sSpacerPath = getTemplateIcon( 'spacer.gif' ); $this->sPicNotAvail = 'images/icons/group_no_pic.gif'; $this->bAdminMode = $bAdmMode; $this->iEventsPerPage = 10; $this->iIconSize = 45; $this->iThumbSize = 110; $this->iImgSize = 340; $this->bUseFriendlyLinks = getParam('permalinks_events') == 'on' ? true : false; } /** * Compose Array of posted data before validating (post ad or edit) * * @return Array of posted variables */ function FillPostEventArrByPostValues() { $sEventTitle = process_db_input( $_POST['event_title'], 1 ); $sEventDesc = $this->process_html_db_input( $_POST['event_desc'] ); $sEventStatusMessage = process_db_input( $_POST['event_statusmsg'], 1 ); $sTags = process_db_input( $_POST['event_tags'], 1 ); $sEventCountry = process_db_input( $_POST['event_country'], 1 ); $sEventCity = process_db_input( $_POST['event_city'], 1 ); $sEventPlace = process_db_input( $_POST['event_place'], 1 ); $sEventStart = (isset($_POST['event_start']) && $_POST['event_start'] != '') ? strtotime( $_POST['event_start'] ) : -1; if ($this->bAdminMode) { $sEventEnd = strtotime( $_POST['event_end'] ); $sEventSaleStart = strtotime( $_POST['event_sale_start'] ); $sEventSaleEnd = strtotime( $_POST['event_sale_end'] ); $iEventCountF = (int)$_POST['event_count_female']; $iEventCountM = (int)$_POST['event_count_male']; } $aElements = array('Title' => $sEventTitle, 'Description' => $sEventDesc, 'Status message' => $sEventStatusMessage, 'City' => $sEventCity, 'Country' => $sEventCountry, 'Place' => $sEventPlace, 'Event start' => $sEventStart, 'Event end' => $sEventEnd, 'Ticket Sale Start' => $sEventSaleStart, 'Ticket Sale End' => $sEventSaleEnd, 'Female Ticket Count' => $iEventCountF, 'Male Ticket Count' => $iEventCountM, 'Tags' => $sTags); return $aElements; } /** * Generate common forms and includes js * * @return HTML presentation of data */ function PrintCommandForms() { global $site; $sJSPath = $site['url'] . 'inc/'; $sRetHtml = <<
EOF; return $sRetHtml; } function CheckLogged() { global $logged; if( !$logged['member'] && !$logged['admin'] ) { member_auth(0); } } function DeleteProfileEvents($iProfileID) { if ($this->bAdminMode==true) { $vDelSQL = db_res("SELECT `ID` FROM `SDatingEvents` WHERE `ResponsibleID` = '{$iProfileID}'"); while( $aEnent = mysql_fetch_assoc($vDelSQL) ) { $this->PageSDatingDeleteEvent($aEnent['ID']); } } } function PageSDatingDeleteEvent($iDelEventID = -1) { global $dir; $this->CheckLogged(); $sEventID = ($iDelEventID>0) ? $iDelEventID : (int)$_POST['DeleteEventID']; $aOwner = db_arr("SELECT `ResponsibleID` FROM `SDatingEvents` WHERE `ID` = '{$sEventID}' LIMIT 1"); if ($aOwner['ResponsibleID']==(int)$_COOKIE['memberID'] || $this->bAdminMode) { $vPosts = db_res( "DELETE FROM `SDatingParticipants` WHERE `IDEvent`={$sEventID}" ); $aPicSQL = db_arr("SELECT `PhotoFilename` FROM `SDatingEvents` WHERE `ID` = '{$sEventID}'"); $sMediaFileName = $aPicSQL['PhotoFilename']; if ($sMediaFileName != '') { if (@unlink ( $dir['sdatingImage'] . $sMediaFileName ) == FALSE) { $sRetHtml .= MsgBox(_t('_FAILED_TO_DELETE_PIC', $sMediaFileName)); } if (@unlink ( $dir['sdatingImage'] . 'thumb_'.$sMediaFileName ) == FALSE) { $sRetHtml .= MsgBox(_t('_FAILED_TO_DELETE_PIC', $sMediaFileName)); } if (@unlink ( $dir['sdatingImage'] . 'icon_'.$sMediaFileName ) == FALSE) { $sRetHtml .= MsgBox(_t('_FAILED_TO_DELETE_PIC', $sMediaFileName)); } } $sQuery = "DELETE FROM `SDatingEvents` WHERE `SDatingEvents`.`ID` = '{$sEventID}' LIMIT 1"; db_res( $sQuery ); return MsgBox(_t('_event_deleted')); } elseif ($aOwner['ResponsibleID']!=(int)$_COOKIE['memberID']) { return MsgBox(_t('_Hacker String')); } else { return MsgBox(_t('_event_delete_failed')); } } /** * Compose Array of errors during filling (validating) * * @param $aElements Input Array with data * @return Array with errors */ function CheckEventErrors( $aElements ) { $aErr = array(); foreach( $aElements as $sFieldName => $sFieldValue ) { switch( $sFieldName ) { // case 'Status message': case 'Title': case 'Country': if( !mb_strlen($sFieldValue) ) $aErr[ $sFieldName ] = "{$sFieldName} is required"; break; case 'Description': if( mb_strlen($sFieldValue) < 50 ) $aErr[ $sFieldName ] = "{$sFieldName} must be 50 symbols at least"; break; case 'City': case 'Place': if( !mb_strlen($sFieldValue) && $this->bAdminMode==true ) $aErr[ $sFieldName ] = "{$sFieldName} is required"; break; case 'Event start': if( $sFieldValue > 0 ) { $sEventStart = strtotime($_REQUEST['event_start']); $sNow = strtotime("now"); if ($sEventStart < $sNow) $aErr[ $sFieldName ] = "_event_post_wrong_time"; } else { $aErr[ $sFieldName ] = "{$sFieldName} is required"; } break; case 'Event end': case 'Ticket Sale Start': case 'Ticket Sale End': if( $sFieldValue == -1 && $this->bAdminMode==true ) $aErr[ $sFieldName ] = "{$sFieldName} is required"; break; case 'Female Ticket Count': case 'Male Ticket Count': if( $sFieldValue < 1 && $this->bAdminMode==true ) $aErr[ $sFieldName ] = "{$sFieldName} must be positive"; break; } } return $aErr; } /** * function for New/Edit event * @return Text Result */ function SDAddEvent( $iEventID = -1 ) {//for update event global $dir; global $logged; global $site; if( !$logged['member'] && !$logged['admin'] ) { member_auth(0); } // collect information about current member $aMember['ID'] = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID']; $aMemberData = getProfileInfo( $aMember['ID'] ); // common $sEventTitle = process_db_input( $_POST['event_title'], 1 ); $sEventDesc = $this->process_html_db_input($_POST['event_desc']); $sEventStatusMessage = process_db_input( $_POST['event_statusmsg'], 1 ); // event place $sEventCountry = process_db_input( $_POST['event_country'], 1 ); $sEventCity = process_db_input( $_POST['event_city'], 1 ); $EventPlace = process_db_input( $_POST['event_place'], 1 ); $sTags = process_db_input( $_POST['event_tags'], 1 ); $aTags = explodeTags($sTags); $sTags = implode(",", $aTags); $sPictureName = $sBaseName; $aScan = getimagesize($_FILES['event_photo']['tmp_name']); if ( in_array($aScan[2], array(1,2,3,6)) && 0 < strlen( $_FILES['event_photo']['name']) ) { $sCurrentTime = time(); if ($iEventID == -1) { $sBaseName = 'g_'. $sCurrentTime .'_1'; } else { $sBaseName = db_value("SELECT `PhotoFilename` FROM `SDatingEvents` WHERE `ID`='{$iEventID}' LIMIT 1"); if ($sBaseName!="") { if (ereg ("([a-z0-9_]+)\.", $sBaseName, $aRegs)) { $sBaseName = $aRegs[1]; } } else { $sBaseName = ($sBaseName!="") ? $sBaseName : 'g_'. $sCurrentTime .'_1'; } } $sExt = moveUploadedImage( $_FILES, 'event_photo', $dir['tmp'] . $sBaseName, '', false ); $sBaseName .= $sExt; $sPictureName = $sBaseName; $sThumbName = 'thumb_'.$sBaseName; $sIconName = 'icon_'.$sBaseName; // resize for thumbnail $vRes = imageResize( $dir['tmp'] . $sBaseName, $dir['sdatingImage'] . $sThumbName, $this->iThumbSize, $this->iThumbSize ); if ( $vRes != IMAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS ) return SDATING_ERROR_PHOTO_PROCESS; $vRes = imageResize( $dir['tmp'] . $sBaseName, $dir['sdatingImage'] . $sPictureName, $this->iImgSize, $this->iImgSize ); if ( $vRes != IMAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS ) return SDATING_ERROR_PHOTO_PROCESS; $vRes = imageResize( $dir['tmp'] . $sBaseName, $dir['sdatingImage'] . $sIconName, $this->iIconSize, $this->iIconSize ); if ( $vRes != IMAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS ) return SDATING_ERROR_PHOTO_PROCESS; @unlink( $dir['tmp'] . $sBaseName ); chmod( $dir['sdatingImage'] . $sPictureName, 0644 ); chmod( $dir['sdatingImage'] . $sThumbName, 0644 ); chmod( $dir['sdatingImage'] . $sIconName, 0644 ); $sEventPhotoFilename = process_db_input( $sPictureName ); } else $sEventPhotoFilename = ''; $sPictureSQL = ''; if ($iEventID>0 && $sEventPhotoFilename!