => 'Group description', 'Type' => 'html' ) ); return $aFields; } function genGroupsDropdown( $aField, $bShowChoose = true ) { global $aPreValues; $sChooseC = _t("_Choose"); $sRes = << EOJ; switch ( $aField['Name'] ) { case 'Country': $aVals = $aPreValues['Country']; foreach ( $aVals as $sKey => $sVal ) $aVals[$sKey] = htmlspecialchars_adv( _t( $sVal['LKey'] ) ); break; case 'categID': $aVals = array(); $rVals = db_res( "SELECT * FROM `GroupsCateg` ORDER BY `Name`" ); while ( $aVal = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rVals ) ) $aVals[ $aVal['ID'] ] = htmlspecialchars_adv( $aVal['Name'] ); break; } $bSel = ($aField['Value']) ? '' : 'selected="selected"'; $sRes .= '\n"; foreach ( $aVals as $Val => $Opt ) { $bSel2 = ( $aField['Value'] == $Val ? 'selected="selected"' : '' ); $sRes .= "\n"; } $sRes .= ""; return $sRes; } function genGroupEditForm( $aGroupInfo, $aError = false, $bShowSImg = false, $iGroupID = 0 ) { global $site; $sRetHtml = ''; $sYesC = _t('_Yes'); $sNoC = _t('_No'); $sHelpC = _t('_help'); $sEnterWhatSeeC = _t('_Enter what you see:'); $sSubmitC = _t('_Submit'); $sGetAction = ''; $sPostActionForm = ''; if ( $iGroupID ) { $sGetAction = "?action=edit&ID={$iGroupID}"; $sPostActionForm = ''; } else { $sGetAction = "?action=create"; $sPostActionForm = ''; } $sRetHtml .= << EOF; if ( $iGroupID ) { $sRetHtml .= << EOF; } else { } $sChecked = 'checked="checked"'; $sNowTR = "odd"; foreach ( $aGroupInfo as $aField ) { $sFieldCapt = _t( '_'.$aField['Caption'] ); $sNameBlock = ($aError[$aField['Name']] ? 'block' : 'none'); $sNameDVal = ($aError[$aField['Name']] ? _t( '_'.$aError[$aField['Name']] ) : '' ); $sRetHtml .= << EOF; $sNowTR = ($sNowTR == "odd") ? "even" : "odd"; } if ( $bShowSImg ) { $sSimgBlock = ($aError['simg'] ? 'block' : 'none'); $sSimgL = ($aError['simg']) ? _t( '_'.$aError['simg'] ) : ''; $sRetHtml .= << EOF; $sNowTR = ($sNowTR == "odd") ? "even" : "odd"; } $sRetHtml .= <<
EOF; switch( $aField['Type'] ) { case 'text': $sVal = htmlspecialchars_adv($aField['Value']); $sRetHtml .= << EOF; break; case 'bool': $sCheckedVal = $aField['Value'] ? $sChecked : ''; $sCheckedVal2 = $aField['Value'] ? '' : $sChecked; $sRetHtml .= <<   EOF; if( $aField['HelpIndex'] ) { $sRetHtml .= <<({$sHelpC}) EOF; } break; case 'html': $sValue = htmlspecialchars_adv($aField['Value']); $sRetHtml .= <<{$sValue} EOF; break; case 'dropdown': $sRetHtml .= $this->genGroupsDropdown( $aField ); break; } $sRetHtml .= <<

EOF; return $sRetHtml; } function fillGroupArrByPostValues( &$aGroupInfo ) { foreach( $aGroupInfo as $sFieldName => $aField ) { switch( $aField['Type'] ) { case 'text': case 'dropdown': $aGroupInfo[$sFieldName]['Value'] = trim( process_pass_data( $_POST[$sFieldName] ) ); break; case 'html': $aGroupInfo[$sFieldName]['Value'] = clear_xss( trim( process_pass_data( $_POST[$sFieldName] ) ) ); break; case 'bool': $aGroupInfo[$sFieldName]['Value'] = (bool)( $_POST[$sFieldName] == 