iPerPageElements = (int)getParam('blog_step'); $this->aBlogConf['visitorID'] = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID']; $this->aBlogConf['ownerID'] = isset($_REQUEST['ownerID']) ? (int)$_REQUEST['ownerID'] : $this->aBlogConf['visitorID']; $this->aBlogConf['isOwner'] = ( $this->aBlogConf['ownerID'] == $this->aBlogConf['visitorID'] ) ? true : false; if( !$this->aBlogConf['isOwner'] ) $this->aBlogConf['isFriend'] = is_friends( $this->aBlogConf['visitorID'], $this->aBlogConf['ownerID'] ); $this->aBlogConf['loggedMember'] = $logged['member']; $this->aBlogConf['categoryCaptionMaxLenght'] = (int)getParam('blogCategoryCaptionMaxLenght'); $this->aBlogConf['blogCaptionMaxLenght'] = (int)getParam('blogCaptionMaxLenght'); $this->bAdminMode = $bAdmMode; $this->sCommonCSS = ''; //temple $this->bAdminMode = ($logged['admin']==true) ? true: $this->bAdminMode; $this->iTopTagsCnt = 20; } function CheckLogged() { global $logged; if( !$logged['member'] && !$logged['admin'] ) { member_auth(0); } } /** * Return string for Header, depends at POST params * * @return Textpresentation of data */ function GetHeaderString() { switch ( $_REQUEST['action'] ) { //print functions case 'top_blogs': $sCaption = _t('_Top Blogs'); break; case 'show_member_blog': $sCaption = _t('_my_blog'); $iMemberID = $this->defineUserId(); $sUser = getNickName($iMemberID); $sAsBlog = _t('_Members_blog', $sUser); $sCaption = $sAsBlog; break; case 'top_posts': $sCaption = _t('_Top Posts'); break; case 'new_post': $sCaption = _t('_Add Post'); break; case 'show_member_post': $sCaption = _t('_Post'); $iPostID = -1; if (isset($_REQUEST['postUri'])) { $sPostUri = process_db_input($_REQUEST['postUri'], 1); $sqlQuery = "SELECT `PostID`, `PostCaption` FROM `BlogPosts` WHERE `PostUri`='{$sPostUri}'"; } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['post_id'])) { $iPostID = (int)$_REQUEST['post_id']; $sqlQuery = "SELECT `PostCaption` FROM `BlogPosts` WHERE `PostID`='{$iPostID}'"; } if ($sqlQuery != '') { $aPostCapt = db_arr($sqlQuery); $sCaption = htmlspecialchars($aPostCapt['PostCaption']); } break; case 'search_by_tag': $sCaption = _t('_Search result'); break; default: $sCaption = _t('_Blogs'); break; } return $sCaption; } /** * Generate common forms and includes js * * @return HTML presentation of data */ function GenCommandForms() { global $site; //$sJSPath = ($this -> bAdminMode) ? "../" : ""; $sJSPath = $site['url'] . 'inc/'; $sLink = $this->genBlogFormUrl(); $sRetHtml = <<sCommonCSS}
EOF; return $sRetHtml; } function CheckRestrictionToUse($iMemberID) { if ($this->bAdminMode==true) return FALSE; $vCheckRes = checkAction( $iMemberID, ACTION_ID_USE_BLOG ); if ( $vCheckRes[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] != CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED ) { $ret = MsgBox(strip_tags($vCheckRes[CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE])); return $ret; } return ''; } function CheckRestrictionToView($iMemberID) { if ($this->bAdminMode==true) return FALSE; $vCheckRes = checkAction( $iMemberID, ACTION_ID_VIEW_BLOG ); if ( $vCheckRes[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] != CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED ) { $ret = MsgBox(strip_tags($vCheckRes[CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE])); return $ret; } return ''; } /** * Generate List of Blogs * * @param $sType - tyle of list ('top', 'last') * @return HTML presentation of data */ function GenBlogLists($sType = '') { $sDescriptionC = _t('_Description'); $sPostsC = _t('_Posts'); $sNoBlogsC = _t('_Sorry, nothing found'); $sAllBlogsC = _t('_All Blogs'); $sTopBlogsC = _t('_Top Blogs'); $iCheckedMemberID = $this->aBlogConf['visitorID']; $sRestrictRes = $this->CheckRestrictionToView($iCheckedMemberID); if ($sRestrictRes != '') return $sRestrictRes; $sBlogsSQL = " SELECT `Blogs`. * , `Profiles`.`Nickname` FROM `Blogs` INNER JOIN `Profiles` ON `Blogs`.`OwnerID` = `Profiles`.`ID` "; //////////////////pagination addition////////////////////////// $iTotalNum = db_value( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `Blogs` INNER JOIN `Profiles` ON `Blogs`.`OwnerID` = `Profiles`.`ID`" ); if( !$iTotalNum ) { return MsgBox($sNoBlogsC); } $iPerPage = (int)$_GET['per_page']; if( !$iPerPage ) $iPerPage = $this->iPerPageElements; $iTotalPages = ceil( $iTotalNum / $iPerPage ); $iCurPage = (int)$_GET['page']; if( $iCurPage > $iTotalPages ) $iCurPage = $iTotalPages; if( $iCurPage < 1 ) $iCurPage = 1; $sLimitFrom = ( $iCurPage - 1 ) * $iPerPage; $sqlLimit = "LIMIT {$sLimitFrom}, {$iPerPage}"; //////////////////////////// $sCaption = $sAllBlogsC; if ($sType == 'top') { $sBlogsSQL = " SELECT `Blogs`.`ID` , `Blogs`.`OwnerID` , `Blogs`.`Description` , `Profiles`.`Nickname` , MAX(`PostDate`) AS 'MPD', COUNT(`BlogPosts`.`PostID`) AS 'PostCount' FROM `Blogs` INNER JOIN `BlogCategories` ON `BlogCategories`.`OwnerID` = `Blogs`.`OwnerID` INNER JOIN `Profiles` ON `Profiles`.`ID` = `Blogs`.`OwnerID` INNER JOIN `BlogPosts` ON `BlogPosts`.`CategoryID` = `BlogCategories`.`CategoryID` WHERE `PostStatus`='approval' GROUP BY `Blogs`.`ID` ORDER BY `PostCount` DESC {$sqlLimit} "; $sCaption = $sTopBlogsC; } elseif ($sType == 'last') { $sBlogsSQL = " SELECT `Blogs`.`ID` , `Blogs`.`OwnerID` , `Blogs`.`Description` , `Profiles`.`Nickname` , MAX( `PostDate` ) AS 'MPD', COUNT( `BlogPosts`.`PostID` ) AS 'PostCount' FROM `Blogs` INNER JOIN `BlogCategories` ON `BlogCategories`.`OwnerID` = `Blogs`.`OwnerID` INNER JOIN `Profiles` ON `Profiles`.`ID` = `Blogs`.`OwnerID` INNER JOIN `BlogPosts` ON `BlogPosts`.`CategoryID` = `BlogCategories`.`CategoryID` WHERE `PostStatus`='approval' GROUP BY `Blogs`.`ID` ORDER BY `MPD` DESC {$sqlLimit} "; } // process database queries $vBlogsRes = db_res( $sBlogsSQL ); if (mysql_num_rows($vBlogsRes)==0) { return MsgBox($sNoBlogsC); } while ( $aBlogsRes = mysql_fetch_assoc($vBlogsRes) ) { if ($aBlogsRes['PostCount'] == 0 && $sType == 'top') //in Top blogs skip blogs with 0 comments continue; $sCont = get_member_thumbnail($aBlogsRes['OwnerID'], 'left', TRUE ); $sBlogOwnerLink = $this->genBlogLink('show_member_blog', array('Permalink'=>$aBlogsRes['Nickname'], 'Link'=>$aBlogsRes['OwnerID'])); $sDescription = htmlspecialchars($aBlogsRes['Description']); $sRetHtml .= <<
{$aBlogsRes['Nickname']} Blog
{$aBlogsRes['PostCount']} {$sPostsC}
EOF; } /////////pagination addition////////////////// if ($this->isPermalinkEnabled()==false) { //old variant if( $iTotalPages > 1) { $sRequest = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?'; $aFields = array( 'action' ); foreach( $aFields as $vField ) if( isset( $_GET[$vField] ) ) $sRequest .= "&{$vField}=" . htmlentities( process_pass_data( $_GET[$vField] ) ); $sPagination = '
'._t("_Results per page").':
' . genPagination( $iTotalPages, $iCurPage, ( $sRequest . '&page={page}&per_page='.$iPerPage ) ); } else $sPagination = ''; } else { if( $iTotalPages > 1) { $sRequest = ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'top_blogs') ? 'blogs/top/' : 'blogs/all/'; $sPaginAddon = ''; //$sPaginAddon = '/' . process_db_input($_GET['catUri']); /*$aFields = array( 'bClassifiedID', 'bSubClassifiedID', 'catUri', 'scatUri' ); foreach( $aFields as $field ) if( isset( $_GET[$field] ) ) $sRequest .= "&{$field}=" . htmlentities( process_pass_data( $_GET[$field] ) );*/ $sPagination = '
'._t("_Results per page").':