='') { $sPictureSQL = "`PhotoFilename` = '{$sEventPhotoFilename}',"; } // event date $sEventStart = strtotime( $_REQUEST['event_start'] ); if ( $sEventStart == -1 ) return SDATING_ERROR_WRONG_DATE_FORMAT; if ($this->bAdminMode) { $sEventEnd = strtotime( $_POST['event_end'] ); //if ( $sEventEnd == -1 ) // return SDATING_ERROR_WRONG_DATE_FORMAT; $sEventSaleStart = strtotime( $_POST['event_sale_start'] ); //if ( $sEventSaleStart == -1 ) // return SDATING_ERROR_WRONG_DATE_FORMAT; $sEventSaleEnd = strtotime( $_POST['event_sale_end'] ); //if ( $sEventSaleEnd == -1 ) // return SDATING_ERROR_WRONG_DATE_FORMAT; //if ( $sEventEnd < $sEventStart || $sEventSaleEnd < $sEventSaleStart || $sEventStart < $sEventSaleStart ) // return SDATING_ERROR_WRONG_DATE_FORMAT; $sEventEndVal = "FROM_UNIXTIME( {$sEventEnd} )"; $sEventSaleStartVal = "FROM_UNIXTIME( {$sEventSaleStart} )"; $sEventSaleEndVal = "FROM_UNIXTIME( {$sEventSaleEnd} )"; } else { $sEventEndVal = 'NOW()'; $sEventSaleStartVal = 'NOW()'; $sEventSaleEndVal = 'NOW()'; } // event responsible $sEventRespId = ($this->bAdminMode) ? 0 : (int)$aMemberData['ID']; $sEventRespName = ($this->bAdminMode) ? _t('Admin') : process_db_input( $aMemberData['NickName'], 0, 1 ); $sEventRespEmail = ($this->bAdminMode) ? $site['email'] : process_db_input( $aMemberData['Email'], 0, 1 ); $sEventRespPhone = ($this->bAdminMode) ? '666' : process_db_input( $aMemberData['Phone'], 0, 1 ); $iEventAgeLowerFilter = (int)getParam( 'search_start_age' ); $iEventAgeUpperFilter = (int)getParam( 'search_end_age' ); $sEventMembershipFilter = "\'all\'"; $iEventCountF = (int)$_POST['event_count_female']; $iEventCountM = (int)$_POST['event_count_male']; $dEventPriceF = '0.00'; $dEventPriceM = '0.00'; $dEventPriceC = '0.00'; // choose options $iEventChoosePeriod = 5; // allow to view participants $iEventAllowView = '1'; if ($iEventID==-1) { $sNewUri = uriGenerate($sEventTitle, 'SDatingEvents', 'EntryUri', 100); //Commented elements /*`EventEnd` = FROM_UNIXTIME( {$sEventEnd} ),*/ /*`TicketSaleStart` = FROM_UNIXTIME( {$sEventSaleStart} ),*/ /*`TicketSaleEnd` = FROM_UNIXTIME( {$sEventSaleEnd} ),*/ $vRes = db_res( "INSERT INTO `SDatingEvents` SET `Title` = '{$sEventTitle}', `EntryUri` = '{$sNewUri}', `Description` = '{$sEventDesc}', `Status` = 'Active', `StatusMessage` = '{$sEventStatusMessage}', `Country` = '{$sEventCountry}', `City` = '{$sEventCity}', `Place` = '{$EventPlace}', `PhotoFilename` = '{$sEventPhotoFilename}', `EventStart` = FROM_UNIXTIME( {$sEventStart} ), `EventEnd` = {$sEventEndVal}, `TicketSaleStart` = {$sEventSaleStartVal}, `TicketSaleEnd` = {$sEventSaleEndVal}, `ResponsibleID` = '{$sEventRespId}', `ResponsibleName` = '{$sEventRespName}', `ResponsibleEmail` = '{$sEventRespEmail}', `ResponsiblePhone` = '{$sEventRespPhone}', `EventSexFilter` = 'female,male', `EventAgeLowerFilter` = {$iEventAgeLowerFilter}, `EventAgeUpperFilter` = {$iEventAgeUpperFilter}, `EventMembershipFilter` = '{$sEventMembershipFilter}', `TicketCountFemale` = {$iEventCountF}, `TicketCountMale` = {$iEventCountM}, `TicketPriceFemale` = {$dEventPriceF}, `TicketPriceMale` = {$dEventPriceM}, `ChoosePeriod` = {$iEventChoosePeriod}, `AllowViewParticipants` = {$iEventAllowView}, `Tags` = '{$sTags}' " ); $iLastID = mysql_insert_id(); if ($iLastID>0) { $this->iLastInsertedID = $iLastID; reparseObjTags( 'event', $iLastID ); } } else { //$sNewUri = uriGenerate($sEventTitle, 'SDatingEvents', 'EntryUri', 100); //Commented elements /*`EventEnd` = FROM_UNIXTIME( {$sEventEnd} ),*/ /*`TicketSaleStart` = FROM_UNIXTIME( {$sEventSaleStart} ),*/ /*`TicketSaleEnd` = FROM_UNIXTIME( {$sEventSaleEnd} ),*/ $vRes = db_res( "UPDATE `SDatingEvents` SET `Title` = '{$sEventTitle}', `Description` = '{$sEventDesc}', `Status` = 'Active', `StatusMessage` = '{$sEventStatusMessage}', `Country` = '{$sEventCountry}', `City` = '{$sEventCity}', `Place` = '{$EventPlace}', {$sPictureSQL} `EventStart` = FROM_UNIXTIME( {$sEventStart} ), `EventEnd` = {$sEventEndVal}, `TicketSaleStart` = {$sEventSaleStartVal}, `TicketSaleEnd` = {$sEventSaleEndVal}, `ResponsibleID` = '{$sEventRespId}', `ResponsibleName` = '{$sEventRespName}', `ResponsibleEmail` = '{$sEventRespEmail}', `ResponsiblePhone` = '{$sEventRespPhone}', `EventSexFilter` = 'female,male', `EventAgeLowerFilter` = {$iEventAgeLowerFilter}, `EventAgeUpperFilter` = {$iEventAgeUpperFilter}, `EventMembershipFilter` = '{$sEventMembershipFilter}', `TicketCountFemale` = {$iEventCountF}, `TicketCountMale` = {$iEventCountM}, `TicketPriceFemale` = {$dEventPriceF}, `TicketPriceMale` = {$dEventPriceM}, `ChoosePeriod` = {$iEventChoosePeriod}, `AllowViewParticipants` = {$iEventAllowView}, `Tags` = '{$sTags}' WHERE `ID` = {$iEventID} " ); reparseObjTags( 'event', $iEventID ); } return SDATING_ERROR_SUCCESS; } /** * page show event list function * @return HTML presentation of data */ function PageSDatingShowEvents() { global $site; global $dir; global $aPreValues; global $oTemplConfig; global $tmpl; $sEditC = _t('_Edit'); $sDeleteC = _t('_Delete'); $sSureC = _t("_Are you sure"); $sTagsC = _t('_Tags'); // collect information about current member $aMember['ID'] = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID']; $aMemberData = getProfileInfo( $aMember['ID'] ); $sMemberSex = $aMemberData['Sex']; $aMembership = getMemberMembershipInfo( $aMember['ID'] ); $bShowFrom = (int)$_REQUEST['from']; //$sDateWhereCheck = ($this->bAdminMode) ? "AND NOW() < DATE_ADD(`SDatingEvents`.`EventEnd`, INTERVAL `SDatingEvents`.`ChoosePeriod` DAY)" : ''; $sDateWhereCheck = '';//'A' commented like bug $sCommonSelectSQL = "DISTINCT `SDatingEvents`.`ID`, `Title`, `EntryUri`, `Description`, `StatusMessage`, `Country`, `City`, `Place`, `PhotoFilename`, `Tags`, "; $sCommonSelectSQL .= "`EventStart`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`EventStart`) AS 'EventStart_UTS', "; $sCommonSelectSQL .= "(UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`EventStart`)) AS `sec`, `ResponsibleID`, "; $sCommonSelectSQL .= "(NOW() > `EventEnd` AND NOW() < DATE_ADD(`EventEnd`, INTERVAL `ChoosePeriod` DAY)) AS `ChooseActive`, "; $sCommonSelectSQL .= "`AllowViewParticipants`, (`SDatingParticipants`.`ID` IS NOT NULL) AS `IsParticipant` "; $sLeftJoinAddonSQL = "LEFT JOIN `SDatingParticipants` ON `SDatingParticipants`.`IDEvent` = `SDatingEvents`.`ID` AND `SDatingParticipants`.`IDMember` = {$aMember['ID']}"; $sStatusActiveSQL = "`SDatingEvents`.`Status` = 'Active'"; $sOrderBySQL = "ORDER BY `SDatingEvents`.`EventStart` DESC"; // build SQL query for event listing $sShowQuery = ''; switch ( $_REQUEST['show_events'] ) { case 'country': // queries for showing 'by country' $sShowQuery = " SELECT {$sCommonSelectSQL } FROM `SDatingEvents` {$sLeftJoinAddonSQL} WHERE {$sStatusActiveSQL} {$sDateWhereCheck} AND `SDatingEvents`.`Country` = '". process_db_input($_REQUEST['show_events_country'], 1) ."' {$sOrderBySQL} {$sLimitSQL} "; $sCountSQL = " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `SDatingEvents` WHERE {$sStatusActiveSQL} {$sDateWhereCheck} AND `Country` = '". process_db_input($_REQUEST['show_events_country'], 1) ."' "; break; case 'my': // queries for showing my events $sShowQuery = " SELECT {$sCommonSelectSQL } FROM `SDatingEvents` {$sLeftJoinAddonSQL} WHERE `ResponsibleID` = {$aMember['ID']} {$sOrderBySQL} {$sLimitSQL} "; $sCountSQL = " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `SDatingEvents` "; break; case 'all': default: // queries for showing all available events $sShowQuery = " SELECT {$sCommonSelectSQL } FROM `SDatingEvents` {$sLeftJoinAddonSQL} WHERE {$sStatusActiveSQL} {$sDateWhereCheck} {$sOrderBySQL} {$sLimitSQL} "; $sCountSQL = " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `SDatingEvents` WHERE {$sStatusActiveSQL} {$sDateWhereCheck} "; } //////////////////////////// $iTotalNum = db_value( $sCountSQL ); if( !$iTotalNum ) { return MsgBox(_t( '_Sorry, nothing found' )); } $iPerPage = (int)$_GET['per_page']; if( !$iPerPage ) $iPerPage = 10; $iTotalPages = ceil( $iTotalNum / $iPerPage ); $iCurPage = (int)$_GET['page']; if( $iCurPage > $iTotalPages ) $iCurPage = $iTotalPages; if( $iCurPage < 1 ) $iCurPage = 1; $sLimitFrom = ( $iCurPage - 1 ) * $iPerPage; $sqlLimit = "LIMIT {$sLimitFrom}, {$iPerPage}"; $sShowQuery .= $sqlLimit; // process database queries $vShowRes = db_res( $sShowQuery ); //////////////////////////// $iShowNum = mysql_num_rows( $vShowRes ); if ( $iShowNum == 0 ) { // show if no events available $sRetHtml .= DesignBoxContent( _t('_SpeedDating events'), '
'. _t('_No events available') .'
