XML data * @return XML presentation of data */ require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . 'header.inc.php' ); require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . 'design.inc.php' ); require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . 'profiles.inc.php' ); require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . 'utils.inc.php' ); require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolMediaQuery.php' ); require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . 'tags.inc.php' ); require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . "BxDolPageView.php" ); require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . "templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/scripts/BxTemplCmtsView.php" ); class BxDolAdPageView extends BxDolPageView { var $oClassifieds; function BxDolAdPageView(&$oAd) { $this->oClassifieds = &$oAd; parent::BxDolPageView('ads'); } function getBlockCode_AdPhotos() { return $this->oClassifieds->sTAPhotosContent; } function getBlockCode_ActionList() { return $this->oClassifieds->sTAActionsContent; } function getBlockCode_ViewComments() { return $this->oClassifieds->sTACommentsContent; } function getBlockCode_AdInfo() { return $this->oClassifieds->sTAInfoContent; } function getBlockCode_Description() { return $this->oClassifieds->sTADescriptionContent; } function getBlockCode_UserOtherAds() { return $this->oClassifieds->sTAOtherListingContent; } } /* * parent object for all classes */ class BxDolClassifieds { /* * Global(common) params part, settings */ //variables //max sizes of pictures for resizing during upload var $iIconSize = 45; var $iThumbSize = 110; var $iBigThumbSize = 340; var $iImgSize = 800; //upload URL to dir var $sUploadDir = ''; //max upload file size var $iMaxUplFileSize = 1000000; //path to image with Point var $sSpacerPath = 'templates/base/images/icons/spacer.gif'; //path to image pic_not_avail.gif var $sPicNotAvail = 'images/icons/group_no_pic.gif'; //path to plus.gif image var $sPicPlus = 'images/plus.gif'; //path to folder.gif image var $sPicFolder = 'images/folder.gif'; //width of scroll boxes in preview of Advertisment //var $iScrollWidth=355; //admin mode, can All actions var $bAdminMode = FALSE; //current file, for actions of forms and other var $sCurrBrowsedFile = ''; var $iPerPageElements = 10; //use permalink var $bUseFriendlyLinks; //for templater //1310 var $sTAPhotosContent = ''; var $sTAActionsContent = ''; var $sTACommentsContent = ''; var $sTAInfoContent = ''; var $sTADescriptionContent = ''; var $sTAOtherListingContent = ''; var $oCmtsView; /** * constructor */ function BxDolClassifieds() { $this->sUploadDir = 'media/images/classifieds/'; $this->bUseFriendlyLinks = getParam('permalinks_classifieds') == 'on' ? true : false; } function GetSQLError($sQuery) { return _t_err('_FAILED_RUN_SQL', $sQuery, mysql_error()); } function UseDefaultCF() { global $site; $this -> sCurrBrowsedFile = $site['url'] . 'classifieds.php'; } /** * Generate common forms and includes js * * @return HTML presentation of data */ function PrintCommandForms() { global $site; $sActionFile = ($this -> bAdminMode) ? "{$this -> sCurrBrowsedFile}" : "classifiedsmy.php"; //$sJSPath = ($this -> bAdminMode) ? "../" : ""; $sJSPath = $site['url'] . 'inc/'; $sExtraCss = ($this -> bAdminMode) ? '' : ''; $sRetHtml = <<
EOF; return $sRetHtml; } /** * Return string for Header, depends at POST params * * @return Textpresentation of data */ function GetHeaderString() { if (isset($_GET['PostAd'])) { if (((int)$_GET['PostAd']) == 1) { return _t( "_PostAd" ); } } elseif (isset($_POST['PostAdMessage'])) { if (((int)$_GET['PostAdMessage']) == 'Send') { return _t( "_PostAd" ); } } elseif (isset($_GET['MyAds'])) { if (((int)$_GET['MyAds']) == 1) { return _t('_My Advertisements'); } } elseif (isset($_GET['SearchForm'])) { if (((int)$_GET['SearchForm']) == 1) { return _t('_Filter'); } } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['action']) AND $_REQUEST['action']=="3") { $sFilteredC = _t('_Filtered'); $sListingC = _t('_Listing'); return $sFilteredC.' '.$sListingC; } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['ShowAdvertisementID']) || isset($_GET['entryUri'])) { return _t('_Offer Details'); } elseif (isset($_GET['bClassifiedID']) || isset($_GET['catUri'])) { //$iClassifiedID = (int)$_GET['bClassifiedID']; $iClassifiedID = ($this->bUseFriendlyLinks) ? (int)db_value("SELECT `ID` FROM `Classifieds` WHERE `CEntryUri`='" . $this->process_html_db_input($_REQUEST['catUri']) . "' LIMIT 1") : (int)$_REQUEST['bClassifiedID']; if ($iClassifiedID > 0) { $sQuery = "SELECT `Name` FROM `Classifieds` WHERE `ID` = {$iClassifiedID}"; $aSqlCatInfo = db_arr ($sQuery); if ($aSqlCatInfo) { return $aSqlCatInfo['Name']; } } } elseif (isset($_GET['bSubClassifiedID']) || isset($_GET['scatUri'])) { //$iSubClassifiedID = (int)$_GET['bSubClassifiedID']; $iSubClassifiedID = ($this->bUseFriendlyLinks) ? (int)db_value("SELECT `ID` FROM `ClassifiedsSubs` WHERE `SEntryUri`='" . $this->process_html_db_input($_REQUEST['scatUri']) . "' LIMIT 1") : (int)$_REQUEST['bSubClassifiedID']; if ($iSubClassifiedID > 0) { $sSql = " SELECT `Classifieds`.`Name` , `ClassifiedsSubs`.`NameSub` FROM `Classifieds` INNER JOIN `ClassifiedsSubs` ON ( `Classifieds`.`ID` = `ClassifiedsSubs`.`IDClassified` ) WHERE `ClassifiedsSubs`.`ID` = {$iSubClassifiedID} LIMIT 1 "; $aSubcatRes = db_arr($sSql); if ($aSubcatRes ) { $sFilterC = _t('_Filter'); return "{$sFilterC}: ".$aSubcatRes['Name'] . ' -> ' . $aSubcatRes['NameSub']; } } } else { return _t( "_CLASSIFIEDS_VIEW_H1" ); } } function RestrictAction($iMemberID) { if ($this->bAdminMode==true) return FALSE; $vCheckRes = checkAction( $iMemberID, ACTION_ID_CAN_AD_CLASSIFIEDS ); if ( $vCheckRes[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] != CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED ) { $ret = MsgBox(strip_tags($vCheckRes[CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE])); //login_form(); return $ret; } return ''; } /** * Generate one of variant of Tree presentation of Classifieds * * @return HTML presentation of data */ function PrintTreeClassifiedsBrowse() { $vSqlRes = $this -> GetDataOfCls(); if (mysql_affected_rows()==-1) { return $this -> GetSQLError(""); } $sTreeRows = ''; while( $aSqlResCls = mysql_fetch_assoc($vSqlRes) ) { $iID = $aSqlResCls['ID']; $sName = $aSqlResCls['Name']; $sCUri = $aSqlResCls['CEntryUri']; $sSqlCntClsAdv = "SELECT COUNT(`ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`ID`) AS 'Count' FROM `Classifieds` INNER JOIN `ClassifiedsSubs` ON (`Classifieds`.`ID` = `ClassifiedsSubs`.`IDClassified`) INNER JOIN `ClassifiedsAdvertisements` ON (`ClassifiedsSubs`.`ID` = `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`IDClassifiedsSubs`) WHERE `Classifieds`.`ID` = '{$iID}'"; $aSqlResCnt = db_arr($sSqlCntClsAdv); $iCnt = $aSqlResCnt['Count']; $sCnt = ( $aSqlResCnt['Count'] > 0 ) ? "({$iCnt})" : "(0)"; //$sCategLink = ($this->bUseFriendlyLinks) ? $site['url'].'ads/c/'.$sCUri : "{$this->sCurrBrowsedFile}?bClassifiedID={$iID}"; $sCategLink = "{$this->sCurrBrowsedFile}?bClassifiedID={$iID}"; $sTreeRows .= << {$sName} {$sCnt}
EOF; } $sRetHtml .= << {$sTreeRows} EOF; return $sRetHtml; } /** * Generate form to adding a new Advertisement * * @return HTML presentation of data */ function PrintPostAdForm( $arrErr = NULL ) { $sCategory = (int)$_POST['FilterCat']; $sCategorySub = process_db_input( $_POST['FilterCatSub'], 1 ); $sKeywords = process_db_input( $_POST['FilterKeywords'], 1 ); $sCustomFieldCaption1 = process_db_input( $_POST['ad_CustomFieldCaption1'], 1 ); $sCustomFieldCaption2 = process_db_input( $_POST['ad_CustomFieldCaption2'], 1 ); $sSubject = process_db_input($_POST['subject'], 1); $sMessage = $this->process_html_db_input($_POST['message']); $iLifeTime = (int)$_POST['lifetime']; $sTags = process_db_input( $_POST['tags'] ); if (ereg ("([0-9]+)", process_db_input( $_POST['CustomFieldValue1'], 1 ), $aRegs)) { $sCustomFieldValue1 = $aRegs[1]; } if (ereg ("([0-9]+)", process_db_input( $_POST['CustomFieldValue2'], 1 ), $aRegs)) { $sCustomFieldValue2 = $aRegs[1]; } $iMemberID = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID']; $sRestrictRes = $this->RestrictAction($iMemberID); if ($sRestrictRes != '') return $sRestrictRes; //if ($this->RestrictAction($iMemberID)) return; $iMaxLt = (int)getParam('a_max_live_days_classifieds'); $vSqlRes = $this -> GetDataOfCls(); if (mysql_affected_rows()==-1) return $this -> GetSQLError(""); $sCatOptions = ''; while( $aSqlResStr = mysql_fetch_assoc($vSqlRes) ) { $sCatOptions .= "\n"; } $sSubDspStyle = ($sCategorySub!="")?'':'none'; $sCst1DspStyle = ($sCustomFieldCaption1!="")?'':'none'; $sCst2DspStyle = ($sCustomFieldCaption2!="")?'':'none'; $sStepOptions = ''; for ($i=5; $i<$iMaxLt; $i+=5) { $sStepOptions .= ""; } $sMinStep = ''; $sMaxedSelected = ($iLifeTime==$iMaxLt OR $iLifeTime==NULL) ? "selected" : ""; $sMaxedStep = ""; $sMaxedString = ($iMaxLt) ? _t('_WARNING_MAX_LIVE_DAYS', $iMaxLt) : "db sql error"; $sCatN = _t('_Category'); $sSbjN = _t('_Subject'); $sTagsN = _t('_Tags'); $sLtN = _t('_Life Time'); $sDaysN = _t('_days'); $sMsgN = _t('_Message'); $sPictN = _t('_Pictures'); $sAddFileFieldN = _t('_Add'); //$sSendThisN = _t('_Send these files'); $sSendN = _t('_Send'); $sChooseN = _t('_choose'); $sDeleteC = _t('_Delete'); $arr = array('SubClassified' => $iSubClassifiedID, 'membID' => $iMemberID, 'Subject' => $sSubject, 'Message' => $sMessage, 'custVal1' => $sCustomFieldValue1, 'custVal2' => $sCustomFieldValue2, 'Life Time' => $iLifeTime); $sSCstyle = ($arrErr['SubClassified'] ? 'block' : 'none'); $sMSGstyle = ($arrErr['Message'] ? 'block' : 'none'); $sSBJstyle = ($arrErr['Subject'] ? 'block' : 'none'); $sLTstyle = ($arrErr['Life Time'] ? 'block' : 'none'); $sSCmsg = ($arrErr['SubClassified'] ? _t( '_'.$arrErr['SubClassified'] ) : '' ); $sSBJmsg = ($arrErr['Subject'] ? _t( '_'.$arrErr['Subject'] ) : '' ); $sMSGmsg = ($arrErr['Message'] ? _t( '_'.$arrErr['Message'] ) : '' ); $sLTmsg = ($arrErr['Life Time'] ? _t( '_'.$arrErr['Life Time'] ) : '' ); $sCatHndlVal = $_REQUEST['Classified']; $sSubCatHndlVal = $_REQUEST['SubClassified']; $sScriptHandle=''; if (isset ($_REQUEST['SubClassified'])) { $sScriptHandle = << addEvent( window, 'load', function(){ UpdateFields('Classified',{$sCatHndlVal},'SubClassified',{$sSubCatHndlVal}); } ); EOF; } $sRetHtml = <<
{$sCatN}:      {$sScriptHandle}
{$sDaysN}. {$sMaxedString}
EOF; /*