' . genPagination( $iTotalPages, $iCurPage, ( $sRequest.$iPerPage . '/{page}' . $sPaginAddon ) ); } else $sPagination = ''; } /////////////////////////// return DesignBoxContent( $sCaption, $sRetHtml.$sPagination, 1 ); } /** * Generate List of Posts * * @param $sType - tyle of list ('top', 'last'), but now realized only Top posts * @return HTML presentation of data */ function GenPostLists($sType = '') { global $site; $iCheckedMemberID = $this->aBlogConf['visitorID']; $sRestrictRes = $this->CheckRestrictionToView($iCheckedMemberID); if ($sRestrictRes != '') return $sRestrictRes; $sEditC = _t('_Edit'); $sDeleteC = _t('_Delete'); $sSureC = _t("_Are you sure"); $sPostCommentC = _t('_Post Comment'); $sDescriptionC = _t('_Description'); $sAddCommentC = _t('_Add comment'); $sNewPostC = _t('_New Post'); $sTagsC = _t('_Tags'); $sPostsC = _t('_Posts'); $sCaption = _t('_Top Posts'); //$sDateFormatPhp = getParam('php_date_format'); $oCmts = new BxDolCmts ('blogposts', 0, 0); $sTopPostSQL = " SELECT `BlogPosts`.*, COUNT(`cmt_id`) AS `CountComments`, `BlogCategories`.`OwnerID`,`BlogCategories`.`CategoryName`, `BlogCategories`.`CategoryUri` FROM `BlogPosts` LEFT JOIN `" . $oCmts->getCommentsTableName() . "` AS `tc` ON `BlogPosts`.`PostID` = `tc`.`cmt_object_id` LEFT JOIN `BlogCategories` ON `BlogCategories`.`CategoryID`=`BlogPosts`.`CategoryID` WHERE `PostStatus`='approval' GROUP BY `BlogPosts`.`PostID` ORDER BY `CountComments` DESC, `PostDate` DESC "; $vTopPostSQL = db_res($sTopPostSQL); if (mysql_num_rows($vTopPostSQL)>0) { while ( $aResSQL = mysql_fetch_assoc($vTopPostSQL) ) { if ($aResSQL['CountComments'] > 0) { $bFriend = is_friends( $this->aBlogConf['visitorID'], $aResSQL['OwnerID'] ); $bOwner = ($this->aBlogConf['visitorID']==$aResSQL['OwnerID']) ? true : false; $sBlogPosts .= $this->GenPostString($aResSQL, 2); } } $sRetHtml = $sBlogPosts; } else { $sRetHtml = MsgBox(_t('_Sorry, nothing found')); } if ($sBlogPosts=='') { $sRetHtml = MsgBox(_t('_Sorry, nothing found')); } return DesignBoxContent ($sCaption, $sRetHtml, 1); } /** * Generate Post Block by Array of data * * @param $aResSQL - Post Array Data * @param $iView - type of view(1 is short view, 2 is full view, 3 is post view(short)) * @return HTML presentation of data */ function GenPostString($aResSQL, $iView=1) { global $site; $sEditC = _t('_Edit'); $sDeleteC = _t('_Delete'); $sSureC = _t("_Are you sure"); $sPostCommentC = _t('_Post Comment'); $sDescriptionC = _t('_Description'); $sAddCommentC = _t('_Add comment'); $sNewPostC = _t('_New Post'); $sTagsC = _t('_Tags'); $sPostsC = _t('_Posts'); $sCommentsC = _t('_comments'); $sApproveC = _t('_Approve'); $sDisApproveC = _t('_Disapprove'); //$sDateFormatPhp = getParam('php_date_format'); //$sDateTime = date( $sDateFormatPhp, strtotime( $aResSQL['PostDate'] ) ); $sDateTime = LocaledDataTime($aResSQL['PostDate_UTS']); $aProfileRes = $this->GetProfileData($aResSQL['OwnerID']); $iPostID = (int)$aResSQL['PostID']; $sAuthor = ''; if ($iView==2) { //$aMem = getProfileInfo( $aResSQL['OwnerID'] ); //$sAuthorC = _t( '_By Author', $aMem['NickName'] ); //$sAuthor = $sAuthorC; //"{$sAuthorC}{$aProfileRes['NickName']}  " ; $sAuthor = getProfileLink($aResSQL['OwnerID']); $sAuthor = ''.$aProfileRes['NickName'].''; } $sTagsCommas = $aResSQL['Tags']; $aTags = split(',', $sTagsCommas); $sTagsHrefs = ''; $aUser = array('Permalink'=>$aProfileRes['NickName'], 'Link'=>$aResSQL['OwnerID']); foreach( $aTags as $sTagKey ) { $sTagLink = $this->genBlogLink('search_by_tag', $aUser, '', '', $sTagKey); $sTagsHrefs .= <<{$sTagKey}  EOF; } $sActions = ''; //$sLink = $this->genBlogFormUrl(); $sLink = $this->genBlogLink('show_member_blog_home', $aUser); if ($this->aBlogConf['visitorID']==$aResSQL['OwnerID'] || $this->bAdminMode==TRUE) { $sActions = << {$sEditC}  {$sDeleteC} EOF; } $sAuthor = ''; //339933 color green $sPostText = ($iView==2) ? $aResSQL['PostText'] : $aResSQL['PostText']; if ($iView==2) $sActions=''; $sTags = << {$sTagsC}{$sTagsC}: {$sTagsHrefs} EOF; $sFriendStyle = ""; $bFriend = is_friends( $this->aBlogConf['visitorID'], $aResSQL['OwnerID'] ); $bOwner = ($this->aBlogConf['visitorID']==$aResSQL['OwnerID']) ? true : false; $sUser = isset($aMem['NickName']) ? $aMem['NickName'] : db_value("SELECT `NickName` FROM `Profiles` WHERE `ID`={$aResSQL['OwnerID']}"); if( 'friends' == $aResSQL['PostReadPermission'] && !$bFriend && !$bOwner && !$this->bAdminMode ) { $sFriendStyle="1"; $sMsgBox = MsgBox(_t('_this_blog_only_for_friends')); $sPostText = << {$sMsgBox}
EOF; } $aUser = array('Permalink'=>$sUser, 'Link'=>$aResSQL['OwnerID']); $aPost = array('Permalink'=>$aResSQL['PostUri'], 'Link'=>$iPostID); $sPostLink = $this->genBlogLink('show_member_post', $aUser, '', $aPost); $iApproved = 0; //0 = not changed; 1 = app; 2 = disapp; if ($this->bAdminMode==true && $_REQUEST['sa']=='approve') { //approve this post db_res("UPDATE `BlogPosts` SET `PostStatus`='approval' WHERE `PostID`='{$iPostID}' LIMIT 1"); $iApproved = 1; } if ($this->bAdminMode==true && $_REQUEST['sa']=='disapprove') { //disapprove this post db_res("UPDATE `BlogPosts` SET `PostStatus`='disapproval' WHERE `PostID`='{$iPostID}' LIMIT 1"); $iApproved = 2; } if ($this->bAdminMode==true) { switch ($iApproved) { case 0: $sSAAction = ($aResSQL['PostStatus']=='disapproval') ? 'approve' : 'disapprove'; $sSACaption = ($aResSQL['PostStatus']=='disapproval') ? $sApproveC : $sDisApproveC; break; case 1: $sSAAction = 'disapprove'; $sSACaption = $sDisApproveC; break; case 2: $sSAAction = 'approve'; $sSACaption = $sApproveC; break; } $sActions .= << {$sSACaption}    EOF; } $sPostCaption = htmlspecialchars($aResSQL['PostCaption']); $sPostCaptionHref = <<{$sPostCaption} EOF; $sPostPhoto = ''; if ($iView==3) { $sPostCaptionHref = '
'; if ( $aResSQL['PostPhoto'] ) { $sSpacerName = $site['url'].$this -> sSpacerPath; $sPostPhoto = << {$aResSQL['PostPhoto']} EOF; } } $sOwnerCatLink = $this->genBlogLink('show_member_blog', array('Permalink'=>$sUser, 'Link'=>$aResSQL['OwnerID']), array('Permalink'=>$aResSQL['CategoryUri'],'Link'=>$aResSQL['CategoryID'])); $sCategoryName = htmlspecialchars($aResSQL['CategoryName']); $sBlogPosts .= <<
{$sAuthor} {$sDateTime}{$sDateTime} {$aResSQL['CountComments']} {$sCommentsC} {$sCategoryName} {$sCategoryName}
{$sPostPhoto} {$sPostText}
{$sTags} EOF; return $sBlogPosts; } /** * Generate User Right Part for Blogs * * @param $aBlogsRes - Blog Array Data * @param $iView - type of view(1 is short view, 2 is full view, 3 is post view(short)) * @return HTML presentation of data */ function GenMemberDescrAndCat($aBlogsRes, $iCategID = 0) { global $dir; global $site; $sEditBlogC = _t('_Edit'); $sDeleteBlogC = _t('_Delete'); $sSureC = _t("_Are you sure"); $sApplyChangesC = _t('_Apply Changes'); $sDescriptionC = _t('_Description'); $sCategoriesC = _t('_Categories'); $sCategoryC = _t('_Category'); $sTagsC = _t('_Tags'); $sEditCategoryC = _t('_edit_category'); $sAddCategoryC = _t('_add_category'); $sCommentsC = _t('_Comments'); $sPostsC = _t('_Posts'); $sNewC = ucfirst(_t('_new')); $iMemberID = (int)$aBlogsRes['OwnerID']; $sCont = get_member_icon($iMemberID, 'left' ); $sOwnerBlogLink = $this->genBlogLink('show_member_blog_home', array('Permalink'=>$aBlogsRes['Nickname'], 'Link'=>$iMemberID)); $sOwnerAddAp = ($iMemberID == $this->aBlogConf['visitorID']) ? '' : "AND `PostStatus`='approval'"; //tested, right $sCountPostSQL = " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `BlogPosts` INNER JOIN `BlogCategories` ON `BlogCategories`.`CategoryID` = `BlogPosts`.`CategoryID` WHERE `BlogCategories`.`OwnerId` = {$iMemberID} {$sOwnerAddAp} "; $aCountPost = db_arr( $sCountPostSQL ); $iCountPost = (int)$aCountPost[0]; $oCmts = new BxDolCmts ('blogposts', 0, 0); //tested, right $sCountCommentsSQL = " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `" . $oCmts->getCommentsTableName() . "` AS `tc` INNER JOIN `BlogPosts` ON `BlogPosts`.`PostID` = `tc`.`cmt_object_id` INNER JOIN `BlogCategories` ON `BlogCategories`.`CategoryID` = `BlogPosts`.`CategoryID` WHERE `BlogCategories`.`OwnerId` = {$iMemberID} {$sOwnerAddAp} "; $aCountComments = db_arr( $sCountCommentsSQL ); $iCountComments = (int)$aCountComments[0]; $sCategories = ''; $sCategoriesSQL = " SELECT * FROM `BlogCategories` WHERE `OwnerId` = {$iMemberID} "; $vCategories = db_res( $sCategoriesSQL ); $aTagsPost = array(); $sTagsVals = ''; if ($iCategID > 0) $sPostsSQL = "SELECT `Tags`,`PostReadPermission`,`BlogCategories`.`OwnerID` FROM `BlogPosts` INNER JOIN `BlogCategories` ON `BlogCategories`.`CategoryID` = `BlogPosts`.`CategoryID` WHERE `BlogCategories`.`CategoryID` = {$iCategID} {$sOwnerAddAp}"; else $sPostsSQL = "SELECT `Tags`,`PostReadPermission`,`BlogCategories`.`OwnerID` FROM `BlogPosts` INNER JOIN `BlogCategories` ON `BlogCategories`.`CategoryID` = `BlogPosts`.`CategoryID` WHERE `BlogCategories`.`OwnerID` = {$iMemberID} {$sOwnerAddAp}"; $vTags = db_res( $sPostsSQL ); $aTagsPost = array(); while ( $aPost = mysql_fetch_assoc($vTags) ) { $bFriend = is_friends( $this->aBlogConf['visitorID'], $aPost['OwnerID'] ); $bOwner = ($this->aBlogConf['visitorID']==$aPost['OwnerID']) ? true : false; if( 'friends' == $aPost['PostReadPermission'] && !