'yes' ); break; } } } function fillGroupArrByDBValues( &$aFields, $aGroupInfo ) { foreach( $aFields as $sFieldName => $arrField ) { switch( $arrField['Type'] ) { case 'text': case 'html': case 'dropdown': $aFields[$sFieldName]['Value'] = $aGroupInfo[$sFieldName]; break; case 'bool': $aFields[$sFieldName]['Value'] = (bool)(int)$aGroupInfo[$sFieldName]; break; } } } function checkGroupErrors( &$aGroupInfo ) { global $aPreValues; $aError = array(); foreach( $aGroupInfo as $aField ) { $sFieldName = $aField['Name']; switch( $aField['Type'] ) { case 'text': if( !strlen( $aGroupInfo[$sFieldName]['Value'] ) ) $aError[ $sFieldName ] = "{$sFieldName} is required"; else { if( $sFieldName == 'Name' ) if( $this->isGroupNameExists( $aGroupInfo['Name']['Value'] ) ) $aError[ $sFieldName ] = "Group name already exists"; } break; case 'dropdown': switch( $sFieldName ) { case 'Country': $aGroupInfo['Country']['Value'] = substr( $aGroupInfo['Country']['Value'], 0, 2 ); if( !strlen( $aGroupInfo['Country']['Value'] ) ) $aError['Country'] = 'Country is required'; else if ( !isset( $aPreValues['Country'][ $aGroupInfo['Country']['Value'] ] ) ) { $aError['Country'] = "Country doesn't exists"; unset( $aGroupInfo['Country']['Value'] ); } break; case 'categID': $aGroupInfo['categID']['Value'] = (int)$aGroupInfo['categID']['Value']; if( !$aGroupInfo['categID']['Value'] ) $aError['categID'] = "Category is required"; else if( !$this->isGroupsCategExists( $aGroupInfo['categID']['Value'] ) ) { $aError['categID'] = "Category doesn't exists"; unset( $aGroupInfo['categID']['Value'] ); } break; } break; case 'html': //Commented for possible modifications /*if( !strlen( $aGroupInfo[$sFieldName]['Value'] ) ) $aError[ $sFieldName ] = "{$sFieldName} is required";*/ break; case 'bool': break; } } return $aError; } function isGroupsCategExists( $ID ) { $iID = (int)$ID; if( !$iID ) return false; $vRes = db_res( "SELECT `ID` FROM `GroupsCateg` WHERE `ID`='{$iID}'" ); if( $vRes and mysql_num_rows( $vRes ) ) return true; else return false; } function saveGroup( $aGroupInfo, $iGroupID = 0 ) { $iGroupID = (int)$iGroupID; $sSqlSet = 'SET '; foreach( $aGroupInfo as $sFieldName => $aField ) { switch( $aField['Type'] ) { case 'text': case 'html': case 'dropdown': $sSetValue = addslashes( $aField['Value'] ); break; case 'bool': $sSetValue = (string)(int)$aField['Value']; //convert true -> 1, false -> 0 break; default: $sSetValue = addslashes( $aField['Value'] ); } $sSqlSet .= "`{$aField['Name']}`='{$sSetValue}', "; } $sSqlSet = substr( $sSqlSet, 0, -2 ); // remove last ", " if ( $iGroupID > 0 ) { $sQuerySQL = "UPDATE `Groups` {$sSqlSet} WHERE `ID`='{$iGroupID}'"; db_res( $sQuerySQL ); if( mysql_affected_rows() ) { $this->saveGroupForum( $iGroupID, $aGroupInfo ); return true; } else return false; } else { $sQuerySQL = "INSERT `Groups` {$sSqlSet}, `created`=NOW()"; db_res( $sQuerySQL ); $iGroupID = mysql_insert_id(); if( $iGroupID ) { $this->saveGroupForum( $iGroupID, $aGroupInfo, true ); return $iGroupID; } else return false; } } function saveGroupForum( $iGroupID, $aGroupInfo, $bNew = false ) { $iGroupId = (int)$iGroupID; $sSqlSet = ''; foreach( $aGroupInfo as $sFieldName => $arrField ) { unset( $sSetValue ); if( $sFieldName == 'hidden_group' ) { $sSetColumn = "forum_type"; $sSetValue = ( $arrField['Value'] ) ? 