*/ // return $sRetHtml; } /** * Parsing uploaded files, store its with temp names, fill data into SQL tables * * @param $iMemberID current member ID * @return Text presentation of data (enum ID`s) */ function parseUploadedFiles($iMemberID) { $sCurrentTime = time(); if ( $_FILES) { $iIDs=''; for ($i=0; $i $this -> iMaxUplFileSize ) { //if size more than 1mb print _t_err('_WARNING_MAX_SIZE_FILE', $_FILES['userfile']['name'][$i]); continue; } list( $width, $height, $type, $attr ) = getimagesize( $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'][$i] ); if ( $type != 1 and $type != 2 and $type != 3 ) continue; $sBaseName = $iMemberID .'_'. $sCurrentTime .'_'. ($i+1); $sExt = strrchr($_FILES['userfile']['name'][$i], '.'); $sExt = strtolower(trim($sExt)); $vResizeRes = imageResize( $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'][$i], BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . "{$this -> sUploadDir}img_{$sBaseName}{$sExt}", $this -> iImgSize, $this -> iImgSize ); $vThumbResizeRes = imageResize( $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'][$i], BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . "{$this -> sUploadDir}thumb_{$sBaseName}{$sExt}", $this -> iThumbSize, $this -> iThumbSize ); $vBigThumbResizeRes = imageResize( $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'][$i], BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . "{$this -> sUploadDir}big_thumb_{$sBaseName}{$sExt}", $this -> iBigThumbSize, $this -> iBigThumbSize ); $vIconResizeRes = imageResize( $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'][$i], BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . "{$this -> sUploadDir}icon_{$sBaseName}{$sExt}", $this -> iIconSize, $this -> iIconSize ); if ( $vResizeRes || $vThumbResizeRes || $vBigThumbResizeRes || $vIconResizeRes ) { print _t_err("_ERROR_WHILE_PROCESSING"); continue; } $vSqlRes = $this -> InsertCAM($iMemberID, $sBaseName, $sExt); if ($vSqlRes) { $iIDs .= mysql_insert_id().','; } } return $iIDs; } } /** * Insert POSTed data into table `ClassifiedsAdvertisements` * * @return Text presentation of result */ function ActionPostAdMessage() { $sRetTxt = ''; $iSubClassifiedID = (int)$_POST['SubClassified']; $sSuccAdd = _t("_SUCC_ADD_ADV"); $sFailAdd = _t("_FAIL_ADD_ADV"); $iVisitorID = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID']; if ($iVisitorID > 0 || $this->bAdminMode) { $sMedIds = $this -> parseUploadedFiles($iVisitorID); $sSubject = process_db_input($_POST['subject']); if ($sSubject != '' AND $iSubClassifiedID > 0) { $sMessage = $this->process_html_db_input($_POST['message']); if (ereg ("([0-9]+)", process_db_input( $_POST['CustomFieldValue1'], 1 ), $aRegs)) { $sCustomFieldValue1 = $aRegs[1]; } if (ereg ("([0-9]+)", process_db_input( $_POST['CustomFieldValue2'], 1 ), $aRegs)) { $sCustomFieldValue2 = $aRegs[1]; } $iLifeTime = (int)$_POST['lifetime']; $sCustomFieldValue1 = ($sCustomFieldValue1==null) ? 'NULL' : "'{$sCustomFieldValue1}'"; $sCustomFieldValue2 = ($sCustomFieldValue2==null) ? 'NULL' : "'{$sCustomFieldValue2}'"; $sTags = process_db_input( $_POST['tags'], 1 ); $aTags = explodeTags($sTags); $sTags = implode(",", $aTags); $vSqlRes = $this -> InsertCA($iVisitorID, $iSubClassifiedID, $sSubject, $sMessage, $sCustomFieldValue1, $sCustomFieldValue2, $iLifeTime, $sMedIds, $sTags); $sRetTxt .= (mysql_affected_rows()>0) ? $sSuccAdd : $sFailAdd; $iLastId = mysql_insert_id(); $this->UseDefaultCF(); if ($iLastId > 0) { reparseObjTags( 'ad', $iLastId ); return MsgBox($sRetTxt) . $this -> ActionPrintAdvertisement($iLastId); } return MsgBox($sRetTxt) . MsgBox(_t('_Error Occured')); } return MsgBox($sFailAdd); } else { return MsgBox(_t('_Error Occured')); } } /** * Generate list of My Advertisements * * @return HTML presentation of data */ function PrintMyAds($iOtherProfileID=-1, $iRandLim=-1, $bHideWarn = false) { global $site; $iMemberID = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID']; $sRestrictRes = $this->RestrictAction($iMemberID); if ($sRestrictRes != '') return $sRestrictRes; //if ($this->RestrictAction($iMemberID)) return; $sUserListC = ($iOtherProfileID==-1)? _t('_Browse My Ads'): _t('_Users other listing'); $sBrowseAllAds = _t('_Browse All Ads'); $sHomeLink = ($this->bUseFriendlyLinks && $this->bAdminMode == false) ? $site['url'].'ads/' : "{$this->sCurrBrowsedFile}?Browse=1"; $sBreadCrumbs = << {$site['title']} / {$sBrowseAllAds} / {$sUserListC} EOF; $sRetHtml = ''; $iProfileID = ($iOtherProfileID>0)?$iOtherProfileID:$iMemberID; $vSqlRes = $this -> GetAdvDataOfProfile($iProfileID, $iRandLim); if (mysql_affected_rows()==0) { $sRetHtml = ($bHideWarn==false) ? MsgBox(_t('_no posts')) : ''; } else { $bRandLim = ($iRandLim>0) ? TRUE : FALSE; while( $aSqlResStr = mysql_fetch_assoc($vSqlRes) ) { $sRetHtml .= $this -> ComposeResultStringAdv($aSqlResStr, $bRandLim); } if ($iOtherProfileID > 0) { $sRetHtml = ($iRandLim>0) ? $sRetHtml : $sBreadCrumbs . $sRetHtml; } } if ($iRandLim==-1) return DesignBoxContent ( _t('_My Classifieds'), $sRetHtml, 1); else return $sRetHtml; } function DeleteProfileAdvertisement($iProfileID) { if ($this->bAdminMode==true) { $vDelSQL = db_res("SELECT `ID` FROM `ClassifiedsAdvertisements` WHERE `IDProfile` = '{$iProfileID}'"); while( $aAdv = mysql_fetch_assoc($vDelSQL) ) { $this->ActionDeleteAdvertisement($aAdv['ID']); } } } /** * Deleting Advertisement from `ClassifiedsAdvertisements` * * @param $id ID of deleting Advertisement * @return Text presentation of result */ function ActionDeleteAdvertisement($id) { $sCheckPostSQL = "SELECT `IDProfile` FROM `ClassifiedsAdvertisements` WHERE `ID`={$id} "; $aAdvOwner = db_arr($sCheckPostSQL); $iAdvOwner = $aAdvOwner['IDProfile']; $iVisitorID = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID']; if (($iVisitorID == $iAdvOwner || $this->bAdminMode) && $id > 0) { if ($this->bAdminMode==false) { $sRestrictRes = $this->RestrictAction($iVisitorID); if ($sRestrictRes != '') return $sRestrictRes; //if ($this->RestrictAction($iVisitorID)) return; } $sSuccDel = _t("_SUCC_DEL_ADV"); $sFailDel = _t("_FAIL_DEL_ADV"); $sRetHtml = ''; $iDeleteAdvertisementID = (int)$id; $sQueryMedia = " SELECT `Media` FROM `ClassifiedsAdvertisements` WHERE `ID` = {$iDeleteAdvertisementID} LIMIT 1 "; $aSqlResAdv = db_assoc_arr( $sQueryMedia ); $sMediaIDs = $aSqlResAdv['Media']; if ($sMediaIDs != '') { $aChunks = preg_split ("/[,]+/", $sMediaIDs, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); foreach ( $aChunks as $iMedId ) { $sAdminCut2 = ($this->bAdminMode==false) ? "AND `MediaProfileID` = {$iVisitorID}" : ""; $sQueryChunkFile = " SELECT `MediaFile` FROM `ClassifiedsAdvertisementsMedia` WHERE `MediaID` = '{$iMedId}' {$sAdminCut2} LIMIT 1 "; $aSqlResMediaName = db_assoc_arr( $sQueryChunkFile ); $sMediaFileName = $aSqlResMediaName['MediaFile']; if ($sMediaFileName != '') { if (@unlink ( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT.$this->sUploadDir . 'img_'.$sMediaFileName ) == FALSE) { $sRetHtml .= MsgBox(_t('_FAILED_TO_DELETE_PIC', $sMediaFileName)); } if (@unlink ( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT.$this->sUploadDir . 'thumb_'.$sMediaFileName ) == FALSE) { $sRetHtml .= MsgBox(_t('_FAILED_TO_DELETE_PIC', $sMediaFileName)); } if (@unlink ( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT.$this->sUploadDir . 'big_thumb_'.$sMediaFileName ) == FALSE) { $sRetHtml .= MsgBox(_t('_FAILED_TO_DELETE_PIC', $sMediaFileName)); } if (@unlink ( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT.$this->sUploadDir . 'icon_'.$sMediaFileName ) == FALSE) { $sRetHtml .= MsgBox(_t('_FAILED_TO_DELETE_PIC', $sMediaFileName)); } } $sQueryMediaID = "DELETE FROM `ClassifiedsAdvertisementsMedia` WHERE `MediaID` = '{$iMedId}' AND `MediaProfileID` = '{$iVisitorID}' LIMIT 1"; $aSqlResMediaID = db_res( $sQueryMediaID ); } } $sAdminCut3 = ($this->bAdminMode==false) ? "AND `IDProfile` = {$iVisitorID}" : ""; $sQuery = "DELETE FROM `ClassifiedsAdvertisements` WHERE `ID` = {$iDeleteAdvertisementID} {$sAdminCut3} LIMIT 1"; $vSqlResCA = db_res( $sQuery ); $sRetHtml .= (mysql_affected_rows()>0) ? MsgBox(_t($sSuccDel)) : MsgBox(_t($sFailDel)); reparseObjTags( 'ad', $iDeleteAdvertisementID ); if ($vSqlResCA) { $oCmts = new BxDolCmts('classifieds', $iDeleteAdvertisementID); $oCmts->onObjectDelete(); } return $sRetHtml; } elseif($iVisitorID != $iAdvOwner) { return MsgBox(_t('_Hacker String')); } else { return MsgBox(_t('_Error Occured')); } } function getImageManagingCode($sMediaIDs) { global $site; global $tmpl; $sAddFileFieldN = _t('_Add file field'); //$sSendThisN = _t('_Send these files'); $sChooseC = _t('_Upload File'); $sDeleteC = _t('_Delete'); $sPhotosC = _t('_photos'); $sSpacerName = $site['url'].$this->sSpacerPath; if ($sMediaIDs != '') { $aChunks = preg_split ("/[,]+/", $sMediaIDs, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); foreach ( $aChunks as $iMedId ) { $sSql = "SELECT * FROM `ClassifiedsAdvertisementsMedia` WHERE `MediaID` = {$iMedId}"; $aSqlRes = db_arr ($sSql); if (mysql_affected_rows()>0) { $sFileName = $site['url']. $this->sUploadDir.'thumb_'.$aSqlRes['MediaFile']; $sImgTag .= <<
{$sDeleteC} EOF; } } } //if ($sImgTag != '') { $sOldCode = $sImgTag; //$iEditedClsID = $_REQUEST['EditAdvertisementID']; $sImgTag = << {$sPhotosC}:

EOF; //
//} // return $sImgTag; } /** * Generate DIV overlapped code of images * * @param $sMediaIDs string array of images ID * @param $bOnlyFirst a key that say - show only first picture in array * @return HTML presentation of data */ function getImageCode($sMediaIDs, $bOnlyFirst = false, $bDisableJS = false) { //$imgtag = ''; global $site; global $tmpl; $sSpacerName = $site['url'].$this -> sSpacerPath; if ($sMediaIDs != '') { $aChunks = preg_split ("/[,]+/", $sMediaIDs, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); foreach ( $aChunks as $iMedId ) { $sSql = "SELECT * FROM `ClassifiedsAdvertisementsMedia` WHERE `MediaID` = {$iMedId}"; $aSqlRes = db_arr ($sSql); if (mysql_affected_rows()>0) { if (file_exists(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT.$this -> sUploadDir.'icon_'.$aSqlRes['MediaFile']) == false) { $sFileName = "{$site['url']}templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/{$this -> sPicNotAvail}"; $sSwitcherCode = ''; } else { $sFileName = $site['url']. $this -> sUploadDir.'icon_'.$aSqlRes['MediaFile']; $sSwitcherCode = "onclick=\"changeBigPicTo('{$site['url']}{$this -> sUploadDir}big_thumb_{$aSqlRes['MediaFile']}', '{$site['url']}{$this -> sUploadDir}img_{$aSqlRes['MediaFile']}');\""; } if ($bDisableJS) $sSwitcherCode = ''; if ($bOnlyFirst==TRUE) { $sImgTag .= " iIconSize}px;height:{$this -> iIconSize}px;background-image:url({$sFileName});\" alt=\"\" />"; } else { $sImgTag .= " iIconSize}px;height:{$this -> iIconSize}px;background-image:url({$sFileName});\" alt=\"\" />"; } } if ($bOnlyFirst==TRUE) { break; } } } if ($sImgTag == '' AND $bOnlyFirst==TRUE) { $sImgTag = " iIconSize}px;height:{$this -> iIconSize}px;background-image:url({$site['url']}templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/{$this -> sPicNotAvail});\" alt=\"\" />"; } if ($bOnlyFirst==FALSE AND $sImgTag != '') { $sOldCode = $sImgTag; $sImgTag = '
