Jupiter Content System @ Jupiterportal.com
Copyright (C) 2005 Cosmin Flavius (highstrike@gmail.com)
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
More Info About The Licence At http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
function b_poll()
$name_function = "b_poll";
global $l, $db, $blocks_db, $template, $language, $config, $misc, $PHP_SELF, $is_loged_in, $is_moderator, $is_administrator, $is_webmaster, $months, $days, $m, $y, $OnlineGuestsCount, $OnlineMembersCount;
if(!file_exists("blocks/$name_function/language/{$config['language']}")) include "blocks/$name_function/language/en.php";
else include "blocks/$name_function/language/{$config['language']}";
$random_code = md5("$name_function");
$random_code = substr("$random_code", 0, 5);
if(!isset($content)) $content = NULL;
if(!isset($_GET["$random_code"])) $_GET["$random_code"] = NULL;
if($_GET["$random_code"] == "on") $_SESSION["$random_code"] = "on";
elseif($_GET["$random_code"] == "off") $_SESSION["$random_code"] = "off";
$query_string = "?{$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']}";
foreach($blocks_db as $blocks)
$block_code = md5("{$blocks['name']}");
$block_code = substr("$block_code", 0, 5);
$query_string = str_replace("&$block_code=off","", $query_string);
$query_string = str_replace("&$block_code=on","", $query_string);
if($query_string == "?" || strpos($query_string, '=on') !== false || strpos($query_string, '=off') !== false) $code_query = "?";
else $code_query = "$query_string&";
if(!isset($_SESSION["$random_code"]) || $_SESSION["$random_code"] == "on") $links = "
{$language_block['Poll title']}";
elseif($_SESSION["$random_code"] == "off") $links = "
{$language_block['Poll title']}";
$template_block = implode("", file("templates/$template/block.php"));
$template_block = str_replace("{template}", $template, $template_block);
$template_block = str_replace("{links}", $links, $template_block);
if(!isset($_SESSION["$random_code"]) || $_SESSION["$random_code"] == "on")
$poll = $db->getLine("SELECT * FROM poll ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1");
$Total_poll_votes = $poll['votes1'] + $poll['votes2'] + $poll['votes3'] + $poll['votes4'] + $poll['votes5'] + $poll['votes6'] + $poll['votes7'] + $poll['votes8'] + $poll['votes9'] + $poll['votes10'];
if($poll != FALSE)
if($l == "save_poll")
if(@$_SESSION["jcmpoll_{$poll['id']}"] == "{$poll['id']}" || @$_COOKIE["jcmpoll_{$poll['id']}"] == "{$poll['id']}"){ header("location: $PHP_SELF?l=results_poll"); exit;}
if(!$_POST['answer']){ header("location: $PHP_SELF?&i=77"); exit;}
$tmp["votes{$_POST['answer']}"] = $poll["votes{$_POST['answer']}"] + 1;
$_SESSION["jcmpoll_{$poll['id']}"] = $poll['id'];
setcookie("jcmpoll_{$poll['id']}", $poll['id'], time() + 86400);
$query_string = "?{$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']}";
if($query_string == "?") $query_code = "?l=results_poll";
else $query_code = "$query_string&l=results_poll";
header("location: $PHP_SELF$query_code");
elseif(@$_SESSION["jcmpoll_{$poll['id']}"] == "{$poll['id']}" || @$_COOKIE["jcmpoll_{$poll['id']}"] == "{$poll['id']}" || $l == "results_poll")
$content .= "
{$poll['question']} |
for($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++)
if($Total_poll_votes != "0") $poll_percent = round(($poll["votes$i"] * 100 / $Total_poll_votes), 1);
else $poll_percent = 0;
if($poll["option$i"] != NULL) $content .= "{$poll["option$i"]} [{$poll["votes$i"]} v.] | $poll_percent% | |
$content .= "{$language_block['Poll votes']} $Total_poll_votes |
$query_string = "?{$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']}";
if($query_string == "?") $query_code = "?l=results_poll";
else $query_code = "$query_string&l=results_poll";
$content .= "
$content .= "
{$language_block['Poll blank']} |
$template_block = str_replace("{content}", $content, $template_block);
$output = $template_block;
return $output;