'private' : 'public'; } elseif( $sFieldName == 'Name' ) { $sSetColumn = 'forum_title'; $sSetValue = addslashes( htmlspecialchars( $arrField['Value'] ) ); } elseif( $sFieldName == 'About' ) { $sSetColumn = 'forum_desc'; $sSetValue = addslashes( htmlspecialchars( $arrField['Value'] ) ); } elseif( $sFieldName == 'Uri' ) { $sSetColumn = 'forum_uri'; $sSetValue = addslashes( htmlspecialchars( $arrField['Value'] ) ); } if( isset( $sSetValue ) ) $sSqlSet .= "`{$sSetColumn}` = '{$sSetValue}', "; } if( !strlen( $sSqlSet ) ) return false; $sSqlSet = "SET " . substr( $sSqlSet, 0, -2 ); // remove last ", " if ( $bNew ) $sQuerySQL = "INSERT `grp_forum` {$sSqlSet}, `forum_id`='{$iGroupId}', `cat_id`=1"; else $sQuerySQL = "UPDATE `grp_forum` {$sSqlSet} WHERE `forum_id`='{$iGroupId}'"; db_res( $sQuerySQL ); } function addMember2Group( $iMemberID, $iGroupID, $status = 'Active' ) { db_res("INSERT INTO `GroupsMembers` SET `memberID`='{$iMemberID}', `groupID`='{$iGroupID}', `status`='{$status}', Date=NOW()"); } function resignGroupMember( $iMemberID, $iGroupID ) { db_res( "DELETE FROM `GroupsMembers` WHERE `memberID`={$iMemberID} AND `groupID`={$iGroupID}" ); } function compareUpdatedGroupFields( $aOldFields, $aNewFields ) { $aUpdFields = array(); foreach( $aOldFields as $sFieldName => $arrOldField ) { if( $arrOldField['Value'] != $aNewFields[$sFieldName]['Value'] ) $aUpdFields[$sFieldName] = $aNewFields[$sFieldName]; } return $aUpdFields; } function genUploadForm( $iGroupID, $bBackHome = false, $bSetDef = false ) { global $site; $sSelectFileC = _t( '_Select file' ); $sSubmitC = _t('_Submit'); $sRetHtml .= <<
EOF; if( $bBackHome ) { $sRetHtml .= << EOF; } if( $bSetDef ) { $sRetHtml .= << EOF; } $sRetHtml .= << EOF; return $sRetHtml; } function setGroupThumb( $iGroupID, $vImg ) { $iGroupID = (int)$iGroupID; $iImg = (int)$vImg; if( $iGroupID and $iImg ) { $aImg = db_assoc_arr( "SELECT `ID` FROM `GroupsGallery` WHERE `groupID`='{$iGroupID}' AND `ID`='{$iImg}'" ); if( $aImg['ID'] == $iImg ) { db_res( "UPDATE `Groups` SET `thumb`='{$iImg}' WHERE `ID`='{$iGroupID}'" ); } } } function deleteGroupImage( $iGroupID, $vImg ) { $iGroupID = (int)$iGroupID; $iImg = (int)$vImg; if( $iGroupID and $iImg ) { $aImg = db_assoc_arr( "SELECT * FROM `GroupsGallery` WHERE `groupID`='{$iGroupID}' AND `ID`='{$iImg}'" ); if( $aImg['ID'] == $iImg ) { db_res( "DELETE FROM `GroupsGallery` WHERE `ID`='{$iImg}' AND `groupID`='{$iGroupID}'" ); unlink( $this->sGrpGalPath . "{$iGroupID}_{$iImg}_{$aImg['seed']}_.{$aImg['ext']}" ); unlink( $this->sGrpGalPath . "{$iGroupID}_{$iImg}_{$aImg['seed']}.