"; } return $sImgTag; } function getImageCodeSimple($sMediaIDs) { global $site; global $tmpl; $sSpacerName = $site['url'].$this -> sSpacerPath; $sRet = ''; if ($sMediaIDs != '') { $aChunks = preg_split ("/[,]+/", $sMediaIDs, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); foreach ( $aChunks as $iMedId ) { $sSql = "SELECT * FROM `ClassifiedsAdvertisementsMedia` WHERE `MediaID` = {$iMedId}"; $aSqlRes = db_arr ($sSql); if (mysql_affected_rows()>0) { if (file_exists(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT.$this -> sUploadDir.'big_thumb_'.$aSqlRes['MediaFile']) == true) { $sFileName = $site['url']. $this -> sUploadDir.'big_thumb_'.$aSqlRes['MediaFile']; $sFileNameFullSize = $site['url']. $this -> sUploadDir .'img_'.$aSqlRes['MediaFile']; $sDirFileNameFullSize = BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT. $this -> sUploadDir .'img_'.$aSqlRes['MediaFile']; list( $width, $height, $type, $attr ) = getimagesize( $sDirFileNameFullSize ); $iNewWidth = $width+20; $iNewHeight = $height+20; $sRet .= << EOF; //$sRet .= " iBigThumbSize}px;height:{$this -> iBigThumbSize}px;background-image:url({$sFileName});\" alt=\"\" />"; } } } } return $sRet; } /** * Generate DIV overlapped code of thumb-image (first only) * * @param $sMediaIDs string array of images ID * @param $iID Id of picture that generate a href added code (for link-image) * @return HTML presentation of data */ function getBigImageCode($sMediaIDs, $iID=0) { $sImgTag = ''; global $site; global $tmpl; $sSpacerName = $site['url'].$this -> sSpacerPath; $sGenUrl = $this->genUrl($iID, '', 'entry', true); if ($sMediaIDs != '') { $aChunks = preg_split ("/[,]+/", $sMediaIDs, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $iMedId = $aChunks[0]; $sSql = "SELECT * FROM `ClassifiedsAdvertisementsMedia` WHERE `MediaID` = {$iMedId}"; $aSqlRes = db_arr ($sSql); if ($aSqlRes) { $sFileName = $site['url']. $this -> sUploadDir .'thumb_'.$aSqlRes['MediaFile']; if (file_exists(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT.$this -> sUploadDir .'thumb_'.$aSqlRes['MediaFile']) == false) $sFileName = "{$site['url']}templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/{$this -> sPicNotAvail}"; if ((int)$iID == 0) { if (file_exists(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT.$this -> sUploadDir .'big_thumb_'.$aSqlRes['MediaFile']) == false) { $sFileName = "{$site['url']}templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/{$this -> sPicNotAvail}"; } else { $sFileName = $site['url']. $this -> sUploadDir .'big_thumb_'.$aSqlRes['MediaFile']; } if (file_exists(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT.$this -> sUploadDir .'img_'.$aSqlRes['MediaFile']) == false) { $sImgTag .= << EOF; } else { $sFileNameFullSize = $site['url']. $this -> sUploadDir .'img_'.$aSqlRes['MediaFile']; $sDirFileNameFullSize = BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . $this -> sUploadDir .'img_'.$aSqlRes['MediaFile']; list( $width, $height, $type, $attr ) = getimagesize( $sDirFileNameFullSize ); $iNewWidth = $width+20; $iNewHeight = $height+20; $sImgTag .= << EOF; } } else { //"{$this -> sCurrBrowsedFile}?ShowAdvertisementID={$iID}" $sImgTag .= << EOF; } } } if ($sImgTag == '') { $sNaname = $site['url'].'templates/tmpl_'.$tmpl.'/'.$this -> sPicNotAvail; if ((int)$iID == 0) { $sImgTag .= "iBigThumbSize}px;height:{$this->iBigThumbSize}px;background-image:url({$sNaname});\" src=\"{$sSpacerName}\" alt=\"\" />"; } else { //"{$this -> sCurrBrowsedFile}?ShowAdvertisementID={$iID}" $sImgTag .= << EOF; } } return $sImgTag; } /** * Generate first paid page * * @param $id ID of Advertisement * @return HTML presentation of data */ function ActionBuyAdvertisement($iAdvertisementID) { $iMemberID = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID']; $sRetHtml = ''; //_t('_WARNING'); if ($iMemberID > 0 /*AND $iMemberID != $nameRet['ID']*/ ) { $aSqlResStr = $this -> GetAdvertisementData( $iAdvertisementID ); if ($aSqlResStr) { $sCustDetails = ($aSqlResStr['CustomFieldName1'] != NULL AND $aSqlResStr['CustomFieldValue1'])?"{$aSqlResStr['Unit']} {$aSqlResStr['CustomFieldValue1']}":''; $sCustDetails .= ($aSqlResStr['CustomFieldName2'] != NULL AND $aSqlResStr['CustomFieldValue2'])?" - {$aSqlResStr['Unit']} {$aSqlResStr['CustomFieldValue2']}":''; $sBuyMsg1 = _t('_CLS_BUYMSG_1'); $sBuyDet1 = _t('_CLS_BUY_DET1'); $sContinue = _t('_Continue'); $sBoxTag = << {$sBuyMsg1}
{$sBuyDet1}   {$sCustDetails}

EOF; $sRetHtml .= DesignBoxContent ( $aSqlResStr['Subject'], $sBoxTag, 1); $sRetHtml .= << EOF; } } return $sRetHtml; } /** * Generate second paid page * * @param $id ID of Advertisement * @return HTML presentation of data */ function ActionBuySendMailAdvertisement($iAdvertisementID) { global $site; $iSellerId = (int)$_REQUEST['IDSeller']; $iMemberID = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID']; $sRetHtml = _t('_WARNING'); if ($iMemberID > 0 /*AND $iMemberID != $nameRet['ID']*/ ) { $aSqlResStr = $this -> GetAdvertisementData($iAdvertisementID); $aSqlSellerRes = $this -> GetProfileData($iSellerId); $aSqlMemberRes = $this -> GetProfileData($iMemberID); if ($aSqlResStr) { $sCustDetails = ($aSqlResStr['CustomFieldName1'] != NULL AND $aSqlResStr['CustomFieldValue1'])?"{$aSqlResStr['Unit']} {$aSqlResStr['CustomFieldValue1']}":''; $sCustDetails .= ($aSqlResStr['CustomFieldName2'] != NULL AND $aSqlResStr['CustomFieldValue2'])?" - {$aSqlResStr['Unit']} {$aSqlResStr['CustomFieldValue2']}":''; $sCopyright = _t('_copyright', 2007); $sBottom = _t('_bottom_text', 2007); $sPowDol = _t('_powered_by_Dolphin'); $sBuyMsg2 = _t('_CLS_BUYMSG_2'); $sBuyDet1 = _t('_CLS_BUY_DET1'); $sReturnBackC = _t('_Return Back'); // Send email notification $sMessageB = getParam( "t_BuyNow" ); $sMessageS = getParam( "t_BuyNowS" ); $sSubject = getParam('t_BuyNow_subject'); $sSubjectS = getParam('t_BuyNowS_subject'); $aPlus = array(); $aPlus['Subject'] = $aSqlResStr['Subject']; $aPlus['NickName'] = $aSqlSellerRes['NickName']; $aPlus['EmailS'] = $aSqlSellerRes['Email']; $aPlus['NickNameB'] = $aSqlMemberRes['NickName']; $aPlus['EmailB'] = $aSqlMemberRes['Email']; $aPlus['sCustDetails'] = $sCustDetails; $sGenUrl = $this->genUrl($iAdvertisementID, $aSqlResStr['EntryUri']); $aPlus['ShowAdvLnk'] = $sGenUrl; //"{$site['url']}classifieds.php?ShowAdvertisementID={$iAdvertisementID}"; $aPlus['sPowDol'] = $sPowDol; $aPlus['site[\'email\']'] = $site['email']; $aPlus['sCopyright'] = $sCopyright; $aPlus['sBottom'] = $sBottom; $sRetHtml = ''; $aPlus['Who'] = 'buyer'; $aPlus['String1'] = 'You have purchased an item'; if (sendMail( $aSqlMemberRes['Email'], $sSubject, $sMessageB, $aSqlSellerRes['ID'], $aPlus, 'html')) { //$sRetHtml .= MsgBox(_t('_Email was successfully sent')); } $aPlus['Who'] = 'seller'; $aPlus['String1'] = 'Someone wants to purchase an item that you have offered for sale'; if (sendMail( $aSqlSellerRes['Email'], $sSubjectS, $sMessageS, $aSqlSellerRes['ID'], $aPlus, 'html')) { $sRetHtml .= MsgBox(_t('_Email was successfully sent')); } //"{$this->sCurrBrowsedFile}?ShowAdvertisementID={$iAdvertisementID}" $sBoxContent = << {$sBuyMsg2}
{$sBuyDet1}   {$sCustDetails}

EOF; $sRetHtml .= DesignBoxContent ( $sBuyMsg2, $sBoxContent, 1); } } return $sRetHtml; } /** * Generate presentation Advertisement code with images and other * * @param $id ID of Advertisement * @return HTML presentation of data */ function ActionPrintAdvertisement($id) { global $site; global $aPreValues; global $logged; $iAdvertisementID = (int)$id; $sRetHtml = ''; $aSqlResStr = $this -> GetAdvertisementData($iAdvertisementID); if ($aSqlResStr) { $sAdminLocalAreaC = _t('_AdminArea'); $sBigImg = $this -> getBigImageCode($aSqlResStr['Media']); $bUseNewFeature = getParam('ads_gallery_feature') == 'on' ? true : false; $sImg = $this -> getImageCode($aSqlResStr['Media'], false, $bUseNewFeature); $aNameRet = $this -> GetProfileData($aSqlResStr['IDProfile']); $sCountryName = ($aNameRet['Country']=="")?$sAdminLocalAreaC:_t($aPreValues['Country'][ $aNameRet['Country'] ]['LKey'] ); $sCountryPic = ($aNameRet['Country']=='')?'':' '.$aNameRet['Country'].''; /*if( $logged['member'] ) $sVisible = 'memb'; else $sVisible = 'non'; $sSqlCols = " SELECT * FROM `ClsAdvCompose` WHERE `Column` != 0 AND FIND_IN_SET( '{$sVisible}', `Visible` ) ORDER BY `Column` , `Order` "; $sqlCaptRes = db_res($sSqlCols); $aCaptions = array(); while($aCapSelect = mysql_fetch_assoc($sqlCaptRes)) { $aCaptions[$aCapSelect['Func']] = _t( $aCapSelect['Caption'] ); }*/ $sPostedByC = _t('_Posted by'); $sAdminC = _t('_Admin'); $sPhoneC = _t('_Phone'); $sICQC = _t('_ICQ'); $sDetailsC = _t('_Details'); $sReplyC = _t('_Reply'); $sSubjectC = _t('_Subject'); $sDateC = _t('_Date'); $sLocationC = _t('_Location'); $sDescriptionC = _t('_Description'); $sUserOtherListC = _t('_Users other listing'); $sActionsC = _t('_Actions'); $sPhotosC = _t('_Photos'); $sEditC = _t('_Edit'); $sAdvertisementC = _t('_Advertisement'); $sTagsC = _t('_Tags'); $sBuyNowC = _t('_Buy Now'); $sDeleteC = _t('_Delete'); $sSureC = _t("_Are you sure"); $sActivateC = _t('_Activate'); $sPostedBy = ''; if (! $aNameRet['NickName']) { $sPostedBy .= '
'.$sPostedByC.': '.$sAdminC.'
'; } else { $sPostedBy .= '
'; $sPostedBy .= $sPostedByC.': '.$aNameRet['NickName'].''; $sPostedBy .= '
'; if ($aNameRet['Phone'] != "") { $sPostedBy .= '
'; $sPostedBy .= $sPhoneC.":
"; $sPostedBy .= '
'; } if ($aNameRet['IcqUIN'] != "") { $sPostedBy .= '
'; $sPostedBy .= $sICQC."#
"; $sPostedBy .= '
'; } } $sTimeAgo = _format_when($aSqlResStr['sec']); $sCustDetails .= ($aSqlResStr['CustomFieldName1'] || $aSqlResStr['CustomFieldName2']) ? "{$sDetailsC}: " : ''; $sCustDetails .= ($aSqlResStr['CustomFieldName1'] && $aSqlResStr['CustomFieldValue1'])?"
{$aSqlResStr['Unit']} {$aSqlResStr['CustomFieldValue1']}
":''; $sCustDetails .= ($aSqlResStr['CustomFieldName1'] && $aSqlResStr['CustomFieldName2'] && $aSqlResStr['CustomFieldValue1'] && $aSqlResStr['CustomFieldValue2']) ? " - " : ''; $sCustDetails .= ($aSqlResStr['CustomFieldName2'] && $aSqlResStr['CustomFieldValue2'])?"