', $oTemplConfig -> PageSDatingShowEvents_db_num ); } else { $sSpacerName = $this -> sSpacerPath; // print list of events while ( $aResSQL = mysql_fetch_assoc($vShowRes) ) { $sImgEL = ( strlen(trim($aResSQL['PhotoFilename'])) && file_exists($dir['sdatingImage'] . $aResSQL['PhotoFilename']) ) ? "iThumbSize}px;height:{$this->iThumbSize}px;background-image:url({$site['sdatingImage']}thumb_{$aResSQL['PhotoFilename']});\" src=\"{$sSpacerName}\" alt=\"{$aResSQL['Title']}\" />" : "iThumbSize}px;height:{$this->iThumbSize}px;background-image:url({$site['url']}templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/{$this->sPicNotAvail});\" src=\"{$sSpacerName}\" />"; $sShowInfoC = _t('_Show info'); $sParticipantsC = _t('_Participants'); $sStatusMessageC = _t('_Status message'); $sDateC = _t('_Date'); $sPlaceC = _t('_Place'); $sDescriptionC = _t('_Description'); $sTitleC = _t('_Title'); $sActionsC = _t('_Actions'); $sListOfParticipantsC = _t('_List').' '._t('_of').' '._t('_Participants'); $sPostedByC = _t('_Posted by'); if ($aResSQL['ResponsibleID'] == 0) { $sPostedByHref = _t('_Admin'); } else { $aPostedBy = $this->GetProfileData($aResSQL['ResponsibleID']); //$sPostedBy = $aPostedBy['NickName']; $sPostedByHref = getProfileLink($aResSQL['ResponsibleID']); $sPostedByHref = ''.$aPostedBy['NickName'].''; } $sGenUrlP = $this->genUrl($aResSQL['ID'], $aResSQL['EntryUri'], 'part'); $sViewParticipantsVal = << {$sListOfParticipantsC} EOF; $sViewParticipants = ($aResSQL['AllowViewParticipants'] == '1') ? $sViewParticipantsVal : ''; $sStatusMessage = process_line_output($aResSQL['StatusMessage']); //$date_format_php = getParam('php_date_format'); //$sDateTime = date( $date_format_php, strtotime( $aResSQL['EventStart'] ) ); $sDateTime = LocaledDataTime($aResSQL['EventStart_UTS']); $sEventsStart = $sDateTime." ("._format_when($aResSQL['sec']).")"; $sCountry = ($aResSQL['Country']!='') ? _t($aPreValues['Country'][$aResSQL['Country']]['LKey']) : ''; $sCity = ($aResSQL['City']!='') ? ', '.process_line_output($aResSQL['City']) : ''; $sPlace = ($aResSQL['Place']!='') ? ', '.process_line_output($aResSQL['Place']) : ''; $sDescription = $aResSQL['Description']; $sTagsCommas = $aResSQL['Tags']; $aTags = split(',', $sTagsCommas); $sTagsHrefs = ''; foreach( $aTags as $sTagKey ) { $sTagHrefGen = $this->genUrl(0, $sTagKey, 'search'); $sTagsHrefs .= <<{$sTagKey}  EOF; } $sTags = << {$sTagsC}: {$sTagsHrefs} EOF; $sActions = ''; if ($aResSQL['ResponsibleID']==(int)$_COOKIE['memberID'] && $aResSQL['ResponsibleID'] > 0) { $sActions = << {$sEditC}  {$sDeleteC} EOF; } $sGenUrl = $this->genUrl($aResSQL['ID'], $aResSQL['EntryUri']); $sImgEl = $this->GetEventPicture($aResSQL['ID'], $aResSQL['PhotoFilename']); /*
*/ $sMainContent = <<
EOF; $sRetHtml .= $sMainContent; } $iVar = 2; /////////////////////////// if ($this->bUseFriendlyLinks==false || $_GET['show_events']!='all') { //old variant if( $iTotalPages > 1) { $sRequest = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?'; $aFields = array('show_events','action'); foreach( $aFields as $field ) if( isset( $_GET[$field] ) ) $sRequest .= "&{$field}=" . htmlentities( process_pass_data( $_GET[$field] ) ); $pagination = '
'._t("_Results per page").':
' . genPagination( $iTotalPages, $iCurPage, ( $sRequest . '&page={page}&per_page='.$iPerPage ) ); } else $pagination = ''; } else if ($this->bUseFriendlyLinks && $_GET['show_events']=='all') { //new vatiant if( $iTotalPages > 1) { //$sFriendlyAction = 'show_events=all&action=show'; $sRequest = $site['url'] . 'events/all/'; /*$aFields = array('show_events','action'); foreach( $aFields as $field ) if( isset( $_GET[$field] ) ) $sFriendlyAction .= "{$field}=" . htmlentities( process_pass_data( $_GET[$field] ) ) . '&';*/ $pagination = '
'._t("_Results per page").':
' . genPagination( $iTotalPages, $iCurPage, ( $sRequest.$iPerPage . '/{page}' ) ); } else $pagination = ''; } /////////////////////////// } $sRetHtml = $this->DecorateAsTable(_t('_All Events'), $sRetHtml.$pagination); return $sRetHtml; } /** * Compose result into Wrapper class * * @param $sCaption caption of Box * @param $sValue inner text of box * @return HTML presentation of data */ function DecorateAsTable($sCaption, $sValue) { $sValueF = << {$sValue} EOF; $sDecTbl = DesignBoxContent ( _t($sCaption), $sValueF, 1 ); return $sDecTbl; } /** * page show information about specified event * @return HTML presentation of data */ function PageSDatingShowInfo() { global $site; global $tmpl; global $dir; global $aPreValues; global $doll; global $oTemplConfig; global $date_format; global $logged; // collect information about current member if( $logged['member'] ) { $aMember['ID'] = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID']; $aMemberData = getProfileInfo( $aMember['ID'] ); } else $aMember['ID'] = 0; $sNoPhotoC = _t('_No photo'); $sChangeC = _t('_Change'); $sCanBuyTicketC = _t('_You can buy the ticket'); $sBuyTicketC = _t('_Buy ticket'); $sCountryC = _t('_Country'); $sCityC = _t('_City'); $sPlaceC = _t('_Place'); $sEventStartC = _t('_Event start'); $sDateC = _t('_Date'); $sEventEndC = _t('_Event end'); $sTicketSaleStartC = _t('_Ticket sale start'); $sTicketSaleEndC = _t('_Ticket sale end'); $sResponsiblePersonC = _t('_Responsible person'); $sPostedByC = _t('_Posted by'); $sTicketsLeftC = _t('_Tickets left'); $sTicketPriceC = _t('_Ticket price'); $sDescriptionC = _t('_Description'); $sSaleStatusC = _t('_Sale status'); $sEventC = _t('_Event'); $sEditC = _t('_Edit'); $sDeleteC = _t('_Delete'); $sSureC = _t("_Are you sure"); $sPictureC = _t('_Picture'); $sStatusC = _t('_Status'); $sPhoneC = _t('_Phone'); $sEmailC = _t('_E-mail'); $sActionsC = _t('_Actions'); $sJoinC = _t('_Join'); $sUnsubscribeC = _t('_Unsubscribe'); $sParticipantsC = _t('_Participants'); $sListOfParticipantsC = _t('_List').' '._t('_of').' '._t('_Participants'); $sTagsC = _t('_Tags'); $sYOC = _t('_y/o'); /*$iEventID = (int)$_REQUEST['event_id'];*/ $iEventID = ($this->bUseFriendlyLinks) ? (int)db_value("SELECT `ID` FROM `SDatingEvents` WHERE `EntryUri`='" . $this->process_html_db_input($_REQUEST['eventUri']) . "' LIMIT 1") : (int)$_REQUEST['event_id']; if ($this->iLastInsertedID > 0) { $iEventID = $this->iLastInsertedID; $this->iLastInsertedID = -1; } $sQuery = " SELECT `SDatingEvents`.`ID` AS `EventIDN`, `Title`, `EntryUri`, `Description`, `PhotoFilename`, `StatusMessage`, `Country`, `City`, `Place`, `Tags`, `EventStart`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`EventStart`) AS 'EventStart_UTS', DATE_FORMAT(`EventEnd`, '{$date_format}' ) AS EventEnd, (NOW() > `EventStart`) AS `EventBegan`, (NOW() < `EventEnd`) AS `EventNotFinished`, DATE_FORMAT(`TicketSaleStart`, '{$date_format}' ) AS 'TicketSaleStart', DATE_FORMAT(`TicketSaleEnd`, '{$date_format}' ) AS 'TicketSaleEnd', (NOW() > `TicketSaleStart`) AS `SaleBegan`, (NOW() < `TicketSaleEnd`) AS `SaleNotFinished`, (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`EventStart`)) AS `sec`, `ResponsibleID`, `ResponsibleName`, `ResponsibleEmail`, `ResponsiblePhone`, `TicketPriceFemale`, `TicketPriceMale`, `TicketCountFemale`, `TicketCountMale`, (NOW() > `EventEnd` AND NOW() < DATE_ADD(`EventEnd`, INTERVAL `ChoosePeriod` DAY)) AS `ChooseActive`, (`SDatingParticipants`.`ID` IS NOT NULL) AS `IsParticipant` FROM `SDatingEvents` LEFT JOIN `SDatingParticipants` ON `SDatingParticipants`.`IDEvent` = `SDatingEvents`.`ID` AND `SDatingParticipants`.`IDMember` = {$aMember['ID']} WHERE `SDatingEvents`.`ID` = {$iEventID} AND `SDatingEvents`.`Status` = 'Active' "; $aEventData = db_arr( $sQuery ); if ( !is_array($aEventData) || count($aEventData) == 0 ) return DesignBoxContent( '', '
'. _t('_Event is unavailable') .'