$bFriend && !$bOwner && !$this->bAdminMode ) { } else { $sTagsCommas = trim($aPost['Tags']); $aTags = explode(',', $sTagsCommas); foreach( $aTags as $sTagKey ) { if ($sTagKey!='') { if( isset($aTagsPost[$sTagKey]) ) $aTagsPost[$sTagKey]++; else $aTagsPost[$sTagKey] = 1; } } } } arsort($aTagsPost); $aTagsPost = array_slice($aTagsPost, 0, $this->iTopTagsCnt); $aProf = array('Permalink'=>$aBlogsRes['Nickname'], 'Link'=>$iMemberID); foreach( $aTagsPost as $varKey => $varValue ) { $sTagLink = $this->genBlogLink('search_by_tag', $aProf, '', '', $varKey); $sTagImg = ''.$varValue.''; $sTagName = ''.$varKey.' ('.$varValue.')'; $sTagsImgName = $this->GenCenteredActionsBlock($sTagImg, $sTagName); $sTagsVals .= << {$sTagsImgName} EOF; } while ( $aCategories = mysql_fetch_assoc($vCategories) ) { $sCountPostCatSQL = " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `BlogPosts` WHERE `BlogPosts`.`CategoryID` = {$aCategories['CategoryID']} {$sOwnerAddAp} "; $aCountCatPost = db_arr( $sCountPostCatSQL ); $iCountCatPost = (int)$aCountCatPost[0]; $sAbilEditDelCateg = ''; if ($this->aBlogConf['visitorID']==$iMemberID || $this->bAdminMode==true) { $sDelAbilOnly = ''; //$sLink = $this->genBlogFormUrl(); if ($aCategories['CategoryType']==1) { $sDelAbilOnly = << {$sDeleteBlogC} {$sCategoryC} EOF; } $sAbilEditDelCateg = << {$sEditCategoryC} EOF; $sAbilEditDelCateg .= $sDelAbilOnly; } $sCatPic = ($aCategories['CategoryPhoto'] && file_exists($dir['blogImage'].'small_'.$aCategories['CategoryPhoto']))?$site['blogImage'].'small_'.$aCategories['CategoryPhoto']:"{$site['icons']}folder.png"; $sCatName = $aCategories['CategoryName']; $sSpacerName = $site['url'].$this->sSpacerPath; $aCat = array('Permalink'=>$aCategories['CategoryUri'], 'Link'=>$aCategories['CategoryID']); $sCatLink = $this->genBlogLink('show_member_blog', $aProf, $aCat); $sCategories .= <<
{$sCatName} ({$iCountCatPost})
EOF; } $sActions = ''; if ($this->aBlogConf['visitorID']==$iMemberID || $this->bAdminMode==true) { $sDescrAct = $this->ActionPrepareForEdit($aBlogsRes['Description']); $sDescrAct = str_replace( "\r\n", '', $sDescrAct ); //$sLink = $this->genBlogFormUrl(); $sActions = << {$sEditBlogC} {$sDescriptionC} {$sEditBlogC}  {$sDeleteBlogC} EOF; } $sLink = $this->genBlogFormUrl(); $sProfLink = getProfileLink($iMemberID); $sBlogDescription = htmlspecialchars($aBlogsRes['Description']); $sDescriptionContent = <<
{$sPostsC}: {$iCountPost}
{$sCommentsC}: {$iCountComments}
EOF; $sDescriptionSect = DesignBoxContent ( _t($sDescriptionC), $sDescriptionContent, 1 , $sActions); $sCategoriesActions = ''; if ($this->aBlogConf['visitorID']==$iMemberID /*|| $this->bAdminMode==TRUE*/) { $sCategoriesActions = << {$sAddCategoryC} {$sNewC} EOF; } $sCategoriesSect = DesignBoxContent ( _t($sCategoriesC), $sCategories, 1 , $sCategoriesActions); $sTagsSect = DesignBoxContent ( _t($sTagsC), $sTagsVals, 1); return $sDescriptionSect . $sCategoriesSect . $sTagsSect; } /** * Generate User`s Blog Page * * @param $iUserID - User ID * @return HTML presentation of data */ function GenMemberBlog($iUserID = 0) { global $site; $iCheckedMemberID = $this->aBlogConf['visitorID']; $sRestrictRes = $this->CheckRestrictionToView($iCheckedMemberID); if ($sRestrictRes != '') return $sRestrictRes; $sRetHtml = ''; $sBlogPosts = ''; $iMemberID = $this->defineUserId(); if ($iUserID>0) $iMemberID = $iUserID; $iCategoryID = $this->defineCategoryId(); $sEditC = _t('_Edit'); $sDeleteC = _t('_Delete'); $sSureC = _t("_Are you sure"); $sPostCommentC = _t('_Post Comment'); $sDescriptionC = _t('_Description'); $sAddCommentC = _t('_Add comment'); $sNewPostC = _t('_New Post'); $sTagsC = _t('_Tags'); $sPostsC = _t('_Posts'); $sHomeC = _t('_Blogs'); $sBlogsSQL = " SELECT `Blogs`. * , `Profiles`.`Nickname` FROM `Blogs` INNER JOIN `Profiles` ON `Blogs`.`OwnerID` = `Profiles`.`ID` WHERE `Blogs`.`OwnerID` = '{$iMemberID}' LIMIT 1 "; $aBlogsRes = db_arr( $sBlogsSQL ); if (!$aBlogsRes) { if ($iMemberID == $iCheckedMemberID) { return $this->GenCreateBlogForm(); } else { return MsgBox(_t('_Sorry, nothing found')); } } $sCategoryAddon = ($iCategoryID>0) ? "AND `BlogPosts`.`CategoryID` = {$iCategoryID}" : ''; $sOwnerAddAp = ($iCheckedMemberID!=$iMemberID) ? "AND `PostStatus`='approval'" : ''; //////////////////pagination addition////////////////////////// $sCntSQL = "SELECT COUNT(`BlogPosts`.`PostID`) AS `Cnt` FROM `BlogPosts` INNER JOIN `BlogCategories` ON `BlogCategories`.`CategoryID`=`BlogPosts`.`CategoryID` WHERE `BlogCategories`.`OwnerID` = {$iMemberID} {$sCategoryAddon} {$sOwnerAddAp} "; $iTotalNum = db_value( $sCntSQL ); if( !$iTotalNum ) { $sBlogPosts .= MsgBox(_t('_Sorry, nothing found')); } $iPerPage = (int)$_GET['per_page']; if( !$iPerPage ) $iPerPage = $this->iPerPageElements; $iTotalPages = ceil( $iTotalNum / $iPerPage ); $iCurPage = (int)$_GET['page']; if( $iCurPage > $iTotalPages ) $iCurPage = $iTotalPages; if( $iCurPage < 1 ) $iCurPage = 1; $sLimitFrom = ( $iCurPage - 1 ) * $iPerPage; $sqlLimit = "LIMIT {$sLimitFrom}, {$iPerPage}"; //////////////////////////// $oCmts = new BxDolCmts ('blogposts', 0, 0); $sBlogPostsSQL = " SELECT `BlogPosts`.*, COUNT(`cmt_id`) AS `CountComments`, `BlogCategories`.`OwnerID`, `BlogCategories`.`CategoryName`, `BlogCategories`.`CategoryUri`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP( `BlogPosts`.`PostDate` ) AS `PostDate_UTS` FROM `BlogPosts` LEFT JOIN `" . $oCmts->getCommentsTableName() . "` AS `tc` ON `BlogPosts`.`PostID` = `tc`.`cmt_object_id` INNER JOIN `BlogCategories` ON `BlogCategories`.`CategoryID`=`BlogPosts`.`CategoryID` WHERE `BlogCategories`.`OwnerId` = {$iMemberID} {$sCategoryAddon} {$sOwnerAddAp} GROUP BY `BlogPosts`.`PostID` ORDER BY `PostDate` DESC, `CountComments` DESC {$sqlLimit} "; $vBlogPosts = db_res( $sBlogPostsSQL ); $sCurCategory = ''; if ($iCategoryID>0) { $sBlogCategSQL = " SELECT `BlogCategories`.`CategoryName`, `BlogCategories`.`CategoryUri` FROM `BlogCategories` WHERE `BlogCategories`.`CategoryID` = '{$iCategoryID}' LIMIT 1 "; $aBlogCateg = db_arr($sBlogCategSQL); $sCurCategory = $aBlogCateg['CategoryName']; $sCurCategoryURI = $aBlogCateg['CategoryUri']; } while ( $aResSQL = mysql_fetch_assoc($vBlogPosts) ) { if( 'friends' == $aResSQL['PostReadPermission'] && !$this->aBlogConf['isFriend'] && !$this->aBlogConf['isOwner'] && !$this->bAdminMode ) { $sBlogPosts .= $this->GenPostString($aResSQL); } else { $sBlogPosts .= $this->GenPostString($aResSQL); } } $sNewPost = ''; if ($this->aBlogConf['visitorID']==$aBlogsRes['OwnerID'] /*|| $this->bAdminMode==TRUE*/ ) { $sNewPost = << {$sNewPostC} {$sNewPostC} EOF; } $sUser = getNickName($aBlogsRes['OwnerID']); $sOwnerBlogLink = $this->genBlogLink('show_member_blog_home', array('Permalink'=>$sUser, 'Link'=>$aBlogsRes['OwnerID'])); $sAsBlog = _t('_Members_blog', $sUser); /////////pagination addition////////////////// if ($this->isPermalinkEnabled()==false) { //old variant if( $iTotalPages > 1) { $sRequest = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?'; $aFields = array( 'action', 'ownerName', 'categoryUri', 'ownerID', 'category' ); foreach( $aFields as $vField ) if( isset( $_GET[$vField] ) ) $sRequest .= "&{$vField}=" . htmlentities( process_pass_data( $_GET[$vField] ) ); $sPagination = '
'._t("_Results per page").':
' . genPagination( $iTotalPages, $iCurPage, ( $sRequest . '&page={page}&per_page='.$iPerPage ) ); } else $sPagination = ''; } else { if( $iTotalPages > 1) { $sRequest = (isset($_REQUEST['categoryUri'])==true) ? $sOwnerBlogLink . '/category/' . $sCurCategoryURI . '/' : $sOwnerBlogLink . '/'; //$sPaginAddon = ''; //$sPaginAddon = '/' . process_db_input($_GET['catUri']); /*$aFields = array( 'bClassifiedID', 'bSubClassifiedID', 'catUri', 'scatUri' ); foreach( $aFields as $field ) if( isset( $_GET[$field] ) ) $sRequest .= "&{$field}=" . htmlentities( process_pass_data( $_GET[$field] ) );*/ $sPagination = '
'._t("_Results per page").':
