INSTALL_DIR)); } } else { define('TYPE_UPDATE',0); define('TYPE_SYSTEM',0); if (file_exists('./eyeOS/')) { define('TYPE_INSTALL',2); } else { define('TYPE_INSTALL',1); } } // Check file permissions if (file_exists(INSTALL_INDEX) && (!is_readable(INSTALL_INDEX) || !is_writable(INSTALL_INDEX)) && !@chmod(INSTALL_INDEX,0777)) { $errors[] = lang_translate('installer-lib-check-permissions','Warning: Please, give full permissions (CHMOD 777) to "[file]".',array('[file]' => INSTALL_INDEX)); } unset($array); if (TYPE_INSTALL == 2 || TYPE_UPDATE == 2) { $array[] = './eyeOS/'; } $array[] = INSTALL_DIR; if (TYPE_INSTALL === 1 || TYPE_UPDATE === 1) { $array[] = INSTALL_PACKAGE; } if (TYPE_UPDATE || TYPE_SYSTEM) { $array[] = INSTALL_PACKAGE; $array[] = './settings.php'; } $checked = check_permissions($array); if (is_array($checked) && is_array($errors)) { $errors = array_merge($errors,$checked); } elseif (is_array($checked)) { $errors = $checked; } // Check gzip support if (!function_exists('gzopen') && (TYPE_INSTALL === 1 || TYPE_UPDATE === 1)) { $errors[] = lang_translate('installer-lib-check-gzip','Your server does not seem to have gzip support. To install eyeOS manually, rename "[package]" to "package.tar.gz" and extract the contents into the same directory.',array('[package]' => INSTALL_PACKAGE)); } // Output errors if ($errors) { output_errors($errors); } else { return true; } } function check_permissions($files) { foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file == INSTALL_PACKAGE) { if (md5_file(INSTALL_PACKAGE) != INSTALL_MD5){ $errors[] = lang_translate('installer-lib-check-md5','Warning: Please, check "[package]" since it seems to be corrupted.',array('[package]' => INSTALL_PACKAGE)); } } if (!file_exists($file)) { $errors[] = lang_translate('installer-lib-check-notexist','Error: "[file]" does not exist.',array('[file]' => $file)); } elseif (!is_readable($file) || !is_writable($file)) { if (!@chmod($file,0777)) { $errors[] = lang_translate('installer-lib-check-permissions','Warning: Please, give full permissions (CHMOD 777) to "[file]".',array('[file]' => $file)); } } } if ($errors) { return $errors; } else { return true; } } function check_utf8() { $UTF8array = array(); if (extension_loaded('mbstring') || function_exists('mb_substr') || preg_match('/^.{1}$/u',"ñ",$UTF8array) != 1) { return true; } else { return false; } } function check_version($one) { if (strrchr($one,'preview')) { $a[5] = substr(strrchr($one,'preview'),7); $one = substr($one,0,- strlen(strrchr($one,'preview'))); } elseif (!$a[5]) { $a[5] = 9999; } if (strrpos($one,'-')) { $a[4] = substr(strrchr($one,'-'),1); $one = substr($one,0,- strlen(strrchr($one,'-'))); } $one .= '.'; if (strpos($one,'.') !== false) { $a[0] = substr($one,0,strpos($one,'.')); $one = substr($one,1 + strpos($one,'.')); } if (strpos($one,'.') !== false) { $a[1] = substr($one,0,strpos($one,'.')); $one = substr($one,1 + strpos($one,'.')); } if (strpos($one,'.') !== false) { $a[2] = substr($one,0,strpos($one,'.')); $one = substr($one,1 + strpos($one,'.')); } $a[3] = $one; for ($i = 0;$i < 6;$i++) { if ($a[$i] == 'x') { $a[$i] = 9999; } else { $a[$i] = floatval($a[$i]); } } ksort($a); return $a; } function check_versions($one,$two) { $one = check_version($one); $two = check_version($two); for ($i = 0;$i < 6;$i++) { if (intval($one[$i]) > intval($two[$i])) { return 1; } elseif (intval($one[$i]) < intval($two[$i])) { return 2; } } return 0; } function check_version_uasort($one,$two) { $checked = check_versions($one,$two); if ($checked == 2) { return -1; } else { return $checked; } } function lang_init() { if (!