', $oTemplConfig -> PageSDatingShowInfo_db_num ); $sQuery = " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `SDatingParticipants` LEFT JOIN `Profiles` ON `SDatingParticipants`.`IDMember` = `Profiles`.`ID` WHERE `SDatingParticipants`.`IDEvent` = {$iEventID} AND `Profiles`.`Sex` = '{$sMemberSex}' "; $aPartNum = db_arr( $sQuery ); $iPartNum = (int)$aPartNum[0]; $iTicketsLeft = ( $aMemberData['Sex'] == 'male' ? $aEventData['TicketCountMale'] - $iPartNum : $aEventData['TicketCountFemale'] - $iPartNum ); $iTicketPrice = (float)( $aMemberData['Sex'] == 'male' ? $aEventData['TicketPriceMale'] : $aEventData['TicketPriceFemale'] ); // change participant UID $sErrorMessage = ''; if ( isset($_POST['change_uid']) && $_POST['change_uid'] == 'on' ) { // check if this UID doesn't exist for this event $sNewUid = process_db_input($_POST['participant_uid']); $aExistUid = db_arr( "SELECT `ID` FROM `SDatingParticipants` WHERE `IDEvent` = {$iEventID} AND `IDMember` <> {$aMember['ID']} AND LOWER(`ParticipantUID`) = LOWER('$sNewUid')" ); if ( !$aExistUid['ID'] ) { $vRes = db_res( "UPDATE `SDatingParticipants` SET `ParticipantUID` = '$sNewUid' WHERE `IDEvent` = $iEventID AND `IDMember` = {$aMember['ID']}" ); if ( !$vRes ) $sErrorMessage = _t('_Cant change participant UID'); } else { $sErrorMessage = _t('_UID already exists'); } } // if ticket is free then buy it here without any checkouts if ( isset($_POST['purchase_ticket']) && $_POST['purchase_ticket'] == 'on' && !$aEventData['IsParticipant'] and $logged['member'] ) { if ( $aEventData['SaleBegan'] && $aEventData['SaleNotFinished'] && $iTicketsLeft > 0 && $iTicketPrice <= 0.0 ) { // insert into participants table $iParticipantUID = $aMemberData['NickName'] . $iEventID . rand(100, 999); $vRes = db_res( "INSERT INTO `SDatingParticipants` SET `IDEvent` = {$iEventID}, `IDMember` = {$aMember['ID']}, `ParticipantUID` = '{$iParticipantUID}'", 0 ); if ( !$vRes ) { $sErrorMessage = _t('Error: Participant subscription error'); } else { $sSubject = getParam( 't_SDatingCongratulation_subject' ); $sMessage = getParam( 't_SDatingCongratulation' ); $aPlus = array(); $aPlus['NameSDating'] = $aEventData['Title']; $aPlus['PlaceSDating'] = $aEventData['Place']; $aPlus['WhenStarSDating'] = $aEventData['EventStart']; $aPlus['PersonalUID'] = $iParticipantUID; $sGenUrl = $this->genUrl($iEventID, $aEventData['EntryUri']); $aPlus['LinkSDatingEvent'] = $sGenUrl; $vMailRes = sendMail( $aMemberData['Email'], $sSubject, $sMessage, $aMember['ID'], $aPlus ); if ( !$vMailRes ) $_POST['result'] = 3; else $_POST['result'] = 1; } } else { $_POST['result'] = -1; } } elseif ( isset($_POST['join_event']) && $_POST['join_event'] == 'on' && $logged['member'] ) { // insert into participants table $iParticipantUID = $aMemberData['NickName'] . $iEventID . rand(100, 999); $vRes = db_res( "INSERT INTO `SDatingParticipants` SET `IDEvent` = {$iEventID}, `IDMember` = {$aMember['ID']}, `ParticipantUID` = '{$iParticipantUID}'", 0 ); if ( !$vRes ) { $sErrorMessage = _t('Error: Participant subscription error'); $sRetHtml .= ''; } else { $sSubject = getParam( 't_SDatingCongratulation_subject' ); $sMessage = getParam( 't_SDatingCongratulation' ); $aPlus = array(); $aPlus['NameSDating'] = $aEventData['Title']; $aPlus['PlaceSDating'] = $aEventData['Place']; $aPlus['WhenStarSDating'] = $aEventData['EventStart']; $aPlus['PersonalUID'] = $iParticipantUID; $sGenUrl = $this->genUrl($iEventID, $aEventData['EntryUri']); $aPlus['LinkSDatingEvent'] = $sGenUrl; $vMailRes = sendMail( $aMemberData['Email'], $sSubject, $sMessage, $aMember['ID'], $aPlus ); $sRetHtml .= ''; if ( !$vMailRes ) $_POST['result'] = 3; else $_POST['result'] = 1; } } elseif ( isset($_POST['unsubscribe_event']) && $_POST['unsubscribe_event'] == 'on' && $logged['member'] ) { // remove from participants table $vRes = db_res("DELETE FROM `SDatingParticipants` WHERE `IDEvent` = {$iEventID} AND `IDMember` = {$aMember['ID']} LIMIT 1"); if (mysql_affected_rows() == 0) { $sErrorMessage = _t('Error: Participant unsubscription error'); $sRetHtml .= ''; } else { $sRetHtml .= ''; } } elseif ( isset($_POST['join_event']) && $_POST['join_event'] == 'on' && $logged['member']==false ) { $this->CheckLogged(); } $aMemberPart = db_arr( "SELECT `ID`, `ParticipantUID` FROM `SDatingParticipants` WHERE `IDEvent` = {$iEventID} AND `IDMember` = {$aMember['ID']}" ); $sErrElems = ''; if ( isset($_POST['result']) ) { $sResult = ''; switch ( $_POST['result'] ) { case '-1': $sResult = _t('_RESULT-1'); break; case '0': $sResult = _t('_RESULT0'); break; case '1': $sResult = _t('_RESULT1_THANK', $aEventData['Title'] , $aEventData['EventStart']); break; case '3': $sResult = _t('_RESULT_SDATING_MAIL_NOT_SENT'); break; case '1000': $sResult = _t('_RESULT1000'); break; } $sErrElems .= '
'; } $sPicElement = ''; $sSpacerName = $this -> sSpacerPath; if ( strlen(trim($aEventData['PhotoFilename'])) && file_exists($dir['sdatingImage'] . $aEventData['PhotoFilename']) ) { $sPicName = $site['sdatingImage'].$aEventData['PhotoFilename']; $sPicElement .= "\"\" iImgSize}px;height:{$this -> iImgSize}px;background-image:url({$sPicName});\" src=\"{$sSpacerName}\" border=\"0\" />"; $sPicElement1 .= ' '._t('_SDating photo alt', $aEventData['Title']).''; } else { $sPicNaName = "{$site['url']}templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/{$this -> sPicNotAvail}"; $sPicElement .= "\"\" iImgSize}px;height:{$this -> iImgSize}px;background-image:url({$sPicNaName});\" src=\"{$sSpacerName}\" border=\"0\" />"; $sPicElement1 .= '
'; } /*$sInnerData = ''; if ( $aMemberPart['ID'] ) { if ( $aEventData['EventBegan'] && $aEventData['EventNotFinished'] ) { $sInnerData .= _t('_Event started'); } elseif ( $aEventData['ChooseActive'] ) { $sInnerData .= _t('_Event finished') .". ". _t('_Choose participants you liked') .""; } else { if ( strlen($sErrorMessage) ) $sInnerData .= "
\n"; $sInnerData .= _t('_You are participant of event').'