{$aImg['ext']}" ); } } } function getGroupsCategList( $sOrderBy = 'ID' ) { $vCategs = db_res( " SELECT `GroupsCateg`.*, COUNT(`Groups`.`ID`) AS `groupsCount` FROM `GroupsCateg` LEFT JOIN `Groups` ON ( `Groups`.`categID` = `GroupsCateg`.`ID` AND `Groups`.`status` = 'Active' ) GROUP BY `GroupsCateg`.`ID` ORDER BY `GroupsCateg`.`{$sOrderBy}` " ); $aCategs = fill_assoc_array( $vCategs ); return $aCategs; } function sendRequestToCreator( $iGroupID, $iMemberID ) { global $site; $subject = 'Group join request'; $msg = getParam( 'group_creator_request' ); $sQuerySQL = " SELECT `Groups`.`Name` AS `group`, `Profiles`.`ID` AS `creatorID`, `Profiles`.`NickName` AS `creator`, `Profiles2`.`NickName` AS `member` FROM `Groups` LEFT JOIN `Profiles` ON `Profiles`.`ID` = `Groups`.`creatorID` LEFT JOIN `Profiles` AS `Profiles2` ON `Profiles2`.`ID` = '{$iMemberID}' WHERE `Groups`.`ID` = '{$iGroupID}' "; $arrInfo = db_arr( $sQuerySQL ); $creatorID = (int)$arrInfo['creatorID']; $group = htmlspecialchars_adv( $arrInfo['group'] ); $creator = htmlspecialchars_adv( $arrInfo['creator'] ); $member = htmlspecialchars_adv( $arrInfo['member'] ); $member = "{$member}"; $approve = "approve"; $reject = "reject"; $msg = str_replace( '{group}', $group, $msg ); $msg = str_replace( '{creator}', $creator, $msg ); $msg = str_replace( '{member}', $member, $msg ); $msg = str_replace( '{approve}', $approve, $msg ); $msg = str_replace( '{reject}', $reject, $msg ); $msg = addslashes( $msg ); db_res( "INSERT INTO `Messages` ( `Date`, `Sender`, `Recipient`, `Text`, `Subject`, `New` ) VALUES ( NOW(), {$iMemberID}, {$creatorID}, '{$msg}', '{$subject}', '1' )" ); } function genAllCategsList() { global $site; $sRet = ''; $arrCategs = $this->getGroupsCategList( 'Name' ); foreach( $arrCategs as $arrCateg ) { $sLink = $this->getGroupsCategUrl($arrCateg['ID'], $arrCateg['Uri']); $sName = htmlspecialchars_adv( $arrCateg['Name'] ); $sGroupCnt = _t('_groups count',$arrCateg['groupsCount']); $sRet .= << {$sName}  ({$sGroupCnt}) EOF; } return $sRet; } function PageCompGroupsSearchResults( $sKeyword, $sSearchby, $iCategID, $sCountry, $sCityVal, $sSortby, $isTopGroupsPage = false ) { global $oTemplConfig; global $site; global $tmpl; global $aPreValues; $sHtmlRet = ''; $date_format_php = getParam('php_date_format'); if( $sSortby == 'created' or $sSortby == 'membersCount' ) $sortOrder = 'DESC'; else $sortOrder = 'ASC'; $aQueryWhere = array(); //array will contain search conditions combined by AND if( $sKeyword ) { if( $sSearchby == 'name' ) $aQueryWhere[] = "UPPER(`Groups`.`Name`) LIKE '%{$sKeyword}%'"; else $aQueryWhere[] = "(UPPER(`Groups`.`Name`) LIKE '%{$sKeyword}%') OR (UPPER(`Groups`.`About`) LIKE '%{$sKeyword}%') OR (UPPER(`Groups`.`Desc`) LIKE '%{$sKeyword}%')"; } if( $iCategID ) $aQueryWhere[] = "`Groups`.`categID`='{$iCategID}'"; if( $sCountry ) $aQueryWhere[] = "`Groups`.`Country`='{$sCountry}'"; if( $sCityVal ) $aQueryWhere[] = "UPPER(`Groups`.