$_SESSION['lang'] || $_REQUEST['lang']) { $langs = lang_getAll(1); // Use lang from URL $request_lang = htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['lang'],ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8'); if ($request_lang) { if (in_array($request_lang,$langs)) { $_SESSION['lang'] = $request_lang; } elseif (in_array(substr($request_lang,0,2),$langs)) { $_SESSION['lang'] = substr($request_lang,0,2); } } // Use lang from the user's browser if (!$_SESSION['lang']) { $temp_user_langs = explode(',',$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']); foreach ($temp_user_langs as $user_lang) { $user_lang = substr($user_lang,0,strlen($user_lang) - strlen(strstr($user_lang,';'))); $user_langs[] = substr($user_lang,0,strlen($user_lang) - strlen(strstr($user_lang,'-'))); } foreach ($user_langs as $user_lang) { if (!$_SESSION['lang'] && in_array($user_lang,$langs)) { $_SESSION['lang'] = $user_lang; } } if (!$_SESSION['lang']) { foreach ($user_langs as $user_lang) { if (!$_SESSION['lang'] && in_array(substr($user_lang,0,2),$langs)) { $_SESSION['lang'] = substr($user_lang,0,2); } } // If the current session doesn't have a lang, set the default if (!$_SESSION['lang']) { $_SESSION['lang'] = 'en'; } } } } global $translation; $translation = array(); if (file_exists(INSTALL_DIR . 'langs/' . $_SESSION['lang'] . '/default.xml')) { $xml = xml_xml2array(file_get_contents(INSTALL_DIR . 'langs/' . $_SESSION['lang'] . '/default.xml')); foreach ($xml['translation'][0] as $key => $value) { $translation[$key] = $value[0]; } } } function lang_getAll($easy = 0) { if ($easy) { $langs[] = 'en'; } else { $temp_en['en']['author'] = 'eyeOS Team'; $temp_en['en']['name'] = 'English'; } if ($handler = @opendir(INSTALL_DIR . 'langs/')) { while (($folder = readdir($handler)) !== false) { if ($folder != '.' && $folder != '..' && $folder != 'en' && file_exists(INSTALL_DIR . 'langs/' . $folder . '.xml')) { if ($easy) { $langs[] = $folder; } else { $xml = xml_xml2array(file_get_contents(INSTALL_DIR . 'langs/' . $folder . '.xml')); $temp_langs[$folder]['author'] = $xml['lang'][0]['author'][0]; $temp_langs[$folder]['name'] = $xml['lang'][0]['name'][0]; } } } closedir($handler); } if ($easy) { sort($langs); return $langs; } else { ksort($temp_langs); return array_merge($temp_en,$temp_langs); } } function lang_translate($key,$value,$tokens = array()) { global $translation; if (isset($translation[$key])) { $return = $translation[$key]; } else { $return = $value; } foreach ($tokens as $key_array => $value_array) { $return = str_replace($key_array,$value_array,$return); } return $return; } function output_do($content,$style,$title = '',$langselector = 1) { header('Vary: Accept'); if (!$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'] || stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'],'application/xhtml+xml')) { header('Content-Type: application/xhtml+xml; charset=UTF-8'); } else { header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'); } echo ' '; if ($style) { echo ''; } if (in_array($_SESSION['lang'],array('fa'))) { echo ''; } echo '' . lang_translate('installer-lib-output-title','eyeOS Installation') . '
'; if (!check_utf8()) { echo '
' . lang_translate('installer-lib-output-utf8','Your PHP version does not have full UTF-8 support. Please consider updating PHP or installing the mbstring module. Without it, you will be able to install and update your eyeOS, but you may encounter problems in some areas of the system that require internationalization support.') . '
'; } if ($title) { echo '
' . $title . '
'; } echo $content; if ($langselector) { echo '
'; $requests = ''; foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) { if ($key != 'lang') { $requests .= '&' . @htmlentities($key,ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8') . '=' . @htmlentities($value,ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8'); echo ''; } } echo '
'; } echo '
'; exit; } function output_errors($errors,$button = -1,$langselector = 1) { if ($button == -1) { $button = array('./index.php','Try again!'); } $content = '