{$aSqlResStr['Unit']} {$aSqlResStr['CustomFieldValue2']}
":''; $sTags .= $sTagsC.':
'; $aTags = array(); $aTagsLinks = array(); $aTags = explode(",", $aSqlResStr['Tags']); foreach ( $aTags as $sTag ) { $sSubLink = ($this->bUseFriendlyLinks) ? "ads/tag/" : "classifieds_tags.php?tag="; $aTagsLinks[] = ''.$sTag.''; } $sTags .= implode(", ", $aTagsLinks); $sTags .= '
'; $sMemberActions = ''; $iMemberID = ($logged['member']) ? (int)$_COOKIE['memberID'] : -1; //$iMemberID = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID']; if ($iMemberID > 0 AND $iMemberID != $aNameRet['ID']) {//print Send PM button and other actions $bBnp = getParam('enable_paid_system'); $sBuyNow = ''; if ($bBnp=='on') { $sBuyNow = << {$sBuyNowC}

EOF; } $sMemberActions .= << {$sReplyC}
EOF; } elseif ($iMemberID == $aNameRet['ID'] AND $this -> bAdminMode==FALSE) { $sMemberActions .= '
'; $sMemberActions .= $this->CenteredActionsBlock(''.$sEditC.
				'', ''.$sEditC.''); $sMemberActions .= '
'; $sMemberActions .= '
'; $sMemberActions .= $this->CenteredActionsBlock(''.$sDeleteC.
				'', ''.$sDeleteC.''); $sMemberActions .= '
'; } $sAdminPart = ''; if ($this -> bAdminMode) { $sActivateAbil = ($aSqlResStr['Status']=='active') ? '' : << {$sActivateC} EOF; $sAdminPart .= << {$sActivateAbil}
EOF; } $sPictureSectContent = ''; if ($bUseNewFeature==true) { /////Gall Ench $sGallEnchImg = $this->getImageCodeSimple($aSqlResStr['Media']); $sPictureSectContent = <<
EOF; /////Gall Ench end } else { $sPictureSectContent = << if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent( "onload", onloadPhotos ); else window.addEventListener( "load", onloadPhotos, false); function onloadPhotos() { hideScroll(); } //hide scrollers if needed function hideScroll() { b = document.getElementById( "aIconBlock" ); s = document.getElementById( "aScrollCont" ); if( !b || !s ) { aibc = document.getElementById( "aIconBlockCont" ); aibc.style.display = "none"; s.style.display = "none"; return false; } if( b.parentNode.clientWidth >= b.clientWidth ) s.style.display = "none"; else s.style.display = "block"; }
EOF; } $sPictureSect = DesignBoxContent ( _t('_Advertisement Photos'), $sPictureSectContent, 1); $this->sTAPhotosContent = $sPictureSectContent; $sActionsSect = ($iMemberID>0 || $this->bAdminMode) ? DesignBoxContent ( $sActionsC, $sMemberActions.$sAdminPart, 1) : ''; $this->sTAActionsContent = ($iMemberID>0 || $this->bAdminMode) ? $sMemberActions.$sAdminPart : ''; if ($iMemberID>0 || $this->bAdminMode) { $this->oCmtsView = new BxTemplCmtsView ('classifieds', (int)$iAdvertisementID); $this->sTACommentsContent = $this->oCmtsView->getExtraCss(); $this->sTACommentsContent .= $this->oCmtsView->getExtraJs(); $this->sTACommentsContent .= (!$this->oCmtsView->isEnabled()) ? '' : $this->oCmtsView->getCommentsFirst(); $sCommSect = DesignBoxContent ( $aCaptions['Comments'], $this->sTACommentsContent, 1); } $sUserOtherListing = $this -> PrintMyAds($aSqlResStr['IDProfile'], 2, true); $sDataTimeFormatted = LocaledDataTime($aSqlResStr['DateTime_UTS']); $sSubjectSectContent = << {$sDateC}:
{$sDataTimeFormatted} ({$sTimeAgo})
EOF; $sSubjectSect = DesignBoxContent ( $aSqlResStr['Subject'], $sSubjectSectContent, 1); $this->sTAInfoContent = $sSubjectSectContent; $sDescriptionSect = DesignBoxContent ( $sDescriptionC, $aSqlResStr['Message'], 1); $this->sTADescriptionContent = $aSqlResStr['Message']; $sOtherListingContent = <<{$sUserOtherListC}
EOF; $sOtherListingSect = DesignBoxContent ( $sUserOtherListC, $sOtherListingContent, 1); $this->sTAOtherListingContent = $sOtherListingContent; $sHomeLink = ($this->bUseFriendlyLinks && $this->bAdminMode == false) ? $site['url'].'ads/' : "{$this->sCurrBrowsedFile}?Browse=1"; $sCategLink = ($this->bUseFriendlyLinks && $this->bAdminMode == false) ? $site['url'].'ads/cat/'.$aSqlResStr['CEntryUri'] : "{$this->sCurrBrowsedFile}?bClassifiedID={$aSqlResStr['CatID']}"; $sSCategLink = ($this->bUseFriendlyLinks && $this->bAdminMode == false) ? $site['url'].'ads/subcat/'.$aSqlResStr['SEntryUri'] : "{$this->sCurrBrowsedFile}?bSubClassifiedID={$aSqlResStr['SubID']}"; $sBrowseAllAds = _t('_Browse All Ads'); $sBreadCrumbs = << {$site['title']} / {$sBrowseAllAds} / {$aSqlResStr['Name']} / {$aSqlResStr['NameSub']} EOF; //$iScrollWidth = $this->iScrollWidth; //$iScrollHeight = $this->iScrollWidth+0; /*$sqlColRes = db_res($sSqlCols); $aBlocks = array(); while($aBlockSelect = mysql_fetch_assoc($sqlColRes)) { switch( $aBlockSelect['Func'] ) { case 'Advertisement Photos': $aBlocks[$aBlockSelect['Column']] .= $sPictureSect; break; case 'Actions': $aBlocks[$aBlockSelect['Column']] .= $sActionsSect; break; case 'Comments': $aBlocks[$aBlockSelect['Column']] .= $sCommSect; break; case 'Adv Info': $aBlocks[$aBlockSelect['Column']] .= $sSubjectSect; break; case 'Description': $aBlocks[$aBlockSelect['Column']] .= $sDescriptionSect; break; case 'Users Other Listing': $aBlocks[$aBlockSelect['Column']] .= $sOtherListingSect; break; case 'Echo': $aBlocks[$aBlockSelect['Column']] .= DesignBoxContent( _t( $aBlockSelect['Caption'] ), $aBlockSelect['Content'], 1 ); break; case 'RSS': list( $sUrl, $iNum ) = explode( '#', $aBlockSelect['Content'] ); $iNum = (int)$iNum; $ret = genRSSHtmlOut( $sUrl, $iNum ); $aBlocks[$aBlockSelect['Column']] .= DesignBoxContent( _t( $aBlockSelect['Caption'] ), $ret, 1 ); break; } }*/ $aBlocks[1] .= $sPictureSect; $aBlocks[1] .= $sActionsSect; $aBlocks[1] .= $sCommSect; $aBlocks[2] .= $sSubjectSect; $aBlocks[2] .= $sDescriptionSect; $aBlocks[2] .= $sOtherListingSect; $sRetHtml = <<
EOF; } return $sRetHtml; } /** * Generate array of Advertisements of some Classified * * @param $iClassifiedID ID of Classified * @return HTML presentation of data */ function PrintAllSubRecords($iClassifiedID) { global $site; //////////////////////////// $sSQLl = $this->GetAdvByDateCnt($iClassifiedID ); $aTotalNum = db_arr( $sSQLl ); $iTotalNum = $aTotalNum['Cnt']; if( !$iTotalNum ) { return MsgBox(_t( '_Sorry, nothing found' )); } $iPerPage = (int)$_GET['per_page']; if( !$iPerPage ) $iPerPage = $this->iPerPageElements; $iTotalPages = ceil( $iTotalNum / $iPerPage ); $iCurPage = (int)$_GET['page']; if( $iCurPage > $iTotalPages ) $iCurPage = $iTotalPages; if( $iCurPage < 1 ) $iCurPage = 1; $sLimitFrom = ( $iCurPage - 1 ) * $iPerPage; $sqlLimit = "LIMIT $sLimitFrom, $iPerPage"; //////////////////////////// $vSqlRes = $this -> GetAdvByDate($iClassifiedID, $sqlLimit); $sNameCat = ''; $sDescCat = ''; $sSubsHtml = ''; while( $aSqlResStr = mysql_fetch_assoc($vSqlRes) ) { $sSubsHtml .= $this -> ComposeResultStringAdv($aSqlResStr); if ($sNameCat=='') { $sNameCat = $aSqlResStr['Name']; $sDescCat = $aSqlResStr['Description']; } } $sCaption = "
\n"; $sDesc = "
"; $sHomeLink = ($this->bUseFriendlyLinks && $this->bAdminMode == false) ? $site['url'].'ads/' : "{$this->sCurrBrowsedFile}?Browse=1"; $sBrowseAllAds = _t('_Browse All Ads'); $sBreadCrumbs = << {$site['title']} / {$sBrowseAllAds} / {$sNameCat} EOF; /////////////////////////// if ($this->bUseFriendlyLinks==false || $this -> bAdminMode==true) { //old variant if( $iTotalPages > 1) { $sRequest = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?'; $aFields = array( 'bClassifiedID', 'bSubClassifiedID', 'catUri', 'scatUri' ); foreach( $aFields as $field ) if( isset( $_GET[$field] ) ) $sRequest .= "&{$field}=" . htmlentities( process_pass_data( $_GET[$field] ) ); $pagination = '
'._t("_Results per page").':
' . genPagination( $iTotalPages, $iCurPage, ( $sRequest . '&page={page}&per_page='.$iPerPage ) ); } else $pagination = ''; } else { if( $iTotalPages > 1) { $sRequest = 'ads/all/cat/'; $sPaginAddon = '/' . process_db_input($_GET['catUri']); /*$aFields = array( 'bClassifiedID', 'bSubClassifiedID', 'catUri', 'scatUri' ); foreach( $aFields as $field ) if( isset( $_GET[$field] ) ) $sRequest .= "&{$field}=" . htmlentities( process_pass_data( $_GET[$field] ) );*/ $pagination = '
'._t("_Results per page").':
' . genPagination( $iTotalPages, $iCurPage, ( $sRequest.$iPerPage . '/{page}' . $sPaginAddon ) ); } else $pagination = ''; } /////////////////////////// $sSubsHtml .= '
'; $sTagsSect = DesignBoxContent ( $sBreadCrumbs, /*$sDesc.*/$sSubsHtml.$pagination, 1); return $sTagsSect; } /** * Generate array of Advertisements of some SubClassified * * @param $iIDClassifiedsSubs ID of SubClassified * @param $bTabledView fill collected data into another table * @return HTML presentation of data */ function PrintSubRecords($iIDClassifiedsSubs, $bTabledView=FALSE) { global $site; $iIDClassifiedsSubs = (int)$iIDClassifiedsSubs; $sRetHtml = ''; //////////////////////////// $sSQLl = $this->GetAdvByDateCnt($iIDClassifiedsSubs,TRUE ); $aTotalNum = db_arr( $sSQLl ); $iTotalNum = $aTotalNum['Cnt']; if( !$iTotalNum ) { return MsgBox(_t( '_Sorry, nothing found' )); } $iPerPage = (int)$_GET['per_page']; if( !$iPerPage ) $iPerPage = $this->iPerPageElements; $iTotalPages = ceil( $iTotalNum / $iPerPage ); $iCurPage = (int)$_GET['page']; if( $iCurPage > $iTotalPages ) $iCurPage = $iTotalPages; if( $iCurPage < 1 ) $iCurPage = 1; $sLimitFrom = ( $iCurPage - 1 ) * $iPerPage; $sqlLimit = "LIMIT $sLimitFrom, $iPerPage"; //////////////////////////// $vSqlResCA = $this -> GetAdvByDate($iIDClassifiedsSubs, $sqlLimit, TRUE); while( $aSqlResStrCA = mysql_fetch_assoc($vSqlResCA) ) { $sRetHtml .= $this -> ComposeResultStringAdv($aSqlResStrCA); } if ($bTabledView==TRUE) { $sSql = "SELECT `Classifieds`.`ID` AS 'ClassifiedsID', `Classifieds`.`Name`, `Classifieds`.`CEntryUri` , `ClassifiedsSubs`.`ID` AS 'ClassifiedsSubsID', `ClassifiedsSubs`.`NameSub` , `ClassifiedsSubs`.`Description` FROM `Classifieds` INNER JOIN `ClassifiedsSubs` ON ( `Classifieds`.`ID` = `ClassifiedsSubs`.`IDClassified` ) WHERE `ClassifiedsSubs`.`ID` = {$iIDClassifiedsSubs} LIMIT 1"; $aSubcatRes = db_arr($sSql); $sCaption = "
{$aSubcatRes['Name']} -> {$aSubcatRes['NameSub']}
\n"; $sDesc = "
"; $sHomeLink = ($this->bUseFriendlyLinks && $this->bAdminMode == false) ? $site['url'].'ads/' : "{$this->sCurrBrowsedFile}?Browse=1"; $sCategLink = ($this->bUseFriendlyLinks && $this->bAdminMode == false) ? $site['url'].'ads/cat/'.$aSubcatRes['CEntryUri'] : "{$this->sCurrBrowsedFile}?bClassifiedID={$aSubcatRes['ClassifiedsID']}"; $sBrowseAllAds = _t('_Browse All Ads'); $sBreadCrumbs = << {$site['title']} / {$sBrowseAllAds} / {$aSubcatRes['Name']} / {$aSubcatRes['NameSub']} EOF; /////////////////////////// if ($this->bUseFriendlyLinks==false || $this -> bAdminMode==true) { //old variant if( $iTotalPages > 1) { $sRequest = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?'; $aFields = array( 'bClassifiedID', 'bSubClassifiedID', 'catUri', 'scatUri' ); foreach( $aFields as $field ) if( isset( $_GET[$field] ) ) $sRequest .= "&{$field}=" . htmlentities( process_pass_data( $_GET[$field] ) ); $pagination = '
'._t("_Results per page").':
' . genPagination( $iTotalPages, $iCurPage, ( $sRequest . '&page={page}&per_page='.$iPerPage ) ); } else $pagination = ''; } else { if( $iTotalPages > 1) { $sRequest = 'ads/all/subcat/'; $sPaginAddon = '/' . process_db_input($_GET['scatUri']); /*$aFields = array( 'bClassifiedID', 'bSubClassifiedID', 'catUri', 'scatUri' ); foreach( $aFields as $field ) if( isset( $_GET[$field] ) ) $sRequest .= "&{$field}=" . htmlentities( process_pass_data( $_GET[$field] ) );*/ $pagination = '
'._t("_Results per page").':
' . genPagination( $iTotalPages, $iCurPage, ( $sRequest.$iPerPage . '/{page}' . $sPaginAddon ) ); } else $pagination = ''; } /////////////////////////// $sRetHtml .= '