`City`) LIKE '%{$sCityVal}%'"; $aQueryWhere[] = "`Groups`.`status` = 'Active'"; $sQueryWhere = "WHERE (" . implode( ") AND (", $aQueryWhere ) . ")"; if( $isTopGroupsPage ) $SRdbTitle = _t( '_Top Groups' ); else $SRdbTitle = _t( '_Groups search results' ); //SearchResultDesignBoxTitle $arrNum = db_arr( "SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `Groups` {$sQueryWhere}" ); $iTotalNum = (int)$arrNum[0]; if( $iTotalNum > 0 ) { $iPerPage = $oTemplConfig -> iGroupsSearchResPerPage; $iPagesNum = ceil( $iTotalNum / $iPerPage ); $iPage = (int)$_REQUEST['page']; if( $iPage < 1 ) $iPage = 1; if( $iPage > $iPagesNum ) $iPage = $iPagesNum; $iSqlFrom = ( ( $iPage - 1 ) * $iPerPage ); $sQuery = " SELECT `Groups`.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP( `Groups`.`created`) AS 'created_UTS', `GroupsCateg`.`Name` AS `categName`, `GroupsCateg`.`Uri` AS `categUri`, COUNT( `GroupsMembers`.`memberID` ) AS `membersCount`, `GroupsGallery`.`seed`, `GroupsGallery`.`ext` AS `thumbExt` FROM `Groups` INNER JOIN `GroupsCateg` ON `GroupsCateg`.`ID` = `Groups`.`categID` LEFT JOIN `GroupsMembers` ON (`GroupsMembers`.`groupID` = `Groups`.`ID` AND `GroupsMembers`.`status`='Active') LEFT JOIN `GroupsGallery` ON (`Groups`.`thumb` = `GroupsGallery`.`ID`) {$sQueryWhere} GROUP BY `Groups`.`ID` ORDER BY `{$sSortby}` {$sortOrder}, `Groups`.`ID` DESC LIMIT {$iSqlFrom}, {$iPerPage} "; $vResGroups = db_res( $sQuery ); $iNumOnPage = mysql_num_rows( $vResGroups ); $iShowingFrom = $iSqlFrom + 1; $iShowingTo = $iSqlFrom + $iNumOnPage; $sShowingResults = _t( '_Showing results:', $iShowingFrom, $iShowingTo, $iTotalNum ); if( $iPagesNum > 1 and !$isTopGroupsPage ) { $sPagesUrl = "javascript:void(0);"; $pagesOnclick = "switchGroupsSearchPage({page}); return false;"; $sGenPagination = genPagination( $iPagesNum, $iPage, $sPagesUrl, $pagesOnclick ); } $sRowTmpl = file_get_contents( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . "templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/searchrow_group.html"); $sBreadCrumbs = ''; if( $iCategID ) { $arrCateg = db_arr( "SELECT `Name` FROM `GroupsCateg` WHERE `ID`='{$iCategID}'" ); if( $arrCateg['Name'] ) { $sCategName = _t( '_Category' ).': '.htmlspecialchars_adv( $arrCateg['Name'] ); $SRdbTitle = $sCategName; $sGroupsUrl = $this->bUseFriendlyLinks ? 'groups/all' : $this->sCurrFile ; $sBreadCrumbs = << {$site['title']} / __Groups__ / {$sCategName} EOJ; $sBreadCrumbs = str_replace( "__Groups__", _t( "_Groups" ), $sBreadCrumbs ); } } if( !$isTopGroupsPage ) { $sHtmlRet .= << function switchGroupsSearchPage(page) { _form = document.forms.groups_search_form; if( !_form ) return false; _form.keyword.value = keyword; _form.categID.value = categID; _form.Country.value = Country; _form.City.value = City; for( i = 0; i < _form.searchby.length; i ++ ) if( _form.searchby[i].value == searchby ) _form.searchby[i].checked = true; for( i = 0; i < _form.sortby.length; i ++ ) if( _form.sortby[i].value == sortby ) _form.sortby[i].checked = true; _form.page.value = page; _form.submit(); return true; }
