login}'"); /* ------------------------- */ ?> [( Criminals )] "> clanlevel >= 7) { if(isset($_GET['x'])) { print " \n"; $dbres = mysql_query("SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`started`) AS `started`,0 AS `attack`,0 AS `members` FROM `[clans]` WHERE `name`='{$data->clan}'"); $att = mysql_fetch_object($dbres); $dbres = mysql_query("SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`started`) AS `started`,0 AS `defence`,0 AS `members` FROM `[clans]` WHERE `name`='{$_GET['x']}'"); if($def = mysql_fetch_object($dbres)) { if($att->started + 24*60*60 > time()) print " \n"; else if($def->started + 24*60*60 > time()) print " \n"; else if($def->name == $att->name) print " \n"; else if($def->type == $att->type && $def->type == 3) print " \n"; else if(($numattacks = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `[logs]` WHERE `login`='{$att->name}' AND `person`='{$def->name}' AND FLOOR(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`time`)/(60*60*24))=FLOOR(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())/(60*60*24)) AND `area`='clanwar'"))+1) >= 10) print " \n"; else if(mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `[logs]` WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`time`) < 10 AND `login`='{$att->name}' AND `area`='clanwar'")) > 0) print " \n"; else { mysql_query("SELECT GET_LOCK('clanattack_{$def->name}',5)"); $dbres = mysql_query("SELECT `clicks`,`defence` FROM `[users]` WHERE `clan`='{$def->name}'"); while($member = mysql_fetch_object($dbres)) { $def->defence += $member->defence + 5; $def->members += $member->clicks; } $def->defence += $def->def_lvl1*1500; $def->defence *= $def->members / $def->land; $dbres = mysql_query("SELECT `clicks`,`attack` FROM `[users]` WHERE `clan`='{$att->name}'"); while($member = mysql_fetch_object($dbres)) { $att->attack += $member->attack + 5; $att->members += $member->clicks; } $att->attack *= $att->members / $def->land; $result = ($att->attack*rand(90,115) >= $def->defence*rand(90,115)) ? 1 : 0; $money = ($result == 1) ? (int)($def->cash*rand(round(15/(0.5*$numattacks)),round(30/(0.5*$numattacks)))/100) : (int)($att->cash*rand(round(12.5/(0.5*$numattacks)),round(15/(0.5*$numattacks)))/100); $land = ($result == 1) ? (int)($def->land*rand(round(5/(0.5*$numattacks)),round(15/(0.5*$numattacks)))/100) : 0; $text = ($result == 1) ? Array("{$att->name} heeft gewonnen!","{$att->name} heeft \$$money,- gestolen") : Array("{$def->name} heeft gewonnen...","Er is \$$money,- gestolen"); if($result == 1) { $att->attwins++; $def->deflosses++; } else { $att->attlosses++; $def->defwins++; } $att->cash = ($result == 1) ? $att->cash + $money : $att->cash - $money; $att->land = ($result == 1) ? $att->land + $land : $att->land; mysql_query("UPDATE `[clans]` SET `cash`={$att->cash},`attwins`={$att->attwins},`attlosses`={$att->attlosses},`land`={$att->land} WHERE `name`='{$att->name}'"); $def->cash = ($result == 1) ? $def->cash - $money : $def->cash + $money; $def->land = ($result == 1) ? $def->land - $land : $def->land; if($def->homes*100 + ($def->type == 3 ? 0 : $def->money_lvl1*100) + $def->def_lvl1*25 > $def->land) { $buildings |= ($def->homes > 0) ? 0x01 : 0x00; $buildings |= ($def->money_lvl1 > 0) ? 0x02 : 0x00; $buildings |= ($def->def_lvl1 > 0) ? 0x03 : 0x00; $lostbuildings = 0; $landshort = ($def->homes*100 + ($def->type == 3 ? 0 : $def->money_lvl1*100) + $def->def_lvl1*25) - $def->land; while($landshort > 0 && $buildings != 0) { if(($landshort <= 25 || !($buildings & 0x04)) && $def->def_lvl1 > 0) { $landshort -= 25; $def->def_lvl1--; $lostbuildings = $lostbuildings | 0x04; $buildings = ($def->def_lvl1 <= 0) ? $buildings & 0x03 : $buildings; } else if(($landshort <= 100 || !($buildings & 0x02)) && $def->money_lvl1 > 0) { $landshort -= 100; $def->money_lvl1--; $lostbuildings = $lostbuildings | 0x02; $buildings = ($def->money_lvl1 <= 0) ? $buildings & 0x05 : $buildings; } else if($def->homes > 0) { $landshort -= 100; $def->homes--; $lostbuildings = $lostbuildings | 0x01; $buildings = ($def->homes <= 0) ? 0x00 : $buildings; } } } if($lostbuildings != 0) { if($buildings == 0) { mysql_query("DELETE FROM `[clans]` WHERE `name`='{$def->name}'"); $dbres = mysql_query("SELECT `login` FROM `[users]` WHERE `clan`='{$def->name}'"); while($member = mysql_fetch_object($dbres)) { mysql_query("UPDATE `[users]` SET `clan`='',`clanlevel`=0 WHERE `login`='{$member->login}'"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO `[messages]`(`time`,`from`,`to`,`subject`,`message`,`outbox`) values(NOW(),'** Criminals **','{$member->login}','Clan news: {$def->name}','Na een aanval door {$att->name} is {$def->name} gevallen...',0)"); } } else { if($lostbuildings & 0x01 && ($max = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT `id` FROM `[users]` WHERE `clan`='{$def->name}'")) - $def->homes*5) > 0) { $dbres = mysql_query("SELECT `login`,`clanlevel`,(`attack`+`defence`)/2+`clicks`*5 AS `power` FROM `[users]` WHERE `clan`='{$def->name}' ORDER BY `clanlevel`,`power` LIMIT 0,$max"); while($member = mysql_fetch_object($dbres)) mysql_query("UPDATE `[users]` SET `clan`='',`clanlevel`=0 WHERE `login`='{$member->login}'"); } mysql_query("UPDATE `[clans]` SET `homes`={$def->homes},`money_lvl1`={$def->money_lvl1},`def_lvl1`={$def->def_lvl1} WHERE `name`='{$def->name}'"); } } mysql_query("UPDATE `[clans]` SET `cash`={$def->cash},`defwins`={$def->defwins},`deflosses`={$def->deflosses},`land`={$def->land} WHERE `name`='{$def->name}'"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO `[logs]`(`time`,`login`,`person`,`code`,`area`) values(NOW(),'{$att->name}','{$def->name}',((($money << 10)|$land) << 1)|$result,'clanwar')"); $type = Array("","junkies","klonen","agenten"); print <<\n"; } mysql_query("SELECT RELEASE_LOCK('clanattack_{$def->name}')"); } else print " \n"; } else { print << ENDHTML; } } /* ------------------------- */ ?>
Clan war
{$att->name} staat nog onder bescherming
{$def->name} staat nog onder bescherming
Je kan je eigen clan niet aanvallen
Agenten mogen elkaar niet aanvallen
{$att->name} heeft {$def->name} al 10x aangevallen vandaag
De clan-members zijn nog moe van de vorige aanval
{$att->name} valt {$def->name} aan:
{$att->members} {$type[$att->type]} tegen {$def->members} {$type[$def->type]}
{$text[1]} ENDHTML; if($result == 1) print " en ${land}m2 veroverd!\n"; print "
'{$_GET['x']}' is geen clan
{$data->clan}: War room
- Clan list