'; $sTagsSect = DesignBoxContent ( $sBreadCrumbs, /*$sDesc.*/ $sRetHtml.$pagination, 1); } return $sTagsSect; } /** * Generate a href to Back Link * * @return HTML presentation of data */ function PrintBackLink() { $sHomeLink = ($this->bUseFriendlyLinks && $this->bAdminMode == false) ? $site['url'].'ads/' : "{$this->sCurrBrowsedFile}?Browse=1"; $sReturnBackC = _t('_Return Back'); $sRetHtml = << {$sReturnBackC} EOF; return $sRetHtml; } /** * Generate a href link to Back to some Advertisement * * param $iAdvertisementID * @return HTML presentation of data */ function PrintBackLink2Adv($iAdvertisementID) { $sReturnBackC = _t('_Return Back'); $sGenUrl = $this->genUrl($iAdvertisementID, '', 'entry', true); //{$this->sCurrBrowsedFile}?ShowAdvertisementID={$iAdvertisementID} $sRetHtml = << {$sReturnBackC} EOF; return $sRetHtml; } /** * Generate array of Classified in lists doubled form * * @return HTML presentation of data */ function PrintClassifieds() { global $site; $sRetHtml = ''; $vSqlRes = $this -> GetDataOfCls(); if (mysql_affected_rows()==-1) return $this -> GetSQLError(""); $iCounter = 0; while( $aSqlResStr = mysql_fetch_assoc($vSqlRes) ) { $iID = $aSqlResStr['ID']; $sCatName = $aSqlResStr['Name']; $sCatUri = $aSqlResStr['CEntryUri']; $sCategLink = ($this->bUseFriendlyLinks && $this->bAdminMode == false) ? $site['url'].'ads/cat/'.$sCatUri : "{$this->sCurrBrowsedFile}?bClassifiedID={$iID}"; $sHref1 = "\n"; $sqlCountCatRec = " SELECT COUNT(`ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`ID`) AS 'Count' FROM `Classifieds` INNER JOIN `ClassifiedsSubs` ON (`Classifieds`.`ID` = `ClassifiedsSubs`.`IDClassified`) INNER JOIN `ClassifiedsAdvertisements` ON (`ClassifiedsSubs`.`ID` = `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`IDClassifiedsSubs`) WHERE `Classifieds`.`ID` = '{$aSqlResStr['ID']}' AND DATE_ADD(`ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`DateTime`, INTERVAL `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`LifeTime` DAY) > NOW()"; $aCountCatRes = db_arr($sqlCountCatRec); $sCnt = ( $aCountCatRes['Count'] > 0 ) ? " ({$aCountCatRes['Count']})" : ''; $sHref2 = ""; $sOrderBy = (getParam('enable_classifieds_sort') == 'on') ? 'ORDER BY `ClassifiedsSubs`.`NameSub` ASC' : '' ; $sQuerySubs = "SELECT * FROM `ClassifiedsSubs` WHERE `IDClassified` = {$aSqlResStr['ID']} {$sOrderBy}"; $sqlResSubs = db_res ($sQuerySubs); if (mysql_affected_rows()==-1) { return $this -> GetSQLError($sQuerySubs); } $sSubsHtml = ''; while( $aSqlResSubsStr = mysql_fetch_assoc($sqlResSubs) ) { $iSubID = $aSqlResSubsStr['ID']; $sSqlCountRecSub = " SELECT COUNT(`ID`) AS 'Count' FROM `ClassifiedsAdvertisements` WHERE `IDClassifiedsSubs`='{$aSqlResSubsStr['ID']}' AND DATE_ADD(`ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`DateTime`, INTERVAL `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`LifeTime` DAY) > NOW()"; $sCountResSub = db_arr($sSqlCountRecSub); $sNameSubUp = ucwords($aSqlResSubsStr['NameSub']); $sCntSub = ( $sCountResSub['Count'] > 0 ) ? " ({$sCountResSub['Count']})" : ''; $sSCategLink = ($this->bUseFriendlyLinks) ? $site['url'].'ads/subcat/'.$aSqlResSubsStr['SEntryUri'] : "{$this->sCurrBrowsedFile}?bSubClassifiedID={$iSubID}"; $sSubsHtml .= << {$sNameSubUp} {$sCntSub} EOF; } $sCaption = $sHref1.$sCatName.$sHref2.$sCnt; $iCounter++; $sMargin = ''; $sDiv1 = ''; $sDiv2 = ''; $sDivider = ''; if (($iCounter % 3) == 1) { $sDiv1 = '
'; } if (($iCounter % 4) == 0) { $sDiv2 = '
'; $sDivider = '
'; } if (($iCounter % 4) != 0) { $sMargin = 'margin-right:12px;'; } //$sRetHtml .= $this->DecorateAsTable2($sCaption, $sSubsHtml, $sMargin) . $sDivider; $sRetHtml .= "
" . DesignBoxContent($sCaption, $sSubsHtml, 1) . '
' . $sDivider; } return $sRetHtml; } /** * Generate Filter form with ability of searching by Category, Country and keyword (in Subject and Message) * * @return HTML presentation of form */ function PrintFilterForm($iClassifiedID = -1, $iSubClassifiedID = -1) { global $aPreValues; $sAnyC = _t('_Any'); $iClassifiedID = (isset( $_REQUEST['FilterCat'] )) ? (int)$_REQUEST['FilterCat'] : $iClassifiedID; $iSubClassifiedID = (isset( $_REQUEST['FilterSubCat'] )) ? (int)$_REQUEST['FilterSubCat'] : $iSubClassifiedID; $sCountry = process_db_input( $_REQUEST['FilterCountry'], 1 ); $sKeywords = process_db_input( $_REQUEST['FilterKeywords'], 1 ); $sCustomFieldCaption1 = process_db_input( $_REQUEST['CustomFieldCaption1'], 1 ); $sCustomFieldCaption2 = process_db_input( $_REQUEST['CustomFieldCaption2'], 1 ); if (ereg ("([0-9]+)", process_db_input( $_REQUEST['CustomFieldValue1'], 1 ), $aRegs)) { $sCustomFieldValue1 = $aRegs[1]; } if (ereg ("([0-9]+)", process_db_input( $_REQUEST['CustomFieldValue2'], 1 ), $aRegs)) { $sCustomFieldValue2 = $aRegs[1]; } //$sCustomFieldValue2 = process_db_input( $_REQUEST['CustomFieldValue2'] ); $sSubDspStyle = ($sCategorySub!="")?'':'none'; $sCategoriesC = _t('_Categories'); $sCountryC = _t('_Country'); $sKeywordsC = _t('_Keywords'); $sApplyC = _t('_Apply'); $sResetC = _t('_Reset'); $sFilterC = _t('_Filter'); $sClassifiedsOptions = ''; $vSqlRes = $this -> GetDataOfCls(); if (mysql_affected_rows()==-1) return $this -> GetSQLError(""); while( $aSqlResStr = mysql_fetch_assoc($vSqlRes) ) { $sClassifiedsOptions .= "\n"; } /*$sCountryInfos = ''; $sQueryC = "SELECT `ISO2` AS 'ID', `Country` AS 'Name' FROM `Countries`"; $vSqlResC = db_res ($sQueryC); if (mysql_affected_rows()==-1) return $this -> GetSQLError($sQueryC); while( $sqlResStrC = mysql_fetch_assoc($vSqlResC) ) { $sCountryInfos .= "\n"; }*/ $sCountryOptions = ''; $sSelCountry = $sCountry; foreach ( $aPreValues['Country'] as $key => $value ) { $sCountrySelected = ( $sSelCountry == $key ) ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $sCountryOptions .= ""; } $sCF1DispStyle = ($sCustomFieldCaption1!="")?'':'none'; $sCF2DispStyle = ($sCustomFieldCaption2!="")?'':'none'; $sKeywordsStr = (($sKeywords!='')?"{$sKeywords}":''); $sCateg = ''; $sSubCateg = ''; if ($iClassifiedID==-1 AND $iSubClassifiedID==-1) { $sOnChange = ($iClassifiedID==-1) ? "onChange=\"UpdateListCommon('ReloadClassifiedsAndCustomsFields', 'FilterSubCat', 'IDClassified', this.value, 'CustomFieldCaption1', 'CustomFieldCaption2', 'unit');\"" : ""; $sCateg = << {$sCategoriesC}:
EOF; $sSubCateg = <<
EOF; } if ($iClassifiedID != -1) { $sCateg .= ''; $sSubCateg=''; } if ($iSubClassifiedID != -1) { $sCateg .= ''; $sSubCateg=''; } $sRetHtml = << {$sCateg} {$sSubCateg}
EOF; return $sRetHtml; } /** * Generate array of filtered Advertisements * * @return HTML presentation of data */ function PrintFilteredAllAdvertisements() { global $site; global $aPreValues; $sRetHtml = ''; $sCategory = (int)$_REQUEST['FilterCat']; $sSubCategory = (int)$_REQUEST['FilterSubCat']; $sCountry = process_db_input( $_REQUEST['FilterCountry'], 1 ); $sKeywords = process_db_input( $_REQUEST['FilterKeywords'], 1 ); if ($sSubCategory<=0) { return MsgBox(_t('_SubCategory is required')); } if (ereg ("([0-9]+)", process_db_input( $_REQUEST['CustomFieldValue1'], 1 ), $aRegs)) { $sCustomFieldValue1 = $aRegs[1]; } if (ereg ("([0-9]+)", process_db_input( $_REQUEST['CustomFieldValue2'], 1 ), $aRegs)) { $sCustomFieldValue2 = $aRegs[1]; } $sCustomFieldCaption1 = process_db_input( $_REQUEST['CustomFieldCaption1'], 1 ); $sCustomFieldCaption2 = process_db_input( $_REQUEST['CustomFieldCaption2'], 1 ); $sCustAction1 = ""; $sCustAction2 = ""; if ($sCustomFieldCaption1 != '' and $sCustomFieldCaption1!='NaN') $sCustAction1 = mb_substr(html_entity_decode($sCustomFieldCaption1), 0, 3); if ($sCustomFieldCaption2 != '' and $sCustomFieldCaption2!='NaN') $sCustAction2 = mb_substr(html_entity_decode($sCustomFieldCaption2), 0, 3); $aAllowActions = array('<', '>', '='); switch ($sCustAction1) { case 'Max': $sCustAction1='<'; break; case 'Min': $sCustAction1='>'; break; case 'Equ': $sCustAction1='='; break; } switch ($sCustAction2) { case 'Max': $sCustAction2='<'; break; case 'Min': $sCustAction2='>'; break; case 'Equ': $sCustAction2='='; break; } $sCategoryCat = ($sCategory > 0)?"`ClassifiedsSubs`.`IDClassified` = '{$sCategory}'" : ''; $sSubCategoryCat = ($sSubCategory > 0)?"`ClassifiedsSubs`.`ID` = '{$sSubCategory}'": ''; $sCountryCat = ($sCountry == '-1')?'':"`Profiles`.`Country`='{$sCountry}'"; $sKeywordCat = ($sKeywords == '')?'':"(`ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`Subject` LIKE '%{$sKeywords}%' OR `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`Message` LIKE '%{$sKeywords}%')"; $sCustom1Cat = (in_array($sCustAction1, $aAllowActions)==false OR $sCustomFieldValue1 == '')?'':"CAST(`ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`CustomFieldValue1`AS UNSIGNED) {$sCustAction1} {$sCustomFieldValue1}"; $sCustom2Cat = (in_array($sCustAction2, $aAllowActions)==false OR $sCustomFieldValue2 == '')?'':"CAST(`ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`CustomFieldValue2`AS UNSIGNED) {$sCustAction2} {$sCustomFieldValue2}"; $aWheres = array($sCategoryCat, $sSubCategoryCat, $sCountryCat, $sKeywordCat, $sCustom1Cat, $sCustom2Cat); $sQuery = " FROM `ClassifiedsAdvertisements` INNER JOIN `ClassifiedsSubs` ON (`ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`IDClassifiedsSubs`=`ClassifiedsSubs`.`ID`) INNER JOIN `Classifieds` ON (`Classifieds`.`ID`=`ClassifiedsSubs`.`IDClassified`) LEFT JOIN `Profiles` ON (`ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`IDProfile`=`Profiles`.`ID`) WHERE DATE_ADD(`ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`DateTime`, INTERVAL `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`LifeTime` DAY) > NOW()"; foreach ($aWheres as $val) { $sQuery.=($val=='')?'':" AND ".$val; } $sQuery.=" ORDER BY `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`DateTime` "; //////////////////////////// $sQueryCnt = "SELECT COUNT( `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`ID` ) AS 'Cnt' ".$sQuery; $aTotalNum = db_arr( $sQueryCnt ); $iTotalNum = $aTotalNum['Cnt']; if( !$iTotalNum ) { return MsgBox(_t( '_Sorry, nothing found' )); } $iPerPage = (int)$_GET['per_page']; if( !$iPerPage ) $iPerPage = $this->iPerPageElements; $iTotalPages = ceil( $iTotalNum / $iPerPage ); $iCurPage = (int)$_GET['page']; if( $iCurPage > $iTotalPages ) $iCurPage = $iTotalPages; if( $iCurPage < 1 ) $iCurPage = 1; $sLimitFrom = ( $iCurPage - 1 ) * $iPerPage; $sqlLimit = "LIMIT $sLimitFrom, $iPerPage"; //////////////////////////// $sQuery = "SELECT `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.*, `Classifieds`.`Unit`, (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`DateTime`)) AS 'sec', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`DateTime`) AS 'DateTime_UTS' ".$sQuery.$sqlLimit; $vSqlRes = db_res ($sQuery); if (mysql_affected_rows()==-1) return $this -> GetSQLError($sQuery); if (mysql_affected_rows()>0) { $sFilteredC = _t('_Filtered'); $sListingC = _t('_Listing'); $sOutC = _t('_out'); $sOfC = _t('_of'); $sContStrs = ''; while( $aSqlResStrA = mysql_fetch_assoc($vSqlRes) ) { $sContStrs .= $this -> ComposeResultStringAdv($aSqlResStrA); } /////////////////////////// if( $iTotalPages > 1) { $sRequest = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?'; $aFields = array( 'action', 'FilterCat', 'FilterSubCat', 'FilterCountry', 'FilterKeywords', 'CustomFieldValue1', 'CustomFieldValue2', 'CustomFieldCaption1', 'CustomFieldCaption2' ); foreach( $aFields as $field ) if( isset( $_GET[$field] ) ) $sRequest .= "&{$field}=" . htmlentities( process_pass_data( $_GET[$field] ) ); $pagination = '
'._t("_Results per page").':
' . genPagination( $iTotalPages, $iCurPage, ( $sRequest . '&page={page}&per_page='.$iPerPage ) ); } else $pagination = ''; /////////////////////////// $sRetHtml .= DesignBoxContent ( _t('_SEARCH_RESULT_H'), $sContStrs. $pagination, 1); } else { $sRetHtml .= '
No listing..