EOF; } $sHtmlRet .= << EOF; while( $aGroupInfo = mysql_fetch_assoc( $vResGroups ) ) { $sGroupLink = $this->getGroupUrl($aGroupInfo['ID'], $aGroupInfo['Uri']); $sCategLink = $this->getGroupsCategUrl($aGroupInfo['categID'],$aGroupInfo['categUri']); $aRowTmpl = array(); if ( $aGroupInfo['thumb'] and file_exists($this->sGrpGalPath . "{$aGroupInfo['ID']}_{$aGroupInfo['thumb']}_{$aGroupInfo['seed']}_.{$aGroupInfo['thumbExt']}" ) ) $groupImageUrl = "{$site['groups_gallery']}{$aGroupInfo['ID']}_{$aGroupInfo['thumb']}_{$aGroupInfo['seed']}_.{$aGroupInfo['thumbExt']}"; else $groupImageUrl = "{$site['groups_gallery']}no_pic.gif"; if( (int)$aGroupInfo['hidden_group'] ) $typeHelp = 7; else if( (int)$aGroupInfo['open_join'] ) $typeHelp = 5; else $typeHelp = 6; $typeHelpLink = "{$site['url']}{$this->sCurrFile}?action=help&i=$typeHelp"; $aRowTmpl['group_name_l'] = _t( '_Group name' ); $aRowTmpl['category_l'] = _t( '_Category' ); $aRowTmpl['about_group_l'] = _t( '_About group' ); $aRowTmpl['members_count_l'] = _t( '_Members count' ); $aRowTmpl['created_l'] = _t( '_Created' ); $aRowTmpl['group_type_l'] = _t( '_Group type' ); $aRowTmpl['location_l'] = _t( '_Location' ); $aRowTmpl['group_type_help'] = ''._t( "_help" ).''; $sGroupName = htmlspecialchars_adv( $aGroupInfo['Name'] ); $aRowTmpl['thumbnail'] = << {$sGroupName} EOF; /*$aRowTmpl['thumbnail'] = " sSpacerIcon}\" style=\"width:110px;height:110px; background-image: url({$groupImageUrl});\" class=\"photo1\" alt=\"{$sGroupName}\" /> ";*/ $aRowTmpl['group_name'] = "".$sGroupName.""; $aRowTmpl['group_about'] = htmlspecialchars_adv( $aGroupInfo['About'] ); $aRowTmpl['category'] = "".htmlspecialchars_adv( $aGroupInfo['categName'] ).""; $aRowTmpl['members_count'] = $aGroupInfo['membersCount']; //$aRowTmpl['created'] = date( $date_format_php, strtotime( $aGroupInfo['created'] ) ); $aRowTmpl['created'] = LocaledDataTime($aGroupInfo['created_UTS']); $aRowTmpl['group_type'] = _t( ( ( (int)$aGroupInfo['open_join'] and !(int)$aGroupInfo['hidden_group'] ) ? '_Public group' : '_Private group' ) ); $aRowTmpl['country'] = _t( $aPreValues['Country'][ $aGroupInfo['Country'] ]['LKey'] ); $aRowTmpl['city'] = htmlspecialchars_adv( $aGroupInfo['City'] ); $sRow = $sRowTmpl; foreach( $aRowTmpl as $what => $to ) $sRow = str_replace( "__{$what}__", $to, $sRow ); $sHtmlRet .= $sRow; } $sHtmlRet .= << EOF; if( !$isTopGroupsPage ) { $sHtmlRet .= << {$sShowingResults}