' . genPagination( $iTotalPages, $iCurPage, ( $sRequest.$iPerPage . '/{page}' . $sPaginAddon ) ); } else $sPagination = ''; } /////////////////////////// $sHome = $this->genBlogFormUrl(); $sCurCategory = ($sCurCategory!='')?' / '.$sCurCategory:''; $sBreadCrumb = <<{$sHomeC} - {$sAsBlog} {$sCurCategory} - {$sPostsC} EOF; $sBlogPosts .= $sPagination; $sPostsSect = DesignBoxContent ( $sBreadCrumb, $sBlogPosts, 1, $sNewPost); $sRightSect = $this->GenMemberDescrAndCat($aBlogsRes,$iCategoryID); $sRetHtml = $this->Templater($sPostsSect, $sRightSect); return $sRetHtml; } /** * SQL: Updating post by POSTed data * * @return MsgBox of result */ function ActionEditPost() { global $dir; $this->CheckLogged(); $sSuccUpdPost = _t('_SUCC_UPD_POST'); $sFailUpdPost = _t('_FAIL_UPD_ADV'); $iCategoryID = (int)$_POST['categoryID']; $sPostCaption = process_db_input($_POST['caption'], 1); //$sPostUri = uriGenerate($sPostCaption, 'BlogPosts', 'PostUri'); $sPostText = $this->process_html_db_input($_POST['blogText'] ); $commentPerm = process_db_input( $_POST['commentPerm'], 1 ); $readPerm = process_db_input( $_POST['readPerm'], 1 ); $sTagsPerm = process_db_input( $_POST['tags'], 1 ); $aTags = explodeTags($sTagsPerm); $sTagsPerm = implode(",", $aTags); $iPostID = (int)$_POST['EditedPostID']; $sCheckPostSQL = "SELECT `BlogCategories`.`OwnerID` FROM `BlogPosts` INNER JOIN `BlogCategories` ON `BlogCategories`.`CategoryID`=`BlogPosts`.`CategoryID` WHERE `PostID`='{$iPostID}' "; $PostID = db_arr($sCheckPostSQL); $iPostOwnerID = (int)$PostID['OwnerID']; if (($this->aBlogConf['visitorID'] == $iPostOwnerID || $this->bAdminMode) && $iPostID > 0) { $sFileNameExt = ''; if ( 0 < $_FILES['BlogPic']['size'] && 0 < strlen( $_FILES['BlogPic']['name'] ) ) { $sPhotosSQL = "SELECT `PostPhoto` FROM `BlogPosts` WHERE `PostID` = {$iPostID} LIMIT 1"; $aFiles = db_arr($sPhotosSQL); $sFileName = $aFiles['PostPhoto']; if ($sFileName=='') { $sFileName = 'blog_' . $iPostID; } $sExt = moveUploadedImage( $_FILES, 'BlogPic', $dir['blogImage'] . $sFileName, '', false ); if( strlen( $sExt ) && !(int)$sExt ) { $sFileNameExt = $sFileName.$sExt; imageResize( $dir['blogImage'] . $sFileName.$sExt, $dir['blogImage'] . 'small_' . $sFileName.$sExt, $this->iIconSize / 2, $this->iIconSize / 2); imageResize( $dir['blogImage'] . $sFileName.$sExt, $dir['blogImage'] . 'big_' . $sFileName.$sExt, $this->iThumbSize, $this->iThumbSize); chmod( $dir['blogImage'] . 'small_' . $sFileName.$sExt, 0644 ); chmod( $dir['blogImage'] . 'big_' . $sFileName.$sExt, 0644 ); @unlink( $dir['blogImage'] . $sFileName . $sExt ); } } $sAutoApprovalVal = (getParam('blogAutoApproval')=='on') ? "approval" : "disapproval"; $sPostPic = ($sFileNameExt=='') ? '' : "`PostPhoto`='{$sFileNameExt}',"; $sQuery = " UPDATE `BlogPosts` SET `CategoryID`={$iCategoryID}, `PostCaption`='{$sPostCaption}', `PostText`='{$sPostText}', `PostCommentPermission`='{$commentPerm}', `PostReadPermission`='{$readPerm}', `Tags`='{$sTagsPerm}', {$sPostPic} `PostStatus`='{$sAutoApprovalVal}' WHERE `PostID`='{$iPostID}' "; $vSqlRes = db_res( $sQuery ); $sRet = (mysql_affected_rows()>0) ? _t($sSuccUpdPost) : _t($sFailUpdPost); reparseObjTags( 'blog', $iPostID ); return MsgBox($sRet); } elseif($this->aBlogConf['visitorID'] != $iPostOwnerID) { return MsgBox(_t('_Hacker String')); } else { return MsgBox(_t('_Error Occured')); } } function ActionDelImg() { global $dir; $this->CheckLogged(); $sSuccUpdPost = _t('_SUCC_UPD_POST'); $sFailUpdPost = _t('_FAIL_UPD_ADV'); $iPostID = (int)$_REQUEST['post_id']; $sCheckPostSQL = "SELECT `BlogCategories`.`OwnerID` FROM `BlogPosts` INNER JOIN `BlogCategories` ON `BlogCategories`.`CategoryID`=`BlogPosts`.`CategoryID` WHERE `PostID`='{$iPostID}' "; $PostID = db_arr($sCheckPostSQL); $iPostOwnerID = $PostID['OwnerID']; if (($this->aBlogConf['visitorID'] == $iPostOwnerID || $this->bAdminMode) && $iPostID > 0) { $sFileNameExt = ''; $sPhotosSQL = "SELECT `PostPhoto` FROM `BlogPosts` WHERE `PostID` = {$iPostID} LIMIT 1"; $aFiles = db_arr($sPhotosSQL); $sFileName = $aFiles['PostPhoto']; if ($sFileName=='') { $sFileName = 'blog_' . $iPostID; } $sDFilePath = "{$dir['blogImage']}small_{$sFileName}"; @unlink( $sDFilePath ); $sDFilePath = "{$dir['blogImage']}big_{$sFileName}"; @unlink( $sDFilePath ); $sQuery = " UPDATE `BlogPosts` SET `PostPhoto`='' WHERE `PostID`='{$iPostID}' "; $vSqlRes = db_res( $sQuery ); $sRet = (mysql_affected_rows()>0) ? _t($sSuccUpdPost) : _t($sFailUpdPost); return MsgBox($sRet); } elseif($this->aBlogConf['visitorID'] != $iPostOwnerID) { return MsgBox(_t('_Hacker String')); } else { return MsgBox(_t('_Error Occured')); } } /** * SQL: Delete post by POSTed data * * @return MsgBox of result */ function ActionDeletePost() { $this->CheckLogged(); $iPostID = (int)$_POST['DeletePostID']; $sCheckPostSQL = "SELECT `BlogCategories`.`OwnerID` FROM `BlogPosts` LEFT JOIN `BlogCategories` ON `BlogCategories`.`CategoryID`=`BlogPosts`.`CategoryID` WHERE `PostID`='{$iPostID}' "; $PostID = db_arr($sCheckPostSQL); $iPostOwnerID = (int)$PostID['OwnerID']; if (($this->aBlogConf['visitorID'] == $iPostOwnerID || $this->bAdminMode) && $iPostID > 0) { $oCmts = new BxDolCmts ('blogposts', (int)$iPostID); $oCmts->onObjectDelete (); $sQuery = "DELETE FROM `BlogPosts` WHERE `BlogPosts`.`PostID` = {$iPostID} LIMIT 1"; $vSqlRes = db_res( $sQuery ); $sRet = (mysql_affected_rows()>0) ? _t('_post_successfully_deleted') : _t('_failed_to_delete_post'); reparseObjTags( 'blog', $iPostID ); return MsgBox($sRet); } elseif($this->aBlogConf['visitorID'] != $iPostOwnerID) { return MsgBox(_t('_Hacker String')); } else { return MsgBox(_t('_Error Occured')); } } /** * Generate User`s Blog Post Page * * @return HTML presentation of data */ function GenPostPage() { global $site; global $aBreadCramp; $iCheckedMemberID = $this->aBlogConf['visitorID']; $sRestrictRes = $this->CheckRestrictionToView($iCheckedMemberID); if ($sRestrictRes != '') return $sRestrictRes; $iPostID = -1; if (isset($_REQUEST['postUri'])) { $sPostUri = process_db_input($_REQUEST['postUri'], 1); $sqlQuery = "SELECT `PostID` FROM `BlogPosts` WHERE `PostUri`='{$sPostUri}'"; $iPostID = (int)db_value($sqlQuery); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['post_id'])) { $iPostID = (int)$_REQUEST['post_id']; } if ($iPostID == -1) { return MsgBox(_t('_Sorry, nothing found')); } if ($this->iLastPostedPostID>0) { $iPostID = $this->iLastPostedPostID; $this->iLastPostedPostID = -1; } $sCategoryC = _t( '_Category' ); $sPostC = _t( '_Post' ); $sEditC = _t('_Edit'); $sDeleteC = _t('_Delete'); $sRetHtml = ''; $sPostedBySQL = " SELECT `BlogCategories`.`OwnerID` FROM `BlogCategories` INNER JOIN `BlogPosts` ON `BlogCategories`.`CategoryID`=`BlogPosts`.`CategoryID` WHERE `BlogPosts`.`PostID` = {$iPostID} LIMIT 1 "; $aPostBy = db_arr($sPostedBySQL); if (!$aPostBy) { return MsgBox(_t('_No such blog post')); } $sBlogsSQL = " SELECT `Blogs`. * , `Profiles`.`Nickname` FROM `Blogs` INNER JOIN `Profiles` ON `Blogs`.`OwnerID` = `Profiles`.`ID` WHERE `Blogs`.`OwnerID` = {$aPostBy['OwnerID']} LIMIT 1 "; $aBlogInfo = db_arr($sBlogsSQL); if (!$aBlogInfo) { return MsgBox(_t('_Sorry, nothing found')); } $sOwnerAddAp = ($aPostBy['OwnerID'] == $this->aBlogConf['visitorID']) ? '' : "AND `PostStatus`='approval'"; $oCmts = new BxDolCmts ('blogposts', 0, 0); $sBlogPostSQL = " SELECT `BlogPosts`.*, COUNT(`cmt_id`) AS `CountComments`, `BlogCategories`.`OwnerID`,`BlogCategories`.`CategoryName`,`BlogCategories`.`CategoryUri`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP( `BlogPosts`.`PostDate` ) AS `PostDate_UTS` FROM `BlogPosts` LEFT JOIN `" . $oCmts->getCommentsTableName() . "` AS `tc` ON `BlogPosts`.`PostID`=`tc`.`cmt_object_id` INNER JOIN `BlogCategories` ON `BlogCategories`.`CategoryID`=`BlogPosts`.`CategoryID` WHERE `BlogPosts`.`PostID` = {$iPostID} {$sOwnerAddAp} GROUP BY `BlogPosts`.`PostID` "; //ORDER BY `CountComments` DESC, `PostDate` DESC $aBlogPost = db_arr( $sBlogPostSQL ); if (!$aBlogPost) { return MsgBox(_t('_Sorry, nothing found')); } if( 'friends' == $aBlogPost['PostReadPermission'] && !$this->aBlogConf['isFriend'] && !$this->aBlogConf['isOwner'] && !$this->bAdminMode ) { $sFriendsC .= MsgBox(_t('_this_blog_only_for_friends')); $sRightSection = $this->GenMemberDescrAndCat($aBlogInfo); $sPostsSectDB = DesignBoxContent($sPostC, $sFriendsC); $sPostsSect = << {$sPostsSectDB}