'; } return $sRetHtml; } /** * Generate composed table element of Advertisement * * @param $aSqlResStrA SQL result string of Advertisement * @return HTML presentation of data */ function ComposeResultStringAdv($aSqlResStrA, $bVeryShortView=FALSE) { global $aPreValues; global $site; $sActivateC = _t('_Activate'); $sDeleteC = _t('_Delete'); $sEditC = _t('_Edit'); $sSbjN = _t('_Subject'); $sPostedByC = _t('_Posted by'); $sDateC = _t('_Date'); $sLocationC = _t('_Location'); $sAdminLocalAreaC = _t('_AdminArea'); $sAdminC = _t('_Admin'); $sSureC = _t("_Are you sure"); $sTimeAgo = _format_when($aSqlResStrA['sec']); $iID = $aSqlResStrA['ID']; $iIDProfile = $aSqlResStrA['IDProfile']; $sImageCode = $this -> getBigImageCode($aSqlResStrA['Media'], $iID); $sDataTimeFormatted = LocaledDataTime($aSqlResStrA['DateTime_UTS']); $sDelAbil=' '; if ($this -> bAdminMode == false) { //$iMemberID = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID']; $iMemberID = ($logged['member']) ? (int)$_COOKIE['memberID'] : 0; if (($this->bAdminMode==true OR $iMemberID!=0) AND $iIDProfile==$iMemberID) {//ability to delete Adv for owner $sDelAbil .= <<{$sDeleteC} {$sEditC} EOF; } } elseif ($this -> bAdminMode==true) { //ability to Activate/Delete/Edite adv $sActivateAbil = ($aSqlResStrA['Status']=='active') ? '' : <<{$sActivateC}   EOF; $sDelAbil = << {$sActivateAbil} {$sDeleteC}   {$sEditC} EOF; } $aProfileRes = $this -> GetProfileData($iIDProfile); $sPostedBy = ($iIDProfile==0) ? $sAdminC : "{$aProfileRes['NickName']}\n"; $sCountryName = ($aProfileRes['Country']=="")?$sAdminLocalAreaC:_t($aPreValues['Country'][ $aProfileRes['Country'] ]['LKey'] ); $sCountryPic = ($aProfileRes['Country']=='')?'':' '.$aProfileRes['Country'].''; $sCustDetails = ''; $sDetailsC = _t('_Details'); if ($aSqlResStrA['CustomFieldValue1'] OR $aSqlResStrA['CustomFieldValue2']) { $sCustDetails .= "{$sDetailsC}:"; $sCustDetails .= ($aSqlResStrA['CustomFieldValue1'])?"
{$aSqlResStrA['Unit']} {$aSqlResStrA['CustomFieldValue1']}
":''; $sCustDetails .= ($aSqlResStrA['CustomFieldValue1'] && $aSqlResStrA['CustomFieldValue2'])?' - ':''; $sCustDetails .= ($aSqlResStrA['CustomFieldValue2'])?"
{$aSqlResStrA['Unit']} {$aSqlResStrA['CustomFieldValue2']}
":''; } //$sDataStyle=($bVeryShortView)?'':' style="margin-bottom:10px;"'; $sDataStyleWidth=($bVeryShortView)?' style="width:230px;"':''; $sSubjectBlock = ($bVeryShortView) ? '' : << {$sPostedByC}:
EOF; $sPostedByBlock = ($bVeryShortView) ? '' : << {$sPostedByC}:
EOF; $sSubjectBlockValue = $aSqlResStrA['Subject'];//($bVeryShortView) ? mb_substr($aSqlResStrA['Subject'], 0, 15)."..." : $aSqlResStrA['Subject']; $sActionsBlock = ($bVeryShortView) ? '' : << {$sDelAbil} EOF; $sDetailsBlock = ($bVeryShortView) ? '' : << {$sCustDetails} EOF; //{$sDataStyle} $sGenUrl = $this->genUrl($iID, $aSqlResStrA['EntryUri']); //{$this -> sCurrBrowsedFile}?ShowAdvertisementID={$iID} $sCBStyle = ($this->bAdminMode==true) ? 'float:left' : ''; $sRetHtml = <<
{$sDataTimeFormatted} ({$sTimeAgo})
{$sLocationBlock} {$sDetailsBlock} {$sActionsBlock}
EOF; return $sRetHtml; } /** * Compose result into disignBoxFirstA class * * @param $sCaption caption of Box * @param $sValue inner text of box * @return HTML presentation of data */ /*function DecorateAsTable2($sCaption, $sValue, $sMargin) { $sDecTbl = <<
EOF; return $sDecTbl; }*/ /** * Compose Form to managing with Classifieds, subs, and custom fields * * @return HTML presentation of data */ function PrintManageClassifiedsForm() { $vSqlResCls = $this -> GetDataOfCls(); if (mysql_affected_rows()==-1) return $this -> GetSQLError(""); $sClassifiedsOptions = ''; while( $aSqlResStr = mysql_fetch_assoc($vSqlResCls) ) { $iID = $aSqlResStr['ID']; $sName = $aSqlResStr['Name']; $sClassifiedsOptions .= "\n"; } $sCategoriesC = _t('_Categories'); $sSubCategoriesC = _t('_SubCategories'); $sTitleC = _t('_Title'); $sDescC = _t('_Desctiption'); $sAddC = _t('_Add'); $sAddThisC = _t('_Add this'); $sDeleteC = _t('_Delete'); $sCustomField1C = _t('_CustomField1'); $sCustomField2C = _t('_CustomField2'); $sNameC = _t('_Name'); $sActionC = _t('_Action'); $sApplyC = _t('_Apply'); $sEqualC = _t('_equal'); $sSmallerC = _t('_smaller'); $sBiggerC = _t('_bigger'); $sChooseC = _t('_choose'); $sUnitC = _t('_Unit'); $sRetHtml = <<
{$sCustomField1C}: {$sNameC}:  {$sActionC}:
{$sCustomField2C}: {$sNameC}:  {$sActionC}:
{$sUnitC}: {$sNameC}:
EOF; return $sRetHtml; } /** * Compose table with all New Advertisements * * @return HTML presentation of data */ function PrintModeratingTable() { global $site; $sRetHtml = ''; $sQuery = " SELECT `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.*, DATE_ADD(`ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`DateTime`, INTERVAL `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`LifeTime` DAY) < NOW() AS 'IsOld', `Classifieds`.`Unit`, (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`DateTime`)) AS `sec` FROM `ClassifiedsAdvertisements` INNER JOIN `ClassifiedsSubs` ON (`ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`IDClassifiedsSubs`=`ClassifiedsSubs`.`ID`) INNER JOIN `Classifieds` ON (`Classifieds`.`ID`=`ClassifiedsSubs`.`IDClassified`) WHERE `Status`='new' "; $vSqlResCA = db_res ($sQuery); $sRetHtml .= '
'; while( $aSqlResStr = mysql_fetch_assoc($vSqlResCA) ) { $sRetHtml .= << EOF; $sRetHtml .= $this -> ComposeResultStringAdv($aSqlResStr); $sRetHtml .= '
'; } $sRetHtml .= <<Check All / Uncheck All       EOF; return $sRetHtml; } /** * Compose Edit form for Advertisement * * @param $iEditAdvertisementID ID of edited Advertisement * @return HTML presentation of data */ function PrintEditForm($iEditAdvertisementID, $arrErr=NULL) { $aSqlResAdv = $this -> GetAdvertisementData($iEditAdvertisementID); $vSqlResCls = $this -> GetDataOfCls(); if (mysql_affected_rows()==-1) return $this -> GetSQLError(""); $sClassifiedsOptions = ''; while( $aSqlResStr = mysql_fetch_assoc($vSqlResCls) ) { $sClassifiedsOptions .= "\n"; } $sSbjC = _t('_Subject'); $sOrC = _t('_or'); $sChangeC = _t('_Change'); $sCategoryC = _t('_Category'); $sSubCategoryC = _t('_SubCategories'); $sMsgC = _t('_Message'); $sCommitC = _t('_Apply Changes'); $sTagsC = _t('_Tags'); $sPhotosC = _t('_photos'); $sMSGstyle = ($arrErr['Message'] ? 'block' : 'none'); $sSBJstyle = ($arrErr['Subject'] ? 'block' : 'none'); $sSBJmsg = ($arrErr['Subject'] ? _t( '_'.$arrErr['Subject'] ) : '' ); $sMSGmsg = ($arrErr['Message'] ? _t( '_'.$arrErr['Message'] ) : '' ); //$sCategory = (int)process_db_input( $_POST['FilterCat'] ); //$sCategorySub = process_db_input( $_POST['FilterCatSub'] ); //$sKeywords = process_db_input( $_POST['FilterKeywords'] ); //$sCustomFieldCaption1 = process_db_input( $_POST['ad_CustomFieldCaption1'] ); //$sCustomFieldCaption2 = process_db_input( $_POST['ad_CustomFieldCaption2'] ); $sSubject = process_db_input($_POST['subject'], 1); $sMessage = $this->process_html_db_input($_POST['message']); $sTags = process_db_input($_POST['Tags'], 1); //$iLifeTime = (int)process_db_input( $_POST['lifetime'] ); $sSubject = ($sSubject=="") ? $aSqlResAdv['Subject'] : $sSubject; $sMessage = ($sMessage=="") ? $aSqlResAdv['Message'] : $sMessage; $sTags = ($sTags=="") ? $aSqlResAdv['Tags'] : $sTags; /////photos///////// $sImg = $this->getImageManagingCode($aSqlResAdv['Media']); /////////////////// $sCatHndlVal = (isset($arrErr)) ? (int)$_REQUEST['Classified'] : $aSqlResAdv['CatID']; $sSubCatHndlVal = (isset($arrErr)) ? (int)$_REQUEST['SubClassified'] : $aSqlResAdv['SubID']; $sScriptHandle = << addEvent( window, 'load', function(){ UpdateListCommon('ReloadClassifieds','SubClassified','IDClassified',{$sCatHndlVal}); } ); addEvent( window, 'load', function(){ UpdateField('Classified',{$sCatHndlVal}); } ); addEvent( window, 'load', function(){ UpdateField('SubClassified',{$sSubCatHndlVal}); } ); EOF; $sRetHtml = << {$sImg}
{$sCategoryC}: {$sScriptHandle}
EOF; return $sRetHtml; } function GenReportSubmitForm($iCommentID) { global $member; global $site; if ($iCommentID ) { $iClsID = $_REQUEST['clsID']; $sAddr = ''; $sCode = '
'; $sCode .= '
'; $sCode .= ''; $sCode .= ''; $sCode .= ''; $sCode .= '
'._t("_Message text").'