'; $sParticipantUID = htmlspecialchars($aMemberPart['ParticipantUID']); $sInnerData .= <<
EOF; } } elseif ( $aEventData['SaleBegan'] and $aEventData['SaleNotFinished'] and $logged['member'] ) { if ( $iTicketsLeft > 0 ) { if ( $iTicketPrice > 0.0 ) { $sInnerData .= <<
EOF; } else { $sInnerData .= <<
EOF; } } else { $sInnerData .= _t('_No tickets left'); } } elseif ( $aEventData['SaleBegan'] ) { $sInnerData .= _t('_Sale finished'); } else { $sInnerData .= _t('_Sale not started yet'); }*/ $sStatusMessage = process_line_output($aEventData['StatusMessage']); $sCountryPic = _t($aPreValues['Country'][$aEventData['Country']]['LKey']); $sCity = process_line_output($aEventData['City']); $sPlace = process_line_output($aEventData['Place']); $sResponsiblePerson = process_line_output($aEventData['ResponsibleName']); if ($aEventData['ResponsibleID'] == 0) { $sPostedByHref = _t('_Admin'); } else { $aPostedBy = $this->GetProfileData($aEventData['ResponsibleID']); //$sPostedBy = $aPostedBy['NickName']; $sPostedByHref = getProfileLink($aEventData['ResponsibleID']); $sPostedByHref = ''.$aPostedBy['NickName'].''; } $sPhone = process_line_output($aEventData['ResponsiblePhone']); $sEmail = process_line_output($aEventData['ResponsibleEmail']); $sTicketPrice = ($iTicketPrice > 0.0) ? $doll . $iTicketPrice : _t('_free'); $sDescription = $aEventData['Description']; $sTitle = process_line_output($aEventData['Title']); $sTagsVals = ''; $sTagsCommas = $aEventData['Tags']; $aTags = split(',', $sTagsCommas); foreach( $aTags as $sTagKey ) { if ($sTagKey != '') { if( isset($aTagsPost[$sTagKey] ) ) $aTagsPost[$sTagKey]++; else $aTagsPost[$sTagKey] = 1; } } if (count($aTagsPost)) { foreach( $aTagsPost as $varKey => $varValue ) { $sTagHrefGen = $this->genUrl(0, $varKey, 'search'); $sTagsVals .= << {$varKey} ({$varValue})
EOF; } } $sActions = ''; if ($aEventData['ResponsibleID']==(int)$_COOKIE['memberID']) { $sActions = << {$sEditC} {$sEditC}  EOF; } $sUsersActions = ''; $sPartProfSQL = "SELECT * FROM `SDatingParticipants` WHERE `IDEvent`={$iEventID} AND `IDMember`={$aMember['ID']}"; $aPartProfSQL = db_arr($sPartProfSQL); if (mysql_affected_rows() == 0) { //no matches $sUsersActions = << {$sJoinC} {$sJoinC} EOF; } else { $sUsersActions = << {$sUnsubscribeC} {$sUnsubscribeC} EOF; } $vPartProfilesRes = db_res( " SELECT `Profiles`.*, `SDatingParticipants`.`ParticipantUID` AS `UID` FROM `SDatingParticipants` INNER JOIN `Profiles` ON `SDatingParticipants`.`IDMember` = `Profiles`.`ID` WHERE `SDatingParticipants`.`IDEvent` = '{$iEventID}' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 2" ); $sParticipants = ''; while ( $aPartProfiles = mysql_fetch_assoc($vPartProfilesRes) ) { $iUserIsOnline = get_user_online_status($aPartProfiles['ID']); $sCont = get_member_thumbnail($aPartProfiles['ID'], 'none' ) . '
' . getProfileOnlineStatus( $iUserIsOnline ) . '
'; $sThumb = get_member_thumbnail($aPartProfiles['ID'], 'none' ); $sProfLink = getProfileLink($aPartProfiles['ID']); $sAge = age( $aPartProfiles['DateOfBirth'] ). $sYOC; $sParticipants .= << {$sThumb} EOF; } $sAdminTicketsPart = '';$sAdminTicketsPart2=''; $sStatusSect = ''; if ($aEventData['ResponsibleID']==0) { $sAdminTicketsPart = << {$sEventEndC}:
EOF; $sAdminTicketsPart2 = << {$sTicketsLeftC}:
{$sSaleStatusC} EOF; $sStatusSectFDB = <<
EOF; $sStatusSect = DesignBoxContent($sStatusC, $sStatusSectFDB, 1); } $sImageSectFDB = << {$sPicElement}
EOF; $sImageSect = DesignBoxContent($sEventC.' '.$sPictureC, $sImageSectFDB, 1); $sActionsSectFDB = << EOF; $sActionsSect = DesignBoxContent($sActionsC, $sActionsSectFDB, 1); $sEventsStart = _format_when($aEventData['sec']); $sDateTime = LocaledDataTime($aEventData['EventStart_UTS']); $sSubjectSectFDB = << {$sCountryC}:
{$sDateTime} ({$sEventsStart})
EOF; $sSubjectSect = DesignBoxContent($sTitle, $sSubjectSectFDB, 1); $sDescriptionSectFDB = <<
EOF; $sDescriptionSect = DesignBoxContent($sDescriptionC, $sDescriptionSectFDB, 1); $sGenUrlP = $this->genUrl($iEventID, $aEventData['EntryUri'], 'part'); $sParticipantsSectFDB = << EOF; $sParticipantsSect = DesignBoxContent($sParticipantsC, $sParticipantsSectFDB, 1); $sTagsSectFDB = << EOF; $sTagsSect = ($sTagsVals=='') ? '' : DesignBoxContent("
", $sTagsSectFDB, 1); $sGenUrlJ = $this->genUrl($iEventID, $aEventData['EntryUri']); //{$sBreadCrumbs} $sRetHtml .= <<
{$sImageSect} {$sActionsSect}
{$sSubjectSect} {$sDescriptionSect} {$sStatusSect} {$sParticipantsSect} {$sTagsSect}
EOF; return $sRetHtml; } /** * page show participants function * @return HTML presentation of data */ function PageSDatingShowParticipants() { global $site; global $oTemplConfig; $sRetHtml = ''; $sYOC = _t('_y/o'); $sEventParticipantsC = _t('_Event participants'); $sListOfParticipantsC = _t('_List').' '._t('_of').' '._t('_Participants'); // collect information about current member if( $logged['member'] ) { $aMember['ID'] = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID']; $aMemberData = getProfileInfo( $aMember['ID'] ); } else $aMember['ID'] = 0; $aMembership = getMemberMembershipInfo( $aMember['ID'] ); /*$iEventID = (int)$_REQUEST['event_id'];*/ $iEventID = ($this->bUseFriendlyLinks) ? (int)db_value("SELECT `ID` FROM `SDatingEvents` WHERE `EntryUri`='" . $this->process_html_db_input($_REQUEST['eventUri']) . "' LIMIT 1") : (int)$_REQUEST['event_id']; $sQuery = " SELECT `ID`, `Title`, (NOW() > `EventEnd` AND NOW() < DATE_ADD(`EventEnd`, INTERVAL `ChoosePeriod` DAY)) AS `ChooseActive` FROM `SDatingEvents` WHERE `ID` = '{$iEventID}' AND `Status` = 'Active' AND `AllowViewParticipants` = 1"; $aEventData = db_arr( $sQuery ); if ( !$aEventData['ID'] ) return DesignBoxContent( '', '
'. _t('_Event is unavailable') .'