EOF; $sRetHtml .= $this->Templater($sPostsSect, $sRightSection, 1); } else { $this->oCmtsView = new BxTemplCmtsView ('blogposts', (int)$iPostID); $sPostComm = $this->oCmtsView->getExtraCss(); $sPostComm .= $this->oCmtsView->getExtraJs(); $sPostComm .= (!$this->oCmtsView->isEnabled()) ? '' : $this->oCmtsView->getCommentsFirst(); $sPostComm = DesignBoxContent (_t('_Comments'), $sPostComm, 1); $sPostString = $this->GenPostString($aBlogPost,3); $sRightSection = $this->GenMemberDescrAndCat($aBlogInfo); $sUser = getNickName($aBlogPost['OwnerID']); $sOwnerCatLink = $this->genBlogLink('show_member_blog', array('Permalink'=>$sUser, 'Link'=>$aBlogPost['OwnerID']), array('Permalink'=>$aBlogPost['CategoryUri'],'Link'=>$aBlogPost['CategoryID'])); $sOwnerBlogLink = $this->genBlogLink('show_member_blog_home', array('Permalink'=>$sUser, 'Link'=>$aBlogPost['OwnerID'])); $sAsBlog = _t('_Members_blog', $sUser); $sCategoryName = htmlspecialchars($aBlogPost['CategoryName']); $sPostCaption = htmlspecialchars($aBlogPost['PostCaption']); $sBreadCrumb = <<{$sAsBlog} / {$sCategoryName} / {$sPostCaption} EOF; $sPostsSectDB = DesignBoxContent($sBreadCrumb, $sPostString, 1); $sPostsSect = << {$sPostsSectDB}
EOF; $sRetHtml = $this->Templater($sPostsSect, $sRightSection); } return $sRetHtml; } /** * Generate Form for NewPost/EditPost * * @param $iPostID - Post ID * @param $arrErr - Array for PHP validating * @return HTML presentation of data */ function AddNewPostForm($iPostID=0, $arrErr = NULL) { global $site; $this->CheckLogged(); $iCheckedMemberID = $this->aBlogConf['visitorID']; $sRestrictRes = $this->CheckRestrictionToUse($iCheckedMemberID); if ($sRestrictRes != '') return $sRestrictRes; $sPostCaptionC = _t('_Post') . ' ' . _t('_Caption'); $sCharactersLeftC = _t('_characters_left'); $sPostTextC = _t('_Post') . ' ' . _t('_Text'); $sPleaseSelectC = _t('_please_select'); $sAssociatedImageC = _t('_associated_image'); $sPostCommentPerC = _t('_post_comment_per'); $sPublicC = _t('_public'); $sFriendsOnlyC = _t('_friends only'); $sPostReadPerC = _t('_post_read_per'); $sAddBlogC = _t('_Add Post'); $sCommitC = _t('_Apply Changes'); $sTagsC = _t('_Tags'); $sNewPostC = _t('_New Post'); $sDelImgC = _t('_Delete image'); if ($this->bAdminMode==false) { $sBlogsSQL = " SELECT `Blogs`. * FROM `Blogs` WHERE `Blogs`.`OwnerID` = {$this->aBlogConf['visitorID']} LIMIT 1 "; $aBlogsRes = db_arr( $sBlogsSQL ); if (!$aBlogsRes) { return $this->GenCreateBlogForm(); } } $sRetHtml = ''; $sCATIDstyle = ($arrErr['CategoryID'] ? 'block' : 'none'); $sCPTstyle = ($arrErr['Caption'] ? 'block' : 'none'); $sPTstyle = ($arrErr['PostText'] ? 'block' : 'none'); $sCPstyle = ($arrErr['CommentPerm'] ? 'block' : 'none'); $sRPstyle = ($arrErr['ReadPerm'] ? 'block' : 'none'); $sCATIDmsg = ($arrErr['CategoryID'] ? _t( '_'.$arrErr['CategoryID'] ) : '' ); $sCPTmsg = ($arrErr['Caption'] ? _t( '_'.$arrErr['Caption'] ) : '' ); $sPTmsg = ($arrErr['PostText'] ? _t( '_'.$arrErr['PostText'] ) : '' ); $sCPmsg = ($arrErr['CommentPerm'] ? _t( '_'.$arrErr['CommentPerm'] ) : '' ); $sRPmsg = ($arrErr['ReadPerm'] ? _t( '_'.$arrErr['ReadPerm'] ) : '' ); $sPostCaption = ''; $sPostText = ''; $sPostImage = ''; $sPostTags = ''; $sCheckedCommPermP = 'checked '; $sCheckedReadPostPermP = 'checked '; $sCheckedCommPermF = ''; $sCheckedReadPostPermF = ''; $sPostPicture = ''; $sPostPictureTag = ''; $sPostAction = 'add_post'; $iSavedCategoryID = -1; if ($iPostID>0) { $sBlogPostsSQL = "SELECT * FROM `BlogPosts` WHERE `PostID` = {$iPostID} LIMIT 1"; $aBlogPost = db_arr( $sBlogPostsSQL ); $sPostCaption = htmlspecialchars($aBlogPost['PostCaption']); $sPostText = $aBlogPost['PostText']; $sPostImage = $aBlogPost['PostPhoto']; $sPostTags = $aBlogPost['Tags']; $sPostPicture = $aBlogPost['PostPhoto']; $sSpacerName = $site['url'].$this -> sSpacerPath; if ($sPostImage != '') { $sPostPictureTag = '
'; $sPostPictureTag .= <<{$sDelImgC} EOF; } $sCheckedCommPerm = $aBlogPost['PostCommentPermission']; $sCheckedReadPostPerm = $aBlogPost['PostReadPermission']; if ($sCheckedCommPerm=='public') $sCheckedCommPermP = 'checked '; else $sCheckedCommPermF = 'checked '; if ($sCheckedReadPostPerm=='public') $sCheckedReadPostPermP = 'checked '; else $sCheckedReadPostPermF = 'checked '; $sAddBlogC = $sCommitC; $sPostAction = 'post_updated'; $sEditIdStr = ''; } else { $iSavedCategoryID = (int)$_REQUEST['categoryID']; $sPostCaption = process_db_input( $_REQUEST['caption'], 1 ); $sPostText = $this->process_html_db_input( $_REQUEST['blogText'] ); $sPostImage = ''; $sPostTags = process_db_input( $_REQUEST['tags'], 1 ); if (isset($_POST['commentPerm']) && isset($_REQUEST['readPerm'])) { if (process_db_input($_POST['commentPerm'])=='public') { $sCheckedCommPermP = 'checked '; } else { $sCheckedCommPermF = 'checked '; } if (process_db_input($_POST['readPerm'])=='public') { $sCheckedReadPostPermP = 'checked '; } else { $sCheckedReadPostPermF = 'checked '; } } } $iOwner = $this->aBlogConf['visitorID']; if ($iPostID>0) $iOwner = db_value("SELECT `OwnerID` FROM `BlogCategories` INNER JOIN `BlogPosts` ON `BlogPosts`.`CategoryID` = `BlogCategories`.`CategoryID` WHERE `BlogPosts`.`PostID` = {$iPostID}"); //$sCategories = ''; $sCategoriesSQL = " SELECT * FROM `BlogCategories` WHERE `OwnerId` = {$iOwner} "; $vCategories = db_res( $sCategoriesSQL ); $sCategOptions = ''; while ( $aCategories = mysql_fetch_assoc($vCategories) ) { if ($iSavedCategoryID>0 && $iSavedCategoryID==$aCategories['CategoryID'] ) $sSelected = ' selected="selected"'; else $sSelected = ''; $sCategOptions .= ''."\n"; } $sCategPicture = ''.$sPleaseSelectC.''; $sCategSelect = ''; $sCategPictSpans = $this->GenCenteredActionsBlock($sCategPicture, $sCategSelect); //$sFormUrl = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; //$sFormUrl = $site['url'].'blogs/'; $sLink = $this->genBlogFormUrl(); $sRetHtml .= <<
{$sPostCaptionC} ( {$this->aBlogConf['blogCaptionMaxLenght']} {$sCharactersLeftC} )

EOF; return DesignBoxContent ($sNewPostC, $sRetHtml, 1); } /** * Compose Array of posted data before validating (add/delete a post) * * @return Array */ function GetPostArrByPostValues() { $iCategoryID = (int)$_POST['categoryID']; $sPostCaption = process_db_input( $_POST['caption'], 1 ); $sPostText = $this->process_html_db_input( $_POST['blogText'] ); $commentPerm = process_db_input( $_POST['commentPerm'], 1 ); $readPerm = process_db_input( $_POST['readPerm'], 1 ); $sTags = process_db_input( $_POST['tags'], 1 ); $arr = array('CategoryID' => $iCategoryID, 'Caption' => $sPostCaption, 'PostText' => $sPostText, 'CommentPerm' => $commentPerm, 'ReadPerm' => $readPerm, 'Tags' => $sTags); return $arr; } /** * Compose Array of errors during filling (validating) * * @param $arrAdv Input Array with data * @return Array with errors */ function GetCheckErrors( $arrAdv ) { $arrErr = array(); foreach( $arrAdv as $sFieldName => $sFieldValue ) { switch( $sFieldName ) { case 'CategoryID': if( $sFieldValue < 1) $arrErr[ $sFieldName ] = "{$sFieldName} is required"; break; case 'Caption': if( !strlen($sFieldValue) ) $arrErr[ $sFieldName ] = "{$sFieldName} is required"; break; case 'PostText': if( strlen($sFieldValue) < 50 ) $arrErr[ $sFieldName ] = "{$sFieldName} must be 50 symbols at least"; break; case 'CommentPerm': if( !strlen($sFieldValue) ) $arrErr[ $sFieldName ] = "{$sFieldName} is required"; break; case 'ReadPerm': if( !strlen($sFieldValue) ) $arrErr[ $sFieldName ] = "{$sFieldName} is required"; break; } } return $arrErr; } /** * Adding a New Post SQL * * @param $iLastID - returning Last Inserted ID (SQL) (just try) * @return HTML presentation of data */ function ActionAddNewPost(&$iLastID) { global $dir; $this->CheckLogged(); $iCategoryID = (int)$_POST['categoryID']; $sCheckPostSQL = "SELECT `OwnerID` FROM `BlogCategories` WHERE `CategoryID`={$iCategoryID} "; $aCategoryOwner = db_arr($sCheckPostSQL); $iCategoryOwnerID = $aCategoryOwner['OwnerID']; if ($this->aBlogConf['visitorID'] == $iCategoryOwnerID && $iCategoryID > 0) { $sPostCaption = process_db_input( $_POST['caption'], 1 ); $sPostUri = uriGenerate($sPostCaption, 'BlogPosts', 'PostUri'); $sPostText = $this->process_html_db_input( $_POST['blogText'] ); $commentPerm = process_db_input( $_POST['commentPerm'], 1 ); $readPerm = process_db_input( $_POST['readPerm'], 1 ); $sTagsPerm = process_db_input( $_POST['tags'], 1 ); $aTags = explodeTags($sTagsPerm); $sTagsPerm = implode(",", $aTags); $queryActionAdd = " INSERT INTO "; $sAutoApprovalVal = (getParam('blogAutoApproval')=='on') ? "approval" : "disapproval"; $addQuery = " {$queryActionAdd} `BlogPosts` SET `CategoryID` = '{$iCategoryID}', `PostCaption` = '{$sPostCaption}', `PostUri` = '{$sPostUri}', `PostText` = '{$sPostText}', `PostReadPermission` = '{$readPerm}', `PostCommentPermission` = '{$commentPerm}', `PostStatus` = '{$sAutoApprovalVal}', `Tags` = '{$sTagsPerm}', `PostDate` = NOW() "; $sRet = _t('_failed_to_add_post'); if( db_res( $addQuery ) ) { $iLastId = mysql_insert_id(); $this->iLastPostedPostID = $iLastId; if ( 0 < $_FILES['BlogPic']['size'] && 0 < strlen( $_FILES['BlogPic']['name'] ) && 0 < $iLastId ) { $sFileName = 'blog_' . $iLastId; $sExt = moveUploadedImage( $_FILES, 'BlogPic', $dir['blogImage'] . $sFileName, '', false ); if( strlen( $sExt ) && !