'; $sCode .= '
'; $sCode .= '
'; $sCode .= '
'; $sCode .= '
'; $sCode .= '
'; } return $sCode; } function ActionReportSubmit() { global $site; $iMemberID = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID']; $iClsID = (int)$_REQUEST['clsID']; $iCommID = (int)$_REQUEST['commentID']; $aUser = $this->GetProfileData($iMemberID); $sMailHeader = "From: {$site['title']} <{$site['email_notify']}>"; $sMailParameters = "-f{$site['email_notify']}"; $sMessage = $this->process_html_db_input($_REQUEST['messageText']); $sMailHeader = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n" . "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n" . $sMailHeader; $sMailSubject = $aUser['NickName'].' bad comment report'; $sGenUrl = $this->genUrl($iClsID, '', 'entry', true); //{$site['url']}classifieds.php?ShowAdvertisementID={$iClsID} $sMailBody = "Hello,\n {$aUser['NickName']} bad classified comment (comm num {$iCommID}): See it\n {$sMessage}\n Regards"; $sMail = $site['email_notify']; /*$iSendingResult = mail( $sMail, $sMailSubject, nl2br($sMailBody), $sMailHeader, $sMailParameters ); if ($iSendingResult) { $sCode = '
'._t("_File info was sent").'
'; } return MsgBox($sCode);*/ if (sendMail( $sMail, sMailSubject, nl2br($sMailBody), '', '', 'html')) { $sCode = '
'._t("_File info was sent").'
'; return MsgBox($sCode); } } function CenteredActionsBlock($sPicElement, $sHrefElement) { $sResElement = <<{$sPicElement} {$sHrefElement} EOF; return $sResElement; } /** * Compose Array of posted data before validating (post ad or edit) * * @return Array */ function FillPostAdvertismentArrByPostValues() { $iSubClassifiedID = (int)$_POST['SubClassified']; $iMemberID = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID']; $sSubject = process_db_input($_POST['subject'], true); $sMessage = $this->process_html_db_input( $_POST['message'] ); if (ereg ("([0-9]+)", process_db_input( $_POST['CustomFieldValue1'] ), $aRegs)) { $sCustomFieldValue1 = $aRegs[1]; } if (ereg ("([0-9]+)", process_db_input( $_POST['CustomFieldValue2'] ), $aRegs)) { $sCustomFieldValue2 = $aRegs[1]; } $iLifeTime = (int)$_POST['lifetime']; $arr = array('SubClassified' => $iSubClassifiedID, 'membID' => $iMemberID, 'Subject' => $sSubject, 'Message' => $sMessage, 'custVal1' => $sCustomFieldValue1, 'custVal2' => $sCustomFieldValue2, 'Life Time' => $iLifeTime); return $arr; } /** * Compose Array of errors during filling (validating) * * @param $arrAdv Input Array with data * @param $bEditMode like a simple mode, not all fields are tested * @return Array with errors */ function checkGroupErrors( $arrAdv, $bEditMode=FALSE ) { $arrErr = array(); foreach( $arrAdv as $sFieldName => $sFieldValue ) { switch( $sFieldName ) { case 'SubClassified': if( $sFieldValue < 1 AND $bEditMode==FALSE ) $arrErr[ $sFieldName ] = "{$sFieldName} is required"; break; case 'Subject': if( !strlen($sFieldValue) ) $arrErr[ $sFieldName ] = "{$sFieldName} is required"; break; case 'Message': if( strlen($sFieldValue) < 50 ) $arrErr[ $sFieldName ] = "{$sFieldName} must be 50 symbols at least"; break; case 'Life Time': if( $sFieldValue < 1 AND $bEditMode==FALSE ) $arrErr[ $sFieldName ] = "{$sFieldName} must be positive"; break; } } return $arrErr; } /** * Compose result of searching Advertisements by Tag * * @param $sTag selected tag string * @return HTML result */ function PrintAdvertisementsByTag($sTag) { global $site; $sRetHtml=''; $sTag = addslashes(trim(strtolower($sTag))); $sTagResultC = _t('_Tags') . _t('_Search') . _t('_Results'); $sBrowseAllAds = _t('_Browse All Ads'); $sHomeLink = ($this->bUseFriendlyLinks) ? $site['url'].'ads/' : "{$this->sCurrBrowsedFile}?Browse=1"; $sBreadCrumbs = << {$site['title']} / {$sBrowseAllAds} / {$sTagResultC} EOF; $vSqlRes = $this -> GetAdvByTags(); while( $aSqlResStr = mysql_fetch_assoc($vSqlRes) ) { $sTags = $aSqlResStr['Tags']; $aTags = array(); $aTags = explode(",", $sTags); if (in_array($sTag, $aTags)) { $sRetHtml .= $this -> ComposeResultStringAdv($aSqlResStr); } } return $sBreadCrumbs.$sRetHtml; } /* *safe SQL functions */ /** * Write SQL data into ClassifiedsAdvertisementsMedia * * @param $iMemberID Member ID * @param $sBaseName Base Name of picture without extension * @param $sExt Extension of picture * @return SQL result */ function InsertCAM($iMemberID, $sBaseName, $sExt) { $sQuery = "INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsAdvertisementsMedia` SET `MediaProfileID`='{$iMemberID}', `MediaType`='photo', `MediaFile`='{$sBaseName}{$sExt}', `MediaDate`=NOW()"; $vSqlRes = db_res( $sQuery ); return $vSqlRes; } /** * Write SQL data into ClassifiedsAdvertisements * * @param $iMemberID Member ID * @param $iSubClassifiedID SubClassified ID, where Adv was added * @param $sSubject Subject of Adv * @param $sMessage Message of Adv * @param $sCustomFieldValue1 Custom Value 1 * @param $sCustomFieldValue2 Custom Value 2 * @param $iLifeTime Life time of Adv, time in days how many showed Adv * @param $sMedIds ID`s of attached pictures * @return SQL result */ function InsertCA($iMemberID, $iSubClassifiedID, $sSubject, $sMessage, $sCustomFieldValue1, $sCustomFieldValue2, $iLifeTime, $sMedIds, $sTags) { $sNewUri = uriGenerate($sSubject, 'ClassifiedsAdvertisements', 'EntryUri', 50); $sStatus = (getParam('autoApproval_Classifieds') == 'on') ? 'active' : 'new'; $sQuery = "INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsAdvertisements` SET `IDProfile`='{$iMemberID}', `IDClassifiedsSubs`='{$iSubClassifiedID}', `DateTime`=NOW(), `Subject`='{$sSubject}', `EntryUri`='{$sNewUri}', `Message`='{$sMessage}', `Status` = '{$sStatus}', `CustomFieldValue1`={$sCustomFieldValue1}, `CustomFieldValue2`={$sCustomFieldValue2}, `LifeTime`={$iLifeTime}, `Media`='{$sMedIds}', `Tags`='{$sTags}' "; $vSqlRes = db_res( $sQuery ); return $vSqlRes; } function ActionDeletePicture() { $iMediaID = (int)$_REQUEST['DeletedPictureID']; $iEditAdvertisementID = (int)$_REQUEST['UpdatedAdvertisementID']; $sCheckPostSQL = "SELECT `IDProfile` FROM `ClassifiedsAdvertisements` WHERE `ID`={$iEditAdvertisementID} "; $aAdvOwner = db_arr($sCheckPostSQL); $iAdvOwner = $aAdvOwner['IDProfile']; $iVisitorID = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID']; if (($iVisitorID == $iAdvOwner || $this->bAdminMode) && $iEditAdvertisementID > 0) { if ($this -> bAdminMode == FALSE) { $sRestrictRes = $this->RestrictAction($iVisitorID); if ($sRestrictRes != '') return $sRestrictRes; //if ($this->RestrictAction($iVisitorID)) return; } //1. get media array $aAdvData = $this->GetAdvertisementData($iEditAdvertisementID); $sMediaIDs = $aAdvData['Media']; if ($sMediaIDs != '') { $aChunks = preg_split ("/[,]+/", $sMediaIDs, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); //2. don`t get deleted element $aNewMediaIDs = array(); foreach ( $aChunks as $iMedId ) { if ($iMedId != $iMediaID) $aNewMediaIDs[] = $iMedId; } //3. collect new array of nedia $sNewMedia = implode(",", $aNewMediaIDs); //4. update field Media in classifieds with new array of media $sUpdateSQL = "UPDATE `ClassifiedsAdvertisements` SET `Media` = '{$sNewMedia}' WHERE `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`ID` = {$iEditAdvertisementID} LIMIT 1"; db_res( $sUpdateSQL ); if (mysql_affected_rows() == 1) {//continue $sAdminCut2 = ($this->bAdminMode==false) ? "AND `MediaProfileID` = {$iVisitorID}" : ""; $sQueryChunkFile = " SELECT `MediaFile` FROM `ClassifiedsAdvertisementsMedia` WHERE `MediaID` = {$iMediaID} {$sAdminCut2} LIMIT 1 "; //5. delete physycally file $aSqlResMediaName = db_assoc_arr( $sQueryChunkFile ); $sMediaFileName = $aSqlResMediaName['MediaFile']; if ($sMediaFileName != '') { if (@unlink ( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT.$this->sUploadDir . 'img_'.$sMediaFileName ) == FALSE) { $sRetHtml .= MsgBox(_t('_FAILED_TO_DELETE_PIC', $sMediaFileName)); } if (@unlink ( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT.$this->sUploadDir . 'thumb_'.$sMediaFileName ) == FALSE) { $sRetHtml .= MsgBox(_t('_FAILED_TO_DELETE_PIC', $sMediaFileName)); } if (@unlink ( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT.$this->sUploadDir . 'big_thumb_'.$sMediaFileName ) == FALSE) { $sRetHtml .= MsgBox(_t('_FAILED_TO_DELETE_PIC', $sMediaFileName)); } if (@unlink ( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT.$this->sUploadDir . 'icon_'.$sMediaFileName ) == FALSE) { $sRetHtml .= MsgBox(_t('_FAILED_TO_DELETE_PIC', $sMediaFileName)); } } //6. delete record from table with media of Classifieds about deleted object $sQueryMediaID = "DELETE FROM `ClassifiedsAdvertisementsMedia` WHERE `MediaID` = {$iMediaID} AND `MediaProfileID` = {$iVisitorID} LIMIT 1"; $aSqlResMediaID = db_res( $sQueryMediaID ); if (mysql_affected_rows() == 1) {//continue return MsgBox(_t('_Photo successfully deleted')); } } else return MsgBox(_t('_Error Occured')); } } elseif($iVisitorID != $iAdvOwner) { return MsgBox(_t('_Hacker String')); } else { return MsgBox(_t('_Error Occured')); } } /** * SQL Updating fields of Advertisement * * @param $iEditAdvertisementID ID`s of editing Advertisement * @return Text presentation of data */ function ActionUpdateAdvertisementID($iEditAdvertisementID) { $sCheckPostSQL = "SELECT `IDProfile` FROM `ClassifiedsAdvertisements` WHERE `ID`={$iEditAdvertisementID} "; $aAdvOwner = db_arr($sCheckPostSQL); $iAdvOwner = $aAdvOwner['IDProfile']; $iVisitorID = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID']; if (($iVisitorID == $iAdvOwner || $this->bAdminMode) && $iEditAdvertisementID > 0) { if ($this -> bAdminMode == FALSE) { $sRestrictRes = $this->RestrictAction($iVisitorID); if ($sRestrictRes != '') return $sRestrictRes; //if ($this->RestrictAction($iVisitorID)) return; } require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . 'tags.inc.php' ); $sSuccUpd = _t("_SUCC_UPD_ADV"); $sFailUpd = _t("_FAIL_UPD_ADV"); $sCategoryID = (int)$_POST['Classified']; $sSubCategoryID = (int)$_POST['SubClassified']; $sCustomFieldValue1 = (int)$_POST['CustomFieldValue1']; $sCustomFieldValue2 = (int)$_POST['CustomFieldValue2']; $sTags = process_db_input($_POST['Tags'], 1); $aTags = explodeTags($sTags); $sTags = implode(",", $aTags); $sSubject = process_db_input($_POST['subject'], 1); $sMessage = $this->process_html_db_input($_POST['message']); $changeCat = ($sCategoryID>0 AND $sSubCategoryID>0) ? "`IDClassifiedsSubs`='{$sSubCategoryID}', " : ''; //1. get a new files and return string-array $sNewMedias = $this->parseUploadedFiles($iAdvOwner); //2. get current media datas from cls $aAdvData = $this->GetAdvertisementData($iEditAdvertisementID); $sMediaIDs = $aAdvData['Media']; //3. merge both $aOldChunks = preg_split ("/[,]+/", $sMediaIDs, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $aNewChunks = preg_split ("/[,]+/", $sNewMedias, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $aResultChunks = array_merge ($aNewChunks, $aOldChunks); $sResultChunks = implode(",", $aResultChunks); $sPicsAddSQL = (count($aNewChunks)>0) ? "`Media` = '{$sResultChunks}'," : ''; //$sNewUri = uriGenerate($sSubject, 'ClassifiedsAdvertisements', 'EntryUri', 50); //4. update result $sQuery = " UPDATE `ClassifiedsAdvertisements` SET {$changeCat} `Subject`='{$sSubject}', `Message`='{$sMessage}', `CustomFieldValue1`={$sCustomFieldValue1}, `CustomFieldValue2`={$sCustomFieldValue2}, {$sPicsAddSQL} `Tags`='{$sTags}' WHERE `ID`='{$iEditAdvertisementID}' "; $vSqlRes = db_res( $sQuery ); $sRet = (mysql_affected_rows()>0) ? _t($sSuccUpd) : _t($sFailUpd); reparseObjTags( 'ad', $iEditAdvertisementID ); $this->UseDefaultCF(); return MsgBox($sRet) . $this -> ActionPrintAdvertisement($iEditAdvertisementID); } elseif($iVisitorID != $iAdvOwner) { return MsgBox(_t('_Hacker String')); } else { return MsgBox(_t('_Error Occured')); } } /** * SQL Get all Advertisement data, custom fields, units by Advertisement ID * * @param $iAdvertisementID * @return SQL data */ function GetAdvertisementData($iAdvertisementID) { $sQuery = " SELECT `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.