EOF; } $sRet = $sHtmlRet; } else { $sRet = MsgBox(_t( '_Sorry, no groups found' )); } return DesignBoxContent( $SRdbTitle, $sRet, $oTemplConfig->iGroupsSearchResults_dbnum ); } function getGroupIdByUri($sUri) { $sUri = process_db_input($sUri); $sqlQuery = "SELECT `ID` FROM `Groups` WHERE `Uri`='{$sUri}'"; $iId = (int)db_value($sqlQuery); return $iId; } function getGroupUrl($iGroupId, $sGroupUri) { $sLink = $this->bUseFriendlyLinks ? 'groups/entry/'.$sGroupUri : $this->sCurrFile.'?action=group&ID='.$iGroupId; return $GLOBALS['site']['url'].$sLink; } function getGroupsCategUrl($iCatId, $sCatUri) { $sLink = $this->bUseFriendlyLinks ? 'groups/category/'.$sCatUri : $this->sCurrFile.'?action=categ&categID='.$iCatId; return $GLOBALS['site']['url'].$sLink; } function GetGroupPicture($iGroupID) { global $site; $sPicNotAvail = getTemplateIcon( 'group_no_pic.gif' ); $sRequest = "SELECT `thumb`, `Uri` FROM `Groups` WHERE `ID` = {$iGroupID} LIMIT 1"; $aResPic = db_arr($sRequest); $iGroupPicID = (int)$aResPic['thumb']; $sRequest = "SELECT * FROM `GroupsGallery` WHERE `ID` = {$iGroupPicID}"; $aResPicName = db_arr($sRequest); $sPicName = $aResPicName['groupID'].'_'.$aResPicName['ID'].'_'.$aResPicName['seed'].'_icon.'.$aResPicName['ext']; $iThumbSize = 45; $sEventPicName = $sPicName; $sGroupLink = $this->getGroupUrl($iGroupID, $aResPic['Uri']); $sEventPicName = ( strlen(trim($sEventPicName)) && file_exists('groups/gallery/' . $sEventPicName) ) ? "\"\"sSpacerIcon}\" />" : "\"\"sSpacerIcon}\" />"; $sEventPic = << {$sEventPicName} EOF; return $sEventPic; } function GenAnyBlockContent($sOrder='latest', $iProfileID=0, $sLimit="LIMIT 5" ) { global $site; $php_date_format = getParam( 'php_date_format' ); $iBlogLimitChars = (int)getParam("max_blog_preview"); $sClockIcon = getTemplateIcon( 'clock.gif' ); $sOrderS = ''; switch ($sOrder) { case 'latest': $sOrderS = 'ORDER BY `Groups`.`created` DESC'; break; case 'rand': $sOrderS = 'ORDER BY RAND()'; break; } $sProfileS = '1'; $sGrpJoin = ''; if ($iProfileID>0) { $sGrpJoin = 'INNER JOIN `GroupsMembers` ON `GroupsMembers`.`groupID`=`Groups`.`ID` '; $sProfileS = <<GetGroupPicture($arr['ID']); $aCategInfo = db_arr("SELECT `GroupsCateg`.`Name` AS 'CategName', `GroupsCateg`.`Uri` as `CategUri` FROM `GroupsCateg` WHERE `ID`='{$arr['CategID']}' LIMIT 1;"); $sCategName = $aCategInfo['CategName']; $sCategUri = $aCategInfo['CategUri']; $sLinkMore = ''; $sGroupLink = $this->getGroupUrl($arr['ID'], $arr['Uri']); if ( strlen($arr['Desc']) == $iBlogLimitChars ) $sLinkMore = "... "._t('_Read more').""; $sAuthor = ($iProfileID>0) ? '' : '' . _t( '_By Author', $arr['NickName'], $arr['NickName'] ) . ''; $sName = process_line_output( $arr['Name'] ); //$sDateF = date( $php_date_format, $arr['DateTime_f'] ); $sDateF = LocaledDataTime($arr['DateTime_f']); //$sDateF = LocaledDataTime( $arr['DateTime_f'], 3 ); $sCategory = _t( '_in Category', $sFolderIco, $this->getGroupsCategUrl($arr['CategID'], $sCategUri), process_line_output($sCategName) ); $sDescr = strip_tags(process_html_output( $arr['Desc_f'] )); $sRet .= <<
{$sAuthor} {$sDateF} {$sCategory}
EOF; } if ($sBlocks == '') $sBlocks = MsgBox(_t('_Sorry, nothing found')); return $sRet; } function process_html_db_input( $sText ) { return addslashes( clear_xss( trim( process_pass_data( $sText )))); } } ?>