(int)$sExt ) { imageResize( $dir['blogImage'] . $sFileName.$sExt, $dir['blogImage'] . 'small_' . $sFileName.$sExt, $this->iIconSize / 2, $this->iIconSize / 2); imageResize( $dir['blogImage'] . $sFileName.$sExt, $dir['blogImage'] . 'big_' . $sFileName.$sExt, $this->iThumbSize, $this->iThumbSize); chmod( $dir['blogImage'] . 'small_' . $sFileName . $sExt, 0644 ); chmod( $dir['blogImage'] . 'big_' . $sFileName . $sExt, 0644 ); $query = "UPDATE `BlogPosts` SET `PostPhoto` = '" . $sFileName . $sExt . "' WHERE `PostID` = '{$iLastId}'"; db_res( $query ); @unlink( $dir['blogImage'] . $sFileName . $sExt ); } } if ($iLastId>0) { $sRet = _t('_post_successfully_added'); reparseObjTags( 'blog', $iLastId ); } } return MsgBox($sRet); } elseif($this->aBlogConf['visitorID'] != $iCategoryOwnerID) { return MsgBox(_t('_Hacker String')); } else { return MsgBox(_t('_Error Occured')); } } /** * Generate a Form to Editing/Adding of Category of Blog * * @param $categoryID - category ID * @return HTML presentation of data */ function GenEditCategoryForm( $iCategoryID = '' ) { global $aBlogConfig; global $aBreadCramp; global $site; $this->CheckLogged(); $iCheckedMemberID = $this->aBlogConf['visitorID']; $sRestrictRes = $this->CheckRestrictionToUse($iCheckedMemberID); if ($sRestrictRes != '') return $sRestrictRes; $sBlogsSQL = " SELECT `Blogs`. * FROM `Blogs` WHERE `Blogs`.`OwnerID` = '{$iCheckedMemberID}' LIMIT 1 "; $aBlogsRes = db_arr( $sBlogsSQL ); if (!$aBlogsRes) { return $this->GenCreateBlogForm(); } $sRetHtml = ''; if ($iCheckedMemberID == $aBlogsRes['OwnerID'] || $this->bAdminMode==true) { if( $_REQUEST['action'] == 'edit_category' ) { $sCategorySQL = " SELECT * FROM `BlogCategories` WHERE `CategoryID` = '{$iCategoryID}' LIMIT 1 "; $aCategory = db_arr( $sCategorySQL ); $categCaption = htmlspecialchars($aCategory['CategoryName']); $categImg = $aCategory['CategoryPhoto']; } else { $categCaption = ''; $categDesc = ''; $categImg = ''; } $sCategoryCaptionC = _t('_category_caption'); $sPleaseFillFieldsC = _t('_please_fill_next_fields_first'); $sRetHtml .= << function checkForm() { var el; var hasErr = false; var fild = ""; el = document.getElementById("caption"); if( el.value.length < 3 ) { el.style.backgroundColor = "pink"; el.style.border = "1px solid silver"; hasErr = true; fild += "{$sCategoryCaptionC}"; } else { el.style.backgroundColor = "#fff"; } if (hasErr) { alert( "{$sPleaseFillFieldsC}!" + fild ) return false; } else { return true; } return false; } EOF; $sCategoryCaptionC = _t('_category_caption'); $sCharactersLeftC = _t('_characters_left'); //$sCategoryDescriptionC = _t('_category_description'); $sAssociatedImageC = _t('_associated_image'); $sApplyChangesC = _t('apply changes'); $sAddCategoryC = _t('_add_category'); $sEditCategoryC = _t('_edit_category'); $sBlogPhoto = ''; if ( $categImg ) { $sBlogPhoto = << EOF; } $sEditCategory = ''; if( 'edit_category' == $_REQUEST['action'] ) { $sEditCategory = << EOF; } else { $sEditCategory = << EOF; } $iMemberID = (int)$_REQUEST['ownerID']; $aUser = array('Permalink'=>getNickName($iMemberID), 'Link'=>$iMemberID); $sBlogOwnerLink = $this->genBlogLink('show_member_blog', $aUser); $sCategImg = ''; $sCategInput = ''; $sCategInputImg = $this->GenCenteredActionsBlock($sCategImg, $sCategInput); $sRetHtml .= <<
{$sCategoryCaptionC} ({$this->aBlogConf['categoryCaptionMaxLenght']}{$sCharactersLeftC})
EOF; } else { $ret .= _t_err( '_you_have_no_permiss_to_edit' ); $sRetHtml = $ret; } return DesignBoxContent ($sEditCategoryC, $sRetHtml, 1); } /** * Update (Adding or Editing) a Category * * @param $bEditMode - Update (Editing) mode * @return MsgBox result */ function ActionUpdateCategory($bEditMode=false) { global $aBlogConfig; global $dir; $this->CheckLogged(); $ownerID = (int)$_REQUEST['ownerID']; $iCategoryID = (int)$_POST['categoryID']; $sCheckPostSQL = "SELECT `BlogCategories`.`OwnerID` FROM `BlogCategories` WHERE `BlogCategories`.`CategoryID`='{$iCategoryID}' "; $aCategoryOwner = db_arr($sCheckPostSQL); $iCategoryOwnerID = $aCategoryOwner['OwnerID']; if ((($this->aBlogConf['visitorID'] == $iCategoryOwnerID || $this->bAdminMode==true) && $iCategoryID > 0 && $bEditMode==true) || ($bEditMode==false && $iCategoryID==0 && $ownerID==$this->aBlogConf['visitorID'])) { $ret = ''; $categoryCaption = process_db_input( $_REQUEST['categoryCaption'], 1); if ($bEditMode==true) { $addQuery = " UPDATE `BlogCategories` SET `CategoryName` = '{$categoryCaption}', `Date` = NOW() WHERE `CategoryID` = '{$iCategoryID}' LIMIT 1 "; } else { $sCategoryUri = uriGenerate($categoryCaption, 'BlogCategories', 'CategoryUri', 150); $addQuery = " INSERT INTO `BlogCategories` SET `OwnerID` = '{$ownerID}', `CategoryName` = '{$categoryCaption}', `CategoryUri` = '{$sCategoryUri}', `CategoryPhoto` = '', `Date` = NOW() "; } if ($bEditMode==true) { $aCatInfo = db_arr("SELECT `CategoryPhoto`, `CategoryID` FROM `BlogCategories` WHERE `CategoryID`= {$iCategoryID}"); $sFileName = $aCatInfo['CategoryPhoto']; if ($sFileName == '') { $sFileName = 'category_' . $aCatInfo['CategoryID']; } } db_res( $addQuery ); $iID = ($bEditMode == true) ? $iCategoryID : mysql_insert_id(); if( mysql_affected_rows() == 1 || $_FILES['CategPic']['size'] > 0) { if ( 0 < $_FILES['CategPic']['size'] && 0 < strlen( $_FILES['CategPic']['name'] ) ) { if ($bEditMode==false) { $iCategoryID = mysql_insert_id(); $sFileName = 'category_' . $iID; } //$sFileName = 'category_' . $iLastId; $sExt = moveUploadedImage( $_FILES, 'CategPic', $dir['blogImage'] . $sFileName, '', false ); if ( strlen( $sExt ) && !(int)$sExt ) { imageResize( $dir['blogImage'] . $sFileName . $sExt, $dir['blogImage'] . 'small_' . $sFileName . $sExt, 25, 25, false ); imageResize( $dir['blogImage'] . $sFileName . $sExt, $dir['blogImage'] . 'big_' . $sFileName . $sExt, 150, 150, false ); chmod( $dir['blogImage'] . 'small_' . $sFileName . $sExt, 0644 ); chmod( $dir['blogImage'] . 'big_' . $sFileName . $sExt, 0644 ); $query = "UPDATE `BlogCategories` SET `CategoryPhoto` = '" . $sFileName . $sExt . "' WHERE `categoryID` = '{$iID}'"; db_res( $query ); @unlink( $dir['blogImage'] . $sFileName . $sExt ); } } $ret .= ($bEditMode==true) ? _t( '_changes_successfully_applied' ) : _t( '_category_successfully_added' ); } else { $ret .= _t( '_failed_to_add_category' ); } return MsgBox($ret); } elseif($this->aBlogConf['visitorID'] != $iCategoryOwnerID) { return MsgBox(_t('_Hacker String')); } else { return MsgBox(_t('_Error Occured')); } } /** * Deleting a Category * * @return MsgBox result */ function ActionDeleteCategory() { global $dir; $this->CheckLogged(); $iCategID = (int)$_POST['DeleteCategoryID']; $aCatType = db_arr("SELECT `CategoryType`,`OwnerID`, `CategoryPhoto` FROM `BlogCategories` WHERE `CategoryID` = {$iCategID} LIMIT 1"); if (($aCatType['CategoryType'] == 1 && $aCatType['OwnerID']==$this->aBlogConf['visitorID']) || $this->bAdminMode) { $vPosts = db_res( "SELECT `PostID`,`PostPhoto` FROM `BlogPosts` WHERE `CategoryID` = {$iCategID}" ); while( $aBlog = mysql_fetch_assoc( $vPosts ) ) { $iPostID = $aBlog['PostID']; $oCmts = new BxDolCmts ('blogposts', (int)$iPostID); $oCmts->onObjectDelete (); $sFileNamePost = $aBlog['PostPhoto']; if ($sFileName != '') { @unlink( $dir['blogImage'] . 'big_' . $sFileNamePost ); @unlink( $dir['blogImage'] . 'small_' . $sFileNamePost ); } } db_res( "DELETE FROM `BlogPosts` WHERE `CategoryID` = {$iCategID}" ); $sQuery = "DELETE FROM `BlogCategories` WHERE `BlogCategories`.