*, `Classifieds`.`CustomFieldName1`, `Classifieds`.`CustomFieldName2`, `Classifieds`.`CustomAction1`, `Classifieds`.`CustomAction2`, `ClassifiedsSubs`.`NameSub`, `ClassifiedsSubs`.`SEntryUri`, `ClassifiedsSubs`.`ID` AS 'SubID', `Classifieds`.`Name`, `Classifieds`.`CEntryUri`, `Classifieds`.`ID` AS 'CatID', `Classifieds`.`Unit`, (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`DateTime`)) AS 'sec', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`DateTime`) AS 'DateTime_UTS' FROM `ClassifiedsAdvertisements` INNER JOIN `ClassifiedsSubs` ON (`ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`IDClassifiedsSubs`=`ClassifiedsSubs`.`ID`) INNER JOIN `Classifieds` ON (`Classifieds`.`ID`=`ClassifiedsSubs`.`IDClassified`) WHERE `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`ID`={$iAdvertisementID}"; $aSqlResStr = db_assoc_arr( $sQuery ); return $aSqlResStr; } /** * SQL Get all Profiles data by Profile Id * * @param $iProfileId * @return SQL data */ function GetProfileData($iProfileId) { return getProfileInfo( $iProfileId ); } /** * SQL Get all Advertisement data, custom fields, units by Profile Id * * @param $iProfileId * @return SQL data */ function GetAdvDataOfProfile($iProfileId, $iRandLim=-1) { $sNoCurrentAdd = (isset($_REQUEST['entryUri'])==true && $_REQUEST['entryUri'] != '') ? " AND `EntryUri`!='". $this->process_html_db_input($_REQUEST['entryUri']) ."' " : ''; $sRL = ($iRandLim>0) ? " ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT {$iRandLim}" : ''; $sQuery = " SELECT `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.*, `Classifieds`.`CustomFieldName1`, `Classifieds`.`CustomFieldName2`, `Classifieds`.`CustomAction1`, `Classifieds`.`CustomAction2`, `Classifieds`.`Unit`, (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`DateTime`)) AS 'sec', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`DateTime`) AS 'DateTime_UTS' FROM `ClassifiedsAdvertisements` INNER JOIN `ClassifiedsSubs` ON (`ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`IDClassifiedsSubs`=`ClassifiedsSubs`.`ID`) INNER JOIN `Classifieds` ON (`Classifieds`.`ID`=`ClassifiedsSubs`.`IDClassified`) WHERE `IDProfile` ={$iProfileId} {$sNoCurrentAdd} {$sRL} "; $aSqlResStr = db_res( $sQuery ); return $aSqlResStr; } /** * SQL Get all Advertisement data, units take into mind LifeDate of Adv * * @param $iClsID * @param $sAddon - string addon of Limits (for pagination) * @param $bSub - present that current ID is SubCategory * @return SQL data */ function GetAdvByDate($iClsID, $sAddon, $bSub=FALSE) { $sWhereAdd = ($bSub) ? "`ClassifiedsSubs`" : "`Classifieds`" ; $sTimeRestriction = ($this->bAdminMode==true) ? '' : 'AND DATE_ADD( `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`DateTime` , INTERVAL `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`LifeTime` DAY ) > NOW( )'; $sQuery = " SELECT `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.* , `Classifieds`.`Name`, `Classifieds`.`Description`, `Classifieds`.`Unit`, (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`DateTime`)) AS 'sec', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`DateTime`) AS 'DateTime_UTS' FROM `ClassifiedsAdvertisements` INNER JOIN `ClassifiedsSubs` ON ( `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`IDClassifiedsSubs` = `ClassifiedsSubs`.`ID` ) INNER JOIN `Classifieds` ON ( `ClassifiedsSubs`.`IDClassified` = `Classifieds`.`ID` ) WHERE {$sWhereAdd}.`ID` = {$iClsID} {$sTimeRestriction} ".$sAddon; $vSqlRes = db_res ($sQuery); return $vSqlRes; } function GetAdvByDateCnt($iClsID, $bSub=FALSE) { $sWhereAdd = ($bSub) ? "`ClassifiedsSubs`" : "`Classifieds`" ; $sTimeRestriction = ($this->bAdminMode==true) ? '' : 'AND DATE_ADD( `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`DateTime` , INTERVAL `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`LifeTime` DAY ) > NOW( )'; $sQuery = " SELECT COUNT(`ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`ID`) AS 'Cnt' FROM `ClassifiedsAdvertisements` INNER JOIN `ClassifiedsSubs` ON ( `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`IDClassifiedsSubs` = `ClassifiedsSubs`.`ID` ) INNER JOIN `Classifieds` ON ( `ClassifiedsSubs`.`IDClassified` = `Classifieds`.`ID` ) WHERE {$sWhereAdd}.`ID` = {$iClsID} {$sTimeRestriction} "; return $sQuery; } /** * SQL Get all Classifieds by LifeTime (for tag searching) * * @return SQL data */ function GetAdvByTags() { $sQuery = " SELECT `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.* , `Classifieds`.`Name`, `Classifieds`.`Description`, `Classifieds`.`Unit`, (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`DateTime`)) AS `sec`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`DateTime`) AS 'DateTime_UTS' FROM `ClassifiedsAdvertisements` INNER JOIN `ClassifiedsSubs` ON ( `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`IDClassifiedsSubs` = `ClassifiedsSubs`.`ID` ) INNER JOIN `Classifieds` ON ( `ClassifiedsSubs`.`IDClassified` = `Classifieds`.`ID` ) AND DATE_ADD( `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`DateTime` , INTERVAL `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`LifeTime` DAY ) > NOW( ) "; $vSqlRes = db_res ($sQuery); return $vSqlRes; } /** * SQL Get all Classifieds * * @return SQL data */ function GetDataOfCls() { $sOrderBy = (getParam('enable_classifieds_sort') == 'on') ? 'ORDER BY `Classifieds`.`Name` ASC' : '' ; $sQuery = "SELECT * FROM `Classifieds` {$sOrderBy}"; $vSqlRes = db_res ($sQuery); return $vSqlRes; } function genUrl($iEntryId, $sEntryUri, $sType='entry', $bForce = false) { global $site; if ($bForce) { $sEntryUri = db_value("SELECT `EntryUri` FROM `ClassifiedsAdvertisements` WHERE `ID`='{$iEntryId}' LIMIT 1"); } $sMainUrl = $site['url']; if ($this->bAdminMode) $sMainUrl = $site['url_admin']; if ($this->bUseFriendlyLinks && $this->bAdminMode == false) { $sUrl = $sMainUrl."ads/{$sType}/{$sEntryUri}"; } else { $sUrl = ''; switch ($sType) { case 'entry': $sUrl = "{$this->sCurrBrowsedFile}?ShowAdvertisementID={$iEntryId}"; break; /*case 'part': $sUrl = "{$sMainUrl}events.php?action=show_part&event_id={$iEntryId}"; break; case 'search': $sUrl = "{$sMainUrl}events.php?action=search_by_tag&tagKey={$sEntryUri}"; break;*/ } } return $sUrl; } function GenAnyBlockContent($sOrder='last', $iProfileID=0, $sLimit="LIMIT 5" ) { global $site; //global $short_date_format; $php_date_format = getParam( 'php_date_format' ); $iBlogLimitChars = (int)getParam("max_blog_preview"); $sClockIcon = getTemplateIcon( 'clock.gif' ); $sOrderS = ''; switch ($sOrder) { case 'last': case 'latest': $sOrderS = "ORDER BY `DateTime` DESC"; break; case 'rand': $sOrderS = "ORDER BY RAND()"; break; case 'top': $sOrderS = "ORDER BY `CommCount` DESC"; break; } $sProfileS = ($iProfileID>0) ? "`ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`IDProfile` = '{$iProfileID}'" : '1'; $sTimeAddon = ($iProfileID>0) ? '' : "AND DATE_ADD(`ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`DateTime` , INTERVAL `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`LifeTime` DAY) > NOW()"; $oCmts = new BxDolCmts ('classifieds', 0, 0); $sQuery = " SELECT DISTINCT `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`ID`, `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`Subject`, `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`EntryUri`, `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`Media`, `Profiles`.`NickName`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP( `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`DateTime` ) as `DateTime_f`, `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`DateTime`, `Classifieds`.`Name`, `Classifieds`.`CEntryUri`, `Classifieds`.`ID` AS `CatID`, `ClassifiedsSubs`.`NameSub`, `ClassifiedsSubs`.`SEntryUri`, `ClassifiedsSubs`.`ID` AS `SubCatID`, `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`Message`, COUNT(`tc`.`cmt_id`) AS 'CommCount' FROM `ClassifiedsAdvertisements` LEFT JOIN `ClassifiedsSubs` ON `ClassifiedsSubs`.`ID`=`ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`IDClassifiedsSubs` LEFT JOIN `Classifieds` ON `Classifieds`.`ID`=`ClassifiedsSubs`.`IDClassified` LEFT JOIN `Profiles` ON `Profiles`.`ID`=`ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`IDProfile` LEFT JOIN `" . $oCmts->getCommentsTableName() . "` AS `tc` ON `tc`.`cmt_object_id`=`ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`ID` WHERE {$sProfileS} AND `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`Status` = 'active' {$sTimeAddon} GROUP BY `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`ID` {$sOrderS} {$sLimit} "; $rBlogs = db_res( $sQuery ); if( !mysql_num_rows( $rBlogs ) ) return MsgBox(_t( '_Sorry, nothing found' )); $sBlocks = ''; while( $aBlog = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rBlogs ) ) { if ($sOrder == 'top' && $aBlog['CommCount'] == 0) continue; $sPic = $this->getImageCode($aBlog['Media'],TRUE); $sGenUrl = $this->genUrl($aBlog['ID'], $aBlog['EntryUri']); $sGenCUrl = ($this->bUseFriendlyLinks && $this->bAdminMode == false) ? $site['url'].'ads/cat/'.$aBlog['CEntryUri'] : "{$this->sCurrBrowsedFile}?bClassifiedID={$aBlog['CatID']}"; $sGenSCUrl = ($this->bUseFriendlyLinks && $this->bAdminMode == false) ? $site['url'].'ads/subcat/'.$aBlog['SEntryUri'] : "{$this->sCurrBrowsedFile}?bSubClassifiedID={$aBlog['SubCatID']}"; $sLinkMore = ''; if( strlen( $aBlog['Message']) > $iBlogLimitChars ) $sLinkMore = "... "._t('_Read more').""; $sBlogSnippet = mb_substr( strip_tags( $aBlog['Message'] ), 0, $iBlogLimitChars ) . $sLinkMore; //$sDataTimeFormatted = date( $php_date_format, $aBlog['DateTime_f'] ); $sDataTimeFormatted = LocaledDataTime($aBlog['DateTime_f']); $sInCatFormatted = _t( '_in Category', getTemplateIcon( 'ad_category.gif' ), $sGenCUrl, process_line_output($aBlog['Name']) ); $sSubNameF = process_line_output($aBlog['NameSub']); $sCommentsF = _t( '_comments N', getTemplateIcon( 'add_comment.gif' ), $aBlog['CommCount'] ); $sSubjectF = process_line_output( $arr['Subject'] ); $sBlocks .= <<
{$sDataTimeFormatted} {$sInCatFormatted} / {$sSubNameF} {$sCommentsF}
EOF; } if ($sBlocks == '') $sBlocks = MsgBox(_t('_Sorry, nothing found')); return $sBlocks; } function process_html_db_input( $sText ) { return addslashes( clear_xss( trim( process_pass_data( $sText )))); } } ?>