= 1){
// wanneer de IP geblokt is naar dit adres doorsturen
#echo " ";
#echo "U bent gebanned via uw IP adres: $ip. ";
#echo "De reden is dat via bovenstaand IP adres ongepaste teksten zijn geplaatst en u hiermee doorging, ondanks waarschuwingen tot een IP ban. ";
#echo "Of u heeft meerdere malen ongepaste teksten geplaatst, waardoor wij meteen tot een IP ban overgaan.
#echo "Mocht u dit onterecht vinden of u weet nergens van, neem dan hier contact op. ";
#echo "Leg de situatie uit en misschien wordt u dan weer toegelaten.
#echo "Alleen mails van een betaalde provider worden geaccepteerd (quicknet, chello, kpn etc.) DUS GEEN hotmail etc. etc.
#echo "Klik hier om naar de startpagina terug te keren.";
## header("Location: http://www.google.nl/");
#} else {
/* Start of configurable variables */
$Config["page"] = $PHP_SELF; # The refering page (usually doesn't need to be edited)
$Config["xml"] = 'guestbook.xml'; # XML text file that contains all posted data
$Config["site"] = 'Angantyr gasten'; # If there is a notify address, subject line contains this site
$Config["notify"] = 'webmaster@angantyr.nl peterkawa@gmail.com'; # Notify for new posts to this e-mail addresses
$Config["color"] = '#D2D2D2'; # Background color
$Config["style"] = 'css/guestbook.css'; # CSS style for all fonts
$Config["homepage"] = 'no'; # Show homepage field ('yes', or 'no')
$Config["country"] = 'no'; # Show country field ('yes', or 'no')
$Config["icq"] = 'no'; # Show icq field ('yes', or 'no')
$Config["skype"] = 'no'; # Show skype field ('yes', or 'no')
$Config["randomchain"] = 'yes'; # Show randomchain security field ('yes', or 'no')
$Config["smileys"] = 'smileys'; # Smileys directory (/ is site's root directory)
$Config["pager"] = 10; # Show a portion of messages each time
#--- Translation ---#
$Config["msg"]["noerror"] = "Bericht ontvangen!";
$Config["msg"]["permerror"] = "Je bericht kon niet worden opgeslagen. Roep de webmaster...";
$Config["msg"]["error"] = "Vul tenminste de naam, email en de bericht velden in...";
$Config["msg"]["invalid"] = "Ooowww, je email adres is niet geldig...";
$Config["msg"]["name"] = "Naam";
$Config["msg"]["email"] = "Email";
$Config["msg"]["home"] = "Homepage";
$Config["msg"]["country"] = "Land";
$Config["msg"]["icq"] = "ICQ";
$Config["msg"]["skype"] = "Skype";
$Config["msg"]["randomchain"] = "Deze code hiernaast overtypen";
$Config["msg"]["message"] = "Bericht";
$Config["msg"]["title"] = "Berichten:";
/* End of configurable variables */
$PostData = Array(); # All data is loaded to this array
$errormsg = "";
#--- Start of main program/function ---#
/* Comment/Uncomment the following line to load the guestbook as a page/include respectively */
# function Guestbook ($Args) {
global $Config, $HTTP_POST_VARS;
if (!empty ($Args["xml"])) { $Config["xml"] = $Args["xml"]; }
if (!empty ($Args["color"])) { $Config["color"] = $Args["color"]; }
if (!empty ($Args["notify"])) { $Config["notify"] = $Args["notify"]; }
if (!empty ($Args["page"])) { $Config["page"] = $Args["page"]; }
if (!empty ($Args["site"])) { $Config["site"] = $Args["site"]; }
if (!empty ($Args["homepage"])) { $Config["homepage"] = $Args["homepage"]; }
# if (!empty ($Args["skype"])) { $Config["skype"] = $Args["skype"]; }
if (!empty ($Args["smileys"])) { $Config["smileys"] = $Args["smileys"]; }
if (!empty ($Args["msg"])) { $Config["msg"] = $Args["msg"]; }
# if (!empty ($Args["pager"])) { $Config["pager"] = $Args["pager"]; }
# Remove last / from smileys
$Config["smileys"] = preg_replace ("/\/$/", "", $Config["smileys"]);
if ($HTTP_POST_VARS["sign"] == "yes") {
# ValidEmailAddress();
/* Comment/Uncomment the following line to load the guestbook as a page/include respectively */
#--- End of main program/function ---#
/* You can change the html code here to fit your needs */
function DisplayHeader() {
global $errormsg, $Config, $PHP_SELF, $HTTP_POST_VARS, $HTTP_SERVER_VARS;
} # End of DisplayData()
/* You can change the html code here to fit your needs */
function DisplayPager() {
global $HTTP_GET_VARS, $HTTP_SERVER_VARS, $Config, $PostData;
$pager = $HTTP_GET_VARS['pager'];
if (!settype ($pager, "integer") or $pager < 1) {
$pager = 1;
if (!preg_match ("/pager=(\d)/i", $page)) {
$page .= "&pager=1";
} else {
$page .= "pager=1";
echo "