`CategoryID` = {$iCategID} LIMIT 1"; if ($aCatType['CategoryPhoto'] != '') { @unlink( $dir['blogImage'] . 'big_' . $aCatType['CategoryPhoto'] ); @unlink( $dir['blogImage'] . 'small_' . $aCatType['CategoryPhoto'] ); } db_res( $sQuery ); return MsgBox(_t('_category_deleted')); } elseif ($aCatType['OwnerID']!=$this->aBlogConf['visitorID']) { return MsgBox(_t('_Hacker String')); } else { return MsgBox(_t('_category_delete_failed')); } } /** * Generate a Block of searching result by Tag (GET is tagKey) * * @return HTML presentation of data */ function GenSearchResult() { global $site; $iCheckedMemberID = $this->aBlogConf['visitorID']; $sRestrictRes = $this->CheckRestrictionToView($iCheckedMemberID); if ($sRestrictRes != '') return $sRestrictRes; $bNoProfileMode = ( isset($_REQUEST['ownerID']) || isset($_REQUEST['ownerName']) ) ? false : true; $sRetHtml = ''; $sSearchedTag = process_db_input( $_REQUEST['tagKey'], 1 ); $iMemberID = $this->defineUserId(); $sDateFormatPhp = getParam('php_date_format'); $sTagsC = _t('_Tags'); $sNoBlogC = _t('_No blogs available'); $sBlogPosts = ''; $sWhereAddon = ($iMemberID>0) ? "AND `BlogCategories`.`OwnerID` = {$iMemberID}" : '' ; $sOwnerAddAp = ($iMemberID == $iCheckedMemberID) ? '' : "AND `PostStatus`='approval'"; $sBlogPostsSQL = " SELECT `BlogPosts`. * , `BlogCategories`.`CategoryName`, `BlogCategories`.`CategoryUri`, `BlogCategories`.`CategoryID`, `BlogCategories`.`OwnerID` AS 'OwnID' FROM `BlogPosts` INNER JOIN `BlogCategories` ON `BlogCategories`.`CategoryID` = `BlogPosts`.`CategoryID` WHERE 1 {$sWhereAddon} {$sOwnerAddAp} "; $vBlogPosts = db_res( $sBlogPostsSQL ); while ( $aResSQL = mysql_fetch_assoc($vBlogPosts) ) { $sDateTime = date( $sDateFormatPhp, strtotime( $aResSQL['PostDate'] ) ); $oCmts = new BxDolCmts ('blogposts', $aResSQL['PostID']); $iCountBlogComments = $oCmts->getObjectCommentsCount (); $sTagsCommas = $aResSQL['Tags']; $aTags = split(',', $sTagsCommas); if (in_array($sSearchedTag,$aTags)) { $sProfNickName = getNickName($aResSQL['OwnID']); if ($iMemberID > 0){ $aUser = array('Permalink'=>$sProfNickName, 'Link'=>$aResSQL['OwnID']); } else{ $aUser = ''; } foreach( $aTags as $sTagKey ) { $sTagLink = $this->genBlogLink('search_by_tag', $aUser, '', '', $sTagKey); $sTagsHrefs .= <<{$sTagKey}  EOF; } $sActions = ''; if (($iCheckedMemberID==$aBlogsRes['OwnerID'] || $this->bAdminMode==true) && $iMemberID>0) { $sLink = $this->genBlogFormUrl(); $sActions = << {$sEditC}  {$sDeleteC} EOF; } $sProfileLink = ($iMemberID>0) ? '' : "".$sProfNickName.""; $bFriend = is_friends( $iCheckedMemberID, $aResSQL['OwnID'] ); $bOwner = ($iCheckedMemberID==$aResSQL['OwnID']) ? true : false; if( 'friends' == $aResSQL['PostReadPermission'] && !$bFriend && !$bOwner && !$this->bAdminMode ) { $sMsgBox = MsgBox(_t('_this_blog_only_for_friends')); $sBlogPosts .= << {$sMsgBox}
EOF; } else { $aUser = array('Permalink'=>$sProfNickName, 'Link'=>$aResSQL['OwnID']); $aPost = array('Permalink'=>$aResSQL['PostUri'], 'Link'=>$aResSQL['PostID']); $aCat = array('Permalink'=>$aResSQL['CategoryUri'], 'Link'=>$aResSQL['CategoryID']); $sPostLink = $this->genBlogLink('show_member_post', $aUser, '', $aPost); $sCatLink = $this->genBlogLink('show_member_blog', $aUser, $aCat, $aPost); $sPostCaption = htmlspecialchars($aResSQL['PostCaption']); $sCategoryName = htmlspecialchars($aResSQL['CategoryName']); $sBlogPosts .= << {$sActions}
{$sProfileLink} {$sDateTime}{$sDateTime}  {$sAddCommentC}{$iCountBlogComments} comments  {$sCategoryName}
{$sTagsC}: {$sTagsHrefs}

EOF; } } else { //return MsgBox(_t('_Sorry, nothing found')); } } if ($sBlogPosts=='') { $sBlogPosts = MsgBox(_t('_Sorry, nothing found')); } $sContentSect = DesignBoxContent ($sTagsC.' - '.$sSearchedTag, $sBlogPosts, 1); if ($bNoProfileMode == false) { $sRightSect=''; if ($iMemberID>0 && $a = $this->GetProfileData($iMemberID)) { $sBlogsSQL = " SELECT `Blogs`. * , `Profiles`.`Nickname` FROM `Blogs` INNER JOIN `Profiles` ON `Blogs`.`OwnerID` = `Profiles`.`ID` WHERE `Blogs`.`OwnerID` = '{$iMemberID}' LIMIT 1 "; $aBlogsRes = db_arr( $sBlogsSQL ); if (!$aBlogsRes) { $sNoBlogC = MsgBox($sNoBlogC); $sRetHtml = <<
EOF; } else { $sRightSect = $this->GenMemberDescrAndCat($aBlogsRes); $sWidthClass = ($iMemberID>0) ? 'cls_info_left' : 'cls_res_thumb' ; $sRetHtml = $this->Templater($sContentSect, $sRightSect, $sWidthClass); } } else { $sRetHtml = MsgBox(_t('_Profile Not found Ex')); } } else { $sRetHtml = <<
EOF; } return $sRetHtml; } /** * Generate a Form to Create Blog * * @return HTML presentation of data */ function GenCreateBlogForm() { $this->CheckLogged(); $sRetHtml = ''; $sActionsC = _t('_Actions'); $sPleaseCreateBlogC = _t('_Please, Create a Blog'); $sNoBlogC = _t('_No blogs available'); $sCreateMyBlogC = _t('_Create My Blog'); $sCreateBlogC = _t('_Create Blog'); $sMyBlogC = _t('_My Blog'); $sNewBlogDescC = _t('_Write a description for your Blog.'); $sRetHtml .= MsgBox($sNoBlogC); if ($this->aBlogConf['isOwner']) { $sRetHtml = MsgBox($sPleaseCreateBlogC); $sLink = $this->genBlogFormUrl(); $sCreateBlogContent = << {$sCreateMyBlogC} EOF; $sRetHtml .= DesignBoxContent ( $sActionsC, $sCreateBlogContent, 1); } return DesignBoxContent($sMyBlogC, $sRetHtml, 1); } function GenCenteredActionsBlock($sPicElement, $sHrefElement) { $sResElement = <<{$sPicElement} {$sHrefElement} EOF; return $sResElement; } /** * Creating a Blog * * @return MsgBox result */ function ActionCreateBlog() { $this->CheckLogged(); $sErrorC = _t('_Error Occured'); $sUncategorizedC = _t('_Uncategorized'); $sDescription = process_db_input($_POST['Description'], 1 ); $iOwnID = $this->aBlogConf['visitorID']; $sBlogsSQL = " SELECT `Blogs`. * FROM `Blogs` WHERE `Blogs`.`OwnerID` = '{$iOwnID}' LIMIT 1 "; $aBlogsRes = db_arr( $sBlogsSQL ); if (!$aBlogsRes) { $sCategoryUri = uriGenerate($sUncategorizedC, 'BlogCategories', 'CategoryUri', 150); $sRequest = "INSERT INTO `Blogs` SET `OwnerID` = '{$iOwnID}', `Description` = '{$sDescription}', `Other` = 'nothing' "; db_res($sRequest, false); if (mysql_affected_rows()==1) { $sAddQuery = "INSERT INTO `BlogCategories` SET `OwnerID` = '{$iOwnID}', `CategoryName` = '{$sUncategorizedC}', `CategoryUri`='{$sCategoryUri}',`CategoryType` = '5', `CategoryPhoto` = '', `Date` = NOW()"; db_res($sAddQuery); return $this->GenMemberBlog($iOwnID, false); } else { return MsgBox($sErrorC); } } else { return MsgBox($sErrorC); } } /** * SQL Get all Profiles data by Profile Id * * @param $iProfileId * @return SQL data */ function GetProfileData($iProfileId) { return getProfileInfo( $iProfileId ); } /** * Editing a Description of Blog * * @return MsgBox result */ function ActionEditBlog() { $this->CheckLogged(); $iBlogID = (int)$_REQUEST['EditBlogID']; $sCheckPostSQL = "SELECT `OwnerID` FROM `Blogs` WHERE `ID`='{$iBlogID}' "; $aBlogOwner = db_arr($sCheckPostSQL); $iBlogOwner = $aBlogOwner['OwnerID']; if (($this->aBlogConf['visitorID'] == $iBlogOwner || $this->bAdminMode) && $iBlogID > 0) { $sDescription = process_db_input($_REQUEST['Description'], 1); $sQuery = "UPDATE `Blogs` SET `Description` = '{$sDescription}' WHERE `Blogs`.`ID` = '{$iBlogID}' LIMIT 1"; db_res($sQuery); } elseif($this->aBlogConf['visitorID'] != $iBlogOwner) { return MsgBox(_t('_Hacker String')); } else { return MsgBox(_t('_Error Occured')); } } /** * Deleting a Full Blog * * @return MsgBox result */ function ActionDeleteBlogSQL() { $this->CheckLogged(); global $dir; $iBlogID = (int)$_REQUEST['DeleteBlogID']; $sCheckPostSQL = "SELECT `OwnerID` FROM `Blogs` WHERE `ID`='{$iBlogID}' "; $aBlogOwner = db_arr($sCheckPostSQL); $iBlogOwner = $aBlogOwner['OwnerID']; if (($this->aBlogConf['visitorID'] == $iBlogOwner || $this->bAdminMode) && $iBlogID > 0) { //Clean blogs $vBlogCategs = db_res( "SELECT `CategoryID`,`CategoryPhoto` FROM `BlogCategories` LEFT JOIN `Blogs` ON `Blogs`.`OwnerID` = `BlogCategories`.`OwnerID` WHERE `Blogs`.`ID` = {$iBlogID} " ); while( $aBlogCateg = mysql_fetch_assoc( $vBlogCategs ) ) { $iCategID = $aBlogCateg['CategoryID']; $vPosts = db_res( "SELECT `PostID`,`PostPhoto` FROM `BlogPosts` WHERE `CategoryID` = {$iCategID}" ); while( $aBlog = mysql_fetch_assoc( $vPosts ) ) { $iPostID = $aBlog['PostID']; $oCmts = new BxDolCmts ('blogposts', (int)$iPostID); $oCmts->onObjectDelete (); $sFilePathPost = 'big_'.