    '; foreach ($errors as $error) { $content .= '
  1. ' . $error . '
  2. '; } $content .= '
'; output_do($content,0,lang_translate('installer-lib-output-errors','There were problems during installation:'),$langselector); } function output_remove($location = './../index.php') { if (file_exists(INSTALL_INDEX)) { path_delete(INSTALL_INDEX); } if (file_exists(INSTALL_PACKAGE)) { path_delete(INSTALL_PACKAGE); } path_delete(INSTALL_DIR); header('Location: ' . $location); exit; } function output_uninstall() { include_once('settings.php'); path_delete('./' . REAL_EYE_ROOT . '/'); path_delete('./index.php'); path_delete('./license.txt'); path_delete('./README.txt'); path_delete('./settings.php'); output_remove('' . $_SESSION['lang']); } function path_account($user) { include_once('settings.php'); $user_acronym = $user{0} . substr($user,-1) . substr(strlen($user),-1); return EYE_ROOT . '/' . REAL_EYE_ROOT . '/' . ACCOUNT_DIR . '/' . $user_acronym . '/' . $user . '.xml'; } function path_delete($path) { if (is_file($path)) { return @unlink($path); } elseif ($handler = @opendir($path . '/')) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handler))) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { path_delete($path . '/' . $file); } } closedir($handler); } return @rmdir($path . '/'); } function path_move($path,$dest) { if (@rename($path,$dest)) { return true; } elseif (is_file($path)) { @unlink($dest); return @rename($path,$dest); } else { if (!file_exists($dest . '/')) { @mkdir($dest . '/'); } if ($handler = @opendir($path . '/')) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handler))) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { path_move($path . '/' . $file,$dest . '/' . $file); } } closedir($handler); } return @rmdir($path . '/'); } } function xml_array2xml($array,$tabs = -1) { $tabs++; foreach ($array as $key => $value) { $key = htmlspecialchars($key,ENT_NOQUOTES,'UTF-8'); $key = str_replace('?','?',$key); $key = str_replace('!','!',$key); $key = str_replace(' ',' ',$key); $key = str_replace('/','/',$key); if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $current) { $return .= str_pad('',$tabs,"\t") . '<' . $key . '>'; if (is_array($current)) { $return .= "\n" . xml_array2xml($current,$tabs) . "\n" . str_pad('',$tabs,"\t"); } else { $return .= htmlspecialchars($current,ENT_NOQUOTES,'UTF-8'); } $return .= '' . "\n"; } } } return trim($return,"\n"); } function xml_xml2array($content) { $content_old = $content; $content = strstr($content,'<'); $end = strstr($content,'>'); if (!$content || !$end) { return html_entity_decode($content_old,ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8'); } while ($content && $end) { $full_tag = substr($content,1,-strlen($end)); if (strpos($full_tag,' ')) { $tag = substr($full_tag,0,strpos($full_tag,' ')); } else { $tag = $full_tag; } if ($tag{0} == '/' || $full_tag{strlen($full_tag) - 1} == '/') { $content = substr($end,1); } elseif ($tag{0} == '?') { $content = substr(strstr($content,'?>'),2); } elseif (substr($tag,0,3) == '!--') { $content = substr(strstr($content,'-->'),3); } else { $tag_end = strstr($content,''); $tag_content = substr($end,1,strlen($end) - 1 - strlen($tag_end)); $tag_end = substr($tag_end,strlen('')); while ((substr_count($tag_content,'<' . $tag . '>') + substr_count($tag_content,'<' . $tag . ' ') - substr_count($tag_content,'<' . $tag . ' />')) && $tag_end) { $tag_end = strstr($tag_end,''); $tag_content = substr($end,1,strlen($end) - 1 - strlen($tag_end)); $tag_end = substr($tag_end,strlen('')); } $content = $tag_end; $tag = html_entity_decode($tag,ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8'); $return[$tag][] = xml_xml2array($tag_content); } $content = strstr($content,'<'); $end = strstr($content,'>'); } return $return; } ?>