', $oTemplConfig -> PageSDatingShowParticipants_db_num ); $sRetHtml .= '
'; // list of participants $aSelfPart = db_arr( "SELECT `ID` FROM `SDatingParticipants` WHERE `IDEvent` = '{$iEventID}' AND `IDMember` = {$aMember['ID']}" ); $iPartPage = (isset($_REQUEST['part_page'])) ? (int)$_REQUEST['part_page'] : 1; $iPartPPerPage = (isset($_REQUEST['part_p_per_page'])) ? (int)$_REQUEST['part_p_per_page'] : 30; $iLimitFirst = (int)($iPartPage - 1) * $iPartPPerPage; $vPartProfilesRes = db_res( "SELECT `Profiles`.*, `SDatingParticipants`.`ParticipantUID` AS `UID` FROM `SDatingParticipants` INNER JOIN `Profiles` ON `SDatingParticipants`.`IDMember` = `Profiles`.`ID` WHERE `SDatingParticipants`.`IDEvent` = {$iEventID} ORDER BY `Profiles`.`NickName` LIMIT {$iLimitFirst}, {$iPartPPerPage}" ); $aTotal = db_arr( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `SDatingParticipants` WHERE `SDatingParticipants`.`IDEvent` = {$iEventID}" ); $iPartProfilesTotal = (int)$aTotal[0]; $iPagesNum = ceil( $iPartProfilesTotal / $iPartPPerPage ); $sGenUrlP = $this->genUrl($iEventID, '', 'part', true); $sPartGetUrl = $sGenUrlP . (isset($_REQUEST['part_p_per_page']) ? '&part_p_per_page='. (int)$_REQUEST['part_p_per_page'] : ''); if ( $iPartProfilesTotal == 0 ) { $sRetHtml .= _t('_There are no participants for this event'); } else { if ( $iPagesNum > 1 ) { $sRetHtml .= '
'._t('_Pages').': '; for ( $i = 1; $i <= $iPagesNum; $i++ ) { if ( $i == $iPartPage ) $sRetHtml .= "[{$i}] "; else $sRetHtml .= "{$i} "; } $sRetHtml .= '

'; } $sProfilesTrs = ''; while ( $part_profiles_arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($vPartProfilesRes) ) { $iUserIsOnline = get_user_online_status($part_profiles_arr[ID]); $sCont = get_member_thumbnail($part_profiles_arr['ID'], 'none' ) . '
' . getProfileOnlineStatus( $iUserIsOnline ) . '
'; $sThumb = get_member_thumbnail($part_profiles_arr['ID'], 'none' ); $sProfLink = getProfileLink($part_profiles_arr['ID']); $sAge = age( $part_profiles_arr['DateOfBirth'] ). $sYOC; $sProfilesTrs .= << {$sThumb} EOF; } $sNicknameC = _t('_Nickname'); $sDateOfBirthC = _t('_DateOfBirth'); $sSexC = _t('_Sex'); $sEventUIDC = _t('_Event UID'); $sPagesHref = ''; if ( $iPagesNum > 1 ) { $sPagesHref .= '
'._t('_Pages').': '; for ( $i = 1; $i <= $iPagesNum; $i++ ) { if ( $i == $iPartPage ) $sPagesHref .= "[{$i}] "; else $sPagesHref .= "{$i} "; } $sPagesHref .= '

'; } $sRetHtml .= $sProfilesTrs . $sPagesHref; } $sRetHtml .= '
'; return DesignBoxContent( $sListOfParticipantsC, $sRetHtml, 1 ); } /** * page show filer form function * @return HTML presentation of data */ function PageSDatingShowForm() { global $aPreValues; global $oTemplConfig; global $enable_event_creating; global $logged; $sShowCalendarC = _t('_Show calendar'); $sAddNewEventC = _t('_Add new event'); $sShowAllEventsC = _t('_Show all events'); $sShowEventsByCountryC = _t('_Show events by country'); $sShowC = _t('_Show'); // collect information about current member if( $logged['member'] ) { $aMember['ID'] = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID']; $aMemberData = getProfileInfo( $aMember['ID'] ); } $aShow = array(); $sCountryDisabled = 'disabled="disabled"'; if ( $_REQUEST['show_events'] == 'country' ) { $aShow['country'] = process_db_input($_REQUEST['show_events_country'], 1); $sCountryDisabled = ''; } $sBlockForCalendarAndEventDiv = ''; if( $oTemplConfig -> customize['events']['showTopButtons'] ) { $sBlockForCalendarAndEventDiv .= << {$sShowCalendarC} EOF; if( $enable_event_creating and $logged['member'] ) { $sBlockForCalendarAndEventDiv .= "| {$sAddNewEventC}"; } $sBlockForCalendarAndEventDiv .= ''; } $sShowEventsChk = ($_REQUEST['show_events'] == 'all') ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; $sCountryChk = ($_REQUEST['show_events'] == 'country') ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; $sCountryOptions = ''; $sSelCountry = isset($aShow['country']) ? $aShow['country'] : $aMemberData['Country']; foreach ( $aPreValues['Country'] as $key => $value ) { $sCountrySelected = ( $sSelCountry == $key ) ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $sCountryOptions .= ""; } $sRetHtml = << {$sBlockForCalendarAndEventDiv}

EOF; return DesignBoxContent( _t('_Select events to show'), $sRetHtml, $oTemplConfig -> PageSDatingShowForm_db_num ); } /** * page show filer form function * @return HTML presentation of data */ function PageSDatingCalendar() { global $dir; global $site; global $sdatingThumbWidth; global $sdatingThumbHeight; global $aPreValues; global $oTemplConfig; $iPicSize = $this->iIconSize + 15; // collect information about current member $aMember['ID'] = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID']; $aMemberData = getProfileInfo( $aMember['ID'] ); $sMemberSex = $aMemberData['Sex']; $aMembership = getMemberMembershipInfo( $aMember['ID'] ); // now year, month and day list($iNowYear, $iNowMonth, $iNowDay) = explode( '-', date('Y-m-d') ); // current year, month, month name, day, days in month if ( isset($_REQUEST['month']) ) { list($iCurMonth, $iCurYear) = explode( '-', $_REQUEST['month'] ); $iCurMonth = (int)$iCurMonth; $iCurYear = (int)$iCurYear; } else { list($iCurMonth, $iCurYear) = explode( '-', date('n-Y') ); } list($sCurMonthName, $iCurDaysInMonth) = explode( '-', date('F-t', mktime( 0, 0, 0, $iCurMonth, $iNowDay, $iCurYear )) ); // previous month year, month $iPrevYear = $iCurYear; $iPrevMonth = $iCurMonth - 1; if ( $iPrevMonth <= 0 ) { $iPrevMonth = 12; $iPrevYear--; } // next month year, month $iNextYear = $iCurYear; $iNextMonth = $iCurMonth + 1; if ( $iNextMonth > 12 ) { $iNextMonth = 1; $iNextYear++; } // days in previous month $iPrevDaysInMonth = (int)date( 't', mktime( 0, 0, 0, $iPrevMonth, $iNowDay, $iPrevYear ) ); // days-of-week of first day in current month $iFirstDayDow = (int)date( 'w', mktime( 0, 0, 0, $iCurMonth, 1, $iCurYear ) ); // from which day of previous month calendar starts $iPrevShowFrom = $iPrevDaysInMonth - $iFirstDayDow + 1; // select events array $aCalendarEvents = array(); $sCountryFilter = 'all'; $sRCalendarCountry = isset($_REQUEST['calendar_country']) ? $_REQUEST['calendar_country'] : $aMemberData['Country']; $sRCalendarCountry = ($sRCalendarCountry=='') ? 'all' : $sRCalendarCountry ; if ( $sRCalendarCountry == 'all' ) { $sCountryFilter = ''; } else { $sCountryFilter = 'AND `Country` = \''. process_db_input($sRCalendarCountry) . '\''; } $sRequest = "SELECT `ID`, `Title`, `PhotoFilename`, DAYOFMONTH(`EventStart`) AS `EventDay`, MONTH(`EventStart`) AS `EventMonth` FROM `SDatingEvents` WHERE ( MONTH(`EventStart`) = {$iCurMonth} AND YEAR(`EventStart`) = {$iCurYear} OR MONTH( DATE_ADD(`EventStart`, INTERVAL 1 MONTH) ) = {$iCurMonth} AND YEAR( DATE_ADD(`EventStart`, INTERVAL 1 MONTH) ) = {$iCurYear} OR MONTH( DATE_SUB(`EventStart`, INTERVAL 1 MONTH) ) = {$iCurMonth} AND YEAR( DATE_SUB(`EventStart`, INTERVAL 1 MONTH) ) = {$iCurYear} ) {$sCountryFilter} AND `Status` = 'Active' "; $vEventsRes = db_res( $sRequest ); while ( $aEventData = mysql_fetch_assoc($vEventsRes) ) { $aCalendarEvents["{$aEventData['EventDay']}-{$aEventData['EventMonth']}"][$aEventData['ID']]['Title'] = $aEventData['Title']; $aCalendarEvents["{$aEventData['EventDay']}-{$aEventData['EventMonth']}"][$aEventData['ID']]['PhotoFilename'] = $aEventData['PhotoFilename']; } // make calendar grid $bPreviousMonth = ($iFirstDayDow > 0 ? true : false); $bNextMonth = false; $iCurrentDay = ($bPreviousMonth) ? $iPrevShowFrom : 1; for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < 7; $j++) { $aCalendarGrid[$i][$j]['day'] = $iCurrentDay; $aCalendarGrid[$i][$j]['month'] = ($bPreviousMonth ? $iPrevMonth : ($bNextMonth ? $iNextMonth : $iCurMonth)); $aCalendarGrid[$i][$j]['current'] = (!$bPreviousMonth && !