$aBlog['PostPhoto']; if ($sFilePathPost!='' && file_exists($dir['blogImage'].$sFilePathPost) && is_file($dir['blogImage'].$sFilePathPost)) @unlink( $dir['blogImage'] . $sFilePathPost ); $sFilePathPost = 'small_'.$aBlog['PostPhoto']; if ($sFilePathPost!='' && file_exists($dir['blogImage'].$sFilePathPost) && is_file($dir['blogImage'].$sFilePathPost)) @unlink( $dir['blogImage'] . $sFilePathPost ); } db_res( "DELETE FROM `BlogPosts` WHERE `CategoryID` = {$iCategID}" ); db_res( "DELETE FROM `BlogCategories` WHERE `CategoryID` = {$iCategID}" ); $sFilePath = 'big_'.$aBlogCateg['CategoryPhoto']; if ($sFilePath!='' && file_exists($dir['blogImage'].$sFilePath) && is_file($dir['blogImage'].$sFilePath)) @unlink( $dir['blogImage'] . $sFilePath ); $sFilePath = 'small_'.$aBlogCateg['CategoryPhoto']; if ($sFilePath!='' && file_exists($dir['blogImage'].$sFilePath) && is_file($dir['blogImage'].$sFilePath)) @unlink( $dir['blogImage'] . $sFilePath ); } db_res( "DELETE FROM `Blogs` WHERE `ID` = {$iBlogID}" ); } elseif($this->aBlogConf['visitorID'] != $iBlogOwner) { return MsgBox(_t('_Hacker String')); } else { return MsgBox(_t('_Error Occured')); } } function ActionPrepareForEdit($sInput) { $sResJSHTML = addslashes(htmlspecialchars($sInput)); $sResJSHTML = str_replace( "\r\n", '', $sResJSHTML ); return $sResJSHTML; } function defineUserId() { $iMemberId = 0; if (isset($_REQUEST['ownerName'])) { $sNickName = process_db_input($_REQUEST['ownerName'], 1); $iMemberId = (int)db_value("SELECT `ID` FROM `Profiles` WHERE `NickName`='{$sNickName}'"); } elseif($_REQUEST['ownerID']) { $iMemberId = (int)$_REQUEST['ownerID']; } if ($this->isPermalinkEnabled() && $iMemberId==0 && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'show_member_post') { //need find memberID $sPostUri = process_db_input($_REQUEST['postUri'], 1); $sqlQuery = "SELECT `PostID` FROM `BlogPosts` WHERE `PostUri`='{$sPostUri}'"; $iPostID = (int)db_value($sqlQuery); $sPostedBySQL = " SELECT `BlogCategories`.`OwnerID` FROM `BlogCategories` INNER JOIN `BlogPosts` ON `BlogCategories`.`CategoryID`=`BlogPosts`.`CategoryID` WHERE `BlogPosts`.`PostID` = {$iPostID} LIMIT 1 "; $aPostBy = db_arr($sPostedBySQL); $iMemberId = $aPostBy['OwnerID']; } return $iMemberId; } function defineCategoryId() { $iCat = 0; if (isset($_REQUEST['categoryUri'])) { $sCategory = process_db_input($_REQUEST['categoryUri'], 1); $iCat = db_value("SELECT `CategoryID` FROM `BlogCategories` WHERE `CategoryUri`='{$sCategory}'"); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['category'])) { $iCat = (int)$_REQUEST['category']; } return $iCat; } function isPermalinkEnabled() { $bEnabled = isset($this->_isPermalinkEnabled) ? $this->_isPermalinkEnabled : ($this->_isPermalinkEnabled = (getParam('permalinks_blogs') == 'on')); if ($this->bAdminMode) $bEnabled = false; return $bEnabled; } function genBlogFormUrl() { global $site; $sMainLink = ($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] != 'post_mod_blog.php') ? 'blogs.php' : $site['url_admin'] . 'post_mod_blog.php'; if ($this->bAdminMode) $sMainLink = $site['url_admin'] . 'post_mod_blog.php'; $sLink = $this->isPermalinkEnabled() ? $GLOBALS['site']['url'].'blogs/' : $sMainLink ; return $sLink; } function genBlogLink($sAction, $aUser = array(), $aCategory = array(), $aPost = array(), $sTag = '') { $sKey = ''; $aService = array(); if ($this->isPermalinkEnabled()) { $sKey = 'Permalink'; $aService['User'] = ''; $aService['Category'] = 'category/'; $aService['Post'] = ''; $aService['Tag'] = ''; } else { $sKey = 'Link'; $aService['User'] = 'ownerID='; $aService['Category'] = 'category='; $aService['Post'] = 'post_id='; $aService['Tag'] = 'tagKey='; } $sMainLink = $this->genBlogFormUrl(); switch($sAction) { case 'show_member_blog_home': $aAction = array('Permalink'=>'posts/{User}', 'Link'=>'?action=show_member_blog&{User}'); break; case 'show_member_blog': $aAction = array('Permalink'=>'posts/{User}/{Category}', 'Link'=>'?action=show_member_blog&{User}&{Category}'); break; case 'show_member_post': $aAction = array('Permalink'=>'entry/{Post}', 'Link'=>'?action=show_member_post&{User}&{Post}'); break; case 'search_by_tag': if ($aUser) { $aAction = array('Permalink'=>'posts/{User}/tag/{Tag}', 'Link'=>'?action=search_by_tag&{Tag}&{User}'); } else { $aAction = array('Permalink'=>'tag/{Tag}', 'Link'=>'?action=search_by_tag&{Tag}'); } break; default : break; } $aFinal = array(); $aFinal['User'] = $aUser ? $aService['User'] . $aUser[$sKey] : ''; $aFinal['Category'] = $aCategory ? $aService['Category'] . $aCategory[$sKey] : ''; $aFinal['Post'] = $aPost ? $aService['Post'] . $aPost[$sKey] : ''; $aFinal['Tag'] = strlen($sTag) > 0 ? $aService['Tag'] . $sTag : ''; $sLink = $aAction[$sKey]; foreach ($aFinal as $sKey => $sVal) { $sLink = str_replace('{'.$sKey.'}', $sVal, $sLink); } return $sMainLink.trim($sLink,'/&'); } function GenAnyBlockContent($sOrder='last', $iProfileID=0, $sLimit="LIMIT 5" ) { global $site; global $short_date_format; $php_date_format = getParam( 'php_date_format' ); $iBlogLimitChars = (int)getParam("max_blog_preview"); $sClockIcon = getTemplateIcon( 'clock.gif' ); $sOrderS = ''; switch ($sOrder) { case 'last': case 'latest': $sOrderS = "ORDER BY `BlogPosts`.`PostDate` DESC"; break; case 'rand': $sOrderS = "ORDER BY RAND()"; break; case 'top': $sOrderS = "ORDER BY `CommentsNum` DESC"; break; } $sProfileS = ($iProfileID>0) ? "`BlogCategories`.`OwnerID` = '{$iProfileID}'" : '1'; $oCmts = new BxDolCmts ('blogposts', 0, 0); $sQuery = " SELECT DISTINCT `BlogPosts`.`PostID`, `BlogPosts`.`CategoryID`, `BlogCategories`.`OwnerID`, `BlogPosts`.`PostText`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP( `BlogPosts`.`PostDate` ) AS `PostDate_f`, `BlogPosts`.`PostCaption`, `BlogPosts`.`PostUri`, `BlogCategories`.`CategoryName`, `BlogCategories`.`CategoryUri`, `Profiles`.`ID` AS `ProfID`, `Profiles`.`NickName` AS `NickName`, COUNT( `tc`.`cmt_id` ) AS `CommentsNum` FROM `BlogCategories` LEFT JOIN `BlogPosts` ON `BlogPosts`.`CategoryID` = `BlogCategories`.`CategoryID` INNER JOIN `Profiles` ON `BlogCategories`.`OwnerID` = `Profiles`.`ID` LEFT JOIN `" . $oCmts->getCommentsTableName() . "` AS `tc` ON `BlogPosts`.`PostID` = `tc`.`cmt_object_id` WHERE {$sProfileS} AND `BlogPosts`.`PostReadPermission` = 'public' AND `BlogPosts`.`PostStatus` = 'approval' GROUP BY `BlogPosts`.`PostID` {$sOrderS} {$sLimit} "; $rBlogs = db_res( $sQuery ); if( !mysql_num_rows( $rBlogs ) ) return MsgBox(_t( '_Sorry, nothing found' )); $sBlocks = ''; while( $aBlog = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rBlogs ) ) { $sLinkMore = ''; $aUser = array('Permalink'=>$aBlog['NickName'], 'Link'=>$aBlog['OwnerID']); $aPost = array('Permalink'=>$aBlog['PostUri'], 'Link'=>$aBlog['PostID']); $aCat = array('Permalink'=>$aBlog['CategoryUri'], 'Link'=>$aBlog['CategoryID']); $sLinkMoreUrl = $this->genBlogLink('show_member_post', $aUser, '', $aPost); $sCatLink = $this->genBlogLink('show_member_blog', $aUser, $aCat); if ( strlen( $aBlog['PostText']) > $iBlogLimitChars ) { $sLinkMore = "... "._t('_Read more').""; } $sBlogSnippet = mb_substr( strip_tags( $aBlog['PostText'] ), 0, $iBlogLimitChars ) . $sLinkMore; $sDataTimeFormatted = LocaledDataTime( $aBlog['PostDate_f'] ); $sCategF = _t( '_in Category', getTemplateIcon( 'folder_small.png' ), $sCatLink, $aBlog['CategoryName'] ); $sCommF = _t( '_comments N', getTemplateIcon( 'add_comment.gif' ), $aBlog['CommentsNum'] ); $sProfileF = ($iProfileID>0) ? '' : '' . _t( '_By Author', $aBlog['NickName'], $aBlog['NickName'] ).''; $sPostCaption = htmlspecialchars($aBlog['PostCaption']); $sBlocks .= <<
{$sProfileF} {$sDataTimeFormatted} {$sCategF} {$sCommF}
EOF; } if ($sBlocks == '') $sBlocks = MsgBox(_t('_Sorry, nothing found')); return $sBlocks; } function Templater($sPostsSect, $sRightSect, $sWidthClass = 'cls_info_left') { $sRetHtml = <<
EOF; return $sRetHtml; } /* common features function */ function process_html_db_input( $sText ) { return addslashes( clear_xss( trim( process_pass_data( $sText )))); } /*function process_txt_db_input( $sText ) { return addslashes( strip_tags( trim( process_pass_data( $sText )))); }*/ //htmlspecialchars output } ?>