$bNextMonth); $aCalendarGrid[$i][$j]['today'] = ($iNowYear == $iCurYear && $iNowMonth == $iCurMonth && $iNowDay == $iCurrentDay && !$bPreviousMonth && !$bNextMonth); // make day increment $iCurrentDay++; if ( $bPreviousMonth && $iCurrentDay > $iPrevDaysInMonth ) { $bPreviousMonth = false; $iCurrentDay = 1; } if ( !$bPreviousMonth && !$bNextMonth && $iCurrentDay > $iCurDaysInMonth ) { $bNextMonth = true; $iCurrentDay = 1; } } } $sShowEventsByCountryC = _t('_Show events by country'); $sAllC = _t('_All'); $sPrevC = _t('_Prev'); $sNextC = _t('_Next'); $sSundaySC = _t('_Sunday_short'); $sMondaySC = _t('_Monday_short'); $sTuesdaySC = _t('_Tuesday_short'); $sWednesdaySC = _t('_Wednesday_short'); $sThursdaySC = _t('_Thursday_short'); $sFridaySC = _t('_Friday_short'); $sSaturdaySC = _t('_Saturday_short'); $sNoPhotoC = _t('_No photo'); $sCalendarC = _t('_Calendar'); $sCalendarOptions = ''; $sCalSel = ( $sRCalendarCountry == 'all' ) ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $sCalendarOptions .= '"; foreach ( $aPreValues['Country'] as $key => $value ) { $sCalKeySel = ( $sRCalendarCountry == "{$key}" ) ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $sCuontryVal = _t($value['LKey']); $sCalendarOptions .= ""; } $sCalendarCountry = (isset($_REQUEST['calendar_country'])) ? '&calendar_country='. process_pass_data($_REQUEST['calendar_country']) : ''; $sCalendarPrevHref = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?action=calendar&month={$iPrevMonth}-{$iPrevYear}".$sCalendarCountry; $sCurMonYear = _t('_'.$sCurMonthName) .', '. $iCurYear; $sCalendarNextHref = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?action=calendar&month={$iNextMonth}-{$iNextYear}".$sCalendarCountry; $sCalTableTrs = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) { $sCalTableTrs .= ''; for ($j = 0; $j < 7; $j++) { if ( $aCalendarGrid[$i][$j]['today'] ) $sCellClass = 'calendar_today'; elseif ( $aCalendarGrid[$i][$j]['current'] ) $sCellClass = 'calendar_current'; else $sCellClass = 'calendar_non_current'; $sCalTableTrs .= <<{$aCalendarGrid[$i][$j]['day']} EOF; $vDayMonthValue = $aCalendarGrid[$i][$j]['day'] .'-'. $aCalendarGrid[$i][$j]['month']; if ( isset($aCalendarEvents[$vDayMonthValue]) && is_array($aCalendarEvents[$vDayMonthValue]) ) { foreach ( $aCalendarEvents[$vDayMonthValue] as $eventID => $eventArr ) { $sEventThumbname = getThumbNameByPictureName($eventArr['PhotoFilename'], true); $sGenUrl = $this->genUrl($eventID, '', 'entry', true); if ( strlen(trim($sEventThumbname)) && file_exists($dir['sdatingImage'] . $sEventThumbname) ) { $sCalTableTrs .= << {$eventArr['Title']} EOF; } else { global $tmpl; $sSpacerName = $this -> sSpacerPath; $sNaname = $site['url'].'templates/tmpl_'.$tmpl.'/'.$this -> sPicNotAvail; $sCalTableTrs .= << EOF; } } } $sCalTableTrs .= ''; } $sCalTableTrs .= ''; } $sRetHtml = <<
{$sPrevC} {$sCurMonYear} {$sNextC}
{$sSundaySC} {$sMondaySC} {$sTuesdaySC} {$sWednesdaySC} {$sThursdaySC} {$sFridaySC} {$sSaturdaySC}

EOF; return DesignBoxContent( $sCalendarC, $sRetHtml, $oTemplConfig -> PageSDatingCalendar_db_num ); } function GenerateZapatecCode($sEl1, $sEl2) { $iCurYear = date("Y"); $iCurMonth = date("m"); $iCurDay = date("d"); //Recomendation: if you switch it to 12H standart, don`t forget set 'electric' to true (to keep events working) $sRes = <<CheckLogged(); global $site; global $aPreValues; global $oTemplConfig; global $date_format; global $logged; // collect information about current member $aMember['ID'] = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID']; $aMemberData = getProfileInfo( $aMember['ID'] ); $sMemberCountry = ($this->bAdminMode) ? getParam( 'default_country' ) : $aMemberData['Country']; $sPleaseFillAllFieldsC = _t('_Please fill up all fields'); $sTitleC = _t('_Title'); $sDescriptionC = _t('_Description'); $sStatusMessageC = _t('_Status message'); $sCountryC = _t('_Country'); $sCityC = _t('_City'); $sPlaceC = _t('_Place'); $sVenuePhotoC = _t('_Venue photo'); $sEventStartC = _t('_Event start'); $sEventEndC = _t('_Event end'); $sTicketSaleStartC = _t('_Ticket sale start'); $sTicketSaleEndC = _t('_Ticket sale end'); $sFemaleTicketCountC = _t('_Female ticket count'); $sMaleTicketCountC = _t('_Male ticket count'); $sPostEventC = _t('_Post Event'); $sAddNewEventC = _t('_Add new event'); $sTagsC = _t('_Tags'); $sCommitC = _t('_Apply Changes'); $sChooseC = _t('_Choose'); $sClearC = _t('_Clear'); $sEventURL = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; if ($iEventID>0) { $sEventSQL = "SELECT * FROM `SDatingEvents` WHERE `ID` = {$iEventID} LIMIT 1"; $aEvent = db_arr( $sEventSQL ); $sEventTitle = htmlspecialchars($aEvent['Title']); $sEventTags = htmlspecialchars($aEvent['Tags']); $sEventDesc = $aEvent['Description']; $sEventStatusMsg = htmlspecialchars($aEvent['StatusMessage']); $sSelectedCountry = htmlspecialchars($aEvent['Country']); $sSitySrc = $site['flags'].strtolower($sSelectedCountry); $sEventCity = htmlspecialchars($aEvent['City']); $sEventPlace = htmlspecialchars($aEvent['Place']); $sEventEnd = $aEvent['TicketSaleEnd']; $sEventStart = $aEvent['EventStart']; $sFemaleTicketCount = (int)$aEvent['TicketCountFemale']; $sMaleTicketCount = (int)$aEvent['TicketCountMale']; //$sPostPicture = $aEvent['PostPhoto']; //if ($sPostImage != '') // $sPostPictureTag = ''; $sEditedIdElement = ''; $sPostEventC = $sCommitC; $sPostAction = 'event_updated'; $sAddNewEventC = _t('_Edit event'); $sANEventAction = "event_save"; //$sJSIns = "UpdateField('EditEventID','{$iEventID}');"; //$sEditIdStr = ''; $sEventURL = $this->genUrl($iEventID, $aEvent['EntryUri']); //$sEventURL = "?action=show_info&event_id={$iEventID}"; } else { $sEventTitle = isset($_POST['event_title']) ? process_db_input($_POST['event_title'], 1) : ''; $sEventTags = isset($_POST['event_tags']) ? process_db_input($_POST['event_tags'], 1) : ''; $sEventDesc = isset($_POST['event_desc']) ? $this->process_html_db_input($_POST['event_desc']) : ''; $sEventStatusMsg = isset($_POST['event_statusmsg']) ? process_db_input($_POST['event_statusmsg'], 1) : ''; $sSelectedCountry = isset($_POST['event_country']) ? process_db_input($_POST['event_country'], 1) : $sMemberCountry; $sSitySrc = $site['flags'].strtolower($sSelectedCountry); $sEventCity = isset($_POST['event_city']) ? process_db_input($_POST['event_city'], 1) : ''; $sEventPlace = isset($_POST['event_place']) ? process_db_input($_POST['event_place'], 1) : ''; $sEventEnd = isset($_POST['event_end']) ? process_db_input($_POST['event_end'], 1) : strftime( str_replace('%i','%M', $date_format) ); $sFemaleTicketCount = isset($_POST['event_count_female']) ? (int)$_POST['event_count_female'] : ''; $sMaleTicketCount = isset($_POST['event_count_male']) ? (int)$_POST['event_count_male'] : ''; $sPostAction = 'event_save'; $sANEventAction = "new"; } $sCountriesOptions = ''; foreach ( $aPreValues['Country'] as $key => $value ) { $sSC = ($sSelectedCountry == $key) ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $sVal = _t($value['LKey']); $sCountriesOptions .= ""; } $sJSCode = << EOF; $sZapatecCalendar = ''; //if ( $_REQUEST['action'] == 'new' ) { $sAdminCalendars = ''; if ($this->bAdminMode) { $sAdminCalendars = $this->GenerateZapatecCode('event_end_id','end_choose_id') . $this->GenerateZapatecCode('event_sale_start_id','sale_start_choose_id') . $this->GenerateZapatecCode('event_sale_end_id','sale_end_choose_id'); } $sZapatecCalendar = $this->GenerateZapatecCode('event_start_id','start_choose_id') . $sAdminCalendars; //} ////php validating fields $sTstyle = ($arrErr['Title'] ? 'block' : 'none'); $sDstyle = ($arrErr['Description'] ? 'block' : 'none'); $sSMstyle = ($arrErr['Status message'] ? 'block' : 'none'); $sCstyle = ($arrErr['City'] ? 'block' : 'none'); $sPstyle = ($arrErr['Place'] ? 'block' : 'none'); $sESstyle = ($arrErr['Event start'] ? 'block' : 'none'); $sEEstyle = ($arrErr['Event end'] ? 'block' : 'none'); $sTSSstyle = ($arrErr['Ticket Sale Start'] ? 'block' : 'none'); $sTSEstyle = ($arrErr['Ticket Sale End'] ? 'block' : 'none'); $sFTCstyle = ($arrErr['Female Ticket Count'] ? 'block' : 'none'); $sMTCstyle = ($arrErr['Male Ticket Count'] ? 'block' : 'none'); //error messages $sTmsg = ($arrErr['Title'] ? _t( '_'.$arrErr['Title'] ) : '' ); $sDmsg = ($arrErr['Description'] ? _t( '_'.$arrErr['Description'] ) : '' ); $sSMmsg = ($arrErr['Status message'] ? _t( '_'.$arrErr['Status message'] ) : '' ); $sCmsg = ($arrErr['City'] ? _t( '_'.$arrErr['City'] ) : '' ); $sPmsg = ($arrErr['Place'] ? _t( '_'.$arrErr['Place'] ) : '' ); $sESmsg = ($arrErr['Event start'] ? _t( '_'.$arrErr['Event start'] ) : '' ); $sEEmsg = ($arrErr['Event end'] ? _t( '_'.$arrErr['Event end'] ) : '' ); $sTSSmsg = ($arrErr['Ticket Sale Start'] ? _t( '_'.$arrErr['Ticket Sale Start'] ) : '' ); $sTSEmsg = ($arrErr['Ticket Sale End'] ? _t( '_'.$arrErr['Ticket Sale End'] ) : '' ); $sFTCmsg = ($arrErr['Female Ticket Count'] ? _t( '_'.$arrErr['Female Ticket Count'] ) : '' ); $sMTCmsg = ($arrErr['Male Ticket Count'] ? _t( '_'.$arrErr['Male Ticket Count'] ) : '' ); $sAdminSalesPart=''; $sStatusMess=''; if ($this->bAdminMode) { $sStatusMess = << {$sStatusMessageC}:
EOF; $sAdminSalesPart = << {$sEventEndC}:
EOF; } $sRetHtml = << {$sStatusMess} {$sAdminSalesPart}
{$sCountryC}: flag
EOF; return DesignBoxContent( $sAddNewEventC, $sRetHtml, $oTemplConfig -> PageSDatingNewEvent_db_num ); } function ShowSearchResult() { $sRetHtml = ''; $sSearchedTag = process_db_input( $_REQUEST['tagKey'] ); //$iMemberID = $_REQUEST['ownerID']; global $site; global $aPreValues; global $tmpl; global $dir; $date_format_php = getParam('php_date_format'); $sTagsC = _t('_Tags'); $sTagC = _t('_Tag'); $sShowInfoC = _t('_Show info'); $sParticipantsC = _t('_Participants'); $sStatusMessageC = _t('_Status message'); $sDateC = _t('_Date'); $sPlaceC = _t('_Place'); $sDescriptionC = _t('_Description'); $sTitleC = _t('_Title'); $sActionsC = _t('_Actions'); $sListOfParticipantsC = _t('_List').' '._t('_of').' '._t('_Participants'); $sSpacerName = $this -> sSpacerPath; //$sCategoryAddon = ($iCategoryID>0) ? "AND `BlogPosts`.`CategoryID` = {$iCategoryID}" : ''; $sBlogPosts = ''; $sEventSQL = "SELECT * FROM `SDatingEvents`"; $vBlogPosts = db_res( $sEventSQL ); while ( $aResSQL = mysql_fetch_assoc($vBlogPosts) ) { $sDateTime = date( $date_format_php, strtotime( $aResSQL['EventStart'] ) ); $sCountry = ($aResSQL['Country']!='') ? _t($aPreValues['Country'][$aResSQL['Country']]['LKey']) : ''; $sCity = ($aResSQL['City']!='') ? ', '.process_line_output($aResSQL['City']) : ''; $sPlace = ($aResSQL['Place']!='') ? ', '.process_line_output($aResSQL['Place']) : ''; $sDescription = /*process_text_withlinks_output*/($aResSQL['Description']); $sImgEL = ( strlen(trim($aResSQL['PhotoFilename'])) && file_exists($dir['sdatingImage'] . $aResSQL['PhotoFilename']) ) ? "\"\"iThumbSize}px;height:{$this->iThumbSize}px;background-image:url({$site['sdatingImage']}thumb_{$aResSQL['PhotoFilename']});\" src=\"{$sSpacerName}\" />" : "\"\"iThumbSize}px;height:{$this->iThumbSize}px;background-image:url({$site['url']}templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/{$this->sPicNotAvail});\" src=\"{$sSpacerName}\" />"; $sTagsCommas = $aResSQL['Tags']; $aTags = split(',', $sTagsCommas); $sTagsHrefs = ''; foreach( $aTags as $sTagKey ) { $sTagHrefGen = $this->genUrl(0, $sTagKey, 'search'); $sTagsHrefs .= <<{$sTagKey}  EOF; } $sGenUrl = $this->genUrl($aResSQL['ID'], $aResSQL['EntryUri']); if (in_array($sSearchedTag,$aTags)) { $sBlogPosts .= <<
{$sTagsC}: {$sTagsHrefs}
EOF; } } $sBlogPosts = ($sBlogPosts == '') ? MsgBox(_t( '_Sorry, nothing found' )) : $sBlogPosts; return $this->DecorateAsTable($sTagC.' - '.$sSearchedTag, $sBlogPosts); } /** * SQL Get all Profiles data by Profile Id * * @param $iProfileId * @return SQL data */ function GetProfileData($iProfileId) { return getProfileInfo( $iProfileId ); } function GetEventPicture($iEventID, $sEventPicName='DOLPHIN') { global $dir; global $site; global $tmpl; $sSpacerName = $this -> sSpacerPath; if ($sEventPicName=='DOLPHIN') { $sRequest = "SELECT `PhotoFilename`,`Title` FROM `SDatingEvents` WHERE `ID` = {$iEventID} LIMIT 1"; $aResPic = db_arr($sRequest); $sEventPicName = $aResPic['PhotoFilename']; $this->iThumbSize = 45; $sAlt = $aResPic['Title']; $sTypePic = "icon_"; } else { $sTypePic = "thumb_"; $sAlt = $sEventPicName; } $sGenUrl = $this->genUrl($iEventID, '', 'entry', true); $sEventPicName = ( strlen(trim($sEventPicName)) && file_exists($dir['sdatingImage'] . $sEventPicName) ) ? "iThumbSize}px;height:{$this->iThumbSize}px;background-image:url({$site['sdatingImage']}{$sTypePic}{$sEventPicName});\" src=\"{$sSpacerName}\" alt=\"{$sAlt}\" />" : "iThumbSize}px;height:{$this->iThumbSize}px;background-image:url({$site['url']}templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/{$this->sPicNotAvail});\" src=\"{$sSpacerName}\" alt=\"{$sAlt}\" />"; $sEventPic = << {$sEventPicName} EOF; return $sEventPic; } function genUrl($iEntryId, $sEntryUri, $sType='entry', $bForce = false) { //sType - entry / part/search global $site; if ($bForce) { $sEntryUri = db_value("SELECT `EntryUri` FROM `SDatingEvents` WHERE `ID`='{$iEntryId}' LIMIT 1"); } $sMainUrl = $site['url']; if ($this->bUseFriendlyLinks) { $sUrl = $sMainUrl."events/{$sType}/{$sEntryUri}"; } else { $sUrl = ''; switch ($sType) { case 'entry': $sUrl = "{$sMainUrl}events.php?action=show_info&event_id={$iEntryId}"; break; case 'part': $sUrl = "{$sMainUrl}events.php?action=show_part&event_id={$iEntryId}"; break; case 'search': $sUrl = "{$sMainUrl}events.php?action=search_by_tag&tagKey={$sEntryUri}"; break; } } return $sUrl; } function GenAnyBlockContent($sOrder='last', $iProfileID=0, $sLimit="LIMIT 5" ) { global $site; global $short_date_format; $php_date_format = getParam( 'php_date_format' ); $iBlogLimitChars = (int)getParam("max_blog_preview"); $sClockIcon = getTemplateIcon( 'clock.gif' ); $sOrderS = ''; switch ($sOrder) { case 'last': case 'latest': $sOrderS = "ORDER BY `EventStart` DESC"; break; case 'rand': $sOrderS = "ORDER BY RAND()"; break; case 'first': $sOrderS = "ORDER BY `EventStart` ASC"; break; } $sProfileS = ($iProfileID>0) ? "(`SDatingEvents`.`ResponsibleID` = '{$iProfileID}' OR `SDatingParticipants`.`IDMember` = '{$iProfileID}')" : '1'; $sQuery = " SELECT DISTINCT `SDatingEvents`. * , `Profiles`.`NickName` , UNIX_TIMESTAMP( `SDatingEvents`.`EventStart` ) AS `DateTime_f` FROM `SDatingEvents` INNER JOIN `Profiles` ON `Profiles`.`ID` = `SDatingEvents`.`ResponsibleID` LEFT JOIN `SDatingParticipants` ON `SDatingParticipants`.`IDEvent` = `SDatingEvents`.`ID` WHERE {$sProfileS} AND `SDatingEvents`.`Status` = 'Active' {$sOrderS} {$sLimit} "; $rBlogs = db_res( $sQuery ); if( !mysql_num_rows( $rBlogs ) ) return MsgBox(_t('_Sorry, nothing found')); $sBlocks = ''; while( $aBlog = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rBlogs ) ) { $sPic = $this->GetEventPicture($aBlog['ID']); $sGenUrl = $this->genUrl($aBlog['ID'], $aBlog['EntryUri']); $sLinkMore = ''; if( strlen( $aBlog['Description']) > $iBlogLimitChars ) $sLinkMore = "... "._t('_Read more').""; $sBlogSnippet = mb_substr( strip_tags( $aBlog['Description'] ), 0, $iBlogLimitChars ) . $sLinkMore; //$sDataTimeFormatted = date( $php_date_format, $aBlog['DateTime_f'] ); $sDataTimeFormatted = LocaledDataTime($aBlog['DateTime_f']); $sBlocks .= <<
EOF; } if ($sBlocks == '') $sBlocks = MsgBox(_t('_Sorry, nothing found')); return $sBlocks; } function process_html_db_input( $sText ) { return addslashes( clear_xss( trim( process_pass_data( $sText )))); } } ?>